Sensation of salt in the mouth. Why are my lips always salty? Inflammatory processes of the oral cavity

Unexpected intrusive sensations distract from everyday worries and important work. The taste in the mouth becomes a special irritant that prevents you from living a full life. Sometimes such sensations appear as a result of eating special foods, after rich feasts with a variety of foods. Having become unaccustomed to such a combination of dishes, the digestive system has difficulty coping with the task and gives distress signals - one of them may be a strange taste in the mouth. Quitting smoking can also cause a variety of taste sensations in the mouth.

But the symptoms, caused by a subjective reason, disappear during the day if a relative diet is followed: no food with a strong taste, fatty, sweet, unusual foods are not welcome. If the taste in the mouth persists for several days and has a characteristic hue, then it is necessary to undergo an examination. It should be noted that any strange taste can be the result of prolonged nervous tension or being in a state of chronic stress.


What diseases does the taste indicate? Varieties of sensations

Feeling salty

The taste of salty is one of the most unpleasant. It can occur due to dehydration: this is exactly the symptom observed in bodybuilders during the “drying” period before competitions. Inflammation of the salivary glands and problems with the gastrointestinal tract are also possible.

A small nuance: the occasional “saltness” comes from tears. These discharges are noticeable when expressing violent emotions, but patients ignore such manifestations during wind or irritation of the mucous membrane. Some of the secreted fluid may enter the nasal passages and oral cavity.

Taste sour

It is not surprising if an aftertaste remains in the mouth when eating lemon, another product with a characteristic taste. This feeling does not cause anxiety and quickly disappears.

  1. But a constant haunting acidic taste indicates serious disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract. Such a symptom is a signal that the acidity of the stomach is increased, and perhaps a form of gastritis is beginning.
  2. If the taste is combined with heartburn and sore throat, then there is a high probability of progressive reflux esophagitis. This condition is caused by insufficient contraction of the sphincter separating the stomach and esophagus. Under certain circumstances (for example, excessive physical activity), the clamp relaxes, and part of the digested food with gastric juice enters the larynx.
  3. Is the sour taste accompanied by abnormal dry mouth and thirst? This is a sign of insufficient water consumption and imbalance of water balance in the body. Each adult, depending on weight, should consume from 1.5 to 2 liters of purified water per day. During one session you should drink no more than 150-200 ml of water - this is how much liquid the body can productively absorb.
  4. The taste of sour more often indicates diseases of the digestive system: gastritis, ulcers, malfunctions of the duodenum - only an incomplete list of problems. Acid on the surface of the tongue may be the first symptom that tells you that the liver is asking for help.

Dental diseases, accompanied by the development of altered microflora, also give an acidic taste: unnoticed caries, incipient gingivitis or periodontitis change perception.

A sour and salty taste indicates a complex of problems. This:

  • A combination of excessive consumption of coffee, strong tea, and flavored drinks.
  • Constant overeating, preference for foods from fast food establishments.
  • Simultaneous pathologies of the stomach and inflammatory processes in the nasopharynx.

Taste sensations change with various endocrine disorders. For example, the presence of diabetes mellitus can lead to loss of taste or to the constant presence of surprising tastes in the mouth, including acidic ones.

Metallic taste

This variant of taste sensations is more common than others. It is due to many factors:

  • The presence of old-style crowns made of low-quality metal or the body’s rejection of the material. In this case, the problem is solved by simply replacing the dentures with a different range.
  • Abuse of certain types of mineral water.
  • Intoxication that occurs after working with various paints, solvents, and other specific chemical ingredients. Usually the taste in this case is accompanied by weakness and dizziness.
  • Taking a course of therapy. Taste can be caused by both antibiotics and a number of vitamins (for example, the B group of vitamins).
  • Vitamin deficiency and neurocirculatory dystonia are accompanied by a similar symptom.

And again: this taste may indicate gastrointestinal or liver problems. Therefore, you should definitely consult a specialized doctor.

