Ways to save electricity. How much electricity does an iron use? Iron that saves energy

The cost of electricity is growing from year to year. Payment for electricity "eats" a significant part of the family budget. We cannot refuse to use it. Saving electricity is the only way out.

Tariffs and energy classes for household appliances

Electricity consumption can be reduced. Saving in the simplest and most effective way is to install a multi-tariff meter. By registering it, you will be able to turn on some electrical appliances at night, when the cost of light is 30% lower. Let the washing machine, boiler and home heating work when you sleep. The result will not get worse from this, but the number of watts will decrease.

When purchasing electrical appliances, choose energy-saving appliances. A modern manufacturer has introduced a label that allows you to determine the level of energy efficiency of household equipment. Class A devices are considered the most economical, and the most energy-consuming is the equipment marked with the letter G.

Experts advise turning off unused appliances from the outlet without leaving them in standby mode. Even in the "sleep" state, the equipment consumes electricity. By de-energizing it, you will reduce your monthly electricity bill. Savings will be 1.5-2.0%.

Saving lighting

Approximately 14% of the electricity consumed by household equipment is for lighting. Try reducing this number.

  1. Replace incandescent bulbs with energy saving ones. Modern "housekeepers" are much more expensive than conventional light bulbs, but, unlike them, they consume 4-5 times less electricity, last several times longer and more than pay off their cost.
  2. Give up the nocturnal lifestyle. Going to bed early will improve your health and save a few hundred more watts.
  3. Wash light bulbs and shades regularly. Dirty, cloudy glass of unwashed chandeliers does not transmit light well, forcing you to turn on additional lighting and increase energy consumption.
  4. Turn off the lights when you leave the room. Unnecessary illumination throughout the house makes the counter “wind” at double speed.

Skillful use of household appliances

Strict adherence to the instructions for using household appliances significantly reduces the number of watts burned.

A vacuum cleaner

How to save energy with a vacuum cleaner? Easily:

  • Dust the machine regularly. Clogged filters and overfilled waste containers cause increased energy consumption;
  • during cleaning, try to turn the vacuum cleaner on and off less often, since the largest power consumption falls at this very moment.


  • do not place this unit near the battery, in the sun and next to the stove. There, it will inevitably heat up, which means it will spend more energy on generating cold;
  • leave gaps between the refrigerator and the wall. By violating this rule, you will impair air circulation, which will lead to overheating and an increase in light consumption;
  • choose to install this household appliance in a room where the thermometer does not rise above 20 ° C. This temperature allows the unit to operate with the least energy load;
  • Defrost your fridge and freezer regularly. Their icing also negatively affects the level of electricity consumption;
  • do not put hot food in the refrigerator and do not keep the door open for a long time. Both the first and the second increase the temperature inside the chamber, forcing the device to produce cold with a vengeance, consuming electricity more intensively.

Electric stove:

  • turn off the burners 5 minutes before the food is ready. They do not cool down instantly, and during this time the food has time to cook or fry;
  • Cover pots with lids during cooking. Such a simple technique reduces the cooking time by about one and a half times;
  • When boiling eggs and vegetables, do not use too much water. It takes more time and energy to boil a larger volume of liquid;
  • use pans with a flat bottom that are the same size as the burner. In this case, the contact area will be the largest, and the precious heat (and with it the electricity) will not fly into the air;
  • do not forget about the existence of a pressure cooker and an electric kettle. They significantly speed up the process of cooking and heating, while spending much less electricity.


  • do not warm it up in advance, if this is not provided for by the recipe;
  • you can also dry the bread in toasters, and bake the chicken in a microwave oven. From the point of view of saving electricity, this method is more profitable than using the oven.

Washing machine:

  • use the economy wash. Its name speaks for itself;
  • do a full drum load. There is no need to drive the car almost empty twice if you can accumulate a sufficient amount of laundry and get by with one wash;
  • try to wash at lower temperatures: the longer the water heats up, the more electricity is consumed. However, consider the degree of soiling: heavily soiled items should be washed at a higher temperature, otherwise the wash will have to be repeated.


