How to treat cervical erosion at home. How to treat cervical erosion at home. Treatment of erosion with herbs


Background diseases of the cervix are diagnosed in almost every woman. Despite their benign quality, if left untreated they can lead to serious consequences, in particular to the oncological process. If benign pathology is treated in time, complications can be avoided.

In gynecological practice, the most common defect in the cervical mucosa, which is commonly called erosion. In fact, most doctors note that the term “erosion” is outdated and does not fully reflect the essence of the pathological process. In modern gynecology, the diagnosis “ectopia” or “pseudo-erosion” is often used.

Up to 50% of the female population of different ages face erosion. An erosive spot is diagnosed in both girls and women after menopause. The frequent occurrence of cervical defects is due to latent progression and many factors of occurrence. The absence of symptoms often leads to the fact that erosion has to be treated at an advanced stage.

Cervical erosion can be cured using cauterization. However, it is not always possible to cure the defect using this method. In some cases, cauterization of the cervix is ​​contraindicated due to pregnancy or lack of a history of childbirth. In this connection, many women are interested in how to cure cervical erosion without cauterization.

The cervix is ​​a barrier organ that connects the uterine body and the vagina. The lower part of the cervix is ​​represented by the external os, and the upper part by the internal os. A significant part of the cervix is ​​invisible during examination. The part of the cervix, called the vaginal part, is examined by the gynecologist using a speculum. Due to the presence of flat multilayered cells, the vaginal part of the cervix has a smooth surface and a pale pink color.

The cervical canal is located inside the cervix. Its anatomical narrowness, cylindrical single-layer cells that produce gland mucus, provide a protective function against infections. The cylindrical cells have a velvety texture and a reddish color.

Flat and cylindrical epithelium are connected in the depths of the external pharynx. This area is called the “transformation zone”.

In order to answer the question whether erosion can be cured without cauterization, it is necessary to determine its clinical appearance. Gynecologists differentiate erosion as three independent conditions, which differ in the causes of occurrence, external signs and treatment tactics.

  • Acquired ectopia or pseudo-erosion. This is the most common type of pathology. It occurs as a result of the replacement of the vaginal area of ​​the cervix with cylindrical cells. The result is a stain that is different in texture and color from the pale pink mucous.

Most ectopias are complicated by infections. It is noteworthy that the infectious factor supports the progression of pseudo-erosion, causing a concomitant inflammatory process.

  • Congenital erosion. In another way, this condition of the cervix is ​​also called congenital ectopia. As in the case of the acquired variant, the squamous epithelium is replaced by single-layer cylindrical cells. However, this is a temporary condition and is a variant of the norm.

With congenital erosion, the invisible transformation zone is displaced due to a violation of the division into types of epithelium during intrauterine development. The doctor diagnoses a correctly shaped spot, often without signs of inflammation. Sometimes, during adolescence or pregnancy, physiological erosion develops, which is also a temporary defect.

  • True erosion. This is the only type of pathology that directly implies a wound, ulcer or erosion. With this option, damage to the integumentary epithelium is observed under the influence of a damaging factor. True erosion is rarely diagnosed due to the short period of its occurrence.

Within two weeks, if the defect is not treated, true erosion will heal on its own. In case of improper healing, pseudo-erosion occurs.

Gynecologists emphasize that not every type of erosion needs to be treated and cauterized. In particular, physiological and congenital erosion disappears as the epithelium matures and hormonal levels normalize. Ectopia must be cured. This erosive spot provokes inflammatory processes and can degenerate into a malignant tumor. The attending physician should determine the method of cauterization and drug therapy, guided by medical history, the reproductive status of the patient and accompanying symptoms.

Causes, symptoms and diagnosis

Cervical erosion can be caused by many reasons, which cause the occurrence of various pathological conditions. Among the causes of erosion, experts identify:

  • infectious and inflammatory processes that need to be promptly eliminated and treated;
  • early sexual activity before the end of epithelial maturation;
  • trauma to the cervix due to rough sexual intercourse, abortion, difficult childbirth and other surgical procedures;
  • improperly selected contraception, and excessive use of chemical spermicides;
  • hormonal fluctuations during puberty, pregnancy, menopause;
  • intrauterine disorders of tissue formation and formation.

