List of required subjects for passing the Unified State Exam. What item will be added?

All students intending to graduate from secondary education in 2017 will be required to pass the Unified State Examination, a unified state exam aimed at assessing the student’s knowledge acquired throughout his school life. Passing the Unified State Exam is always accompanied by stress not only on the part of the children themselves, but also their parents and even teachers who worry about their students. Therefore, the question of what number of Unified State Exams in 2017 worries everyone interested long before the end of the next one.

Dates for the Unified State Examination in 2017

It should be noted that the 2017 Unified State Exam will be held in two stages: early (trial) and, accordingly, the main one. According to the Rosobrnadzor project, the trial stage of the Unified State Exam 2017 will be held from March 14 to April 7 , and the main one is from May 26 to June 30, 2017 .

Trial and main stages

So, the Unified State Exam 2017 will be held in two stages: early (preparatory) and main. The early stage is necessary in order to familiarize the student with the technique of passing the required subject on the Unified State Exam, to eliminate the possibility of a “first scare” when the graduate may become confused by the unusual form of passing the exam. In addition, at this stage, students become familiar with the form of asking questions, with the level of tasks, and can independently and with the help of teachers assess their actual level of preparation for passing the subject. The good news is that the trial level is completed in advance, which gives the graduate time to improve their knowledge and get a decent grade.

Unified State Exam 2017 - exam schedule

Thus, the preparatory stage will traditionally take place from March 14 to April 7. In turn, the main stage of the unified state exam is planned to be held from May 26 to June 30. This stage will be decisive in the struggle for a decent certificate.

Required subjects in 2017

Let us immediately note that various changes to the Unified State Examination 2017 do not affect compulsory subjects, as before, in order for graduates to receive a certificate, they will need to pass the following compulsory subjects, such as: mathematics and Russian language. According to experts from Rosobrnadzor, in the coming years there are no plans to add a new subject to the list of compulsory ones; only after 2022, the compulsory subjects of the Unified State Examination will be replenished with another compulsory subject - a foreign language.

All other subjects are optional, and for this reason, are taken by graduates on a voluntary basis, based on their choice for admission to universities, a certain focus.

Unified State Exam 2017: changes, latest news

The Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation is talking about canceling the test regime for passing the exam. This idea arose due to the fact that some students who did not know how to solve a particular problem could simply choose an answer option and guess it by chance. According to the latest data, since 2017, Rosobrnadzor plans to abandon tests, in almost all subjects of the Unified State Exam 2017, including: biology, physics and chemistry.

Rosobrnadzor will begin to approve the methodology by which the minimum score will be calculated in 2017 for the unified state exam.

Introduction of the oral form of delivery. In order to pass the Russian language or history, students will need to pass an oral exam so that their level of preparation is most fully assessed.

More than 700,000 11th grade graduates will take the Unified State Exam in 2017. Despite the spring days, it is difficult to rejoice: exam dates are approaching at an alarming speed. On what days are the most terrible tests of the exam epic in store for graduates? When will you have to take the mandatory Unified State Exam in mathematics and Russian language in 2017? What should you expect and what should you prepare for? Forewarned is forearmed! Or in Latin - prei monituse, prei minituse!

Official schedule for the Unified State Exam in 2017

The document with the approved Unified State Exam schedule for 2017 has not yet appeared on the official website of the FIPI (Federal Institute of Pedagogical Measurements), but it has already become known that the dates for holding state exams this year have been approved by the Russian Ministry of Education and Science.

Unified State Exam schedule in 2017

As in the previous year, in 2017 the exams will be held in three stages: early, main and additional.

date Item
Early period
March 23 (Thu) Geography, Computer Science and ICT
March 27 (Fri) Russian language
March 29 (Wed) history, chemistry
March 31 (Fri) mathematics B, P
April 3 (Mon) foreign languages ​​(oral)
April 5 (Wed) foreign languages, biology, physics
April 7 (Fri) social studies, literature
April 10 (Fri) reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history
April 12 (Wed) reserve: foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology
April 14 (Fri) reserve: Russian language, mathematics (basic and specialized)
Main period
May 29 (Mon) Geography, Computer Science and ICT
May 31 (Wed) mathematics (basic)
June 2 (Fri) mathematics (profile)
June 5 (Mon) social science
June 7 (Wed) physics, literature
June 9 (Fri) Russian language
June 13 (Tue) foreign languages, biology
June 15 (Thu) foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 16 (Fri) foreign languages ​​(oral)
June 19 (Mon) chemistry, history
June 20 (Tue) reserve: geography, computer science and ICT
June 21 (Wed) reserve: literature, chemistry, physics, social studies
June 22 (Thu) reserve: biology, history foreign languages
June 23 (Fri) reserve: foreign languages
June 28 (Wed) reserve: mathematics (basic and specialized)
June 29 (Thu) reserve: Russian language
July 1 (Sat) reserve: for all subjects
Additional period
September 5 (Tue) Russian language
September 8 (Fri) mathematics (basic)
September 16 (Sat) reserve: mathematics (basic), Russian language

Thus, from March 23 to April 14, the early stage of passing the Unified State Examination will take place, and from May 29 to July 1, the main stage of passing the exams will take place. The additional stage will take place from September 5 to 16.

