Pinched chest muscle. What to do if you feel pinched in your chest. How does a pinched nerve occur in the chest and methods of treating the disease. pinched nerve in the thoracic region and other parts of the body

If there is sudden pain between the ribs that gets worse with movement, a possible cause of discomfort is a pinched nerve in the thoracic region. Symptoms of pinching largely repeat the symptoms of intercostal neuralgia.

A pinched nerve in the thoracic region can happen to anyone, but the pathology is quite rare, unlike pinching in the cervical and lumbar spine. This is due to the peculiarity of the load distribution along the spinal column and the structure of the corresponding sections. The lower back experiences enormous stress every day, unlike the thoracic region.

The causes of pinching in the thoracic region can be:

  • osteochondrosis of the thoracic region;
  • severe muscle spasm;
  • pathologies of the cardiovascular system;
  • age-related changes in the body;
  • stressful situations.

The most common cause of a pinched nerve is osteochondrosis or spinal hernia. Since these diseases rarely affect the thoracic region, pinched nerves in this area are also uncommon.

Professional athletes whose training involves increased stress on this area are susceptible to the disease. In this case, a pinched nerve in the thoracic spine occurs due to a decrease in the height of the gap between the vertebral discs.

A separate reason should be muscle spasm and stress. Often pinching occurs due to the simultaneous influence of these two factors. Frequent stress leads to disruption of the nervous system, including its autonomic department, which causes increased muscle tone and spasms. Pinching of the intercostal nerve occurs due to muscle spasm.

With age, the body ages. All metabolic processes slow down, including those in the nervous system. The spine weakens, the height of the discs decreases. All of these factors increase the risk of developing a pinched nerve in the thoracic region.

Pinching symptoms

The following signs are typical for pinching in the chest area:

  • pain on the left side of the ribs, simulating pain in the heart area;
  • increased pain when moving;
  • labored breathing;
  • low effectiveness of cardiac drugs;
  • arrhythmia;
  • stiffness of movements.

This problem is characterized by compression of the autonomic nerve, which causes cardiovascular symptoms. Since the disease often occurs in older people, incorrect self-diagnosis is possible, which results in unsystematic use of heart medications. When a nerve is pinched, such drugs are useless, since the pain is associated with compression of the nerve root, but not with age-related pathology of the heart muscle.

You can distinguish a pinched nerve from coronary heart disease by listening to your own feelings. When a nerve is compressed, the pain does not go away during the day, but its nature may change. There is a tendency for discomfort to increase during movement and exercise, which does not happen with heart disease. Cardiac medications do not improve the patient's condition, so taking them is not advisable.

Another hallmark sign of a pinched nerve is a change in muscle tone. Muscle hypertonicity may occur. If you press hard on the pinched nerve, the pain will spread to the stomach area, which never happens with pathologies of a cardiovascular nature.

A characteristic feature of the disease is increased pain when there is a load on the thoracic region, for example, while coughing, laughing or trying to take a deep breath.

If discomfort persists for a long time and treatment is not started in a timely manner, symptoms include signs of low blood pressure, lethargy and apathy, and sleep disturbances.

Diagnosis of pinching

The diagnosis is made by a neurologist after examining the patient. When pressing on certain points, an intensification of the pain syndrome spreading along the intercostal space is characteristic. If this symptom is present, the doctor will prescribe the following tests to confirm the diagnosis:

  • chest x-ray;
  • myelography;
  • Ultrasound of internal organs.

X-rays and MRIs can help pinpoint the affected nerve. Myelography is prescribed if diagnosis is difficult. This is a method in which an X-ray examination of the spine is performed with the introduction of contrast.

As an additional examination, an ultrasound of the internal organs may be prescribed to exclude pathologies caused by prolonged pinched nerves in the chest.

First aid

Pinching of the thoracic nerve occurs suddenly. Sharp pain appears very quickly. In this case, you need to lie on a hard surface in a position in which the least pain is felt.

The patient must take an analgesic to relieve pain. Since trouble can occur suddenly and cause a feeling of fear for one's own life due to symptoms similar to a heart attack, the patient can be asked to take a sedative.

With severe pinching, excruciating pain is observed, which cannot be tolerated, since it is harmful to the health of the nervous system as a whole. The most correct action in such a situation would be to call emergency help at home.

Upon arrival, the doctor must be informed of all medications taken before the ambulance arrived.

Treatment of pathology

There are several ways to treat nerve compression:

  • drug therapy;
  • physiotherapy;
  • surgical intervention.

First, traditional drug treatment is carried out. For this purpose, the following groups of drugs are used:

  • antispasmodics and muscle relaxants;
  • drugs to improve blood circulation;
  • vitamin preparations;
  • sedative medications.

Antispasmodics and muscle relaxants normalize muscle tone, resulting in pain relief. However, if the root cause of the pinching is not treated, the pain will return. The main goal of treatment is to release the nerve, which can only be achieved through manual therapy or surgery. Manual therapy is prescribed only after relief of acute pain.

It is mandatory to take B vitamins and a number of microelements that strengthen the nervous system and promote the regeneration of damaged nerve fibers.

After pain relief, the patient is prescribed a course of manual therapy. It is also supplemented with physiotherapy - electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, acupuncture. Typically, in the first few procedures, electrophoresis is used in conjunction with painkillers. Painkillers are then replaced with medications that improve blood circulation. This helps improve local metabolic processes and speed up recovery.

Along with physiotherapy, the patient is prescribed a course of therapeutic exercises to strengthen the muscles of the thoracic spine. A strong muscle corset will prevent re-pinching of the nerve.

If a nerve is pinched in the thoracic region, treatment is adjusted depending on the severity of the compression and accompanying symptoms.

Prevention measures

To avoid re-pinching the thoracic nerve, regular prevention is necessary.

First of all, osteochondrosis or intervertebral hernia should be treated. It is the presence of these pathologies that is one of the most important risk factors for the development of neuralgia.

You should definitely strengthen your back muscles and correct your posture. Strong muscles ensure the correct position of the spine during any activity, and therefore reduce the risk of developing pinching.

Having excess weight increases the load on the spine, in particular on the thoracic region. Patients suffering from obesity or significant weight gain need to gradually get rid of extra pounds while doing gymnastics to strengthen the muscles of the chest and back.

It should be remembered that a pinched nerve will not free itself and the pain will not go away. Only timely treatment guarantees quick relief from painful pain and restoration of normal mobility.

Perhaps most people, when making careless and sudden movements or performing physical work, have encountered the issue of a pinched nerve in the back. Moreover, pain appears unexpectedly and at the most unnecessary time. In this case, you need to know how to quickly relieve the symptoms, then consult a doctor to determine the circumstances of the pinching, perform a diagnosis and carry out the necessary treatment.

Circumstances of a pinched nerve in the back

The main reason that leads to a pinched nerve of the back is a heavy load during the development of osteochondrosis.

However, pinching also occurs under the influence of other factors:

  • Physical labor in the form of repeated movements of the body and arms, which increases the risk of entrapment.
  • Incorrect posture .
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. at a time when the joints are inflamed.
  • Pregnancy. The increased weight and transformations in the woman’s skeleton increase the load on the vertebrae.
  • Growths on the vertebrae. caused by injury or illness.
  • Transformations in the skeleton During pregnancy they will be able to make the spine very sensitive to stress.
  • Hereditary factor. at a time when genetic characteristics determine the predisposition to spinal disorders.
  • Overweight. which creates pressure on the vertebrae.

