What to do about pinched discs in the spine. I pinched a nerve in my back - what should I do? Symptoms and treatment. Pinched nerve in the spine symptoms

A pinched nerve is when a nerve comes under extreme pressure from surrounding tissue - cartilage, bone, tendon or muscle. The pressure impairs nerve function, causing pain, numbness, tingling, or weakness. When pinched, pain can occur in several parts of the body: for example, if in the spine in the lumbar region, then the pain can radiate to the leg.

Causes of pinching

The reasons are varied. This could be a misalignment of the vertebrae. Sometimes pinching occurs as a result of hypothermia or infection. A growing tumor can also cause pain. The most common cause of pinching is impaired functionality of the intervertebral discs. They are a kind of shock absorbers that prevent injuries. Age, certain diseases and high loads on the spine gradually reduce the shock-absorbing effect of the discs, then they begin to put pressure on the nerve and cause pain. So, the main causes of pinching include: hypothermia, viral infections, injuries, physical inactivity, excessive loads, features


If a nerve is pinched in the back, what to do is not immediately clear, since the unpleasant sensations may be the result of some other ailment. When pinched, the pain is constant or can manifest itself in attacks. It occurs both in moments of relaxation and tension. Pain can manifest itself not where the nerve was pinched: for example, a nerve is pinched under the shoulder blade, but radiates to the cervical spine or even the arm. The skin in the problem area may become red and numb. Swelling, headaches, and coordination problems are possible. If the symptoms indicate that a person has pinched a nerve in the back, there is no need to explain what to do: you should immediately consult a doctor. This disease can lead to the most unpleasant consequences, including paralysis.

I pinched a nerve in my back - what should I do?

Modern medicine has everything necessary to correctly determine the location of the pinching and establish its causes. The most accurate is x-ray examination. In some cases, magnetic resonance imaging or an electrodiagnostic study may also be prescribed to determine the conductivity of nerve fibers. This is necessary to confirm the diagnosis or identify possible pathology.

How to treat?

If the diagnosis is confirmed, and the patient really has a pinched nerve in the back, the doctor decides what to do. As a rule, the patient is prescribed complex drug treatment and physical therapy (heating, exercise therapy, electrophoresis, ultraviolet irradiation, hydrotherapy, reflexology, therapeutic massage, radon baths, etc.). The latter have a special role. To restore bone tissue, vitamin complexes and protective drugs are prescribed. Not only medications are used as pain relievers, but also ointments and gels based on snake and bee venom, which are often very effective. In some particularly difficult cases, surgery may be required.

In our modern world, pinched nerves in the lower back are quite common. This occurs when the nerve roots of the spinal cord are compressed. This compression of the nerve can occur as a result of narrowing of the space between the vertebral discs due to protrusion (bulging of the intervertebral disc outside the spine), a herniated disc, or as a result of muscle tension.

As a rule, a pinched nerve in the lumbar region is observed in young thirty-year-old men, after heavy physical activity, which is accompanied by severe pain. This situation leads to injury to the lower back muscles and overheating. At the same time, the pain is so strong that it can be confused with other pathologies of the lumbar region.

If a nerve is pinched in the lower back, then such compression occurs along the entire spinal column. Since the nerve endings that branch from the lumbar region along the spine are stretched and spasmed, they are compressed and pinched during intense physical activity. A large number of people experience periodic back pain, but not everyone seeks medical help and prefers self-medication.

A pinched nerve is compression of the nerve roots of the lumbar region, which extend from the spinal cord and are compressed by neighboring vertebrae, or pinching occurs for other reasons, including: muscle spasms, protrusions, tumors, intervertebral hernias.

If a nerve is pinched in the lower back, then in addition to pain, the sick person additionally suffers from decreased sensitivity of a certain muscle group and disruption of the functioning of the pelvic organs. Such disorders depend on which nerve was pinched, since both sensory and autonomic endings and motor nerves can be compressed. When the first and second are pinched, this is accompanied by severe pain that cannot be endured. If the latter is pinched, medical attention is sought late, which is fraught with the development of serious consequences. Delayed treatment can lead to massive death of nerve cells, and further to paralysis and decreased quality of life.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve in the lower back

When a nerve is pinched in the lower back, the symptoms are characterized by severe and constant pain. Their strength and regularity can vary depending on what caused the pinching and which nerve was pinched. If the autonomic nerve is pinched, then malfunctions of the internal organs occur. In this case, pain appears in the stomach or intestines, which can radiate to the heart. When a sensory nerve is pinched, the patient experiences severe, continuous pain. Well, if the motor nerve is pinched, this affects the gait and impaired sensitivity in the limbs.

In addition to pain, the following is also observed:

  • numbness of the lower extremities;
  • burning sensation in the lumbar region;
  • damage and dysfunction of a certain muscle group;
  • gait disturbance;
  • an increase in pain during movement, sneezing, coughing or laughing;
  • impaired mobility;
  • feeling of weakness in the muscles of the lower extremities.

Sharp pain when pinched in the lower back can last from several minutes to several days, or even weeks. At the same time, it can disappear as quickly as it appeared. After the acute stage, the symptoms of pinching are reminiscent of a feeling of slight numbness of the limbs, or minor pain in the form of tingling in the lumbar region. However, it is necessary to identify the cause of the pinching and eliminate it. Otherwise, the problem will remain and will constantly remind itself of itself with regular relapses. In addition, each subsequent exacerbation will be more intense and serious. Therefore, you should not just wait for the pain to subside, but identify the cause of the pinching and provide adequate treatment.

