How is the Day of the Mentally Ill celebrated in Germany?

Ekaterina Shcherbina, specially for ReporterUA 14 Feb 2013 - 10:33

Today the whole world celebrates Valentine's Day. Did you know that February 14 is celebrated not only as Valentine’s Day, but also some other rather interesting holidays?

So, February 14 is the 45th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. Quite an unusual day, it should be noted, with its own interesting history. They say that Valentine's Day has been on the calendar of celebrations for more than 16 centuries, but holidays of love existed in earlier times - even during pagan culture. The most striking example is Rome, where in mid-February the Lupercalia festival of eroticism was held in honor of the goddess of “feverish” love Juno Februata and the god Faun, the patron saint of herds.

But, as already indicated, February 14 should not be identified only with Valentine's Day. Let's give an example.

On this day, you can safely congratulate all your familiar programmers, because February 14 is also considered an unofficial, but widely celebrated Computer Scientist Day in this specialty. The fact is that it was on this day, 1946, that the first, actually working electronic computer, ENIAC I, was presented to the whole world. As you know, before that there were many attempts to design a computer, but these were only prototypes and not entirely successful experiments. ENIAC became the first electronic computer working on practical problems. By the way, it was from him that modern computers inherited the binary number system.

February 14 is celebrated quite unusually in Japan, where every year on this day they celebrate their favorite holiday - Hadaka Matsuri, in other words - Naked Men Day.

Japanese men wear only loincloths and spend the entire day chasing the same completely naked man. At the same time, everyone tries to touch each other, because, according to the main tradition of the holiday, this touch saves a person from all his misfortunes. Well, let's hope this is so, because otherwise pneumonia cannot be avoided.

Something completely funny, and perhaps even absurd, may appear before us on February 14 in Germany. On this day, people with mental disabilities are honored there. According to the Germans, Valentine is the patron saint of all mentally ill people. Residents of Germany decorate hospitals with scarlet ribbons and small images of angels, and special services are held in chapels with prayers for the repose of Valentine’s soul and for the health of patients with mental illness. Although, it should be noted, some find something symbolic in this coincidence of completely different holidays. This is mainly the opinion of skeptics and simply those who hate Valentine's Day.

Another, no less interesting holiday that Bulgarians celebrate on February 14 is the festival of winegrowers. It is held in honor of the Christian priest Tryphon, who was executed in 250 in Nicaea. Here, by the way, a parallel can be drawn with the case of Valentin, who faced the same fate. If you believe the legend, then on the day of Tryphon’s execution, insects attacked all the vineyards of the country, and the winegrowers called on him to protect their harvest. They call it slaughtered because, according to tradition, the vines were pruned on this day in order to get a large harvest in the fall. In modern times, St. Tryphon's Day is celebrated not only by winegrowers, but also by gardeners, gardeners and even owners of wine taverns.

Religious holidays did not pass by this day either. For example, on February 14, Hindus praise Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and education, while Catholics glorify the enlighteners of the Slavs, the patrons of Europe, the creators of the Slavic alphabet - Saints Cyril and Methodius. Also this year, the date of one of the largest events in Switzerland – the Berne Carnival – fell on February 14th. It takes place every year and attracts a large number of tourists to the capital of Switzerland. In recent years, this carnival has become much more popular, with approximately 50 thousand people attending. This figure gave third place in the ranking of the most popular carnivals in the country.

As you can see, February 14 boasts a variety of holidays. The choice is only yours on what exactly to congratulate your loved ones, parents, friends and just people who are important. The main thing is not to make a mistake with this decision.

Today the whole world celebrates Valentine's Day. Did you know that February 14 is celebrated not only as Valentine’s Day, but also some other rather interesting holidays?

So, February 14 is the 45th day of the year in the Gregorian calendar. Quite an unusual day, it should be noted, with its own interesting history. They say that Valentine's Day has been on the calendar of celebrations for more than 16 centuries, but holidays of love existed in earlier times - even during pagan culture. The most striking example is Rome, where in mid-February the Lupercalia festival of eroticism was held in honor of the goddess of “feverish” love Juno Februata and the god Faun, the patron saint of herds.