If formulated briefly and schematically, the standard Unified State Exam schedule for a graduate will look like this:

  • May 29 – geography and computer science and ICT;
  • May 31 – basic level mathematics;
  • June 2 – specialized level mathematics;
  • June 5 – social studies;
  • June 7 – physics and literature;
  • June 9 – Russian language;
  • June 13 – foreign language (without speaking) and biology;
  • June 15 – speaking a foreign language;
  • June 19 – chemistry and history.

By the way, GVE for eleventh graders will be held according to a similar schedule. True, the foreign language course will be held on one day – June 13th. As for the Unified State Examination in mathematics at the profile level, it is not provided for within the GVE.

On a note! Ninth graders will also be tested. The main stage of the OGE for them has the following schedule:

  • May 26-27 – foreign language;
  • May 30 – Russian language;
  • June 1 – history, biology, physics, literature;
  • June 3 – physics, computer science and ICT;
  • June 6 – mathematics;
  • June 8 – social studies, geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT.

Please note that ninth-graders will take the GVE on a similar schedule.

Mandatory exams and elective disciplines

The list of disciplines that must be passed at any cost traditionally includes the Russian language and mathematics. Although from 2017 they are going to add one more compulsory subject to these subjects. True, it is not yet known what kind of object this is. There are several candidates for this role: foreign language, social studies, physics and history.

Today we know that you need to take only four exams: two mandatory and two optional. The graduate must determine his elective subjects himself, depending on what specialty at the university he plans to enroll in.

The list of elective Unified State Examinations for 2017 consists of 12 subjects:

  • literature;
  • story;
  • social science;
  • biology;
  • physics;
  • chemistry;
  • geography;
  • computer science and ICT;
  • English;
  • German;
  • French;
  • Spanish.

Time of the Unified State Examination in 2017

Exams in all subjects will begin as usual at 10 am local time. The time allotted for passing the examination tests also remained unchanged:

  • social studies - 235 minutes;
  • history - 235 minutes;
  • Russian language - 210 minutes;
  • literature - 235 minutes;
  • profile level mathematics - 235 minutes;
  • basic level mathematics – 180 minutes;
  • chemistry - 210 minutes;
  • physics – 235 minutes;
  • computer science and ICT - 235 minutes;
  • biology – 180 minutes;
  • geography – 180 minutes;
  • foreign languages ​​- 180 minutes (plus 15 minutes “Speaking” section).

Attention! The time to pass the Unified State Exam in biology has increased by 30 minutes compared to the previous year. And in 2017, the time for the biology exam will be 3 hours 30 minutes.

Minimum scores for the Unified State Exam in 2017

The minimum number of points based on the results of the Unified State Examinations is different for those graduates who simply want to receive a certificate and for those who plan to enter a university.

Minimum Unified State Exam scores for admission to a university

In the Russian language you need to score 36 points.

The Unified State Exam results for the specialized level of mathematics will be needed for those who intend to enroll in a university that includes the subject “Mathematics” in the list of entrance tests.

  • mathematics (specialized) – 27 points;
  • mathematics (basic) – 3 points (assessment).

Minimum Unified State Exam scores to obtain a certificate

  • in Russian language - 24 points;
  • in specialized level mathematics - 27 points;
  • in basic level mathematics - 3 points (score);
  • in physics - 36 points;
  • in chemistry - 36 points;
  • in computer science - 40 points;
  • in biology - 36 points;
  • in history - 32 points;
  • in geography - 37 points;
  • in social studies - 42 points;
  • in literature - 32 points;
  • in foreign languages ​​- 22 points.

Changes and innovations in the Unified State Exam 2017

As mentioned above, it is planned to add one more to the two mandatory subjects for passing the Unified State Exam, but which one is unknown.

A rather important change that affected the content of examination tests is the abolition of the test part for several subjects at once. Thus, tests have been canceled not only in Russian language and mathematics, but also in “oral” subjects. The test part of the exam remains only in the Unified State Exam in a foreign language.

