What can help with tooth pain? What to do at home if your tooth aches - get rid of obsessive sensations. How to get rid of toothache with propolis

Although most people experience some type of pain almost every day, few people can endure toothache. Such pain can turn a person’s life into a real nightmare. You may find yourself in a situation where your personal doctor is on vacation or you yourself are far from home. How then can you help yourself? How to get rid of toothache at home? Are there easy and quick ways to solve the problem? Let's figure it out together.

The first reaction when a toothache occurs is to consult a doctor or take medication that relieves pain. But is it possible to do without chemicals? Is there a worthy replacement among traditional methods of treatment?

Fortunately, there are many such methods. If you do not have suppuration or swelling and there is no need to go to an ambulance, you can try to help yourself with the following means:

  • rinse with soda;
  • vodka;
  • herbal tinctures;
  • propolis;
  • cinnamon;
  • plantain;
  • onion and garlic;
  • essential oils;
  • massage.

Let's look at all these methods in order and see how to get rid of toothache at home using folk remedies.

How to relieve toothache with rinses: soda, vodka, herbal tinctures

Toothache can have different characteristics. Some people only have pain in the damaged tooth, while others complain of pain in the entire jaw area. Some people have to live with aching pain, while others suffer from strong pulsating tremors. Regardless of what type of toothache you have to deal with, we suggest you consider effective methods of relieving pain.

So, how to get rid of toothache without drugs? Rinsing is a very effective way you just need to be able to prepare the solution and apply it with the correct regularity.
To rinse your mouth for pain, you can use the following composition:

  • glass of water;
  • teaspoon of soda.

Mix thoroughly. The composition for rinsing should be slightly warm, since this is the temperature of the solution that will have the maximum effect on the aching tooth.

Advice! You can add a little salt to the soda composition. Salt is an excellent disinfectant. But it is the activity of some bacteria that creates the conditions in which teeth begin to hurt.

To eliminate pain, you can also rinse your mouth with vodka. There is no need to dilute this drink. Just put a little vodka in your mouth and hold it on the sore spot for as long as you can. If there is no vodka, cognac has a similar effect.

You can also relieve tooth pain by using herbal tinctures. Tinctures of such plants are well suited:

  • mint;
  • plantain;
  • sage;
  • Melissa.

To prepare a suitable rinsing solution, simply pour about a tablespoon of dried herb into a glass of boiling water. After this, you need to let the composition brew for several hours. Although this method is not very fast, medicinal herbs can not only relieve pain, but also reduce the resulting inflammation.

Now let's talk a little about how to quickly get rid of toothache at home using bee propolis.

How to get rid of toothache with propolis

Natural propolis, as a rule, is a dense product rolled into a roller. In order for the active substances present in this wonderful beekeeping product to begin to act, you need to cut off a small piece of propolis and chew it a little. Then place it in the area of ​​the painful tooth and leave it for a while.

When the propolis softens, the pain will become weaker or disappear altogether. Thus, with the help of a useful folk product, you can successfully cope with toothache.

Cinnamon is a spice that is found in almost every home. Thanks to this, many people can use this product when toothache occurs. How to properly use cinnamon as a remedy for toothache?

  1. To combat toothache, it is better to use a freshly ground stick.
  2. Grate the spice on a fine grater.
  3. Add a drop of honey.
  4. Transfer the mixture to a small cotton swab and place it on the sore tooth.

This is a very good way to get rid of toothache at home without resorting to medications, most of which have a number of contraindications and side effects.

Speaking about treating pain with herbal infusions, we have already mentioned plantain. However, it will take time to prepare the infusion. If it’s summer outside, try to find a few plantain leaves.
This method will show you how to quickly get rid of toothache at home.

  1. Wash the sheet thoroughly.
  2. Place it on the sore spot.
  3. Chew a little.
  4. Wait until the pain goes away.

How onions and garlic can help get rid of toothache at home

These two products are also always on the housewife's table. This means there is no need to run to the pharmacy if your tooth hurts. How to make homemade medicine from onions and garlic?

  1. Grind a clove of garlic in a blender or using a grater.
  2. Chop the same amount of onion by weight.
  3. Lightly add salt.
  4. Mix the ingredients.
  5. Place the resulting mixture on a cotton swab.
  6. Apply to the sore tooth.

