Pinched disc in the spine symptoms. Pinched nerve in the spine and its treatment. Treatment with medications - drugs

Sharp, almost unbearable pain in the lower back is a sensation that many are familiar with firsthand. Very often the cause of its appearance is a pinched nerve in the lumbar spine. In addition to severe pain, the functioning of the nerve itself, and with it the organs and tissues associated with it, may be disrupted. Without treatment, the pinched nerve tissue becomes inflamed and partially atrophies. The sore spot swells, the pain intensifies, and radiculitis occurs (inflammation of the pinched nerve).

Causes of pinched nerves

Nerve branches extend from the spinal cord through the foraminal openings of the vertebrae to the tissues and organs of our body; the cause of their compression can be:

  • disc protrusion
  • osteochondrosis
  • poor posture
  • spasmed muscles
  • excessive physical activity
  • high body weight
  • spinal injuries
  • tumor

The most common cause of a pinched nerve in the lower back is. When it appears, the cartilage tissue of the intervertebral disc dries out and thins over time, and the space between the vertebrae becomes smaller. Such degenerative processes in intervertebral discs often cause the formation of protrusion and intervertebral hernia. These diseases can also occur independently, with regular lifting of weights, poor posture, spinal injuries, sedentary lifestyle and other factors. Protrusion is the initial stage of development of a hernia, in which the nucleus pulposus of the disc bulges outside the spinal canal, while the fibrous ring maintains its integrity. With an intervertebral hernia, the process is aggravated and the fibrous ring ruptures. Such bulges often cause pinching of the nerve root.

Osteophytes (bone growths along the edges of the vertebrae), which appear during spondylosis (can also occur with osteochondrosis), as well as spasmodic muscles, can compress the nerve. Muscle spasms are usually caused by nervous stress, sudden hypothermia, and sometimes other factors.

Symptoms of a pinched nerve in the lower back

Symptoms of a pinched nerve in the lower back may vary depending on:

  1. Causes of pinching.
  2. Type of pinched nerve: autonomic, motor or sensory.

If a sensory nerve is pinched, severe pain is localized at the site of pinching and persists for a long time. When the autonomic nerve is pinched, internal organ disorders may occur: pain in the stomach or bladder, and in rare cases, dysfunction of the reproductive system. A pinched motor nerve is often accompanied by a feeling of numbness in the lower back and legs, and weakness of the muscles of the lower extremities.

Pain from a compressed nerve root can be varied and characterized as burning, shooting, stabbing, constant or paroxysmal. Over time, tingling and heaviness may appear in the lumbar region. Sometimes the pain radiates to the leg, thigh or buttock. The general condition of a person worsens. He gets tired quickly and refuses physical activity for fear of another painful attack. There is also the possibility of disruption of the organs for which the pinched nerve is responsible.

Diagnosis of a pinched nerve root

The symptoms mentioned above can only indirectly indicate the presence of the disease. In order to establish the exact cause of the pain, you should carry out the diagnostic procedures recommended by your doctor. In most cases, the first step is an X-ray examination of the spine. Additionally, it is possible to perform computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging (CT and MRI), as well as, in rare cases, x-rays using a contrast agent (myelography). These measures will allow you to make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment.

What to do if you experience sharp pain in the lumbar region?

First of all, you should remember that during an acute attack of pain, you should not warm up your back. The fact is that swelling occurs in the problem area, and an increase in temperature increases blood flow to this area. As a result, the swelling intensifies and increases pressure on the nerve tissue. When the lower back is warmed up, the pain may temporarily subside, but after some time it will return again, with even greater force.

  1. The first thing to do is take a painkiller, preferably an analgesic (analgin, baralgin, pentalgin). Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs can be used if they have been previously prescribed by your doctor. But be careful, as drugs in this group have contraindications, despite the fact that they are sold from pharmacies without a prescription.
  2. The second is to immobilize the painful area. A special belt for the treatment of osteochondrosis is best suited for this purpose. But if you don’t have one at hand, then you can use a wide scarf, which you need to tie tightly around your lower back. After this, you should lie on your back in a bed with a moderately hard mattress.

Treatment for a pinched nerve in the lower back

Treatment should begin immediately after identifying the exact cause that caused the pinching. During the acute period of illness, you should first of all observe bed rest. Of the medications, doctors most often prescribe non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs), such as ibuprofen, diclofenac, voltaren, ketoprofen and others. These drugs have a pronounced analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. Various ointments are also used to relieve pain - fastum gel, ketonal cream, finalgon and others. To eliminate very severe pain, local injections are made with a solution of novocaine. To increase the efficiency of the nervous system during the recovery period, doctors may prescribe medications containing B vitamins (milgamma, neurorubin). During treatment, you should pay attention to your diet. It is necessary to exclude too spicy and salty dishes from food, give up strong coffee and alcoholic drinks.

It is very important that treatment of a pinched nerve is aimed not only at relieving pain and inflammation, but also at overcoming the reasons that caused this pinching. The doctor will have three main tasks - to release the nerve from compression, restore the normal position of the intervertebral discs, and relieve muscle spasm. For this, medicine offers a complex of various methods:

  • physiotherapy (UHF therapy, magnetic therapy, electrophoresis)
  • manual therapy
  • reflexology
  • various massage techniques
  • physiotherapy

In cases where the cause of the pinching is a tumor or an intervertebral hernia that cannot be treated conservatively, surgical intervention will be required.

Treatment with folk remedies

There are quite effective folk methods for treating a pinched nerve in the lower back, but they should only be used in conjunction with the main treatment and subject to their agreement with a doctor.
We bring to your attention folk recipes that can help in the fight against the disease:

People over the age of 40 and professional athletes face problems in the lumbar region. Most often, pain is associated with fatigue from heavy exertion. But sometimes back pain is caused by a pinched nerve in the lower back. Sharp and sharp pains hamper movement and force you to swallow air convulsively. The symptoms of a pinched nerve in the lower back are extremely unpleasant.