Before treating erosion, it is necessary identify and eliminate its causes.

Cervical erosion occurs without symptoms. This is due to the fact that there are no nerve endings on the cervix that could cause pain. The erosive stain also has no effect on the cycle.

Nevertheless, pseudo-erosion in 80% of cases occurs simultaneously with the inflammatory process and hormonal disorders, which cause the appearance of discharge, pain and changes in the duration of the cycle. Before the main treatment of erosion, concomitant gynecological diseases must first be cured.

The defect is identified during a gynecological examination of the cervix in the speculum. Based on the appearance of the defect, the doctor determines its type. To exclude infections and more serious pathologies, such as oncology or dysplasia, you need to undergo an examination.

  • colposcopy in simple and advanced versions;
  • cytological examination of a smear;
  • PCR to detect sexually transmitted infections;
  • bacterial sowing;
  • general smear to determine vaginal microflora.

Treatment is prescribed in accordance with the examination results, the patient’s age and her reproductive status. Sometimes it is possible to treat an erosive spot without cauterization.


Not every erosion should be cauterized. Doctors try to use, first of all, conservative treatment methods. It is possible to cure cervical erosion without surgery in the following cases:

  • congenital erosion;
  • true erosion;
  • small pseudo-erosion.

It is necessary to cure ectopia by cauterization if:

  • cervical dysplasia;
  • large defect;
  • when nabothian cysts or endometriosis are detected;
  • activation of HPV;
  • post-traumatic erosions;
  • ectropion and leukoplakia;
  • papillomatosis;
  • polyp located in the cervical canal.

Drug treatment is carried out both as part of complex therapy and as an independent method. Patients who have been diagnosed with pathology are interested in whether erosion can be cured without cauterization.

In the absence of contraindications to the conservative method, it is possible to cure the disease by:

  • anti-inflammatory suppositories;
  • suppositories with a regenerating effect;
  • preparations for chemical burn formation.

It is possible to cure erosion using the following antimicrobial suppositories:

  • Hexicon;
  • Terzhinan;
  • Betadine;
  • Polygynax.

Suppositories are prescribed according to the pathogen. In the presence of a viral infection, it is advisable to treat with suppositories that have an anti-inflammatory effect.

In order to speed up healing, it is possible to treat with suppositories such as:

  • Depanthol;
  • suppositories with sea buckthorn;
  • Methyluracil.

Treatment of pseudo-erosion with agents that cause chemical burns is recommended to be carried out by specialists. You can cure a small ectopia with these drugs:

  • Solkovagin;
  • Vagotil.

It is possible to cure the formation without cauterization using folk remedies. In particular, many experts who treated the disease recommend using tampons with sea buckthorn oil or honey.

Often it is not possible to cure the disease without cauterization. In this case, the doctor selects the optimal method to cauterize the defect on the cervix.

In modern gynecology, the following cauterization techniques are used:

  • diathermocoagulation, which involves exposure to electric current;
  • laser vaporization, meaning laser treatment;
  • cryodestruction using liquid nitrogen, which freezes tissue;
  • non-contact radio wave treatment with the Surgitron device.

The doctor determines which method to use to cauterize the cervix. Some cauterization techniques, in particular diathermocoagulation, are contraindicated for nulliparous girls. If cauterized with electric current, complications may arise in the form of loss of elasticity of the cervix, which is dangerous during subsequent pregnancy. Radio wave treatment is considered the optimal method of cauterization in modern gynecology. A month after the intervention, the patient must be examined by the doctor who cauterized the spot.

You should not cauterize the cervix during pregnancy. It is advisable to carry out gentle conservative treatment without cauterization and dynamic observation.

Cervical erosion is a disease associated with pathological changes in the microflora of the cervix and the formation of ulcers. Every year the disease is spreading more and more among women.

Erosion is a benign formation that can develop into cancer in the absence of proper treatment. Therefore, it is important to know the main signs of pathology and consult a doctor at their first manifestations.