If the symptoms of a pinched nerve are not taken into account for a long time, they will certainly lead to serious complications, such as inflammation of the spinal nerve. Since the muscles are constantly spasming, the nutrition of the nerves and tissues that surround them is disrupted.

When pinched in the lower back, a variety of pain sensations are observed, therefore, depending on their location, the following conditions are distinguished:

  • ischalgia, in which there is pain in the sacral region, radiating to the back of the leg and buttock;
  • lumbagia - pain is localized in the lower back and back;
  • lumbar ischalgia with pain in the lumbar region, spreading to the back of the leg;
  • cervicalgia with painful sensations radiating to the arm and cervical spine.

Causes of a pinched nerve in the lumbar region

The obvious fact is that a pinched nerve in the lumbar region never occurs by itself. There are always objective factors that lead to such pinching. Therefore, we can identify the main ones that cause nerve compression:

  • intense physical activity associated with professional activities;
  • carrying heavy objects, sometimes it happens that a person who has lifted something heavy feels a sharp pain in the lower back, which does not even allow him to straighten up;
  • displacement of the vertebrae in the lumbar region;
  • spinal injury;
  • tumors;
  • hypothermia;
  • osteochondrosis, leading to a reduction in the intervertebral distance;
  • pregnancy and childbirth;
  • excess weight;
  • scoliosis of the spine;
  • lack of nutrition, vitamins and minerals;
  • uncomfortable bed, too soft;
  • due to bone growths along the edges of the spine (osteophytes) resulting from spondylosis;
  • herniated discs;
  • infectious diseases;
  • sedentary work, lack of physical activity.

However, it should be noted that the most common cause leading to a pinched nerve in the lower back is anatomical damage to the organ resulting from injury, atypical joint structure or disease. Such damage is called degenerative. This is a fairly serious problem that requires adequate medical care.

Another reason that causes pinched nerve endings in the lumbar region is age-related changes. In this case, we are talking not only about pinched nerves, but also about other age-related diseases: osteoporosis, arthrosis and osteochondrosis. This fact greatly aggravates the treatment of pinched nerves.

Diagnosis of pinched lower back

The above symptoms can only indirectly indicate the presence of the disease. To find out the exact cause of pinching and pain, it is necessary to carry out a variety of diagnostic measures. First of all, X-ray examinations of the spinal column are prescribed. Additional diagnostics can be computed and magnetic resonance imaging (CT and MRI), as well as a special type of radiography using a contrast agent (myelography). These studies make it possible to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe adequate treatment.

How to treat a pinched nerve in the lower back

When a nerve is pinched in the lower back, treatment is based on correct diagnosis of the cause that caused the problem. If the cause of the painful condition is identified, the patient is first prescribed bed rest.

The medications used are:

  • nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Voltaren and ibuprofen), which relieve pain and inflammation in the lower back;
  • novocaine blockades, which have an analgesic effect in the places where the nerve branches exit;
  • ointments, creams and gels for external use, such as (Finalgon, Capsicam, Nurofen, Diclofenac, Fastum-gel);
  • anti-inflammatory suppositories for rectal use;
  • a special diet that excludes smoked, salty, spicy foods, and during the acute period you should not drink alcohol or rich meat broths;
  • massage that relieves muscle tension in the lumbar region;
  • therapeutic exercises and special exercises will help get rid of muscle spasms and tension in ligaments;
  • reflexology;
  • water procedures;
  • physiotherapeutic methods;
  • sanitary and spa treatment.

If conservative treatment does not bring adequate relief, then surgical treatment is prescribed. After the acute phase has subsided, doctors prescribe auxiliary therapy (massage, physical therapy, water procedures). Both drug treatment and auxiliary treatment are aimed at reducing swelling, improving blood supply, and relieving pain. In case of a chronic course of the disease with frequent relapses, sanatorium treatment is recommended. An important factor in the prevention of pinched nerves is the fight against excess weight. In people with increased body weight, pinched nerves will occur constantly, despite timely treatment.

Exercises for a pinched nerve in the lower back

Conservative treatment involves taking medications: painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. However, you should not limit yourself to only them. If you perform simple muscle stretching exercises during treatment, the pain and inflammation will go away soon.

Stretching exercises can be very effective in helping to speed up recovery and provide relief. You should not do exercises with force; they should place minimal stress on the sore area.

So, for a speedy recovery, you should do the following set of exercises:

Stretching exercises while lying down

  1. Lie down on a flat surface and bend your sore leg (where the pain is felt). Gently pull it towards your shoulder. Hold your leg in this position for 30 seconds. Next, straighten your leg and rest. Then raise and hold the other leg, and then both legs at the same time. Repeat the exercise 2 more times.
  2. Lying on your back, bend your knees and carefully pull them towards your chest, without lifting your buttocks from the floor.
  3. Lying on the floor, cross your legs (put one on top of the other), clasp your healthy leg with your hands and pull yourself up. You should hold your legs in this position for 30 seconds, then lower them and return to the starting position. Repeat the exercise 2 more times.
  4. Lie on your back, place your hands under your buttocks. Make a movement with your feet that imitates riding a bicycle.
  5. Lie on your back and spread your arms to the sides, bend your knees. Carefully move your legs to the side, but do not let go down. Stay in this position for several seconds.
  6. Lying on your side, bend your knees, then pull them towards you, curling into a ring, then return to the starting position.
  7. Lying on your back, raise your legs and rest them against the wall. Move close enough to the wall that your buttocks can be pressed tightly against it. You need to stay in this position for 5-10 minutes.