The pain is explained by the fact that the nerve root of the spinal cord, located in the lower back, is strongly compressed. Therefore, a sharp “shooting” pain occurs in the lower back. In the first seconds, it even seems that the muscle is torn. Another symptom that occurs when a nerve root is compressed is sciatica. This disease affects patients aged 35-40 years.

There can be many reasons for pinching. Athletes regularly experience intense stress. Almost any workout includes exercises to strengthen your back muscles. Weightlifters especially often experience pinched nerves in the lumbar region. In this sport, working out any muscle group somehow affects the back. Excessive loads and improper exercise can lead to muscle spasms.

As a result of excess tone, the muscle pinches the nerve ending, causing lower back pain. If the aggravated condition is not relieved, constant muscle tone can lead to inflammation.

Pinching of the lumbar nerve occurs not only in athletes. The disease can befall people suffering from intervertebral hernia. This is a serious disease of the musculoskeletal system. When it occurs, the disc nucleus falls out of the spinal column, and compression of the radicular nerve in the lumbar spine occurs.

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If the lower back is skewed to one side, this may be the result of a side symptom of a disease such as osteochondrosis. It occurs when the vertebrae in the spinal column are deformed. The consequence of osteochondrosis is very often pinched nerve in the lower back.

Oddly enough, pregnancy can provoke a pinched lumbar nerve. In the last stages, the fetus is actively gaining weight, increasing in size. The center of gravity of the expectant mother shifts forward, additionally loading the lower back. With the transition to old age, a person’s bone tissue loses density. Elderly people find it difficult to carry out any kind of workload. Even effortless work of the spinal muscles leads to overload and compression of the vertebrae.

First aid for strangulation

What to do if a nerve is pinched in the lower back? At the time of the attack, you must take a horizontal position on a flat surface. It should be warm and not tilted. Lying down will ease the pressure on the pinched nerve.

At the time of the attack, the patient cannot take the “straight” position. Any movement of the back is accompanied by a new spasm and increased pain. The first aid will be simple folk remedies that our grandmothers have been using for several decades. Wrap the lumbar area tightly with a warm blanket or woolen scarf. This will provide dry heat, which will partially relax the muscles and provide temporary relief from pain.

Take any strong pain reliever. Ketorol, Ketanov, Spazmalgon and others relieve pain well.

Please note that these drugs have a large number of contraindications. It is best to consult your doctor before purchasing pain medication. 5-10 minutes after taking the drug, you will feel relief and the ability to straighten your skewed position. You can use an anesthetic drug in the form of a gel or ointment (Fastum gel, Ketonal cream and others). The product is applied directly to the area of ​​the body in which pain is felt.

During this acute period, you need to adhere to a diet and daily routine. Stop drinking alcohol. This not only worsens the disease, but also reduces the effect of the drugs. Therefore, the pain may return again. Limit your consumption of spicy and salty foods.

How to treat a pinched nerve?

If the patient’s condition during an exacerbation is so severe, then how to treat a pinched nerve in the lower back? In fact, help is not limited to pain relief. Even if you feel temporary relief, this is not a reason to refuse to visit a doctor.

Firstly, you need to diagnose the reason why the attack occurred. Perhaps the disease is much more serious than a pinched sciatic nerve. And an attack is just a symptom. Secondly, the disease must be cured. Otherwise, attacks will darken your life more and more often. Symptoms and treatment are not related in time. Often, medical assistance is provided after the attack is over, when the patient’s condition returns to normal.

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When you see a doctor, you will be prescribed several types of diagnostic tests:

  • Obtaining a radiograph
  • CT scan

After determining the cause of the pain, the doctor chooses treatment for a pinched nerve in the lower back. The most effective methods are:

  • A course of medication. Medicines are prescribed in the form of tablets or intramuscular injections. Complex therapy is possible.
  • Massage is a very effective treatment if the cause of pain is due to excessive stress on the muscles. Additionally, acupuncture is used.
  • Physiotherapy procedures are irreplaceable, especially in severe cases, when inflammation has already begun in the muscles. This therapy helps to act directly on the affected area of ​​the back.
  • Surgical intervention is prescribed only as a last resort. This method is possible if there is a spinal hernia or other pathologies associated with displacement or deformation of internal organs.
  • Manual therapy is effective for moderate disease. It is not uncommon for a course of such treatment to help prevent abdominal surgery. It is recommended to use for the prevention of back diseases.

This treatment for a pinched nerve helps eliminate the cause of the pain attack. It is especially important to use a number of procedures in combination. Taking a course of pills will not be enough. The disease is characterized by too severe symptoms. Manual techniques and acupuncture courses have a targeted effect on muscles and joints. They can be used even during periods of exacerbation.

  • Study the information in detail:

Courses of manual therapy and acupressure will not only cure the cause of the disease, but also relieve pain. Such techniques have no contraindications. You can independently contact specialized centers and get advice.

Are relapses possible after treatment?

Unfortunately, our body is unpredictable. People's lifestyles are very different. Athletes return to exercise, older people carry heavy bags again, and pregnancy repeatedly brings happiness to many families. That is, after a course of treatment, people return to their normal life, which has already led to an attack. You can only avoid relapse if you change your lifestyle.

Reconsider your interests, otherwise the nerve root in the lower back will be pinched more than once. Are sports records really that important to you if you're bedridden? Why endure the inconvenience of being overweight? It's time to accept that you are not so young anymore. Now running up the stairs to the 9th floor will not end well for your body.

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Try to reduce the risk of repeating the situation that triggered the attack. But, do not forget about preventive measures to improve health. There are many practices that are excellent prevention of back diseases. Vacuum therapy and stone therapy are successfully used in private medical centers.

