Auditing the financial statements of the enterprise. Accounting audit Occupation IFRS specialist

An accounting audit is a verification of the reliability and correctness of accounting and the compliance of the submitted tax and financial statements with the actual indicators of the economic and financial activities of the organization. The purpose of an accounting audit is to identify weaknesses in the activities of an enterprise and develop a system to improve its efficiency, as well as to protect against risks associated with tax audits. The auditor compares the results of the financial and economic activities of the company with the current legislation of the Russian Federation, checks the relevance of accounting and reporting in accordance with the amendments to the law. Among other things, the audit of financial statements is intended to certify the data contained in the documentation, the correctness of its execution.

An audit of financial statements involves a complete study of all financial data and indicators in detail. Accounting audit can be external and internal. The external one is carried out by an independent audit company, and the internal one is carried out by the employees of the audited organization, the owner, founders, and so on.

An audit may be mandatory, in which cases and when it is carried out, its regulations are specified in the relevant law. If the audit is carried out at the request of the customer, it is called initiative. As a rule, a professional audit team is invited for an initiative audit, with which a contract for the provision of services is concluded. The organization acts as a client. The contractor and the client in the contract indicate the goals, procedure, objects of verification and other details, after which the document is signed by both parties, and the verification begins.

What is accounting reporting? These are documents that contain information about the property on the balance sheet of the organization, financial flows and economic activity of the enterprise, which are formed at a given frequency. Typically, reports on current activities within the company are generated monthly, sometimes weekly. It depends both on the type of activity of the organization, and on the policy set by the owner or management. An annual mandatory audit is carried out with verification of all documents.

What is accounting

What reporting is provided during the audit? Documents vary in frequency and content. Here are the main types of reporting:

  • Internal documentation - documents that are in circulation exclusively within the company or enterprise.
  • External documents are papers provided for reporting and control to inspection bodies, investors, clients.
  • Annual reports are documents reflecting all the economic and financial activities of the organization carried out during one calendar year.
  • Interim reports, as a rule, are compiled periodically: weekly, monthly, quarterly, and contain data on movements for the corresponding period.
  • Private reporting reflects the activities of any department or area of ​​the company.
  • General reporting includes data on all activities of the enterprise as a whole.

An audit of accounting may include an audit of specific documents for a certain period of time, an annual audit is mandatory and involves an audit of all company documentation.

The following are subject to audit: the report on the results of the financial activity of the enterprise, the balance sheet, the report on changes in capital and the report on the movements of financial flows. Accounting explanations or additional reports may be attached.

What is revealed during the audit

During the audit of the accounting of the enterprise, the following indicators are checked:

  • Availability, composition and content of the submitted documents
  • Correspondence of data from different reports to each other
  • Logical and hereditary connection of financial statements
  • Correct control of reporting items
  • The correctness of the preparation of consolidated financial statements

As a result of the audit, a number of violations in the organization's reporting may be identified. The auditors draw up a conclusion on the identified violations and recommendations. This conclusion is provided to the regulatory authorities and management of the organization.

The development of the world economy and the economy of each state separately, generates demand for certain specialties. which are rapidly gaining momentum in our country, have made accounting, analysis and audit training very popular. But today there are higher requirements for this profession. Let's consider this specialty in more detail.

Accounting, analysis and audit are the most important areas of work for any enterprise or any company. The demand for high-level specialists is huge. Therefore, professionals in this field can find employment in almost any field. But they must know accounting, analysis and audit in accordance with the latest trends in this activity.

Higher educational institutions train specialists with a basic set of knowledge in many areas of market and economic relations. This applies primarily to the field of accounting. Proper conduct of the enterprise, in accordance with established standards, accounting for the assets of the enterprise, obligations to other participants in market relations, investments and much more, is an important aspect of training.

In addition, a specialist in this field should be able to analyze the state of the financial part of the company and the results of work and predict its further development. Education of students in the direction of accounting, analysis and audit implies knowledge in the field of audit, both within the enterprise and outside it.

The most important part of the work of any enterprise is They imply not only cash, but also credit relations with other organizations. This issue is considered in the process of training a specialist broadly enough to reveal all the nuances of this area.

Market relations concern everyone Their rapid development requires knowledge in the field of management, marketing and other areas. Therefore, when preparing specialists in the field of accounting, analysis and audit, these new directions in the economy are widely studied.