The disease is diagnosed in every third woman in the world. Women of different ages are at risk, including girls who do not have sexual intercourse with rapid, sharp changes in hormonal levels and a hereditary predisposition to the formation of erosion.

In nulliparous women, cervical erosion often appears, but during pregnancy it sometimes disappears and does not require treatment while waiting for the baby and after childbirth.

Contents of the article:

Main types

Cervical erosion comes in 3 forms - mild, moderate and severe, depending on the level of tissue damage.

There are 3 types of pathology:

There are uncomplicated forms of the disease, in which the uterus regenerates damaged cells on its own, in the absence of treatment, and complicated forms, characterized by modification of the cervix and the appearance of diseases of nearby organs.


Factors contributing to the development of pathology include:

  • human papillomavirus;
  • immune disorders in the female body, especially during pregnancy, childbirth and with a sharp gain of extra pounds;
  • ruptures after childbirth;
  • vaginal inflammation - bacterial vaginosis, thrush, vaginitis.
  • sexually transmitted infections - ureaplasma, chlamydia, mycoplasma, genital herpes, trichomanada;
  • abortions;
  • colpitis;
  • inflammation of a chronic nature - inflammation of the ovaries, cystitis;
  • pathological changes of an endocrine nature;
  • endocervicitis;
  • syphilis;
  • disruptions of the menstrual cycle;
  • tuberculosis;
  • a woman’s sexual activity started too early or late;
  • promiscuous relationships and frequent changes of partners.

Important! The cause of cervical erosion may be overly active sexual intercourse, mechanical means of contraception and improper use of tampons. As a result, injury to the cervix occurs.

Symptoms of the disease

Cervical erosion may not show any signs for many years. That is why regular examinations of a woman by a gynecologist are important to identify pathologies on time.

The disease can occur hidden: without pain, disruptions in the menstrual cycle and pathological heavy discharge.

In rare cases, symptoms of the disorder appear:

If the disease is left untreated for a long time, discharge may indicate the transition of erosion to a malignant form.

Complications of cervical erosion

If there is no treatment and if the disease is not treated, there is a risk of developing severe complications:

  • inflammation;
  • infertility;
  • bleeding;
  • hematomas.

Diagnosis of pathology

To detect cervical erosion, the doctor will perform the following actions and studies:

  • Instrumental examination.
  • Flora smear.
  • Ultrasound examination of the genital organs.
  • Colposcopy.
  • General blood and urine analysis.
  • Tests for sexually transmitted infections and HIV.
  • Cytological studies.
  • A biopsy of uterine cells, which is performed on the 7th day after menstruation.

What can't you do?

After cauterization of cervical erosion, it is prohibited:

  • have sexual intercourse within a month;
  • lift weights;
  • take a hot bath, wash in high temperature water;
  • supercool;
  • exercise;
  • visit solariums and be in direct sunlight;
  • use tampons other than those recommended by your doctor;
  • visit saunas and steam baths;
  • do an ultrasound examination using a vaginal probe;
  • swim in ponds.

If these basic rules are not followed, the epithelium may be damaged and blood vessels may be damaged.

Treatment is not prescribed for the congenital form of the pathology. In this case, specialists monitor the course of the disease.

In other situations, a surgical or conservative method of getting rid of the pathology is used.

Important! If there are additional diseases, they are first targeted with a course of anti-inflammatory, antibacterial medications and immune system modulators.

If there is no effect of treatment, surgical intervention is used:

  1. Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen. The disadvantage of the procedure is the high probability of recurrence of repeated erosion of the cervix. After the session, severe swelling and heavy discharge are possible. The duration of the procedure is 10 minutes.
  2. Diathermocoagulation, which involves the use of electrical waves. The procedure is accompanied by discomfort for women and is not suitable when planning a pregnancy in the next year or for women who do not have children. Duration – 20 minutes.
  3. Treatment with radio waves. Fast, painless and non-contact method. Suitable for nulliparous women and does not leave scars.
  4. Exposure to diode laser. Suitable for nulliparous women, there are practically no contraindications.
  5. Chemical coagulation. It is carried out by cauterization with concentrated acid. Suitable for small erosions. The method is not prohibited for nulliparous women.