  • Starting ironing, do not waste time and precious watts on warming up the appliance. Use this time to iron things that require a low temperature regime;
  • do not overdry and do not iron clothes that are too damp. In the first case, you will have to prolong the ironing process, in the second case, you will have to force the device to raise the temperature of the rapidly cooling soleplate much more often. In both cases, more electricity will be needed;
  • follow the ironing regimes. By setting the regulator to the "Wool" position, you can get rid of the wrinkles of a cotton blouse, but spend much more time and energy;
  • remember the principle of residual heat: turn off the iron 5 minutes before the end of ironing, it will have enough heat left to put a couple more things in order.

Air conditioner:

  • do not ventilate the street - before turning on the split system, check if the windows and doors are closed;
  • buy an air conditioner whose power corresponds to the area of ​​\u200b\u200bthe room where it is planned to install it. A low-power unit trying to cool a large cubic capacity will have to be in active mode longer, increasing power consumption;
  • clean fans and filters regularly. Their pollution reduces the power of the air conditioner and provokes an increase in energy consumption.

A computer:

  • turn down the brightness of the monitor;
  • do not leave the PC turned on if you do not use it for a long time;
  • for those who have such an opportunity, we advise you to buy a liquid crystal monitor. It has the most modest appetites in terms of energy consumption.

When hesitating whether to give preference to a computer or a laptop, make a choice in favor of the latter: due to its lower power, it is less voracious.

Saving with heat

With regard to heat, both the correct use of heating systems and competent thermal insulation of the room are equally important:

  • warm up the house. Close up and seal the cracks in the old windows, through them up to 50% of the heat flies out into the street. Eliminate the leakage of warm air through the floor and walls using the methods available to you. Such measures will reduce the frequency of turning on the heater and shorten the period of its use;

  • put heat-reflecting screens near the batteries. In this way, you will achieve an increase in temperature, and the need for heaters will disappear by itself.

By following these recommendations, you can save up to 30% on your electricity bills. Be frugal, but know the measure. Saving, elevated to the rank of a cult, develops into hoarding, and the miser, according to the English proverb, pays twice.

Overview of energy-saving lamps of different types and models:

The light is on during the day. Saving…

I was forced to write this article by the fact that there are a lot of tips and myths on the Internet on this topic. There are various disputes, I disagree with many. Therefore, in this article I will try to express my opinion. Various household electrical devices will be reviewed and tips on how to save electricity will be given.

I must say right away that sometimes my advice on how to save electricity will reach insanity, but it's up to you. It is up to you to decide how, based on my article, you can optimally change your life in such a way as to save electricity, money, nerves, and peace in the family.

Three main theses.

First. Saving electricity and saving money are completely different things. You can buy an energy-saving light bulb and save electricity. Or you can - an ordinary incandescent light bulb, and save money. Below is an example.

Second. Exists short term savings(minutes, hours) and long-term(years). Again, we are talking about saving energy and saving money. For example, it is clear that the refrigerator door must be closed (short-term savings). And in the long term - you need to buy an A-class energy saving refrigerator.

Third. Here we move from a purely technical area to philosophical. Is it necessary, for example, to yell at a wife who dries her hair with a hairdryer a little longer? Or is a beautiful and kind wife still better than saved kilowatts? Or quarreling with her husband who forgot the light in the toilet?

And further. Savings must be fair and reasonable. If a person earns enough, and he likes incandescent bulbs, why give in to fashion and save 500 rubles a year if his SUV costs more per day to maintain? And for honest savings - I urge you to honestly pay, and not use. When stealing, a person can and does gain something, then he loses the main thing - peace of mind and his own dignity.

Well, to find out how to really save electricity, let's calculate together how much it costs. When calculating, we will take the cost of electricity equal to 3.5 rubles. per kWh. This cost is the national average.

For convenience, I will give tables for converting minutes into hours and vice versa, since when measuring the energy consumed, we use hours (kWh), and some devices work minutes a day, and they must be converted to hours.

Convert minutes to hours

min 60 50 40 30 20 10 5 1
watch 1,00 0,83 0,67 0,50 0,33 0,17 0,08 0,02

Convert hours to minutes

watch 1 0,9 0,8 0,7 0,6 0,5 0,4 0,3 0,2 0,1
min 60 54 48 42 36 30 24 18 12 6

And I talk about how the consumed electricity is measured in an article about.

Saving electricity on lighting

Lighting fixtures are the most common electrical appliances in our home, so we'll start with them.

And not only at home, but also on the street:

How public utilities of Taganrog save

Let's start with a joke on the topic.

