Lesson presentation on how the Russian language developed. Presentation on the Russian language "Ecology of language. Language as a social phenomenon." (Grade 11). An exact translation is unthinkable

I know I want to know I found out 1. The tongue is an organ in the oral cavity. 2. A system of signs with which we transmit information. 3. Each nation has its own language. 1. How many languages ​​are there in the world? 2. Which group of Slavic languages ​​does the Russian language belong to? 3. How has our language changed over the past 300 years?

Tongue – 1) A movable muscular organ in the oral cavity, which is an organ of taste, and in humans is also involved in the formation of speech sounds. 2) A system of sound, vocabulary and grammatical means, which is a tool for communication, exchange of thoughts and mutual understanding of people in society. 3) Speech, the ability to speak. 4) A system of signs that convey information. 5) transfer A prisoner from whom you can obtain the necessary information. "Dictionary of the Russian Language" ed. S.I. Ozhegova

Which gender forms of highlighted nouns are obsolete? He sat at the piano and leafed through the notes (A. Chekhov) - And the ruler’s hands lay on the obedient piano. (A. Blok) The poplar branch has already thrown out pale yellow sticky leaves. (B. Polevoy) - Behind the high poplar tree I see a window there. (M. Lermontov) The hot sun looks into the greenish sea, as if through a thin gray veil. (M. Gorky) - Anna’s face was covered with a veil. (L. Tolstoy)

The Russian language, like any other, exists according to certain laws and norms. They regulate pronunciation, the formation of words, and their combination with each other. Language laws and norms are reflected in the spelling of words. What do you think, on the basis of what phonetic signs can we conclude that the words Oiaio, Yryspay, Shuyuni, Dyoldu, Kukchya are foreign languages?

Algorithm for writing a syncwine It is based on the main idea, theme, expressed in one word. 1 line (one word) – noun, main topic, thought. Line 2 (two words) – adjectives, qualities of the first word. Line 3 (three words) – verbs, actions of the first word. Line 4 – a four-word judgment on the topic of the first word, a thought. Line 5 (one word) – a noun, a synonym for the first word. Conclusion, conclusion.

Conclusions: The Russian language belongs to the Slavic group of the Indo-European language family and is considered the fifth language in the world in terms of the number of people speaking it. In any living language, gradual changes occur in spelling, pronunciation, and morphological features of words. The most significant reforms of the Russian language were carried out in the early 18th and early 19th centuries.

Russian language as a developing phenomenon


teacher of Russian language and literature

MBOU "Secondary School No. 32" of the city of Bratsk

Tugolukova Elena Nikolaevna


7th grade students in the first lesson of the school year will form an idea of ​​the Russian language as a developing and improving phenomenon

Every word of the language, every form of it is the result of thoughts and feelings through which it was reflected in words... the nature of the country and the history of the people.

K. D. Ushinsky


Every O e word of language, each of its forms is the result of thoughts and feelings through which A stuck in words e etc And kind of page A us and the history of the people.

K. D. Ushinsky

Language is the most living, most abundant and lasting connection, uniting the obsolete, living and future generations of the people into one historical whole.


Indicate the key words in this sentence based on the topic of the lesson.

Copy, insert missing letters, explain spellings.

. Self-test

Language is the most living, most abundant and pro chn connection with e d And nyaya obsolete, w And present and future generations of the people in one e personal historical whole.


. Self-test

Language is the most living, most abundant and lasting connection connecting obsolete, living and future generations people into one great historical whole.


Development - the process of natural change, transition from one state to another, more perfect one.

Degradation ???

Evolution ???

Which of these processes do you think is characteristic of our language? Why?

Language is changeable, just as life itself is changeable.

S.Ya. Marshak

Copy, indicate the part-speech affiliation of all words.

Language (noun) changeable (cr.adj.), How (union) changeable (cr. adj.) herself (local) life (noun).

S.Ya. Marshak

Relate this statement to the topic of the lesson.

Language development

All living languages ​​are constantly changing, they have past And the present, in which elements are generated future state of the language.

Words that we know but rarely use make up our passive stock. It includes archaisms And historicisms .



neck - ???

shuica - ???

cheeks - ???

percy - ???

endova - ???


