Quotes of the wise people of the Caucasus for children are fabulous. Quotes from fairy tales are fabulous expressions. Congratulatory toasts for the wedding

Don't miss the latest hit issue Caucasian Quotes, so let's start with: Books whose virtue lies in novelty are like hot cakes that become tasteless as soon as they get cold. Sofia Fedorovna Segur

Thanks to television, a fool sees a fool from afar:

There is no enmity more indomitable Than hatred between one's own! S. Brant

Stretching out your hand to friends, do not clench your fingers into a fist. Diogenes of Sinop

The very change of work reduces fatigue.

And the one whom we call music For lack of a better name, Will it save us? Anna Andreevna Akhmatova

What does ruinous time not detract from! Quintus Horace Flaccus

Success in great things depends on faithfulness in small things. Aurelius Augustine

Nothing can inspire and help people like friendship. Ba Jin

No one can taste complete bliss: On the happiest days, something disturbs us; Always the excitement of some worries Will interrupt our way to contentment. Pierre Corneille

It is easier for a woman to defend her virtue from men than her reputation from women. Rochebrune

The first rule of business is to treat others as they would like to treat you. Charles Dickens

Prudence and love are not made for each other: as love grows, prudence decreases. François VI de La Rochefoucauld

Friends in happy circumstances should appear only by invitation, and in adversity - without invitation, on their own. Isocrates.

There are women to be loved in spite of them, and things to be done in spite of yourself. Amelie Nothombe, "Winter Journey"

There is no happiness in the world, but there is peace and will. Alexander Sergeevich Pushkin

When modern man removed from friends, he takes his likes and proudly retires.

I am so glad that this second, virtual world exists! I love summer! And in winter, in winter, I just disappear online. And summer comes much faster.

We will understand easily in deep ecstasy. William Shakespeare

Deal with enmity. cleobulus

A woman spends more time remembering a past romance than a man starting a dozen new ones. Helen Rowland

Whoever got a good son-in-law, he got a son, and whoever got a bad one, he also lost his daughter. Democritus

Not everyone can succeed in everything. But success comes only with self-improvement and determination.

A friend is not the one who jumps out of the window after you, but the one who catches you from below.

I can only say one thing about friends - they must be real ...

Love is harder to break than hordes of enemies. Jean Racine

Love can change a person beyond recognition. Terence

Marrying hopes, marrying promises. Vasily Klyuchevsky

The best friend is the one in front of which you are not ashamed to appear without makeup.

With gentle words and kindness, you can lead an elephant by a thread. Saadi

Do not judge, and you will see the hidden beauty! If only one could get rid of the brain and use only the eyes. Pablo Picasso

No man is happy until he considers himself happy. Marcus Aurelius

Try to get what you love, otherwise you will have to love what you got. George Bernard Shaw

My friendship is too circumspect if my friend's danger does not make me forget my own danger. Denis Diderot

People usually torture their neighbors under the pretext that they wish them well. Luc de Clapier Vauvenargues

Love and be loved…

The more beautiful a woman is, the more often she is lonely. A warm bed will not replace a cold heart.

Luck is a nag: sit down and jump.

Equality of rights is not that everyone enjoys them, but that they are granted to everyone. Lucius Annaeus Seneca

Friendship ... is when you are completely different and complement each other perfectly

The quarrel of lovers is the renewal of love. Publius Terence

By scolding only one third is achieved, by love and concessions - everything. Jean Paul Richter

Just as it is impossible to believe the old rogue, so is tomorrow. Both of them can easily trick you. S. Johnson

Love is just not enough. She has happiness, but she wants heaven, she has heaven, she wants heaven.

The sincerity of relationships, the truth in communication - that's friendship. Alexander Vasilievich Suvorov

Fools are people who are always right.

I'm yours best friend you just don't know it yet...

Even if you're very talented and put in a lot of effort, some results just take time: you won't have a baby in a month even if you get nine women pregnant. Warren Buffett

Believe that you can, and half the way has already been completed. Theodore Roosevelt

If you start with self-sacrifice for the sake of those you love, then you will end up hating those to whom you have sacrificed yourself. B. Show.

Happiness is when reality is better than a dream.

When I was a girl, I only had two girlfriends, and even then they were imaginary. And they only played with each other

We will be very happy if you liked this selection: with the main theme: Caucasian quotes. And the final expression - When women talk about women, they especially praise the mind of the beautiful and the beauty of the smart; the voice of a peacock and the plumage of a nightingale. Jean Paul Richter

Toasts in the Caucasus are a separate ritual in which Georgians are especially strong. Caucasian toasts are funny, instructive or congratulatory. In the collection are best congratulations and sayings in verse and prose.

Caucasian wisdom says: if a kind person wants to live in the same beautiful place for a month, he should sow corn there, if for a year - build a house, and if all his life - then raise a child.
Let's raise our glasses to the bottom for the fact that our dear parents sowed more than one cornfield, built a beautiful house and raised us with you!

The son returns from school. The father looks through his diary and sees: Mathematics - 2, Geography - 2, physical education - 2, singing - 5. The father happily says:
Well, thank God you can sing.
That Caucasian is bad who cannot sing Caucasian songs, let's drink to our son singing like a nightingale!

The Lord created a woman from the rib of Adam, but if He had appointed her to be the mistress of a man, He would have created her from the head; if I were a worker, I would create from a foot; but since he appointed her to be a friend and equal to a man, he created it from a rib. So let's drink to the fact that from this rib, as from a true friend, only good comes!

One Georgian woman comes home and indignantly says to her husband:
- Valiko, can you imagine, our neighbor changed his wife for a thoroughbred horse! Would you never do that, dear?
- Well, what are you, - answers Valiko, - as a last resort, on a foreign car and a bottle of old Georgian wine.
So let's drink to our beloved wives, who are more valuable than any thoroughbred horse, more beautiful than any foreign car and sweeter than any old wine!

Before the holiday, two young housewives, who met at the well on a hot day, are talking.
“You know, Nana, I found a way to peel onions for a roast and not cry.
Really, Manana? And what is the way?
“I entrust cleaning onions to my husband.
So let's drink to my wife, who knows that a real horseman has nothing to do in the kitchen!

As you know, men in the Caucasus are very fond of blondes. However, they are also not indifferent to brunettes. It is also impossible to say that they do not like brown-haired women. But they really treat bald women with prejudice.
Friends, let's drink to love without prejudice!

Once Katso was asked:
“Listen, Katso, they say that you taught your wife to play backgammon. Really?
- Indeed, he taught. And, you know, well done. Last weekend I won half my salary from her.
So let's drink to the female passion!

A real man is one who remembers a woman's birthday exactly and never knows how old she is.
So let's drink to life path women met only real men!

When a son grows up in a Caucasian family, his father initiates him into the secrets that a real horseman should know. And that's what a real horseman should know about a woman. A woman always has three ages: apparent, real and attributed to herself. But the horseman must forget about the existence of the first two ages and completely trust the woman.
So let's drink to the fact that women are not shy to speak the truth!

Since ancient times, in the Caucasus, a man and a woman have been likened to two notes, without which the strings of the human soul do not give a correct and complete chord.
So let's drink to women who, complementing us, give birth to heavenly music!

Every woman is like a rose - just as beautiful. But there are no roses without thorns. Petals quickly fly around, but prickly thorns remain.
So let's drink to women keeping their petals longer!

A Georgian passes an exam for a driver's license. The inspector explains the traffic situation:
You are driving in a car along a narrow road. On the left - high-high mountains. On the right is a cool-cool abriv. Suddenly on the road - a beautiful girl. And next to her is a terrible, terrible old woman. Who will you press?
- Of course, the old woman!
- Fool! .. You need to press the brake!
So let's drink to the fact that in a difficult situation we do not forget to press the brake!

The father is angry with his son, who does not know the conjugation of verbs at all:
- Well, think carefully if I tell you: I love them, you love them, he loves them, we love them ... Explain to me what it is?
“This is a brothel, dad.
Let's drink to the fact that the son not only understands grammar, but can always distinguish good woman from bad!