If cauterization of cervical erosion is not done in a timely manner, the risk of scarring that affects the birth process increases.

For small erosion, a specialist may prescribe the following remedies:

  • drug treatment;
  • douching;
  • candles.

The goal of conservative treatment is to normalize the vaginal microflora to help the body cope with the disease on its own.

During pregnancy, cervical erosion is dangerous only when combined with diseases of the genitourinary system of infectious origin. In this case, the specialist usually recommends suppositories that reduce the signs of pathology, and treatment is carried out after the birth of the baby.

After completing a course of treatment for cervical erosion, menstrual irregularities are possible for 1-2 months; every woman should visit a doctor for examination at least once every 6 months.

Proper nutrition

To get rid of cervical erosion, it is necessary to compensate for the lack of selenium, vitamins E, C and A and folic acid, which leads to hormonal imbalances and a decrease in a woman’s immunity.

To improve a woman’s condition, it is important to include the following foods in her daily diet:

  • cabbage;
  • lentils;
  • bananas;
  • asparagus;
  • calf liver;
  • Brewer's yeast;
  • citrus fruit;
  • orange and yellow vegetables;
  • walnuts and hazelnuts;
  • celery;
  • leafy green vegetables;
  • olives;
  • vegetable oils;
  • seafood;
  • garlic;
  • parsnip.

How to treat with folk remedies?

The effectiveness of popular folk remedies is not refuted by traditional medicine. The use of recipes based on natural ingredients is possible after consultation with a doctor.

For safety and maximum benefit, you should follow the dosage when preparing the products, the rules of use and storage.

Douching will bring benefits:

  • Dissolve 2 tablespoons of celandine in 2 glasses of water. The decoction is infused for 1 hour, the herb is squeezed out and the infusion is filtered. Douching is carried out for no more than 14 days with a frequency of 1 time in 3 days.
  • To 1 liter of water you need to add 2 tablespoons of crushed chamomile herb. The resulting mixture is boiled in a water bath for about 20 minutes. It is recommended to leave the decoction for 15-20 minutes.

The following recipes have a beneficial effect:

  • Flour, rose hips and vegetable oil are thoroughly mixed. The mixture is boiled over low heat for 3-5 minutes, filtered. The mass is used for night tampons, which are recommended to be used for 2 weeks.
  • The pumpkin pulp should be separated from the seeds, placed in gauze and a tampon inserted into the vagina while you sleep at night. The procedure can be performed up to 4 times a week. It is recommended to additionally consume pumpkin infusions and juice.
  • Dissolve crushed peony root in 0.5 liters of vodka. Next, the decoction should be infused in a cool, dark place for 1 month. Drink the infusion up to 3 times a day, half an hour before meals for 1-1.5 months.

Remember! Douching is not suitable for women who have recently had childbirth or an abortion, during pregnancy or during menstruation.

Preventive measures

To prevent the occurrence of pathology, it is recommended to follow simple rules:

It is important to follow measures to prevent cervical erosion. If alarming signs of the disease have already appeared, you should not postpone a visit to the gynecologist, who, after correct diagnosis, will select competent treatment to quickly eliminate the pathology and eliminate the risk of developing severe complications of the disease.

For symptomatic erosion, the following is usually prescribed:

  • Stop taking oral contraceptives that contain estrogen. Other forms of contraception are recommended.
  • If infectious and inflammatory diseases are detected, antibiotic treatment is prescribed.
  • If erosion is associated with disorders in the endocrine system of the body, it is treated comprehensively.

Is home treatment effective?

Cervical erosion is considered normal, especially during the ovulatory phase in young women, as well as in women taking oral contraceptive pills, which increase the overall level of estrogen in the body.

If erosion is asymptomatic, treatment at home is considered sufficient.

