Divorce statistics by zodiac signs are the best. Compatibility: Pisces woman and Taurus man. The pros and cons of a couple

The relationship between a Pisces woman and a Taurus man can be very tender and romantic, as they are both quite deep and sentimental. They share each other's craving for peace and comfort - both mental and physical. The Pisces woman and the Taurus man will always converge in their views on relaxation: it is important for them that it is tasty, warm and serene. At first, they will experience the deepest pleasure next to each other, it will seem to them that they have finally found a partner who understands him one hundred percent. But then they get bored, each closes in their shell and they may even turn away from each other - in a figurative sense, of course. It will be difficult for a Taurus man to keep track of the emotional contact between them, and a Pisces woman can let everything take its course, because she badly needs a man to lead the relationship - well, at least outwardly. The Taurus man is not at all one of those, so their love can go out very quickly, as soon as it starts.

In sex, a Pisces woman from a Taurus man may lack initiative and pressure. She is used to being pursued, loves light forms of coercion, it is important for her to feel that she is wanted. The Taurus man, on the other hand, acts freely, but does not press - he does not encroach on someone else's freedom, especially physical. In it, he will lack imagination - it is important for him that the partner is able to quickly switch from one desire to another, invent something new, make their sexuality manifest freely and easily. With a Pisces woman, this is unlikely to happen, but he can enjoy her tenderness and tranquility, and she will receive tremendous physical care that a more active and assertive partner will never give her.

Family and marriage

If they get married, a quiet family life awaits them. Both of them are not the kind of people who like change. Although the Pisces woman is both anxious and dreamy inside, she often thinks about how things could be different, but her hands do not reach the point. She is too inert to start to change something. And the Taurus man is even more malleable and stable in his habits and in his attitude towards people. If he marries her, then it will be for a long time, if not for life.

Taurus man is usually very stable on his feet, he is an absolute materialist and realist. While the Pisces woman is very freedom-loving, she is constantly trying to find herself in creativity and dreams.

Taurus man is usually physically developed and strong, Pisces woman is refined and graceful. They will surely attract each other. But to create a long and strong relationship, both will have to try.

In love courtship, Taurus is persistent and purposeful. He knows how to beautifully look after, which, of course, really likes Pisces. The Pisces woman loves a large number of gentlemen around her, while the Taurus man is very jealous. He is the owner: everything that belongs to him is only his, and no one else has the right to claim it. Therefore, as soon as a man realizes that he wants to be with this woman, wants to build a long relationship with her, he does not delay with a marriage proposal. He worries that the frivolous, in his opinion, Pisces will leave him, and marriage gives guarantees.

The Taurus man is ready to work long and hard for his family, and when he comes home, he wants to be wrapped in affection and care from his wife. If a Pisces woman provides him with such a life, she can become a housewife and be free to realize herself in creativity.

If these two signs begin to proceed from the principles of complementarity, then such a marriage will last a long time and all its members will be happy. The roles in this case will be distributed, as in any patriarchal family. The head of the family is the male Taurus, he is engaged in making money, protecting his family from the threats of the outside world. And the Pisces woman creates a cozy atmosphere and maintains a home. A wife can safely rely on her husband. He always keeps his word, will protect her from any adversity. And when he comes home, Taurus will be surrounded by the warmth and caress of Pisces.

Sometimes it may seem to a woman that her partner limits her freedom, and Pisces is a very freedom-loving zodiac sign. But if she can find self-expression in creativity, home improvement and comfort, then she will not feel miserable. She will feel protected, which is called "like behind a stone wall."

The upbringing of children in the family of Taurus and Pisces is up to the mother. She will take this role with all responsibility and will use different approaches in communicating with her children. But the Taurus man will raise his offspring exactly the way his father raised him. And if he enjoys authority among his children, he will be incredibly happy.

As in any union, the Taurus man and the Pisces woman can have difficulties. But given the features of these two zodiac signs, their marriage can claim to be ideal.

Sexual Compatibility

The compatibility of Pisces and Taurus in the erotic field is very good. The Taurus man is very fond of sex as such, he does it for pleasure. If you have an affair with a Taurus man, be sure that you will never have quick sex. Taurus prefers to enjoy the process itself. He likes to do everything slowly, with feeling and arrangement. But don't expect experiments from him. Taurus is an earth sign, he does not like the unknown. If a Pisces woman wants something new in bed, she needs to tell her partner about it very gently and delicately so as not to scare him away.