A Jew looks across the road in the evening, in a neighboring house the light lights up and goes out every two minutes. He went to a neighbor to find out what was the matter. He answers him: “I am reading a book. And when I turn the pages, get up and turn off the light, what will burn in vain?”

This is an example of insanity, extremes. Let's calculate what we save on.

Take a standard 60W incandescent bulb.

At the end of the article I will post a file where everyone can check what I thought.

Let's analyze the table by columns.

  1. Bulb power - 60 watts.
  2. The lamp works approximately 5 hours a day. For example, one in the morning and 4 in the evening.
  3. In a month with this mode of operation, 150 hours are released.
  4. The cost of burning a light bulb per hour is 21 kopecks!
  5. Cost per day (5 hours!) - ruble!
  6. The cost per month (with a mode of 5 hours a day) - 31 rubles!
  7. 20% is the lifetime of the lamp
  8. If the light bulb burns all day long (24 hours), it will spend 5 rubles!

Why did I put exclamation marks? Because in a real burning mode (and then, I took 5 hours a bit too much), the light bulb will spend a meager amount per month - 31 rubles, a ruble a day! Isn't that a penny?

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In a year, this is 31x12 = 372 rubles. If you change such a light bulb every year, then the cost of lighting will be about 400 rubles.

Let's guess what will be costs when using an LED lamp of the same brightness. Manufacturers claim that this corresponds to a power of 6W. Let's believe.

Expenses decreased by 10 times.

If such a light bulb burns around the clock, then it will “wind up” only 50 kopecks. We are interested in the real mode (5 hours a day), the monthly consumption will be 3 rubles 15 kopecks. In the year 3.15x12 \u003d 37 rubles. With the cost of such a lamp on average 250 rubles, the cost of lighting will be less than 300 rubles. in year.

Well, the LED light bulb really saves. The downside is that it pays off in the long term (a year), and capital investments are needed. With a profit of 100 rubles per year on one light bulb, I think this is reasonable, but not critically necessary.

Another disadvantage of LED light bulbs is a gradual decrease in brightness (incandescence always burns evenly), and an unusual spectrum for the eye.

How to save energy on lighting?

I'll list a few offhand.

1. Switch to LED lighting. Fluorescent lamps are an option, but they have several drawbacks: Spectrum, turn-on delay, health hazard if the bulb is broken, electromagnetic interference. Therefore, they must be abandoned, especially at home.

2. Install various automations - a motion sensor that turns on a person, a light sensor that does not allow (fool protection), which does not allow turning on the light more than it should. This also includes walk-through switches, and remote control panels that make it easier to turn off the light from different places. We have a program at our enterprise that includes lighting in the workshop by zones (above the machines), depending on the time of day and the level of illumination.

3. Use informational posters like “ When you leave, turn off the light!", or " Check electricity, gas, water, keys, phone!” at the exit from the house. Scandal with “non-switchers”.

4. Make the most of natural light. At the same time, use large windows, glass roofs, light guides, plan work so as not to use artificial lighting. It happens that a successfully cut branch outside the window reduces the time the light burns in the room by an hour or two per day.

5. Buy light bulbs with less power. True, if you sharpen your focus on this and live in the gloom, there may be problems with the eyes, a headache, and what is more expensive?

6. Divide the room into light zones and groups. For example, hall. The chandelier (5 horns) is switched on through a two-gang switch, it includes groups (LED lamps) 5 + 5 W and 5 + 5 + 5 W. This is general lighting. However, it is necessary to have local lighting in each room, by zones - above the armchair, for reading, a night lamp, near the bed, a table lamp on the computer (desk) desk. You should not get carried away with this either - if you sit in a dark apartment with one light bulb above your desk, your eyes will quickly get tired due to the large contrast. In addition, “Babayka may come”))

On New Year's holidays, drink 1 bottle of vodka less - and now, we can say that the light bulb will burn for free for a whole year.

How to save electricity consumed by an electric heater

Here I will give you some advice.

