Rules for filling out and samples of Unified State Exam forms in the Russian language. Unified State Exam forms, design of forms, download Unified State Exam forms Unified State Examination form in literature

The video course “Get an A” includes all the topics necessary to successfully pass the Unified State Exam in mathematics with 60-65 points. Completely all tasks 1-13 of the Profile Unified State Exam in mathematics. Also suitable for passing the Basic Unified State Examination in mathematics. If you want to pass the Unified State Exam with 90-100 points, you need to solve part 1 in 30 minutes and without mistakes!

Preparation course for the Unified State Exam for grades 10-11, as well as for teachers. Everything you need to solve Part 1 of the Unified State Exam in mathematics (the first 12 problems) and Problem 13 (trigonometry). And this is more than 70 points on the Unified State Exam, and neither a 100-point student nor a humanities student can do without them.

All the necessary theory. Quick solutions, pitfalls and secrets of the Unified State Exam. All current tasks of part 1 from the FIPI Task Bank have been analyzed. The course fully complies with the requirements of the Unified State Exam 2018.

The course contains 5 large topics, 2.5 hours each. Each topic is given from scratch, simply and clearly.

Hundreds of Unified State Exam tasks. Word problems and probability theory. Simple and easy to remember algorithms for solving problems. Geometry. Theory, reference material, analysis of all types of Unified State Examination tasks. Stereometry. Tricky solutions, useful cheat sheets, development of spatial imagination. Trigonometry from scratch to problem 13. Understanding instead of cramming. Clear explanations of complex concepts. Algebra. Roots, powers and logarithms, function and derivative. A basis for solving complex problems of Part 2 of the Unified State Exam.

All Unified State Exam forms in the Russian language are included in an individual set, which is printed in the PPE and issued right before the exam. Comprehensive instructions on how to fill them out are carried out before the start of testing; the time to fill out the registration form is not included in the total duration of the Unified State Examination.

Before starting work, it is filled out in the same way as for other disciplines. It contains information about the examinee: full name, series and passport number. Instructors will write the codes of the region, location, subject and its name, as well as the audience number on the board - all this data will need to be carefully transferred to the appropriate fields of the registration form.

All information is entered strictly in the font, a sample of which is presented in one of the top lines of the registration form.

Answers to the questions of the test part are entered. It must be filled out in a standardized font - the same as on the registration sheet.

Answers to questions and errors cannot be crossed out: there are corresponding fields at the bottom of the sheet for making amendments.

The practice of conducting the Unified State Exam has shown that it is better to write the answers first in the KIM, only then transfer them to form No. 1. They are entered to the right of the task number, starting from the first cell, without spaces, commas and other additional characters.

The answers are entered without any additions or explanations - only, in the opinion of the exam participant, the correct option chosen from those proposed, a combination of numbers or a phrase from the text, etc.

Intended for writing. It is better to write it first in a draft and only after checking for errors, semantic inaccuracies, etc., enter the final clean version into the form.

You can write your essay in your own handwriting, but it must be legible.

If there is not enough space, you cannot write on the back of the form. Ask the organizers for additional sheet No. 2.

At the top of each form, information about the number of the region and subject, and the name of the examination discipline is necessarily duplicated. All other fields at the bottom of the sheets are filled in by the organizers of the Unified State Exam.

The KIM provides recommendations on how to write down answers to each type of task. Read the instructions carefully and follow them so that when filling out the forms you do not make offensive mistakes that will negatively affect the final grade for the Unified State Exam in Russian.

The forms of the unified state exam are approved by Ro-sobr-nad-zo-rum. There are 4 types of Unified State Examination forms:

  • registration form (including the oral exam registration form)
  • report form No. 1 for recording the results of completing tasks in a short form
  • report form No. 2 for recording the results of completing assignments in expanded form
  • complete form from the authorities No. 2 for recording the results of completing tasks in expanded form


  • An incorrectly completed Unified State Examination form may cause test failure.
  • Unified State Examination forms damaged during registration cannot be replaced.
  • A new set of examination materials is issued only if a Unified State Examination participant discovers that the examination materials are defective or incomplete.

Therefore, when preparing for exams, it is important to study the forms carefully. Below are Sample Unified State Exam forms. Practicing filling them out will help you save time on the exam and avoid embarrassing mistakes due to incorrectly recording answers.

General requirements for filling out forms

  • The data must be filled out with a gel or capillary pen with black ink in capital block letters according to the sample. This measure will help avoid scanning errors.
  • Even in drafts, do not use other colored ink and pencil, or “putty” for corrections.
  • Fill in each field starting from the first position.
  • When filling out the fields in all forms, use the spelling of symbols at the top of form No. 1 as a sample.
  • If you do not have information to fill out the field, leave it blank.
  • Do not make any notes or notes on the answer forms that could identify you.
  • Forbidden make any entries or notes not related to these forms in the fields of the forms, outside these fields and in the fields filled in typographically.