Indicators and symptoms of pinching

Symptoms of pinching specifically depend on its place of formation, the presence of inflammatory processes, the degree and circumstances of this type of pathology. The main symptom of a pinched nerve is severe pain specific to a specific part of the neck and back, which leads to limited mobility. In very severe cases, pinching can occur in compression of the spinal cord, leading to motor function and sensitivity of the limbs, and paralysis or paresis.

The severity and temperament of the disorders can be influenced by the functions and location of the pinched nerve. Taking this into account, the following pinching indicators are distinguished:

  • Lumbar is a pinched sciatic nerve called sciatica. It is distinguished by a sensation of burning and tingling, often radiating to the leg, which, for its part, becomes less mobile, and shooting pain is felt in a standing position. With prolapse or hernia, the pain is more intense and sharper. The onset of the inflammatory process of a pinched nerve indicates developing radiculitis.
  • Chest- appears during compression of the nerve between the shoulder blades or in another area of ​​the thoracic region. In this case, a person receives all the symptoms of intercostal neuralgia, and during compression of the autonomic part of the nervous system, patients begin to complain of pain in the heart. Symptoms of neuralgia, much more often, occur all the time, including during active pastime and rest. The pain becomes stronger with attempts to move the body or palpate the intercostal space.
  • Cervical– manifests itself during a pinched nerve in the cervical area with a characteristic overstrain in this area of ​​the muscles. Moreover, weakness may occur in the shoulders and neck, swelling and numbness will be felt in the tongue, pain in the left side of the chest, similar to angina pectoris, pain between the shoulder blades, on the back of the head, in the collarbone. Its great intensification begins during fixation in one position or an attempt to rotate the head. Pinching occurs with subluxation, protrusion or osteochondrosis.

The symptoms that appear when pinched are intensified during sleep, and with Homeric laughter or coughing, sneezing. Pain is reduced by numbness of the extremities, and severe hypothermia can lead to significant pain.

Possible consequences

The most common consequences of a pinched spinal nerve are complications in the form of intervertebral hernia, muscle spasms, and complete or partial impairment of motor function. The negative consequences of pinching also affect the immune system, reducing the protection of affected cells from viruses and malignant tumors. In some cases, problems with interruptions in blood circulation and loss of strength create disruptions in the functioning of internal organs.

How to diagnose pinching?

Diagnostic methods for determining pinched nerves of the back include the following procedures:

  • Electromyography. Allows you to recognize the presence of damage to the nerve that is responsible for the motor activity of a certain muscle. It is performed by inserting a needle-electrode into the muscle tissue, after which the person tries to tense and relax it.
  • CT or MRI– provide assistance in determining the condition of the spine for the presence of curvatures or damage to discs, vertebrae, and other possible pathologies of the muscular system or skeleton.
  • Blood analysis .
  • Manual study .
  • Nerve conduction testing. This is a test that identifies damaged nerves. It is carried out by connecting electrodes to the skin, which activate the nerves with gentle impulses.

Pinch relief

During the onset of severe pain due to a pinched nerve in the back, the following measures should be taken:

  • Take the load off your back. To do this, you just need to take a lying position. If there is no sofa at hand, and the pain is very strong, you need to lie down specifically on the floor. In most cases, this pain appears in the lumbar region, and this area has a certain characteristic, in particular, it is not good to relax, and it is also possible to feel a load while lying down. In order for the lower back to relax, you need to position your hips at an angle of 90 degrees to the body (for example, put your legs on a chair).
  • During pain relief in a lying position, another nuisance appears - to stand up so as not to provoke another painful attack. To do this, you need to turn over on your side, get on all fours, and get to an object with which you can rise without changing the position of your back. The most important thing along with this is to feel the point at a time when the pain is not so pronounced, and maintain it.
  • Being on your feet. you need to fix your back. There is a special belt that few people have. Instead, you can use a large scarf or towel, wrapping it in such a way as to support not only your back, but also the nearby sore areas.
  • In case it is necessary. then a painkiller is taken that has an anti-inflammatory effect - Aspirin, Diclofenac, Ibuprofen, etc. In the near future, it is recommended to perform bed rest and avoid stress and drafts. Medications must be taken especially carefully during pregnancy.

Regardless of whether you have relieved the pain or not, its appearance in the back is a good reason to go to the doctor. This symptom indicates a significant problem, which is practically impossible to get rid of on your own.

Treatment of a pinched nerve

Classic treatment for pinched back occurs in 3 stages:

  • Pain relief. Injectable or oral medications are used. Treatment occurs only with bed rest and a ban on the consumption of smoked, spicy or salty foods.
  • Relieving inflammation through non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs used in the form of gels, ointments, injections or pills. Typically, the two initial stages are not separated, but a course of treatment is performed with the simultaneous use of drugs from two groups.
  • Restoring nerve function. which was pinched. It is carried out through sessions of physiotherapy, manual therapy, shock wave therapy, acupuncture, taking vitamin preparations, sets of therapeutic exercises, electric and vibration massage.


During the treatment of a pinched nerve both in the neck and on the back (in the area of ​​the shoulder blades or lower back), such drugs are used.

Anti-inflammatory and painkillers

  • Diclofenac. Taking into account the dosage form, it has the following price: gel, cream or ointment - 80-140 rubles. pills – 20–70 rub. candles – 150–200 rub. ampoules for injections – 75–90 rubles.
  • Movalis. administered as an injection or taken in pills. Price in ampoules for injections – 880–1800 rubles. in pills – 550–690 rubles.
  • Ibuprofen– taking into account the manufacture of the form, it has the following price: suspension for children – 80–115 rubles. pills – 40–115 rub. ointment – ​​32–40 rub.
  • Ketonal(probably used during pregnancy), taking into account the form of manufacture, has the following price: capsules - 110–130 rubles. pills – 210–270 rub. cream or gel – 320–470 rub. candles – 270–310 rub. ampoules for injections – 970–1150 rub. warming thermal plaster – 810–880 rub.


They are used at home, but must be prescribed by a doctor, because they can lead to allergies:

  • Viprosal - used as an anesthetic and warming agent. Price 270–340 rubles;
  • Carmolis is an ointment for pain relief. Price 580–610 rubles;
  • Finalgon - used to relieve pain. Price 280–350 rubles;
  • Flexen – removes foci of inflammation. Price – 210–240 rubles;
  • Betalgon – increases capillary blood circulation and relieves pain. Price 320–380 rub.

Traditional methods of treatment

As long as there are no complications, conservative methods cope excellently with pinching, and the feeling of pain completely disappears, after which it is recommended to do treatment at home using traditional methods.

Treatment with ointments

The wax is melted and mixed with olive oil and wax. The composition is impregnated with linen cloth, which is applied to the affected lower back or neck, secured on top with a plaster. Helps reduce pain and relieve inflammation.

Hop cones (25 g) are ground into powder and mixed with a spoon of butter or lard. The resulting homogeneous mixture is rubbed into the sore spot.