Exercises while standing

  1. The legs are slightly apart, the arms are lowered below the waist. You should make circular movements with your hips in one direction or the other.
  2. In the same position (legs spread apart), raise one arm and tilt the body in the opposite direction. In other words, if you raise your right hand, then you must bend to the left. Perform the exercise carefully, trying to go as low as possible.
  3. Take a chair, hold onto it and spread your legs for stability. In this position, do half squats.
  4. Raise one leg onto the seat of the chair. Try to sit down in this position. You need to go down smoothly, as low as possible. Stay below for a few seconds. Repeat with the other leg.

Exercise while sitting

  1. Sit on your heels, carefully lean forward, touching the floor with your hands. Stay in this position for several seconds.
  2. The starting position is the same, but your arms should be spread to the sides parallel to the floor. Gently clasp your hands behind your back, or try to do it as close as possible.
  3. Sitting on the floor, clasp your hands at the back of your head and stretch your legs. Carefully and very slowly lie on your back. Spread your legs to the sides and lift them as much as possible. Remain in this position for several seconds. Lower your legs down and try to stand over your side. Do not abruptly lift your body off the floor.
  4. Sitting on the floor, straighten your legs and bend your arms at the knees. Using your arms and torso, you need to walk on your buttocks: forward and backward.
  5. Sitting on a chair, put your hands behind your head and cross your legs. In this position, you need to turn right and left. Switching legs, repeat the exercise again.
  6. Get on your knees, focusing on your arms, which are bent at the elbows. Take turns arching and arching your back.
  7. Sitting on your knees, lean forward and touch your forehead to the floor (as far as possible). At the same time, extend your arms forward or stretch them along the body. Stay in this position for several seconds.

Do not forget that therapeutic exercises are performed only in the remission stage after examination and treatment. During the period of acute pain, it is strictly prohibited to carry out any physical exercise. You need to start gymnastics carefully and slowly, gradually increasing the load. You should not perform the exercises intensively and abruptly; you can provoke an attack of acute pain.

Physical exercises performed carefully and correctly are an effective method in the fight against compression of nerves in the lumbar region. Exercise stimulates blood circulation, eliminates congestion in the muscles, thereby promoting recovery.

What to do if you have a pinched nerve in the lower back

The first thing to remember: in case of an acute attack of pain, it is strictly forbidden to warm up your back. The thing is that the effect of heat on the problem area is fraught with swelling, because heat increases blood flow to the affected area. As a result, pressure on the nervous tissue increases and intensifies, which is a consequence of edema. Warming the lower back can partially soothe the pain, but not for long; the result of exposure to heat will be the return of pain with a new intensity.

When acute pain occurs, first of all the patient should be placed on a hard surface. Even the floor can act as a hard surface if it is not very cold. But it is still better to place a thin mattress or blanket under the patient. A comfortable body position can alleviate the patient's plight. Be sure to call a doctor. Before the doctor arrives, if the patient has encountered this before, take a pain reliever in the form of tablets, rectal suppositories or injections. Just not all at once, one of three. If the pain is unbearable, it is better to give an injection with an anesthetic drug. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs act as anti-inflammatory and analgesic agents: diclofenac, ibuprofen, analgin, ketorol. To dilate blood vessels and improve blood circulation in spasming muscles, it is recommended to take two No-Spa tablets, which will quickly relieve spasms.

When providing effective medical care, first of all, pain and spasm of skeletal muscles are completely eliminated. When the pain decreases, you can continue treatment with tablets and external agents, which include ointments, gels, creams containing non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs.

For skeletal muscle spasms, muscle relaxants (mydocalm) are prescribed, which quickly restore the functions of the muscles and affected organs.

For very severe pain, novocaine blockades are performed: a novocaine solution is injected subcutaneously or intradermally into the area of ​​greatest pain and along the spine on both sides.

To calm the patient, a sleeping pill and a sedative are prescribed, since treatment of the central nervous system is of great importance in this therapy.

After the pain subsides, physiotherapeutic procedures, massage and therapeutic exercises are advisable. Treatment of a pinched nerve is effective in combination with primary (medicines) and auxiliary (massage, physiotherapy, therapeutic exercises) medical measures.

Treatment with folk remedies for back pain

Traditional medicine recipes can be very effective in treating low back pain. However, such treatment should be carried out only in combination with the main treatment and only after visiting a doctor.

Remember! You should not self-medicate. This is fraught with serious complications, leading to immobility and disability.

Here are a few recipes that can relieve the symptoms of lower back compression:

Bay leaf tincture

Grind two tablespoons of bay leaves (fresh or dry), pour in 200 ml of vodka. Let it brew for 2-3 days. The resulting infusion is rubbed into the affected area.

Honey and flour

A compress of honey and flour is made as follows: mix 100 grams of honey and 100 grams of flour until a homogeneous mass is formed. You should get a small cake. Apply the cake to the sore spot, apply a bandage and wrap it in a woolen scarf. Leave the compress overnight and remove it in the morning.

Therapeutic baths

Therapeutic baths can have a healing effect when a nerve is pinched. For this purpose, add an infusion of calamus roots, oak bark or horse chestnut to a bath of warm water. You can stay in the water for no more than 20 minutes.