There will be no harm to your health from using this method. At the same time, you can quickly and easily cope with severe tooth pain.

If a tooth aches unexpectedly and the pain is very severe, essential oils will help in the fight against it. There are many plants in nature whose oils can help a person relieve pain. What oils can be applied to teeth?

The following oils have an analgesic effect:

  • mint;
  • lavender;
  • fir;
  • St. John's wort;
  • carnation.

To make the pain go away, it is advisable to treat the tooth from all sides. If there are holes in it, oil should be dripped into them. This way, the active substances are more likely to enter the tooth’s nutritional channel and produce the desired effect.

How to get rid of toothache without drugs: massage

The pain can go away by stimulating certain points on the body. Some massage the gum itself, on which the inflamed tooth is located. Sometimes this method helps.
To achieve the effect, you can massage your earlobe and temple. Attention should be paid to the side on which the diseased tooth is located. The massage should last at least 5 minutes. Otherwise, the effect may not be seen.

You can also massage the area between the first and index fingers on your hand. However, if there is pain in the tooth on the right side, the massage should be performed on the left hand.

The most common substances that help with toothache are:

  • analgin;
  • ibuprofen;
  • paracetamol;
  • nemesulide

Almost all drugs can cope with pain of moderate to severe intensity. When dealing with very severe pain, it is recommended to use nimesulide. If you are wondering how to get rid of toothache in a child at home, try paracetamol. It fights mild pain and is also suitable for children in small dosages, while having the least impact on the body itself.

How to get rid of toothache at home during pregnancy

When a woman is pregnant, any use of medications should be treated with extreme caution. It is advisable not to use them at all. But how to get rid of toothache at home during pregnancy? It is best to combat ailments due to toothache using the abilities of natural ingredients.

Important! Do not use St. John's wort during pregnancy! This herb can negatively affect your pregnancy. For severe pain, use one of the painkillers, applying it directly to the tooth.

  • Visit your dentist on time.
  • Rinse your mouth after every meal.
  • Use a suitable toothbrush.
  • Change it every few months.
  • Don't eat hot food immediately after cold food.

How to get rid of toothache at home: video

Today we looked at how to get rid of toothache at home. The video below contains some interesting practical tips.

Almost every one of us has encountered toothache, which literally prevents us from living in peace and prevents us from concentrating on work and caring for loved ones. It seems that not only the tooth hurts, but also the jaw, sometimes even the head, ears and back.

You become irritable and impatient, but you don’t have time to go to the doctor due to your busy schedule. Is the situation familiar? Then this article is just for you. In it we will look at the most common causes of discomfort, get acquainted with the types of pharmaceutical drugs that will help overcome toothache at home, as well as with folk remedies.

Aching pain that comes in waves can cause a lot of unpleasant sensations: you may feel pain while eating, turning your head sharply, talking and many other actions. In any case, only a professional can determine what exactly is the cause of such discomfort. We will look at several of the most common diseases that can be the cause of pain.
- gingivitis. It is a complicated form of caries formation; most often the disease is caused by mechanical impact. Symptoms may also include swelling and bleeding gums. Anyone can get this disease, since another reason for its formation is weakened immunity, which occurs quite often.

The most common causes of pain

- periodontal disease. A very serious illness that requires immediate treatment
- pulpitis. It is a consequence of an advanced form of caries. Caries is a disease of the external tissues of the tooth. Pulpitis occurs when inflammation spreads to internal tissues. Inherent strong unpleasant sensations
- trauma or mechanical damage to the tooth (fracture, chipping, crack)
This list can be continued for quite a long time, but all of these diseases require immediate medical intervention, so we strongly do not recommend postponing a visit to a specialist. Use the following methods of medicinal and alternative treatment only in cases where seeing a doctor is simply impossible due to valid reasons.

When is treatment not required?