Graduates of educational institutions of various levels in this direction are employed in accounting and analytical work. Also, the knowledge gained during the entire training allows you to work in the field of control and audit services and audit.

This profession is in demand in the field of consulting, in organizational and managerial positions, and in regulatory and methodological work.

In any case, the work is associated with cash, various assets, income and expenses, as well as the results of the facility.

Due to the high requirements in the field of accounting, analysis and audit, a specialist must thoroughly understand market relations, both within a single state and in the world. He must know the structure of the world and Russian economy, understand the processes that are taking place there. The most important requirement is the availability of knowledge in the system of accounting and business activities.

We can say that today there are high requirements for graduates of the accounting, analysis and audit course. The specialty requires skills in all areas of the economy and market relations. Only in this case it is possible to find and achieve great success in this area.

Can apply his knowledge while working in any credit institution, bank, treasury and extra-budgetary funds, in an audit company, control and audit service, accounting departments of any enterprise.

The profession is in great demand at the moment, but you need to become a good specialist in your field, who has all the necessary knowledge and skills.

Accounting and audit

Definition 1

Term audit implies different meanings depending on the general meaning and industry. In a general sense, audit is a branch of economic activity and a discipline under study. In a narrow view, an audit refers exclusively to the activity of conducting audits of financial (accounting) and accounting data, as well as the expression of the auditor's opinion on the compliance of the reporting submitted for verification in the form of a written audit report.

Definition 2

Auditing- a synonym for the concept of audit - is a procedure for independent verification and evaluation of reporting, reporting data, economic and commercial activities of an organization, as well as a system, process, project or product. The term audit is most often used in the aspect of checking the financial statements of organizations in order to express the auditor's opinion about their authenticity and reliability.

Also in business practice, the concepts of "operational audit", "industrial audit", quality audit, etc. are used.

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Definition 3

Accounting is a systematized process of collecting, registering and summarizing information in monetary terms.

Accounting reflects the state of the property, capital of the company, liabilities and their changes by a line of continuous, continuous and documentary reflection of all business transactions, therefore, the objects of accounting are:

  • enterprise property;
  • enterprise obligation;
  • business operations of the enterprise.

In accordance with the law on accounting, it is conducted:

  • chief accountant;
  • the general director in the absence of the chief accountant;
  • accountant (not being the chief);
  • third-party organization (called accounting support).

The main task of accounting becomes the organization of complete, reliable information (accounting reports) on the activities carried out by the enterprise and its property status. The study and analysis of this information makes it possible to prevent negative results of the enterprise's economic activity and to identify internal resources to ensure the financial stability of the enterprise. These and other actions carried out in the course of the preparation of financial statements must be carried out in compliance with the law. Accounting is closely related to tax and management accounting.

Audit and audit activities

Definition 4

Audit is an entrepreneurial activity of independent verification of accounting and financial activities. The ever-increasing need for a reliable and independent expert assessment of the reliability of financial and accounting statements determines the demand for audit and audit with the involvement of specialists in auditing. The main users of financial statements are investors, creditors, suppliers and contractors, buyers and customers, authorities, the general public. Auditing in modern times is becoming increasingly important, and the opinion of a specialist auditor contributes to a much greater level of confidence in reporting by stakeholders.

The types of audit are (Fig. 1):

Figure 1. Types of audit

In Russian practice, it is customary to classify the types of audit into the following (Fig. 2).

Figure 2. Types of audit in Russian practice

The audit is also classified into independent audit, state audit and internal audit.

The main audit methods, that is, methods of theoretical research or practical implementation, determined by internal rules or standards, as well as corresponding to the goals and objectives that are defined by the agreement, are:

  1. Methods of actual control (inventory, observations, expert assessments).
  2. documentary methods.
  3. Calculation and analytical methods.

Methods of actual or organoleptic control are concluded in the presence of an auditor during verification activities of audits, inventories) before drawing up a report (usually an annual report). According to Federal Rule No. 6 "Auditor's report on financial statements", it is desirable for the auditor to be present during the inventory before the preparation of the annual report in order to obtain audit evidence by observing the "existence" premise.

Group documentary methods covers the study of documents, information modeling and desk checks. Information modeling includes cross checks, mutual control of operations, analytical checks of documents, comparison of benchmarks (balance sheet interconnections), etc. Desk checks are carried out as a study of the correspondence of information in accounting registers with data from the General Ledger, financial and other reporting.