Unpleasant bitterness

The cause of bitterness can also be poor diet, abuse of fast food, and quitting smoking. This taste appears when taking many medications.

Bitterness may result from mild food poisoning. Then taking absorbents is indicated.

Flavors of iodine or acetone

This is a rare feeling. Therefore, only 10% of patients are familiar with them.
Acetone can be felt when there is a lack of insulin and signify the onset of diabetes. Also, a similar taste appears in those who abuse diets: metabolic processes are disrupted and the body does not receive enough glucose.

The persistent presence of iodine in the mouth is often associated with hyperfunction of the thyroid gland and gastrointestinal problems. This taste is typical for those who take hormonal medications for a long time, as well as some antibiotics. Less commonly, dental problems cause a similar reaction.

What to do to avoid such troubles

There is no general therapy that can remove all foreign tastes. In each case, the patient must undergo a clinical examination and treatment will be prescribed after the diagnosis has been clarified. If the functional causes remain unidentified, and the taste continues to haunt you, then you need to contact a neurologist. You may need psychotherapeutic help in combination with medication.

Preventive measures can be:

  • Streamlining your lifestyle. You should not overindulge in exotic dishes; it is better to exclude fatty foods and foods with a large number of artificial additives from your diet - for example, chips, carbonated drinks.
  • Experts recommend creating a basic menu of healthy foods: greens, vegetables, fruits, dietary meat and fatty fish.
    – Engage in moderate physical activity.

Don’t forget about restoring the body’s protective functions: eating right, being able to minimize stress, and exercising will help you avoid many unpleasant surprises.

Aksinya Popova

When we have an unusual or unpleasant taste in our mouth, we immediately begin to worry about our own health, obviously on a subconscious, instinctive level. Indeed, the oral cavity is something of a “gate” to our body. In addition, through it we feed and nourish the organs and systems of our body.

Physiology or disease?

A salty taste in the mouth is not that common. This sign should be regarded as alarming, since it often signals infectious processes or dehydration.

When a person feels a salty or sour taste in his mouth, he may not attach any importance to it for a long time, but openly admit that such a phenomenon brings him considerable discomfort and reduces his quality of life.

For example, the appearance of a salty taste in the mouth after a meal “erases” all its pleasant aftertaste and completely discourages appetite. This condition can last for several months, as a result of which the patient loses pleasure from food, is constantly thirsty, becomes irritable and aggressive, and even experiences sleep disturbances. If this phenomenon has become permanent for you, and you also periodically experience thirst, know that your problem is dehydration.

At the same time, of course, it is not enough to drink water once and quench your thirst. If you feel severely dehydrated, it would be best for you to contact your physician for help. If everything is not so scary, it is enough to adjust your lifestyle and diet in order to normalize and stabilize the water-salt balance in the body.

The main causes of salty taste in the mouth

A variety of endogenous and exogenous factors can cause a salty taste in the mouth. Even the most seemingly banal ones. For example, poor oral hygiene. The fact is that the glands located in the mouth actively produce mucus, which needs to be eliminated, which is what we do with a brush and toothpaste. Those who neglect basic brushing of their teeth “accumulate” this same mucus in their mouth, and it, in turn, turns into a dense coating that has a characteristic salty taste. And the methods for eliminating this phenomenon are primitive - satisfactory compliance with oral hygiene standards.

You should brush your teeth twice a day – in the morning (before breakfast) and in the evening (after dinner). After meals during the day, it is highly advisable to use dental floss, which effectively removes pieces of food stuck in the gaps between the teeth. When brushing your teeth, do not forget that your tongue also accumulates plaque, which should be removed from its surface. If your taste is due to lack of hygiene, you have nothing to worry about... except hygiene itself.

But there are also deeper, and therefore more serious, reasons that provoke this unpleasant phenomenon. What else could a salty taste in the mouth mean?

