How to treat sprained ligaments. Sprains. Symptoms of a Muscle Strain

Main symptoms:

  • Pain in the affected area
  • Pain when moving
  • Heat at the site of injury
  • Change in skin color in the affected area
  • Inability to lean on the affected limb
  • Bruising
  • Swelling in the affected area
  • Pulsation at the site of injury

Sprained ligaments are one of the most common human injuries; they occur more often due to sudden movements (if the normal degree of elasticity of the joint is exceeded). The stretching process itself refers to the tearing of fibers or small particles of the ligament. The upper and lower extremities are most often affected by this disease. The main symptoms of damage are severe swelling and pain, as well as impaired motor function.

Such injuries can occur in absolutely anyone, regardless of age or gender. The most common are sprains of the foot, ankle, hand and shoulder. With proper treatment, you can get rid of unpleasant sensations in about a month, but full recovery takes longer - about two months.

Often the disease expresses itself, but can occur against the background of fractures or dislocations, in a similar affected area. Depending on the severity of the disease, treatment can take place at home or in a hospital setting. A traumatologist will provide complete information on how to treat sprains of the ankle, foot, knee, hand and shoulder.


The main cause of the pathology is considered to be sudden movement of the joint, which significantly exceeds its physical capabilities. Such injuries can occur due to:

  • excessive physical activity. This is why professional athletes often suffer from sprains;
  • difficult working conditions in which it is necessary to lift heavy objects;
  • domestic injuries;
  • weather conditions. It is not uncommon to go to the emergency room with sprains during the cold season;
  • wearing uncomfortable, narrow or, conversely, too loose shoes;
  • diseases affecting muscles and ligaments, for example;
  • infectious diseases;
  • fractures or other injuries, after which previously damaged joints are most susceptible to sprains;
  • hereditary or acquired pathologies that disrupt the load ratio between parts of the body.


Since the entire human body consists of joints and muscles, the disease differs in location and can be of the following types:

  • foot sprain. This pathology also has a second name - ankle sprain. A very common disease that occurs from absolutely any sudden movement. It can occur in three forms. Mild – characterized by virtually no discomfort pain, swelling is absent or almost invisible. Moderate severity - the pain syndrome is much stronger, swelling and bruising are pronounced, no deformation of the leg is observed. The symptoms will subside after a few days of abstaining from movement. Severe – the pain is severe and throbbing, the joint is damaged. Therapy is carried out only by a doctor;
  • shoulder sprain– expressed after an injury or fall on the shoulder;
  • knee sprains– the main factor causing the disease is playing sports or a direct blow to the leg. Often complicated by a torn meniscus of the knee;
  • hand sprains– The wrist is most often affected. Accompanied by pain and severe numbness. In adults it can appear as a result of injury, but in children the density of the ligaments is much less, so they can be sprained due to a sharp jerk with their hand. This happens especially often when parents are in a hurry somewhere and forcefully pull the child along with them;
  • neck ligament damage not so common, but still has its own nature of occurrence - incorrect posture during sleep or a sharp turn of the head.

In addition, there is a classification according to the severity of the disease:

  • mild – which is characterized by rupture of joint fibers, but motor function is not impaired, the pain is tolerable;
  • medium – damage to fibers in several places, swelling appears, movements are painful and limited;
  • severe - the actual rupture, in which it is impossible to do anything with the injured limb. Bruising appears.

The first two degrees are often treated at home using special warming ointments for sprains. The severe stage is treated only in a clinical setting; in some cases, surgical intervention by doctors is necessary. Only a specialist should diagnose and treat sprains.


The very first sign of a sprained ligament is pain of varying degrees of intensity, and if the integrity of the ligaments is damaged, a characteristic pop is heard. In addition, the disease is expressed by the following symptoms:

  • increased swelling compared to a healthy arm or leg;
  • sensation of pulsation and heat at the site of injury;
  • bruising;
  • inability to lean on the affected limb;
  • cessation of motor functions or unbearable pain during them;
  • the skin may change its shade.

