What are the consequences of physical inactivity for a person? Physical inactivity or hypokinesia. Symptoms of the “disease of civilization”

The fact that physical inactivity has literally become a problem in the modern world has long been clear. Cars, elevators, various household appliances, working at a computer and other familiar things have a negative impact on health - a person leads an inactive lifestyle, and problems with well-being arise. What signs will indicate the development of physical inactivity and what to do about it?

Symptoms of physical inactivity

Of course, everyone understands that they need to do some kind of physical exercise, but few people think that the symptoms of physical inactivity are not only rapidly growing weight. What you need to pay attention to:

Every person notices the described signs periodically, but few people associate them with physical inactivity. But if such sensations already exist, then it’s time to think about activating your own lifestyle.

Do you think that moving around while cleaning your apartment with a vacuum cleaner and going to the store is enough? You are wrong! A person needs to move a lot, especially considering the harmfulness of the food we eat. The consequences of physical inactivity can be very serious:

  1. Gaining extra pounds. This, of course, looks terrible, but is not the worst consequence of the condition in question.
  2. Muscle tissue atrophy. It becomes difficult for a person to walk even a kilometer. And you don’t even have to think about climbing the stairs - the pain in your legs will be so severe that you will have to take a lying position.
  3. Brain function is impaired. Even if work activity is associated with documents and calculations/calculations, physical inactivity will lead to decreased performance and drowsiness - this is due to the fact that too little oxygen reaches the brain tissues along with the blood.
  4. Metabolic processes are disrupted. And this, in turn, is a direct path to the development of blood vessel disease, which is accompanied by unstable blood pressure, fragility of the vessel walls and spontaneous bleeding.
  5. Posture is impaired. This occurs due to weakening of the back muscles - they are simply not able to constantly hold the spine in a normal position.

Do not forget that physical inactivity leads to disturbances in human reproductive function, and this is especially common in women. Extra pounds and poor circulation in the pelvis provoke a decrease in the production of female hormones and disruption of the menstrual cycle.

Note:It is very important to pay attention to physical inactivity in childhood. According to medical observations, when sitting for a long time at a desk or desk, blood circulation processes deteriorate, which leads to a decrease in concentration and attention. And if a child spends more than 5 hours a day at a table (whether at a computer or a construction set), then the risk of developing incorrect posture increases 5-7 times.

Solving the problem of physical inactivity is quite easy - you just need to follow the recommendations of specialists:

Agree, there is nothing complicated - all you need to do is walk more and do exercises, everything is banal. But the difficulty of solving the problem of physical inactivity lies in the fact that all the described recommendations must be followed constantly, regularly, without holidays or weekends.

Human health is a regulator of life. It is health that determines your mood, opens or limits opportunities, allows or prohibits planning and dreaming. And everyone loves to dream.

Despite the pervasive propaganda of a healthy lifestyle (healthy lifestyle), maintaining it in the modern world is a real achievement. And the conditions of the modern world negatively affect the condition of the body. This includes poor ecology, stress, poor nutrition and, finally, what the article is devoted to - lack of exercise.

What is this?

Inactivity, or physical inactivity, is the cessation of the normal functioning of the human body due to a decrease in body mobility. Moreover, a decrease in activity leads to disruption of the activity of various body systems (primarily the musculoskeletal system, also blood circulation, breathing).

Why is physical inactivity dangerous?

Muscle tone is the key to normal functioning of the heart muscle and nutrition of the main internal organs. An inconsistent supply of oxygen to the heart muscle can lead to serious problems: coronary heart disease or arrhythmia. Bones also suffer. Due to insufficient activity and load on the musculoskeletal system, the strength of bone tissue decreases, which in turn can lead to deformation of the core of our body - the skeleton. Due to the close connection between muscle fibers and nerves, physical inactivity can have a negative impact on a person’s emotional state: nervous breakdowns begin, reaction and coordination deteriorate, and irritability appears to reactive factors of the surrounding world. Metabolism deteriorates, which leads to “clogging” of the body with waste and toxins.

The body's resistance to viruses decreases. With constant physical activity and a long stay in low temperature conditions (like skiers), the body adapts to work even when body temperature drops to 35 degrees. Physical activity also helps to increase performance when body temperature rises during illness: people leading a sedentary lifestyle at a body temperature of 37-38 degrees can no longer show high results in work, while athletes maintain performance until their body temperature rises to 39 degrees.