Of course, there are many diseases that require an immediate visit to the doctor. If you detect symptoms of at least one of the above diseases, you should take immediate action. Toothache can be a sign of serious oral disease. If you delay treatment, be prepared to accept serious illnesses. But there are also cases when toothache does not indicate any serious illness. Below we will look at these methods and try to explain why going to the doctor is not so important.
However, there are also situations when a tooth or gum may hurt, but urgent treatment is not required. For example:

  • surgical operations in the oral cavity. These include, for example, tooth extraction. After the operation, the doctor must prescribe a medicinal pain reliever. The tooth pain may be very severe afterwards, but it will go away over time.
  • eruption of a child's wisdom or tooth. The fact is that when a tooth is cut, the body spends a lot of energy on it, and the gums can also be injured. The pain will go away with time
  • installation of an implant or crown. A foreign organism will always cause a rejection reaction in the body. Let your body get used to the new body

If toothache appears after these procedures, do not worry too much. It is also worth noting that the use of the methods listed below will reduce the discomfort.
If the pain appears on its own (in fact, there is always a reason for it), we suggest taking a closer look at what can be done with it and what methods are right for you.

Medications. Benefits and Dangers

Today, modern painkillers are very popular among the population, as they have a fairly good analgesic, long-term effect, which is sometimes several times greater than the effectiveness of traditional methods of treatment. In addition, such medicines are available to almost everyone today. Now we will look at the list of the most effective drugs and try to characterize them.

  • Analgin. Previously, it was a fairly popular remedy that helped to eliminate mild aching pain relatively well. Has a good antipyretic effect. It is worth noting that for more serious diseases, for example, gingivitis, this remedy is unlikely to save you. Please note that due to the fact that the drug has a wide range of hazardous side effects, it is prohibited in many countries around the world

  • Nimesil. Quite a powerful tool. Using this remedy you can easily eliminate quite severe toothache, regardless of its origin. The action time is about four to five hours. It is only available with a doctor’s prescription, so the term “home treatment” does not quite apply to this remedy.
  • aspirin. It is known as a good remedy for headaches, but it will also help you eliminate mild toothaches.
  • ketanov. The most effective remedy of all those presented above. Helps with even the most severe toothache, at any stage of the disease. The action begins approximately half an hour after taking, the pain completely subsides within an hour. The action time is quite long, which is good news. To get medicine at a pharmacy, you must first request a prescription from a doctor, although some pharmacies dispense medicine without a document, despite the law

The action of the analgesic begins approximately half an hour after administration, the pain completely subsides within an hour.

There are several drugs similar in potency to Ketanov, for example, ketorolac, dolac, ketalgin, and so on. The penultimate one can be bought at the pharmacy without any restrictions. The products are available in a convenient tablet format.
Read the instructions carefully before use. Review the list of side effects to see if you are intolerant to any elements that are part of the medicine. The dosage must be observed especially carefully when it comes to a child. Please note that if the instructions say that the drug is not applicable to children, then they should not try to relieve pain.
Please note that at home, in moderate dosage, it is sometimes possible to use Novocaine. These are quite old, but still effective products that are available in liquid form. The technique is this: you need to drop the product directly onto the desired infected area. You can also apply a cotton wool or ball soaked in the solution to the area. The essence of the drug’s action is to provide a slight “freezing” effect.

Unusual methods

There are many tips and methods for eliminating unpleasant sensations in the teeth, among them you can also find non-standard methods that may surprise you a little, or even shock you. If the cause of discomfort is the cold air outside, it would be logical to protect your mouth with a scarf. If you experience discomfort when closing your jaws, keep your mouth slightly open.
Scientists from different countries claim that tears will reduce toothache. You can even cut an onion, inhale your pores and cry. Guaranteed immediate effect.
Try exercise. Some experts claim that this can reduce the sensitivity threshold of teeth.
Deceive yourself. This method is based on the principles of how the brain works. Try changing the hand you use to brush your teeth (if you are right-handed, try brushing your teeth with your left hand, and vice versa). You can try writing with a hand that is unfamiliar to you. Place a ring, watch or bracelet on your other hand.
Stay upright. It has been scientifically proven that when sitting or semi-sitting, discomfort in the dental area is much less than in a horizontal position.

My tooth hurts, what should I do at home?

Traditional methods that are aimed at eliminating tooth pain, despite their old age, have not lost their effectiveness. We suggest that you familiarize yourself with certain compounds and remedies that will help eliminate toothache.