But, as already indicated, February 14 should not be identified only with Valentine's Day. Let's give an example.

On this day, you can safely congratulate all your familiar programmers, because February 14 is also considered an unofficial, but widely celebrated Computer Scientist Day in this specialty. The fact is that it was on this day in 1946 that the first really working electronic computer, ENIAC I, was presented to the whole world. As you know, before that there were many attempts to design a computer, but these were only prototypes and not entirely successful experiments. ENIAC became the first electronic computer working on practical problems. By the way, it was from him that modern computers inherited the binary number system.

February 14 is celebrated quite unusually in Japan, where every year on this day they celebrate their favorite holiday - Hadaka Matsuri, in other words - Naked Men Day.

Japanese men wear only loincloths and spend the entire day chasing the same completely naked man. At the same time, everyone tries to touch each other, because, according to the main tradition of the holiday, this touch saves a person from all his misfortunes. Well, let's hope this is so, because otherwise pneumonia cannot be avoided.

February 14th in Germany may appear completely ridiculous, and perhaps even absurd. On this day, people with mental disabilities are honored there. According to the Germans, Valentine is the patron saint of all mentally ill people. Residents of Germany decorate hospitals with scarlet ribbons and small images of angels, and special services are held in chapels with prayers for the repose of Valentine’s soul and for the health of patients with mental illness. Although, it should be noted, some find something symbolic in this coincidence of completely different holidays. This is mainly the opinion of skeptics and simply those who hate Valentine's Day.

Another equally interesting holiday that Bulgarians celebrate on February 14 is the winegrowers' holiday. It is held in honor of the Christian priest Tryphon, who was executed in 250 in Nicaea. Here, by the way, a parallel can be drawn with the case of Valentin, who faced the same fate. If you believe the legend, then on the day of Tryphon’s execution, insects attacked all the vineyards of the country, and the winegrowers called on him to protect their harvest. They call it slaughtered because, according to tradition, the vines were pruned on this day in order to get a large harvest in the fall. In modern times, St. Tryphon's Day is celebrated not only by winegrowers, but also by gardeners, gardeners and even owners of wine taverns.

Religious holidays did not pass by this day either. For example, on February 14, Hindus praise Saraswati, the goddess of knowledge and education, while Catholics glorify the enlighteners of the Slavs, the patrons of Europe, the creators of the Slavic alphabet - Saints Cyril and Methodius. Also this year, the date of one of the largest events in Switzerland – the Berne Carnival – fell on February 14th. It takes place every year and attracts a large number of tourists to the capital of Switzerland. In recent years, this carnival has become much more popular, with approximately 50 thousand people visiting it. This figure gave third place in the ranking of the most popular carnivals in the country.

The Fairy Tail Guild is the noisiest...Yes, what a banal beginning! In general, today is February 14th on the calendar! Valentine's Day, the day of hearts, chocolate and sweet declarations of love..Bee...So, let's not go around and look at the guild. Soooo, what do we see? The building is divided into two unequal parts, on the larger side the entire female half was now running around, every now and then either putting something on the table or adding decorations to the walls, windows, tables, chairs, in general, to everything that was on their half. And on the other side now sat a slightly perplexed and dissatisfied male half. Ask why they were unhappy? The answer is simple: they thought that as soon as they entered the guild they would immediately be showered with valentines with confessions and chocolates, but instead the guild members simply divided the building and sent the guys to their half.

Near the bar stood a miniature blue-haired girl with brown eyes, she stood uneasy and chilled while her friends were preparing for the holiday, she was gnawing on a valentine on which a multi-story building was depicted and if you look closely, you can see the inscription in beautiful “handwriting” on this building it says “Mental Hospital 449". So, gnawing on this half-Valentine, the girl was reading the book “How to organize a holiday quickly and without consequences.” Oh, and this girl's name was Levy McGarden, you could say the BRAIN of Fairy Tail. Levy might have continued to read in peace if a guy with a frightening appearance hadn’t suddenly approached her. This guy’s name was Gajeel Redfox, Iron Dragon Slayer of the 1st generation.