Depending on the location and extent of the damage, the severity of symptoms will vary from subtle to severe.


The doctor determines the diagnosis based on the external signs of the disease and what the patient feels (what is the severity of the symptoms). The doctor palpates the problem area to distinguish such a pathology from a fracture. In addition, additional examinations may be needed:

  • Ultrasound of the joints of the affected limb. Since the ligaments are very elastic, they will not be visible on the pictures, but this will enable the specialist to confirm or deny the presence of a fracture;
  • during which a small element of the joint is taken for laboratory testing.


Before going to the clinic for help, it is necessary to provide the victim with first aid for a sprained ligament, which should be carried out by people who were near him at the time of the injury. When you sprain the knee joint, first of all, you need to get rid of the pain, which can be eliminated with ordinary painkillers. It is also necessary to provide rest to the leg and fix it so that it is above the level of the heart. After this, apply cold to the injury site (it is very important that there is something between the source of cold and the leg, for example, clothing or a towel).

If you sprain the ligaments of your hand, you need to make a compress, always cold, and, if possible, bandage the limb with an elastic bandage. If a shoulder joint is sprained, you should immediately call an ambulance, while waiting for it to ensure complete immobilization of the shoulder and try to relieve pain symptoms. If you sprain your foot, you should try to carefully remove your shoes and socks, bandage the sprain with an elastic bandage, and secure your leg above your heart. Apply ice for twenty minutes, alternating with the same break between the next application of cold.

After the patient is taken to the hospital, highly trained doctors take over the treatment of the sprain. How to treat a sprained ligament of the foot, hand, leg or shoulder is determined by a traumatologist for each patient individually - therapy depends on the severity of the disease. The first step is to relieve pain and swelling. This is done in the first stages, mainly with ointments and painkillers. If necessary, lidocaine injections are used.

After a few days, the cold is replaced with warm compresses, but patients must refrain from taking hot baths. After this, you can perform simple gymnastic exercises, increasing the force of use of the affected parts every day - the main criterion is that the person does not feel pain. In case of severe damage, a plaster cast must be applied. Treatment of sprains with surgical intervention is very rare, and this is done only in cases of complete rupture. Most often, the operation is performed in the case of:

  • ankle sprains;
  • shoulder sprains;
  • hand sprains.

Treatment of sprained ligaments of the ankle, knee, shoulder and hand is a rather lengthy process that can take an average of two to three months.


Prevention of sprains consists of:

  • adequate exercise;
  • mandatory wearing of a tight bandage made of an elastic bandage, especially when spraining the ankle ligaments, as well as if there have been previous fractures or preliminary sprains;
  • to avoid spraining the ligaments in the leg, you need to refrain from long walks, especially hiking, or moving quickly with heavy hands;
  • timely consultation with a doctor in case of injuries to the upper and lower extremities, so that a specialist can provide proper assistance if it turns out that the sprain actually turned out to be a fracture.

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Sprained ligaments are a very common injury, often occurring at work, at home, and even at rest, at play or while playing sports.

Physically active people, both adults and children, are at risk. The ligaments mainly affected are the large joints of the arms and legs:

  • Ankle;
  • Knees;
  • Elbows;
  • Shoulder.

How quickly and successfully the injury will be treated depends on the severity of the injury (sprain, partial tear or complete tear), the speed and quality of first aid, the general condition of the patient and compliance with medical orders.

Treatment consists of three main stages:

  1. Providing first aid.
  2. Direct treatment.
  3. The recovery period is rehabilitation.

Each of the stages is important; none can be neglected if you want to quickly cure a sprain or rupture of ligaments.

First aid for injury

The cause of a sprained or ruptured joint ligament is always an injury, bruise, fall, careless movement or physical activity. Usually the patient knows when it occurred, since he feels acute pain at the time of tissue damage.

Treatment should begin immediately, without waiting for an ambulance to arrive or the patient to be taken to the emergency room.

How can you alleviate the condition immediately after injury?

