Is it possible to take Proviron to increase male potency? Proviron - Instructions for use Proviron instructions for use

Professional athletes resort to the use of special drugs in times of stagnation, when intensive training and sports nutrition do not produce results. In addition, young athletes looking for easy ways take courses and achieve considerable results. And no one thinks about the consequences, which both athletes and sellers try to keep silent about. The topic of this article will be “Proviron” in bodybuilding - its description, functional purpose, as well as reviews from athletes about taking the drug.

Basic functionality

  1. Providing a strong anabolic effect associated with increased protein synthesis.
  2. Increasing the utilization of glucose in cells and reducing its level in the blood.
  3. Reducing estrogenic activity by chemically inhibiting aromatase.
  4. A significant increase in the concentration of free testosterone in the human body.

Purchase and consequences

It should be borne in mind that Russian officials have included the drug "Proviron" in the list of prohibited drugs in Russia. This list is regulated by Article 234 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation. Criminal liability occurs when a suspect is found to have 2.5 grams of the drug in tablet form. Naturally, it is impossible to find this remedy in a Russian pharmacy. Proviron can be purchased over the counter in pharmacies in Moldova, Ukraine and Azerbaijan - in these countries you can legally buy many steroids banned in Russia.

Assortment on the market

There are many companies on the market that produce Proviron. The dosage and price of the medicine were always proportional, and the volume of the batch did not matter much. Therefore, there is no advantage of choice for the athlete. Dosages of 25 mg and 50 mg are available for sale and the only difference between them is the colorful packaging. But, judging by numerous reviews, buyers think differently:

  1. Balkan Pharmaceuticals. The Moldovan manufacturer introduced the world “Provimed”, under the name of which “Proviron” is hidden. Among athletes, this drug is considered very powerful.
  2. Vermodje. Another Moldovan manufacturer that produces products for export. In addition to Proviron, the company produces all kinds of steroids.
  3. API. But the Australian product is not particularly popular among athletes, although it still has buyers on the world market.
  4. Shering. In the European Union countries, Proviron of German quality is very popular in medicine.
  5. Malay Tiger. A product from a Malaysian manufacturer called ProvinoX.

What does the use of the drug lead to solo?

The independent use of Proviron in bodybuilding is not particularly welcomed by athletes, except perhaps before competitions, but more on that later. After all, the drug has weak effectiveness and one should not expect great results from it. However, judging by numerous reviews from novice athletes, trainers in gyms who do not have a medical education safely prescribe a solo course to people who have Proviron, prescribed at a dosage of 50 mg per day for a period of 30 to 50 days without breaks. The goal of this course is to eliminate estrogen in the body and stimulate the production of its own testosterone. Without testing for hormonal levels, such recommendations must be questioned, because the drug is not just included in the list of psychotropic drugs in Russia.

First of all - relief

But thirty days before the competition, Proviron is in high demand among athletes. According to them, men will not be able to achieve good definition in a solo course, but in combination with testosterone propionate, they can accomplish the impossible by using Proviron in bodybuilding. The dosage in such cases is 75-100 mg of active mesterolone per day. The course of administration should not be extended for more than 30 days, as this dosage has a harmful effect on the liver. They recommend a solo course of the drug "Proviron" in bodybuilding for women. A dosage of 25 mg per day is enough to give muscle definition within 30 days of use. You need to understand that such a risk never leads to good and you should not follow such advice. After all, in essence, a woman destroys her own hormones and promotes the production of male testosterone.


Naturally, “Proviron” in bodybuilding is praised by numerous athletes during the drying course. This is no wonder, because the drug is able to enhance the effect of any steroids, and it itself has a number of useful functions. Of course, it’s easier to take a pill and get an injection instead of reviewing your own diet, cutting down fats and carbohydrates, and adding more protein foods to your diet. The “Propionate” + “Stanozolol” course, well known among athletes, designed for eight weeks, can not only cause baldness, but a malignant liver tumor can form in every fifth man. “Testosterone propionate” is administered intramuscularly in the form of injections of 100 mg every other day throughout the course, and “Stanozolol” is used in the form of tablets, which are divided into 2-3 doses per day to maintain blood concentration.