In some cases, inactivity is a prerequisite for the occurrence of diseases that progress over time and lead to death. Agree, the prognosis is unpleasant.

What is the reason?

The decrease in human activity in the world is due, first of all, to the automation of production: what previously had to be done manually, with great effort, can now be done by simply touching a button on the control system. The second reason for the appearance of physical inactivity is the ever-increasing urbanization, which attracts residents of villages and villages with comfort (mobility of movement and the prevalence of means of communication). People travel vast distances in cars, trains and planes without expending energy. Sometimes it gets ridiculous: people who have their own car drive it to the store, which is located across the street from their house. The third reason is the sedentary lifestyle of an office worker, whose entire day consists of sitting motionless in a chair. The number of specialties that require physical labor is also decreasing. Nowadays, professions related more to the creation of an intellectual product (programmers, designers, copywriters, etc.) are in demand. And this, of course, is working on a computer. Here we can add banal human laziness, which is expressed in the search for conditions for the minimum expenditure of effort when performing any actions.

It has been proven that after a month of “bed rest” a person’s performance decreases, metabolism is disrupted, due to a decrease in muscle mass, both complex and elementary movements become difficult, sleep is disturbed, and the person feels constant fatigue.


Hypokinesia, in contrast to physical inactivity, is literally “decreased movement.” That is, restrictions on the motor activity of the human body. Research has shown that two people, after spending several days in a lying position with continuous contact, quarreled with each other. Added to this was a gradual increase in indifference to everything that was happening, apathy. The activity of the heart rhythm was disrupted: tachycardia (frequent heartbeat) and hypertension appeared. And this is not a complete list of pathologies.

How can I tell if I have hypodynamia syndrome?

Here is a list of the main symptoms of physical inactivity:

1. Decreased performance, lethargy;

2. Deterioration in general health;

3. Sleep disturbance;

4. Decreased appetite;

5. Headache.

Symptoms of physical inactivity are dangerous because they are often disguised as vitamin deficiency or meteoneurosis (deterioration of well-being and mood due to weather conditions). And if measures are not taken to eliminate physical inactivity, this can lead to more serious problems:

1. VSD (vegetative-vascular distance);

2. Tissue atrophy;

3. Obesity.

I would like to write about the last point in more detail. Physical inactivity is associated with obesity. How does this happen? A person leading a sedentary lifestyle does not need many calories. However, while limiting himself in movements, he does not limit himself in nutrition, and as a result he ends up gaining excess weight.

Another dangerous consequence of prolonged physical inactivity is the weakening of a person’s immune system: the body’s resistance and ability to recover are reduced.

How much more harm does inactivity have to cause for people to see it as a danger and stop serving it?

How to deal with physical inactivity?

Of course, increase physical activity. Walk more - to work, to university, to school.

In the morning, do a warm-up on the main muscle groups - this tones you up and gets you ready for work.

A 10-minute daily evening jog (which, by the way, is ideal for losing weight) will be helpful.

Skip the elevator! Climbing the stairs every day will not only strengthen the heart muscle, but also provide the body with the necessary physical activity.

Shopping. Combine business with pleasure. Walking and heavy bags will do the trick.

Stop smoking! And abuse alcohol. In general, if possible, give up bad habits that interfere with the normal functioning of body systems.

Sign up for a swimming pool: swimming provides the necessary stress on all muscle groups. If you don’t have the desire or skill to swim, spend your leisure time in the gym, dancing, yoga (you can practice at home, having only a mat and a little free space).

Use pedometer apps on your smartphones. Such programs allow you to count the number of steps per day, thanks to which a person has a desire to beat his previous record every day, walking further and further.

Finally, an option for people whose profession is inextricably linked with working on a computer: buy an expander. An uncomplicated and simple device strengthens the muscles of the forearm.

Start eating right. And not from Monday, but right now. Drink more water, green tea, freshly squeezed juice. A balanced diet will not only improve your well-being, improve your health, but also prolong your life.

An important component of a healthy lifestyle is natural forces, such as the sun. Therefore, in summer, spend a moderate amount of hours in the sun and do not sit at home.

It is necessary to comply with the work schedule. You should not overdo it in doing work, especially if it involves strong emotions.