An innovation that speaks of the improvement of the Unified State Exam and its attempt to keep up with the times is passing the Unified State Exam in computer science and ICT on a computer.

Since 2017, the oral part “Speaking” has been introduced for exams in foreign languages. Now foreign languages ​​will need to be taken 15 minutes longer - that’s how long the oral part will last. In addition to foreign languages, there is an idea to also introduce an oral part in the Unified State Exam in history, literature and social studies, but for now this is only in the draft. And in test mode, the oral part of the Russian language exam will be tested. Thus, in some regions of Russia, the Russian language exam in 2017 will include an oral part.

Thus, there are no cardinal and unexpected changes in the 2017 Unified State Examination. And those innovations that have been implemented are obviously aimed at improving the examination testing system. The official Unified State Exam schedule for 2017 has already been approved and known. All that remains is to prepare well and show a decent level of knowledge!

Good luck with exams!

Changes to the exam

In the coming years, the education system is expected to undergo serious reforms.

First of all, the changes will affect the state final certification - two currently mandatory exams in 2017

another one will be added - at the student’s choice, and after another year - another one. So ultimately, the number of exams required to pass is

will increase, and certification will be carried out not only after grades 9 and 11 (graduation), but also after grade 4 - at the end of primary school.

Deputy Minister of Science and Education Natalya Tretyak said at the State Duma round table that the changes were planned throughout 2015, and in 2016-2017 they will begin to be implemented. What changes are planned? First of all, all innovations are not unfounded. Long-term plans for future changes are based on a careful study of the experience of past years. For example, mathematics and the Russian language were and remain compulsory. And the talk about increasing the number of subjects handed over was not in vain. After all, as the experience of the 2013-2014 academic years shows, complete democracy in the choice of subjects and the absence of a limit leads to a significant reduction in the number of students passing the final certification of science and natural science subjects (social studies, chemistry, physics, biology, etc.) The Ministry of Education and Science considered this situation unacceptable for future young specialists, and increased the number of Unified State Examinations, while leaving children the opportunity to choose a subject.

Innovations of the Unified State Examination - 2016 -2017

  1. Number of required exams. In past years, graduates were required to pass two exams - in the Russian language and mathematics. It is certain that in 2017 there will be three of them. We will talk about this in more detail below.
  2. Computer science. The computer science exam is not yet on the list of mandatory ones. It can be taken electively. Minister of Education and Science Dmitry Livanov said that from 2017 schoolchildren will be able to take tests on computers, and that the course of the process has already been determined. The ministry has a year left to create the conditions for this - to prepare machines and monitors.
  3. Grades and certificate. 2016 will be the last year when Unified State Examination grades will not affect the certificate. From 2017, one grading scale will be introduced for all mandatory exams. And the certificate will be influenced by the grades received in all exams - both general and individually selected.

Of the possible innovations of the Unified State Exam 2017, the most often talked about is the oral section in Russian. Until 2017, the foreign language exam contained an oral part (“Speaking”), while knowledge of Russian was tested only in writing. However, the Russian Academy of Education considers this approach to be incorrect. Experts there proposed to Rosobrnadzor to establish such a block for the Russian language exam, but a decision has not yet been made.

Compulsory subjects of the Unified State Exam 2017

As in previous years, schoolchildren will be required to pass two exams - in mathematics and the Russian language. The first of them, according to the new rule introduced in 2016, can be written according to one of two standards - basic or extended (profile). The second is intended for graduates who are going to enter technical universities, and the first is for those who are waiting for humanitarian, social, and natural disciplines. Obviously, this principle will remain valid in 2017.

The Russian language exam may be expanded. In 2016, the set of tasks consisted of two parts. Each of them required a written response (exercises and an essay on a given topic). In 2017, probably, all these tasks will remain, but will be supplemented by an oral block. This way, students will be able to demonstrate their communication skills. In order to decide whether or not to have an oral section, Rosobrnadzor is developing a technology for passing the exam in this form, and will later test it.

Officials say that a third subject will definitely appear on the list of mandatory ones. But what exactly students will have to take is not yet known for certain. According to one version, the third subject will be history. This choice is explained by the low level of knowledge of history among young people. Thus, in 2010, sociologists found that 22% of representatives of this group do not know when the Second World War began. Some of them could not say against whom the Soviet soldiers fought in the Great Patriotic War.

Dmitry Livanov stated that history should become a compulsory subject in the Unified State Exam. True, they name different dates for this event - 2018, 2019, but also 2017. So it is possible that graduates of the 2017–2018 academic year will be the first to pass the history exam. In addition, innovations may also affect the form of the exam. The ministry plans to reduce its test part in favor of expanding the oral part. This will test not only knowledge of the facts of native and world history, but also the ability to operate with them.