Archaisms-words that have fallen out of use and have been replaced by other words.

neck - neck

shuica - left hand

cheeks - cheeks

percy - breast

endova - plate


Historicisms-words that left the language due to the disappearance of the realities that they denoted.





Language development

The words we know and use make up our active vocabulary . The vocabulary of the language is constantly expanding. New words that come into the language are called neologisms .


Neologism- a word that arose as a new name for an existing or newly emerged object/phenomenon.

Neologisms can enter the active dictionary or remain neologisms



+ your examples

So the words pendulum, constellation, drawing appeared in the language thanks to the works of M.V. Lomonosov. And touching, absent-mindedness - thanks to the work of N.M. Karamzin.

Slavic languages

Russian language is one of the Slavic languages. Coincidences in the vocabulary, phonetics and grammar of the Slavic languages ​​indicate that in ancient times the Slavs were one people. Over many centuries of independent development, changes have occurred in the Slavic languages. Many words that were once common to the Slavs received different lexical meanings in different Slavic languages.

Exercise 1 (assigned independently and then checked)

Vocabulary work

east n O Slavic

west n O Slavic

south n O Slavic

about sch e Slavic

tree n e Russian

Participates in language changes every of Russian speakers, so we must remember that from U.S depends on what our native language will be.


  • perform a syntactic analysis of S.Ya. Marshak’s statement
  • paragraph 1 (detailed retelling)


I understand everything!

It was interesting!

We must repeat it again. I'll work at home!

I didn’t understand anything at all! Very difficult! I won't edit it! Don't want!

Slide 2

Language development

All living languages ​​are constantly changing; they have a past and a present, in which elements of the future state of the language are born. Words that we know but rarely use make up our passive stock. It includes archaisms and historicisms.

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Archaisms are words that have fallen out of use and been replaced by other words. Neck - neck, shuica - left arm, cheeks - cheeks, chest - chest.

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Historicisms are words that left the language due to the disappearance of the realities that they denoted. Oprichnina, princess, policeman, Armenian.

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The words we know and use make up our active vocabulary. The vocabulary of the language is constantly expanding. New words that have entered the language are called neologisms. Neologism is a word that arose as a new name for an existing or newly emerged object/phenomenon. Merchandising, provider.

Slide 6

Author's neologisms

If in a literary work the author uses a word he invented, an author's neologism arises. Over time, these words can become familiar and enter the language. So the words pendulum, constellation, drawing appeared in the language thanks to the works of M.V. Lomonosov. And touching, absent-mindedness - thanks to the creativity of N.M. Karamzin.

Slide 7

Slavic languages

Russian language is one of the Slavic languages. Coincidences in the vocabulary, phonetics and grammar of the Slavic languages ​​indicate that in ancient times the Slavs were one people. Over many centuries of independent development, changes have occurred in the Slavic languages. Many words that were once common to the Slavs received different lexical meanings in different Slavic languages. The word belly in Czech and Polish means “life”.

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Words of appreciation

The circle of evaluation words has noticeably expanded: cool, cool, super, etc. Before our eyes, the fashion for the word cool is passing. It is unknown what fate awaits the words cool, super and a host of other words that now fill fiction and colloquial speech.

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Orthoepic norms are also changing less actively, but still noticeably. For example, in the 19th century. Some words were pronounced with a different emphasis than now: music, passport, climate, profile, etc.

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Changes occur both in grammar and vocabulary and in phonetics. Thursday, top, first with soft [r’]. Nowadays such words are pronounced with a hard [r].

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Short adjectives

In Old Russian, short adjectives were declined like nouns. (good horse, good horse, good horse) Over time, short adjectives have lost this ability.

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Lost Sound

In ancient times, some verbs with the suffix -nu- had a root ending in a consonant, which was subsequently lost. For example, instead of move and throw, it was move and throw.

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In 1708-1710 Peter I carried out a reform of the Russian alphabet. Peter I tried to exclude from the alphabet the letters “and decimal”, “earth”, “omega”, “uk”, “fert”, “Izhitsa”, “xi”, “psi”, “ot” and superscripts. Peter I

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Scientists and writers, including V.K. Trediakovsky and A.P. Sumarokov, opposed this. As a result, the “from” “omega” and “psi” disappeared. New letters “e” and “ya” also appeared. V.K. Trediakovsky A.P. Sumarokov

Slide 15

After this reform, secular publications were typed in the reformed alphabet, and church books in the traditional Cyrillic alphabet. In 1735, the Russian Academy of Sciences continued to reform the alphabet: the letters “xi” and “zelo” were removed from it, as well as “Izhitsa”, which was later restored. The letter “y” was also introduced.