Celery juice

One tablespoon of fresh celery juice is taken before each meal. Also, squeezed celery juice is applied to the lower back as a compress.

Fir oil and valerian infusion

Fir oil or valerian infusion is applied to the sore spot and rubbed until completely absorbed into the skin. Then I cover it with a warm cloth or woolen scarf.

Prevention of pinching in the lower back

Preventive measures against pinching in the lower back are as follows:

  1. Fighting excess weight. Excess weight negatively affects the condition of the spine, since it affects the compaction of the intervertebral discs, causing the appearance of hernias, which contribute to pinched nerves.
  2. Smooth back. Correct posture prevents the development of diseases of the spinal column and internal organs. It is necessary to teach a child to monitor his posture from an early age.
  3. Physical activity. A sedentary lifestyle is one of the reasons that leads to pinching in the spine. Therefore, to prevent pinched nerves, it is necessary to increase physical activity and sports.
  4. Relieve the spine from unilateral pressure on it. For example, the habit of carrying a bag on one shoulder, in one hand. With a one-sided impact on the spine, the nerve on the side where the pressure occurs can be pinched.
  5. Avoid damage and injury to the spine.
  6. Do not make sudden movements while playing sports or staying at rest for a long time.
  7. Avoid sleeping at night on excessively soft feather beds, down mattresses and high pillows.
  8. In case of sudden pain, consult a doctor in a timely manner.

Compliance with the above measures will help reduce the risk of relapse.

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A pinched nerve in the spine causes severe pain. Symptoms of a pinched nerve in the spine may come and go for a short time. Therefore, the patient does not pay attention to the problem and does not begin treatment. This is a big mistake, because pinched spinal nerves may be just the tip of the iceberg. The disease requires medical supervision and prevention. How to behave if a pinched nerve occurs?

Causes and symptoms

Almost always, the patient complains that a nerve in the back is pinched precisely because he strained his back too much. The spine takes most of the load when a person lifts heavy objects or moves suddenly. The back reacts sharply to such stress for the body. Common risk factors are:

  • Overload (during sports or everyday lifting);
  • Staying in one position for a long time, for example during office work;
  • Constant tension of the spine during pregnancy;
  • Cold, cold wind;
  • Consequences of long-term illnesses, for example colds;
  • Uncomfortable posture during sleep;
  • Bed too soft or too hard;
  • Excess body weight.

Many patients require treatment for a pinched nerve between the ribs or in the spine itself. In the area where the ribs and vertebrae connect, a sudden change in the position of the vertebra often provokes clamping. Sometimes a nerve can be pinched even because a person inhales sharply or turns around. In this case, the pain can be very severe. The pain can be chronic or acute. Sometimes they appear only during sudden movements, sneezing or coughing.

In the lumbar and sacral region

Sometimes patients believe that the root of lumbar pain is ordinary fatigue, and hope that afterwards they will disappear. But those who shoot and find waves of pain may not go away.

  • It is difficult to confuse this pain syndrome with the sensation of sore muscles, since it is shooting, piercing in nature;
  • The pain is very clearly localized;
  • In pregnant women and those who have recently given birth, the lumbar nerves are often pinched;
  • The pain is immediately followed by muscle spasms, it is difficult for a person to change position;
  • If it hurts on the right side, it may seem like the liver is hurting;
  • If it hurts on the left, you may think that the spleen or heart hurts.

If the root of the problem is only in tense muscles, the pain will be localized vaguely and will pass quickly. Therefore, do not confuse fatigue and a pinched nerve.

The most vulnerable is the sciatic nerve due to its great length. It stretches from the lower spine to the feet. When the sciatic nerve is pinched, it is sometimes necessary to treat paralyzed legs.

Nerve tissues at the bottom of the spine can be compressed due to, among other reasons:

  • The position of the intervertebral disc has changed. If the vertebra deforms the nerves, the patient may be affected by an infection or an inflammatory process;
  • The functioning of the pelvic organs is disrupted;
  • A benign or malignant tumor has appeared.

As a result of pinching, the pelvis or belt may become numb, the functioning of the genitourinary apparatus may be disrupted, and the lower limbs may weaken.

In the neck and shoulder area

Nerve compression in the cervical or shoulder region of the spine occurs rarely, usually as a result of sudden head movements or exposure to low temperatures. Pinching in the cervical spine is a rare, but the most dangerous way of developing pathology - a complication can be complete or partial paralysis. If pinching in the shoulder vertebrae is in a neglected state, severe inflammation of the nerves and neurological pathologies can develop.

A nerve can also be pinched during sleep while intoxicated, when a person does not control movements and does not feel that he is lying in an uncomfortable position.

Between the shoulder blades or under the shoulder blade

If the nerve is pinched between the shoulder blades or under the shoulder blades in the hands, it can begin to shoot strongly. Many patients begin to fear that the pain is cardiac in nature, but this is not the case. Others believe that the pain is localized in the lungs.

  • We recommend reading: why your back hurts under your shoulder blades

In the chest area

This is where the spine experiences the greatest daily stress, and if the nerve is pinched, the patient will experience the greatest loss of mobility:

  • The place on the skin under which the nerve tissue is pinched turns red in the thoracic region;
  • In the same place, the muscles under the skin swell;
  • Fever rises, sweating becomes profuse;
  • The pain comes suddenly and for no apparent reason.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman often realizes that a nerve in her back is pinched and does not know what to do. Pinched nerves can occur directly during childbirth - due to severe tension in the body and incorrect position of the fetus. The fact is that the spine experiences unusual stress for too long and begins to deform. After childbirth, sudden weight loss can become additional stress. To prevent the development of protrusions and hernias, it is necessary to begin treatment in a timely manner.