  • camphor alcohol. To make the product more effective, place a cotton wool soaked in the composition on the sore tooth (if there is one, on the hollow). By the way, such a solution can cause great damage to the oral mucosa, so try to ensure that the tampon does not touch the mucous membrane. I must say, this remedy is one of the most effective
  • Corvalol. The principle of tooth treatment is the same as with camphor alcohol
  • drop clove oil directly onto the tooth. To enhance the effect, you can drop the product onto a cloth and apply it to the tooth for a while. Try chewing the plant powder as well.
  • chew black bread and garlic. Place the mixture in the hollow of the tooth, or simply apply it to the tooth.
  • Rinse your mouth with a sage decoction at room temperature. To prepare the tincture, pour two tablespoons of the dried plant into 200 ml of boiling water, let it brew and strain
  • fine salt. Dissolve one spoon in a glass of water at room temperature. Rinse at least twice a day

  • incense. Form a ball from the substance and place it on the site of the carious formation. Try not to move the ball
  • aloe, aloe juice. Cut the leaf in half and let the juice come out a little. Then apply the half to the painful tooth
  • soda. Dissolve a small amount of soda (no more than one third spoon) in 500 ml of water. Rinse with the solution until a noticeable result appears. To increase activity, you can add three drops of iodine
  • onion peel. Pour boiling water over it and let it brew for several hours. Rinse your mouth at least six times a day

If your tooth hurts and you need to quickly relieve the pain at home, you can use traditional recipes, massage or.

An aching tooth not only spoils your sense of self, does not allow you to sleep, work or eat, but it can also develop into an acute form, and the pain will only intensify. It could be either the cheeks, a deterioration in the general condition of the body, or fever.

Causes of toothache

An unpleasant and painful process in a tooth can be caused by a number of different reasons, and in order to correctly begin treatment, a person should correctly identify it.

It could be:

  • thin tooth enamel and small cracks on its surface;
  • caries - at first the pain may seem inconspicuous, only anxiety is felt when the teeth are exposed to very hot or cold, sour or sweet. In advanced cases, pain will signal itself while eating any food;
  • pulpitis (acute or) - during inflammatory processes in the pulp, pain occurs sharply, most often at night, radiating into the ear;
  • periodontitis (acute form or) - inflammatory processes are caused by infection and can even cause;
  • Periodontitis is a pain that pulsates and becomes stronger when touched. The tooth may become loose;
  • a tooth that was incorrectly or poorly filled in the past.

How to quickly relieve pain if your tooth hurts?

Modern medicine has reached unprecedented heights in dental treatment. But what to do if the pain suddenly overcomes you?

At home, the first thing to do is stop eating any food and carefully, gently brush all your teeth. You can clean them correctly. Remember that any food particles can be unnecessary irritants.

If there are no medicines nearby, then you can pay attention to effective folk recipes. They will be excellent substitutes for painkillers and will not harm the patient in any way. Folk remedies are very convenient, budget-friendly and accessible to anyone.

Video: how to quickly relieve toothache?

Folk recipes

The following folk methods are popular among people to quickly relieve pain:

  • onion-garlic mixture - prepare porridge in equal doses from 4 cloves of garlic and a third of an onion, adding salt and stirring well. The mixture is applied to the tooth and covered with cotton wool. Salt causes the outflow of exudate, and vegetables destroy bacteria due to the action of phytoncides;
  • clove oil – in the gum area, apply gauze that has been soaked in clove oil (3-4 drops). In the absence of oil, ordinary flowers, which should be chewed, will help;
  • pumpkin tails - they need to be dried (8-10 pieces), and then pour a glass of boiling water and leave. Next, rinse the mouth;
  • decoctions of St. John's wort, calendula, chamomile or sage - a tablespoon of herb is poured into 0.5 liters of boiling water and infused for an hour, then the mouth is rinsed in the area of ​​the diseased tooth;
  • – a piece of bee glue should be placed near the aching tooth. This remedy will quickly relieve inflammation;
  • plantain root - the plant must be washed and applied raw to the sore tooth, after half an hour the pain should go away;
  • lard - a slice of it must be placed between the tooth and cheek. If the lard is in salt, then it must first be removed;
  • vodka – 50 grams, thoroughly mixed with salt, keep a sip of the mixture in the area of ​​the diseased tooth;
  • solution on birch buds - pour 50 grams of buds with a glass of vodka and let them brew for 10 days. When pain occurs, you need to moisten cotton wool in the infusion and apply it to the aching area;
  • periwinkle infusion - pour 2 tablespoons of flowers with boiling water and leave, then rinse your mouth with the infusion;
  • walnut - pour a glass of boiling water over 2 walnut leaves. An hour later, when the foliage has infused, you need to rinse your mouth, and also moisten cotton wool and apply it to the tooth;
  • infusion of young elderberry flowers - pour two tablespoons of flowers with a cup of boiling water, infusing for an hour.