  1. Limit the area (volume) of heating. If you want to heat the gym, you can fry with ten oil heaters, but it will be of no use.
  2. Use heat guns. They are more efficient in terms of convection, that is, they quickly spread heat around the room.
  3. Eliminate all cracks and drafts. Otherwise, what's the point?
  4. Make proper thermal insulation of the room. All surfaces (floor, ceiling, walls, windows), and especially their joints, should be a poor conductor of cold (not to mention cold air). I have an example - the seal on the front door to the apartment has worn out and the foam in the installation of plastic windows has collapsed from time to time. In the summer I put everything in order, now the apartment is noticeably warmer.
  5. Do not put close to the wall - otherwise part of the thermal energy will be spent on heating it. What if the wall is outside?
  6. The surface of the heater (and the inside of the heat gun) must be free from dust and other contaminants. Otherwise, heat transfer will be difficult.
  7. Properly and optimally install the thermostat. Set the correct temperature. Why heat the room up to 28 Celsius, if 20-22 is quite enough in winter?
  8. If you leave the room, turn off the heater not at the time of leaving, but half an hour before that.

Any more tips? I would be grateful, write in the comments.

And how to assess where the heat goes, you can find out with the help of a thermal imager, which is sold great number on aliexpress.

How to save on electricity consumed by the refrigerator

Here is a long-term perspective - buying a class A refrigerator. In addition, you need to decide whether such a huge refrigerator of such a popular brand is needed?

The average power consumption of the refrigerator is 300 watts. Let's think and analyze:

Despite the fact that the refrigerator is constantly plugged in, it works cyclically, I think about a third of the day (8 hours). An extreme case - if you open the door of the refrigerator, it will push without turning off all 24 hours, while spending 25 rubles. (Repair and a sharp decrease in the resource in this case will be omitted).

And if he works normally, he will spend 8 rubles per day. Per month - 250. Per year - 3000! Sum.

Therefore, it is important to know

How to save energy on your refrigerator

1. Close the door. There are models where a signal sounds when the door is open. It disciplines. Do not make a cult of food, do not click the door every 5 minutes to see “what we have delicious there”. Buy appropriate magnets))

2. Thoroughly clean the heat exchanger (radiator at the back) at least once a year. This increases the efficiency of work, and hence the efficiency.

3. Check the integrity of the door gaskets, if loose, adjust or replace.

4. Check if the light is on when the door is closed? It really happened to me, the door limit switch broke.

5. Set the temperature correctly. Is it really necessary for a chicken put in the freezer to turn stone in an hour? In addition, in summer the temperature can be raised, and in winter, when the temperature in the apartment drops, it can be lowered. According to rough estimates, if you raise the temperature in the refrigerator by 1 degree, you can save up to 50 rubles. per month.

6. The refrigerator must be installed in such a way that it is not exposed to sunlight and heat from other appliances. In addition, there must be air circulation to remove heat from the back wall.

7. In the winter months, you can refuse the refrigerator altogether. When the temperature is below +4 on the balcony or outside the window from December to March, why not store food there? In addition, now supermarkets are at every turn. And stockpiling food for the future can be considered a relic of the past. Bought, cooked, ate. 50 years ago there were no refrigerators at all, how did people live?

8. Once every 1-2 months, you can guess so that the minimum amount of food remains (for example, before a general trip to the supermarket). This will allow you to defrost and wash the refrigerator without straining, which will also facilitate its work, extend its service life, and save us electricity and ultimately money.

9. When leaving on vacation, you can guess with the products in such a way as to turn off the refrigerator altogether. Let him rest. At the same time save us a hundred or two.

Television. How to save?

Here in each family individually, I took into account 5 hours a day.

Do you watch TV at all? You are doing the right thing! Any programs and films can now be downloaded or watched online.

I took the average TV power of 100 watts.

Per month - 50 rubles. A little.

How to save on TV?

1. Don't turn it on at all. If there is, sell it. To some, this will seem insanity, but I have several friends who do not have a TV. And they are quite adequate, educated, informed people with pure brains.

2. In modern digital TV, it is possible to program the time to turn on and off the desired program.

Saving on a washing machine

A classic washing machine consumes about 2 kW of power, but this is highly dependent on the washing mode and the set temperature.

I took 9 hours a month - that's about 5-6 laundry times a month, okay?

How to save money on a washing machine?

1. washing mode. It is necessary to set the optimal washing time (for example, exclude soaking). Reduce spin speed. Especially in summer. What difference does it make if the clothes dry after 2 or 3 hours. Although, there must be two spins, otherwise detergent will remain in the laundry, this is not very good.

2. Temperature during soaking (prewash). The heater (heater) in the washing machine consumes most of the energy (up to 80%). Therefore, it is especially important to reduce its consumption. Think, maybe you will be quite satisfied with the quality of washing if you reduce the heating temperature from 70 to 40 ° C? In addition, when washing colored and delicate clothes, it is better not to raise the temperature above 40 ° C, or you can turn off the heat altogether.