At the end of the course, it is recommended to use Proviron 50 mg daily - this is called post-cycle therapy, the purpose of which is to suppress aromatase and stimulate the production of your own testosterone. However, any athlete should have doubts after such recommendations, because in the hospital, after the first dose of a hormonal drug, the doctor sends you for a general blood test to determine the body’s reaction, it is strange that the author of this course is silent about this.

More meat - more muscle?

Loud statements from athletes say that Proviron is not suitable for everyone when gaining muscle mass. In bodybuilding, a course associated with rapid muscle growth is accompanied by water retention by the body's cells. Naturally, the simultaneous use of two drugs that interfere with each other is incompatible. Thus, many athletes recommend using Tamoxifen instead of Proviron in a course to gain muscle mass together with Methandrostenolone. The stakes are rising! The drugs of the last century are again looking for new victims in sports. “Methandrostenolone”, also known as “Methane”, can provoke diseases and pathologies such as jaundice, leukemia, acne, testicular atrophy. The list goes on and on. It is strange that when purchasing, no one pays attention to the purpose of Tamoxifen, because it is used to treat breast cancer and has a “bouquet” of side effects, such as osteoporosis - this is when any bone in the skeleton can break from an impact. Any certified doctor can tell many stories about the disabling of the antitoxic function of the liver, heart attack and infertility, which are caused by taking the “safe” Tamoxifen.


The endocrine system regulates most processes in the human body. Some disturbances in its functioning can be corrected by taking medications. Proviron is taken in case of insufficiency of male hormones to restore normal functioning of the reproductive system.

Best Selling

Composition and description of the drug

The active ingredient of Proviron is mesterolone, which belongs to the sex hormones, in particular androgens. The package contains 20 tablets, each of which contains 25 mg of mesterolone. The tablets are round in shape, white in color and have a characteristic engraving.

The advantage of mesterolone is that it does not convert into estrogen and does not provoke the corresponding side effects.

In therapeutic doses, the drug does not inhibit spermatogenesis, nor does it suppress the production of its own testosterone. Thus, it helps to correct functional disorders in the reproductive system without causing additional harm to the body, unlike many other drugs of similar action.

Properties of the drug

Mesterolone is quickly and completely absorbed after oral administration. In the human body, it is metabolized into another active substance and is excreted rather slowly - its residual concentrations are detected within a week after administration.

Patients note good tolerability of Proviron, unlike other dihydrotestosterone derivatives.

Effects that can be achieved after taking Proviron:

  • Increased sexual desire, improved potency.
  • Increased muscle hardness, as well as more pronounced relief forms (with the right physical activity).
  • Improving the quantity, morphological properties and quality of sperm.
  • Correct development of secondary sexual characteristics and functioning of the genital organs.
  • Normalization of testosterone levels in case of natural deficiency.


Proviron is prescribed as replacement therapy for androgen deficiency. It is used to treat male infertility, which is associated with hypogonadism.

Mode of application

Proviron is available in the form of tablets for oral administration. The drug is not used in pediatric patients. For adult men, the initial daily dose is 3-4 tablets, divided into several doses. After several months, treatment is continued with a maintenance dose, which is equal to 2-3 tablets per day.

Side effects

Unlike many other testosterone medications, Proviron rarely causes side effects. Some patients noted frequent or prolonged erections.


The drug is not prescribed for:

1. Individual hypersensitivity to any component.
2. Prostate cancer due to the high probability of stimulating tumor growth.
3. Liver tumors (even in history).

During treatment, you need to undergo regular examinations of the prostate gland to monitor its condition and detect the initial stages of cancer in time.

Side effects that cause discomfort and reduce quality of life require reducing the dose of the drug or stopping its use.

It is recommended to periodically monitor the condition of the liver, since in some cases Proviron can lead to benign and even malignant tumors. Very rarely, patients experienced internal bleeding, so symptoms such as abdominal pain, discomfort in the hypochondrium and liver enlargement should not be ignored.