If you have a toothache, you can quickly relieve pain with the help of a special massage. Direct action should be carried out on the side of the diseased tooth, on the upper surface of the ear.

You can also try rubbing a little or simply wiping the auricle, since it is anatomically located on many nerve endings that will affect pain in the teeth or jaw.

A good acupressure massage should be done using the fingertips, gently, without sudden movements and much pressure, with soft movements in a circle. You should first massage clockwise, and then, after a while, counterclockwise.

  • In order to quickly and effectively relieve sudden pain in a tooth, you can massage your hand with an ice cube in the area where the thumb and index finger are located. You must press with caution, pressing the ice on the point located between these fingers for 5 minutes;
  • if there is no ice nearby, you can simply rub this point. In this case, there must be pain, a person must be patient. Pregnant women should not provoke this zone, as this can cause premature birth;
  • you can find a point on the jaw below, which is located on the outer part. You need to clench your teeth and, where the nodule can be felt, massage the area for a couple of minutes;
  • An excellent point is located between the upper lip and the nose - right in the middle. You need to press and simultaneously massage this area for a couple of minutes;
  • a good point for an anesthetic massage is also located near the outside of the eye, in line with the pupil from the side of the cheekbone.

Video: 3 ways to relieve toothache using acupuncture.


Preparations for tooth pain are available in almost any medicine cabinet at home, however, you must remember how to use them correctly, because they are very toxic and can harm a person. All these funds can be divided into a couple of groups, depending on the mechanism of action.

  • non-narcotic drugs for mild pain - this includes aspirin or analgin, as well as paracetamol. These drugs have long been designed to relieve pain, fever and various inflammations;
  • non-narcotic drugs for severe pain are excellent and safe drugs that effectively relieve pain, consider Ibufen and Ibuklin. The daily dose should be no more than 4 tablets. Those drugs that contain nimesulide, for example, are incredibly strong, but they have a lot of side effects and contraindications. They should be used very carefully, adhering to a certain dosage - no more than two tablets;
  • the narcotic group of drugs contains promedol and morphine - it must be said that even with severe toothache, it is not recommended to use them, since their effect will disrupt the transmission of nerve impulses in the brain, which negatively affects the psyche;
  • antispasmodic medications, such as papaverine or no-shpa, are drugs that quickly and effectively relieve spasms in smooth muscles.

A simple way to quickly relieve pain is with medications, however, when choosing tablets, you need to take into account the presence of chronic diseases that may serve as a contraindication to use.
  1. – the maximum dosage is two tablets, however, no more than 6 tablets per day. It should not be used by pregnant women, children under 15 years of age and people who suffer from kidney disease.
  2. Nurofen - will relieve pain and also remove any inflammation; it is effective due to the active substance codeine. Contraindications for use are liver disease.
  3. Analgin is a budget medicine, however, it is not very effective, especially for acute toothache. It is not recommended to place a tablet of this drug directly on the tooth, as it can easily damage the enamel.
  4. Nise is a strong remedy that is used only for severe pain and only one tablet at a time. It relieves pain in just a couple of minutes, and the effect can last up to eight hours. Contraindicated for expectant mothers.
  5. - a potent medicine, you can take about three tablets in one day, washing it down with an impressive amount of clean water. If this rule is not followed, the effect of treatment may not occur or will come much later.
  6. Tempalgin - should not be used by people who suffer from certain blood diseases and disorders of the kidneys and liver. For moderate tooth pain, it is recommended to take the medicine one tablet approximately four times a day. The dosage for the whole day should not exceed 6 tablets.

What should you not do when your tooth hurts?