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Typically, a pinched nerve in the lower back is caused by mechanical compression in the lower spine. There are a lot of nerves there, and anyone can get pinched.


The most important symptom is acute pain, which is popularly called “lumbago” due to its suddenness and painful sensations. Depending on the primary location (in the sacrum or lower back), the pain is felt slightly differently:

  • If pain is felt in the sacrum and passes through the buttock to the back of the leg, these are signs of ischalgia or sciatica;
  • If the pain is localized in the lower back (the area is located above the sacrum), back and radiates to the elbow - this is lumbagia;
  • If there are lumbar pains radiating to the sacrum, and then to the biceps of the thigh (back of the leg), this is lumbar ischialgia, a more extensive lesion.

Pain radiating to the leg and numbness

The first option is more common - sciatica. It occurs due to pinching of the sciatic nerve, and translated from Greek the word means “seat, pelvis, thigh.” This nerve is responsible for the motor activity of the lower extremities. Therefore, when it is pinched, a sharp pain occurs, which radiates to the leg, under the kneecap, and in some cases goes lower - all the way to the foot. The pain is usually accompanied by numbness or tingling. In some cases, the numbness reaches such strength that the person almost does not feel the leg.

In medical language, the problem sounds like “radicular compression of the last lumbar nerves or the first sacral nerve.” When this happens, people often think they have sciatica. But sciatica is an independent disease, which, under certain conditions, can indeed develop into chronic radiculitis.

Causes of pinched sciatic nerve

Unlike the acute form, the disease may not appear immediately, but grow gradually. You may experience discomfort in the lumbar region for some time. The pain is felt in the lower abdomen and perineum, and intensifies when lifting heavy objects. In the morning, your legs may feel heavy and become unruly.

It is believed that this scourge affects men more than women, but in reality everyone is at risk. With age, the likelihood of developing sciatica increases, as physical activity decreases, metabolism slows down, and related problems accumulate.


A pinched nerve can occur due to excessive muscle tone and for a number of other reasons. But The most common cause of sciatica is intervertebral hernia. But why does it arise? A hernia is the result of a narrowing of the intervertebral space. Causes of hernia formation:

  • Osteochondrosis (impaired elasticity of cartilage tissue) is the first stage, which develops into a hernia;
  • Excess weight, which constantly puts pressure on the spine, as if flattening the vertebrae. Weight also provokes the occurrence of osteochondrosis;
  • Poor posture;
  • Spinal injuries;
  • The tumor is malignant or benign, any neoplasm.

Many people suffer from most of these problems, but not everyone experiences lumbago. The fact is that pathologies often accumulate in the body for years, and an attack can be triggered by strong physical exertion, overheating with sudden hypothermia, etc.

There is no need to expect that the disease will go away on its own. Without treatment, the sore spot will become swollen, inflamed, the pain will intensify and radiculitis will occur.

During pregnancy

Sciatica is common during pregnancy. Most often, it overtakes women in the most difficult third trimester, when it is already difficult to move. In the last weeks of development, the child quickly gains weight, and the center of gravity may shift dramatically. Loading the lumbar region can cause pinching. During pregnancy, this is very painful, and medication use is limited.

Sharp lower back pain in pregnant women may not be associated with a pinched nerve. Similar symptoms are typical for kidney problems. The body of pregnant women experiences a restructuring of many functions. Therefore, you cannot guess the diagnosis and self-medicate. At the first pain in the lower back, you should see a doctor as soon as possible.

The first thing you need to do is to provide rest to your lower back by sitting on a hard surface. If necessary, the doctor will prescribe special medications. Physical therapy during pregnancy is also not contraindicated.

Treatment at home

Traditional methods of relieving symptoms exist, but they should be used as additions to the main treatment, if approved by the doctor.

  • Bay tincture. Pour two or three tablespoons of crumpled bay leaves into 200 g of alcohol or vodka. Let it brew for 2-3 days. Rub into the sore spot.
  • Honey-flour compress. Mix 100 g of honey and the same amount of flour. Apply the cake to the sore spot and fix it, you can wrap it up and leave it overnight;
  • Therapeutic baths with sea salt or decoctions (oak bark, chestnut and calamus roots are suitable). The bath should not be hot, but warm, and lie in until comfortable;
  • The sore spot can be rubbed with fir oil, natural mint or valerian tincture.

In the acute stage of the disease, massages and warm compresses should not be applied. The pain may subside for a short time, but strong heat will intensify the inflammatory process. On the contrary, cold will help in this situation: ice compresses, heating pads with ice or a chilled towel.


Injections of B vitamins are often used, which normalize nerve function and enhance metabolism. Also used drugs: “Neurobin”, “Kombilipen”, “Trigram”. The course of treatment is prescribed by the doctor. Non-steroidal drugs in injections reduce the inflammatory process. The disadvantage of such injections is the risk of side effects. Ibuprofen and analogues are considered less dangerous. If things are really bad, novocaine blockades are prescribed. Sometimes hormonal drugs are prescribed in the form of injections.


It is best to use non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. This may be the already mentioned “Ibuprofen” (in the form of “Nurofen” capsules and under other names), “Indomethacin”, “Voltaren” and some others. Diclofenac, Ketoprofen, Dicloberl, Movalis will help relieve acute pain. They reduce inflammation, reduce fever and pain, but do not act as a treatment method. Although they are necessary at the first stage of solving the problem. The drug Mydocalm helps with muscle spasms.

You will need pills in any case, at least to reduce acute pain and be able to get to the doctor. You'll have to take a good dose. If there are no anti-inflammatory tablets, you can take any painkiller you have on hand (analgin, baralgin, pentalgin, etc.). Regular aspirin will do the job just fine.


Many drugs that help with sciatica are available in different forms: injectable capsules, tablets, and ointments that have a local analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect. The above-mentioned "Voltaren", for example, is even better known as a gel. The same effect is achieved by the ointments “Fastumgel”, “Capsicam”, “Dolobene”, “Viprosal”, “Nicoflex”, “Menovazin”, “Chaga” balm, “Ketonal cream” and many others.