Infectious processes

This is especially true for infectious processes localized in the sinuses. In this case, they secrete salty mucus, which can “drain” into the oral cavity and provoke an unpleasant sensation. In this case, it is advisable to contact an ENT specialist and undergo adequate treatment, after which the discomfort will go away along with the infection.

Pathologies of the salivary glands

The cause of a salty taste in the mouth and lips may lie in diseases of the salivary glands.

Why does a person need saliva? It has a sanitizing effect for the oral cavity, i.e. reliably cleans it of pathogenic microorganisms and washes away food debris from it. Problems associated with unhealthy functioning of the salivary glands can cause a host of related complications. And the first sign of such problems is precisely this symptom. As for the salivary glands themselves, Sjögren's syndrome, as well as various viral and bacterial invasions, can cause disruption of their functioning.


The feeling of a sour-salty taste in the mouth is also associated with chronic dehydration. This is a common condition of people who abuse drinks containing caffeine. Among them are tea, coffee, and some non-alcoholic stimulating drinks like energy drinks.

Also included in the “dangerous” category are sugary carbonated drinks. And of course, people experiencing dehydration should partially or completely abstain from drinking alcohol. Alcoholic drinks “absorb” fluid from the body and remove it naturally, i.e. with urine.

Increased tear production

Tears taste salty, and this is no secret to anyone. But it’s not just bitter emotions that can cause them. Increased tearfulness may well be associated with ophthalmological or endocrine problems. In the second case, there is no deterioration in vision or any other eye symptoms. If you experience frequent tearing, your tears enter your mouth through the nasopharynx, thereby creating a characteristic taste.

Taking certain medications

A salty taste in the mouth may appear when taking certain medications that interfere with the functioning of taste buds. If you have nothing serious and are being treated with banal antibiotics, simply contact your supervising specialist with your complaints and ask him to prescribe you other drugs for treatment.

This symptom also often occurs after undergoing radiation therapy or taking other anti-cancer drugs.

In this case, it is unlikely that it will be possible to prescribe an alternative treatment, which means you will simply have to endure it until the full course is completed.

Dysfunctions of brain activity

All information about our life activity primarily enters the brain. It is he who is responsible for all our sensations, in particular, comfort or discomfort. If you have any abnormalities in the functioning of the brain (for example, epilepsy or tumor-like neoplasms in this organ), it cannot normally regulate and control the functioning of the rest of the body. And in this case, a symptom such as saltiness in the mouth may also occur. However, this reason is the rarest, so don't let it cause you much concern. At least if there are no accompanying symptoms.

These are, perhaps, all the main reasons why such an unpleasant symptom occurs. Of course, we will not consider very trivial options when it manifests itself against the background of previously taken food. Of course, if you have just eaten salted fish, you are unlikely to feel any sweetness in your mouth. And the sour-bitter taste of lime will definitely not make the taste in your mouth velvety-sugary.

Methods to combat the symptom

Relieving symptoms initially is not a good idea, at least if you do not fully know the cause of their occurrence.

Eating salty foods often leaves an aftertaste in the mouth. However, when this taste is present for a long time, it may be a symptom of an underlying medical condition.

A salty or strange taste in the mouth is usually not a cause for concern, but these symptoms can be annoying. Some causes of salty taste require diagnosis and treatment.

Salty taste in mouth - reasons

Some causes of a salty taste in the mouth are harmless, while others may require a visit to the doctor or dentist.

Rhinitis can be the cause of a salty taste in the mouth and can occur due to problems such as allergies, sinus infections and colds.

Rhinitis involves excess mucus in the nasal passages, which can end up in the back of the nasopharynx. The presence of this mucus can give your saliva a salty taste. Medications can help with rhinitis and eliminate the salty taste.


Dehydration can lead to a strange taste and other symptoms such as dry mouth. When the body is dehydrated, saliva contains large amounts of minerals. Symptoms of dehydration that usually cause a salty taste in the mouth include:

fatigue or exhaustion;


dark yellow or brown urine;

rare urination;

strong thirst.

