Presentation on the topic of types of bees. Bees

Nina Gennadievna Belyaevskaya
Presentation for the project “Visiting the Bees”

Project presentation will help children immerse themselves in a fascinating world beekeeping, find out as much as possible about bees, their significance in nature, and also learn a lot of interesting things about work beekeeper.

Implemented project through various types of children's activities. While working on project the following were decided tasks:

Deepen knowledge about beekeeping.

Clarify ideas about bees, their meaning in nature.

Form ideas about what bees- beneficial insects.

Strengthen the ability to reflect your impressions in productive activities.

Develop search activity, activate thinking and speech when solving problem situations.

To cultivate love and respect for the nature of the native land.

This topic aroused a lot of emotions and genuine interest in the children; they gained a lot of knowledge about the works beekeeper and the benefits of bees.

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Prepared by: 7th grade student Erznkyan Seda

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The bees that humans raise belong to the species of honey bees "Apismellifera", the genus of social bees, the family of bees, the order Hymenoptera, the class of insects, and the phylum of arthropods. To date, about 20 thousand different species of bees have been discovered. Beekeeping products include many valuable substances, such as honey, wax, bee venom, propolis, bee bread, royal jelly, most of which are used to treat various diseases.

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Even before the rise of Kievan Rus, the Slavs who inhabited the Eastern Carpathians hunted for honey from wild bees. The Kiev-Pechersk Chronicle (945) indicates that at that time in Kievan Rus beekeeping was already developed so much that the honey, wax and bee produced were not only used for domestic consumption, but were also exported to Byzantium, Europe, and Eastern Europe. countries, i.e. played an extremely important role in the economy of those times. It is believed that honey and other bee products are a wonderful gift of nature that has a beneficial effect on the human body.

A little history

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  • In ancient handwritten medical books, very important importance was attached to the medicinal properties of honey, wax, zabrus, propolis, pollen, and bee stings.
  • Research conducted in recent decades in many countries shows that bee products have important medicinal properties.
  • Treatment with beekeeping products gives a good positive effect even when other means do not help.
  • Nowadays, beekeeping products are widely used in cosmetics for the preparation of masks, soaps, shampoos, creams, shower gels, etc.

A little history

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The main product that bees provide is honey. For many centuries it was the only sweet product. Nowadays there are many substitutes for honey in people’s diets, but none of them have its most valuable properties. Honey is a very tasty product, it can be consumed for dessert in different forms, and it is also a valuable complex of nutrients that play a big role in assimilation processes. It quickly releases energy expended during the period of greatest human activity during the day.

Bee products

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Wax is the second most important beekeeping product. To allocate 1 kg. Bees consume about 3.6 kg of wax. honey Wax contains more than 300 chemicals. Wax is used to prepare foundation, as well as in pharmaceutical practice for the preparation of ointments. Included in the recipe for the preparation of cosmetics: creams, lipstick, blush, pencils for tinting eyebrows and eyelashes, deodorants, nourishing masks, etc. Wax has long been used in medicine in the treatment of skin diseases, treatment of skin diseases, and also as a wound-healing and anti-inflammatory agent.

Bee products

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Propolis, or bee glue, is a sticky resinous substance collected by bees from plants of various types and processed by them in the hive. Among the vitamins found in it: ascorbic and nicotinic acids, tocopherol, riboflavin, thiamine. Sometimes propolis is called bee balm. The study of the properties of propolis and the practice of its use for the treatment of various diseases increasingly convince researchers of the biological activity of propolis. It mobilizes the body's protective functions, neutralizes some bacterial poisons, has an analgesic and wound-healing effect, and has anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial effects. They treat skin diseases, stomach and duodenal ulcers, long-healing wounds, hemorrhoids, flu, radiculitis, tuberculosis.

Bee products

  • propolis
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    • Bees provide people with very valuable products - honey, honey, wax, propolis, pollen, royal jelly, bee venom.
    • The products obtained from bees are very diverse in origin, composition, properties and significance for humans. All of them are in demand among the population of different countries.
    • Since ancient times, it has been believed that honey, propolis, and other bee products are a wonderful gift of nature that has a beneficial effect on the human body.

    In conclusion…

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    • V. I. Komlatsky, S. V. Loginov, S. A. Plotnikov. Beekeeping. Series: Higher education, 2009
    • V. N. Korzh Basics of beekeeping. Series: Beekeeper's Library, 2009
    • I. V. Shokhin Beekeeping for home and income, Series: Compound, 2008
    • Beekeeping. Desk book. Publishers: AST, Harvest, 2007
    • Bees and beekeeping. Organization of an apiary. Seasonal work in the apiary. Bee diseases. Publisher: Vladis, 2009.
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    There are about 20 thousand species of bees. They can be found on all continents except Antarctica. Bees have adapted to feed on nectar and pollen, using nectar primarily as an energy source and pollen for protein and other nutrients.