The jackal came to the lion and said:
- Let's fight!
The lion paid no attention to him. Then the jackal threatened:
- I'll go now and tell everyone that the lion was terribly scared of me.
The king of beasts winced.
“Let the inhabitants of the desert condemn me for cowardice - that’s still more pleasant than they will despise me for a fight with a jackal.”
I dedicate this toast to not humiliate ourselves in front of types that are dirty and unworthy of us.

Caucasian wisdom says: “He who has a beautiful wife is no longer poor. He who has a smart wife is rich. He who has a beautiful, intelligent and economic wife is truly rich.
So let's drink to the true wealth of our friend!

One old aksakal told me: “By what kind of wife a man has, how good she is and what kind of mistress, one can judge what he is like and whether he knows his own worth.”
So let's drink to a charming and skillful hostess, whose husband, apparently, is a real sultan!

One ardent Caucasian was very fond of pretty girls. But each of them wanted to be the only one, so he was left alone one day. Then a friend advised him to advertise in the newspaper. Here is what they wrote: “A passionate Georgian man will meet a beautiful girl who will understand and forgive him.”
So let's drink to woman's love patient and understanding!

Once, having quarreled with his wife, Givi asked a rhetorical question:
- Weird! Why do the biggest fools have the most beautiful wives?
- Well, you're a sycophant! - answered his wife with a forgiving smile.
So let's drink to naive women who hear a compliment in every word!

Young Suliko once complained to her friend:
“Vano came to see me last night. I was so excited, so fascinated by him, that in a fit of ardent tenderness I said: “Take my most precious thing from me!” He led the horse out of the stable, jumped on it and sped away like the wind.
So let's drink to the fact that we always understand women correctly!

In the Caucasus, three qualities are valued more than others in a woman: love, tenderness and modesty.
So let's drink to the fact that not a single woman hides these qualities!

There is a custom in the Caucasus: when a girl is born in the house, the father takes out a gun and shoots once. When a girl grows up and they want to marry her, her father fires a gun twice, but when a girl is married off, her father fires a gun three times. So let's drink to the fact that rifle salvos are often heard from our houses!

In the mountains there is a great way to keep young. Those days that are spent with guests are not taken into account when calculating the years lived. I propose a toast to you, dear guests, to your spiritual generosity, because today, without knowing it, you extended my life!

Once, an old man lived in a distant mountain village, and he beat his beautiful daughter. And so he decided to marry her. He called the jigits and said to them this speech:
“The one of you who climbs this high mountain so that not a single pebble falls from under his feet, catches a mountain sheep there, brings him to my feet and slaughters him so that not a single drop of blood falls on my snow-white bathrobe, and so, one of you will become the husband of my beautiful daughter. And whoever does not do this, I will kill him.
And then the first dzhigit came out. He was brave, dexterous, smart, but one small grain of sand fell from under his feet - and his old father killed him. Then the second horseman came out, and he was also brave, dexterous, smart, handsome. He brought the mountain sheep to the feet of the old father and began to cut him, the sheep, in the sense, the throat with his sharp dagger. But one small drop of blood fell on the snow-white robe of the old father - and the second horseman fell, stabbed, next to the first. And then the third horseman came out, and he was the most proud, brave, dexterous and handsome. He brought the ram to the feet of the old father, surgically cut his ram's throat without a single drop of blood, and joyfully looked at the old father. But his old father killed him too. The beautiful daughter screamed in horror:
- Listen, atez! After all, the third horseman did everything as you ordered! Why did you slaughter him? And the old father said to her:
- For company!
So let's drink to good and warm company!

One oriental man says to another:
- I will marry a beautiful, smart, economic and clean girl.
How are you going to manage all four? another was surprised.
So let's raise our glasses to our wives, who combine these and many other qualities!

Two flowers are talking in the garden of a Georgian house:
- Do you love me?
- Kaneshno. Are you me?
- Ochen!
- Wah-wah, where are the bees?
Let's raise our glasses so that our love does not interfere with adverse circumstances!

When Wano's wife bought a lottery ticket, she said:

If I win, I will buy myself a new coat.
- And if not? Wano asked.
"Then you'll have to buy it for me!"
So let's drink to women who always find a way out of difficult situations!

A young dzhigit says to his wife after the wedding:
“Before we go on our honeymoon, my heart, I want to tell you something more about my past.
“Givi, but you already told me about your past before the wedding,” the young wife is surprised.
- What I want to tell you about happened exactly in the interval between the wedding and today ...
So let's drink to ensure that women learn the truth from us in a timely manner!

In the Caucasus, if a woman leaves a dzhigit for another man, the dzhigit becomes disgraced for life. After all, the only thing that encourages a woman to cheat is boredom and monotony, from which her heart withers.
So let's drink to the fact that women never get bored in our presence!

A long time ago in the Caucasus there was such a custom. The girl, before getting married, had to tame a mountain sheep. She took with her a bunch of fresh grass and climbed early in the morning high into the mountains. If she managed to see a mountain sheep, she would detect her presence and throw grass at him, while she herself would move away. This went on for some time. In the end, the ram got used to the girl and, having eaten the grass brought to him, lay down at her feet and dozed blissfully.
Only after that, when the girl managed to tame a proud freedom-loving animal, could she get married. After all, an untamed mountain sheep lives in every Caucasian man.
So let's drink to women so that they can tame us!

The mountain never went to Mahomet because he had nothing to drink.
So let's drink to our friends who always come to us!

The wise man was asked:
– Why is it so easy for friends to become enemies, but it is very difficult to turn enemies into friends?
“But in the same way, it is easier to destroy a house than to build it,” answered the sage, “and it is easier to break a vessel than to make it, and it is easier to spend money than to earn it.”
I propose a toast to the fact that we build, not destroy.

It is known that the Almighty made all women from the same dough, but did not put sugar in each.
Since then, all men have been wandering in search of their sweet woman!
So let's drink to those who seek and find!

We have a saying in the Caucasus: "It is better to have enemies who tell the truth to your face than friends who flatter."
So let's drink to our friends being sincere with us!

The Sultan enters his harem and whispers in the ear of one of his wives: “Your eyes are like midnight stars. Your lips are like corals. Your camp is like a vine. Pass it on."
Let's drink to the fact that such words were intended for only one woman, the one and only!

When Vaso, after the wedding, began to calculate his honeymoon expenses and compare them with the size of his wife's dowry, he concluded that he married solely for love.
So let's drink to women who marry exclusively for love!

Once, a husband and wife were walking in the mountain gorges of the Caucasus, and the wife walked ahead of her husband. Quite by chance, the mullah saw them and was indignant:
Hassan, you are violating the Koran!
– When the Koran was written, the roads were not mined. Go ahead, Fatima!
So let's drink to the fact that women always go one step ahead of men!

Every highlander knows that women value courage in men. One has only to amaze them to interest them, and when you interest them, it is not difficult for them to please them.
So let's drink to women who know how to appreciate men!

An oriental man is a heat-loving man, he cannot live without the sun's rays. But the sun for the highlander is not only a heavenly body: it may well be replaced by a woman who will warm a man with her caress and tenderness during bad weather.
So let's drink to the beautiful women who will never let us freeze!

One day a neighbor asked Khoja Nasreddin to lend his donkey.
“I don’t have a donkey,” Nasreddin replied. And at this time, a donkey roared in the stall.
“Eh, you say that you don’t have a donkey, but you hear the donkey roaring,” the neighbor shamed Nasreddin. He shook his head and said reproachfully:
- You believe the donkey, but I, who lived to a gray beard, do not?
So let's drink to not being an ass, going to borrow something from the neighbors!

Once upon a time there was a sultan in the world, and he had a harem, which was located 100 kilometers from the palace. And he had a servant whom the Sultan sent every day for the girl. The servant died at 30 and the Sultan at 90.
So let's drink to the fact that we do not run after women, but they follow us. Since it is not women who kill men, but running after them.

One day, on a distant mountain plateau, a shepherd was tending a herd of goats. Suddenly, an eagle fell from the sky onto the herd like a stone and grabbed one goat. The shepherd fired - and the eagle fell, and the goat flew on.
So let's drink to the fact that the eagles are not shot, and the goats do not fly.

Caucasian wisdom says: falling in love, a person rises a step above everyday, everyday life.
So let's drink to this step! For love!