Back pain between the shoulder blades and under the shoulder blade can have a variety of causes; self-diagnosis is unacceptable. Only a doctor can decide what to do if a nerve is pinched in the back. To find the cause and understand whether there really is a pinching, you need to undergo various blood tests, MRI, manual examination, and electromyogram. X-rays from several different angles are required. The image will show whether the spine and intervertebral discs are in a stable position, and whether third-party muscle and bone pathologies are observed.

It is advisable to undergo all diagnostic procedures to exclude the possibility of oncological, cardiac or neurological problems.


If a nerve is pinched in the back, lumbar region, between the shoulder blades or under the shoulder blade, the patient should be treated in three stages:

  • Eliminate pain. Injections, tablets, ointments are used. To cure the infringement, the patient must be at rest, rest more, stop taking salty or spicy foods;
  • Get rid of the inflammatory process using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are also used in different forms. The first and second stages of treatment are inextricably linked and usually occur simultaneously;
  • When the pain and inflammation have subsided, doctors begin work to restore the nerve of the back, lower back, between the shoulder blades, under the shoulder blade. A chiropractor, massage therapist, acupuncturist, physical therapy trainer and vitamin complexes will help here.


Movalis relieves pain and inflammation and is taken orally or by injection. Diclofenac is the most popular and cheapest remedy, but has many contraindications. Refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Ketonal is good because it is also suitable for pregnant women. Ibuprofen is available in forms for topical and oral use, and is also available on the market in the form of an infant suspension.

Ointments and gels are easy to use at home if there is a pinched nerve in the back, the symptoms of which need to be relieved urgently.

But you still need to consult a doctor, because such treatment of spinal pathology can cause allergies. Finalgon improves blood circulation in affected tissues well and is inexpensive. Viprosal warms and relieves pain. Betalgon has a good effect on the supply of capillaries, due to which the cells regenerate and the pain disappears. Flexen is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, and Carmolis relieves pain well.

Orthopedic corsets

If a nerve is pinched in the spine, your doctor may recommend wearing corsets. They support the back, due to which the space between the vertebrae is cleared, inflammation goes away over time, the nerve is freed and signs of pathology disappear. Corsets according to their intended purpose are divided into thoracolumbar, lumbosacral, lumbar and for pregnant women.


  • Swimming crawl and backstroke. It is especially useful if surgery has been performed;
  • Lying on your back, lift your chest off the floor;
  • Standing on all fours, then bend and straighten your back, resting in the middle position;
  • Wrap your arms around your knees and rock on your back.

Therapeutic gymnastics classes should be carried out systematically and every day, only then will they be effective. It is better to carry them out under the supervision of a physical therapy specialist, who will ensure that the patient’s spine does not become distorted.


If a nerve in the back is pinched, between the shoulder blades, under the shoulder blade, the services of a massage therapist will help. However, the patient’s loved ones can also master the simplest massage techniques. The patient lies on his stomach, relaxes and places his arms along his body. The session should begin with stroking.

  • Interesting read: why does it hurt under the right shoulder blade?

We move first up, then down. The movements are circular. With any massage, especially if it is not a professional, you should remember that the work is carried out with the back muscles, and not with the spine. Only an experienced chiropractor can work directly with it. After stroking, we move on to rubbing and kneading. The movements are not very intense, smooth. Do not use strong, pressing or patting manipulations. The traditional massage session also ends with stroking.


If doctors can no longer decide how to treat the pinching conservatively, surgery is possible. It is performed in cases where the nerve is pinched due to an intervertebral hernia. The operation is called microdiscectomy. The surgeon removes the deformed tissue that is pinching the nerve. The patient recovers from microdiscectomy from two weeks to three months.


To avoid becoming a victim of a pinched nerve, take preventive measures. Do not stay in the cold for a long time and especially in a draft. Hypothermia can cause inflammation. Do not sleep on a bed that is too soft or, on the contrary, hard. In both situations, your spine is in a misaligned position all night, with the vertebrae slowly moving out of place. If possible, use an orthopedic mattress.

Try to avoid sudden movements. When lifting weights at home, squat down and lift the item while keeping your back straight. The spine should under no circumstances be distorted at this moment.

Avoid sitting or standing in one position for long periods of time. If you are a representative of a sedentary profession or simply spend a lot of time at the computer, try to warm up more often. Control your weight, because extra pounds will increase the constant load on your back. During pregnancy, use maternity corsets and support garments.

A pinched nerve in the back is a process that is accompanied by severe pain. With the consent of the doctor, you can treat a pinched nerve in the back at home. Home treatments can greatly help relieve pain. Certain pinching prevention measures will prevent this problem from happening again.

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Pinched nerve in the spine symptoms

The symptom depends directly on the affected area and what caused the pinching. Common symptoms indicating a pinched nerve are:

  • acute pain;
  • restriction in movements;
  • decreased sensitivity;
  • muscle weakness;
  • pain of internal organs.