However, in some cases the disease can cause the following:

  • Excessive mucus discharge from the vagina due to secretion glands located in the columnar epithelium.
  • Postcoital bleeding, burning and itching during intercourse, blood in the discharge caused by injuries to the blood vessels located at the site of erosion.
  • Pregnant women may or bleeding after sexual intercourse as a result of injuries associated with ectropion (eversion of the mucous membrane of the cervical canal), which is not a sign of a threat of miscarriage.
  • Yellowish or greenish vaginal discharge with an unpleasant odor, aching pain in the lower abdomen or lower back, pain when urinating or having sexual intercourse.

    These symptoms are usually associated with inflammatory processes in the vagina or cervix (cervicitis, colpitis).

    Possible menstrual irregularities, brown discharge before and after menstruation and an increase in body temperature.

  • Foamy discharge with a characteristic odor, color and purulent inclusions caused by infectious diseases associated with cervical erosion and sexually transmitted diseases.

Reference. Internal examination of the cervix may reveal a bright red external os and soft to granular tissue texture upon palpation. If these symptoms are present, effective treatment is required.

How can you cure

  • .

    It is necessary to make a tampon from a regular clean bandage or gauze.

    The tampon is soaked in sea buckthorn oil and inserted as deep as possible into the vagina in the morning and evening for one hour. During treatment, bleeding may occur. This is considered normal and the discharge usually stops after a week.

  • Turmeric. For this disease, doctors often advise taking turmeric, which is rich in curcumin. The polyphenol curcumin has anti-cancer effects and reduces inflammation. You can add one tablespoon of turmeric with a pinch of black pepper, which increases the absorption of cucurmin, to your food every day.
  • Green tea. Green tea contains polyphenols that have antitumor effects and prevent abnormal cell growth. You need to drink 1-2 cups of green tea every day.
  • Astragalus roots. Astragalus roots have anti-cancer effects and help the human immune system. You can take one tablespoon of astragalus powder every day. You can take astragalus tea, one cup per day.
  • Basil. Basil is a natural antibiotic that protects against viral and bacterial infections. It relieves inflammation and stabilizes the urinary system. It is necessary to take a medicinal decoction of basil twice a day.
  • Natural honey. To carry out treatment, a tampon is made from a regular bandage. The tampon is moistened with honey and inserted into the vagina for a short time. Honey contains many active natural substances that heal body tissue.
  • Red brush tincture. The red brush has a very strong pharmacological effect. Used together with a tampon soaked in this tincture. Advice: the tincture should not be purchased at a pharmacy, but from a trusted seller. Red brush tincture also helps to get pregnant.

To treat diseases associated with changes in cellular tissues and to restore their normal functioning, it is also useful to drink two glasses of carrots and beetroot juice twice a day.

Additional therapeutic measures

Some pharmaceutical drugs can be used to treat cervical erosion.

  • Vaginal tablets Neotrizol. Neotrizol tablets are used for eight days. Together with the tablets, it is recommended to use Pantestin ointment.

    The ointment should be applied to a regular tampon and placed in the vagina for eight hours.

  • Depantol suppositories. Candles are used for ten days, one candle in the morning and evening. Kolpocid in the form of ointments or suppositories is also useful.

Important. Before using these medications, you should discuss therapy with your doctor. All natural remedies used intravaginally must be used before the onset of the menstrual cycle.

It is advisable to take medications for one month, and then undergo a re-examination by a doctor.

Ablation involves the use of a probe preheated to 100 degrees Celsius to burn 3-4 mm of epithelium.

Treatment with cryotherapy or ablation– simple procedures, often performed in the presence of serious complications. Tissue restoration takes place in the shortest possible time.

However, cryotherapy and ablation have the potential to negatively affect the ability of the uterus to stretch and adversely affect the possibility of subsequent births.

It is important to know that true cervical erosion, unlike ectopia, cannot be treated with cauterization, because it causes destruction of squamous epithelial tissue and occurs in the acute stage.

The acute form of true erosion most often does not require treatment and goes away in one to three weeks.

Sometimes true cervical erosion develops into a chronic disease called pseudo-erosion or false erosion. False erosion should be treated with cautery if it contributes to persistent infection or if endocervical cells progress to second or third degree dysplasia with possible progression to cancer.