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    Bees have a long proboscis, which they use to suck nectar from plants. They also have antennae, each of which consists of 13 segments in males and 12 segments in females.

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    Bees are highly organized insects. In particular, social bees jointly search for food, water, shelter, if necessary, and jointly defend themselves from enemies. In the hive, bees jointly build honeycombs, care for the offspring and the queen.

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    The bee's body is supported by a hard chitinous cover. The upper lip is a narrow chitinous strip connected to the head shield; for all three individuals of the bee family it is almost the same.

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    Families of honey bees can be classified as clearly social colonies. In a family, each bee performs its own function. The functions of a bee are conditionally determined by its biological age. However, as has been established, in the absence of older bees, their functions can be performed by bees of younger ages.

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    Honey bees live in large families. Under normal conditions, a colony consists of one queen bee, many thousands of worker bees (females), and in the summer, drones (male bees living in a close community). Neither the queen bee, nor the worker bees, nor the drones can exist separately, nor can they independently form a new family. A bee family is a unique biological unit. Each bee family has its own individual qualities and hereditary characteristics unique to it.

    Description of the presentation by individual slides:

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    Topic: “Life of a bee family” Altynguzina Alsu Damirovna MBOU gymnasium p. Raevsky 2A class MR Alsheevsky district Scientific supervisor: Valiakhmetova Aliya Raisovna Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation Ministry of Education of the Republic of Bashkortostan MU OO Administration of MR Alsheevsky district Municipal budgetary educational institution gymnasium with. Raevsky

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    Purpose of the work: to find out where and how bees live, how their organs of vision, taste, smell are developed, how they fly, the importance of bees in human life.

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    Objectives: a) collect information about bees in the scientific literature; b) describe the importance of bees and bee products for humans; c) prove that beekeeping is not only a successful combination of material benefits, but also creative interest. d) Suggest ways to use bee products.

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    hypothesis: I assume that the role of bees in the national economy is very great, and beekeeping products are widely used in medicine.

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    Work plan: a) think about the topic of creative work; b) study scientific literature; c) use information from the Internet; d) seek help from adults; e) compare, analyze, summarize;

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    History of the bee Bashkir honey is considered the calling card and one of the symbols of the Republic of Bashkortostan. Bashkiria is a beekeeping region. The exact time when it arose is unknown, but rock paintings found in caves in the Urals indicate that honey was extracted here by primitive people.

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    Honey bee Bees belong to a group of families of stinging insects. Honey bees live in large families. Under normal conditions, a colony consists of one queen bee, many thousands of worker bees (females), and in the summer, drones (male bees living in a close community). Neither the queen bee, nor the worker bees, nor the drones can exist separately, nor can they independently form a new family.

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    composition of a bee family queen drone worker bee life cycle of a bee: egg - larva - pupa - adult insect individual eye shape queen round simple eyes, shifted to the forehead drone large and round compound eyes, located close to each other, shifted to the forehead worker bee triangular eyes shifted to the crown

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    structure of a worker bee Head: eyes mouthparts antennae Chest: legs wings Abdomen: respiratory organs circulatory digestion genitals stinging apparatus

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    Life of Bees Bees are important pollinators of flowering plants. The body is usually black, densely pubescent, sometimes brightly colored. The nest has a horizontal entrance and then descends vertically. Cells filled with pollen and nectar are located one below the other in a vertical passage. The entire development cycle from egg to adult bee occurs in the cells.

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    Hive There are 60,000 – 120,000 bees in the hive. Bees have many enemies and parasites, so the entrance to the hive is reliably guarded by guards who are ready to attack an uninvited guest at any moment. No bee can enter someone else's hive. Each hive has a special smell that is not detectable by humans. Each bee stores this scent in a special cavity in its body. Flying up to the entrance, the bee opens it and presents the smell to the guards as its business card or pass.

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    Smell You can say that bees are “champions” in their sense of smell. They smell 1 thousand times stronger than humans, and bees are able to detect the scent of flowers at a distance of more than 1 km. These organs are located on the bees' antennae. The sense of smell is of great importance in the life of bees: by smell they distinguish other bees from the bees of their family, look for nectar, etc. They are able to distinguish a huge number of odors. Some smells act on them as a danger signal. What irritates bees most is the smell of their own venom. Therefore, if only one bee stings a person, then other bees, sensing the smell, immediately rush to the aid of their friend and also use their sting, attacking the enemy. The smell of a crushed bee affects them in the same way. They are also very irritated by the pungent smells of garlic, herring, cologne, gasoline, sweat, and dried blood.