  1. Ensure complete rest. There is no need to move or move the affected limb to check how functional it is and where exactly it hurts - the doctor will do this later. By loading an arm or leg after an injury, you can aggravate the tear, turning it from partial to complete. Therefore, it is recommended to sit or lay the patient comfortably, to protect him from possible mechanical influences from the outside (for example, in public transport or a crowd).
  2. Apply a pressure bandage. Ideally, use an elastic bandage, but if you don’t have one, a scarf, handkerchief, regular bandage, or towel will do. Such an improvised splint will not only additionally secure the injured joint, but will also prevent the formation of swelling and hemorrhage. At the same time, it is important not to completely compress large blood vessels - this will lead to blood stagnation and undesirable consequences.
  3. Apply cold. If you don't have a heating pad with ice, you can use snow or cold water. The compress is applied for 15 minutes, then the procedure is repeated every 1-2 hours. Such measures also effectively and quickly relieve swelling, prevent hematoma, and can reduce pain. If there is a special spray or gel with a cooling effect, you can use that.
  4. Reduce blood flow. Pain, swelling, and inflammation will be significantly lower if you ensure good blood flow from the affected limb. To do this, it needs to be raised above the level of the body. For this purpose, it is enough to place a bolster, a pillow, or a rolled-up jacket under your arm or leg.
  5. Take painkillers. If the pain is very severe, you can take any analgesics before the ambulance arrives. For injuries such as sprains or torn ligaments, ibuprofen is recommended - it works exactly where you need it, quickly and safely.

Some patients (and there are many of them) are convinced that without doctors they know perfectly well how to treat a sprain, and begin active self-medication. Most often, after a few days they still have to consult a traumatologist, as complications of varying degrees appear.

What should not be done if there is a suspicion of connective tissue rupture?

  • In the first three days after the injury, warm the limb, apply a heating pad, make warm baths, warm compresses - this can cause purulent inflammation and the spread of infection;
  • Playing sports or lifting weights, doing any work related to physical activity - this can provoke a complete rupture of the ligaments, and this can only be treated surgically;
  • Massaging and rubbing the joint - this can also aggravate the condition of damaged tissues and cause hemorrhage and pain;
  • Drinking alcohol will temporarily eliminate the pain, at least the patient will not feel it. But in fact, the vessels dilate, blood flow accelerates, and after a few hours the condition will worsen.

A sprain can be quickly cured only with the comprehensive assistance of the doctor and the patient. At home, it will never be possible to carry out an accurate diagnosis and select the optimal medication and physiotherapeutic treatment.

Relying in this case only on folk remedies means voluntarily delaying the moment of recovery.

How to treat damaged ligaments with medications

Drug therapy is a mandatory element in the complex treatment of sprained or torn ligaments, no matter whether it is carried out in a hospital or at home. The following medications are usually prescribed:

  1. Drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for internal use. These are diclofenac, ibuprofen, meloxicam, indomethacin. The tablets quickly relieve pain and swelling, stop inflammation. In mild cases, a 7-day course of treatment is sufficient; in case of complications, the duration of the course should not exceed 14 days in order to avoid disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Local anesthetics - lidocaine, novocaine, bupivacaine. These products are offered at the pharmacy in the form of a spray, which is convenient to apply directly to the affected joint. If the pain is very severe, the joint is injected with anesthetics from all sides - this procedure quickly eliminates even very intense, ongoing pain.
  3. Warming ointments with extracts of bee venom, hot red pepper,. These drugs increase blood flow and promote tissue repair; they are used when the acute period has passed and the inflammation has stopped. Such drugs are prescribed with great caution, as they often cause allergies in the patient.
  4. Absorbable gels and ointments. For example, troxevasin helps to quickly get rid of unsightly hematomas and bruises, helps soften compactions and blood clots. But such remedies can only be used if the bleeding has completely stopped and the tissue has begun to recover. For open wounds and abrasions, absorbable drugs are also not used.