Diarrhea or drinking too much alcohol can cause dehydration. Dry mouth is one symptom of dehydration, but can be a separate condition. The term for dry mouth is xerostomia. People with xerostomia may feel as if they have cotton balls in their mouth, and saliva may be sticky and strange-tasting, often bitter or salty.

Gastroesophageal reflux disease

Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) can cause a salty taste in the mouth. The disease occurs when the esophageal sphincter weakens, allowing bile, or stomach acid, to leak from the stomach into the esophagus. This leads to a burning sensation in the chest, along with other symptoms. GERD can also cause an unusual taste in the mouth, often described as bitter, sour or salty.

Blood in the mouth

The presence of blood in the mouth can cause a rusty or metallic taste. Eating foods such as chips or hard candies may cause bleeding. A person can also injure their gums while brushing their teeth. A salty taste after brushing or flossing your teeth can be an early symptom of gingivitis. If gingivitis is left untreated, it can lead to an oral infection such as periodontitis. Periodontitis can cause a salty or iron taste in the mouth. It may also cause:

loose tooth;

pus under teeth;

open sores on the gums;

pain in the gums;

bad breath.


Thrush can also lead to a salty taste in the mouth. This yeast infection causes white patches and unusual sensitivity or a burning sensation in the mouth. It may cause a bitter, metallic or salty taste.

Lack of nutrition

Lack of nutrition can cause a salty taste in the mouth. The doctor will usually do a blood test to determine which nutrients are missing.

Nervous system diseases

Some diseases that affect the brain or nerves result in a strange or salty taste in the mouth. These may include nerve conditions such as multiple sclerosis or Bell's palsy, or even a brain tumor. A person with a head or neck injury may also have symptoms of nerve damage. Sjögren's syndrome, an immune system disorder, can cause dry eyes and mouth. This results in a salty taste in the mouth.

Hormonal imbalance

Hormonal imbalances during menopause or pregnancy can cause changes in taste buds, resulting in strange tastes.

Some medications can cause dry mouth, resulting in strange-tasting saliva. Your doctor can help determine if this is a side effect of the medicine.


Cancer treatments can affect taste buds, causing dry mouth and salty-tasting saliva.

To determine the cause of the salty taste, the doctor will often examine the mouth, then ask about diet, lifestyle, and medications. Your doctor may order a test or blood test to rule out possible causes.

Treatment methods

Treatment for salty taste in the mouth will depend on the cause. For many people, drinking enough water will help relieve the symptom. Others may need to visit a doctor or dentist for a diagnosis.

Some people, regardless of eating salty foods, say that they have a salty taste in their mouth. Such a symptom cannot be considered a normal phenomenon; it indicates that there is a suspicion of malfunctions in the functioning of some important organ in the person’s body.

It is imperative to find out the cause of the taste of salt in the mouth in order to begin treatment in a timely manner.

Various factors can cause this annoying phenomenon.

People who prefer strong tea and coffee often experience a salty taste in the mouth, since these drinks are considered diuretics and cause increased urination, which gradually causes hidden dehydration.

Not everyone adheres to the daily consumption of 1.5-2 liters of clean fresh water; they drink a maximum of 2-3 glasses of water in the summer heat. As you know, in the human body, due to a lack of water, the blood thickens and saliva acquires a salty taste.

Dehydration in people usually occurs:

  • in summer on a hot day;
  • or diarrhea;
  • after performing heavy physical work;
  • with toxicosis in pregnant women.

An inflammatory process in the salivary glands behind the ear can cause this symptom. Under the influence of pathogenic bacteria penetrating from the lymph nodes into the gland ducts, from the tissues of the oral cavity affected by stomatitis, the salivary glands become inflamed. An increase in salivation appears, and a person feels discomfort from the bitter salty taste.

Very rarely, stones may be found in the salivary ducts, which can cause a salty taste in the mouth, excruciating pain from swelling behind the ears, and pain when swallowing saliva and food.