Hey! Little one, what the hell is going on with you?

The girl, looking up from her book, looked at the Sogiedelian not kindly.

There's nothing wrong with us, but is there something wrong?

Yes, not like that. Today is actually Valentine's Day! Where are our gifts? -The girl, having closed the book while memorizing the page, approached the brunette, adjusting her speed reading glasses, she looked into his eyes with some challenge.

Why are we scared to give you gifts? We don't actually celebrate this stupid holiday.

Little one, why are you making a fuss? Why did you divide the guild buildings then? You've decorated your half and now you're sorting the table, huh?

Mgh...If you don’t know...Although, how do you know, well, okay, in general, February 14 is also celebrated as the Day of the Mentally Ill, or, to put it simply, the Day of the Mentally Ill. And therefore, if you want a gift, I will gladly give you a straitjacket.” The wordsmith, smiling sweetly, went to her friends. Redfox stood in place for about three minutes, turned around, and went to his comrades in misfortune to tell him what he had dug up.

Have they gone completely crazy?! - Salamander was indignant.

It seems that it’s not in vain that they gathered to celebrate the day of psychos. - the exhibitionist said shaking his head
Gray Fullbuster.

Okay, let’s hope that they will come to their senses and take pity and invite us to their table, otherwise my mouth is already watering from this smell. - Having said this, Natsu Dragneel fell into a chair.

Yeah! - Having supported him, everyone began to observe the cooking process.

In 1.5 hours.
The girls had everything ready, but they were in no hurry to invite the guys to them as they began a conversation.

Levichka, why didn’t you tell Gajeel about your feelings? -The ash-haired beauty Mira Strauss asked with a smile on her face.

N-no... - Blushing McGarden spluttered.

And why? are you really afraid? Are you chickening out? I didn't know you were such a coward. - The sober Cana Alberona joined the conversation.

I'm not a coward! And I’m not afraid at all! Just... just... - The girl lowered her head looking at her new shoes.

What is simple?! It’s not for nothing that you spent the whole day yesterday preparing chocolate for him. Go ahead and admit it! -The third girl already said this, her name was Lucy Heartfilia.

But I’ll go and confess!

Well, then go! - Having said this, the friends began to push Levi towards the guys’ table.

The guys, seeing their fellow guildmates approaching them, immediately perked up.

Boys, would you like to join us? - Mira asked with the same smile, looking at one green-haired Thunderer.

We have booze! - The brown-haired girl exclaimed joyfully, already taking the lightning mage’s shirt by the sleeve and pulling it along with her.

And a whole table of food! “The Sorcerer said this, looking at one pink-haired miracle, whose eyes sparkled and his mouth filled with saliva from the word “food.”
The guys, without objecting, happily went straight to the table where the other girls were waiting for them. Near that table, only the embarrassed wordsmith and the grinning Dragon Slayer remained.

Did the little one want something?
-G-gazhik, in general, let's go out. -The girl was embarrassed. After all, it’s one thing to just talk to him, but then Confess!
-Let's go.

The couple went outside. It was already dark, the dark blue sky was decorated with trillions of stars.
-AND? What did you want? -The guy was the first to break the silence, as he was interested in what she would say, especially since he smelled the smell of chocolate close, VERY close.

I' - The blue-haired woman handed the brunette a beautiful package with a bow.

Oh, did you really make chocolate for me? I'm surprised little one. - The scarlet-eyed man said, taking the gift from the girl’s hands.

I could have said thank you!

Thank you. Don't you want to tell me anything? - Redfox said with a satisfied grin looking at the rosy brown eye.

Y-yes...N-no...It doesn't matter! I will go. - Levi turned around and just wanted to go back to the guild, but they unceremoniously grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her tightly to her strong body. -W-w-what are you..

Oh, little one, you can’t finish anything to the end..Hehe..-After that, the guy planted a passionate kiss on “Malkay’s” lips.