All of these methods refer to conservative treatment, which gives results for mild sprains or ruptures of ligaments.

In case of complete rupture of the ligaments, treatment is carried out only by surgery.

Surgery for torn ligaments

The operation is indicated for professional athletes with complete or extensive ligament rupture. If it was not performed in the first week after the injury, then the operation is performed no earlier than six weeks later.

This is explained by the fact that during this period a large amount of fluid and blood accumulates in the joint cavity, which will interfere with the operation and increase the risk of infection.

Which type of operation will be chosen and how the damaged tissues will be accessed depends on the type and location of the injury. If the damage allows, the ligamentous tissues are sutured; in severe cases, auto- or allotransplantation is performed.

For transplantation, the patient's ligaments from another organ, for example, the patella, are often used. In modern surgery today, a method such as is almost always used.

That is, extensive tissue dissection is not required to gain access to the ligaments. In this case, the rehabilitation period is significantly reduced.

Recovery period

The rehabilitation course of treatment allows you to quickly restore functionality to the ligaments and mobility to the patient, regardless of whether surgical or conservative treatment was performed. Three methods are used:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Massage;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.

They should be used from the first days of treatment, gradually increasing the intensity and load. A sign that the load is too high at this stage is pain. If they occur during exercise, the rehabilitation program needs to be adjusted.

Gymnastics, massage, and various warm-ups can be performed at home if for some reason it is inconvenient for the patient to visit a clinic or day hospital. But medical supervision is still necessary.

In the case of serious injuries - for example, complete rupture of ligaments in professional athletes - it makes sense to undergo a rehabilitation course of treatment in a specialized medical institution.

Treatment with folk remedies

It’s worth warning right away that this type of injury cannot be quickly cured using folk remedies alone. Alternative medicine recipes are effective and safe only in case of minor injuries - they mainly help relieve swelling and pain.

Sprained ligaments are a very common injury, often occurring at work, at home, and even at rest, at play or while playing sports.

Physically active people, both adults and children, are at risk. The ligaments mainly affected are the large joints of the arms and legs:

  • Ankle;
  • Knees;
  • Elbows;
  • Shoulder.

How quickly and successfully the injury will be treated depends on the severity of the injury (sprain, partial tear or complete tear), the speed and quality of first aid, the general condition of the patient and compliance with medical orders.

Treatment consists of three main stages:

  1. Providing first aid.
  2. Direct treatment.
  3. The recovery period is rehabilitation.

Each of the stages is important; none can be neglected if you want to quickly cure a sprain or rupture of ligaments.

First aid for injury

The cause of a sprained or ruptured joint ligament is always an injury, bruise, fall, careless movement or physical activity. Usually the patient knows when it occurred, since he feels acute pain at the time of tissue damage.

Treatment should begin immediately, without waiting for an ambulance to arrive or the patient to be taken to the emergency room.

How can you alleviate the condition immediately after injury?

  1. Ensure complete rest. There is no need to move or move the affected limb to check how functional it is and where exactly it hurts - the doctor will do this later. By loading an arm or leg after an injury, you can aggravate the tear, turning it from partial to complete. Therefore, it is recommended to sit or lay the patient comfortably, to protect him from possible mechanical influences from the outside (for example, in public transport or a crowd).
  2. Apply a pressure bandage. Ideally, use an elastic bandage, but if you don’t have one, a scarf, handkerchief, regular bandage, or towel will do. Such an improvised splint will not only additionally secure the injured joint, but will also prevent the formation of swelling and hemorrhage. At the same time, it is important not to completely compress large blood vessels - this will lead to blood stagnation and undesirable consequences.
  3. Apply cold. If you don't have a heating pad with ice, you can use snow or cold water. The compress is applied for 15 minutes, then the procedure is repeated every 1-2 hours. Such measures also effectively and quickly relieve swelling, prevent hematoma, and can reduce pain. If there is a special spray or gel with a cooling effect, you can use that.
  4. Reduce blood flow. Pain, swelling, and inflammation will be significantly lower if you ensure good blood flow from the affected limb. To do this, it needs to be raised above the level of the body. For this purpose, it is enough to place a bolster, a pillow, or a rolled-up jacket under your arm or leg.
  5. Take painkillers. If the pain is very severe, you can take any analgesics before the ambulance arrives. For injuries such as sprains or torn ligaments, ibuprofen is recommended - it works exactly where you need it, quickly and safely.