Normalize your sleep schedule. Start falling asleep and waking up at the same time. An 8-hour sleep will provide your body with rest and restored immunity. But don't overuse it. Long sleep can cause fatigue, and the body will lose precious strength.

Start to harden up! This will increase the body's resistance to viruses and strengthen the immune system. Find the most optimal way of hardening for you personally: it could be a contrast shower, winter swimming (swimming in ice water), wiping. A popular and effortless means of hardening is walking barefoot. Thanks to it, you can not only correct the shape of the foot, but also, by stimulating biological points, prevent stroke and heart attack.

To transform your lifestyle from sedentary to dynamic, it is not enough to simply perform motor actions uncontrollably. It is important to listen to the body and follow certain rules.

Here are some of them:

1. For an hour, or better yet, do not eat food.

2. But you can drink water, however, in half an hour. This will protect your body from dehydration and create additional problems.

3. Leave tight, synthetic clothing for cultural leisure. A loose sports uniform, preferably made from natural fabrics, is suitable here.

4. When performing exercises that require significant effort, do not hold your breath. Breathe evenly and through your nose.

5. Practice in the mornings or evenings in the area from 17:00 to 19:00. This is the best time.

6. Try to perform the movements not automatically, but with diligence and positive emotions. The right psychological attitude will add effectiveness and benefits to physical exercise.

Physical inactivity in children

School-age children can become hostage to physical inactivity. Firstly, spending a long time at a desk in a sitting position leads to stagnation of blood in the lower extremities, which is why other organs and, first of all, the brain are deprived of oxygen. Hence the deterioration of memory and concentration. Secondly, insufficient physical activity leads to weakening of the back muscles. Hence - skeletal deformation and poor posture.

Symptoms of physical inactivity in children

These include:

1. Lethargy;

2. Backlog in studies;

3. Lack of desire to do anything, even play;

4. Drowsiness;

Treatment in children

Here you cannot do without an attentive and sympathetic attitude towards the child. Explain to him the benefits of physical education, instill the habit of doing exercises in the morning (or better yet, take part in this yourself), and enroll him in a sports section. Spend more time together outdoors, giving your child physical exercise. Be sure to encourage his success!

Choosing your sport

If you find it difficult to decide on the choice of sport, here are some recommendations.

First, remember what you were interested in as a child or who you wanted to become. Maybe a figure skater or a skier, a runner or a cyclist. Chess won't do. Playing sports through the realization of a child's dream will be more effective.

Take a temperament test. For inert, calm people (phlegmatic people, for example), activities such as yoga or rock climbing are suitable - where concentration is required. For active and active choleric people, appropriate games for reaction and speed are suitable: volleyball, football, table tennis, etc.

If you are an extrovert and a sociable person, then group sports are perfect. You can exercise both in sports centers and simply with friends or relatives in open areas.

Even if it is reluctant or difficult at first, never give up! After a few months, your body will become so accustomed to constant mobility that you will begin to wonder how you ever lived without it and how much time you wasted.

Active physical activity will not only improve your mood and health, but will also allow you to save money on treatment for the consequences of physical inactivity.

Movement is life! Even people who are in the rehabilitation period after injuries or operations need at least minimal movement, in combination with a restorative massage and special nutrition.

Move for your health! Instill in your children an awareness of the need to lead a healthy lifestyle!

I would like to end with the words of the great classic I.S. Turgenev: “Happiness is like health: when you don’t notice it, it means it’s there.”

When sitting in one place for a long time, the body gets tired much more than during active physical activity - it is unnatural for a person to stay in one position for a long time. The blood in the body stagnates, the muscles weaken, and various diseases arise.
To avoid all these troubles, many special exercises have been invented that people can perform while sitting in one position. Even while traveling, you can strengthen your body and feel great! Even those who have never tried this practice will enjoy these accessible yoga poses.

1. Awakening
This pose will help you cheer up in the morning, tone your muscles and begin to take control of your day. Sit upright with your hands on your hips. Take a deep breath and feel your chest rise. Exhale, lowering your chin. Repeat this 5 times.

2. Balance pose
Lean your shoulder blades against the wall, place your feet shoulder-width apart. Lean completely on the wall, align yourself as if you were lying on the floor. Inhale deeply, lifting your chest and moving away from the wall. The lower part of the body should remain static. Try to breathe as deeply as possible, feel how the air fills the entire volume of your lungs.