Article outline

Cervical erosion is being diagnosed more and more often, so the question of how to treat it is urgent. Today there are many methods of therapy that are worth considering in more detail to make a choice.

Since the pathology is a defect in the mucous membrane of the cervix, first of all it is necessary to eliminate the cause of the appearance, and then, if necessary, treat cervical erosion using the cauterization method.

What is erosion

  • Infection;
  • Abortion, rough sex with damage, any mechanical impact in the uterus or vagina;
  • Hormonal disorders;
  • Chronic sexual pathologies;
  • Weakened immunity;
  • Too late or early onset of sexual activity;
  • Weakened immunity.

Sometimes erosion is found in small or nulliparous girls. It usually does not need to be treated as it will soon heal on its own.


Often, after erosion has been diagnosed, a woman thinks about what can be done and what absolutely cannot be done. Contraindications include:

  1. Bad habits.
  2. Drinking alcohol, eating fast food.
  3. Heavy loads.
  4. Using tampons.
  5. Professional sports, bodybuilding, etc.
  6. Twisting the hoop.
  7. If bleeding occurs, swim in ponds, the sea, or rivers.
  8. Visit a bathhouse or sauna.

These restrictions will help not to aggravate the problem if it already exists, or to avoid it altogether. In addition, after cauterization and during treatment of erosion, it is necessary to abstain from sexual activity for 1 month, and also not to carry out any manipulations in the uterus (abortion, curettage, etc.).

Is it necessary to treat cervical erosion?

Women often wonder whether it is necessary to carry out therapeutic manipulations when a pathology is detected and whether it is worth reacting somehow. There is no threat to life if there are no complications, infection, inflammation and concomitant diseases.

With any violations, infertility, miscarriage, premature birth, colpitis, etc. are possible. Erosion does not need to be treated if it is congenital in nature and does not cause discomfort to the patient.

In some situations, ectopia causes dysplasia, which develops into cancer. A woman should be regularly monitored by a doctor and, if necessary, receive therapy. Cervical erosion is not dangerous, but the doctor must decide whether to treat it or not.

Concomitant pathologies that cause complications and require mandatory treatment carry a great risk.

Is it possible to cure erosion?

Pathology can be of different types, it depends on what kind of therapy is needed. It is impossible to get rid of cervical erosion on your own; how to do this must be decided by a specialist. Before determining the volume and method of therapy, the doctor needs to obtain the results of additional studies.

In any case, the pathology responds well to treatment, after which you can get excellent prognoses. The main goal is to prevent relapses in the future. The gynecologist determines how erosion can be cured, and then offers the patient possible methods. The initial stage is easily eliminated using medication and folk methods; treatment of large erosion requires cauterization.

How to treat cervical erosion

Therapeutic practice directly depends on the type of disease, the size of the affected area, existing pathologies and inflammation. Modern methods and methods for treating cervical erosion make it possible to quickly get rid of the defect before the ulcer develops into more serious problems. The patient is offered drug therapy and surgical therapy (cauterization).

Conservative treatment

When the pathology is accompanied by inflammatory processes and infection, first of all, treatment of the cervix itself is prescribed. Having established the necessary information, the doctor prescribes antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs, and immunomodulators.

Each patient can treat the affected area with organic acids. They are allowed to be used if the course is benign. Acetic and nitric acid are recommended for nulliparous girls, since coagulation does not leave scars. The disadvantages include a possible relapse after treatment with these drugs.


Surgical treatment (cauterization) of cervical erosion is carried out when conservative methods do not help. involves the elimination of pathological tissues by extreme cold, in which they die, simply falling off, and healthy tissue grows in this place.


The most terrible complications of the pathology are cancer and infertility. For pregnant women, there is a risk of miscarriage even in the later stages. Adnexitis, oophoritis, endometritis, etc. may also develop. As complications, cracks appear in the neck, causing dysplasia, which leads to oncology.

In addition, erosion is dangerous for nulliparous women. Advanced stages cause the inability to bear fruit and conceive a child. Any pathology affects not only the affected organ, but also nearby ones, so therapy must be carried out without fail, and no matter how long the disease has not been treated and at what stage it is.