The pharmacological composition of all these medications is very similar, sometimes they simply duplicate each other, differing only in names. They contain substances such as menthol, anesthesin, novocaine and other compounds.

Do not confuse these drugs with warming ointments. For example, the “Badger” warming balm can be harmful in this case. Almost all massage creams also have warming properties.


In the fight against pinched nerves, exercises such as squats, bends, push-ups, and leg work are good. Exercises help both with pain, in order to ease it, and during the recovery period, as well as as a preventive measure, but not in the acute phase.

  1. From the “rest on bent knees and straightened arms” position, lean back and slowly lower your buttocks onto your heels, then lean forward until your legs are completely straightened, and bend slightly at the lower back, raising your head up. Up to 12 repetitions.
  2. From the same position, make mini-swings with your shins from side to side, simulating a kind of “wiggle.” The toes of the feet are lowered down, but do not touch the floor. The axis of rotation and the main support in this exercise are the closed knees. The lower back is thus set in motion. Can be repeated up to 15 times in both directions.
  3. From the same position, smoothly lower the pelvis alternately to the right and then to the left side. The knees do not come off, the feet lie on the floor. Try to touch your thigh to the floor, but if pain occurs, do not lower yourself too much. Up to 15 times in both directions.
  4. Exercise “cat”: alternately bend at the waist, lifting your chin up, and then arch your back, lowering your head.
  5. Lying on the floor on your back, lower your bent knees to the right and then to the left. The feet remain in place, but slightly lift off the floor when the knees are completely lowered.
  6. From a lying position on the floor, alternately pull your knees to your chest, clasping them with your arms and holding them to your chest for a couple of seconds. Repeat 15-20 times. Then pull both bent legs together about 5-6 times.
  7. Pushups. From the knees (gentle option) or standard.

As you can see, each exercise involves the lumbar spine. Therefore, any activity that enhances the motor activity of this part of the body is useful.

What to do first

The first thing you need to do is relax: find the most comfortable body position. Then you need to take a pain reliever or non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, the main ones of which were listed above.

Be sure to remember that during an acute attack of pain, you should not warm up the lower back. When warmed up, the pain may subside, but then it will return, since the increase in temperature will increase blood circulation and the swelling will increase. The swollen tissue will increase pressure on the compressed nerve. It is better to apply a cool compress and move less.

And go to the doctor as soon as possible.

Which doctor treats

As soon as you “get it,” you need to go to your local physician or, if possible, directly to a neurologist. If the district clinic accepts patients strictly by appointment, you should make an appointment with the doctor for whom there is a free coupon in the very near future. A neurologist would also be suitable. If the doctor deems it necessary, he will redirect you to a more specialized specialist. If the condition is very serious and urgent, you can contact the on-duty traumatologist or call an ambulance.

The ideal option is a chiropractor who combines the experience of both a therapist and a neurologist in his qualifications. A chiropractor will help relieve swelling and restore movement between the vertebrae, improving blood circulation with special techniques. His task is to release the sore spot. But not every manual is what it claims to be.

If the doctor does not ask anything, does not find out the details, but immediately prescribes procedures, it is better to stay away from such a doctor. A real doctor will definitely require the results of an x-ray or tomography, and if they are not available, he will prescribe these studies.

How long does it take

If treated correctly, the acute pain component goes away within 7 days, or even earlier. The subacute period can last 8-10 days or longer. When remission occurs, massage and physical therapy sessions are prescribed, this helps speed up the healing process.

Left untreated, severe sciatic lesions will result. In the most severe cases, even temporary paralysis is possible. With the resumption of treatment, the damaged nerves may recover and mobility will return to the limbs, but in this case it may take months or years.

Sleep on hard or soft

Both sick and healthy people are recommended to sleep on an orthopedic mattress. If there is no such mattress, you need to choose the hardest and smoothest surface available in the house. But this does not mean that if you have pain in the lower back, you should immediately go to sleep on the floor! A draft may lie in wait on the floor, and such patients should avoid drafts and hypothermia, otherwise the situation may worsen.

Is it possible to swim

Swimming is not only possible, but highly recommended. The main thing is to wait out the acute phase of the disease. To recover, you can swim 2-3 times a week for thirty to forty minutes. At the same time, you need to be careful when choosing a pool - there should be no ventilated rooms. You also need to dress warmly and dry yourself, especially if it’s the cold season outside.

If it is summer, then you can swim in the sea, river or lake, but do not sunbathe or overheat in the sun. Swimming races are best done in the evening, when the water is warm enough and the sun is already close to sunset. It may still be too cold in the morning, and on a hot afternoon, it is contraindicated for those suffering from sciatica to be in the open sun.

Is it possible to steam in a sauna or steam bath?

In situations with lumbago, you can often hear advice to take a good steam bath. The Russian bath has a large place in folk medicine. But you shouldn’t mindlessly follow ancient traditions. The sauna is also dangerous during this period. Overheating will worsen the condition. Like a bath, a hot bath is contraindicated for sciatica, although it is tempting to immerse the sore spot somewhere where it can be soaked and thoroughly warmed.

You need to understand that the nerve is pinched by bones or muscles; when heated, they will expand, which means they will compress the nerve trunk even more. Overheating can also cause inflammation.

Baths and saunas will have a beneficial effect only at the stage of remission or as a preventive measure. If the sharp pain has already passed, you can consult a doctor, and only after his permission to visit these establishments. If allowed, you can steam with a birch or oak broom, with the addition of horseradish leaf and even nettle. You can visit the bathhouse if you have a chronic form of pinched nerve, but do not get too cold: do not jump into snowdrifts or ice holes. A sauna with dry steam will be more beneficial in this case.