Group calculation and analytical methods contains economic analysis, statistical methods and economic-mathematical methods. Most often, these methods are used in terms of economic analysis, and are due to the use of analytical procedures. The main stages of the audit are:

  1. Organization and planning of the audit, including an official proposal from the customer to conduct an audit, familiarization with the financial and economic activities of the organization, development of an audit plan, coordination of the audit plan with the customer, sending a letter to the customer about the audit, signing an audit contract.
  2. Gathering audit evidence, including testing of facilities and performing substantive procedures.
  3. Conclusion on the results of the audit and completion of the audit.

Remark 1

Before starting the audit, it is necessary to determine which method will be used to perform the audit. This can be a continuous check, during which a thorough and detailed study of the primary accounting documentation and its totality takes place, the content of the financial statements is examined, etc.

Sample testing provides an opportunity to find definitely accurate data about the population being tested from a relatively small part of it. A random check can be carried out by one of the following methods:

  • random selection (table of random numbers);
  • systematic selection (selection of elements at a stable interval, starting from a randomly selected number);
  • combined selection (a combination of various methods of random and systematic selection.)

Combined verification is characterized by a combination of continuous and selective verification methods. Desk, it is also a documentary audit, limited to the study of accounting documents and accounting and / or tax reporting of a business entity.

The actual check carried out with access to the object of the audit.

Profession auditor

Profession accountant

Profession chief accountant

Occupation IFRS Specialist

Training program

General information

About specialty

The specialty "Accounting, analysis and audit" was created to train economists in the field of accounting, analysis and audit. Graduates in this area will be able to work as accountants, auditors, specialists in the economic departments of organizations and enterprises.

About training

Education in this specialty has a pronounced practical bias and is built from simple to complex. The curriculum of this specialty guarantees a bachelor's degree, confirmed by a state diploma. The term of study is regulated by the student himself, based on the availability of free time, finances and other personal factors.

List of formed competencies

The graduate must have the following general cultural competencies:
  • owns a culture of thinking, is capable of generalization, analysis, perception of information, setting a goal and choosing ways to achieve it;
  • is able to understand and analyze worldview, socially and personally significant philosophical problems;
  • able to understand the driving forces and patterns of the historical process; events and processes of economic history; the place and role of their country in the history of mankind and in the modern world;
  • is able to analyze socially significant problems and processes taking place in society, and predict their possible development in the future;
  • knows how to use regulatory legal documents in their activities;
  • is able to logically correctly, reasonably and clearly build oral and written speech;
  • ready to cooperate with colleagues, work in a team;
  • is able to find organizational and managerial decisions and is ready to bear responsibility for them;
  • capable of self-development, improvement of their qualifications and skills;
  • is able to critically assess their own strengths and weaknesses, outline ways and choose means to develop strengths and eliminate weaknesses;
  • is aware of the social significance of his future profession, has a high motivation to perform professional activities;
  • is able to understand the essence and significance of information in the development of the modern information society, to be aware of the dangers and threats arising in this process, to comply with the basic requirements of information security, including the protection of state secrets;
  • owns the basic methods, methods and means of obtaining, storing, processing information, has the skills to work with a computer as a means of managing information, is able to work with information in global computer networks;
  • speaks one of the foreign languages ​​at a level not lower than spoken;
  • owns the basic methods of protecting production personnel and the population from the possible consequences of accidents, catastrophes, natural disasters;
  • owns the means of independent methodically correct use of methods of physical education and health promotion, is ready to achieve the proper level of physical fitness to ensure full-fledged social and professional activities.
The graduate must have the following professional competencies:
  • is able to collect and analyze the initial data necessary for the calculation of economic and socio-economic indicators that characterize the activities of economic entities;
  • is able, on the basis of standard methods and the current regulatory framework, to calculate economic and socio-economic indicators that characterize the activities of economic entities;
  • is able to perform the calculations necessary for the preparation of the economic sections of the plans, justify them and present the results of work in accordance with the standards adopted by the organization;
  • is able to collect, analyze and process the data necessary to solve the set economic problems;
  • is able to choose tools for processing economic data in accordance with the task, analyze the results of calculations and justify the conclusions;
  • is able to build standard theoretical and econometric models based on the description of economic processes and phenomena, analyze and meaningfully interpret the results obtained;
  • is able to analyze and interpret financial, accounting and other information contained in the statements of enterprises of various forms of ownership, organizations, departments and use the information received to make management decisions;
  • is able to analyze and interpret the data of domestic and foreign statistics on socio-economic processes and phenomena, to identify trends in changes in socio-economic indicators;
  • is able, using domestic and foreign sources of information, to collect the necessary data, analyze them and prepare an information review and / or analytical report;
  • is able to use modern technical means and information technologies to solve analytical and research problems;
  • is able to organize the activities of a small group created to implement a specific economic project;
  • is able to use modern technical means and information technologies to solve communication problems;
  • is able to critically evaluate the proposed options for management decisions and develop and justify proposals for their improvement, taking into account the criteria of socio-economic efficiency, risks and possible socio-economic consequences;
  • is able to teach economic disciplines in educational institutions of various levels, using existing programs and teaching materials;
  • able to take part in the improvement and development of educational and methodological support of economic disciplines.