The Taurus man is insatiable, there is no place for headaches in his sexual relations. If the Pisces woman did not dream of a tireless lover who is never enough, if she is uncomfortable with frequent physical intimacy, then such a union cannot exist for a long time. Taurus will perceive the refusal of sexual intimacy on the part of Pisces as the loss of the partner's interest in himself, it will be extremely difficult to convince him.

At work and at home

If we consider the compatibility of a Pisces woman and a Taurus man in a work environment, then first of all it is necessary to highlight the strengths and weaknesses of these two signs.

  • Responsible employee, everything he starts brings to the end.
  • Handles monotonous work with ease.
  • Works according to the instructions, there is no creativity.
  • Executor.
  • Can be frivolous about deadlines.
  • Dislikes monotonous work.
  • Adheres to a creative approach.
  • Idea's generator.

From these features, it becomes clear that the Taurus man and the Pisces woman will become ideal business partners. Each of them will complement each other exactly where it is necessary to achieve results.

It is easy for Pisces to work with a subordinate Taurus, because he is a very responsible and executive worker. In such a situation, Taurus dislikes his boss a little for her slight windiness, but this will not affect the quality of work.

But in a situation where Taurus is the leader, and Pisces is a subordinate, it is difficult for both. The leader considers Pisces a bad performer, and she, in turn, considers Taurus a picky tyrant.

Even at the beginning of their life together, their differences are visible and disagreements begin. The grinding period can be quite difficult, because the Pisces woman is very sensitive, she will not immediately be able to accept that her husband is more focused on achieving material wealth. A Taurus man in love cannot calmly endure the fact that she is surrounded by admiring glances, strives for new impressions and begins to be jealous. To maintain a harmonious and long-term relationship, both of them need to work on themselves. Often, spouses have a significant age difference.

2. Good Luck Compatibility: Good

In many ways, they are united by closeness in spirit, common goals and aspirations, which contributes to good luck in all areas of life. It is important that the Taurus man be ready to support the Pisces woman, help her become more open, surround her with care, and give her material stability. He will do all this with pleasure, and she will accept with gratitude.

3. Sexual Compatibility: Good

For sexual harmony in this pair, one attraction is not enough: the Taurus man is more focused on bodily pleasures, and the Pisces woman really appreciates the romantic side in such a relationship. In addition, she is characterized by a manifestation of fantasy and high sensuality, which will help liberate a somewhat conservative male Taurus.

4. Compatibility for wealth and family growth: Good

A very good tandem of representatives of these signs is obtained for professional activities. A hardworking Taurus man can become a reliable performer, and a Pisces woman, with exceptional intuition, is able to generate unusual, creative ideas. In addition, both of them manage to create a positive and comfortable atmosphere in any team.

5. For children: Good

Children are very calm in such a family, they will not feel a lack either in material terms or in manifestations of love from their parents. Both of them prefer to be friends rather than strict educators for their offspring.

Pisces woman and Taurus man

love compatibility

A very good combination of desires and opportunities, spiritual and material. The Taurus man can perfectly cope with the obstinate Pisces woman. Of course, an alliance can have a painful effect on the relationship of those who are used to going their own way without crossing the path of the rest. But they also keep their path clearly, do not like interventions and adjustments. Taurus needs a stable job, he is used to doing something with his very capable hands all the time.

Fish are more comfortable in their "water". These are creative projects, passion for something mystical and unknown. If a romantic representative of the earthly element is impressed by such depths of the soul of the chosen one, then later they even begin to inspire fear. It is interesting to observe the general "structure" of life. In vain, men doubt the ingenuity of Pisces-women. They can do everything perfectly, just sometimes ... they don’t want to.

And everything is here! The main secret of the excellent compatibility of an interesting Pisces woman and a Taurus man is confidence in a partner. Taurus never betray, which impresses an easily vulnerable spouse. The common will be the desire of both partners to invest in the family - some by earning money and maintaining peace, some by raising kids and creating a romantic atmosphere. These two could be made for each other! So you need to hold your happiness in your hands more tightly, because it is sometimes as elusive as the changeable Pisces girl.