Vano and Givi are talking. Givi says that he quarreled with his wife yesterday. Wano asks:
- Givi, for whom is left the last word?
- Follow me, of course! – proudly declared Givi. - I said: "Well, buy it."
So let's drink to women who know how to give in in a dispute in time!

Once a young Georgian got married. The young wife tells him after the wedding:
- Dear, I must confess to you that I can cook only two dishes - semolina and pear compote.
The young Georgian looked at the dish in front of him and asked:
“Which one is this?”
So let's drink to women who never fully reveal their virtues!

Once two hundred-year-old Georgians were talking. One says to the other:
Givi, my wife told me yesterday that I am as strong as I was at 75.
Why did she say that?
- In our yard there is a stone that was laid by my great-grandfather. So, at the age of 75 I couldn’t move him, and now I can’t.
So let's drink to the female ability to make compliments!

In the mountain villages of the Caucasus, there is such a custom: when a girl is born in a family, the father must plant a tree near his house; when the girl grows up and becomes a woman, the father must cut down the tree that he planted at her birth.
So let's drink to the mountain valleys, more beautiful than which there is nothing in the world.

Georgians are sitting at a huge table, drinking and eating. The toastmaster gets up:
- Gogi, say a toast!
- Let's drink!
Well done, Gogi! Well said!
A little time passed, and the toastmaster rises again:
- Gogi, say a toast!
- Let's drink!
Well done, Gogi!
After a while, the host rises again:
– Vano, say a toast!
We have gathered at this beautiful table in order to ...
“Uh, honey, not like that. Gogi, say a toast!
- Let's drink!

Far away in the mountains, at the very peak of height, there lived an ancient mountaineer. He was so ancient that generations succeeded other generations, and he lived and lived. There was only one secret to this: he had beautiful and complaisant wives. Wah! So let's drink to the fact that life does not take us away from the only one thanks to which we can save our nerves, be forever young and live forever!

The charming young man Rustam and the beautiful Zulfiya loved each other very much. Everything went well in their relationship, and they soon got married. And immediately after the wedding, Rustam was sent on a creative business trip. He began to calm his young wife and promised to return in three days. But it takes three times for three days, and her husband is gone. Ten times three days have passed, and Rustam is still gone and gone.
Then the beautiful Zulfiya sent seven telegrams to the seven true friends of Rustam in seven cities. And telegrams came from seven cities from seven true friends: “No need to worry, Rustam is with us!”
I propose to drink for faithful and reliable friends who will not let you down in trouble!

We in the Caucasus say that only a sleeping enemy is better than a useless friend.
So let's drink to our true friendship, because each of us can count on the other as on himself!

An old Caucasian proverb says that love, destined for a person from above, seeks him - just like he seeks her.
So let's drink to the success of our mutual searches. For love!

When Gogi began to come home late, drunk, not to pay his salary, his wife began to complain to her friend:
“I lost 10 pounds because of it.
Her friend sympathized with her and exclaimed:
- Why are you so tormented, you won’t leave him?
“You see,” Goga’s wife answered, “I want to lose another two kilograms.
So let's drink to women who are able to benefit from everything!

Once a young mountaineer was in a compartment with a beautiful girl. He immediately began to look for a way to get to know her:
- Tell me, what nationalities do you like men?
“I like the Indians, they are so fearless, and the Jews because they are smart…
The young man, without thinking twice, replied:
- Allow me to introduce myself: Chingachguk Gogi Moiseevich.
So let's drink to the diversity of women's tastes!

In the Caucasus, they say that if a woman cries, then every tear she sheds is a heavy accusation against her man.
So let's drink to the fact that women will never have a reason to blame us for anything!

A long time ago in the Caucasian villages there was a custom - when a son grew up in the family of a rural prince and he had to choose a wife, the villagers brought their daughters to the princely court. The groom's parents asked the girls different questions - they checked how economical, hardworking, and economical they were. In the end, they chose one and only. And what do you think: what should be the future wife of the future prince? And here is the answer - they chose the most beautiful.
So let's drink to the feminine beauty that wins in any competition!

Climbed a tour to a high mountain. And the higher the tours climb, the better they feel. I saw a mountain eagle, made one circle, another, fell on it like a stone and began to peck. The tour fell and crashed.
Let's drink to the fact that, no matter how high we climb up the mountain, no one pecks at us and makes us fall.

My friends and friends of my friends! Let's drink to our futile efforts to remake the world. But let the world not count on the fact that he will be able to remake us! For us!

Whether you are a caliph or a beggar in the market,
Ultimately, everyone has the same price.
So drink wine!
In it is the source of immortality and light,
In it - the flowering of spring and past summers.
Be happy for a moment among flowers and friends,
For life consisted in this moment.

One smart old Georgian said that one who is looking for a beloved without vice runs the risk of being left without a chosen one at all.
So let's drink to our love, to those we love, just the way they are!

Two Caucasian men saw a young and beautiful girl. One of them followed her with a passionate glance and exclaimed:
- This is a girl, a real peach!
The other, also looking after her, said with regret:
- Six children...
Does she really have six children?
- You and I, Givi!
Friends, let's raise a toast to love that knows no barriers in its path!

One highlander is talking to his friend:
– If you knew how much I like Moscow! I have the most pleasant memories of the most magnificent women associated with her!
“Gogi, but you have never been to Moscow,” his friend remarked.
- Indeed, I haven’t been, but my wife often goes there ...
So let's drink to women who broaden our horizons!

In the Caucasus, when talking about a woman, they never forget about her main purpose - motherhood. A mother woman is a special person, her love knows no barriers, the whole world is fed by her breast.
Everything beautiful in a person is from the rays of the sun and from mother's milk, all this saturates us with love for life!
So let's drink to women who are lucky to be mothers!

In the Caucasus, not a single feast is complete without a toast glorifying the female mind. Here I am, following the tradition, I want to drink for smart women. While a smart woman can express a lot in a few words, a stupid woman has the ability to talk a lot and say nothing.
So let's drink to smart women who have brevity of thought and clarity of mind!

Remember my son
There are many troubles in life.
Her lessons are both wise and strict.
And yet, probably, there is no worse misfortune,
Than suddenly be without a road.
The road is under the stones or under the sand,
Straight or curved - all the same more expensive
Covered in sadness and longing,
Aimless, empty off-road.

High in the mountains of Kakheti lived an eagle with eagles and small eagles. One day, returning from a hunt, the eagle decided to test his eagle, check how brave she is, how she protects the nest, eagles from strangers ... He put on the skin of a tiger and began to slowly approach the nest ... The eagle, seeing a tiger sneaking towards the nest, boldly rushed to him. Wah, how she pecked him, beat her wings, and tore with her claws !!! And, without even giving her time to come to her senses, she threw her to the very bottom of the deepest gorge.
So let's drink to the fact that, in whatever form the husband comes home, his wife always recognizes him!

Why do mountaineers drink from a horn? They prefer buffalo horn to any goblet, to any crystal elegance. The most expensive metal will not be spared in order to dress the treasured horn in elegant lace chasing and the thinnest chain, as if woven from hair. The horn is roomy, no doubt. But this is not why it is preferred by those who know how to have fun, cheerful highlanders, but because the wine poured into the horn must be drunk - you can’t put the horn on the table, you won’t leave the wine for later!
Let it not be a horn, let it be an ordinary mug, but that the poured be drunk by everyone and every time for health! This toast is for a good custom: what you can drink today, do not leave for tomorrow!

A young Georgian, a student at Moscow State University, writes a letter to his father in Tbilisi: “Dad, I have already become a real student, only here all the students ride buses, and I take a taxi.” The father sends the answer to his son: “Son, we will sell a lot of tangerines with mom and send you some money: buy yourself a bus, be like everyone else.”
Let's drink to the fact that our children do not need anything, and to the rich parents of our children!

In ancient times, a frigate was wrecked in the ocean. Only one Georgian was able to escape - he grabbed a piece of the mast and remained on the surface of the water. Half an hour later, a beautiful girl emerged from nowhere and grabbed the other end of this plank. The Georgian looked at her and began to cry. The girl asked him:
- Why are you crying?
Georgian said:
- Wah! Such a girl - and I can’t take care of it properly!
So let's drink to resourcefulness in love, which will always tell you how to take care of a girl!