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1. Definition of language Common language is the most important component of the life of any society, a condition for its existence. Young grammarians: language is a means of expressing the individual soul. K. Flosser: language is the creative, aesthetic self-expression of the individual spirit. L. Elmslev: language is a pure structure of relationships. K. Marx, F. Engels: language is a practical consciousness that exists for other people and only thereby exists for myself, real consciousness. IN AND. Lenin: language is the most important means of human communication. Language is a historically developed system of material signs in society that perform a communicative function.

1. Functions of language Functions – 1) functions of language (linguistic activity) as an integral social phenomenon, different from other social phenomena (communicative); 2) the functions that a sign performs in private situations of communication between people; 3) spheres, areas of application of a particular use of language.

Forms of communicative function: Narrowly focused communication – direct one-on-one communication between people; Broadcast communication is the direct communication of one person with a large group of people. Mass communication is the communication of a person with an invisible audience. Manifestation of the essence of language: expressive, nominative, accumulative, cognitive Non-main functions of language: emotive, incentive, poetic, phatic, deictic, magical, suggestive, instrumental, performative, etc.

3. Speech communication is a conscious, rationally designed, purposeful information exchange between people, accompanied by the individualization of interlocutors, the establishment of emotional contact between them and feedback. - Verbal communication involves: 1. Exchange of information 2. Awareness of information exchange; 3. Purposeful transmission of information 4. Rational design of information exchange; 5. Individualization of the interlocutor; 6. Feedback; 7. Emotional contact with the interlocutor

II. Socio-psychological functions – related to the social needs of the individual: 1. communicative expression of personality, communicative self-realization; 2. assessment of human activity; 3. suppression of aggression; 4. identifying oneself with the group; 5. opposing oneself to any group 6. people getting to know each other; 7. formation of the development of interpersonal relationships; 8. distribution (filling) of time

III. Individual psychological functions - related to the individual needs of the individual. 1. formation of consciousness; 2. maintaining the functions of consciousness; 3. maintaining performance, emotional balance; 4. maintaining physical health; 5. strengthening mental processes;

5. Types of verbal communication 1) On the topic of communication: political, scientific, everyday, religious, philosophical, educational, pedagogical, educational, etc. 2) According to the purpose of communication: business and entertainment. 3) By degree of formality: official and unofficial; 4) According to the form of communication: closed, open, mixed. Closed communication - when the content of the conversation fades into the background and turns out to be insignificant. This could be secular communication (conversation on general topics). His goals: 1) Filling time with conversation; 2) Demonstration of the communication’s belonging to the same group; 3) Compliance with what is accepted in society for this type of ritual.

Open communication - when the subject situation is open, you can choose any topic, you can express your point of view, challenge the point of view of your interlocutor. Types of open communication: - business conversation; - conversation with a friend; - conversation between friends, lovers; - intimate talk..

Mixed communication - contains elements of open and closed communication at the same time. This is a dialogue between teacher and student, boss and subordinate, doctor and patient, employee and client. - Typology of communication: 1. By freedom of choice of a partner: proactive - choosing a partner at will (friend, communication at a party); forced - forced communication, regardless of interest in this person (communication in the family, parents are always forced interlocutors).

2. According to the degree of manifestation of personality in communication: impersonal - when a person does not reveal himself as a person, does not act as an individual (buyer, client, seller...); personal – identifying a person’s personality in communication, showing interest in him as an individual (friend, new acquaintance, loved one...).

3. By duration: short-term and long-term; 4. According to the relationship between form and content: direct - in which the content of the statement directly follows from the content of the words used in it; indirect - the statement is not taken literally, contains a background, subtext, hint, which is the true purpose of the statement.

5. Individual characteristics of speech activity The function of speech activity is not only to carry information about the outside world and the speaker’s attitude towards it, but also to characterize the speaker himself, transmitting personal information about him to others.