Treatment with Proviron does not limit people in activities that require increased concentration and attention, in particular, driving.

Proviron in bodybuilding

In bodybuilding, the drug is used to restore natural testosterone levels after a course of treatment with anabolic drugs. The drug will not help maintain muscle mass gained during intense training. However, the benefit of its action is that it prevents the estrogen-dependent side effects of other drugs. Among them are the accumulation of excess fluid in the body and gynecomastia, from which most bodybuilders who self-medicate suffer.

Sometimes women take Proviron. Their goal is to strengthen the accumulated mass and give elasticity to the muscles. However, representatives of the fairer sex need to be very careful when taking the drug and take tablets in doses lower than for men, for example, 1 tablet per day will be enough. The duration of the course should not exceed 4 weeks.

It should be remembered that bodybuilding regimens usually involve the sequential use of several drugs. At the same time, it is very important to observe the dosage and choose the most suitable remedy. Reactions to hormonal drugs can be purely individual, so you should trust only the advice of a specialist, and not the experience of colleagues.


No data on overdose were reported. When the dose was significantly exceeded, no life-threatening conditions were observed. However, you should follow your doctor's instructions exactly and take the medicine as prescribed.

Within two hours after taking an increased dose of the drug, you can perform a gastric lavage to avoid excess Proviron entering the systemic circulation.

Storage conditions

Proviron does not require special storage conditions. It should be kept away from children at temperatures not exceeding 30 degrees.

After the expiration date, the drug should not be used.

Proviron is a prescription drug, which once again confirms the importance of following the medical dosage and the inadmissibility of self-medication.

Proviron- a drug containing hormones of the sex glands, used for pathologies of the genital area.
Proviron is an active androgen intended for oral administration. The presence of a methyl group at the C-1 position results in the special properties of this steroid, which, unlike testosterone and all its derivatives used for androgen therapy, is not metabolized into estrogen.
This difference explains the fact that in normal therapeutic doses in healthy men, Proviron slightly suppresses the synthesis of gonadotropin by the pituitary gland, and, accordingly, a decrease in spermatogenesis does not occur. Unlike other androgens, which replace endogenous androgens and suppress synthesis, Proviron complements the action of endogenous androgens.
Also, unlike other orally active androgens, Proviron is very well tolerated by the liver (which is likely due to the lack of a substitute for the 17-alkyl steroid core).


After administration, mesterolone is quickly and almost completely absorbed in the dose range, which is 25-100 mg. The maximum serum concentration of 3.1 ± 1.1 ng/ml is achieved 1.6 ± 0.6 hours after taking Proviron.
Despite this, the level of the active substance in the blood serum decreases with a final half-life of 12-13 hours. 98% of mesterolone is bound to plasma proteins, 40% of mesterolone is bound to albumin and 58% is bound to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG).
Mesterolone is rapidly metabolized. The rate of metabolic clearance from serum is 4.4 ± 1.6 ml. min-1. kg-1. The substance is not excreted unchanged by the kidneys. The main metabolites are 1α-methyl-androsterone, in conjugated form it makes up 55-70% of metabolites, excreted by the kidneys. The ratio of glucuronides of the main metabolite to sulfates is about 12:1. Another metabolite is 1α-methyl-5α-androstane-3α,17β-diol, which accounts for about 3% of the metabolites excreted by the kidneys. Metabolic conversions to estrogens or corticosteroids were not observed. 77% of the mesterolone dose is excreted in the form of metabolites in the urine, and 13% of the dose is excreted in the feces. Within 7 days, 90% of the administered dose was found in urine and feces, of which 50% was excreted in urine within the first 24 hours.
The bioavailability of mesterolone is approximately 3% of the dose that was administered orally.

Indications for use

A drug Proviron used in men with androgen deficiency or with male infertility caused by a primary or secondary decrease in the function of the gonads (hypogonadism).

Mode of application

At the beginning of treatment the drug Proviron you should take 3 or 4 tablets per day for several months, followed by maintenance therapy - 2-3 tablets (50-75 mg) per day.