Some patients (and there are many of them) are convinced that without doctors they know perfectly well how to treat a sprain, and begin active self-medication. Most often, after a few days they still have to consult a traumatologist, as complications of varying degrees appear.

What should not be done if there is a suspicion of connective tissue rupture?

  • In the first three days after the injury, warm the limb, apply a heating pad, make warm baths, warm compresses - this can cause purulent inflammation and the spread of infection;
  • Playing sports or lifting weights, doing any work related to physical activity - this can provoke a complete rupture of the ligaments, and this can only be treated surgically;
  • Massaging and rubbing the joint - this can also aggravate the condition of damaged tissues and cause hemorrhage and pain;
  • Drinking alcohol will temporarily eliminate the pain, at least the patient will not feel it. But in fact, the vessels dilate, blood flow accelerates, and after a few hours the condition will worsen.

A sprain can be quickly cured only with the comprehensive assistance of the doctor and the patient. At home, it will never be possible to carry out an accurate diagnosis and select the optimal medication and physiotherapeutic treatment.

Relying in this case only on folk remedies means voluntarily delaying the moment of recovery.

How to treat damaged ligaments with medications

Drug therapy is a mandatory element in the complex treatment of sprained or torn ligaments, no matter whether it is carried out in a hospital or at home. The following medications are usually prescribed:

  1. Drugs from the group of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs for internal use. These are diclofenac, ibuprofen, meloxicam, indomethacin. The tablets quickly relieve pain and swelling, stop inflammation. In mild cases, a 7-day course of treatment is sufficient; in case of complications, the duration of the course should not exceed 14 days in order to avoid disruption of the gastrointestinal tract.
  2. Local anesthetics - lidocaine, novocaine, bupivacaine. These products are offered at the pharmacy in the form of a spray, which is convenient to apply directly to the affected joint. If the pain is very severe, the joint is injected with anesthetics from all sides - this procedure quickly eliminates even very intense, ongoing pain.
  3. Warming ointments with extracts of bee venom, hot red pepper, ointment for joints with snake venom. These drugs increase blood flow and promote tissue repair; they are used when the acute period has passed and the inflammation has stopped. Such drugs are prescribed with great caution, as they often cause allergies in the patient.
  4. Absorbable gels and ointments. For example, troxevasin helps to quickly get rid of unsightly hematomas and bruises, helps soften compactions and blood clots. But such remedies can only be used if the bleeding has completely stopped and the tissue has begun to recover. For open wounds and abrasions, absorbable drugs are also not used.

All of these methods refer to conservative treatment, which gives results for mild sprains or ruptures of ligaments.

In case of complete rupture of the ligaments, treatment is carried out only by surgery.

Surgery for torn ligaments

The operation is indicated for professional athletes with complete or extensive ligament rupture. If it was not performed in the first week after the injury, then the operation is performed no earlier than six weeks later.

This is explained by the fact that during this period a large amount of fluid and blood accumulates in the joint cavity, which will interfere with the operation and increase the risk of infection.

Which type of operation will be chosen and how the damaged tissues will be accessed depends on the type and location of the injury. If the damage allows, the ligamentous tissues are sutured; in severe cases, auto- or allotransplantation is performed.

For transplantation, the patient's ligaments from another organ, for example, the patella, are often used. In modern surgery today, a method such as arthroscopy is almost always used.

That is, extensive tissue dissection is not required to gain access to the ligaments. In this case, the rehabilitation period is significantly reduced.

Recovery period

The rehabilitation course of treatment allows you to quickly restore functionality to the ligaments and mobility to the patient, regardless of whether surgical or conservative treatment was performed. Three methods are used:

  • Physiotherapy;
  • Massage;
  • Physiotherapeutic procedures.