One Georgian woman watched the program "Around the World" on TV. When her husband came home, she told him:
“I learned that there are tribes in Africa where husbands sell their wives. If we lived there, would you sell me?
The generous Caucasian man answered the stupid woman:
- I would give you!
So let's drink to selfless love!

Givi is talking to his fiancee. She tells him:
- Givi, when you become my husband, I will share with you all the hardships and hardships.
- Thank you, dear, but I have neither hardships nor hardships!
- But, Givi, I said: “When will you become my husband!”
So let's drink to women's foresight!

In the mountain villages of the Caucasus, when building houses, a lightning rod was placed on the roof, for the simple reason that thunderstorms are not uncommon in the mountains. But inside the house, as it turned out, thunderclouds also often gather. And the best salvation from them is the caress, tenderness and care of the woman - the mistress of the house.
So let's drink to women - the best lightning rod in family life!

In the Caucasus they say: “If you want to be happy one day, drink wine. If you want to be happy for two days, drink fine wine for two days. If you want to be happy all your life - respect, appreciate, take care of your wife.
So let's drink to our women who prolong our happiness for life!

My toast, friends, to restless women,
What can, hiding their emotions,
Be silent wisely, give in with dignity,
Keeping peace and husband and family.

Try to disagree with the old oriental proverb: "They try gold with fire, they try a woman with gold, and they try a man with a woman."
So let's drink for us - with honor overcoming all trials and trials!

An eagle that does not fly from high cliffs into wide, spacious valleys is a bad eagle. An eagle that does not return from the wide expanses of the valley to the high cliffs is a bad eagle. So let's drink to the fact that we never forget about our home, and wherever life throws us, we always return home!
- Tell me, Nana, how much did mom pay for two kilograms of apples, if a kilogram costs 2 rubles?
- I do not know. Mom is always bargaining.
Caucasians are famous for their ability to trade and bargain. Let's drink to our children adopting this beautiful trait from their parents!

Soso asks Vano:
– Vano, do you know what homemade champagne is?
No, Soso.
- So this is when a man drinks wine, and a woman hisses.
Let's drink to the fact that our lovely hostesses prefer real Georgian wine to any champagne.

One sultan gathered all his wives, and he had a hundred of them, and said, brushing away a tear:
- I'm divorcing you! I fell in love with another harem.
So let's drink to honesty in love!

The young horseman liked the girl - and in order to seem like a cultured man, he uttered the following words:
- Girl, can I invite you for a cup of coffee?
To which the girl answered without hesitation:
- You can, but don't smoke in bed.
So let's drink to women's insight!

One horseman was asked: “If your wife were guilty, what punishment would you choose for her?” The jigit thought and answered:
– If I wanted to punish my wife harder, I would buy her a lot of jewelry and lock her in a room without a mirror.
So let's drink to the fact that women will never be subjected to such a punishment!

A real Caucasian man considers it his duty to make a woman happy. But one great man said: “Only a woman who has children can be happy; After all, it is not enough to love, it is necessary that love be sanctified.
So let's give women happiness! That's what we'll drink to.

I drink, so that for everyone who was not with us today,
Could not drink and eat at the wedding,
We kept the good smell of bread,
which we broke down here.
So that everyone sitting at the table,
For a long time saved in your blood
And mischief, and this invigorating current
Wine, fun, friendship and love.

The venerable Georgian prince once sneezed, and the servant said hurriedly:
- A thousand years of health!
- Zyts! shouted the gentleman. Why do you want the impossible for me?
“Then live a hundred and twenty years.”
- Zyts! The prince got angry again.
- Then at least a hundred!
Failed again!
- Eighty?
All wrong! The servant got out of patience and says:
- Yes, if it was my will, then die now! I propose to raise glasses so that we live as long as we wish for ourselves!

A brother will tear anyone for a brother.. He will turn mountains for each other.. This is how it happens - the Caucasian people.

A Caucasian girl will never allow herself low deeds because she knows that the Pride and Honor of her father is her.

Laugh without noise, without ringing! To die without a pathetic groan! Able to cry dry tears! Such is the man born of the mountains!

Dance beautifully. Hit hard. Leave proudly. Don't speak loudly about yourself. Let others speak softly about you.

Only a Caucasian can slip, ride along the road, stand up, shake himself and say "almost fell" ...

In the Caucasus, the guys are the most jealous because the girls are the most beautiful.

Armenians have such eyes that you can drown in them ... And hang yourself on your nose!

Dagestan is a wonderland, came out at night and disappeared.

Never tell ALLAH that you have problems, tell problems that you have ALLAH.

I love Allah alone, and the rest for his sake!

I've only broken one heart in my entire life, mine.

Win a heart caucasian girl as easy as leveling the Caucasian mountains.

A handsome man will never say that he is handsome. I know...)

Caucasian boys are so severe that they even use Tetris to access the Internet...

An earthquake is not new to us, this is a CAUCASIAN dancing LEZGINKA.

Caucasian wisdom says: "he who does not show off is the one who does not show off""

Moscow 2040 ... - Dad, is it true that Russians lived here? - No, Maga, it's fantastic!)))

The Most Beautiful, Emotional and Hot Love, This is CAUCASUS LOVE!!

Caucasians are said to be scattered all over the world. Not true! This world is scattered around Caucasians!

A Caucasian is someone who answers the question "What nationality are you?" proudly replies: "Read in the eyes!"

All Caucasian girls with a gold medal and a red diploma stand near the stove....

You yell at him that you hate ... And at night you only repeat the words of a prayer, so that the Almighty shores him ...

A Caucasian comes out of the train and shouts a dragger, a dragger. I'm not a porter, I'm a porter. Well then wear out my suitcases.

The Almighty did not promise days without pain, laughter without sorrow, sun without rain. “But He promised power for everyone.

If a crowd of Caucasian guys is chasing you, run to the cops. Running together is more fun.

In the Caucasus, girls' skirts should be as fitted as the Priors, and the lower, the more beautiful.

Salam Alleykum people help write some status about the Caucasus.

City-fairy tale, city-dream! When you get into a wheelbarrow to the dugs, you disappear forever...)

A Dagestani is asked: - What would you do if you had a time machine? - Would toned!

The CAUCASIAN was beaten in a dream, but he didn’t leave it like that, he gathered the KENTS and went to sleep together!

Follow the bazaar, Caucasians are online!

Only Caucasians, passing on the rights, come in their own car.

Only one betrayal is worthy of respect - betrayal of your principles for the sake of a loved one!

Do you really like her bro? Eee... which one I like, I want a daughter from her.

Our Caucasus, how I love you all!

When an eagle flies with an eagle, they are both free, and when he lives with a hen, he becomes a rooster.

And in a dream and in reality I will tear everyone to fall for the Caucasus.

Caucasian sport - synchronized peeking out of tinted priors..

A girl from the Caucasus is like a mountain flower that needs to be plucked and not picked up!

A Caucasian girl is the one that everyone likes, but only one gets it!

If he is jealous, then he loves, if he loves, then he is afraid of losing, if he is afraid of losing, then he will steal this year)

There is not enough strength to stop .... and evil is not enough to avenge ....

Only in the Caucasus, love is recognized with such verses: when I saw you, I fell from love, you have such a figure, you must be physical education.

There for Good - good and blood for blood. And hate is immeasurable, like love!

ARMENIAN eyes have an interesting feature - they start speaking when their lips have not yet moved...

Caucasian face...

Caucasian wisdom: In love, they know each other because they love each other. In friendship, they love each other because they know each other.

Though you burst, Though you burst, And the Caucasus is in the first place.

Able to cry dry tears.

In the Caucasus we are horsemen, but outside the Caucasus we are bandits!!!

A man from the Caucasus is obliged to love three women: 1) who gave birth to him; 2) who will give birth to him; 3) and the one that will be born to him.

Proud charm, burning eyes of the nights, all this belongs to the Armenian woman, the daughter of the southern nights....

Caucasian love is when you threw a snowball at him, and he buried you in a snowdrift.

Speak briefly, ask little, leave fast!!!

Caucasian love is when one of his menacing glances is enough for her to swallow her sharp tongue...

Caucasian longevity is transmitted over the Internet, so add me as a friend.

The Caucasus will live forever!

The most beautiful eyes are those who look at you with tenderness. And you don't care if they're brown, blue or green. But they are the closest.