Sexual Compatibility

On this battlefield, too, everything can be in perfect order. The compatibility of Pisces and Taurus is at a high level. The “earthly” partner wants to please his partner so much that he agrees to work on it to the point of complete exhaustion (although Venus shared generous reserves of sensuality and activity with representatives of this sign).

Pisces will be touched by such a sensitive attitude to tears. A girl can even succumb to her beloved, just not to disappoint. But she can achieve her own (spiritual union with a partner) using an "erogenous" technique with her star Ox. It is worth lighting candles and stretching his back, as he will go to the ends of the earth for his Vasilisa the Wise, born under the sign of the mysterious Pisces.

At work and at home

There may be an “awkward pause” here, since it is difficult for Pisces to work in a team. It is easier for them to work independently, alone with their dual nature. Taurus, such mental anxieties are alien.

The best scenario is when Pisces leads, using foresight and almost extrasensory intuition, and the hard workers of the earth element do everything to the highest standard, as best they can. So the compatibility of Pisces and Taurus will be able to better reveal astrological talents to the fullest.

Lidia Lunkova

If you take Pisces and Taurus, then these are completely different people. The first ones are dreamy, live in their own little world, abstract from problems, and wait for help from outside. The second - practical, economical, thrifty, live in the real world. It would seem, how can these 2 people find a common language, and even be together? But this union is quite possible, but subject to certain points.

Taurus plays the leading role in these relationships. Pisces do not know how and do not like to be in charge, they always give in to their partner. Taurus is quite capable of earning more Pisces to support a family. The water sign does not bother this state of affairs at all. They go with the flow. Taurus likes this serenity, kindness in them.. These people are different and similar at the same time. In addition, their sexual compatibility is very high. Such relationships may well be harmonious and long-lasting.

Compatibility Chart for Pisces and Taurus

Taurus are practical and live in the real world.

Pisces Man and Taurus Woman Compatibility: Pros and Cons of Relationships

Love for the "dolce vita" unites these two signs. They wholeheartedly for the luxury, beauty and rich furnishings of the house. The only difference is that Pisces are lazy who do not lift a finger for the sake of prosperity, they are waiting for the money to sail into their hands, fall from heaven. BUT Taurus are hard workers. They achieve everything on their own, earn, save, buy a house, a car. But if only Pisces already have their own home, and even with a garden, then this is the best bait for Taurus.

People around are rarely aware of any worries and problems occurring in the family, where she is Taurus, and he is Pisces. These people are not talkative and do not take dirty linen out of the hut. From the side they are optimistic, positive people, a kind of merry laughter. Moreover, they receive these qualities already in cohabitation.

The Taurus woman is responsible for the financial side. She's kind of a provider. Pisces feel material security in this union, and they like it. No, they are not gigolos, but they will not take active measures to earn money. They live for today and if they don't have money now, maybe tomorrow they will.

The Taurus girl is a wonderful hostess. She creates coziness in the house, and here they always feed deliciously.

In response to this, Pisces give their chosen ones many compliments, sincere feelings, they feed romanticism in relationships. At their core, Taurus is completely unemotional and unromantic, and Pisces reveals them in a new way. "Earthly" women work hard, come home tired and exhausted: This is where Pisces comes in.. They care, sympathize, understand their chosen one.

But there are also pitfalls in these relationships. For example, a completely different worldview. Pisces often withdraw into themselves, they simply stop talking. And even any attempts to talk to them will not be successful. Taurus, on the other hand, approach every problem rationally, they need to clearly know: what, when, why. But they will not wait for answers to these questions from their partners, and therefore they will not be able to help them.

Often Pisces problems are related to psychology, and not to some everyday affairs. If such a situation happens, Taurus do not understand what they want from them and do nothing. Pisces are offended by the partner’s inaction and close even more. As a result, Taurus is offended in response to the fact that guilt is being imposed on her. None of the couple will be the first to reconcile. So, being offended, don’t understand what, they can come to the decision to part.

To avoid such problems, Taurus will have to develop their own intuition, there is potential for this. And already at the level of the "sixth sense" to understand what the problem is with Pisces. By the way, very often the representative of the water sign is offended by the slightly rude humor of Taurus.