3. Washing without heating the water with a heating element. We have been washing for a long time without a heating element at all, I just turned it off. And here's the point. There is always hot water at home. When connecting the washing machine, I summed up both cold and hot water. They open each with its own tap. At the beginning of the wash, we open the “hot” tap for soaking, and then the “cold” tap. In this case, it is necessary to install a non-return valve, otherwise there may be cases when there will be only hot water in the entire apartment (or even the entrance). Or just cold.

4. Wash by hand only. In a basin, river, sea, lake. (Did I mention that some of the advice would be senile? However, our grandmothers washed it this way)

5. Give linen to the laundry or neighbors/relatives/acquaintances… Energy savings – 100%.

Iron. Saving

The iron follows the wash and is its logical continuation.

The average power of the iron is 2400 watts. However, its consumption is highly dependent on the set temperature.

Consumed Power, W Work per day, hours Work per month, hours Cost per hour, rub. Cost per day, rub. Cost per month, rub. Working hours, % Max. cost per day
2400 0,02 0,6 8,4 0,168 5,04 0,08 201,6

A little over half an hour a month. But of course it depends on what kind of family. If there are small children, this time can be calculated in hours.

How to save money when using an iron

1. Set the lowest possible temperature

2. Eliminate downtime - turn on the power for 30 seconds, turn off at breaks for more than a minute, and turn off completely 30 seconds before the end of ironing.

3. But should you always use an iron? If the linen is shaken well after washing, and then hung out on a special dryer that reduces deformation, then the dry linen will be of quite acceptable quality. And the iron will not need to be turned on at all.

4. After washing and drying as described in the previous paragraph, lay out the laundry carefully so that it does not wrinkle. In addition, there are many fabrics that do not need to be ironed at all, inherently.

Saving on a microwave oven

According to my estimates, the microwave runs for about 15 minutes a day. This is just for warming up. I can’t imagine how to cook in it, the dishes have no taste.

With this use, the cost of money is about 25 rubles. per month. A penny, but even they will try to save.

How to reduce microwave consumption

1. Defrosting. It is better to think over everything in advance, and get the meat 3-4 hours before cooking. Or put it under running hot water. And to exclude the use of defrosting.

2. Cook only on gas. It is cheaper, especially if the apartment does not have a gas meter.

3. Cooking on a fire. Yes, yes, if you have a private house, a brazier, firewood is harvested, then in the summer you can get together with your family at least every day and cook dinner.

A computer

I took for example a normal, gaming computer. Its consumption, including the monitor and speakers, is about 600 watts.

When working 2 hours a day, you will have to pay more than 120 rubles per month.

But still,

How to save electricity on a computer?

1. Most consumption is when watching movies in HD quality and when playing cool games. In general, the time spent at the computer can be reduced only if you are not a journalist, writer or blogger)

2. If you are not an advanced gamer and you do not need a publishing system, then a computer with a system unit is not needed at all, I consider this a relic.

3. The best option is to purchase a laptop, its consumption is 10 times less, and for most tasks it is quite suitable.

Split system, air conditioning

Many do not know the difference between a split system and an air conditioner. But that's okay. Many do not know the difference between cool and fresh air!

Air conditioning - how to save?

1. The first thing that asks is not to turn it on and not to buy it. Now the split system is a sign of secure, comfortable housing. I agree that this is relevant for Taganrog and other southern regions of the country. But I don’t understand why put a split where the temperature in summer rarely exceeds 25 ° C. Far East, Siberia, St. Petersburg - why do you need it?

2. If the temperature rose to 25°C in May, is it necessary to turn on the split? I'm against. Instead of enjoying the first summer warmth, listening to the birds singing with open windows, inhaling the smells of flowers and herbs - sitting, bottled up, in “comfort”? And if insidious insects overcome - put up nets!

3. It's unhealthy. I have already said that people do not understand that a split does not freshen the air, it just lowers its temperature. Many people generally think that a split takes air from the street and cools it. As a result, people breathe air with a low oxygen content, because. it is not updated. It also increases the risk of allergies and colds.

4. If the split is now on, increase its temperature by a couple of degrees. You will not become unhappy people, and in the summer month you will save a couple of hundred rubles.