Side effects

If in some cases frequent or very prolonged erections occur, you should stop using the drug Proviron to avoid damage to the penis.
Allergic reactions (possibly delayed) and in some cases bronchospasm were also observed.


Contraindications to the use of the drug Proviron are: prostate cancer (as androgens can stimulate the growth of existing carcinoma); liver tumors currently or in the past; hypersensitivity to the active substance or to any of the components of the drug.


A drug Proviron not used in women.

Interaction with other drugs



In case of drug overdose Proviron No side effects have been reported, so treatment of overdose is generally not necessary. If an overdose is detected within the first 2-3 hours and in the presence of a significant overdose, it is recommended to perform gastric lavage.

Storage conditions

Keep out of the reach of children; no special storage conditions are required.

Release form

Proviron - tablets.
10 tablets in a blister, 2 blisters in a cardboard box.


1 tablet Proviron contains 25 mg mesterolone;
excipients: lactose, corn starch, povidone, methylparaben (E 218), propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E 216), magnesium stearate.


Androgens should not be used by healthy individuals to strengthen muscles or improve general physical abilities. In order to exclude prostate cancer during treatment, periodic examination of the prostate gland is recommended.
After the use of hormonal substances similar to that included in the drug Proviron, the formation of benign, and even more rarely, malignant liver tumors was rarely observed. In some cases, bleeding into the abdominal cavity caused by such tumors was life-threatening. In case of severe pain in the epigastric region, liver enlargement or signs of intra-abdominal bleeding, the differential diagnosis should take into account the possibility of a liver tumor.
Frequent and sustained erections may occur
Patients with rare hereditary diseases such as galactose intolerance, Lapp lactase deficiency or glucose-galactose malabsorption disorder should not take this drug.

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Hello, gentlemen - lovers of medications without a prescription.
Oddly enough, I did not find comprehensive information on my daughter, and at the same time I very often read questions about the purposes and necessity of this drug. Therefore, I decided to add it from the outside.

Https:// Cool guys about PROVIRON
"Corrected Believe"

Mesterolone is an orally active, 1-methylated DHT (methylated dihydrotestosterone). However, like Masteron, but exclusively oral. Dihydrotestosterone is a conversion product of testosterone with a 5-alpha reducing enzyme. The result being a hormone that is 3 to 4 times more androgenic and structurally incapable of forming estrogen. One would imagine then that Mesterolone would be the perfect drug to increase strength and achieve certain achievements. Unfortunately, there is a control mechanism for dihydrotestosterone in the human body. When levels get too high, 3-alpha hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase converts it primarily into an inactive compound known as 3-alpha (5-alpha-androstane-3-alpha, 17beta-diol), a prohormone, so to speak. It can equally be converted in the opposite direction to dihydrotestosterone by the same enzyme when low levels of dihydrotestosterone are detected. But this means that it is quite useless to use large amounts of the drug (to heighten the sensitivity of androgen receptors in muscle tissue) to achieve muscle hypertrophy.

Proviron has four different uses in the bodybuilding world. The first type of use is the result of its structure. The abbreviated formula of mesterolone (5-alpha) is not capable of converting to estrogen. It does, however, have a higher affinity for the aromatase enzyme (which converts testosterone to estrogen) than testosterone. This means that when used with testosterone or another aromatase compound, it prevents estrogen spillover because it is tightly bound to the aromatase enzyme, preventing these steroids from being converted into estrogens. Thus, the use of Mesterolone brings great benefits - a reduction in estrogenic side effects and water retention seen with other steroids; Plus, it requires little effort. It can also be speculated that this drug may actually desensitize estrogen receptors, doubling its effectiveness in reducing circulating estrogen levels. It is important to read the instructions for Proviron before use.

The second application is based on expanding the potential of testosterone. Testosterone in the body of a healthy person is mainly inactive. 97-98% of testosterone is bound to sex hormone binding globulin (SHBG) and albumin, two proteins. In this form, testosterone is mostly inactive. But as with the aromatase enzyme, dihydrotestosterone has a higher affinity for these proteins than testosterone. Therefore, when Mesterolone attaches to globulin and albumin, a large amount of free testosterone is left to achieve anabolic processes such as protein synthesis. And this helps increase achievements. There is also another part of the equation that is ineffective on its own - the intertwining of these proteins is not converted at the androgen receptor.