Language passport of a person Speech activity of a person, or the manner of his speech, the vocabulary used, intonation, gestures, favorite expressions, rhetorical techniques, etc. – creates a certain image by which a person is judged, i.e. person's language passport. This is the information that a person involuntarily conveys about himself when he speaks.

Linguistic personality and communicative personality of a person Yu.N. Karaulov: Linguistic personality is a type of full-fledged representation of personality, containing mental, social, ethical, and other components, but the personality and its discourse are refracted through language. Characteristics of a linguistic personality: national-cultural dominant; invariant and variant vocabulary and grammars; motives and goals driving its development and behavior; communication needs and readiness to satisfy these needs

Types of speech culture 1. Elite fulfills all ethical and communication standards, masters all functional styles of the native language; 2. The average literary person usually masters 2-3 functional styles, the style of everyday communication and his own professional style; 3. Literary-colloquial and familiar-colloquial speak only the conversational system of communication, which they use in any setting, including official ones. In l-r. type is dominated by you - communication and incomplete names, then in f-r. like - only you - communication. ; 4. Slang and colloquial types are characterized by non-normativity, orientation towards one’s social group, vulgarisms, and the use of obscenities.

6. Communicative behavior - features of the behavior of a particular people, described in the aggregate, in the system. Communicative behavior is a set of norms and traditions of communication between people. Communicative culture is the communicative behavior of a people as a component of its national culture; Communicative norms – communicative rules that are mandatory for implementation in a given linguistic and cultural community (greeting, gratitude); Communicative traditions are rules that are not obligatory to follow, but are observed by the majority of the people and are considered in society as desirable rules (ask an old man about his health, offer him help.);

Verbal communicative behavior is a set of norms and traditions of promise associated with the topic and features of the organization of communication in certain communicative conditions. Nonverbal communicative behavior is a set of norms and traditions that regulate the requirements for nonverbal signs used in the communication process (body language - gestures, facial expressions, gaze, postures, movement, physical contact during communication, choice of place of communication, location relative to the interlocutor, etc. ); Communicative consciousness is a stable set of mental processes that ensure communicative behavior (of a nation, group, individual).

7. Forms of existence of a language A national language is a complex multi-aspect system of systems that ensures communication in all spheres of life of a given society, the unity of all forms. Literary language is an important component of any civilized society, it arises in society during the period of its cultural and economic upsurge, and is created by the efforts of outstanding writers.

I. Territorially limited forms of language existence (opposed to the literary language): 1. territorial dialects - a variant of the national language used by part of the ethnic group, the main sphere is everyday communication. Folk poetry arises on the basis of dialects; 2. areal language - a national language used outside its original territory (English in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, etc.).

II. Socially limited forms of language existence (opposed to literary language): 1. Social dialect – features of the speech of certain social groups: a) professional dialects – features of the speech of representatives of certain professions. b) gender dialects - features of the speech of men and women within the same national language.

2. Social jargon is a set of reduced, expressive language units characteristic of the oral informal speech of a certain social group: a) professional jargon is a set of professional words that are reduced and expressive and used by representatives of a certain professional group; b) criminal f., f. homeless children, children's housing, youth housing...

III. Socially limited forms of language existence: 1. Caste languages ​​- used in a certain society as a demonstration of the belonging of the persons using them to a certain privileged social stratum, educated or managerial elite. 2. Cult languages ​​– used for religious purposes.

Nonverbal means of transmitting information Nonverbal communication is communication using non-verbal signals (gestures, facial expressions, appearance...) Nonverbal communication is a means of transmitting information like verbally, only using other means. Nonverbal means of communication accompany, complement speech and even replace words. Congruence is the correspondence of the meanings of verbal and accompanying nonverbal signals, incongruence is the contradiction between them.

Artificial information transmission systems Morse code, whistling language, prison knocking, flag signaling, Braille, etc. represent a natural language, the material side of which is replaced by another - for ease of use in special conditions. Artificial languages: Esperanto, Interlingua, Novial, New ABC, etc. Sign language is the language of the deaf and dumb.

Systems of conditioned signals for the transmission of limited information - traffic lights, semaphore, road signs, signal flares, chemistry, physics, and mathematics. formulas All these systems are secondary in relation to natural language; they convey a limited amount of information previously discussed using language and play an auxiliary role in society in relation to natural language.

Literature Popova Z.D., Sternin I.A. General linguistics. Voronezh, S

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