Seeming frivolous and being inaccessible is the height of art.

Do you want to please me? Dance lezginka, on the hood of a car, the speed of which is 120 km / h.

The soul of a highlander is woven from faith and freedom.

Highlanders of the North Caucasus - a force that cannot be resisted.

Every hot Brazilian girl has an alert MILF. And every hot Caucasian girl has crazy brothers!

A CAUCASIAN GIRL should not walk on the ground - she should be carried in her arms by real CAUCASIAN GUYS.

Without show-off, but with grace, Without Nazism, but with patriotism, With dignity to the worthy, With respect for the weak, Pride, honor and spirit - such is the TRUE CAUCASUS!

Only Caucasians confess their love with such verses: Autumn has come, leaves are falling, I don't need anyone but You!

Only in the Caucasus about your personal life know more than you...

And they love passionately and heartily, the French of the Caucasus, the sons of the eternal mountains. Involuntarily you will see a silent eternity in the depths of their eyes, if you look at it point-blank!

A Caucasian guy will never fight for a girl. He will fight over a girl!

America drives, Europe drives, Australia drives, Asia drives, and the Caucasus sits in the back seat and shows where to steer.

You take care of him almighty! And help him, please. Let me become superfluous for him ... I still cherish them.

We are not afraid of damage, from the eye .. Because we are from the Caucasus .. We have a lot of brown-eyed .. We burn lezginka with a cry: ASSSAAA.

- Maga, I passed my driving license, I want to buy a car. Can you advise which one is best for a girl?
- Washing.

Russia without the Caucasus is like Gazprom without gas.

Caucasian love: capture-interception, hall, hold, submission and after 9 months a small wrestler.

Remember the phrase, do not dare to the Caucasus!

Once, Heaven and Earth argued about who is more beautiful. The sky to prove its beauty showed the stars, and the Earth-Caucasus!

I went around the whole Caucasus, and found paradise in my native land. Stavropol - Motherland of my mother!

Do you love Caucasian? Well... love and be patient...

Caucasian love is when a girl tells a guy I'm leaving you, and he gently hugs her and says I'll break your jaw.

The most risky and courageous people live in the Caucasus, who are not afraid of anything, except "Step back, otherwise I won't grow up."

The main thing is to take the situation by the balls in time.

I'm not waiting for a prince on a white horse, I'm waiting for a Caucasian on a Black BMW.

To offend Ingush - just spit! But you will spit blood!

Darling, if you approach at least one dyed muffin, remember... I am near, very close! On the roof with a rifle.

CAUCASUS! We are few, but we are everywhere!

I'm not arrogant, I'm just brought up according to Armenian laws, and our first law is Pride!

Be a girl confident in yourself, in your struggle, in your path, in your destiny. Hold on in the crowd, as if you are alone, as if you were born by the Goddess!

We are like a flock! Boys are like eagles, girls are like swans!

Telephone conversation. - Givi! What are you doing? - I'm eating! - What are you eating? - This is not a telephone conversation.

He shouted in the mountains: I am in love, and the echo answered: Get married.

Hey, you are a daring and hot-headed person from the Caucasus, of course I understand everything, but remember, motherfucker, I'm Russian. And here everything is simple - nah * d. And all things.

Statuses about the Caucasus beautiful Caucasian

I would also like to note quotes that are often used for competitions: phrases from fairy tales are read to the participants, and they try to guess where they came from.

Any fairy tale, quotes about which are given here, should teach something good.

I saw cats without smiles, but a smile without a cat ... Lewis Carroll "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"

I noticed a long time ago: the more tasteless the food, the healthier it is. Astrid Lindgren "Baby and Carlson"

Sometimes all you need to do to comfort someone is remind them that you are there. Tove Jansson "All about the Moomin"

It was already the middle of the night, but no one slept in the City of Fools. Alexei Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

In the name of the Tarabar King, arrest the old rogue Carlo! Alexei Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

She was so charming that the prince fell in love with her at first sight. Brothers Grimm "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

Sometimes no one can deal with their feelings. Tove Jansson "All about the Moomin"

Do not cry, grandfather, do not cry, woman: I will lay you a new egg, not golden, but simple! Russian folk tale"Ryaba Hen"

I'll sit on a stump, eat a pie! Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear"

Well, what do I look like?
- On a bear that flies in a balloon!
“But doesn’t it look like a little black cloud?”
asked Pooh anxiously.
- Not good. Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh and Everything"

What is it?
- Your Majesty, they wanted...
- Well, everything is clear - cut off their heads. Lewis Carroll "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"

Actually, I'm very brave, only today I have a headache.

Ai-ai-ai, save-help! I can't go back and forth!

Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh and Everything"

Let my sun rise and look at you, you will immediately see how stupid you are! Tove Jansson "Magic Winter"

See see! Don't sit on a stump, don't eat a pie! Bring it to grandma, bring it to grandpa! Russian folk tale "Masha and the Bear"

You answer me with a mirror, who in the world is sweeter, more beautiful and whiter than all? Brothers Grimm "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"

Waking up while everyone else in the family is still sleeping isn't as fun as it sounds. Tove Jansson "All about the Moomin"

When I greatly exaggerate something, I always believe it myself! Tove Jansson "All About the Moomins"

You just need to act more energetically and not count on someone's help, - said Carlson. Astrid Lindgren "Baby and Carlson"

A fairy tale is nothing more than a blueprint that allows us to construct our own world. Sarah Blackley-Cartwright "Little Red Riding Hood"

Here's a stupid girl... There was a teacher, think about it... She has a porcelain head, a torso stuffed with cotton... Alexey Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

We love surprises, but we prefer to arrange them ourselves. Tove Jansson "Memoirs of Moominpappa"

The chicken laid an egg, but not a simple one - a golden one. Russian folk tale "Ryaba the Hen"

Is this really what marriage is about, that people live together and seem not to see each other, just as we sometimes do not really see ourselves simply because we cannot look from the outside? Sarah Blackley-Cartwright "Little Red Riding Hood"

If a person is prevented from living only by a nutshell that has fallen into a shoe, he can consider himself happy. Astrid Lindgren "Baby and Carlson"

Poor Norlanders, well, he prophesies the weather for them, you won’t envy! But, on the other hand, let them rejoice that they will have at least some. Think what would happen if they had to do without weather at all. Astrid Lindgren "Baby and Carlson"

Who is it that goes for honey with balloons?
- I go! Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh and Everything"

Ah yes, the comet...
- Moominmamma said anxiously.
- The muskrat calculated that it would fall into our garden in the evening. So I didn't weed it. Tove Jansson "Moomin and the Comet"

It's just that it's very dangerous to talk to someone about your deepest dreams. Tove Jansson "All About the Moomins"

Think of me, but don't be too sad: sadness hurts your digestion. Alexander Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

When events take a different turn, keep in mind that all changes are for the better. Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins"

There is no such thing in the world that could not be agreed upon, if everything was properly discussed. Astrid Lindgren "Baby and Carlson"

Four soldos, a wooden man.
- You see, boy, I forgot my wallet at home ... Can you lend me four soldos? .. Alexei Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

Don't be afraid, Vasilisushka!
- she said.
“Go where they send you, but always keep me with you.” With me, nothing will happen to you at Baba Yaga. Russian folk tale "Vasilisa the Beautiful"

It's hard to be brave when you're just a Very Small Being. Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh and Everything"

And the Queen was happy for a very good reason - because the King was happy. Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins"

Distribute the cake first, then cut it. Lewis Carroll "Alice Through the Looking Glass"

It turns out that it is enough to sit with a person locked up for two hours, and you are ready to reconcile with him. Astrid Lindgren "Baby and Carlson"

Why are there needles sticking out of your brains?
asked the Tin Woodman.
“This is proof of the sharpness of his mind,” the cowardly Lion guessed. Alexander Volkov "The Wizard of the Emerald City"