The different worldview of Taurus and Pisces does not prevent them from being together

Are they compatible in love?

The relationship of the Taurus woman and the Pisces man is a mirror image of the standard relationship, where the man is the head, practical, clear, restrained, and the woman is emotional and sensual. Here everything happens the other way around. And everyone is happy with this state of affairs. In general, the union is harmonious, because they are united by a common cause, business, interests and hobbies.

It is imperative that there is a specific goal in their life, otherwise both of these signs may start to be lazy.

Pisces guy and Taurus girl in sex

In bed, their relationship develops perfectly. Perhaps they will not understand each other's needs the first time, but over time, they both open up and complement each other. Pisces are sensual in sex, emotions are important to them, they can engage in foreplay for hours, speak beautiful words, and all this is done in a romantic setting. Taurus, on the contrary, are fond of the physical side of the process. Pisces are dreamers, and Taurus are conservative. These contradictions of theirs only increase the attraction. As a result, Taurus learn to be emotional, and Pisces pay attention to the physical part. Both partners are satisfied!

Are they suitable for each other in marriage?

Their marriage union has a strong foundation. This is love, and loyalty, devotion, support. The wife in this case is the head, and the husband is the support. They are connected by tender feelings, good sex. Their marriage may well be happy and successful, and it can last for many years.

The marriage union of Taurus and Pisces has a strong foundation

Is there friendship if he is Pisces and she is Taurus

Friendship to be in this combination of signs! Their relationship is harmonious, they both love peace and quiet, go to the theater, cinema or a cafe. They understand each other perfectly, and they have something to talk about. A more serious relationship between friends Pisces-Taurus is unlikely. Taurus is not one of those who will change something, and Pisces will not waste energy, seek a person if there are obstacles in their way: a husband, a partner of a Taurus girl or himself.

How to win a Pisces man?

The Pisces man lacks practicality and realism in life. Their little world is a little fictional, they are full of ideas and plans, but rarely carry them out. Therefore, they just need such an “earthly” person as Taurus. Pisces are attracted by the practicality and rationality of Taurus, their ability to earn money and make dreams come true. They complement each other, add their "skills" to the partner. Pisces gives Taurus dreaminess and sensuality, while Taurus gives Pisces realism.

Taurus will not even have to conquer Pisces: representatives of the water sign will simply like them, they are attracted to each other

How to get the attention of a Taurus woman?

The Taurus woman pays a lot of attention to the appearance of the chosen one, his social status. She will never look at a person of low social status. They are attracted to physically developed, interesting men in decent clothes. Usually, representatives of this sign are impressed by strong, powerful men who will manage the house and solve problems. But specifically in Pisces, they are attracted by romanticism and sensuality, which Taurus themselves lack so much.

She welcomes trips to expensive restaurants, good gifts. She is an important material component of life. This does not mean that she is greedy for money, but rich and wealthy people still attract her more. But how can Pisces men leave a comment in the soul of this girl, in fact, rarely having luggage on their shoulders? Just Pisces know how to splurge. They are dreamers and believe in what they dream about. They can perfectly “persuade” Taurus that what they are thinking about will soon turn into truth. Taurus are led and fall more in love with the chosen one. As a result, their romance turns into a serious relationship.

A Taurus woman will never look at a person of low social status.

Compatibility Horoscope for Pisces Woman and Taurus Man

The union, where she is Pisces, and he is Taurus, can rightfully be called ideal. Compared to the combination where he is Pisces and she is Taurus, this one is more harmonious. This is a vivid example of a standard relationship, where a man is the head, and a woman is weak and driven. They are united by strong feelings, fidelity, physical attraction to each other. Their marriage can last for many years. Pisces by nature do not like to work again, but in alliance with Taurus, these women open up and become wonderful housewives. Making money is the prerogative of Taurus, he is the earner, the head of the family, the patron.

Love relationship

The initiative at the beginning of a serious relationship in this pair always comes from Taurus. Pisces are practically not able to take the first steps, they expect this from a strong, powerful man. They are united by a thirst for peace, love for sophistication and beauty in the interior, and throughout life.

They get along well together, especially if they are financially secure.