Rotten teeth and gingivitis that are not treated in time, periodontal disease and bleeding gums cause the active proliferation of pathogenic microbes that cause a bitter taste of salt in the mouth.

The use of certain medications or local anesthesia during tooth extraction can provoke a change in the chemical composition of saliva; after such procedures it feels saltier.

ENT diseases sometimes cause a salty taste. With sinusitis, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the paranasal sinuses occurs with copious secretion of thick mucus, which gets into the throat and can cause saltiness in the mouth.

The focus of the inflammatory process caused by sinusitis is located in the maxillary sinus in the nose area, behind the cheeks. During inflammation, thick greenish mucus with a salty taste is released.

In patients with acute respiratory diseases, tonsillitis, tracheitis, laryngitis and sore throat, there is the release of sputum and mucus, which has an unpleasant salty taste.

When the pylorus of the stomach is insufficient, hydrochloric acid enters the stomach, for this reason, after the morning meal, bitterness and a salty taste are felt.

Among women

Due to hormonal changes, a woman may experience an unusual taste in her mouth.

In an interesting situation, the representatives of the fair half of humanity undergo a complete restructuring of their bodies to ensure normal intrauterine development of the fetus.

Hormonal changes cause a change in the functioning of taste buds: a pregnant woman is drawn to salted fish, cucumbers, sauerkraut - this is not the whims of female nature, but thus the taste perception changes, which is scientifically called dysgeusia.

Due to increased activity of taste buds, some pregnant women suffer from a salty taste in the mouth and constant toxicosis. There is nothing wrong with this, this phenomenon is considered temporary, and after childbirth the unpleasant aftertaste will disappear.

In men

Alcohol and smoking can cause a bad taste in the mouth

Representatives of the stronger sex, who often drink a glass of alcohol, note a bitterness with a salty taste in the mouth.

Smoking and excessive consumption of alcoholic beverages cause dehydration.

If a person has been in an uncomfortable position for a long time, this negatively affects the activity of the brain, causing dysfunction in the functioning of important organs, reflected by the appearance of a salty taste in the mouth.

Treating salty taste

To get rid of the taste of saltiness, you need to change your diet; if this symptom does not go away for a long time, you need to undergo a medical examination with an ultrasound and all tests.

The general practitioner will conduct an examination, make an initial diagnosis based on the medical history and the results of the analysis, and then, if necessary, refer you to a dentist or ENT doctor, ophthalmologist or neurologist. Sometimes a visit to a cardiologist and oncologist will be required.

Drug treatment

For inflammatory diseases of the ear, nose and throat, antimicrobial drugs are prescribed

A salty taste does not appear without a reason; it is associated with various pathologies in the body, and treatment is prescribed to eliminate it.

If there are dental diseases (gingivitis), the doctor prescribes sanitation of the oral cavity and strengthening of the gums using Chlorhexidine or Cholisal gel.

For diseases of the nasopharynx, you should rinse your nose with saline solution, drip Nazol or Rinazolin into your nose, they have a vasoconstricting property. You cannot do without antiviral drugs - Kagocel, Lavomax.

A salty, obsessive taste can also be due to inflammation of the tonsils; in such cases, you need to gargle with antiseptic solutions - Miramistin or Rotokan, use antiseptic lozenges - Lizobakt, Strepsils. The doctor may prescribe a course of treatment with antibiotics - solutions of Cephalexin, Amoxicillin intramuscularly.

When identifying an inflammatory process in the salivary glands, the prescription of antibacterial agents - Streptomycin, Benzylpenicillin, will help; they can be injected directly into the ducts of the salivary glands. When body temperature rises, the drug Ibuprofen reduces it.

To improve the process of salivation, a solution of potassium iodide is used.

For diseases of the upper respiratory tract, Ambroxol tablets are prescribed with anti-inflammatory drugs - Ibuprofen or Dexamethasone.