3. Inner strength
An excellent pose for those who want to instantly concentrate and calm down. Connect your fingers on your chest, pull them away from each other with force, then in the opposite direction. Press tightly together. Keep your shoulders straight, lower them slightly down. Try to breathe while holding your hands tightly together, as if you are creating a protective barrier around yourself.

4. Healthy spine
When sitting for a long time, for example, on an airplane or doing painstaking work in front of a laptop, you need to take care of the correct position of the spine and relieve it. Roll a towel or scarf into a tight roll and place it between your back and the back of a chair. Lean back, feeling the freedom in your chest and shoulders. Breathe evenly and deeply. This pose is great for coping with the difficulties of sitting for long periods of time!

5. Stretching the thigh muscles
To relieve tension from tired and swollen legs, just place one leg on the table and move it slightly to the side. Feel the tension in the muscles, bend in the direction of the bent leg. Do the same with the other leg.

6. Neck relaxation
Tilt your head in different directions and exhale. Allow your neck to relax completely. This exercise restores blood circulation in the brain well and helps you continue to work productively, even when you have a headache. If you have neck pain, try also doing exercises to move your head up and down using your neck muscles.

7. Shoulder stretch
This pose is useful when your back and shoulders hurt. Interlace your arms in front of you, stretch your shoulders and shoulder blades in different directions. Change hands so that either your right or your left hand is on top. Breathe deeply. Repeat this exercise 5 times for each arm. Make sure your head is level.

8. Predator pose
A pose that will relieve tension from the entire back and give inner peace. Place your hands behind your back, palms facing the back of the chair. Gently lean back, straighten your chest. Reach your opposite elbows with your hands, stretch and freeze in this position for a while.

9. Renewal of energy
This pose can be performed even on public transport! Grasp the handrail with one hand and stretch. Focus on the side you are leaning towards. Feel the stretch in the side muscles of your body. Take a deep breath and exhale several times, and do the same with the other hand.

With this approach to yoga, even those people who have absolutely no time for special classes in the gym will become professionals. You can be in a completely static position and at the same time perform complex poses that instantly charge you with energy and restore vigor. A healthy body and a calm mind are worth a few minutes of exercise each day.

The downside of progress

Half a century ago, only people with serious chronic diseases or those who were injured and were forced to remain in bed for a long time suffered from physical inactivity. Nowadays, many people lead a sedentary lifestyle - both adults and children. Lack of the proper amount of physical activity leads to significantly more unpleasant consequences than is commonly thought.

Physical inactivity is a limitation of physical activity caused by lifestyle, professional activity, prolonged bed rest, a person’s stay in conditions of weightlessness (long-term space flights), etc. In children, the development of physical inactivity is often associated with the child’s irrational daily routine, overload and academic work, which leaves little time for walks, games, and sports.

Several decades ago, people were much more involved in physical labor: dachas, vegetable gardens, hard work in production, hand washing, cleaning - all this was an integral part of the life of any person. Nowadays, life has become much simpler in everyday life: there is no need to move heavy bed linen with your hands when washing, factories are increasingly using advances in robotics, new technologies guarantee us entertainment for which we don’t need to go further than the sofa, and cars have become a fairly affordable means of transportation.

People are freed from the need for hard physical labor to earn their own food, so they can afford to spend more and more time sitting or lying down. In this case, the muscles are deprived of the necessary training, weaken and gradually atrophy. Weakness of muscle tissue negatively affects the functioning of all organs and systems of the human body, neuro-reflex connections established by nature and strengthened in the process of physical labor are disrupted. That is why the direct consequence of physical inactivity is a disorder of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, metabolic disorders and often obesity.

In the UK, for example, scientists note that as early as three-year-old children begin to lead a sedentary lifestyle. They move half as much as is necessary for a growing organism. They are often transported in cars, carried in their arms, and are not allowed to be active in outdoor games on the street or at home.

And this is not surprising: parents themselves reduce the activity of their children by sitting them down to watch cartoons, because it is more convenient. The child will not fit in anywhere, will not break anything, will not break anything, he will sit quietly and watch. There is a phrase: “First we teach children to walk and talk, and then to sit and be silent.” It would be funny if it weren't true. Quiet and calm children cause significantly less trouble, so it is difficult to suspect that something is wrong with the child.