Once they understood everything, - said Mary Poppins, folding Jane's nightgown.
- How?
John and Barbie answered in chorus, terribly surprised.
- Truth? You mean they understood the Starling, and the wind, and...
- And the trees, and the language of the sun's rays and stars - yes, yes, that's right. Once, said Mary Poppins.
But why did they forget all this then?
John said wrinkling his brow.
- Why?
“Yeah,” Starling said pointedly, looking up from the remains of the biscuit.
- So you would like to know?
"Because they've gotten older," Mary Poppins explained.
- Barbie, please put on your socks immediately.
- That's it!
said John, looking intently at Mary Poppins.
- Nevertheless, it is so!
Mary Poppins answered, rolling up Barbie's socks tighter.
"Well, let Jane and Michael be so stupid," John went on.
- I know that I won't forget anything when I get older.
- And I - even more so, - said Barbie, sucking her finger with satisfaction.
"Forget it," said Mary Poppins firmly. The twins sat up and stared at her.
- Fu-you well-you!
said the Starling contemptuously.
- There were geeks! I'm also the seventh wonder of the world! Forget everything, my dears, as soon as the teeth erupt!
- Never!
- answered the Twins, looking at the Starling as if they were not averse to killing him. The starling whistled derisively.
- Be calm, forget everything!
he repeated.
"It's not your fault, of course," he added softly.
- There's just nothing you can do about it. There is not a single person who would remember after he is at most a year old. Except, of course, for her.
He pointed with his beak at Mary Poppins. Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins"

But the Master did not laugh. He immediately approached the obstinate donkey, pretended to kiss him, but at the same time bit off half of his right ear as punishment. Carlo Collodi "The Adventures of Pinocchio"

Feelings are complex and don't always make sense. Tove Jansson "All about the Moomin"

We are great! We are free! We are worthy of admiration! Worthy of admiration, like no other people in the jungle! We all say that, so it's true. Rudyard Kipling "Mowgli"

The owner of the puppet theater Manjafoko (for that was his name) was terrible in appearance - the disheveled black beard that covered his chest and legs like a shield seemed especially terrible - but, in fact, he was a good guy. Carlo Collodi "The Adventures of Pinocchio"

You have committed three crimes, scoundrel: you are homeless, without a passport and unemployed. Take him out of town and drown him in a pond! Alexei Tolstoy "The Golden Key, or the Adventures of Pinocchio"

In the thicket of burdock it was as deaf and wild as in a dense forest, and there a duck was sitting on its eggs. She had been sitting for a long time, and she was rather tired of this sitting, she was rarely visited: other ducks liked to swim along the grooves more than to sit in the burdock and quack with her. Hans Christian Andersen "The Ugly Duckling"

Punishment is not the only way to make someone behave well. Tove Jansson "All about the Moomin"

We are all responsible for those who are smaller than us. Tove Jansson "All about the Moomin"

You know, here, in the Forest, you can't let just anyone into the house. Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh and Everything"

There, beyond the mountains, Snufkin, - Moomintroll said to himself.
Somewhere in the south he eats oranges. If I were sure that he knew how I was going to cross the mountains for him, I would have decided to take such a step. Otherwise, nothing will work for me. Tove Jansson "Magic Winter"

Santa Claus waved to them. The snow queen on the Christmas tree and other dolls whispered, smiling sadly: “Take us home, at least someone!” The planes flapped their wings and asked in thin bird voices: “We want to fly in the sky! Let us go!" Jane and Michael tried not to hear those seductive voices. What stupidity, what cruelty - to be in the toy department for just an hour! Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins"

The plan, to be sure, was excellent; simple and clear, it is better not to think up. He had only one drawback: it was completely unknown how to bring it into execution. Lewis Carroll "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"

Lewis Carroll "Alice Through the Looking Glass"

I want to know only one thing, - she said, - are stars made of gilded paper or gilded paper of stars? Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins"

Your plans don't have to be extraordinary to make you extraordinarily happy. Tove Jansson "All about the Moomin"

Too much we take for granted, including each other. Tove Jansson "Moominpappa and the Sea"

He sang so wonderfully that even a poor fisherman, who already had enough to do, could hear him. Hans Christian Andersen "The Nightingale"

Everyone was invited to participate in the game, even the baby carriage, although it belonged to the bulky, lower category of toys.
- Everyone is good in their own way!
she said.
- Not everyone should be noble, someone needs to do the job! Hans Christian Andersen "Piggy Bank"

The amazing thing is the position of the stars. Had I been born a few hours earlier, I might have become an avid poker player, and all those who were born twenty minutes later would feel an urgent need to join the Hemulen Volunteer Band (fathers and mothers must be very careful when producing children, and I recommend each and every one of them to make preliminary and accurate calculations). Tove Jansson "Memoirs of Moominpappa"

Good morning, Piglet, which I personally doubt very much! Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh and Everything"

With us, when you run for a long time, you will certainly find yourself in another place.

Lewis Carroll "Alice Through the Looking Glass"

Some people think too much. Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins"

If One Most Fierce Beast loses its cub, it becomes as ferocious as Two Most Fierce Beasts. Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh and Everything"

It must be very lonely for someone everyone is afraid of. Tove Jansson "Moomin and the Comet"

And little Myu flatly refused any mourning ribbons and bows.
“If I’m grieving, I don’t need to show it at all and put on different bows there,” she said.
- Yes, if you grieve, - Moomintroll emphasized.
- But you do not grieve!
- No, - little Myu admitted.
- I can't grieve. I can only be angry or happy. But will the little squirrel help if I start to grieve? But if I get mad at the Ice Maiden, maybe I'll bite her on the leg someday. And then maybe she will be careful not to tickle other little squirrels by the ears just because they are so cute and fluffy. Tove Jansson "Magic Winter"

Now he was glad that he had endured so much grief and trouble - he could better appreciate his happiness and the splendor that surrounded him. And big swans swam around and stroked him with their beaks. Hans Christian Andersen "The Ugly Duckling"

Oh, how wonderful it is to finally be old and retire!
Hemul thought.
- Oh, how I love my relatives. Especially now that I can no longer think about them. Tove Jansson "All About the Moomins"

Ballroom dancing, like everything else, is danced in pairs, that is, together, otherwise there is no point in them. Loneliness in dancing adversely affects the worldview. Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins"

I just don't know who I am now. No, of course, I know approximately who I was in the morning when I got up, but since then I have always been like this, sometimes like that - in a word, some kind of not like that. Lewis Carroll "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"

Sometimes someone needs silence and solitude, and there is nothing wrong with that. Tove Jansson "All about the Moomin"

Happy is he who has childhood. Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins"

You don't have to conform to anyone. Tove Jansson "All about the Moomin"

You can lie on the bridge and watch the water flow. Or run, or wander through the swamp in red boots, or curl up in a ball and listen to the rain pounding on the roof. It is very easy to be happy. Tove Jansson "At the End of November"

Someone who eats pancakes with jam cannot be so terribly dangerous. Tove Jansson "All About the Moomins"

The best way to explain is to do it yourself! Lewis Carroll "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"

However, let him kiss my hand if he wants to.
- Doesn't want to. Lewis Carroll "Alice's Adventures in Wonderland"

Everyone cannot live wrong.

Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins"

The poor stork stood and looked around dejectedly.
- Look what!
- said the chickens. And the Indian rooster pouted and asked the stork who he was; the ducks backed away, pushing each other with their wings, and quacked: “Fool-cancer! Fool-cancer! The stork told them about hot Africa, about the pyramids and ostriches that rush through the desert with the speed of wild horses, but the ducks did not understand anything and again began to push one another:
- Well, aren't you a fool?
- Of course, fool!
- said the Indian rooster and muttered angrily. The stork fell silent and began to think about his Africa.
- What wonderful thin legs you have!
- said the Indian rooster.
- How much arshin?
- Quack! Quack! Quack!
quacked the laughing ducks, but the stork did not seem to hear.
- You could have laughed with us!
- said the Indian cock to the stork.
- It was very funny! Yes, where is it, for him it is too low! And in general, it cannot be said that he was distinguished by comprehension. Well, let's entertain ourselves! And the chickens clucked, the ducks quacked, and this amused them terribly. Hans Christian Andersen "Ole Lukoye"

Take care of the housewife! It is the most valuable piece of furniture in your home. Astrid Lindgren "Baby and Carlson"

Add this word, and you will be your own master, and I will give you the whole world and new skates. Hans Christian Andersen "The Snow Queen"