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    Proboscis and antennae Bees have a long proboscis, which they use to suck nectar from plants. They also have antennae. All bees have two pairs of wings, the back pair being smaller in size than the front; Only in a few species of one sex or caste the wings are very short, making the flight of the bee difficult or impossible.

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    Wings and eyes Bees have five eyes. Three at the top of the head and two at the front. It is believed that bees distinguish well the following colors: yellow, blue-green, blue, violet. Thus, bees see blue and violet as four different colors. They may confuse red with purple and black. Bees perceive green and orange as yellow. Bees only remember well the shape of objects that resemble dissected flower petals.

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    The Dance of the Bees After a bee has found a good place to collect pollen, it returns to the hive to report its location to other bees. Information is transmitted through a special dance on the honeycomb, during which the bee moves along a closed curve resembling a figure eight, wagging its belly. The bee returns to the hive in an excited state. She gives the nectar she brought to the receiving bees, and she herself performs characteristic movements on the honeycomb, called “recruitment dances,” which attract other bees of this family to search for a bribe. If food was found near the apiary, no further than 100 m from the hive, then the bee quickly runs around any cell of the honeycomb, and then turns and makes the same circle in the opposite direction. Running across the honeycomb from one bee to another, she repeats these movements for several seconds. This dance is called circular.

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    Pollen collection The nectar collected by bees enters the bee's honey sac through the mouthparts and esophagus, in which it delivers the nectar to the hive, where it passes it on to young receiving bees. In addition to nectar, bees collect flower pollen from plants, which is their protein food. The body of a bee is densely covered with hairs. When bees visit flowers, a large number of pollen grains accumulate between the hairs. Returning to the hive with pollen, the bees dump the brought lumps of pollen into the cells of the combs. Young bees immediately compact the pollen with their heads, and when the cell is almost full, they fill it to the top with honey.

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    My observations of honey collection Date month Flowering of honey plants Honey profit per day 10.04 Exhibition of bees from wintering +12C 10.04-30.04 Willow (5 species), Mother and stepmother, lungwort, dandelion 0.2-0.5 kg Supporting honey collection, brood rearing. 1.05-31.05 Maple, rowan, viburnum, apple, currant, bird cherry, acacia, sage. 0.5-1 kg Maintenance honey collection. 1.06-20.06 Exparcet, phacelia, clover, alfalfa, raspberries, sweet clover, etc. 1-4 kg of honey collection (swarming of bees) 20.06-15.07 Fireweed, angelica, linden, fireweed, motherwort, etc. 4-6 kg Main honey collection 20.07-15.08 Buckwheat, sunflower, heather, cornflower, etc. 3-4 kg End of honey collection

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    Bees and weather predictions The body of bees is covered with fluff, sensitive to changes in humidity. As air humidity increases in the higher layers of the atmosphere where bees fly, they experience discomfort due to moisture condensation on the surface of the body, which leads to a change in their behavior. According to long-term observations of beekeepers: - an early friendly flight of bees for a bribe portends a good sunny day; - if the sky is overcast in the morning, and bees still fly out of the hives, you should expect the weather to improve; - bees fly out of the hives, but stay close to the apiary - a sure sign of imminent rain; Ufa

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    Use of bee products. Honey contains about 60 different substances, mainly glucose and fructose. Honey differs favorably from sugar in that it contains: - enzymes that accelerate metabolism in the body; - minerals; - microelements; - organic acids; - vitamins; - phytoncides with antimicrobial, antiputrefactive, antifungal effects.

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    Propolis Propolis or bee glue contains essential oils, wax, pollen. Medicinal properties: - analgesic (5.2 times stronger than novocaine); - antipruritic; - antimicrobial; - tones the body, improves immunity; -strengthens tooth enamel - relieves pain and softens calluses.

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    Bee venom. Therapeutic effect: - has a pronounced anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect; -increases the overall resistance of the body, immunity; - antimicrobial; - dilates blood vessels; -reduces blood pressure; - reduces blood viscosity and clotting; -reduces cholesterol in the blood.

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    Royal jelly (royal jelly) contains mineral salts, trace elements, and vitamins. Therapeutic effect: - increases the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin in the blood; -increases appetite, increases weight; - stimulates hair growth; - improves memory and vision; - increases immunity

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    Pollen is used medicinally to treat anemia in children. It increases the content of red blood cells and hemoglobin. Pollen is also a biological stimulant. Pollen is collected using special pollen collectors.

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