Third, Mesterolone is added in pre-competition cycles to increase excellent muscle stiffness and volume. Probably due to a decrease in circulating estrogen levels; Possibly due to the low level of estrogen receptor regulation in muscle tissue, the body's water balance decreases, giving the user the visual effect of lean, high-quality, hard muscles. Proviron is often used not only among bodybuilders, but even actors and models use it again and again to get into shape on the last day before filming. Like another methylated dihydrotestosterone compound, Drostanolone, Mesterolone is particularly potent in achieving this effect.

Finally, Proviron is used during the cycle of hormones such as Nandrolone, with a low androgenic effect. It is possible that the abbreviated formula 5-alpha in this case is different from dihydrotestosterone. Compounds such as Trenbolone and Nandrolone are known to reduce libido. The logical result is limiting the athlete's sexuality. Dihydrotestosterone plays a key role in this process and is therefore used along with such steroids to weaken or reduce this annoying side effect. Proviron is also commonly prescribed by doctors to people with low testosterone levels, or to patients with chronic impotence. It is not perceived as a powerful anabolic steroid. It will do the job equally well, if not better, than other anabolic steroids. Proviron has a lower chance of abuse, which makes it a favorite in medical practice.

Mesterolone is preferred by many athletes, as it has virtually no side effects in men. In large doses, it can cause some symptoms of virilization in women. But due to the high level of deactivation and distribution in the system (albumin, SHBG, 3bHSD, aromatase) quite a lot of it, if not all, simply never reaches the androgen receptor where anabolic effects are caused effects as well as side effects. Therefore, its safety is relative. Doses of 25 to 250 mg per day have been used without adverse effects. 50 mg per day is usually enough to be effective in each of the four uses we mentioned above. Thus, there is no need to increase the dose. And then it’s up to you.

I am posting to refute the following statements at the bottom of the page.

It is not recommended to use Proviron together with other steroids, as this will suppress natural testosterone, leading to all kinds of future complications. From loss of libido or erectile dysfunction to infertility. One would want to be aware of such dangers because Proviron performs most of the functions of normal testosterone levels. The instructions for Proviron very clearly state the doses and the best combinations; you should not deviate from these recommendations.

Accumulation and Use:

Mesterolone is an oral alkylated steroid. If you use it initially as an anti-aromatase drug in a cycle of 10-12 weeks in parallel with injectable drugs, then its effect on the liver is much less than with a 17-alpha-alkaline steroid. Mesterolone is less toxic, not completely alkylated, and therefore is in the first positions in comparison with 17-alpha alkylation and effects on the liver. The reason for the change of position that I accept is that the alkylation of 17-alpha has shown its similarity to the sex hormone in protein building. This in turn would reduce its ability to release testosterone. However, this release rate is very satisfactory. Mesterolone is taken daily at 50-100 mg.

Let's compare the above with the work of testosterone. It binds most readily to SHBG (sex hormone binding globulin) and albumin, and is up to 98% inactivated. Dihydrotestosterone may compete for these positions. This would naturally lead to higher production of any testosterone product. Since dihydrotestosterone levels are significantly higher, there is more stimulation at the androgen receptors, which causes greater gains in strength and, due to its proximity to aromatase, significant decreases in estrogen levels. As a result, less effort is exerted and testosterone production is increased.

Mesterolone, of course, is used in conjunction with other drugs such as methandrostenolone, boldenone and nandrolone to reduce estrogenic activity and increase muscle stiffness. The use of Proviron makes boldenone ineffective during a course for relief; in some cases, you can even use Nandrolone for relief, although the use of Winstrol or a receptor antagonist is also desirable. The benefit of adding Winstrol to a Nandrolone regimen is that it can also help you reverse the decrease in libido that has been affected by Nandrolone, as the latter is primarily deactivated by 5-alpha reductase, the enzyme that makes other hormones more androgenic.