Listen carefully, little Piglet, - said Eeyore, - and you will soon know what we intend to do.
- I'll take off my shirt, and we'll all take it by the edges, and then Baby Roo and Tigger can jump there, just like in a hammock, they will only sway and not hurt at all.
- How to remove the Tigger from the tree, - said Eeyore, - and not hurt anyone! Stick to these rules, dear Piglet, and everything will be all right! But the respected Piglet did not hear anything - he was so worried at the thought that he would again see the blue help of Christopher Robin. He had already seen them once, when he was much younger, and then he became so excited that they put him to bed half an hour earlier than usual. Therefore, when Christopher Robin took off his shirt and Piglet's expectations were fully justified, Piglet happily forgave Eeyore, smiled affectionately at him and even took hold of the same edge of the shirt. Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh and Everything"

Give your kingdom to a cat? Let them hang me! Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins"

Can you eat what's already in your mouth? Tove JanssonAll about the Moomins

I meant to say,” Mr. Banks amended, “that she was... mmm... very strict. And she was always right. And she loved to put you in your place and poke you with your nose so that you feel like an insignificant worm! That's how she was, my unforgettable Miss Andrew! Pamela Travers "Mary Poppins"

Then the young people received gifts, but they refused the treat: they were full of their love. Hans Christian Andersen "Ole Lukoye"

Look through the glass, Gerda, he said. Each snowflake seemed much larger under the glass than it actually was, and looked like a magnificent flower or a ten-pointed star. It was so beautiful!
- See how cleverly done!
Kai said.
- Much more interesting than real flowers! And what precision! Not a single wrong line! Ah, if only they had not melted! Hans Christian Andersen "The Snow Queen"

What to do with poor Tigger? How can we save him? After all, the one who does not eat, Can not grow! And he does not eat any honey, No tasty acorns - Well, nothing that they feed Decent people! Alan Milne "Winnie the Pooh and Everything"

Everyone thought only about himself, but about what the pig thinks with money. Hans Christian Andersen "Piggy Bank"

Always warmly greet all those who enter your home. Tove Jansson, "All About Moomin"

Get out of here, - said Sniff.
- We have secrets. Tove Jansson "Moomin and the Comet"

It is with fairy tales that children's acquaintance with literature begins. With the help of such fictional stories, children explore the world, develop memory and learn to cope with their little difficulties. The plots of "Kolobok", "Turnip", "Ryaba Hen" and other fairy tales are clear even to the smallest listener, but the realization of their true meaning comes much later. Just think about the meaning of these quotes: did you understand them as a child in the same way as you understand now?

Table speeches in the Caucasus are a whole ritual, often becoming a mini-performance. They are so vivid and memorable that other nations are happy to borrow them and pronounce them at their banquets. It is a good toast that “holds the table” and turns a banal meal into a holiday. Interesting Caucasian toasts for all occasions are presented in this selection.

A sense of humor is highly valued in the Caucasus. Therefore, toasts here rarely do without a joke. They often ridicule human vices - stupidity, greed, cowardice, not worthy of a horseman. Caucasians can also play a trick on rather sensitive moments in the relationship between husband and wife, fathers and children.

The basis for a humorous toast can be an ordinary anecdote, to which the introductory word “once” is first added. Further, under any anecdotal situation, a solemn final phrase is summed up with a proposal to raise glasses. In terms of meaning, it does not necessarily have to follow logically from the above. The subtle moment of the funny Caucasian toast sometimes arises from the paradoxical nature of its conclusion.

Once all the men gathered in one mountain village, the elder, deciding to find out if they respect their wives, asked:

- Who among you is dissatisfied with his wives, let him get up!

Everyone stood up, only one person continued to sit. The elder was glad that at least one man in the village respects his wife and does not say that he is dissatisfied with her; he said:

- Thank God, for the first time I see a man who is pleased with his wife!

To this the jigit who remained seated replied:

“You are mistaken, ata. I didn't get up because my wife broke my leg with a poker and I can't get up. And then he jumped first ...

So let's drink to the fact that women never leave men the opportunity to stop respecting them!

One day, young Sofiko complained to her friend:

“Vano came to see me last night. I was so excited, so fascinated by him, that in a fit of ardent tenderness I said: “Take my most precious thing from me!” He led the horse out of the stable, jumped on it and sped away like the wind.

So let's drink to the fact that we always understand women correctly!

One day, on a distant mountain plateau, a shepherd was tending a herd of goats. Suddenly, an eagle fell from the sky onto the herd like a stone and grabbed one goat. The shepherd fired - and the eagle fell, and the goat flew on.
So let's drink to the fact that the eagles are not shot, and the goats do not fly.

Once in the mountains there lived one very rich man and one poor man. Both wanted to be happy. The rich man was served happiness on a large platter, but he soon became bored with it, and he began to cry, because he did not know what else to wish for.

But the poor man had happiness on a high rock, and he climbed, climbed on it, but, not knowing the rules of rock climbing, fell off every time.

So let's drink to not looking for deceitful happiness on a wide platter, but to enter the mountaineering and rock-climbing section, and thereby acquire a reliable life skill.

Congratulatory toasts for the wedding

A wedding in the Caucasus is an event as large and significant as in the rest of Russia. However, marriage is taken much more seriously here than anywhere else. Even a fleeting suggestion about the possibility of divorce is not allowed. The marriage union is sacred and indestructible.

It is not surprising that wedding toasts occupy a special place in the array of texts of drinking speeches. And here it is not enough to say a wish to the young, ending it with a steady turnover “So let's drink ...”. In a Caucasian wedding speech, valuable experience of family life should be conveyed. You can do this in different form both lyrically and humorously.

In the Caucasus they say: “If you want to be happy one day, drink wine. If you want to be happy for two days, drink fine wine for two days. If you want to be happy all your life - respect, appreciate, take care of your wife.

So let's drink to our fiance, and may he be happy all his life!

When one respected aksakal was celebrating his eightieth birthday and the fiftieth anniversary of his life together with his wife, he was asked:

- There is no secret in this, it’s just that when my wife and I got married, we made an agreement with her: as soon as we quarrel, I put on a cloak and go to the mountains. So it was the daily walks in the mountains that brought such benefits to both my health and my family life.

So let's drink to the fact that even the quarrels of our newlyweds turn out to be good for their family!

One elder told me this ancient legend: a long time ago a man lived in the mountains. He angered God with something, and God punished him terribly - the man began to experience unquenchable thirst. He drank from streams, rivers, wells, drank wine and milk, but nothing helped him. But once he went into an unfamiliar village and asked one house for a drink. The water was brought to him by a girl, but of such perfect beauty that the poor sinner forgot about his thirst, because he fell in love with the girl at first sight. So let's raise a toast to the bride, who quenched the terrible thirst of our groom!

Original birthday greetings

It is not difficult to make a congratulatory speech for a birthday man in the Caucasian style. For this, in principle, you can use any blank parable or anecdote, having come up with an original conclusion for it with a wish. But in order to observe etiquette, you need to consider the difference between a toast for a man and for a woman.

Caucasian toasts for a man's birthday often contain references to years lived or longevity.

The most respected people in the Caucasus are long-lived aksakals, and a congratulatory speech may include a story about them, as an example of what a birthday person should strive for.

For a woman's birthday, a toast is prepared differently. Here the emphasis is on the beauty of the birthday girl and her other virtues - thriftiness, complaisant character, sharp mind. Talk about age this case, is bad manners.

The venerable Georgian prince once sneezed, and the servant said hurriedly:

- A thousand years of health!

- Zyts! shouted the gentleman. Why do you want the impossible for me?

“Then live a hundred and twenty years.”

- Zyts! The prince got angry again.

- Then at least a hundred!

Failed again!

- Eighty?

All wrong! The servant got out of patience and says:

- Yes, if it was my will, then die now!

Let's drink to the fact that our birthday boy lives as long as he wishes for himself!

In a distant village lived an old aksakal. And then one day he decided to go to another world. But suddenly a strong wind arose and brought a newspaper from somewhere. And then the aksakal's gaze stumbled upon a note telling that another aksakal lives in a neighboring village, who is 120 years old, and that he still feels great. Our aksakal felt offended, and he said:

- I will live longer than him, because I am only 119 years old.

So let's raise our glasses to the fact that the mail to the birthday boy always arrives on time.

A real man is one who remembers a woman's birthday exactly and never knows how old she is. So let's drink to ensure that only real men meet on the life path of our birthday girl!