5. To increase the efficiency and quality of the split system, clean it every year. In this case, it is better to invite a professional. On hot days, use curtains, blinds, reflective films on windows.

6. If you live on the lower floors or in a private house, plant trees on the sunny side. Here it is, the long term!

Electric kettle

The kettle usually consumes about 2 kW, here is the consumption table:

Consumed Power, W Work per day, hours Work per month, hours Cost per hour, rub. Cost per day, rub. Cost per month, rub. Working hours, % Max. cost per day
2200 0,25 7,5 7,7 1,925 57,75 1,04 184,8

15 minutes a day is three times to boil water.

How to save electricity on an electric kettle?

1. It is better to replace an electric kettle with a gas one, and I wrote about this in the section on the microwave.

2. There is no point in pouring a full kettle, extra time and energy consumption. It is better to pour as much as you need, + 15%.

Learn to unplug unused electrical appliances from the mains. In addition to not wasting electricity, they are less likely to be damaged during a thunderstorm when there is interference or high voltage on the network. In addition, it is generally dangerous to leave turned on devices for a long time unattended, even if they are in idle mode.

To make it convenient to turn off devices, use carriers (extension cords, pilots) with a switch. In addition, there is a power indicator and protection against overloads and power surges.

When purchasing devices, find out if the settings are saved when they are disconnected from the network. Is it really that hard for manufacturers to get a microwave to keep time when the power goes out?

In conclusion, I publish an Excel file, substituting data for each device in the first two columns (power, W and operating time per day, hours), you can automatically calculate the consumption of each device.

And then add up all the values, and compare with reality.

/ For household electrical appliances. You can substitute your power and operating time data per day., xlsx, 13.48 kB, downloaded: 704 times./

An iron is one of the most energy-consuming appliances in your home. It is much more powerful than a TV, vacuum cleaner, refrigerator, computer or microwave. Every time you iron, a lot of energy is consumed to heat up the iron, as well as to create the steam we need when ironing wrinkles and heavily wrinkled clothes.

This elegant and reliable iron reduces energy consumption by 25%. This is achieved through an automatic energy-saving mode, as well as through an ergonomic steam supply.

Stop throwing money away. Thrift is the key to a successful financial future. Start saving money now without changing your lifestyle.

It is difficult to replace all the appliances in the house with energy-saving ones. It is much easier to replace the most energy-consuming appliances that we use most often. These are the kettle and iron.

Product Features

  • Provides comfort and convenience even during long ironing
  • The "Steam Boost" function will knock out even the most stubborn creases
  • This iron will last a very long time due to the prevention of scale formation using the Active Calc system
  • Gentle ironing is ensured by preventing water from leaking onto clothes
  • Finally, it saves you money

An excellent energy-saving iron for the most intelligent and caring housewives. It is not a shame to give it for a birthday or New Year. It will do a long and faithful service, and the money saved through it can be spent on yourself or put in a bank at interest.

Not so long ago, in our markets, on the Internet, in some print media and even on television, an advertisement appeared for a miracle device, which, according to advertisers, can save up to 30-35% of electricity. What is this device? How is it arranged? And is it really true that he is able to save so much energy?

At about the same time, in different regions, these devices appeared under different names. Here are some examples of these devices: SberBox,smartBox, Energy Saver, Pover Saver, Saving-box, Powersave, Economy etc.

According to the manufacturers and, accordingly, distributors, the device is simply plugged into the socket, and it starts working, that is, saving our hard-earned money.

The cost of this device, depending on the region of distribution and the "generosity" of the sellers, ranged from $10 to $70. In the simplest version, the device is designed for a 15 kW load for a single-phase network, that is, for an average house. There are also devices for three-phase networks. For example, such a device for saving electricity, designed to operate in a three-phase network, for a load of up to 48 kW, has the size of an ordinary pack of washing powder.

The first acquaintance with the description of this device for saving electricity causes electrical engineers delight, mixed with a sense of their own incompetence. The device has a solid list of features implemented with the help of mysterious, patented technical innovations.

It is difficult for specialists to imagine how such functions as reactive power compensation, noise filtering, protection against phase imbalance and lightning strikes can be implemented in one device. The revolutionary possibility of converting reactive electrical energy into active energy has no analogues at all. Such a prospect immediately brings the power engineers of industrial enterprises into a state of ecstasy.