Juniper needles or bay leaves, in a ratio of 6:1, are ground to a homogeneous consistency. 12 parts of melted butter are added to the mixture. This remedy is applied to the affected area. The ointment can relax tense muscles and eliminate pain.

Herbal bath treatment

For this type of treatment, use water with a temperature of approximately 38 degrees. decoctions and infusions of herbs are added, the procedure lasts up to half an hour.

A herbal mixture of oregano, burdock, dark elderberry, currant leaves, pine buds, wheatgrass, hops, horsetail, thyme and violet is mixed in uniform proportions, 4 spoons are added to 2 liters of boiling water, and after 15 minutes. boil, wait until the mixture cools, decant and add to the bath.

Chamomile, sage and knotweed in a volume of 320 g. each component is poured with 5 liters of hot water and allowed to brew for 3 hours; after expressing, pour it into the bath.

Spruce and oak bark is poured into 6 liters of water, boiled for half an hour and poured into the bath.

Preventing pinched nerves in the back

In order to prevent pinching of a nerve in the neck or back, you need to follow these rules:

  • When picking up an object. while on the floor, do not make sudden movements, squat rather than bend over. Do not stay in one position for a long time. Play sports and lead an active life.
  • Avoid drafts or hypothermia back, buy an orthopedic mattress for a night's rest, try not to lift heavy objects and not subject your back to heavy loads.
  • Healthy eating. If possible, avoid eating salty, spicy and fatty foods.
  • Pain between the shoulder blades. in the neck or lower back may be caused by the presence of a long-term nervous condition. In order to prevent these conditions, you need to take breaks between monotonous work.
  • In the presence of osteochondrosis Go to the doctor at least twice every year, and do a set of therapeutic exercises throughout the year.
  • Throughout pregnancy Apply the bandage at the appropriate time.
  • When a cold or viral disease occurs. recover from them in a timely manner.

If a nerve is pinched in the neck or back, this immediately affects a person’s quality of life, bringing discomfort and limiting movement activity. Moreover, there is no need to self-medicate, or maintain the hope that troubles will be resolved on their own. A pinched nerve is an important disease, which without experienced diagnosis and therapeutic procedures can lead to complications and the need for surgical intervention. A timely visit to the doctor guarantees complete healing, and compliance with preventive measures can help prevent this condition.

Nikitin Artur Vladimirovich

The spine plays a vital role for comfortable existence and human movements, and also serves as reliable protection for the spinal cord and its many endings.

Pinched thoracic nerve- this is squeezing it with bone, muscle or cartilage tissue.

If pinching occurs in the thoracic vertebrae, then a local change in bone tissue occurs due to vascular disorders, calcium becomes low, the tissue becomes thinner, and The spine no longer performs the function assigned to it.

Feelings of pain may occur in the back and neck, which will indicate obvious pinching, but there are cases when pinching does not manifest itself as painful symptoms, but affects the functioning of other important organs, sometimes accompanied muscle numbness.

The illness will be accompanied aching pain sensations, their character entirely reflects which nerve was subjected to pressure: autonomic, sensory or motor.

Causes of the disease

The primary cause of this disease is changes in the vegetative-vascular system. This system is depleted in many people experiencing constant stress, overload at home and at work also negatively affects a person. Patients suffering from depletion of the vegetative-vascular system often complain of weather changes, as a result of which they suffer from constant headaches.

Treatment of a pinched nerve. In what cases are surgical operations necessary?

If the patient has an injury, he is prescribed conservative or surgical treatment, as well as manual therapy, the technique of which will depend on the location of the pinching and the patient’s condition. It is necessary to free the nerve and begin to restore it for further functioning.

Manual therapy is ideal for this purpose.. After just one targeted session, the patient will experience relief and the pain will subside. After a short period of time, the pain may make itself felt again and the feelings of discomfort may return. Surgery is prescribed in cases of serious damage to nerve tissue.

In cases of sudden onset of pain, you should lie on a flat surface and not make any movements; it is advisable to place a soft pillow under your knees.

Effective disease prevention will make your life easier.

  1. Even with a strong appetite try not to overload your body with excess food, which will ultimately affect the condition of the vertebrae
  2. Try to go to seaside resorts, which will be an excellent prevention of diseases of the thoracic spine
  3. Try not to carry a handbag on one shoulder. Alternate sides to avoid pinching
  4. Don't sit in one place take short dynamic breaks
  5. Beware of hypothermia in the thoracic spine, try to dress according to the weather
  6. Take time for gymnastic exercises

Your health will depend on these simple recommendations. Live a healthy and fulfilling life, filled with bright moments, not back pain.

Spinal pathology is a fairly common condition in people of all ages. Daily loads, stress and low physical activity contribute to disorders in the musculoskeletal system. The fast pace of life often does not allow you to pay enough attention to the condition of your spine, and therefore diseases gradually progress, reminding you of themselves more and more often. And one day it will happen that a person will not be able to perform daily work due to back or neck pain.

This situation is often observed when nerve roots are pinched. This mainly occurs in the lower back, but pathology of the cervical and thoracic spine is also not uncommon. It all depends on the individual characteristics and nature of a person’s professional activity. To determine the cause of a pinched nerve, you need to know all the factors that affect the patient throughout life. It should be remembered that only a doctor can establish the correct diagnosis, much less prescribe adequate treatment.

Do not think that neuralgia due to pinched roots does not pose a serious health hazard. If you do not contact a specialist, the disease will have adverse consequences.


When your back or neck hurts, many people think about a pinched nerve. And often this is exactly the case. But we must not forget about other reasons when other diseases are hidden behind neuralgia. Typically, nerve roots in the cervical or thoracic spine are pinched due to the following conditions:

  • Osteochondrosis.
  • Deformations: scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis.
  • Intervertebral hernia.
  • Spondyloarthritis.
  • Tumor processes.
  • Injuries.
  • Increased physical activity.
  • Psycho-emotional stress.

In damage to the nerve roots, a mainly mechanical factor plays a role: compression by vertebrae, spasmed muscles or space-occupying formations. Here we are not talking about the inflammatory process, although to some extent it is also present.

To understand the origin of neuralgia, it is necessary to establish the most important factors in its development in a particular person.


A pinched nerve leads to the formation of so-called radiculopathy – a non-inflammatory radicular lesion. The symptoms of the disease are quite diverse and are determined by damage to nerve fibers of different functions: motor, sensory and autonomic. They all come as part of one root, extending from the spinal cord. The localization of pathological changes will depend on in which part the pinched root is located: in the cervical or thoracic.

The most common complaints when visiting a doctor are:

  1. Sharp or aching pain in the neck, between the shoulder blades, in the chest, along the intercostal spaces, which can radiate to the shoulder and arms.
  2. Increased by sudden movements, turns or bends, deep breathing, sneezing or coughing.
  3. Feeling of tingling, numbness, burning, "crawling."
  4. Reduced superficial sensitivity.
  5. Feeling of tightness in the chest.
  6. Headache.
  7. Dizziness.
  8. Increased blood pressure.
  9. Increased heart rate.

Cough and shortness of breath.