Profession auditor

What does

The auditor checks the accounting and tax reporting of firms. Income and expenses, transactions and contracts - nothing escapes his gaze. Are the financial transactions carried out in accordance with the law? Who is to blame for the mistakes made? To identify accounting errors, to give management advice on correcting them is his main responsibility. In fact, he is an auditor, but at the same time an independent entrepreneur, an expert.

Pros of the profession

High profit payment. The income of qualified specialists of audit companies ranges from $800 to $1500 and more. The salary usually consists of salary and bonus payments.

Cons of the profession

When choosing this profession, be prepared for constant business trips and "life on wheels". The company that ordered the check can be located anywhere, but you need to work directly on the spot. In a very short time (2-3 weeks), the auditor processes a huge amount of information, and has no right to make a mistake. If the violation is missed, and then “emerges” in the state tax authorities, the company will not only pay a fine, but also lose its reputation.

Personal qualities

  • analytical thinking
  • good memory
  • ability to concentrate, perseverance
  • propensity to work with numbers and documents
  • strong nerves
  • integrity and decency
Place of work

Auditors work in numerous specialized audit companies or get a license and engage in private practice. In any case, a meeting with the auditor is guaranteed for every large company that annually submits financial reports to the state tax authorities. More and more companies are introducing an internal auditor into their staff - a specialist who checks the financial statements at a particular enterprise.

Career and salary

To work as an auditor, you need a certificate from the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation. It can be obtained by a person with a higher education who has completed auditor courses and passed the relevant exam. Next - private practice or work in an audit firm.

In Russian audit firms, successful specialists are usually former accountants and economists who have worked at enterprises. They are well aware of the interaction of services and departments, understand the relationship between real production and financial reporting.

Profession accountant

What does

In its purest form, there is no accountant profession. At enterprises, accountants work in the following areas: cash desk, fixed assets, currency transactions, payroll, warehouse, etc. The Chief Accountant is responsible for all bookkeeping. In a small firm, one accountant can be in charge of everything.

A qualified accountant, who understands all issues of accounting and tax policy, is an invaluable employee and the most respected person in the enterprise. However, the responsibility is high - he is responsible for any error in the calculations.

The work of the accounting department is strictly controlled on the one hand by the employer, on the other hand, laws and regulations of the Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Taxes and Duties, which, alas, often contradict each other. Therefore, you need to understand the ups and downs of the law and be able to communicate with government agencies, for example, tax authorities.

You need to keep in mind the entire financial picture of the enterprise in order to know how any transaction will affect the balance sheet, reporting and CEO bonuses.

Pros of the profession
  • Demand in the labor market
  • Mostly normal working hours
  • You can have additional income, for example, help with bookkeeping for small entrepreneurs.
Cons of the profession
  • Changes in legislation,
  • Contradictions of legislation (for example, tax and accounting),
  • Frequent communication with representatives of government agencies, especially with the tax office,
  • You have to follow the instructions of higher authorities, even if they seem wrong in this situation,
  • The activity of an accountant is strictly regulated and leaves no room for creativity,
  • Accountant's mistakes lead to sanctions, fines, etc.
Personal qualities

People of this profession must be, first of all, responsible and organized, because the late submission of a report or the loss of any document can cost the company dearly. In addition, an accountant must love numbers, he will have to deal with them daily, and a mistake can be fatal. It also requires a high concentration of attention, scrupulousness and perseverance. It is not bad to have a good memory and, most importantly, you need to be able to keep quiet (since often an accountant has to keep a trade secret).