Registration form

The registration form is intended for entering in-di-vidual data of the graduate. At the top of the sheet there is a vertical and horizontal barcode with its digital number.

On the fields at the top The form must contain the following information:

  • region code;
  • code of the educational institution where the graduate of the current year studied (for graduates of previous years or enrolling in a college/university - the code of the educational institution in which the participant received a pass to the Unified State Examination);
  • the number and letter of the class (not for the full number of years past);
  • code of the Unified State Examination point;
  • number of audience at the point where the Unified State Examination is conducted;
  • yes, conducting the Unified State Examination;
  • pre-meta code;
  • name of the subject;
  • for service use.

Unified State Examination codes:

Item name


Item name


Russian language



Social science

Computer Science and ICT



English language (oral part)
German language (oral part)
Geography 8 French (oral) 31
English language 9 Spanish (oral) 32

In the middle part The registration form indicates information about the Unified State Examination participant:

  • surname
  • on behalf of (if available)
  • series and number of do-cumen-ta, accrediting-believing-personality

Also, the middle part of the form contains brief instructions on how to conduct the Unified State Examination and completing the forms. op-re-division of the whole-nos-ti in-di-vidu-al-no-go comp-lek-ta of the Unified State Examination participant, for sub-pi-si participation for the Unified State Exam and for service use.

The Unified State Examination participant fills out the upper and middle parts of the form (except for the field for official use) . The signature of the exam participant is placed strictly inside the “window”.

In the lower part the registration form is filled out in the correct order by the official organizator in the audience in the event -yah, if the participant is removed from the examination due to a violation of the Unified State Examination procedure or has not completed the examination for a good reason. There is a po-le for sub-pi-si from-vets-tven-no-go or-ga-niz-tor.

Answer form No. 1

The Unified State Examination in all subjects consists of two parts. All tasks in each CMM version are presented in continuous numbering mode.

Report form No. 1 is intended for recording the results of completing tasks in a short form.

Write from-ve-to-to in strict co-ordination with the ins-tru-ts-tsi, which is given to the assignments in KIM. Corrections in the answer area are not allowed.


All Unified State Exam forms are filled out with a black gel or capillary pen.

The mark symbol (“cross”) in the fields of the registration form and answer forms No. 1 should not be too thick.

The exam participant must depict each number and letter in all fields of the registration form, answer form No. 1, carefully copying a sample of its spelling from the line with samples of character writing located at the top of the registration form and answer form No. 1. Careless writing of symbols can lead to that during automated processing the symbol may not be recognized correctly.

Each field in the forms is filled out, starting from the first position (including the field for entering the last name, first name and patronymic (if any) of the exam participant, details of the identity document).

If the test taker does not have information to fill out a particular field, he must leave this field blank (do not make dashes).

When writing down answers, you must strictly follow the instructions for completing the work (for a group of tasks, individual tasks) specified in the CMM.

Answer forms No. 1 and No. 2, as well as additional answer form No. 2, should not contain marks containing information about the identity of the exam participant.

  • make any entries and (or) notes not related to the contents of the fields of the Unified State Exam forms in the fields of the Unified State Examination forms, outside the fields of the Unified State Examination forms, or in fields filled in by typography;
  • To fill out the Unified State Examination forms, use colored pens instead of black, a pencil, and means for correcting the information entered in the Unified State Examination forms (putty, eraser, etc.).

Unified State Exam 2019 forms













The registration form is a machine-readable form and consists of three parts - top, middle and bottom.

At the top The registration form contains special fields that indicate the form and year of the exam (the words “Unified State Exam - 2019”), as well as the name of the registration form. The specified fields are filled in typographically.

Also at the top of the registration form are:

  • vertical barcode;
  • horizontal barcode and its digital value;
  • QR code;
  • code of the educational organization in which the GIA participant is studying (code of the educational organization in which the Unified State Exam participants received notification of registration for the Unified State Exam);
  • the number and letter of the class (by a participant in the Unified State Exam - a graduate of previous years, studying in an educational organization of secondary vocational education (hereinafter - SVE), students receiving secondary general education in a foreign educational organization (hereinafter - OO) is not filled in);
  • code of the point of conducting the Unified State Exam (filled in automatically, except for cases of conducting the Unified State Exam in PPE using EM on paper);
  • audience number;
  • date of the Unified State Exam (filled in automatically).
  • The field for official use “Reserve-1” is not filled in.

In the middle part The registration form contains the following information about the exam participant:

  • last name, first name, patronymic (if available);
  • series and number of the identity document.
  • In the middle part of the registration form there are:
  • a brief reminder about the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam;
  • brief instructions for determining the integrity and correctness of the printing of an individual exam participant’s kit;
  • field for the exam participant’s signature confirming familiarization with the procedure for conducting the Unified State Exam.