They should be used from the first days of treatment, gradually increasing the intensity and load. A sign that the load is too high at this stage is pain. If they occur during exercise, the rehabilitation program needs to be adjusted.

Gymnastics, massage, and various warm-ups can be performed at home if for some reason it is inconvenient for the patient to visit a clinic or day hospital. But medical supervision is still necessary.

In the case of serious injuries - for example, complete rupture of ligaments in professional athletes - it makes sense to undergo a rehabilitation course of treatment in a specialized medical institution.

Treatment with folk remedies

It’s worth warning right away that this type of injury cannot be quickly cured using folk remedies alone. Alternative medicine recipes are effective and safe only in case of minor injuries - they mainly help relieve swelling and pain.

You can also use folk remedies during the recovery period to resolve hematomas and restore limb mobility. The following recipe is recommended:

Mix three tablespoons of medicinal clay, a spoonful of sugar, one grated potato tuber and half an onion. Apply as a compress several times a day until symptoms disappear.

What can medicine offer today for diagnosing ligament damage, treating and restoring it?

Our expert is Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Restorative and Rehabilitation Medicine at Moscow State Medical University Vitaly Epifanov.

Sprains usually occur due to injuries: falling, slipping, often during active sports, especially strength sports (various types of wrestling), as well as when playing tennis, football, basketball. When the ligaments are damaged, a person feels pain and limited mobility in the joint, sometimes it simply “does not work.” Fluid begins to secrete inside it, which is accompanied by edema, swelling in the area of ​​injury, pain when pressed or touched.

Only a doctor can definitively confirm signs of ligament damage using special tests. An X-ray examination is also required, which is especially important in order to begin proper treatment.

Acute period

Lasts 8–14 days. At this time, the main method of treatment is immobilization (ensuring the immobility of the joint). A rigid bandage or an orthopedic splint is applied to it - a small special prosthesis. At the same time, the injured area is numbed.

Depending on the stage of the disease, ice is applied or, conversely, thermal procedures are followed. The next task is to relieve swelling. For this purpose, phonophoresis with anti-inflammatory and decongestant drugs is used. When inflammation and swelling are relieved, exposure to heat using paraffin and ozokerite is useful. At the same time, radon or pearl baths can be used. This improves nutrition of muscles and joints, metabolism.

Even before the bandage is removed, massage and physical therapy exercises begin, and as soon as possible. The fact is that injury to the ligamentous apparatus leads to the formation of pathological sources of pain in the adjacent muscles. And they cause a reflex response of the muscles, which turns into spasm. This spasm is the body’s protective reaction to damage. Increased tone of the sympathetic nerves, which cause muscles to contract, is a general response of the body to pain stress. With the help of massage and therapeutic movements, this problem can be successfully avoided.

In addition, it is also very important to maintain good microcirculation in and around damaged tissues. For this purpose, special drugs are used that improve blood circulation and electrophoresis.

Then comes the second stage, when preliminary preparation of muscles and ligaments for physical activity begins.

Recovery period

Here, muscle relaxation comes first - muscle relaxation, which allows you to break the incorrect pattern of movements that arose after an injury. It can be carried out using electrical, thermal influences, massage. Myorelaxation is followed by myocorrection - the creation of a compensated stereotype of movements and myotonization - the consolidation of the correct settings.

To solve the last two problems, a special simulator has been developed. This is a loop complex consisting of a system of grids and suspensions, which allows you to remove the force of gravity and friction, so that the patient can easily repeat the necessary movements tens and hundreds of times, increasing muscle strength. In fact, the patient exercises at the complex in zero-gravity conditions, like an astronaut.