In the early stages, the disease occurs with symptoms of irritation of nerve fibers, when sensitivity and reflex processes increase. As the pathology progresses, there is a loss of sensory and motor functions up to paresis and paralysis.

When the cervical spine is affected, the symptoms will spread to the head, and if the thoracic root is pinched, dysfunction of the heart, bronchi or diaphragm can be noticed. Therefore, the disease must be differentiated from the pathology of these organs.

The clinical picture of a pinched nerve in the thoracic or cervical spine has pronounced symptoms. Their identification will make it possible to make a preliminary diagnosis.


To clarify the diagnosis of neuralgia, it is necessary to undergo additional examination and consult with related specialists. A neurologist and a traumatologist will help the general practitioner with this. And the complex of instrumental methods includes:

  • Radiography.
  • CT scan.
  • Magnetic resonance imaging.
  • Electromyography.

The need for certain medications is determined by the clinical situation. Some of them are needed to exclude other diseases that have similar symptoms.


To cure a pinched nerve in the thoracic region, you must first eliminate the cause of the disease. This will be possible with an integrated approach to therapy. Treatment of neuralgia should be determined by the degree of its development, the characteristics of the patient’s body and concomitant diseases. In this case, conservative and surgical techniques are used.

Drug therapy

The central link of conservative treatment is the use of medications. They allow you to relieve acute manifestations of the disease and influence the etiological factors of the pathology. Most often, complex treatment includes the following groups of drugs:

  1. Painkillers and anti-inflammatory.
  2. Muscle relaxants.
  3. B vitamins.
  4. Improving microcirculation.
  5. Chondroprotectors.

After the acute effects have subsided, you can use drugs in the form of an ointment, gel or patch. They have a local effect without systemic side effects.

Treatment of neuralgia with medications should be carried out according to the doctor’s recommendations.


Physiotherapy can improve the condition of the nerve, its blood supply, eliminate muscle spasms and reduce symptoms. They have a good effect in combination with medications. As a rule, the following methods are recommended:

  • Electrophoresis of drugs.
  • Laser treatment.
  • UHF therapy.
  • Balneotherapy.

An experienced physiotherapist will advise which procedures are best for a particular patient.


To strengthen the spine, improve its function, relieve muscle tension and increase the overall fitness of the body, you need to pay attention to therapeutic exercises. Movement is the basis of therapy for most skeletal pathologies, and this case is no exception. Various exercises are used to strengthen the muscular corset and reduce compression of the vertebrae.

The gymnastics complex is selected by the doctor individually. At first, the exercises are performed under the supervision of an instructor, and as you learn, you can practice at home. Pain syndrome should not be allowed to appear - it indicates incorrect performance of gymnastics.

Movements are made smoothly, without jerking. You need to master the exercises gradually and regularly. This is the only way to achieve a good effect.

My back is “jammed”! How does pinching manifest itself?

Usually, if a person says: “I have sciatica,” he means pinching in the lower back; if he remembers osteochondrosis, he means the neck. And when he complains that his back hurts, then most often it is a pinched nerve in the thoracic spine. Here are the main symptoms of this disease:

  • intense pain in the rib area, which intensifies closer to the spine. It increases sharply with a deep breath, sneezing and coughing;
  • stiffness in the chest area.
  • restriction of body movements;
  • muscle twitching;
  • nodules may form on the intercostal muscles, touching which causes burning pain;
  • redness in the areas where the ribs are located;
  • increased sweating;
  • loss of sensitivity in areas of the skin where pain is localized. This leads to numbness, a feeling of goosebumps crawling on the skin;
  • unpleasant stabbing, pulsating sensations in the heart, reminiscent of heart pain. Heartbeat failure. Such phenomena do not go away after taking cardiac medications;
  • pain in the stomach, “simulating” colitis, gastritis or ulcer. It cannot be eliminated with antispasmodics;
  • blood pressure surges;
  • numbness of the limbs.

The pain can occur sporadically, and the attack sometimes develops at night against the background of complete rest.

Read also:

Important! If acute chest pain occurs, you should not immediately attribute it to the spine. It is necessary to call an ambulance to make sure that this is not a heart attack or a blood clot entering the lungs (thromboembolism), which threaten a person’s life. It is extremely difficult to independently distinguish neuralgia from such pathologies.

What should be examined and how?

To make a diagnosis, the doctor will conduct an examination and carefully listen to the patient’s complaints, and also give him a referral for tests and a blood pressure x-ray. If necessary, the patient will be sent for an MRI or CT scan. To find out exactly where the nerve is pinched, a special diagnostic procedure is performed - myelography. This is an x-ray using a contrast agent that is injected into the spinal canal. Additional examination may also be needed, which includes ultrasound and ECG.

What will help you forget about pain: principles of treatment

To recover, you will have to put in time and effort. Treatment for a pinched nerve in the thoracic spine is to release it from its pinched state so that it can perform its functions normally. In addition, the root cause that provoked this violation should be eliminated so as not to encounter it again and again.

Treatment includes the following medical measures:

  • reduction of inflammation and pain with the help of medications - Diclofenac, Revmoxicam;
  • eliminating muscle spasm. Usually Mydocalm is used for such purposes;
  • restoration of the structure of cartilage tissue (prescribed Teraflex, Chondroitin);
  • improvement of nerve conduction (B vitamins);
  • physiotherapeutic treatment - mud baths, electrophoresis, magnetic therapy, heating with paraffin, acupuncture;
  • Exercise therapy. The complex consists of exercises that help stretch the spine, which is necessary to release the nerve;
  • manual influence.

If the patient consults a doctor in time and begins to treat his back, then the prognosis is quite favorable. To avoid relapses, it is still recommended not to subject your spine to excessive stress and avoid hypothermia. If it is affected to a significant extent, you will have to wear a corset.

With severe infringement, conservative therapy may be ineffective. Then they perform an operation - they remove part of the intervertebral disc and release the nerve.

A pinched nerve in the thoracic region is a condition in which acute pain occurs in the chest and thoracic spine, causing a number of other symptoms. Often, compression of nerve endings in this case occurs against the background of other pathologies. Without proper treatment, a pinched nerve can lead to serious consequences and mobility will be significantly limited.

Some experts say that most often this disease begins to manifest itself in people over thirty years of age, although for various reasons it can be encountered at a young age. At the same time, the main problem in diagnosing this disease is that the pain syndrome usually radiates to other organs, as a result of which the causes of pain often begin to be sought in the gastrointestinal tract and cardiovascular system.

Once a pinched nerve in the thoracic region has been identified, treatment should not be delayed. The longer the nerve endings are compressed, the greater the likelihood of their complete irreversible damage, permanently impairing mobility in the thoracic region.


A pinched nerve occurs due to its compression by bones and joints, which occurs due to the anatomically incorrect position of these elements of the musculoskeletal system. Most often, compression occurs in the thoracic spine. The following factors usually lead to compression:

  1. Intercostal neuralgia. It usually occurs due to sudden unsuccessful movements, turns of the torso, and incorrect, unevenly distributed physical stress on the thoracic spine.
  2. Osteochondrosis of the thoracic spine, exacerbation of this disease. With degenerative changes due to osteochondrosis, disc protrusion occurs, the vertebrae are displaced, this leads to compression of the nerve endings, resulting in a pinched nerve in the thoracic region.
  3. Spasm, hypertonicity of the back muscles in the thoracic region. In this case, tense, spasmodic muscles pinch nerve endings; muscle spasms can occur due to physical exertion; most often, this problem occurs in athletes.
  4. Various spinal injuries, the occurrence of tumors of the spinal column. With various injuries and tumors, displacement of the vertebrae and spinal discs often occurs, as a result of which the nerve endings are compressed.