Then a joyful cry was heard from the guild; all the female representatives of the guild who were watching this picture could not resist and screamed “FINALLY!!!” But the lovers did not pay attention to this, but simply continued to kiss against the backdrop of the moon, as in snotty romantic novels.

February 14... Everyone knows what date this is and what holiday is celebrated on this day by people all over the world. But there are several interesting points that are worth mentioning separately. For example, did you know that February 14th is Mental Ill Day in Germany?

Truth or lie?

Many people, by the way, know about this interesting fact. And others do not believe that February 14 is the Day of the Mental Ill in Germany. Well, it’s worth looking into this issue.

In fact, it is not surprising that the Germans dubbed February 14th as the Day of the Mentally Ill. In Germany, everyone clearly understands that love is the most real clouding of the mind. And, by the way, everyone who has at least once been hit by Cupid’s arrow knows this. However, the Germans are famous for their meticulousness, so that is why February 14th is the Day of the Mental Ill in Germany. By the way, this is not just a date. On this day, the Germans decorate psychiatric hospitals with a special attribute - ribbons, balloons and posters. And churches hold special services on this occasion. So the information that the Day of the Mentally Ill is celebrated on February 14 in Germany is actually true.

Common holiday

But in fact, one more nuance should be highlighted. Valentine's Day is celebrated everywhere - Germany is no exception. Mental Illness Day is an additional reason to celebrate February 14th. The windows of German shops are filled to capacity the day before with various cute trinkets and attractive souvenirs. The Germans are happy to congratulate by presenting flowers, cards, soft toys, pendants and bracelets. In general, everything that will bring joy to a person.

Many German brands, by the way, offer quite substantial discounts in honor of February 14th. So this is a good time for good shopping. It is worth noting that pedantic Germans, accustomed to saving their time, make purchases via the Internet. Online stores in Germany also meet their customers halfway, offer pleasant discounts and organize various promotions.

Returning to the fact that in Germany the Day of the Mentally Ill is February 14, it is worth noting a few more interesting nuances. The Germans consider St. Valentine the patron saint of people suffering from mental disorders. It should also be said that the Day of the Mentally Ill (February 14) is also the day of flower shops. Why? Everything is logical - after all, it is on this day that flowers are snapped up like hot cakes. On no other day of the year is such a rush and demand for roses observed. By the way, in this wonderful country the most popular gift is a large bouquet of scarlet roses.

And on the Day in Germany they launch a special express train. What is its peculiarity? The problem is that only single people who want to meet someone buy tickets for this train. A very interesting idea. By the way, this express train is popular. Few Germans want to spend a wonderful day alone. Therefore, they buy a ticket, board the train and choose their interlocutor. After the express train arrives at the final station, the resulting couple (or company) will be invited to a bar or restaurant. There they can get to know each other in a more romantic atmosphere. A few days later, participants are sent contact details of the person they liked.

German traditions

The people of Germany are very cheerful and friendly people who love to have fun. And February 14 is one of those holidays that they celebrate on a grand scale. Germans enjoy going to bars, walking around the city, baking traditional icing for this holiday, spending time with their loved ones (even if there is no loved one - it is not unusual to spend this day with friends or family), shopping or on their own make gifts. By the way, if a tourist happens to be in Germany at this time, he may see very unusual souvenirs on sale, dedicated specifically to Valentine’s Day, for example, figurines in the form of couples in unambiguous poses.

The Germans celebrate February 14th in a very unusual way. Many of them attend services on this day and help mentally ill people.

A little history

Valentine's Day is named for two of the many early Christian martyrs named Valentine. In some dioceses of the Catholic Church, the memory of St. Valentine is celebrated on this day. The history of Valentine's Day dates back to the Lupercalia of Ancient Rome. Lupercalia is a festival of eroticism in honor of the goddess of “feverish” love Juno Februata and the god Faun (Luperc is one of his nicknames), the patron saint of herds, which was celebrated annually on February 14. In ancient times, infant mortality was very high. In 276 BC. e. Rome nearly died out as a result of an “epidemic” of stillbirths and miscarriages. The oracle informed that in order to increase the birth rate, a ritual of corporal punishment (flogging) of women using sacrificial skin is necessary. After the feast, young people took whips made from the skins of sacrificial animals and went into the city to flog women. These celebrations became so popular that even when many other pagan holidays were abolished with the advent of Christianity, this one still existed for a long time.