  • warm up an aching tooth - bags of salt heated over a fire, all sorts of warming compresses will only provoke a sharp and strong flow of blood to the bothering tooth, which will cause unnecessary inflammation and increased pain. It is better to use ice in such a situation;
  • rinses and herbal infusions in order to quickly relieve tooth pain should be warm, but not hot or cold;
  • you can’t lie down all the time - pain in a lying position always intensifies, since the blood flow to the jaw of a person who is lying increases, so high pressure is formed near the tooth, which greatly irritates the nerve fibers;
  • It is prohibited to use unknown drugs.

Video: how to quickly relieve tooth pain at home?

Everyone knows that tooth pain is the body’s signal of distress. The best decision would be to visit the dentist. However, such troubles very often occur precisely when there is no opportunity to seek help (weekends, vacation trips or at night). Is it really possible to just endure it when your tooth hurts? What to do at home to alleviate the condition?

Self-medication is only acceptable for a temporary solution to the problem.

It is very important to realize that folk recipes can dull or even completely eliminate pain, but it is impossible to cure a tooth in this way. Therefore, do not rush to postpone a visit to the dentist after the symptoms have passed.

If you are experiencing pain, you should not avoid oral hygiene procedures. Many people are afraid to brush their teeth these days, mistakenly believing that it is better not to irritate the inflamed area. This is wrong.

It is advisable to take the tablet when your tooth hurts badly. What to do next? After all, the effect of painkillers is limited by time. And I don’t really want to drink packages of them. There are many folk recipes that will alleviate the condition without harming the body.

Rinse will help get rid of severe toothache

Rinsing the mouth when a tooth hurts has always been considered an effective method. What to rinse with? Here are some of the most popular recipes, the ingredients of which are on hand in every home.

The simplest recipe is rinsing with warm water with the addition of soda or salt (a teaspoon per glass of water). This solution is quickly prepared, which is its advantage. Especially when your tooth hurts. “What to do at home to alleviate the condition?” - is the only question that matters at such moments. However, this recipe should not be abused, otherwise the soda or salt will begin to corrode the mucous membrane. Small wounds will form, which can bring new unpleasant sensations.

Yarrow has the ability to neutralize. You need to prepare and apply its decoction in the same way as described above.

To get rid of excruciating aching pain, brew one of the suggested herbs: mint, lemon balm, rosemary, chamomile. Prepare a decoction at the rate of two tbsp. spoons per glass of water.

You can continue to rinse with such simple means even after the doctor has treated the tooth. Periodic sessions will help prevent the occurrence of inflammatory processes in the mouth.

Essential oil

The oil will help if you have a toothache. Let's look at what to do at home in more detail. A small cotton swab dipped in coriander or clove oil is applied to the gum of the affected tooth. This method is very helpful for pain of various types. Suitable for pregnant women. This is especially true during the first months of pregnancy, when taking it is extremely undesirable.

By adopting these simple methods, you can forget for a while that you have a toothache. What to do next at home? Reducing attacks of pain or solving the problem in the dentist’s office once and for all is up to everyone to decide for themselves.

Toothache is a debilitating condition that will unbalance even the most persistent person. Enduring pain and trying to drown it out by any means is not the best tactic. Any pain is a signal: it’s time to run to the doctor. Toothache is no exception, and sometimes it is even dangerous to endure.

But it happens that this pain overtakes a person in a situation where one cannot dream of seeing a doctor. For example, it happened on a weekend, or happened on vacation, or simply far from the place where the doctor sees. You need to act yourself, with maximum composure and a reasonable approach.

Why can your teeth hurt?

Pulpitis is characterized by sharp, acute, unexpected pain. Inflammatory reactions in the dental cavity affect the condition of the neurovascular bundle. Inflammation of the pulp irritates the nerve endings, causing the person to experience severe pain. If this affected area gets hot or cold, the pain may intensify and a pulsating sensation will appear.

Why else can your teeth hurt?

Run to the doctor whenever possible. Don't wait until you find a ticket to see your doctor. It is important to find the source of pain, identify the problem, and neutralize it. The pain cannot be tolerated!

How to relieve pain with pills

The first solution to severe toothache is the logical desire to take a pill. You will have to look in the first aid kit for something suitable, because it is unlikely that anyone will be able to endure the sharp pain.

What will help with severe toothache

Validol or Corvalol can be applied to the gums where pulsation is felt. Heart drops on a cotton pad are also applied to the painful area. This method is used as a one-time measure.