Also, experts often highlight the age factor, since with age the bones become weaker, and various diseases of the joints and spinal column occur. Therefore, older people are advised to pay more attention to the prevention of this disease and other similar pathologies.

Important! Also, the likelihood of a pinched nerve in the thoracic region increases during pregnancy.

Pinched thoracic nerve during pregnancy: what to do?

During pregnancy, there is a high probability of this disease occurring due to the increased load on the spine and the musculoskeletal system as a whole. If compression of nerve endings occurs, you should consult a doctor as soon as possible; you cannot treat yourself.

Since most painkillers are not allowed to be used during pregnancy, they try to relieve pain using manual methods - light massage, and try to limit mobility and stress. Any procedures for this condition can only be carried out by a specialist.


The main symptom of a pinched nerve in the chest is pain in the sternum, often accompanied by limited mobility, numbness in the ribs and under the shoulder blades, and sometimes a feeling of difficulty breathing. The following symptoms may also occur:

  • when nerves are pinched, a sensation of pain may occur due to gastritis, in the area of ​​the right hypochondrium, while no diseases of the gastrointestinal tract are observed;
  • when the autonomic nerves are pinched, shortness of breath and arrhythmia may occur, while there are no pathologies of the cardiovascular system.

Due to the fact that the pain radiates to other organs, when these symptoms appear, a full diagnosis is required; to confirm the diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment, you need to consult a neurologist.

Typically, X-rays are required to confirm this disease; in some cases, MRI or CT is used. To exclude diseases of the digestive organs and heart, an ultrasound or ECG and other tests may be prescribed. Only after this can treatment begin.

Important! The pain in this disease increases with breathing.

How to treat pinching

Treatment is usually complex, it is important to eliminate pain and relieve muscle spasms with the help of medications, then remove the limitation of mobility and the feeling of numbness that occurs due to a pinched nerve. Treatment at home is acceptable, but it is necessary to attend physical procedures in a clinic or hospital; they cannot be performed at home.

The following methods are usually used to treat this disease:

  1. Drug treatment. Anti-inflammatory painkillers are usually used, for example, Nurafen, Nise, Diclofenac. In rare cases, local anesthetic blockades are used. Mirorelaxants are also used to relieve muscle spasms, and B vitamins are used for the same purpose, usually in injections.
  2. Manual procedures and physiotherapy. They are used to improve mobility in the thoracic region, improve circulation, and consolidate the effect of drug therapy. Typically massage, acupuncture, reflexology and other techniques are used.
  3. Exercises for a pinched nerve in the thoracic region are also important for a full recovery. They help restore mobility, strengthen the back muscles, and improve the flexibility of the joints and spine. Exercise therapy should not be neglected for this disease; even twenty minutes of the simplest exercises a day will help improve the condition and avoid relapse of the disease.
  4. Treatment with folk remedies. Traditional medicines are not as effective for this disease, but some remedies will help you recover faster from the disease. If nerves are pinched in different parts of the body, it is recommended to start eating more dried apricots, prunes and walnuts; they have a positive effect on the musculoskeletal system and nervous system. Warm herbal baths are also recommended, a bath based on oak bark is especially useful.

By combining different treatment methods, you can achieve the most pronounced positive results. The main thing is to consult with your doctor at all stages of treatment; absolute self-medication is contraindicated for this disease, as it can cause complications.

A pinched nerve in the thoracic region is a compression of the nerve canal by the vertebral bodies, intervertebral disc or muscles, and such compression is usually accompanied by aching or sharp pain. The occurrence of such a problem is quite rare; pinching occurs in the cervical region much more often, but at the same time it is quite insidious, since it can manifest itself not only as pain, but also as a disruption in the functioning of some internal organs. In this case, everything will depend on which nerve is pinched - autonomic, sensory or motor.

How does such pinching manifest itself?

The most common symptom of this problem is the appearance of pain in the thoracic region, which intensifies in the direction of the spine. In this case, the pain may be accompanied by stiffness in the chest, and painful nodules begin to be felt on the intercostal muscles.

The nature of pain with intercostal neuralgia can be different in type and intensity - it can be a burning sharp pain, or a dull aching pain that will intensify with every movement. In this case, it usually manifests itself in the form of attacks, which may be accompanied by twitching or spasms of the intercostal muscles. Some neurological symptoms may appear, for example, changes in skin sensitivity.

But the most unpleasant way this problem can manifest itself is pain of various localizations, which can imitate pain in some. So, for example, when a nerve is pinched in the thoracic region, a pain may appear that will radiate to the arm. This kind of pain is perceived by many as real heart pain, but there are some differences. In particular, these “simulating pains” are much longer lasting, they usually intensify with movement and, unlike pain with angina, they are not relieved by nitroglycerin.

It is also possible to experience pain in the stomach, which is practically indistinguishable from a peptic ulcer or gastritis. But their distinctive feature is that they cannot be removed with the help of antispasmodics.

An additional problem may be a prolonged protective spasm of the back muscles, as a result of which the pain intensifies.

What is the treatment?

First of all, the doctor must make the correct diagnosis based on examination and questioning of the patient. As we have already said, in some cases, due to “simulating” pain, making a correct diagnosis becomes a problem, as a result, the wrong treatment is prescribed, which does not give any effect. Therefore, if a pinched nerve is suspected, the doctor should conduct an X-ray examination. In some cases, a computed tomography scan is also performed to clarify the diagnosis.

Most often, preference is given to conservative treatment methods. First of all, the doctor tries to eliminate attacks of pain and the causes that cause it. For this purpose, drug treatment is used, which uses non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, painkillers and, if necessary, to relieve painful muscle spasms. B vitamins are also actively used, which help restore metabolic processes in nerve cells.

By the way, if you want to get step by step plan for the treatment of pinched sciatic nerve, then go to this page now.

After eliminating the pain syndrome, massages and therapeutic exercises become the basis of treatment. Some physiotherapeutic procedures, etc. may also be used. It should be remembered that treatment should be carried out by a competent specialist, who knows well the methods of treating this disease. Everyone understands that attempts at self-medication in such a situation will be useless, since even accurately localizing the pain and determining that the problem is in the spine is quite difficult.

By the way, you may also be interested in the following FREE materials:

  • Free book "TOP 7 harmful exercises for morning exercises that you should avoid"
  • Restoration of knee and hip joints with arthrosis- free video recording of the webinar conducted by a physical therapy and sports medicine doctor - Alexandra Bonina
  • Free lessons on treating low back pain from a certified physical therapy doctor. This doctor has developed a unique system for restoring all parts of the spine and has already helped more than 2000 clients with various back and neck problems!
  • Want to know how to treat a pinched sciatic nerve? Then carefully watch the video at this link.
  • 10 essential nutritional components for a healthy spine- in this report you will learn what your daily diet should be so that you and your spine are always healthy in body and spirit. Very useful information!
  • Do you have osteochondrosis? Then we recommend studying effective methods of treating lumbar, cervical and thoracic osteochondrosis without drugs.