In addition, schoolchildren who will graduate in 2017 often ask the question: is it true that a foreign language will become the third compulsory subject on the Unified State Exam? There is no official confirmation of this yet. Indeed, representatives of relevant departments expressed such plans. However, they talked about more distant dates - 2020 and even 2022. So, graduates of 2017 most likely have nothing to worry about yet.

Items to choose from

As in previous years, schoolchildren will be able to take the Unified State Exam in subjects of their choice. The total number of exams remains unchanged - there will be four. But if previously, with two compulsory subjects, a graduate could choose two more according to his own taste, now he will be tested in only one of the subjects offered for choice. If the third compulsory exam is history, it will drop out of the list of possible options. In this case, he will turn on

Part of the following disciplines:

By the way, it is interesting that the number of mandatory exams was increased precisely because graduates began to take additional ones much less often. In 2014, they were made optional as an experiment. As a result, a huge number of schoolchildren decided to limit themselves only to mathematics and Russian. According to estimates from the relevant ministry, over a couple of years the number of people taking social studies
decreased by more than four times – to 9% from 41%. They decided to take biology seven times less frequently, and physics three times less often.

The path of a schoolchild is long and thorny: gaining knowledge is a difficult task, but showing what you are capable of, all your capabilities, is even more difficult. Moreover, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation is constantly making adjustments and. Today, many thoughtful schoolchildren are seriously thinking about taking the Unified State Exam in 2017.

The first eleventh-graders who passed the exam have already graduated from universities, but what should future school graduates expect? What innovations in exams are planned, what new ones will be compulsory USE subjects in 2017 and other burning questions haunt the minds of many schoolchildren and deprive their parents of sleep.

What changes are planned in the Unified State Exam 2017

Previously, the Unified State Exam was conducted in the form of written tests - this gave the opportunity for a student who doubted the correctness of the answer to have many hints. The graduate was offered various answers to a specific task and choosing the right solution was not so difficult. And the idle schoolboy had a good opportunity to choose the correct answer intuitively.

Taking into account all these facts, the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation decided to make some changes to the Unified State Examination in 2017.

It is expected that in 2017 the test part will be removed completely and the survey form will be returned, as it was before 2009. Thus, the moment of the student guessing the correct answer will be completely eliminated.

Lyudmila Verbitskaya, head of the Russian Open Society, announced that the oral part of the unified state exam will appear in 2017:

“At the request of Rosobrnadzor, we prepared and submitted to them specific proposals on how to introduce the oral part, they are now being discussed.”

Verbitskaya also recalled that an oral part has already been added to the state foreign language exam and clarified:

“However, this is not the same scale. Unlike the foreign exam, everyone takes the Unified State Exam in Russian, and you can’t rush here. But I think the oral part will definitely be introduced into the Russian language exam in 2017.”

The Russian Academy of Education insists on introducing a grading system for final essays. So far, students receive either a “pass” or “fail” for it. This innovation will come into force and is now being discussed in full by the Federal Service for Education and Science. The President of RAO emphasized that the introduction of grades for essays is a matter of time:

“We must see an objective picture and understand what is happening. With the current system, the results can be “stretched”, and naturally, Rosobrnadzor is afraid of what results a more objective system will show. But my opinion: from 2017, or better yet, from next year, it is mandatory to introduce assessments.”

Each graduate who failed to pass the essay on the first attempt has a chance to try again to pass the essay successfully. If the second attempt is unsuccessful, all exams will have to be postponed until next year.

There are also plans to change the number of compulsory subjects in which students must take the Unified State Exam. Previously, these were only Russian language and mathematics. Now one or two more items will be added to the list of required items.

The list of subjects that students must take to choose from will not change:

  1. Geography;
  2. Physics;
  3. Chemistry;
  4. Literature;
  5. Foreign languages;
  6. Story;
  7. Social science;
  8. Computer science.

In addition, starting from 2017, all Unified State Exam results will be reflected in the final grade in the graduate’s school certificate.

Already in 2016, you can increase your exam grade by additionally retaking the Unified State Exam: twice during the year, graduates will have the opportunity to “try their luck” in terms of raising their grade. Moreover, even if the required passing score is achieved, the exam can still be retaken in order to increase the grade.

What exam are they planning to add for passing?

Disputes continue over the additional compulsory subject that should be added to pass the Unified State Exam in 2017. In view of the fact that today's youth have noticeably poor knowledge in the field of history, there have been proposals to add history to the list of compulsory exams. However, today there is no reliable data on the inclusion of this discipline in the list of mandatory ones. The question remains open for now.