In 494 AD e. Pope Gelasius I tried to ban Lupercalia. The holiday, which replaced Lupercalia, was assigned a heavenly patron - Saint Valentine, whom in 269 AD. e. The Roman Emperor Claudius II ordered his death for his preaching activities among young people. He was executed on February 14. He was later canonized by the church.

Valentines - love messages - are also directly related to St. Valentine: according to legend, the cruel Roman Emperor Claudius II decided that a single man - without a family, wife and obligations - would better fight for his homeland, and forbade men to get married, and women and girls to go out marry the men you love. And Saint Valentine sympathized with unhappy lovers and secretly sanctified the marriages of loving men and women. This soon became known, and Valentin was thrown into prison, where he met the warden’s beautiful daughter, Julia. Before his death, a priest in love wrote a declaration of love to his beloved girl - a Valentine card.

In the world

For Germans, February 14 is primarily the Day of All Madmen, because St. Valentine is the patron saint of the mentally ill. On this day, special services are held in German chapels with prayers for the repose of Valentine’s soul and for the health of patients with mental disabilities. On this day, orderlies and doctors decorate hospitals with scarlet ribbons and small images of angels.

In Japan, this holiday became widespread in the post-war period, when European trends began to influence the culture of life. The main gift is chocolate, but it is not the stronger sex who gives such gifts, but vice versa.

In the United States, Valentine's Day began to be celebrated later than in Europe - since 1777. In the 50s of the 20th century, sweets began to be placed in heart-shaped cardboard boxes. Also, a week before the holiday, American schoolchildren cut out hearts from papier-mâché, paint them and make various inscriptions. These hearts are given to lonely, unhappy and sick people, reports

In Israel, this holiday does not take on such a scale as in Catholic countries, but in recent years, in Israeli restaurants, especially in Tel Aviv, parties and romantic evenings have been held on Valentine's Day. On Valentine's Day, ladies are recommended to wear red, and men should not forget to give their girlfriends scarlet flowers and chocolates. Interestingly, Israel and the Palestinian Authority supply more red flowers to Europe for Valentine's Day than for March 8th.

On this day, Ukraine celebrates the Day of the Radiation, Chemical and Biological Protection of the Armed Forces of the country.

In Bulgaria and Serbia, February 14 is the feast of the winegrowers of St. Tryphon, of whom he is the patron saint. Numerous rituals are associated with this holiday in both countries. Serbs believe that winter ends on this day.

But in Islamic countries this holiday is not celebrated at all - Islam perceives it extremely negatively.

In Russia, the holiday is secular in nature; the attitude of the Catholic and Orthodox churches to this holiday is ambiguous. The religious community believes that the tradition of celebrating Valentine's Day is based on the Roman pagan holiday “Lupercalia”. Currently, the Catholic Church celebrates on this day the memory of Saints Cyril and Methodius, educators of the Slavs.

February 14 is also an unofficial holiday for all computer geeks. On this day, back in 1946, the scientific world first saw a really working computer capable of performing practical tasks - ENIAC (ENIAC I: Electrical Numerical Integrator And Calculator), writes the website The first electronic digital computer was radically different from what we have now - it weighed about 30 tons and occupied an entire room. ENIAC operated successfully until October 2, 1955, when it was turned off and dismantled.

And February 4th is International Book Day.

About future

Scientists have set a new date for the end of the world - February 14, 2013. No one has ever seen the celestial body, but scientists say that it flew by at the end of 2012. And the end of the world will come as a result of a pole reversal. Nibiru will begin to move away from the Earth in its orbit only after July 1, 2014, reports the website with reference to

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