In the lower part The registration form contains fields for official use (“Official mark”, “Reserve-2”,
“Reserve-3”), fields filled in by the responsible organizer in the PPE classroom in cases where the exam participant is removed from the exam due to a violation of the Unified State Exam Procedure or did not complete the exam for objective reasons, as well as a field for the signature of the responsible organizer. The fields “Service mark”, “Reserve-2”, “Reserve-3” are not filled in.

Answer form No. 1 is a machine-readable form and consists of three parts - top, middle and bottom.

At the top One-sided answer form No. 1 contains special fields that indicate the form and year of the exam (the words “Unified State Exam - 2019”), as well as the name of answer form No. 1. These fields are filled in typographically.

Also at the top of answer form No. 1 are:

  • vertical barcode;
  • horizontal barcode;
  • QR code;
  • field for the signature of the exam participant;
  • samples of writing letters, numbers and symbols used when filling out the form.
  • Fields for specifying the following information:
  • region code (filled in automatically, with the exception of cases of conducting the Unified State Exam in the PPE using electronic documents on paper);
  • item code (filled in automatically);
  • name of the item (filled in automatically).

The field for official use “Reserve-4” is not filled in.

In the middle part Answer form No. 1 contains fields for recording the results of completing tasks with a short answer. The maximum number of short answers is 40. The maximum number of characters in one answer is 17.

In the lower part One-sided answer form No. 1 provides:

  • fields for replacing erroneous answers to short answer tasks. The maximum number of fields for replacing erroneous answers is 6;
  • the field “Number of completed fields “Replacement of erroneous answers”, filled in by the responsible organizer in the audience and the field for the signature of the responsible organizer.

Answer form No. 2 is a one-sided machine-readable form and consists of two parts - upper and lower.

At the top Answer form No. 2 (sheet 1 and sheet 2) contains special fields that indicate the form and year of the examination (the words “Unified State Exam - 2019”), as well as the name of answer form No. 2 indicating the serial number of the sheet. The specified fields are filled in typographically.

Also at the top of answer form No. 2 are:

  • vertical barcode;
  • horizontal barcode;
  • QR code.
  • Fields for specifying the following information:
  • region code (filled in automatically, with the exception of cases of conducting the Unified State Exam in the PPE using electronic documents on paper);
  • item code (filled in automatically);
  • name of the item (filled in automatically);
  • in sheet 1 of answer form No. 2, a field for recording the digital value of the barcode of answer form No. 2, sheet 2 (filled in automatically);
  • in sheet 2 of answer form No. 2, a field for recording the digital value of the barcode of additional answer form No. 2 (to be filled out by the organizer in the classroom only if additional answer form No. 2 is issued);
  • fields for numbering sheets of answer forms No. 2 (filled in automatically).

Fields for official use “Reserve-5”, “Reserve-6” are not filled in.

The field for answers to tasks with a detailed answer is located in the lower part answer form No. 2 and lined with dotted lines “in a box”.

In the lower part Sheet 1 and sheet 2 of answer form No. 2 contain recommendations for exam participants in case of insufficient space to write down answers.

IMPORTANT!!! The reverse side of the sheets of answer form No. 2

Preparation for the Unified State Exam includes many areas. You can download and print the Unified State Exam forms so that each graduate can practice filling them out from the official website.

You can download sample USE forms for 2018 on the official information portal of the Unified State Exam. The FIPI website did not publish the Unified State Exam 2018 forms.

Download USE 2018 answer forms from the official website

Unified State Exam registration form blanki-ege-2018
Answer form No. 1 blank-1-ege-2018
Answer form No. 2 blank-2
Answer form No. 2 reverse side blank-ege-2-obr
Rules for filling out forms unified state
exam in 2018, description of Unified State Exam forms

Unified State Examination forms are machine-readable forms that are subject to automated processing by a hardware and software complex. In the process of automated processing of forms, the information entered into the fields of the forms is converted into text using software.

Unified State Exam 2018 forms in the Russian language, mathematics, English, social studies, biology, physics, chemistry, history, geography, computer science, literature are common.

Registration form size 210 mm × 297 mm printed on white paper with a density of ~ 80 g/m2. The background of the form is orange (Pantone 165 CVU).

Answer form No. 1

Answer form No. 2 size 210 mm × 297 mm printed on white paper with a density of ~ 80 g/m2. The background of the form is peach color (Pantone 164 CVU).

Additional answer form No. 2 size 210 mm × 297 mm printed on white paper with a density of ~ 80 g/m2. The background of the form is raspberry color (Pantone 165 CVU).

Oral Exam Registration Form size 210 mm × 297 mm printed on white paper with a density of ~ 80 g/m2. The background of the form is raspberry color (Pantone 184 CVU).

Make any entries and (or) notes not related to the contents of the fields of the Unified State Exam forms in the fields of the Unified State Examination forms, outside the fields of the Unified State Examination forms, or in fields filled in by typography;

To fill out the Unified State Examination forms, use colored pens instead of black, a pencil, and tools for correcting the information entered in the Unified State Examination forms (putty, eraser, etc.).

Read more about filling out answer forms.

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