But in the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation a project is being prepared to make the Unified State Exam in a foreign language a compulsory subject. In 2017, they plan to test a state exam in a foreign language, and from 2022 it is already planned to make it mandatory.

In addition to all of the above, it is worth noting that Sergei Chemezov, the head of Russian Technologies, as well as some rectors of Russian universities, expressed concerns about the shortage of engineering specialists and asked to introduce a mandatory Unified State Exam in Physics.

Every schoolchild in our country is required to take unified state exams, which demonstrate the level of knowledge acquired at school and become the basis for the further development of education - admission to a university. Such an important event requires a long preparation, and therefore every student strives to find out the schedule of USE exams 2017 in advance.

Features of the Unified State Exam 2017

Until 2017, tests were the main form of knowledge testing. In 2016, the form of test questions was recognized as outdated, because even without knowing the correct answer, the student had the opportunity to guess it from the options provided. Since 2017, it has been decided to return to the survey form of exams, that is, most subjects will be taken as it was customary in the “noughties” - in the period before 2009. In addition, the student can expect a whole series of innovations. Let's tell you more about them.

Firstly, a third is added to the two mandatory exams - it should be history. True, the name of the third subject has not yet been firmly established, but at the beginning of the school year this information will already be made public. That is, you will have to take the Russian language, mathematics and, most likely, history - more precisely, it will be known by the date of the Unified State Exam 2017.

Secondly, the RAO (Russian Academy of Education) insists on introducing a point scale for grading essays. Until today, essays were assessed according to only two criteria: pass or fail. This, according to representatives of the Russian Academy of Education, negatively affects the knowledge of students and gives advantages to those students who are simply too lazy to study literature - it is much easier to get a “pass” in an essay than an “A”.

Thirdly, the results of the Unified State Exam will also be influenced by the grades in the certificate. The higher the scores for school subjects, the higher the final grade for the state exam.

Fourthly, if the points scored do not reach the threshold level, students will be given the opportunity to retake the Unified State Exam twice more. It will also be possible to take a retake if the student for some reason is not satisfied with the points he scored.

So, at the Unified State Exam, schoolchildren will have to take one of their choice. They can be taken several times until the student finds the result satisfactory.

Dates for the Unified State Examination in 2017

The Unified State Exam schedule in 2017 consists of two parts - early and main exams.

Early period for passing the Unified State Examination

  • Geography, Computer Science and ICT
  • Russian language / compulsory subject
  • history, chemistry
  • mathematics / compulsory subject
  • Geography, literature
  • foreign languages ​​(oral exam)
  • foreign languages, biology, physics
  • social studies, literature

Starting next week, reserve time begins for all exams included in the Unified State Examination list.

  • reserve: geography, chemistry, computer science and ICT, foreign languages ​​(oral), history
  • reserve: foreign languages, literature, physics, social studies, biology
  • reserve: Russian language, mathematics B, P
  • Foreign language, history, social studies (reserve)
  • Foreign language (oral), geography, physics, biology (reserve).

However, not every student is in a hurry to take advantage of the right to take the exam early. Therefore, most students will be interested in the second section of the 2017 Unified State Exam schedule - the main period.

  • Geography, Computer Science and ICT
  • mathematics B
  • mathematics P
  • social science
  • physics, literature
  • Russian language
  • foreign languages, biology
  • foreign languages ​​(oral)
  • foreign languages ​​(oral)
  • chemistry, history

Reserve days for the Unified State Exam begin on Tuesday.

  • reserve: geography, computer science and ICT
  • reserve: literature, chemistry, physics, social studies
  • reserve: biology, history foreign languages
  • reserve: foreign languages
  • reserve: mathematics B, mathematics P
  • reserve: Russian language
  • reserve: for all subjects

Additional period (September)

Retaking the Unified State Examinations in 2017

In addition to the main and reserve days, the Unified State Examination process itself also provides for a third period - a retake. The right to retake is granted to every student - both those who did not reach the minimum threshold and those who simply want to improve their own results and score more points. True, to improve your own level you will need remarkable confidence in your own strengths and knowledge.

The Unified State Exam retake usually takes place in September, most often in the first half of the month. However, the schedule for a possible retake will be known only by August 2017.

Extra points

Additional points may be added for exam scores. So, 10 points can be added to:

  • for a certificate with only A's;
  • for prizes won at Olympiads in school subjects;
  • for achievements in sports.

Considering the possible addition of points, it is worth thinking about taking the Unified State Exam in advance: taking part in olympiads and competitions in all subjects, not just specialized ones; increase your level of knowledge, striving for excellent grades; participate in the sports life of the school.

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