There are children who are predisposed to physical inactivity from birth.. The causes may be minimal brain dysfunction due to heredity, birth trauma, or intrauterine hypoxia. And yet, most often, childhood physical inactivity is caused by the child’s incorrect lifestyle, in the formation of which the parents are to blame. Physical inactivity becomes a consequence of excess weight up to obesity, the habit of sitting at the computer, TV, books for a long time, lack of walks in the fresh air, complete disregard for any physical activity, from small errands around the house to sports.

The effect of physical inactivity on the child’s body.

Physical inactivity is much more dangerous for children than for adults. This is due to the fact that the child’s body is just being formed, and it needs movement for proper and harmonious development. And adults rarely pay attention to the symptoms of physical inactivity. We often attribute everything to stress, poor environment and poor quality nutrition. Although in many cases, malaise, lethargy, drowsiness, low performance and insomnia are associated precisely with lack of movement.

Physical inactivity is especially dangerous in early childhood and school age. It sharply delays the formation of the body, negatively affects the development of the musculoskeletal system, cardiovascular, endocrine and other body systems. The body’s resistance to pathogens of infectious diseases is also significantly reduced: children often get sick, diseases can become chronic. Low mobility in children can lead to more pronounced dysfunction than in adults, to a decrease in not only physical, but also mental performance.

Physical activity of children plays a very important role in the development of the child’s motor skills, in the formation of neural connections between the musculoskeletal system, the central nervous system and internal organs, in the development of muscles and skeleton, in the formation of the child’s posture, in the regulation of metabolic processes, blood circulation and respiration, in the development of the cardiovascular system.

According to some reports, the level of physical activity in children in educational institutions is two to three times less than the required minimum. Today's children are almost half as active as their peers were 50 years ago. Today, hypokinesia is recorded in 50% of boys and 75% of girls of school age. These are huge numbers! At the same time, only 1.4% of parents engage in physical education with their children daily or at least periodically. According to the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, due to poor health, about a million schoolchildren are completely exempt from physical education lessons. Although for sick children physical education is even more necessary than for healthy ones.

Prevention of physical inactivity.

Civilized countries are trying to solve problems associated with the growing number of obese people of all ages, including children and adolescents. Many doctors associate obesity with an increase in the incidence of cardiovascular diseases and a decrease in average human life expectancy in developed countries. But all this is a direct consequence of a sedentary lifestyle. Transforming progress from a hidden enemy into a friend and ally is one of the primary tasks of modern man. The healthy lifestyle movement is growing around the world. More and more people are realizing that a certain dose of physical activity is simply necessary to maintain human health. Meanwhile prevention of physical inactivity much easier than other common childhood and adult health problems. Already newborn babies are prescribed a course of massage several times a year, and mother's massage and daily bathing are an integral part of the daily routine of any healthy young child. All this stimulates the development of the musculoskeletal system. Little children enjoy running, jumping, climbing, crawling, tumbling and generally moving. But by middle preschool age, one of the most important interests is moving your fingers on the touch screen of some gadget. What can we say about schoolchildren who always have these gadgets with them.

I was once amazed that during recess, almost the entire class of sixth graders (with the exception of two or three people) spent 15 minutes playing with toys on their phones, PSP or tablet. That is, children who sat for 45 minutes did not mind sitting for another hour. And that’s when parents should start sounding the alarm. Of course, you can’t get rid of progress, but you can get rid of physical inactivity.

Parents can make physical activity an integral part of their child's life. A great way is a sports section or family walks, hiking and biking or roller skating. Getting a dog is a great solution! Then at least one family member will walk for half an hour at least twice every day.

You shouldn’t be afraid of hiking in the forest or traveling to the mountains. Children love adventure and are much stronger and more resilient than we give them credit for. The intellectual development of children is often now considered a higher priority than physical development, so many children go to clubs for drawing, music, computer literacy and learning, for example, the Chinese language, but dancing and sports are something beyond their reach. It is important for parents and teachers to remember that combining sedentary and active activities is an important element for the harmonious development of a child. Moreover, the choice of clubs is now very large: dancing, swimming, wrestling, athletics, and tennis.