Let's take a closer look at a wonderful product and think about whether it is possible to realize all the declared characteristics in one device. And is it not too little for him to ask? After all, automatic capacitor units of comparable power cost 4-6 times more.

Stabilizers for leveling the voltage imbalance in the phases are also not cheap. Harmonic filters, bulky products containing a large amount of iron and copper, also do not suffer from low prices. Combining the capabilities of all these devices in one product is a truly impressive achievement.

The advertising articles contain magnificent photographs of the appearance of the device, wiring diagrams. But images of devices with an open case are almost impossible to find. And you can understand why: instead of the declared 5 blocks and modules, such as a programmable controller and a control (?) transformer, there is a simple, miserable set of parts.

So, we purchased one of these devices in order to try to deal with it. What does he represent. This is a small box resembling an ordinary charger, there are two LEDs on the front panel.

Taking the liberty, we tried to look inside this wonderful device. What did we see inside? Inside there was a diode bridge, a capacitor of indefinite capacity and a small power supply unit from which the LEDs were powered. AND …. actually everything. The most expensive part is a stylish case with a power plug. The total cost of components is unlikely to exceed 3-4 dollars, and the cheapest model is already on sale for 40. What kind of energy savings can we talk about with such a scheme?

Howsmart boyallows you to save energy

So, after all, what happens when using this type of energy-saving devices? And here you have to plunge a little into the theory, without this you can’t go anywhere. Let's try to put everything in a simple, understandable language.

So, energy is active and reactive. We will not dwell on higher harmonics, interference in the power grid, phase shifts and other tricks, we will only consider what can really be encountered in real life, in everyday conditions, so to speak.

Ordinary household consumers of electricity, that is, you and I, pay for the consumption of active energy. Large enterprises also pay for reactive energy. To do this, they have installed special counters that count this same reagent.

In fact, they, the enterprises, do not consume it, they produce it. That is, equipment with a large inductive component generates reactive energy, which additionally loads the networks. In order to “unload” electrical networks from a negative load, there are special devices - Reactive Power Compensators, that is, KRM.

These very KRMs are quite bulky and complex devices, moreover, they are initially calculated for a certain load. And this miracle device, which is actually now being discussed, if it can save something, theoretically, then only with a strictly defined load. And to calculate this very load is almost impossible.

Many modern devices are already initially equipped with devices for compensating the reactive component. So, for example, almost all computer power supplies are equipped with Passive PFC, which reduces energy consumption by 5-10%. But in this case, the ratings of the capacitance, inductor and other iron were very carefully calculated, which made it possible to reduce electricity consumption.

From everything that was written above, we can conclude that it is pointless to compensate for anything at home, living conditions.

But, in fairness, our experiments in production showed that, when using a three-phase static CRM, it gave some results. Namely, it allowed to stabilize the phase imbalance by 10-15%, that is, to evenly distribute the load between the phases. But this is in production, where the loads were relatively constant. So, draw your own conclusions.

How a miracle device converts reactive energy into active energy

Let's talk separately about the conversion of reactive energy into active energy. Now only the energy-saving device Smart Boy declares such a possibility. In electrical engineering, there are neither theoretical justifications for such a possibility, nor practical implementations of devices. All attempts to obtain more detailed technical information from dealers about this amazing opportunity have been unsuccessful. They either quoted promotional presentations or referred to the "know-how" of the developers.

The triumph of modern technology or a grand scam?

What worries specialists is completely incomprehensible to the rest of the population, far from electrical engineering. Well, how can you resist when on the TV screen a gray-haired doctor of technical sciences (is it a doctor?) heartfeltly describes the profitability of acquiring a device at a discount for pensioners? Judging by the scope and duration of the commercials, sales are doing well.

In conclusion, it can be said that, unfortunately, a huge number of people, including those familiar with electrical engineering, have become victims of a giant scam called the Smart Boy Energy Saver and similar energy saving devices. These devices do not have any unique or revolutionary properties, they are absolutely useless in production and, moreover, in everyday life.

References to the fact that the products are certified in the CIS countries (it is understood that consumer properties are confirmed by serious organizations) are just a slyness, calculated on ignorance of certification procedures. The check is carried out only in terms of product safety indicators, consumer properties are not considered at all. In other words: if you bought a chocolate bar bitter like wormwood, then it can be absolutely safe for you, but the taste - sorry.

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