Exercises in the pool are also very useful - they allow you to temporarily relieve the load of gravity from a sore spine and speed up the process of strengthening the muscle corset. The therapeutic effect is enhanced in a pool filled with brine water. This is a special medicinal substance, which is a waste product of bacteria that live on the surface of mud deposits in some lakes. In dried form, brine is added to the pool water and has an anti-inflammatory, analgesic effect, improves tissue metabolism, lymph and blood circulation. All this allows you to achieve better results and reduce the time of discharge from hospital.

Almost all the time before discharge, especially in the first period after the injury, sessions with a psychotherapist are important. Patients are taught to create a dominant - the mood to perform the correct movement in the affected joint. The main thing is to subordinate the dominant to your will, control it in order to suppress pathological impulses in the affected part of the spine. Muscle relaxation training is very important here, on the basis of which all methods of autogenic influence are implemented.

After discharge from hospital

If a microtear occurs, it takes several weeks to recover. If the ligament is torn, at least a month. But degenerative-dystrophic lesions, which may be associated with incorrect previous treatment, will require several years for rehabilitation. The younger the victim, the greater his ability to regenerate damaged ligaments.

Much also depends on how carefully a person subsequently treats his ligamentous apparatus, without straining it beyond measure. It is very important not only to spare the damaged ligaments, but also to maintain good muscle tone while continuing to do gymnastics.

Not many people know how to treat a sprained ligament, although this type of injury is the most common among all others. In medicine, a sprain injury is called a “partial tendon rupture.” It often occurs in athletes or people who have undergone intense physical activity. That is why not everyone attaches special importance to such sprains and neglects the basic rules of treatment.

In addition to proper treatment, care should be taken to prevent such injuries in a timely manner and strengthen the ligaments.

Thanks to the proper functioning of the ligaments, a person can fully move. This tissue connects muscles and bones. A seemingly trivial injury can lead to serious consequences.

Important! It is advisable that every person knows how to treat sprains at home and remembers which treatment methods are considered the most effective.

Most often, injuries occur to the ligaments that are located in the following articular joints:

  • knee;
  • ankle;
  • shoulder;
  • fingers.

Typically, the course of treatment lasts from 3 to 5 weeks. It will take about 9 weeks for full recovery. If we are talking about more complex situations, then treatment can take several months, or even years. In this case, special surgical intervention cannot be avoided.

This type of injury can happen to anyone, and how long to treat a sprain depends on the severity of the injury.

How does a tendon ligament rupture?

To understand how to treat a sprain, you should take into account how the injury itself occurred and the condition of the patient. For example, if a sprain occurs because the joints, which were at that moment in a semi-flexed state, made a sharp twisting movement, such damage is a common injury for any basketball player or person who made any sudden rotational movement. This can happen as a result of a sudden lifting of a large load.

In order to know how to treat a sprain, the patient should be fully examined. He is prescribed an X-ray examination or an MRI (in more complex situations). Only after the doctor assesses the extent of the damage can treatment begin. If a sprain is left untreated, atrophy of the limb may develop. A serious injury to the knee leads to the fact that a person will not be able to straighten or, conversely, bend his leg, as a result of which he will remain disabled.

Important! To find out how to treat a sprained ligament in the leg, it is necessary to determine exactly where the tear occurred and how it affected the person’s general motor function.

Only after this is it possible to prescribe an effective treatment regimen and restore all functions of the injured limb.

What are the main symptoms of injury?

The clinical picture depends on where exactly the rupture occurred and what degree of severity it has. In total, there are 3 main degrees of severity, namely:

  1. First degree: only part of the tendons is torn, while their mechanical integrity and continuity are preserved. Externally, it is difficult to determine the presence of swelling or swelling. The only thing that worries the patient is pain, but it is quite moderate. This type of sprain can be treated very quickly; 1-2 weeks are enough for a complete recovery. It is worth finding out from a specialist how to effectively treat a first-degree sprain.
  2. The next level is a little more difficult. In this case, most of the ligaments are torn, and it is also possible that the capsules themselves may be torn. Movements are very constrained and accompanied by severe pain. Treatment lasts from 3 to 6 weeks.
  3. The last degree is a complete rupture of the tendons. In this case, severe swelling occurs, subcutaneous bruising and instability in the functioning of the joint itself are possible. The pain is very pronounced, there is no resistance at all during the stress test. This type of sprain usually takes at least 6 weeks to heal. It is in this case that the possibility of independent healing is almost completely excluded, so the patient should definitely seek medical help.