Cervical erosion is a defective condition of the epithelium located on the cervix in the part of the vagina. Usually it becomes a consequence of an inflammatory process in the vagina or cervical canal. Discharge caused by the process of inflammation leads to irritation and desquamation of the epithelium. As a result, an ulcer with a bright red color is formed. The diagnosis is made on the basis of a gynecological examination when visiting a gynecologist. He will also recommend taking appropriate tests and tell you how to treat cervical erosion.

How necessary is treatment for erosion?

There is an opinion that this disease tends to go away on its own without treatment - at one examination the gynecologist discovers this disease, and at the next it supposedly is no longer there. However, the patient did nothing and continued to live normally. This situation is only suitable for cases of congenital erosion, when it can actually disappear without medical intervention under the influence of hormonal shock - pregnancy or childbirth. In all other cases, treatment of uterine erosion is mandatory.

In some cases, inaction or improper treatment on the advice and recommendations of friends and acquaintances can lead to the appearance of a number of female diseases or the occurrence of malignant tumors.

Drug treatment of erosion

Before starting treatment, the gynecologist will definitely prescribe some tests. Their number depends on the patient’s health condition and is determined by the doctor’s decision. Typically, the examination includes:

  • Biopsy of the affected area,
  • Colposcopy,
  • Smears for flora composition and oncocytology,
  • HIV and syphilis in the blood.

Before starting treatment for the erosion itself, all possible causes of its occurrence must be eliminated. They consist of an inflammatory process that occurs due to sexually transmitted infections. Then the doctor will recommend removing the erosion using one of the following methods:


The method is cauterization with electric current. As a result, a burn occurs on the neck, and after healing, a scar occurs. It is possible to use a variation of this method - diathermoconization - the tissue is first cauterized and then removed. Final healing will occur within 6-7 weeks. The cost of the procedure is approximately 500 rubles. This treatment method was used back in the 18th century, when the cauterization apparatus looked like a soldering iron. Today, almost nothing has changed.

Advantages of diathermocoagulation:

  • This treatment method is the cheapest,
  • The widespread distribution of this type of treatment - a device for cauterization with electric current exists in any antenatal clinic.

The disadvantages of this method come down to:

  • The occurrence of unpleasant sensations during the procedure - pain caused by contraction of the uterus from electrical discharges for 20 minutes. This condition feels comparable to pain during contractions. In addition, a burning sensation and heat are felt at the site of contact. There is a smell of burnt meat.
  • For a month after treatment, there is bloody or watery discharge, pain in the lower back, and weakness.
  • The likelihood of not being completely cured the first time. The procedure may need to be repeated.
  • Complications associated with childbirth, pregnancy, the appearance of hematomas, inflammation and bleeding are possible.
  • Prohibition of use in nulliparous women.

Today they are trying to abandon this method, and abroad, in rare cases, only diathermoconization is used.


The method involves destroying tissue with liquid nitrogen from a cryoprobe. The duration of the procedure is about 10 minutes. The period of complete healing is from 4 to 6 weeks. The cost is about 1500 rubles.

The advantages of this method:

  • There is no scar on the cervix.
  • There are no painful sensations or unpleasant odors.
  • Only affected areas of the epithelium are affected; healthy areas are not involved in the process.
  • No pain after the procedure.
  • Lack of blood during and after treatment.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • Stretching the abdomen during the procedure.
  • Dizziness may occur due to the effects of liquid nitrogen on the body.
  • Copious watery discharge for a couple of weeks after the procedure.
  • Application for deep erosion is not always possible.
  • In some cases, a repeat procedure is necessary.

Laser therapy

The newest and safest method consists of targeted exposure of a laser beam to the area affected by erosion. At the same time, the depth of destruction is completely controllable. Complete healing takes place within a month, the cost of the procedure is about 2000 rubles.

Advantages of the method:

  • No scars
  • Can be used in nulliparous women.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • The equipment for this procedure is expensive; not all clinics can afford to purchase it, so the procedure is not available to everyone.
  • In very rare cases, if the doctor is inexperienced, a repeat procedure may be necessary.