Proviron is an anti-aromatase. Therefore, obviously, antiestrogens would be useless and redundant. If you are prone to hypertension, you may need medication because dihydrotestosterone can increase your blood pressure. The use of Proviron is best supervised by a trainer or someone who understands the correct dosages.

Refutation that PROVIRON is not very suppressive

Here are the statistics I was referring to. Only 85 out of 250 people showed suppression of the functions of the endocrine glands. Proviron did not stop the HPTA (endocrine glands) in any of the subjects taking the drug at a dose of 150 mg for a year. I'd say it's pretty safe and has negligible impact on HPTA performance.

These data show that there is no effect on LH (lutenizing hormone) and FSH (stimulating hormone) levels at a dosage of 100-150 mg/day Mesterolone, and show a decrease in FSH/LH, which were increased.

The drug Proviron does not replace Clomid as hormone therapy, but it does not interfere either.

The effects of Mesterolone on sperm count, serum follicle stimulating hormone, luteinizing hormone, plasma testosterone and the outcome of the drug in idiopathic oligospermic men.

Varma TR, Patel RH.
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, St. George's Hospital Medical School, London, UK.

Two hundred fifty men with idiopathic oligospermia (less than 20 million/ml) were treated with Mesterolone (100-150 mg/day) for 12 months. Seed analysis was analyzed 3 times; Serologic follicle stimulating hormone (FSH), luteinizing hormone, and plasma testosterone were analyzed once before treatment and retested at 3, 6, 9, and 12 months after treatment initiation. One hundred ten patients (44%) had normal serum FSH, LH and normal plasma testosterone, 85 patients (34%) had low FSH, LH and low plasma testosterone. One hundred and seventy-five patients (70%) had moderate oligospermia (5 to 20 million/mL), and 75 patients (30%) had severe oligospermia (less than 5 million/mL). Seventy-five moderately oligospermic patients showed significant improvement in sperm density and motility during Mesterolone use; whereas, only 12% of the severe oligospermic group showed recovery. Mesterolone would have no inhibitory effect on low or normal FSH and LH levels, but had a 25% inhibitory effect if levels were increased. There were no significant side effects on testosterone levels or liver function. One hundred and fifteen (46%) pregnancies ended well following treatment; 9 out of 115 were terminated (7.8%) and 2 (1.7%) pregnancies were ectopic. Mesterolone has been successful among patients with sperm counts ranging from 5 to 20 million/ml. It seems that patients with severe oligospermia will not benefit from this therapy.

PMID: 2892728

Effect of non-aromatase androgens on LHRH (luteinizing releasing factor) and TRH (thyrotropin-releasing hormone) responses in primary testicular failure.

Spitz IM, Margalioth EJ, Yeger Y, Livshin Y, Zylber-Haran E, Shilo S.

We observed the responses of gonadotropin, TSH (thyroid stimulating hormone) and PRL (prolactin) to the action of non-aromatase androgens, Mesterolone and fluoxymestrone in 27 patients with primary testicular failure. All patients were given LHRH (100 micrograms) and TRH (200 micrograms). Nine of them took TRH again within 30 minutes. the rest took Mesterolone 150 mg daily for 6 weeks. The remaining patients received fluoxymestron 5 mg daily for 4 weeks and 10 mg daily for 2 weeks. On the last day of androgen administration, all patients were re-evaluated for LHRH and TRH according to the study chart. When the data was compared, they all had normal levels of testosterone, estradiol, prolactin and thyroid hormones. However, basal LH, FSH and TSH levels, as well as gonadotropin responses to LHRH and TSH, prolactin responses to thyrotropin-releasing hormone, were increased.

Exposure to Mesterolone did not produce any changes in the levels of steroids, thyroid hormones, gonadotropin or prolactin.

There was, however, a decrease in the secretion of total and free thyroid-stimulating hormone as a result of exposure to thyrotropin-releasing hormone.