It is also necessary to use antiviral agents - Rimantadine, injections of antibiotics - solutions of Amoxiclav or Azithromycin.

For diseases of the cardiovascular and nervous system, therapy is prescribed to improve cerebral circulation - with the drugs Norvasc and Piracetam, antipsychotics - Triftazin, Sulpiride, as well as fibrinolytics - Streptokinase.

To increase immunity and strengthen the body, you should take B vitamins.

Traditional medicine

Mother-and-mother's infusion thins mucus and removes unpleasant aftertaste

When a large amount of mucus and phlegm accumulates in the nasal cavity, maxillary and paranasal sinuses, healers suggest using small cotton wool turundas soaked in fresh beetroot juice and natural bee honey, taken in equal quantities. Place them in the nostrils. The duration of such procedures is about 15 minutes, apply every 6-8 hours.

The use of an anti-inflammatory collection of 30 g of eucalyptus leaves, linden blossom, chamomile petals with the addition of 15 g of flaxseeds helps. A mixture of herbs in the amount of one tablespoon should be brewed in a glass of hot water for 25-30 minutes, then strain. You should rinse your mouth and throat with the resulting drug; it is recommended to do this procedure 3-4 times a day.

For a salty taste caused by chronic tonsillitis, tincture of propolis in alcohol in a ratio of 1:10 helps. To obtain the drug, infuse 10 g of crushed propolis raw material in alcohol (100 ml) for about a week, placing it in a dark place. Gargle with the resulting home remedy 2-3 times a day, dissolving a teaspoon in half a glass of warm water.

Dry coltsfoot leaves (5g), brewed in a glass of boiling water, help improve the removal of mucus and sputum. A tablespoon of this infusion three times a day, one hour before meals, is sufficient.

You can chew a slice of lemon or coffee beans after roasting; celery root and parsley also have medicinal properties.


The diet should contain fruits and vegetables in large quantities

Proper organization of your diet will help you get rid of the salty taste; the diet should be made up of dishes containing a large amount of greens, fresh vegetables and fruits. You should drink a lot of plain fresh water, limit the consumption of tea and coffee, which contain caffeine, and eliminate sweet juices and carbonated drinks for a while.

You must adhere to the following diet:

  • in the diet, fruits and vegetables should make up half of the daily food intake;
  • to replenish protein reserves, you need to prepare dishes from lean poultry and fish (take chicken, turkey), red meat is allowed once a week;
  • The body benefits are those found in sea fish and walnuts;
  • you will have to give up baked goods from the store, confectionery products - cakes, sweet cookies, and semi-finished products for heating;
  • When preparing dishes, use buckwheat or oatmeal instead of pasta and white rice.

It is prohibited to use:

  • smoked meats and various marinades, including canned fish and meat;
  • salted chips, crackers, dried fish and pistachios;
  • seasonings and hot spices when preparing dishes.

If you adhere to such a diet, it will help improve the results of drug treatment and lead to getting rid of the unpleasant symptom in the mouth in a shorter time.

Interesting facts, taste in the mouth, what he talks about:

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From time to time we experience an unusual taste that has nothing to do with food. Today we will look at the salty taste in the mouth: the reasons and what is associated with the appearance of this sensation.

The taste of salt can be: a single manifestation; bother you constantly. It goes away in a few days or bothers you for several months.

When you feel salt in your mouth and on your lips, your nutritional priorities change; you don’t want to add salt to your food, and those around you don’t always like it. Therefore, it is important to understand the source of this feeling and get rid of it.

Causes of salty taste in mouth

A salty taste in the mouth bothers people of all ages and health conditions; it occurs in residents of cities and rural areas.