If the cervical spine is pinched, there may be weakness in the arms and pain when turning and tilting the head. If the thoracic nerve is damaged, then chest pain manifests itself even with a sigh and coughing. When the nerve roots in the lumbar region are damaged, the pain moves from the lower back to the buttocks and thighs, and weakness appears in the legs.

To relieve pain quickly

Many home methods are aimed not at treating the cause of the problem, but at reducing the pain symptom. This is a secondary treatment that helps you start leading a normal life, take care of your health, identify the cause of the problem and try to cope with it.

Important! Pinching occurs because the nerve is damaged or lacks the ability to transmit nerve impulses. As a result, nerve currents are not transmitted further throughout the body in full, but are localized in one part of the back, causing pain.

Causes of pinching

Possible causes of a pinched nerve in the back:

  • mechanical compression, arthritis, calluses;
  • pinched nerves are possible not only in the back: any nerve in the elbows and wrists can be affected;
  • poor, meager nutrition.

The main symptoms of the condition include back numbness and sharp piercing pain. There is muscle weakness, there is a tingling feeling, and spasms occur. We will tell you in detail how pinching is treated.

What to do to relieve pain at home

To relieve pain if your back is pinched, you must adhere to strict recommendations and begin treatment.

Complete rest

To get rid of pain, you need to avoid putting stress on the affected area. The first thing to ensure is a state of peace. You should try not to lift heavy things and, if possible, lie in a relaxed state. The spine recovers best during sleep. A bandage should be applied to the sore spot.

Thermal compresses

Compresses will help: cold or hot. Compresses are aimed at improving blood circulation. It’s good if you can alternate cold and hot compresses to achieve the best effect.

What is important when applying compresses:

  • the procedure with cold compresses should not be carried out more than four times a day. The duration of one procedure is 15 minutes. This effect will relieve inflammation;
  • immediately after the cold compress, you need to apply a hot compress to the skin. It stimulates blood flow, helps speed up the recovery process;
  • Hot baths will help with a pinched nerve (or treating the affected area with hot water). This is a great way to relax your muscles and further stimulate blood flow.

Massage course

A special massage is effective in treating a pinched nerve in the back at home. You can ask a specialist to come to your home. During the procedures, the muscles will relax, as a result of which the tension will go away and the pain will decrease.

You can safely massage the whole body, including the area where the pain is localized. In the painful area, the massage therapist must act carefully so as not to aggravate the situation. Deep massage with strong pressure is prohibited for the described pathology.

Important! During the treatment you need to drink a lot of water. Together with the fluid, the body will remove toxins, which will have a positive effect on the healing process.

Treatment with medications - drugs

Tablets for pinched nerves:

  • painkillers that are available without a doctor's prescription;
  • non-steroidal drugs are aimed at combating edema (aspirin, ibuprofen);
  • It is best to buy medications created specifically to relieve the condition of a pinched nerve;
  • The sprocket will help with pinching.

Pinched nerve in the lower back, pain radiates to the leg - injections

If you pay attention to the problem in time, you can get by with complex treatment in the form of tablets, ointments, heating and massage. Injections, unlike tablets, which have a bad effect on internal organs, have an effect at the point of need. There are practically no side effects with injections, except in cases of incorrect insertion of the needle: an allergic reaction, an abscess.

The most common injection medicine for pinched nerves is:

  • Movalis;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketonal (can be used during pregnancy and lactation);
  • Novocaine;
  • Lidocoin.

Pinched nerve in the back - ointments

Pinched back muscles are common. For treatment, non-steroidal ointments are used that have an anti-inflammatory, warming and analgesic effect. If a nerve is pinched in the back, the following is prescribed:

  • Finalgon (relieves pain);
  • Viprosal (warms, relieves pain);
  • Betalgon (reduces pain and improves blood circulation);
  • Flexen (relieves inflammation);
  • Carmolis (pain reliever);
  • Virapin (anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointment).

You can treat with ointments at home, but a doctor should recommend and prescribe it. To avoid an allergic reaction to the drug.

Other home treatments

When the pain is eliminated and the main cause of the pinching has been identified, you need to treat your back at home, that is, generally change your lifestyle. Many back problems do not go away without leaving a trace, and you have to constantly make efforts to achieve long-term remission.

Light exercises

Regular exercise for ten minutes can increase the vitality of the body and improve blood circulation. More oxygen and nutrients will flow to the muscles, which have a positive effect on the health of the spine.

Swimming, walking outdoors

It is enough to swim several times a week for forty minutes. For back problems, swimming is the best form of exercise. Walking in the fresh air will free your joints and tendons from heavy stress, but will also help improve your health.

Important! Physical activity after being pinched is extremely important. Due to its absence, the muscles become weak, and the recovery period will last longer than possible.

Correct posture

It is important not only when walking, but also when sitting, playing sports or sleeping. The correct position of the spine will relieve the affected area from unnecessary strong pressure.

Treatment with folk remedies

Sometimes pinched nerves occur due to a lack of calcium in the body. The problem can be solved in several ways: buy special supplements at the pharmacy or start eating more foods that contain this element (cottage cheese, green vegetables, herbs).

Reduce acids

Foods and drinks that contain a lot of acids often cause additional pain when a nerve is pinched. So treating a pinched nerve in the back at home involves giving up citrus juices and coffee. A few hours before bedtime, you should not eat anything sour.

More potassium

Like calcium, potassium is important for the normal functioning of nerves and the spine as a whole. You should eat more avocados and bananas; A lot of potassium is found in figs, dates, and nuts. Additionally, you can take potassium supplements.