A pinched nerve in the spine causes severe pain. Symptoms of a pinched nerve in the spine may come and go for a short time. Therefore, the patient does not pay attention to the problem and does not begin treatment. This is a big mistake, because pinched spinal nerves may be just the tip of the iceberg. The disease requires medical supervision and prevention. How to behave if a pinched nerve occurs?

Causes and symptoms

Almost always, the patient complains that a nerve in the back is pinched precisely because he strained his back too much. The spine takes most of the load when a person lifts heavy objects or moves suddenly. The back reacts sharply to such stress for the body. Common risk factors are:

  • Overload (during sports or everyday lifting);
  • Staying in one position for a long time, for example during office work;
  • Constant tension of the spine during pregnancy;
  • Cold, cold wind;
  • Consequences of long-term illnesses, for example colds;
  • Uncomfortable posture during sleep;
  • Bed too soft or too hard;
  • Excess body weight.

Many patients require treatment for a pinched nerve between the ribs or in the spine itself. In the area where the ribs and vertebrae connect, a sudden change in the position of the vertebra often provokes clamping. Sometimes a nerve can be pinched even because a person inhales sharply or turns around. In this case, the pain can be very severe. The pain can be chronic or acute. Sometimes they appear only during sudden movements, sneezing or coughing.

In the lumbar and sacral region

Sometimes patients believe that the root of lumbar pain is ordinary fatigue, and hope that afterwards they will disappear. But those who shoot and find waves of pain may not go away.

  • It is difficult to confuse this pain syndrome with the sensation of sore muscles, since it is shooting, piercing in nature;
  • The pain is very clearly localized;
  • In pregnant women and those who have recently given birth, the lumbar nerves are often pinched;
  • The pain is immediately followed by muscle spasms, it is difficult for a person to change position;
  • If it hurts on the right side, it may seem like the liver is hurting;
  • If it hurts on the left, you may think that the spleen or heart hurts.

If the root of the problem is only in tense muscles, the pain will be localized vaguely and will pass quickly. Therefore, do not confuse fatigue and a pinched nerve.

The most vulnerable is the sciatic nerve due to its great length. It stretches from the lower spine to the feet. When the sciatic nerve is pinched, it is sometimes necessary to treat paralyzed legs.

Nerve tissues at the bottom of the spine can be compressed due to, among other reasons:

  • The position of the intervertebral disc has changed. If the vertebra deforms the nerves, the patient may be affected by an infection or an inflammatory process;
  • The functioning of the pelvic organs is disrupted;
  • A benign or malignant tumor has appeared.

As a result of pinching, the pelvis or belt may become numb, the functioning of the genitourinary apparatus may be disrupted, and the lower limbs may weaken.

In the neck and shoulder area

Nerve compression in the cervical or shoulder region of the spine occurs rarely, usually as a result of sudden head movements or exposure to low temperatures. Pinching in the cervical spine is a rare, but the most dangerous way of developing pathology - a complication can be complete or partial paralysis. If pinching in the shoulder vertebrae is in a neglected state, severe inflammation of the nerves and neurological pathologies can develop.

A nerve can also be pinched during sleep while intoxicated, when a person does not control movements and does not feel that he is lying in an uncomfortable position.

Between the shoulder blades or under the shoulder blade

If the nerve is pinched between the shoulder blades or under the shoulder blades in the hands, it can begin to shoot strongly. Many patients begin to fear that the pain is cardiac in nature, but this is not the case. Others believe that the pain is localized in the lungs.

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In the chest area

This is where the spine experiences the greatest daily stress, and if the nerve is pinched, the patient will experience the greatest loss of mobility:

  • The place on the skin under which the nerve tissue is pinched turns red in the thoracic region;
  • In the same place, the muscles under the skin swell;
  • Fever rises, sweating becomes profuse;
  • The pain comes suddenly and for no apparent reason.

During pregnancy

During pregnancy, a woman often realizes that a nerve in her back is pinched and does not know what to do. Pinched nerves can occur directly during childbirth - due to severe tension in the body and incorrect position of the fetus. The fact is that the spine experiences unusual stress for too long and begins to deform. After childbirth, sudden weight loss can become additional stress. To prevent the development of protrusions and hernias, it is necessary to begin treatment in a timely manner.


Back pain between the shoulder blades and under the shoulder blade can have a variety of causes; self-diagnosis is unacceptable. Only a doctor can decide what to do if a nerve is pinched in the back. To find the cause and understand whether there really is a pinching, you need to undergo various blood tests, MRI, manual examination, and electromyogram. X-rays from several different angles are required. The image will show whether the spine and intervertebral discs are in a stable position, and whether third-party muscle and bone pathologies are observed.

It is advisable to undergo all diagnostic procedures to exclude the possibility of oncological, cardiac or neurological problems.


If a nerve is pinched in the back, lumbar region, between the shoulder blades or under the shoulder blade, the patient should be treated in three stages:

  • Eliminate pain. Injections, tablets, ointments are used. To cure the infringement, the patient must be at rest, rest more, stop taking salty or spicy foods;
  • Get rid of the inflammatory process using non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. They are also used in different forms. The first and second stages of treatment are inextricably linked and usually occur simultaneously;
  • When the pain and inflammation have subsided, doctors begin work to restore the nerve of the back, lower back, between the shoulder blades, under the shoulder blade. A chiropractor, massage therapist, acupuncturist, physical therapy trainer and vitamin complexes will help here.


Movalis relieves pain and inflammation and is taken orally or by injection. Diclofenac is the most popular and cheapest remedy, but has many contraindications. Refers to non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. Ketonal is good because it is also suitable for pregnant women. Ibuprofen is available in forms for topical and oral use, and is also available on the market in the form of an infant suspension.

Ointments and gels are easy to use at home if there is a pinched nerve in the back, the symptoms of which need to be relieved urgently.