There are several reasons why the taste of salt appears on the lips and throughout the oral cavity:

  • dehydration – it is recommended to drink at least 2 liters of liquid per day in its pure form. If the water balance is reduced, this leads to a change in the chemical composition of saliva, which leads to a sour, sweet, but more often salty taste. Mineral substances are removed from the body, and this can have serious consequences. Dehydration also occurs in those who take diuretics, drugs that have a diuretic effect;
  • taking medications - side effects from them. There is a taste, dry lips or discomfort on the tongue. Read the instructions carefully, and if symptoms worsen, contact the doctor who prescribed the treatment;
  • diseases of the nervous system - all our feelings are regulated by the nervous system, which transmits signals to the main organ - our brain. If disturbances occur on any part of this path, then the signal becomes erroneous, which manifests itself in a change in taste sensations;
  • brain tumor – in the treatment of cancer, such changes in taste are common, radiation therapy and the use of chemical drugs have a powerful effect on the body as a whole;
  • poor – poor oral hygiene and leads to the appearance of bacteria that accumulate on the gums, teeth, hard-to-reach areas and on the tongue, causing a salty taste;
  • infectious diseases of the nasopharynx - specific taste sensations may be observed due to the accumulation of mucus in the nasal sinuses;
  • Tears are also one of the reasons, typical for emotional people;
  • allergic manifestations - salty sputum when coughing is possible in patients with allergic bronchial asthma; it is often streaked with blood and a lot of mucus.;
  • during pregnancy – a woman experiences hormonal changes and therefore changes in her sensations are also considered normal;
  • after tooth extraction, anesthesia and antiseptic medications change the chemical composition of the elements in the oral cavity.

How to remove the taste of salt in your mouth? Treatment methods

Getting rid of the obsessive taste of salt in case of dehydration is simple; just change your drinking diet by including a sufficient amount of clean water. Eliminate or reduce the amount of drinks containing alcohol and caffeine, they remove fluid from the body. This leads to dehydration, especially at temperatures above 25 degrees.

The persistent taste of salt in the mouth associated with taking medications may disappear after you stop taking the medication. If this does not happen, then it is necessary to identify the cause of the residual effects by undergoing an examination. It is impossible to treat an unpleasant taste in oncology, since taking medications is necessary, but it can be softened, and your doctor will tell you this.

Try changing your hygiene:

  1. Brush your teeth thoroughly 2 times a day, paying attention to your tongue.
  2. For gums, use folk remedies for rinsing - and, sage, oak bark.

If there is an infection in the mouth or nasopharynx, mucus may accumulate in the upper sections, which gradually flows to the lower sections, causing a salty taste. Problems of the salivary glands also cause similar sensations.


Use the following as preventive measures:

  • adequate oral hygiene;
  • visits to the dentist every six months;
  • healthy eating;
  • emotional stability;
  • drinking ration.

If you follow these rules, the unpleasant, annoying taste of salt will rarely bother you.

Video: taste of salt in the mouth

Who cured the salty taste in the mouth? Reviews

Vasilina, 34 years old

The salty taste always bothered me after a visit to the dentist. Rinsing 3-4 times a day got rid of the dental problem, but rewarded me with the taste of salt. The next thing was gargling for a sore throat, and the salty sensations resumed. The microflora in the oral cavity was disturbed. To restore it, it was necessary to eliminate mint and menthol from toothpastes, chewing gum and rinses. Stop drinking alcohol, which only worsened the problem. After some time after recovery, you can return to your usual foods.

Ekaterina, 27 years old

I was faced with the problem of a salty taste in my mouth, but all the reasons did not apply. She didn’t take any medications, didn’t go to the dentist, and brushed her teeth regularly and thoroughly. It is not clear how to solve the problem. While eating I wanted garlic, and in the morning the taste of salt in my mouth decreased. During the day I ate garlic with other dishes and the salt was gone.


Taste of salt in mouth after Lugol

The element iodine included in the drug not only has an antiseptic effect, but also provokes the appearance of a salty taste in the mouth. In the absence of an allergic reaction, if the discomfort can be tolerated, then specific treatment is not required. In other cases, it is necessary to stop contact with Lugol and replace it.

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