How can the doctor help?

Any treatment, even at home, must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. For a speedy recovery, the doctor may prescribe additional physiotherapeutic procedures.

If the pain is severe (especially when the sciatic nerve is pinched), doctors prescribe a course of epidermal steroid injections. In difficult cases, surgical intervention is required.

For treatment of a pinched nerve in the back at home to have a positive outcome, it takes a lot of time and effort. Nerves are treated in a vertical manner, so the full course of treatment is often 2-3 months.

In the spine, it is characterized by compression of some nerve roots by neighboring vertebrae, resulting in severe pain.

Main reasons

Experts conditionally divide all factors into two large groups:

  1. Most often, a pinched nerve in the spine occurs during exacerbation of osteochondrosis or so-called hypertonicity of the spinal muscles. In the first case, after the cartilage tissue has been destroyed, the growths of bone tissue are formed incorrectly, therefore, the function of any part of the spine also changes.
  2. Fewer cases are recorded with muscle spasms. This process, as a rule, is accompanied by pinching of some blood vessels, therefore, blood flow to the brain and other organs is disrupted. If the patient does not consult a specialist in time, there is a high probability of gradual tissue death, which subsequently leads to loss of sensitivity in some areas. Often, a pinched nerve in the spine is accompanied by inflammatory processes (for example, radiculitis).

Diagnosis of the disease

It should be noted that the success of all therapy directly depends on the timeliness of identifying the problem, the qualifications of the attending physician, as well as identifying the true cause. First of all, specialists conduct a full examination for the presence of osteochondrosis or herniated intervertebral discs, etc. It also happens that it is impossible to detect pathology in the spine area. In such a situation, nearby tissues are examined, since often the cause of pinching can be a neoplasm. In addition to all of the above methods, X-rays and computed tomography are also prescribed.

Pinched nerve in the spine. Treatment

What to do if your doctor diagnoses you with this problem? Most often, when diagnosed with a pinched spinal nerve, treatment is fairly quick and effective. After the first therapy session, you can feel a decrease in pain. The main methods in this case are currently massage, specially selected acupuncture or, for example, manual therapy. Their main effect is aimed at getting rid of muscle spasms. By releasing previously compressed nerve endings, spinal mobility is restored. If a pinched nerve in the spine is also accompanied by inflammation, as a rule, an additional comprehensive course of non-steroidal drugs is prescribed, which also relieve pain discomfort. When diagnosing osteochondrosis, therapy is also required, which is based on improving blood circulation in individual areas of the spine. Particularly popular are folk methods for combating this disease, which are based on rubbing and internal administration of tinctures. However, experts warn that such treatment will not always have a beneficial effect on the patient’s health and completely relieve him of the problem. Therefore, it is better to trust traditional medicine.

Hard physical labor without proper rest causes various complications. It can cause pinching of the nerve under the shoulder blade, in the lower back and other parts of the spine. Most pain occurs quite unexpectedly. It is for this reason that any person who is constantly exposed to great physical activity should know what to do if a nerve is pinched in the back.

In such a situation, it is necessary to urgently visit the hospital so that experienced doctors can localize the source of pain, diagnose and prescribe treatment. If it is not possible to go to the clinic, then you should find out what you need to do at home to alleviate the condition. Regardless of the results of treatment, you will still have to visit the clinic to make sure that everything is fine with your back.

Experts believe that the main cause of the problem is the development of osteochondrosis. In people suffering from this complex of disorders, nerve pinching occurs at the slightest load in the articular cartilage. In such a situation, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease. There are other reasons for this pathological process, namely:

  • Genetic predisposition. The structural features of a person are inherited. If mom or dad constantly had a pinched nerve under the left shoulder blade, then there is a chance that the child will have the same problem;
  • Pregnancy. Excess weight can also be added to this reason. Due to the fact that the load on the back has become higher than permissible, the nerves begin to be pinched. During pregnancy, the spine becomes more sensitive to weights. Due to any overload, nerves are pinched both under the shoulder blades on the right and left, and along the entire length of the back;
  • Incorrect posture. You need to hold your back correctly, because if a person is hunched over, then the chances of a pinched nerve increasing;
  • Pathological growths on the vertebrae. They arise due to various diseases or as a result of injury. The growths are usually located in the place where the nerves pass and with sudden movement they are compressed;
  • Sports activities. If you perform movements incorrectly, for example, turning too sharply, you can crush the nerve endings;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. This pathological process is characterized by inflammation of the joints. In the area where it arose, pinching usually occurs.

Pinching symptoms

You need to do something about your back after identifying symptoms. The main symptoms include sharp pain that severely hampers movement. For example, if a nerve is pinched under the scapula, it is difficult to turn the torso and move the upper limbs.

For convenience, the signs of the pathological process are divided into 3 sections, namely:

  • Lumbar. Problems in this department arise due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve. When it is pinched, the patient suddenly experiences a burning sensation and strong tingling sensation. Often these symptoms radiate to the lower limb and difficulty moving begins. Inflammation in this nerve usually indicates the onset of radiculitis, which is characterized by shooting pain;
  • Cervical. A pinched nerve in this part of the back is accompanied by severe tension in the muscle tissue at the site of injury. In this case, the patient experiences weakness in the neck and pain in the left half of the chest, as with angina pectoris. Pain may also be felt in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, collarbone and the back of the head. Symptoms intensify when trying to turn the head, and pinching occurs mainly due to osteochondrosis or protrusion of the nerve;
  • Chest. In this situation, the nerve is pinched under the right or left shoulder blade, as well as in other areas of this department. The patient develops symptoms of intercostal neuralgia. The symptoms that are characteristic of this pathology do not go away even during rest. Unpleasant sensations intensify if you try to feel the space between the ribs or while moving your torso.