But you still need to consult a doctor, because such treatment of spinal pathology can cause allergies. Finalgon improves blood circulation in affected tissues well and is inexpensive. Viprosal warms and relieves pain. Betalgon has a good effect on the supply of capillaries, due to which the cells regenerate and the pain disappears. Flexen is a powerful anti-inflammatory agent, and Carmolis relieves pain well.

Orthopedic corsets

If a nerve is pinched in the spine, your doctor may recommend wearing corsets. They support the back, due to which the space between the vertebrae is cleared, inflammation goes away over time, the nerve is freed and signs of pathology disappear. Corsets according to their intended purpose are divided into thoracolumbar, lumbosacral, lumbar and for pregnant women.


  • Swimming crawl and backstroke. It is especially useful if surgery has been performed;
  • Lying on your back, lift your chest off the floor;
  • Standing on all fours, then bend and straighten your back, resting in the middle position;
  • Wrap your arms around your knees and rock on your back.

Therapeutic gymnastics classes should be carried out systematically and every day, only then will they be effective. It is better to carry them out under the supervision of a physical therapy specialist, who will ensure that the patient’s spine does not become distorted.


If a nerve in the back is pinched, between the shoulder blades, under the shoulder blade, the services of a massage therapist will help. However, the patient’s loved ones can also master the simplest massage techniques. The patient lies on his stomach, relaxes and places his arms along his body. The session should begin with stroking.

  • Interesting read: why does it hurt under the right shoulder blade?

We move first up, then down. The movements are circular. With any massage, especially if it is not a professional, you should remember that the work is carried out with the back muscles, and not with the spine. Only an experienced chiropractor can work directly with it. After stroking, we move on to rubbing and kneading. The movements are not very intense, smooth. Do not use strong, pressing or patting manipulations. The traditional massage session also ends with stroking.


If doctors can no longer decide how to treat the pinching conservatively, surgery is possible. It is performed in cases where the nerve is pinched due to an intervertebral hernia. The operation is called microdiscectomy. The surgeon removes the deformed tissue that is pinching the nerve. The patient recovers from microdiscectomy from two weeks to three months.


To avoid becoming a victim of a pinched nerve, take preventative measures. Do not stay in the cold for a long time and especially in a draft. Hypothermia can cause inflammation. Do not sleep on a bed that is too soft or, on the contrary, hard. In both situations, your spine is in a misaligned position all night, with the vertebrae slowly moving out of place. If possible, use an orthopedic mattress.

Try to avoid sudden movements. When lifting weights at home, squat down and lift the item while keeping your back straight. The spine should under no circumstances be distorted at this moment.

Avoid sitting or standing in one position for long periods of time. If you are a representative of a sedentary profession or simply spend a lot of time at the computer, try to warm up more often. Control your weight, because extra pounds will increase the constant load on your back. During pregnancy, use maternity corsets and support garments.

A pinched nerve in the back is a process that is accompanied by severe pain. With the consent of the doctor, you can treat a pinched nerve in the back at home. Home treatments can greatly help relieve pain. Certain pinching prevention measures will prevent this problem from happening again.

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Pinched nerve in the spine symptoms

The symptom depends directly on the affected area and what caused the pinching. Common symptoms indicating a pinched nerve are:

  • acute pain;
  • restriction in movements;
  • decreased sensitivity;
  • muscle weakness;
  • pain of internal organs.

If the cervical spine is pinched, there may be weakness in the arms and pain when turning and tilting the head. If the thoracic nerve is damaged, then chest pain manifests itself even with a sigh and coughing. When the nerve roots in the lumbar region are damaged, the pain moves from the lower back to the buttocks and thighs, and weakness appears in the legs.

To relieve pain quickly

Many home methods are aimed not at treating the cause of the problem, but at reducing the pain symptom. This is a secondary treatment that helps you start leading a normal life, take care of your health, identify the cause of the problem and try to cope with it.

Important! Pinching occurs because the nerve is damaged or lacks the ability to transmit nerve impulses. As a result, nerve currents are not transmitted further throughout the body in full, but are localized in one part of the back, causing pain.

Causes of pinching

Possible causes of a pinched nerve in the back:

  • mechanical compression, arthritis, calluses;
  • pinched nerves are possible not only in the back: any nerve in the elbows and wrists can be affected;
  • poor, meager nutrition.

The main symptoms of the condition include back numbness and sharp piercing pain. There is muscle weakness, there is a tingling feeling, and spasms occur. We will tell you in detail how pinching is treated.

What to do to relieve pain at home

To relieve pain if your back is pinched, you must adhere to strict recommendations and begin treatment.

Complete rest

To get rid of pain, you need to avoid putting stress on the affected area. The first thing to ensure is a state of peace. You should try not to lift heavy things and, if possible, lie in a relaxed state. The spine recovers best during sleep. A bandage should be applied to the sore spot.

Thermal compresses

Compresses will help: cold or hot. Compresses are aimed at improving blood circulation. It’s good if you can alternate cold and hot compresses to achieve the best effect.

What is important when applying compresses:

  • the procedure with cold compresses should not be carried out more than four times a day. The duration of one procedure is 15 minutes. This effect will relieve inflammation;
  • immediately after the cold compress, you need to apply a hot compress to the skin. It stimulates blood flow, helps speed up the recovery process;
  • Hot baths will help with a pinched nerve (or treating the affected area with hot water). This is a great way to relax your muscles and further stimulate blood flow.

Massage course

A special massage is effective in treating a pinched nerve in the back at home. You can ask a specialist to come to your home. During the procedures, the muscles will relax, as a result of which the tension will go away and the pain will decrease.

You can safely massage the whole body, including the area where the pain is localized. In the painful area, the massage therapist must act carefully so as not to aggravate the situation. Deep massage with strong pressure is prohibited for the described pathology.

Important! During the treatment you need to drink a lot of water. Together with the fluid, the body will remove toxins, which will have a positive effect on the healing process.