Exposure to fluoxymesterone was accompanied by a decrease in thyroid globulin levels (with decreases in total T3 (thyroid hormone) values

And increases in free T3). The index of free T4 (thyroid-stimulating hormone of the thyroid gland) remained unchanged (i.e., no conversion occurred), which indicates good thyroid function.

In addition, decreases in testosterone, gonadotropins, and LH response to LHRH were observed during fluoxymesterone exposure.

The baseline TSH rate did not change, but there was a decrease at the peak and a further decrease in TSH in response to the TRH drug response. Prolactin levels were unchanged during fluoxymesterone use.

Proviron is an androgenic drug of the hormonal group, in which the main active ingredient is mesterolone. This product enhances erection and reduces the effect of estrogen due to aromatase inhibition.

It does not affect the secretion of natural testosterone; it is often used for bodybuilding, as it leads to pronounced positive results, maintaining them for a long time.


The active main substance of this product is mesterolone. Each Proviron tablet contains 25 mg of mesterolone. Excipients are starch, lactose, methylparaben, povidone, magnesium stearate and propyl parahydroxybenzoate.

Available in tablet form. According to its physicochemical properties, the drug is a white, round tablet. On one side of each tablet there is the inscription “AX”, inscribed in a 6-gon of the correct shape, on the second side - a line.

Belongs to the pharmacological group of drugs-hormones of the sex glands and drugs used for sexual pathologies.


Proviron is an active androgen that is designed for oral administration. Due to the presence of a methyl group in its composition, it has specific properties, in particular, it is not metabolized by estrogens, which distinguishes it from testosterone, and therefore from all drugs containing testosterone.

It is thanks to the difference described above, provided that Proviron is taken at normal therapeutic doses by healthy men, that it slightly reduces the production of gonadotropin in the pituitary gland, as a result of which a decrease in sperm production is eliminated. The effect of Proviron is in addition to the action of natural androgens.

In addition, the liver tolerates this drug quite well, unlike many other drugs in the same category.

Thus, in terms of pharmacological characteristics, Proviron has 2 advantages - it does not impair spermatogenesis and is highly tolerable; its use is not associated with a negative effect on the liver.

The drug relieves or reduces the intensity of symptoms caused by androgen deficiency, such as decreased ability to work, increased fatigue, deterioration of memory, concentration, sexual desire, potency, increased irritability, sleep disturbances, depression, psycho-vegetative disorders.

This drug is intended to eliminate potency disorders caused by androgen deficiency. When the only or additional reason for the deterioration of potency is something else, Proviron can be intended as an additional drug as part of a complex treatment.


Taking a drug containing mesterolone leads to rapid and almost complete absorption of this substance in a dosage of 25 to 100 mg. The maximum possible content of mesterolone in the serum is 3.1 ± 1.1 ng/ml and can be achieved 1.6 ± 0.6 hours after taking this drug.

However, serum mesterolone concentrations fall rapidly. The half-life is up to 13 hours. 98 percent of this substance binds to proteins contained in plasma, of which 40 percent binds to albumin, the remaining 58 percent binds to globulin, which binds sex hormones.

This active substance is characterized by rapid metabolism. Metabolic clearance from serum has a rate of 4.4 ± 1.6 ml min -1 kg -1. Mesterolone is not excreted through the kidneys in unchanged form. The main product of its metabolism is 1α-methyl-androsterone, which has a conjugated form and accounts for up to 70 percent of all metabolic products.

Its excretion is carried out through the kidneys. Glucuronides of the main metabolite and sulfates have a ratio of 12 to 1. Another metabolic product is 1α-methyl-5α-androstane-3α, 17β-diol, accounting for 3 percent of all metabolites excreted by the kidneys. Due to metabolism, this substance is never transformed into estrogens or corticosteroids.

77 percent of mesterolone, which is part of the drug Proviron, after taking this drug is excreted in urine in the form of metabolic products, another 13 percent of the dose is excreted in feces. Over the course of seven days, 90 percent of the dose is thus found in feces and urine, with 50 percent of this being excreted in the urine within 24 hours.

Mesterolone has a bioavailability of about 3 percent of the total dose administered orally.


Androgen deficiency or male infertility, which was caused by primary or secondary deterioration of the male gonads.