First aid at home

You can understand what to do if you have a back problem by following these tips:

  • Remove stress from the spine. To do this, you need to lie down on the bed, but if the pain is acute enough, you can use the floor together. If the problem concerns the lumbar region, then eliminating the pain is extremely problematic. To do this, it is recommended to form a right angle between your legs and torso, that is, while lying on the bed, throw your lower limbs over the wall;
  • If you do everything correctly, the pain will go away over time, but a new task will appear and it is to rise from this position. This is not difficult to do, but most often the pain attack returns. In order to rise correctly, you need to roll over to your side and stretch your arms towards an object that you can lean on, thereby reducing the load on your back. If there is nothing at hand, then you need to get on all fours and in this position move to the nearest support point. The main rule in such a situation is to try not to move your back, but to lift yourself carefully, without straining your spine. Having risen to your feet, you need to find something to support your back. The ideal option is a special belt, but if it is not available, then a long towel or a blanket wrapped in several layers will come in handy. Not only the area with the pinched nerve should be fixed, but also the area next to it;
  • If the pain attack is quite persistent and severe, then you should take painkillers. Among them, it is advisable to select medications with anti-inflammatory properties like Diclofenac. After fixing your back and taking the pills, you must remain in bed for several days. At this time, you need to completely relax your spine and try to avoid even the slightest drafts.

If the problem concerns pregnant women or girls during lactation (breastfeeding), then painkillers will have to be more carefully selected for them. This is done in order to prevent complications in the child.

Course of therapy

You can treat your back by following the standard scheme, which is performed in stages:

  • The first step is to eliminate the pain. For this purpose, medications are used in the form of tablets and injections. The entire course of therapy takes place in a supine position and following a strict diet. Smoked, fried and salted foods should be removed from it;
  • The second step is to eliminate the inflammatory process. In this situation, non-steroidal medications with an anti-inflammatory effect are usually used in the form of creams, ointments, tablets and in the form of an injection solution. It is recommended to combine steps 1 and 2 to achieve faster results;
  • The essence of the third step is to repair the damaged nerve. Experts recommend using physiotherapy for this purpose, as well as therapeutic massages and acupuncture. When the inflammatory process subsides, you can begin to do therapeutic exercises and it is advisable to combine it with taking vitamin complexes and proper nutrition.

Drug therapy

The correct choice of drugs is no less important for the treatment of a pinched nerve. Among medications with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, you can choose Ibuprofen or Diclofenac, preferably in the form of an injection to obtain the best result. Ketonal is suitable for pregnant women.

There are many types of ointments, for example, Karmalis eliminates pain, and Betalgon, in addition to relieving discomfort, improves blood circulation. If you need a product with a warming effect, then it is better to purchase Viprosal, which is also an analgesic, and Flexen is excellent for inflammation.

Traditional methods of therapy

Traditional medicine should be used only as an addition to the main course of therapy, so as not to have to think about what to do if complications arise. Doctors recommend using her methods at home after completing treatment. The following methods have shown themselves to be the best:

  • Among the ointments that can be made at home, a mixture of bay leaves and juniper needles has a good anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. To prepare, you will need to prepare 2 main ingredients and butter. Initially, you need to mix bay leaves and juniper pine in a ratio of 6 tbsp. l. to 1 tbsp. l. Next, you will need to add 100 g of melted butter to the powder and mix well. The finished ointment should be applied to the damaged area;
  • A bath with herbal decoctions can relax muscles and reduce pain. It is necessary to collect water and it is important that its temperature is approximately 37°, and then you can add the rest of the ingredients. A mixture of oak and spruce bark, which needs to be boiled for 30 minutes in a 5 liter container, showed good results. water. The finished broth must be filtered and poured into the prepared bath, and you need to bathe for at least half an hour;
  • When a nerve is pinched, rubbing infusions are often used. For this purpose, you can use wormwood inflorescence. It needs to be infused in 400 ml of boiling water, and then rubbed with the resulting product on the damaged area of ​​the back. For oral administration, it is recommended to use tansy infusion. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. crushed ingredient and pour it into a glass of boiling water. Then you need to wait 2-3 hours and you can take the prepared drink 3-4 times a day before meals, 1 tbsp. l.

Corsets for fixation

Special corsets are perfect for fixing the spine in one position. They remove deformation and relieve stress from the damaged area of ​​the back. Corsets are divided into the following types:

  • Thoracolumbar. They are created specifically to support the lumbar and thoracic region, as well as the area between the shoulder blades;
  • Lumbosacral. Created to relieve stress in the pelvic area;
  • Lumbar. They serve to fix the lower back, but partially cover the pelvis and chest;
  • Corset during pregnancy. It covers the area around the lower back and shoulder blades and helps relieve pain that occurs in girls due to excessive stress on the back. The corset is well suited for postpartum recovery.

People who are exposed to physical activity should learn what to do if a nerve is accidentally pinched. This situation is very painful and sometimes it is difficult to even move without help.

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