A pinched nerve in the thoracic region occurs when the nerve processes are pinched by muscles, vertebrae or intervertebral discs. This process is almost always accompanied by severe pain, which does not help with conventional analgesics.

You will learn


Pinched nerves most often occur in middle-aged and elderly people, since bone tissue and the spine tend to wear out over the years.

This disease has code M54.6 (Pain in the thoracic spine) according to the international classification system of diseases ICD-10.

The main causes of this pathology:

  • - degenerative processes lead to destruction of the vertebral structure;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • protrusion of intervertebral discs;
  • vegetative-vascular dystonia;
  • intercostal neuralgia;
  • neoplasms;
  • vertebral displacement;
  • prolonged hypothermia;
  • hypertonicity of the back muscles, forced position of the body in one position for a long time (usually associated with professional activities);
  • chronic stress;
  • spinal injuries;
  • congenital developmental abnormalities (scoliosis and postural disorders);
  • overweight.

Signs and symptoms

The signs of this disease differ depending on where the affected nerve is located and which fibers were injured (vegetative, motor or sensory).


  • pain;
  • heart rhythm disturbances;
  • twitching and spasms of intercostal muscles;
  • restriction of physical activity;
  • impaired skin sensitivity, numbness of the hands;
  • headache;
  • unstable blood pressure;
  • general malaise, apathy;
  • breathing problems, unable to take a deep breath;
  • discomfort in the epigastric region (this symptom can easily be confused with gastroduodenitis or peptic ulcer; a distinctive feature is that when a nerve is pinched, they are not relieved by antispasmodics).

The most important symptom is pain, which can manifest itself in different ways. They are mainly located in the middle part of the back, spreading to the upper limbs, shoulders or neck. A characteristic feature is that pain does not occur immediately, but when the nerve has been pinched for a long time. Another option is girdling pain, accompanied by a feeling of stiffness in the chest. Severe pain in the heart area is often observed.

Attention! The clinical picture of a pinched nerve in the thoracic region may be similar to that of ischemia and a heart attack. The difference is that when pinched, the pain is usually longer lasting and intensifies with movement. In addition, they are not relieved by heart medications.


The diagnosis and treatment of pinched nerves is carried out by a highly qualified specialist - a neuropathologist. His task is to interview the patient and conduct an objective examination (determining reflexes and sensitivity of the affected body segments). After this, order the necessary studies.

Clinical and laboratory methods for identifying this disease:

  • blood, allowing to determine the presence or absence of an inflammatory process in the body.
  • X-ray examination to identify spinal injuries, osteochondrosis, and curvatures.
  • Magnetic resonance or computed tomography.
  • Myelography, if you need to detect a specific area of ​​pinching.
  • Electrocardiogram to exclude cardiac pathology.


A set of conservative therapeutic measures is prescribed exclusively by a doctor. It is aimed at solving the following problems:

  • release the pinched nerve so that nerve impulses pass freely through the fibers;
  • eliminate muscle spasm;
  • improve blood supply and nutrition to the spine;
  • relieve possible inflammation.
  • Naklofen;
  • Nimesil;
  • Movalis;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Olfen.

These medications have side effects, so you should not abuse them. First of all, the gastric mucosa suffers from their use. They are not always suitable for patients with diseases of the digestive system. An alternative is to use anti-inflammatory drugs in the form of injections.

Antispasmodics are also prescribed to relieve muscle spasms:

  • No-Shpa;
  • Sirdalud;
  • Mydocalm.

Gels and ointments with a warming and anti-inflammatory effect are used as local therapy. They should be thoroughly rubbed into painful areas 2-3 times a day (according to the attached instructions). These include:

  • Dolobene:
  • Nise;
  • Finalgon.

B vitamins will help normalize metabolic processes in nerve cells, therefore drugs such as Combilipen, Milgamma, Neurobion are used in the complex therapy regimen.

In case of osteochondrosis, it would be advisable to prescribe chondroprotectors to restore the cartilaginous structure of the vertebrae. Mainly used are Arthra, Dona, Teraflex.

Attention! If there is no effect from the medications, doctors prescribe novocaine or lidocaine blockade of the intercostal spaces.

Surgical intervention is indicated only in extreme cases in the presence of advanced intervertebral hernias, tumors, injuries, and persistent spinal deformities.

Rehabilitation treatment

After the acute period has passed, rehabilitation therapy is prescribed in the form of massage, physiotherapeutic procedures and therapeutic exercises.

A massage course helps to relax muscles and release pinched nerves. It is necessary to conduct at least ten or fifteen sessions to achieve the desired effect. During periods of exacerbation, massage is contraindicated!

The goal of physiotherapy is to eliminate inflammation and significantly improve blood circulation. Recommended procedures:

  • magnetic therapy - has a powerful analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect, improves metabolic processes;
  • laser;
  • sinusoidal currents;
  • paraffin applications - they relieve swelling and muscle spasms, improve lymph drainage and blood circulation;
  • electrophoresis with lidocaine, caripazim.

Special exercises strengthen the muscular corset of the back, reduce pressure on the vertebrae and improve the function of the spine in general. A physical therapy doctor selects an individual complex for a specific patient. For example, many exercises are contraindicated for patients with intervertebral hernia; a simplified program has been developed for them. At first, classes are conducted under the supervision of an instructor, who checks the correct execution technique. In the future, you can study at home on your own.

Home treatment

What can be done at home to alleviate the patient’s condition is to ensure rest and use traditional medicine treatment methods. However, you should be careful with folk remedies; they are not so harmless, they have many contraindications and can cause harm if used incorrectly.

Effective recipes:

  • Yarrow. The healing decoction is prepared according to the following recipe: 2 teaspoons of the dry plant are poured with boiling water and infused for 40–50 minutes. The product is taken orally 4 times a day, one tablespoon at a time.
  • Celery. Squeeze the juice out of it and drink a couple of teaspoons in the morning and evening.
  • Lemons, apricots and honey. To prepare the mixture, you need to take half a kilogram of citrus fruits, apricot kernels (3 tablespoons) and a little honey. All components are crushed and mixed. This composition is recommended for use twice a day before meals.
  • Strawberries. Both the leaves and the berries themselves have medicinal properties. For the infusion you will need a tablespoon of strawberry leaves and a glass of boiling water. Juice is made from the berries, which is consumed three times a day before meals.
  • Lingonberry leaf. Pour 1 teaspoon of raw material into 250 ml of hot water and leave for about half an hour. Drink half a glass 2-3 times a day.
  • Sagebrush. Used as an infusion, the preparation of which requires a tablespoon of inflorescences and 400 ml of hot water. It is intended exclusively for rubbing.
  • Black radish. The juice of this vegetable helps cure neuralgia and get rid of unpleasant symptoms.
  • Baths with the addition of medicinal herbs. Sage, chamomile, oak bark, calamus root, aspen bark, and thyme are suitable for these purposes. Under no circumstances should the water be hot!
  • Hop cones. A medicinal ointment is prepared from them by mixing with butter (1 tablespoon). This product is supposed to be rubbed with massage movements into painful areas.
  • Peppermint. A decoction is prepared from a tablespoon of leaves poured with a glass of boiling water. The infusion time is fifteen minutes. After which the broth is filtered and consumed half a glass at a time.
  • Compresses with honey and potatoes. The pulp from the raw vegetable is mixed with honey in equal proportions and applied to the sore spot. To enhance the effect, you can additionally insulate the compress with plastic wrap.
  • Garlic oil. A tablespoon of the product is added to 500 ml of vodka and used to rub sore spots.
  • Black elderberry. Juice from the berries along with wine and consumed on an empty stomach in the amount of three teaspoons. The treatment course lasts a week, after which you must take a break.
  • Geranium fragrant. The leaves of this plant have a good analgesic effect. They are crushed and applied to the sore spot, covered with a linen cloth on top, and additionally wrapped in a warm scarf.
  • Medicinal mixture of valerian, orange peels and lemon balm. Take citrus peels and lemon balm in equal proportions (one teaspoon each), pour boiling water (1 glass) and leave for ten minutes. Then the infusion is filtered through a strainer and mixed with valerian (1 teaspoon). If desired, you can add a little honey to improve the taste. You should drink a glass three times a day.

This video presents a set of exercises that helps with pain in the thoracic spine, including pinched nerves.


To prevent this disease you need to follow certain recommendations:

  1. Engage in physical activity. It would be best to give preference to swimming, Pilates, and yoga. These exercises perfectly strengthen the muscles of the back and chest. In addition, do not neglect your daily morning exercises.

pinched nerve in the thoracic region is manifested by sharp pain and loss of sensitivity. The treatment uses an integrated approach: NSAIDs, muscle relaxants, physiotherapy

Thoracic neuralgia is a pathology with severe pain. It develops from irritation, stretching or compression of the intercostal nerve roots. Mostly elderly and middle-aged people suffer; the disease is less commonly diagnosed in children and young patients. A pinched nerve in the thoracic region is caused by damage to the spine, trauma, tumors, and cardiovascular diseases.

What causes the disease?

Compression of the spinal nerve endings occurs during degenerative processes in the spinal column. The roots are pinched by displaced discs and processes of the vertebrae. Pain occurs with swelling, spasms of the muscle fibers of the back, chest, aseptic inflammation of damaged tissues after mechanical injuries.

Neuralgia is common among athletes and those who do hard work. A pinched nerve is a consequence of a sharp turn of the body, heavy lifting, or prolonged stay in an unnatural position. Strength exercises without preliminary warm-up provoke an attack.

Causes of pinched thoracic nerve:

  • osteochondrosis, spondyloarthrosis;
  • stenosis (pathological narrowing) of the spinal canal;
  • Bekhterev's disease;
  • intervertebral hernia;
  • hypertonicity of the chest muscles;
  • vascular atherosclerosis;
  • scoliosis, kyphosis, lordosis;
  • mechanical injuries of the spine, chest;
  • osteoporosis;
  • multiple sclerosis;
  • benign, malignant tumors of the mediastinum;
  • polyradiculoneuritis.

In women over 45 years of age, symptoms of thoracic neuralgia appear against the background of hormonal changes in the body during menopause. Pain syndrome can develop with atherosclerosis of blood vessels, metabolic disorders, pneumonia, and bronchitis. The provoking factor is a strong decrease in immunity, vitamin deficiency, frequent stress, hypothermia, chronic alcoholism, hormonal imbalance.

There are true and thoracalgia - intercostal neuralgia. In the first case, discomfort is caused by damage to the heart muscle, pneumonia, and gastrointestinal diseases. In the second, vertebrogenic symptoms are associated with displacement of the vertebrae, protrusion of the intervertebral hernia, and narrowing of the spinal canal. These processes are accompanied by compression of the spinal nerve roots, and therefore acute pain.

Signs of pinching

The most striking manifestation of neuralgia is pain in the chest. They bother one side of the body or encircle, spread along the intercostal spaces, radiating to the back, shoulder, and upper limbs. The pain is acute, burning, piercing, increases with exposure to irritants, from taking a deep breath, may be coughing, sneezing, bending/turning the body, and is sometimes accompanied by a decrease in sensitivity.

When the thoracic nerve is pinched, body stiffness and numbness of the soft tissues in the chest and subscapular region occur.

A person manages to feel trigger points in the intercostal spaces, along the spine, along the front wall of the chest. Seizures do not always begin after physical exertion and contact with external irritants; they develop both at rest and during sleep.

The symptoms of neuralgia change as different parts of the nerve fiber are affected. There are 4 types of pinching:

  • in the anterior chest wall;
  • compression of the nerve of the upper thoracic spine;
  • compression of nerve fibers in the lower thoracic region;
  • scapular-costal neuralgia.

A pinched nerve in the chest is manifested by pain. It is aching, localized in the armpit, along the parasternal line. Unpleasant sensations persist for a long time and increase with any movement. With scapular-costal neuralgia, the pain is short-term or constant. It is stabbing or aching, localized between the shoulder blades, radiating to the armpit, nipple area (usually on the left), and increases with inhalation or exhalation.

When a pinched nerve is diagnosed in the thoracic region (5–7 vertebrae), the discomfort is localized under the xiphoid process and resembles the symptoms of gastritis. Degenerative changes in Th10–12 initiate pain between the ribs, in the sub- or supraclavicular or epigastric region, radiating to the neck, left shoulder, and arm. They intensify when tilting or turning the head.

The difference between thoracic neuralgia and angina pectoris

When the upper segments of the thoracic spinal column are affected, the patient experiences a sensation of a foreign body in the pharynx, behind the sternum, which is accompanied by difficulty swallowing. A person suffers from chronic, aching pain in the heart area; this condition can be confused with an attack of angina pectoris. Discomfortable sensations are constantly present and are not associated with movements.

Unlike intercostal neuralgia, cardiac pain syndrome occurs in attacks and lasts no more than 20 minutes. Patients complain of pressure associated with physical activity and passing at rest. Nitroglycerin helps to quickly relieve discomfort.

Diagnosis of pinching

Since establishing a diagnosis for intercostal neuralgia often causes difficulties, patients need to consult a therapist, pulmonologist, cardiologist, or neurologist. Pathologies of the lungs and heart are excluded using fluorography, chest x-ray, and ECG. After this, MRI, CT of the thoracic spine, and spondylography are prescribed. If necessary, angioscanning of blood vessels and diagnostic studies of the digestive system are performed. Laboratory tests of urine and blood are taken to assess the general condition of the body; their results reveal an inflammatory, infectious process.

The neurologist determines the condition of the chest muscles, how much the sensitivity of the soft tissues is reduced, and checks motor reflexes.

To find out exactly where the pectoral nerve is pinched and check the extent of damage to the root, electromyography is done. According to indications, a spinal puncture is taken and myelography is performed.