Every woman is like a rose - just as beautiful. But there are no roses without thorns. Petals quickly fly around, but prickly thorns remain. So let's drink to the birthday girl who manages to be an ever-blooming rose without thorns!

One old aksakal told me: “By what kind of wife a man has, how good she is and what kind of mistress, one can judge what he is like and whether he knows his own worth.” So let's drink to a charming and skillful birthday girl, whose husband, apparently, is a real sultan!

Wise Caucasian toasts-parables

A parable is a short, instructive story, akin to a fable. Caucasian folklore contains a great many of them, and almost every one of them is capable of becoming the basis for a toast. The plots of parables are very diverse, and their heroes can be both people and animals. Feature namely the Caucasian parable - a through image of a traveler on a mountain road.

Taking a parable as a basis for a toast, you need to complete it with a conclusion. The final sentence, "Let's raise our glasses..." can refer to anything from love to cybernetics. It all depends on the purpose of the toast and his ability to deduce his own moral from the story. The Caucasian parable thus becomes a universal material for toasts for all occasions.

Three travelers were walking along a rocky mountain road. Day go, two. The water has long run out, the thirst has tormented, and there is not a single source nearby. But suddenly the travelers saw an orange tree on their way, miraculously growing among impregnable bare rocks. Losing strength, exhausted travelers reached the tree, which turned out to be three fruits.

The first traveler, not wanting to waste the last of his strength on peeling the juicy fruit, tried to squeeze the juice out of an orange, but the thick peel let in very little saving moisture, which was not enough to save him from thirst. The second, seeing the fate of the first, tried to eat the whole orange without peeling it. However, the bitter and tough peel stuck in a parched throat. The third took into account the mistakes of the first two. Having spent the last of his strength to remove the peel, he peeled the fruit, and the life-giving pulp saved his life.

So let's drink to the fact that we always take off the bitter peel of quarrels, insults and adversity and revel in the juicy fruits of love!

Once a traveler was walking along a mountain gorge. Suddenly he saw: the ancient elder was planting fruit tree in the garden. The traveler was surprised and asked:

- Father, tell me, how many years will pass before the tree that has grown from the seed you planted begins to bear fruit?

The old man answered him:

- You're right, of course. The fruits will appear no earlier than after a good twenty years. I, most likely, will not live to see it, but let others eat them, as I now eat what my ancestor planted.

I propose a toast to the old man,

So that his covenant does not go out for centuries,

To generosity just like that

Distinguished each of us.

The most beautiful toasts about friends

Friendship in the Caucasus is a sacred concept. It is not without reason that a system of kunachestvo has developed here and still exists. Kunachestvo is a social relationship that makes people among themselves not just friends, but sworn brothers. A highlander is able to give his life for his kunak, and the children and parents of a friend become his own children and parents for him.

Table speeches about friendship occupy a huge place in the corpus of Caucasian toasts. And among them there is not a single comic one, because according to the ideas of Caucasians, they don’t scoff at the saint. Toasts about friends are of a pronounced lyrical nature and are full of a deep sense of gratitude. It is in this category of table speeches, as in no other, in more the original, ancient function of the toast is manifested - prayerful.

Somewhere far away in the mountains lived a beautiful animal. It loved itself very much for its long slender horns, iridescent plumage, large blue eyes and graceful wings. This animal ate only exquisite food and drank only spring water, but every evening it climbed high into the mountains and howled very sadly at the moon. Scientists became interested in the strange behavior of this selfish animal and found out that he simply did not have friends! Let's raise our glasses to the people who won't let us howl with boredom! For friends!

One old Georgian had five friends: one was honest, the second was smart, the third was kind, the fourth was fair, and the fifth was generous. When a Georgian was told about how kind, fair, or smart he was, he always answered: “I have five friends: one is honest, the second is smart, the third is kind, the fourth is fair and the fifth is generous. They taught me how to be!”

I join the opinions of this wise old Georgian and ask you to raise your glasses to my friends!

In the old days, two people lived in one village. One was very economic and was constantly cleaning his yard: now from snow, now from leaves, which constantly covered the road to his house. And the second had many friends, and every day they trampled down the path to his house, so that he did not have to clean anything. So let us raise our glasses to our friends, thanks to whom the road to our homes will not be overgrown and blocked!

A man with a dog was walking along a tiring mountain road. He walked and walked, he was terribly tired, the dog was tired too. Suddenly in front of him - an oasis! Beautiful gates, behind the fence - music, flowers, the murmur of a stream ...

- What it is? the traveler asked the porter.

“This is paradise, you have already died, and now you can enter and rest for real.

- Is there water there?

- As many as you like: clean fountains, cool pools ...

- Will they give you food?

- Whatever you want.

But I have a dog with me.

I'm sorry, but dogs are not allowed. She must be left here.

And the traveler went past ... After a while, the road led him to the farm. The porter also sat at the gate.

“I am thirsty,” the traveler asked.

- Come in, there is a well in the yard.

- And my dog?

- Near the well you will see a drinking bowl.

- What about food?

“I can take you to dinner.”

- And the dog?

- There is a bone.

– What is this place?

- It is a paradise.

- How so? The porter at the palace nearby told me that heaven was there.

- He's lying. There is hell.

- How do you, in paradise, endure this?

- It is very useful for us. Only those who do not abandon their friends reach paradise...

I raise my glass to real and true friends!

Caucasian toasts for an anniversary

Anniversaries in the Caucasus are highly respected. Round dates here are perceived in the same way as other Russians - as a kind of mystical milestone. Often Caucasians compare life with climbing a high mountain, and an anniversary within the framework of this metaphor resembles a mountain plateau where you can take a break and look back at the road you have traveled.

Caucasian toasts for an anniversary are an occasion to remind a person of his merits and achievements. At the same time, the emphasis is not so much on the material aspects of life, but on the valuable personal qualities of the hero of the day.

According to the rules of etiquette, attention should be paid to the toast. When a speech is being made, guests should not talk, eat or serve food, or interrupt the speaker. This is considered a manifestation of disrespect not only to the toast, but also to the hero of the day.

In the Caucasus, they say that God sends people into the world with four purposes: some for suffering, others for boredom, third for eking out a miserable existence, and fourth for giving joy to others. So let's drink to our dear hero of the day, who gives us incomparable joy!

The mountain peoples have one good proverb: “A camel gave birth to a camel cub - even the neighbor did not hear. The hen laid an egg - cackles all over the world. Let's raise our glasses to our humble hero of the day, who knows his business perfectly, but does not ring about it all over the world!

In the Caucasus they say: "It's easy to make people know you, but it's hard to know yourself." I want to wish the dear hero of the day to know himself! This will help him achieve the noble goal that he has set for himself. Happy anniversary, dear!

Congratulations in verse

Traditional Caucasian table speeches, although they have a certain poetic quality, are not pronounced in poetic form. But this does not mean that any congratulation in verse cannot be styled as a Caucasian toast. To create this styling, you need to do two things.

Firstly, the text of the congratulations should include characteristic concepts and images that convey the spirit of Caucasian hospitality or wisdom. This figurative system includes bread and wine, the road, fidelity, respect, perseverance, warm relations between children and parents. Secondly, you need to complete the congratulations with the traditional turn: "Let's drink to ...".

The art of table speeches in the Caucasus is cultivated at the level of national tradition. Caucasian toasts, full of powerful energy, sparkling humor, touching tenderness and deep wisdom, will decorate any feast. Such a speech never looks banal and remains in the memory of guests and heroes of the occasion for a long time.

Remember my son

There are many troubles in life.

Her lessons are both wise and strict.

And yet, probably, there is no worse misfortune,

Than suddenly be without a road.

The road is under the stones or under the sand,

Straight or curved - all the same more expensive

Covered in sadness and longing,

Aimless, empty off-road.

Happy birthday, my son, and let's drink to the fact that the road never leaves under your feet!

I drink, so that for everyone who was not with us today,

Could not drink and eat at this wedding,

We kept the good smell of bread,

which we broke down here.

So that everyone sitting at the table,

For a long time saved in your blood

And mischief, and this invigorating current

Wine, fun, friendship and love.

Let's drink to the young, and let their happiness, like new wine, intoxicate the whole world!

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