Taurus is well aware that his chosen one is not as responsible and practical as he is. But she gives him great love, she will be faithful to him.

couple sexual attraction

The bed is almost the best place for this couple to spend their leisure time. Their sexual compatibility is excellent. They are like 2 parts of the same puzzle, bringing together the best qualities and manifestations of each. Pisces are sensual, romantic natures, they crave emotionality and show it to the fullest. The Taurus guy is responsible for the physical side of the process. Pisces bring variety to sex, they have a wonderful fantasy. Even at the beginning of a relationship and in the process of getting to know these people, they are drawn to each other like a magnet.

The bed is one of the best places for a Pisces-Taurus couple to spend their leisure time.


In marriage, these people do not become different, do not change their habits, lifestyle. Therefore, after a normal relationship, life together will not bring any surprises to spouses. The Pisces wife is often offended by the “insensitive”, in her opinion, Taurus husband. Earth signs usually do not differ in emotions, feelings, compassion for a loved one. They are alien to the thoughts of Pisces of a psychological nature. They do not understand what a woman wants from them. As a result, the Pisces close in so strongly that it is then difficult to fish them out of this cocoon in which they hid.

If the Taurus husband shows patience and tact to his beloved, listens to her, tries to understand, then the conflict will be settled

Usually their marriage is doomed to happiness and long years of marriage.. You will never hear scandals or long disputes in this family. They are used to resolving conflicts calmly and measuredly. Their whole life is like this: calm and measured, they are in no hurry anywhere. But they are not bored together. And if the partners have common interests, then there are no problems in their relationship at all. Hobbies unite them even more.

How are the Pisces girl and the Taurus guy?

These two will become pleasant conversationalists.. Such topics are especially close to them: art, cinema, theater. They can be together for hours, and they will not be bored. If Pisces and Taurus do not have a couple, then the transition from friendship to love is possible. However, if both have partners, then they should not worry about the betrayal of their chosen ones.

The Pisces girl and the Taurus guy will be pleasant conversationalists for each other

How to win a Taurus man and build a relationship with him?

At first sight the Taurus man seems unapproachable, stingy with words, uncommunicative and even gloomy person. Partly it is. But this happens only with unfamiliar people. In the process of communication, he opens up, becomes talkative, but still not rich in emotions. But this is man - strong, courageous, breadwinner.

How to win it? Here are some tips for conquering this fortress:

  1. In relationships, he often occupies a leading position, so he needs a girl who is guided, submissive, he is used to taking everything into his own hands.
  2. Topics for conversation that most suit the interests of Taurus: work, business, finances. It will be interesting for him to talk on less important topics, for example, cinema. He is not averse to discussing the latest motion picture that was released on the screens.
  3. In women, he is attracted to: practicality, frugality, family values, thriftiness.
  4. He can be repelled by stories about a girl’s partying, thoughtless spending of money, extravagance, disrespect for loved ones and people around her.

To please a Taurus man, let him know that you are his support and are ready to help if necessary.

After all, he can not boast of having close friends.

Is it possible to fall in love with a Pisces woman?

It is important for the Pisces Girl to see support and support in a man. This applies not only to the material sphere, but more still refers to the psychological side. Therefore, she is looking for a reliable, practical, worthy person who is able to protect her from all the troubles and problems of this mortal world. That is why you can fall in love with her with manifestations of care, understanding, warmth. Maybe, Taurus is not a standard of sincerity, but the Pisces woman still sees support in them.

Pisces girl is looking for a reliable, practical and decent person

What to do to conquer the sensual Pisces and lure them into your "aquarium":

  1. She is looking for compassion, support, warmth from a man. Give it to her. You should clearly feel the mood swings of the emotional Pisces.
  2. Throw away callousness, rudeness in conversation. She is attracted to soft, but moderately strong people.
  3. She will melt from compliments and reading poetry.
  4. As a place for a date, choose those that are located near the water. It can be a cafe on the pier, or maybe a picnic on the beach by the sea (or river, lake).
  5. Pisces Girl appreciates sincerity and openness. The more you talk about yourself, the better.

She does not intend to enter into short-term relationships for the sake of sex, she needs a perspective on the future.

July 22, 2018, 18:05
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