First aid

In case of an acute attack of thoracic neuralgia, the patient must be provided with complete rest and placed on a flat surface. Bed rest should be observed for at least 3 days. Dry heat helps relieve severe pain. An electric heating pad or a bag of sand is applied to the affected area, you can put on warm, comfortable clothes, cover yourself with a blanket, and wrap a woolen scarf around your chest.

To alleviate the condition at home, analgesics (Diclofenac, Nurofen), antispasmodics (Spazmalgon), sedatives (Valerian, hawthorn tincture) are allowed. The patient is recommended to lightly massage the pain points, apply an ointment based on NSAIDs, bee venom (Apizartron). For neuralgia, a warm bath with herbal decoctions and essential oils is very relaxing.


When the thoracic nerve is pinched, therapy is carried out comprehensively, affecting the primary cause that caused the compression and pain. Patients are prescribed medications and physiotherapeutic procedures. In the acute stage, novocaine blockades are used, this helps relieve unbearable pain and relax tense muscles.

In the subacute period of neuralgia, a course of massage, physical therapy classes, and a course of manual therapy are prescribed. If conservative methods are ineffective, surgery is required to correct intervertebral discs, remove tumors, or resect nerve fibers. The treatment regimen is selected individually for each patient.

Drug therapy

Medications for intercostal neuralgia are prescribed to relieve acute pain and relax the muscles of the chest. The following remedies help alleviate the patient’s condition:

  • non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs – Nurofen, Celecoxib;
  • B vitamins, Milgamma;
  • sedatives for neuralgia - Elenium, Relanium;
  • anticonvulsants – Tegretol, Finlepsin;
  • muscle relaxants – Baclofen, Sirdalud;
  • agents that protect nerve cells - Mexidol, Neuromedin.

Depending on the cause of intercostal neuralgia, antibiotics, antivirals, and immunomodulators are prescribed. To stimulate blood microcirculation, Pentoxifylline, Trental, and colloidal solutions are administered dropwise.

Local therapy for pinched thoracic nerve

Paravertebral blockades help relieve intense pain. Local anesthetics (Novocaine, Lidocaine) are injected percutaneously into the projection of the spinal roots. Injections quickly relieve discomfort, reduce tissue swelling, improve blood circulation and nutrition of damaged tissues. The effect of therapy lasts several hours, the procedure can be performed repeatedly. During the inflammatory process, glucocorticoids are used for injection: Diprospan, Kenalog.

You can relieve pain from thoracic neuralgia using ointments for external use:

  • NSAID-based products – Diklak gel, Nise;
  • warming ointments – Finalgon, Viprosal;
  • homeopathic gels – Traumeel C, Tsel T;
  • combination drugs – Dolobene.

If the cartilage tissue of the vertebrae is damaged, ointments based on chondroprotectors are indicated: Teraflex, Structum. Such drugs slow down degenerative processes and reduce the likelihood of frequent exacerbations of neuralgia. For chest and back massage, use Dikul Balm, Comfrey, Shungite.

Physiotherapeutic methods

If a nerve is pinched or spasm, a course of physiotherapy is prescribed. The procedures are carried out after the acute symptoms of the disease have subsided. The most effective methods of treating neuralgia:

  • acupuncture;
  • electrophoresis;
  • phonophoresis;
  • UHF thoracic;
  • mud, paraffin applications on the pinched area;
  • laser therapy;
  • salt baths;
  • darsonvalization;
  • short-pulse electroanalgesia;
  • magnetotherapy.

The treatment increases blood flow to the affected cells, reduces swelling, accelerates regeneration, normalizes metabolic processes, and increases local immunity. The course consists of 10–12 sessions. Procedures are contraindicated for chest injuries and neuroinfections.


Exercise therapy for a pinched thoracic nerve allows you to relieve stiffness, increase motor activity, reduce muscle spasms, and increase the overall tone of the body. Classes begin with a light warm-up, the load is increased gradually, movements are performed smoothly, without jerking.

For the treatment of intercostal neuralgia.

  1. Tilt the body to the sides, hands on the waist.
  2. Upper body twists.
  3. Squats.
  4. Arching of the back in a sitting position.

Exercises must be performed daily for 2-3 months. The training schedule should be drawn up by a specialist to prevent overstrain and re-pinching of the nerve. Yoga and swimming help to enhance the effect of exercise therapy.


During the period of remission, patients suffering from thoracic neuralgia receive a back massage. Use the classic, point or cupping technique. The treatment increases lymph and blood flow, relaxes the rectus dorsi muscles and intercostal muscles. Massage in combination with physical therapy and physiotherapeutic procedures accelerates recovery and is an effective means for preventing exacerbations.

Surgical intervention

If conservative treatment of intercostal neuralgia does not produce results, surgical intervention is indicated. Methods of operation:

  • kyphoplasty;
  • laminectomy;
  • foraminotomy.

Kyphoplasty is performed for compression fractures of the spine and chest that cause pinching of the intercostal nerve. Laminectomy is a partial resection of the area of ​​the vertebra that compresses the root. Foraminotomy is an expansion of the canal through which the nerve fiber passes.

Folk remedies

In addition to the main methods of treating intercostal neuralgia, traditional medicine can be used. Relaxing baths with decoctions of medicinal herbs and essential oils help relieve pain. To rub the chest, use ointments based on propolis, alcohol tinctures of geranium, calendula flowers, St. John's wort, and make applications with warm beeswax.

Herbal bath

To prepare, brew 10 tablespoons of dry herbs with 2 liters of boiling water, leave under the lid for 8 hours, then filter and add to the total volume of water. Pine needles, pine cones, horse chestnut, chamomile, and juniper help treat neuralgia at home.

Fees for therapeutic baths for pinched thoracic nerve:

  • oregano, nettle, lemon balm, black currant leaves in equal proportions;
  • bird knotweed, horsetail, valerian root – 1:1:2;
  • birch buds, sweet clover, thyme, chamomile flowers - 1 part each.

Therapeutic baths are especially effective for neuralgia, spinal diseases, arthritis, arthrosis, and damage to peripheral nerves.

Recipe for relieving swelling

You can reduce tissue swelling in case of traumatic pinched nerve in the thoracic region with pine essential oil. This herbal remedy has antibacterial, wound healing, and analgesic properties. To treat neuralgia, 5 drops of pine oil are diluted with 10 ml of pumpkin oil and the medicine is rubbed on the problem areas 2 times a day.

Ointment for pain relief

Recipe for homemade ointment to relieve pain from thoracic neuralgia:

  • Vaseline or pork lard – 20 g;
  • aloe vera juice – 1 teaspoon;
  • lilac buds – 5 g.

All components are mixed and thoroughly ground until a homogeneous mass is obtained. The finished ointment is stored in the refrigerator and warmed up slightly before use.

How to prevent a pinched nerve

Basic rules for the prevention of thoracic neuralgia:

  • balanced diet;
  • rejection of bad habits;
  • moderate physical activity;
  • optimal work and rest regime;
  • protection against spinal injuries and hypothermia.

When working sedentarily, it is recommended to exercise regularly, warm up during the day, and use orthopedic chairs. Athletes should properly plan their training schedule and avoid overexertion. For osteochondrosis and other chronic diseases of the spine, preventive treatment is necessary; it is useful to visit sanatoriums, do back massage, and exercise therapy.

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