  • Prostate cancer (due to the fact that androgens can accelerate tumor growth);
  • Liver cancer currently or in the past;
  • Hypersensitivity to mesterolone or another substance in Proviron.

Taking androgens is unacceptable for healthy people in order to strengthen muscle tissue or improve physical abilities in general.

For preventive purposes, regular periodic examinations of the prostate condition are indicated.

If you have frequent or excessively long erections, you must reduce the dosage or stop taking Proviron to avoid complications due to prolonged erections.

Occasionally, as a result of taking this drug, benign, and in more rare cases, malignant neoplasms of the liver occurred, sometimes causing deadly intra-abdominal hemorrhages.

If intense abdominal pain occurs, in the case of an increase in the size of the liver or intra-abdominal hemorrhages, it is necessary to take into account the likelihood of a neoplasm in the liver and carry out a differential diagnosis.

If you have some rare hereditary diseases - individual galactose intolerance and lactase deficiency, taking Proviron is unacceptable.

During pregnancy, taking this drug is also contraindicated. Its ability to influence reaction speed when driving and operating machinery has not been clarified.

How to use

In the initial period of taking the drug, it must be taken 1 tablet three times daily. After achieving any noticeable improvement, it makes sense to try to reduce the dose.

Subsequent treatment tactics are determined by the characteristics of the diagnosis.

The general principle is to take 1 tablet once or twice daily after the first improvements occur. Taking into account the intensity of functional disorders and the specifics of complaints, the dose for therapy is selected individually.

Permanent use is indicated for several months, and the duration can be determined by the doctor based on the clinical response of the patient’s body to taking Proviron.

If a deterioration in the functioning of the male reproductive glands (hypogonadism) is diagnosed, long-term therapy, up to lifelong, is required. In order to develop secondary sexual characteristics to a normal level, it is recommended to take one or two tablets three times daily for three months or more.

At the initial stage of therapy, the use of Proviron in large doses is necessary in order to mitigate the manifestations of testosterone deficiency. The duration of the initial stage of treatment is determined by the attending physician individually, taking into account the clinical response. To maintain treatment results, it is recommended to take 1 tablet twice or thrice daily.

For male infertility, the recommended dosage is 1 tablet of this drug twice or thrice daily during the entire period of spermatogenesis (approximately 3 months). If necessary, the course of therapy must be repeated at the end of the break, the duration of which can be 3 weeks or more (this is determined individually by the attending physician).

To increase the fructose content in semen with Leydig syndrome, Proviron is taken twice daily, 1 tablet for six months or longer.


There are no known cases of side effects due to an overdose of Proviron; for this reason, there is no need for special treatment for overdose. When diagnosing an overdose, provided that the overdose is significant, the stomach should be rinsed as soon as possible.

Possible adverse reactions include erections that are too frequent or too long, in which case it is necessary to stop using Proviron to prevent damage to the penis.

Sometimes allergies were observed (in some cases of a delayed nature), as well as bronchospasms.

Proviron is stored in places that should not be accessible to children. The cardboard package contains two blisters with tablets, each blister contains ten tablets.

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Hazelnut is a cultivated variety of wild hazel. Let's look at the benefits of hazelnuts and how they affect the body...

Vitamin B6 is a combination of several substances that have similar biological activity. Vitamin B6 is extremely...

Soluble fiber draws water into your intestines, which softens your stool and supports regular bowel movements. She not only helps...

Overview Having high levels of phosphate - or phosphorus - in your blood is known as hyperphosphatemia. Phosphate is an electrolyte that...
Anxiety syndrome, also called anxiety syndrome, is a separate disease characterized by a peculiar...
Hysterosalpingography is an invasive procedure, that is, it requires the penetration of instruments into various...
The prostate gland is an important male organ in the male reproductive system. About the importance of prevention and timely...
Intestinal dysbiosis is a very common problem faced by both children and adult patients. The disease is accompanied...
Injuries to the genital organs develop as a result of falls, especially on sharp and piercing objects, during sexual intercourse, during insertion into the vagina...