Even with the most basic injury, it is better to consult a doctor who will determine the severity of the injury and tell you how to properly treat a sprain.

How to treat an injury?

The answer to the question of how to treat a sprain depends on the severity of the injury. For example, if we are talking about a first degree sprain, then in this case treatment can be carried out at home. To do this, you should use a special orthopedic bandage, which is made for each type of joint separately. There are special bandages for the shoulder joint, as well as for the elbow and knee ankle separately. It is the caliper that supports the torn ligament and thereby allows it to recover properly. Sometimes, instead of such a bandage, a regular elastic bandage is used. He can only help with minor injuries. Its main function is to help reduce swelling and also reduce the mobility of the joint itself. You should be especially careful: if the bandage is tightened too much, it can cause a violation of the venous outflow. Doctors recommend removing the bandage immediately before going to bed. If the injury is very severe, it is better to use a special splint. How to treat a sprained ankle? You should wear special shoes here.

Second degree stretch

Of course, if the injuries are more complex, then treatment should be taken much more seriously. A grade 2 knee sprain requires a more serious approach. To understand how to treat this injury, you should understand that in this case the movement of the leg will be completely blocked. All possible loads and mobility should be limited. Immediately after the injury, during the first 2-3 days, the joint and all surrounding muscles should be kept completely at rest and motionless.

It is important to apply cold to the injury site in the first minutes after injury. To do this, you can use regular ice wrapped in a towel. Cold perfectly suppresses swelling and also reduces pain. In this case, ice can be applied every 2-3 hours on the first day after injury.

Important! You should not use ice without a towel, otherwise, in addition to stretching, you can also get frostbite to the tissues.

It is best to hold the injured joint higher. This is especially true when it comes to how to treat a sprained ankle. Regular pillows will help with this, as well as other objects on which you can rest your foot. This recommendation will help not only reduce leg swelling, but also reduce pain.

To find out how to treat a knee sprain, you need to first examine your leg. In addition to the procedures described, you can use special warming ointments and creams. But they have different properties, so you should consult your doctor before use.

How to recover and what should you be afraid of?

Only a specialist can tell you how to treat a specific sprain. After gradual recovery begins, doctors recommend starting to increase the load on the body, which should be gradual and not cause too much pain. If you keep a joint motionless for too long, it can completely atrophy.

How to treat a sprained shoulder joint or any other, and what exactly should you be wary of? For similar injuries:

  • do not go to the bathhouse or sauna, avoid too high temperatures;
  • exclude alcohol from the diet;
  • for the first 72 hours, avoid any stress on the joint;
  • Do not massage, it will increase swelling.

Many doctors do not recommend leaving the joint without movement for a long time. If we are talking about a first degree sprain, then rehabilitation should begin within 48 hours after the injury. If we are talking about the second degree of severity, then about 3-4 days after the injury you need to begin rehabilitation measures. When very severe pain is felt when moving, it is better to wait and keep the damaged joint at rest.

What should you remember when carrying out treatment?

The list of medications that doctors recommend to treat sprained foot ligaments can be adjusted individually.

It all depends on the complexity of the injury, as well as the tolerability of a particular drug. Let's say, if we are talking about a minor injury, then we can use non-steroidal medications that can relieve inflammation. But they cannot be used for more than one week, otherwise you can get a stomach or duodenal ulcer.

Before you become interested in how to treat a sprain of the knee or any other joint, you should first consult with your doctor, and only then resort to the use of any medications. The same applies to other treatment methods. How serious the injury is can only be determined after a thorough examination. The treatment regimen should include several treatment methods.

When spraining ligaments of varying severity, you should first try to reduce the pain shock, relieve swelling and protect the joint from all movements.

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