Remember that none of the remedies cure, but only soothe the pain. Therefore, you need to relieve pain, but then do not put off visiting a doctor. Don’t be embarrassed to call the same ambulance at night. Dental pain is a pain just as severe as others that requires urgent attention. The ambulance operator will advise you where to go at night, or will send a team to give you an injection.

You can also go to the nearest hospital yourself. You will be given an injection that provides pain relief and a mild sedative effect. The medicine works for several hours, and then you need to decide on a trip to the doctor. Many private clinics are open on weekends and open late. In a big city there is always a dentist who is on duty at night.

How to deal with severe toothache

Many so-called folk remedies can be dangerous for acute dental pain. For example, they advised you to use a warm or hot compress. The recipe is motivated by the fact that warm water will relieve pain. In fact, this is not just useless, it is dangerous: purulent contents can get into neighboring tissues and areas, and the scale of damage will become even greater.

If you have a toothache, you should not lie down: the blood flow to the affected area will increase, and the pain will only intensify. Therefore, even sleeping with such pain is advised to recline.

It is imperative to clean out any remaining food from the interdental space; they will rot and decompose. Pathogenic bacteria will only increase inflammation. Therefore, teeth and gums, the spaces between teeth must be clean.

No matter how naive this advice may seem, it works: try to distract yourself from the pain. Find an activity that distracts you as much as possible. Toothache, of course, prevents you from concentrating and forces you to be distracted. But it is within the power of a person to psychologically “push aside” it a little, to make it background rather than acute. Only the activity must be truly all-consuming. Some people claim that playing puzzles helped them survive a severe toothache, some were calmed by drawing, and others were calmed by watching an exciting movie.

Rinses: do they work?

Unfortunately, for really severe toothache, rinsing your teeth and gums will not be a salvation. But they can relieve the symptoms a little. One of these plants, which will form the basis of the rinse composition, is sage.

Sage solution for toothache:

  • in 250-300 ml of boiling water you need to add a large spoon of sage herb;
  • you need to boil the solution for 5 minutes over low heat;
  • it infuses for 35 minutes, be sure to wrap the cup with the decoction in something warm;
  • You need to rinse your mouth often while the infusion is still warm;
  • It is not recommended to reheat the composition again.

You can also brew dry plantain leaves. Place the same glass of boiling water on a large spoon and leave for 25 minutes. You can add a little salt to this infusion. Of course, the composition will not be able to overcome severe pain, but it is quite capable of relieving moderate pain.

Patient tactics for severe toothache

So, if that same toothache comes as a surprise, there is no opportunity to go to the doctor, you need to act calmly, coolly, and wisely. Don’t run to the first aid kit, don’t grab any painkiller, don’t look on the Internet for folk recipes of questionable effectiveness.

Table. What to do if you have severe toothache

ActionHow to do it rightNotes

Ibufen / Nurofen / Ibuprofen (in small dosages, possible for expectant mothers and women during lactation).

Ketanov, Ketarolac - for very severe pain, prohibited for pregnant and lactating women.

Take paracetamol if your temperature rises.

Sage, plantain or chamomile. Brew a tablespoon of herbs per glass of water. Rinse with warm mixture.By adding table salt, the composition becomes more effective.

Sitting and standing. In a horizontal position, the pain only intensifies.Try to keep yourself busy with something.

Do not apply warm or hot compresses. Ice should also not be used unless you are sure what caused the pain.Call an ambulance, describe the location, nature of the pain, follow the recommendations.

Please note that the doctor treats acute pain out of turn. If, after treatment, the dentist prescribed a certain course of antibacterial therapy, be sure to follow it through the entire regimen, from beginning to end. This will relieve the inflammatory process in the oral cavity and help kill those pathogenic bacteria that caused the inflammation.

Even after treatment, the tooth may bother you for some time. At this time, you can take painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs. For example, Nimesil powders do an excellent job. There is no need to subject the tooth to heavy load; try to eat softly during this time.

Severe pain is not a test of endurance, but only a hint from the body that it needs help. Do not increase your suffering, do not wait for the pain to go away on its own. The situation can get to the point where teeth are lost, and even permanent dentures will have absolutely nowhere to put them. Take advantage of all the possibilities of modern dentistry, which, among other things, is also painless.

Video - Severe toothache: what to do

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