Treatment with medications - drugs

Tablets for pinched nerves:

  • painkillers that are available without a doctor's prescription;
  • non-steroidal drugs are aimed at combating edema (aspirin, ibuprofen);
  • It is best to buy medications created specifically to relieve the condition of a pinched nerve;
  • The sprocket will help with pinching.

Pinched nerve in the lower back, pain radiates to the leg - injections

If you pay attention to the problem in time, you can get by with complex treatment in the form of tablets, ointments, heating and massage. Injections, unlike tablets, which have a bad effect on internal organs, have an effect at the point of need. There are practically no side effects with injections, except in cases of incorrect insertion of the needle: an allergic reaction, an abscess.

The most common injection medicine for pinched nerves is:

  • Movalis;
  • Diclofenac;
  • Ketonal (can be used during pregnancy and lactation);
  • Novocaine;
  • Lidocoin.

Pinched nerve in the back - ointments

Pinched back muscles are common. For treatment, non-steroidal ointments are used that have an anti-inflammatory, warming and analgesic effect. If a nerve is pinched in the back, the following is prescribed:

  • Finalgon (relieves pain);
  • Viprosal (warms, relieves pain);
  • Betalgon (reduces pain and improves blood circulation);
  • Flexen (relieves inflammation);
  • Carmolis (pain reliever);
  • Virapin (anti-inflammatory and analgesic ointment).

You can treat with ointments at home, but a doctor should recommend and prescribe it. To avoid an allergic reaction to the drug.

Other home treatments

When the pain is eliminated and the main cause of the pinching has been identified, you need to treat your back at home, that is, generally change your lifestyle. Many back problems do not go away without leaving a trace, and you have to constantly make efforts to achieve long-term remission.

Light exercises

Regular exercise for ten minutes can increase the vitality of the body and improve blood circulation. More oxygen and nutrients will flow to the muscles, which have a positive effect on the health of the spine.

Swimming, walking outdoors

It is enough to swim several times a week for forty minutes. For back problems, swimming is the best form of exercise. Walking in the fresh air will free your joints and tendons from heavy stress, but will also help improve your health.

Important! Physical activity after being pinched is extremely important. Due to its absence, the muscles become weak, and the recovery period will last longer than possible.

Correct posture

It is important not only when walking, but also when sitting, playing sports or sleeping. The correct position of the spine will relieve the affected area from unnecessary strong pressure.

Treatment with folk remedies

Sometimes pinched nerves occur due to a lack of calcium in the body. The problem can be solved in several ways: buy special supplements at the pharmacy or start eating more foods that contain this element (cottage cheese, green vegetables, herbs).

Reduce acids

Foods and drinks that contain a lot of acids often cause additional pain when a nerve is pinched. So treating a pinched nerve in the back at home involves giving up citrus juices and coffee. A few hours before bedtime, you should not eat anything sour.

More potassium

Like calcium, potassium is important for the normal functioning of nerves and the spine as a whole. You should eat more avocados and bananas; A lot of potassium is found in figs, dates, and nuts. Additionally, you can take potassium supplements.

How can the doctor help?

Any treatment, even at home, must be carried out under the supervision of a doctor. For a speedy recovery, the doctor may prescribe additional physiotherapeutic procedures.

If the pain is severe (especially when the sciatic nerve is pinched), doctors prescribe a course of epidermal steroid injections. In difficult cases, surgical intervention is required.

For treatment of a pinched nerve in the back at home to have a positive outcome, it takes a lot of time and effort. Nerves are treated in a vertical manner, so the full course of treatment is often 2-3 months.

Hard physical labor without proper rest causes various complications. It can cause pinching of the nerve under the shoulder blade, in the lower back and other parts of the spine. Most pain occurs quite unexpectedly. It is for this reason that any person who is constantly exposed to great physical activity should know what to do if a nerve is pinched in the back.

In such a situation, it is necessary to urgently visit the hospital so that experienced doctors can localize the source of pain, diagnose and prescribe treatment. If it is not possible to go to the clinic, then you should find out what you need to do at home to alleviate the condition. Regardless of the results of treatment, you will still have to visit the clinic to make sure that everything is fine with your back.

Experts believe that the main cause of the problem is the development of osteochondrosis. In people suffering from this complex of disorders, nerve pinching occurs at the slightest load in the articular cartilage. In such a situation, it is necessary to eliminate the underlying disease. There are other reasons for this pathological process, namely:

  • Genetic predisposition. The structural features of a person are inherited. If mom or dad constantly had a pinched nerve under the left shoulder blade, then there is a chance that the child will have the same problem;
  • Pregnancy. Excess weight can also be added to this reason. Due to the fact that the load on the back has become higher than permissible, the nerves begin to be pinched. During pregnancy, the spine becomes more sensitive to weights. Due to any overload, nerves are pinched both under the shoulder blades on the right and left, and along the entire length of the back;
  • Incorrect posture. You need to hold your back correctly, because if a person is hunched over, then the chances of a pinched nerve increasing;
  • Pathological growths on the vertebrae. They arise due to various diseases or as a result of injury. The growths are usually located in the place where the nerves pass and with sudden movement they are compressed;
  • Sports activities. If you perform movements incorrectly, for example, turning too sharply, you can crush the nerve endings;
  • Rheumatoid arthritis. This pathological process is characterized by inflammation of the joints. In the area where it arose, pinching usually occurs.

Pinching symptoms

You need to do something about your back after identifying symptoms. The main symptoms include sharp pain that severely hampers movement. For example, if a nerve is pinched under the scapula, it is difficult to turn the torso and move the upper limbs.