What about school physical education lessons? Let's be honest, many children don't like them because they might not be able to do something. Therefore, by hook or by crook, schoolchildren try to avoid these lessons, and if you persuade your parents, you can try to get an exemption - oh, happiness! - for a year. Parents of healthy children make the mistake of depriving their child of active exercise. Parents of children with health problems should also take care of the required level of activity: you can find alternative ways to exercise or study at home. If space and finances allow, you can purchase some kind of exercise equipment for the whole family - a treadmill, an exercise bike, or even a simple wall bars. There are also relatively inexpensive (3-8 thousand rubles) children's sports complexes, including folding ones, if there is little space. Alternatively, you can buy a membership to a swimming pool, dance studio or any similar group. And parents themselves should set an example for their children. Sit less, move more, and let movement bring joy.

The main indicators of physical inactivity are limitation of motor activity of the body, lack of movement, low load on the body. To function properly, the body needs activity, as well as movement, exercise, and oxygen saturation. This is exactly what the body needs for stable functioning, and this is what is the key to a person’s well-being and good health.

What are the causes of physical inactivity?

There are many reasons for the development of physical inactivity. This includes a too sedentary lifestyle, excessive use of transport, too much bed rest, and for schoolchildren, a heavy workload at school and insufficient sports activities.

The main symptoms of physical inactivity:

General weakness;
rapid fatigue even with light loads;
nervousness, unstable emotional state.

Physical inactivity and its consequences

When a person spends most of his time in a sitting position, when he lacks the necessary physical activity, the muscles begin to weaken, the person’s endurance and strength decrease, vegetative-vascular dystonia develops, and metabolism is disrupted. Physical inactivity over time leads to changes in the musculoskeletal system: osteoporosis, osteoarthrosis and osteochondrosis develop. Physical inactivity also affects the cardiovascular system (arterial hypertension and coronary heart disease develop), the respiratory system (lung diseases), and the digestive system (intestinal dysfunction). Disturbances in the endocrine system lead to obesity. With physical inactivity, the force of heart contractions decreases and body weight decreases. In addition, venous and arterial vessels are weakened, which leads to poor circulation. Disturbances in the metabolism of proteins, carbohydrates and fats are also possible.

The work of the brain also worsens due to physical inactivity: a person’s ability to work, his mental activity decreases, he quickly gets tired, feels general weakness, and suffers from insomnia. As for the effect on the musculoskeletal system, muscle mass decreases, and a fat layer appears between the muscle fibers. Muscle tone decreases, posture is disrupted, and this, in turn, leads to displacement of internal organs. Physical inactivity and its consequences also affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and blood vessels. So, because of it, atherosclerosis, hypertension and varicose veins develop.

What to do? How can a person protect himself from physical inactivity and its consequences? It is clear that for this you need, first of all, to change your daily routine. Of course, we all want to immediately lie down on the sofa in front of the TV after a hard day and enjoy our relaxation. But we must remember that our body needs exercise. In addition, relaxation after exercise is much more pleasant, because the body after training seems so flexible and light. Thus, physical activity will help to avoid physical inactivity - the most common disease of the 21st century.

Only a person who leads a healthy lifestyle can avoid the consequences of physical inactivity. What is meant by a healthy lifestyle? This is rational, more movement, giving up bad habits. Believe me, even 30 minutes of daily physical activity will be very beneficial for you. And walking in the fresh air generally works wonders! Of course, ideally, a person is recommended to go in for sports, go to sports clubs, go to fitness, and go swimming. But if work takes up most of your time and there is simply no such opportunity, then you need to at least simply increase physical activity. For example, if you have a dog, then walk with it every day, and not just stand and wait for it to take a walk, stop using the elevator and walk up to the floor, do light exercises every morning. That is, the motor load must be reasonable, and then this will be the key to physical inactivity and its consequences will not affect you.

Doctors also recommend drinking as much fluid as possible to prevent physical inactivity - teas, compotes, etc. It is doubly useful to drink fruit and vegetable juices - they will help strengthen the immune system. As for nutrition, it should be balanced - more fruits and vegetables, honey is useful. Adequate rest is also very important - a person should sleep at least eight hours. Over time, you yourself will notice that your health has improved. It is really possible to have good health and a beautiful figure, you just need a little perseverance, will and desire to live your life. Each of us has the conditions for all this, we just need to take advantage of it!

Alisa Terentyeva

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