Radio wave surgery

A method of influencing erosion without direct contact. Using radio wave energy, the internal energy of cells is stimulated. It destroys the cell from the inside and evaporates water from it. Healing takes place within a month. The cost of the procedure is about 3,500 rubles.

Advantages of the method:

  • The procedure is carried out quickly,
  • Is painless
  • No scar,
  • Recommended for nulliparous women.

Disadvantage of the procedure:

  • Bloody discharge is possible for up to a month.
  • The procedure is expensive and inaccessible to a wide range of patients.

Chemical coagulation

With this method, uterine erosion is repeatedly treated with special medications that have a detrimental effect on the epithelium. An example of such a drug is Solkovagin. Complete healing depends on the individual characteristics of the woman’s body. The cost of the procedure is no more than 900 rubles.

Pros of the procedure:

  • Use in nulliparous women.

Disadvantages of the method:

  • This method is used when the size of the defect is small. Large cervical erosion larger than a penny cannot be treated in this way.
  • Repeated processing is required - up to 5 times.
  • There is no guarantee of complete healing.

Non-surgical treatment using polychromatic light is also possible for nulliparous women. To do this, under the visual supervision of a physician, a stream of ultraviolet, infrared healing and visible light is directed to the affected area. This method does not destroy the cellular structure.

All methods of surgical treatment of erosion are carried out at the beginning of the menstrual cycle. After the procedure and until complete healing, the doctor recommends refraining from sexual relations, overheating and taking hot baths.

Folk ways to get rid of erosion

Almost all sick women ask how to cure erosion at home and whether it is possible. It is worth saying that yes, this is possible in the case of congenital erosion; in other situations, such treatment is unlikely to give a positive result. Here are some ways:

1. Treatment with calendula. For these purposes, use a tincture of flowers, purchased at a pharmacy or prepared independently. To do this, 20 grams of flowers are poured with half a glass of vodka and left in a dark place for a month. To obtain a working solution, take a teaspoon of tincture and dilute it in a glass of water. The solution is used for douching. It is possible to use a decoction of flowers at the rate of 2 small spoons per 1.5 glasses of water. The course of douching treatment is at least 21 days from the first day after the end of menstruation. Repeat 2-3 cycles.

2. Sea buckthorn oil is used with tampons. To do this, put a piece of cotton wool in a bandage and tie it with a knot. The resulting tampon is moistened and inserted into the vagina overnight so that the tail remains outside. The course of treatment is 12 days. It is advisable to use pads to avoid contamination of bedding and underwear.

3. Propolis is used in the form of a pharmacy or home ointment, which is used to lubricate a tampon for insertion into the vagina. To prepare homemade ointment, take about 100-200 grams of butter and 10 grams of pre-crushed propolis. Heat in a water bath, filter and cool. Use 1 small spoon of the mixture to spread on the tampon.

4. Onions have an excellent healing effect against erosion. To do this, take regular onions or in a 1 to 1 ratio with honey. The onion is grated and wrapped in a tampon. Inserted into the vagina at night. Used within two weeks.

5. Aloe juice is considered an effective remedy for erosion. To do this, cut off the leaves of the plant and put it in the refrigerator for a couple of weeks. Then the entire skin is cut off along with the spines until a smooth block is obtained. It is wrapped in a bandage and used as a tampon. It is possible to alternate with honey tampons. Aloe is used one night, honey the second.

6. Use celandine herb for douching. To do this, take 1 spoon of herb and pour boiling water over it. The resulting cooled solution is used for douching for 1.5 months.

7. Mix burdock root juice in the amount of a small spoon with the same amount of honey and sea buckthorn oil. The resulting composition is moistened with a tampon and inserted into the vagina once a day. It is possible to use burdock leaf juice for douching for a couple of weeks, 2 times a day.

It is advisable to consult with your doctor before using any product. Only your gynecologist can tell you exactly how to treat erosion. You should not self-medicate. And if you still have questions, you can watch a video about the treatment of cervical erosion. This will help determine the best treatment method.

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