For convenience, the signs of the pathological process are divided into 3 sections, namely:

  • Lumbar. Problems in this department arise due to inflammation of the sciatic nerve. When it is pinched, the patient suddenly experiences a burning sensation and strong tingling sensation. Often these symptoms radiate to the lower limb and difficulty moving begins. Inflammation in this nerve usually indicates the onset of radiculitis, which is characterized by shooting pain;
  • Cervical. A pinched nerve in this part of the back is accompanied by severe tension in the muscle tissue at the site of injury. In this case, the patient experiences weakness in the neck and pain in the left half of the chest, as with angina pectoris. Pain may also be felt in the area of ​​the shoulder blades, collarbone and the back of the head. Symptoms intensify when trying to turn the head, and pinching occurs mainly due to osteochondrosis or protrusion of the nerve;
  • Chest. In this situation, the nerve is pinched under the right or left shoulder blade, as well as in other areas of this department. The patient develops symptoms of intercostal neuralgia. The symptoms that are characteristic of this pathology do not go away even during rest. Unpleasant sensations intensify if you try to feel the space between the ribs or while moving your torso.

First aid at home

You can understand what to do if you have a back problem by following these tips:

  • Remove stress from the spine. To do this, you need to lie down on the bed, but if the pain is acute enough, you can use the floor together. If the problem concerns the lumbar region, then eliminating the pain is extremely problematic. To do this, it is recommended to form a right angle between your legs and torso, that is, while lying on the bed, throw your lower limbs over the wall;
  • If you do everything correctly, the pain will go away over time, but a new task will appear and it is to rise from this position. This is not difficult to do, but most often the pain attack returns. In order to rise correctly, you need to roll over to your side and stretch your arms towards an object that you can lean on, thereby reducing the load on your back. If there is nothing at hand, then you need to get on all fours and in this position move to the nearest support point. The main rule in such a situation is to try not to move your back, but to lift yourself carefully, without straining your spine. Having risen to your feet, you need to find something to support your back. The ideal option is a special belt, but if it is not available, then a long towel or a blanket wrapped in several layers will come in handy. Not only the area with the pinched nerve should be fixed, but also the area next to it;
  • If the pain attack is quite persistent and severe, then you should take painkillers. Among them, it is advisable to select medications with anti-inflammatory properties like Diclofenac. After fixing your back and taking the pills, you must remain in bed for several days. At this time, you need to completely relax your spine and try to avoid even the slightest drafts.

If the problem concerns pregnant women or girls during lactation (breastfeeding), then painkillers will have to be more carefully selected for them. This is done in order to prevent complications in the child.

Course of therapy

You can treat your back by following the standard scheme, which is performed in stages:

  • The first step is to eliminate the pain. For this purpose, medications are used in the form of tablets and injections. The entire course of therapy takes place in a supine position and following a strict diet. Smoked, fried and salted foods should be removed from it;
  • The second step is to eliminate the inflammatory process. In this situation, non-steroidal medications with an anti-inflammatory effect are usually used in the form of creams, ointments, tablets and in the form of an injection solution. It is recommended to combine steps 1 and 2 to achieve faster results;
  • The essence of the third step is to repair the damaged nerve. Experts recommend using physiotherapy for this purpose, as well as therapeutic massages and acupuncture. When the inflammatory process subsides, you can begin to do therapeutic exercises and it is advisable to combine it with taking vitamin complexes and proper nutrition.

Drug therapy

The correct choice of drugs is no less important for the treatment of a pinched nerve. Among medications with analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects, you can choose Ibuprofen or Diclofenac, preferably in the form of an injection to obtain the best result. Ketonal is suitable for pregnant women.

There are many types of ointments, for example, Karmalis eliminates pain, and Betalgon, in addition to relieving discomfort, improves blood circulation. If you need a product with a warming effect, then it is better to purchase Viprosal, which is also an analgesic, and Flexen is excellent for inflammation.

Traditional methods of therapy

Traditional medicine should be used only as an addition to the main course of therapy, so as not to have to think about what to do if complications arise. Doctors recommend using her methods at home after completing treatment. The following methods have shown themselves to be the best:

  • Among the ointments that can be made at home, a mixture of bay leaves and juniper needles has a good anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. To prepare, you will need to prepare 2 main ingredients and butter. Initially, you need to mix bay leaves and juniper pine in a ratio of 6 tbsp. l. to 1 tbsp. l. Next, you will need to add 100 g of melted butter to the powder and mix well. The finished ointment should be applied to the damaged area;
  • A bath with herbal decoctions can relax muscles and reduce pain. It is necessary to collect water and it is important that its temperature is approximately 37°, and then you can add the rest of the ingredients. A mixture of oak and spruce bark, which needs to be boiled for 30 minutes in a 5 liter container, showed good results. water. The finished broth must be filtered and poured into the prepared bath, and you need to bathe for at least half an hour;
  • When a nerve is pinched, rubbing infusions are often used. For this purpose, you can use wormwood inflorescence. It needs to be infused in 400 ml of boiling water, and then rubbed with the resulting product on the damaged area of ​​the back. For oral administration, it is recommended to use tansy infusion. You need to take 1 tbsp. l. crushed ingredient and pour it into a glass of boiling water. Then you need to wait 2-3 hours and you can take the prepared drink 3-4 times a day before meals, 1 tbsp. l.

Corsets for fixation

Special corsets are perfect for fixing the spine in one position. They remove deformation and relieve stress from the damaged area of ​​the back. Corsets are divided into the following types:

  • Thoracolumbar. They are created specifically to support the lumbar and thoracic region, as well as the area between the shoulder blades;
  • Lumbosacral. Created to relieve stress in the pelvic area;
  • Lumbar. They serve to fix the lower back, but partially cover the pelvis and chest;
  • Corset during pregnancy. It covers the area around the lower back and shoulder blades and helps relieve pain that occurs in girls due to excessive stress on the back. The corset is well suited for postpartum recovery.

People who are exposed to physical activity should learn what to do if a nerve is accidentally pinched. This situation is very painful and sometimes it is difficult to even move without help.

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