The employer pays the main attention to work experience, especially in a similar field. Theoretically, a graduate of an economic college or special courses can work as an accountant. However, those who have a higher education are more likely.

The accountant must have knowledge in the following areas:

  • accounting, tax accounting,
  • financial analysis, basics of audit,
  • accounting law,
  • information about IFRS,
  • basic computer knowledge, 1C, Excel.
Place of work

in any organization.

Career and salary

Chief accountant, financial analyst, auditor, consultant.

Profession chief accountant

What does

The chief accountant is responsible for organizing and maintaining the accounting and tax records of the company. He is engaged in the preparation of accounting and tax reporting; monitors compliance with the procedure for processing primary and accounting documents, settlements and payment obligations; controls the timeliness of the transfer of tax payments. In addition, the chief accountant is a financial analyst who participates in planning the further development of the organization.

Pros of the profession

Competition in the market among economists is very high. Therefore, the accountant needs to constantly improve their skills.

Also, do not forget that the chief accountant is financially responsible to his management and representatives of the tax authorities. His mistakes can lead to sanctions, fines, etc.

Personal qualities
  • leadership skills
  • sociability
  • responsibility
  • perseverance
  • attentiveness
  • decency

Higher economic education. Profile "Accounting, analysis and audit".

Place of work

Firms of any field of activity.

Career and salary

The profession of chief accountant is very popular and highly paid. The level of salary of a specialist depends on the amount of work and the number of legal entities that he leads. The chief accountant has every chance of becoming a financial director, an IFRS manager, a tax manager.

Occupation IFRS Specialist

What does

Russia has its own standard for financial reporting - IFRS. If the company decides to enter the foreign market, then it will have to report in accordance with international standards - IFRS. Specialists in IFRS help companies prepare and maintain financial statements in accordance with international standards.

Pros of the profession

Doing the job requires a high degree of concentration.

Personal qualities
  • analytic skills
  • accuracy
  • attentiveness
  • Education:
  • Higher economic education.
Place of work
  • foreign organizations with branches in Russia
  • Russian companies developing foreign markets
  • Russian organizations receiving loans from international banks or foreign investments

Career and salary

An IFRS specialist is a sought-after and highly paid profession. More and more Russian companies are entering the foreign market. And experts say their number will only grow. IFRS specialists are required in foreign companies with branches in our country, as well as in organizations that receive foreign investment.

The salary of an IFRS specialist depends on experience, skill level and scope of work.

Training program

In accordance with the requirements of the new educational standards, the curriculum must be updated at least once a year. Any discipline can be replaced in it, except for the four mandatory ones: "History", "Philosophy", "Foreign Language" and "Life Safety".

When compiling the curriculum, RFEI gives preference to new academic disciplines that are known in the West and little known in Russia. This contributes to the passage of European accreditation by the university and facilitates the employment of graduates in successful companies.

  • General competence
  • Business training

Stage 1

  • Starting stage: where to start a business *
  • Rapid business growth stage *
  • Development of entrepreneurial abilities *
  • Beginnings of accounting
  • Fundamentals of Successful Employment *
  • Organization of coaching *
  • Solving business problems *
  • Fundamentals of self-education of a businessman *
  • Mentoring Basics *
  • Metaphysics of Wealth *

Stage 2

  • Branding Organization Theory *
  • Fundamentals of Accounting *
  • Story
  • Philosophy
  • Right
  • Business conversation
  • Foreign language
  • Microeconomics
  • Mathematics
  • Information systems in economics

Stage 3

  • Statistics
  • Macroeconomics
  • Management
  • Marketing
  • Economic and mathematical methods and models
  • Econometrics
  • Accounting and analysis
  • Taxes and taxation
  • Life safety
  • Theory of economic analysis

Stage 4

  • Document management
  • Money, credit, banks
  • Laboratory workshop on accounting
  • Accounting financial accounting
  • Optimal decision methods
  • Human resource management
  • Financial statements
  • Accounting for small businesses
  • HR management
  • Psychology

Stage 5

  • Audit
  • Logistics
  • Sales management
  • International Accounting, Reporting and Auditing Standards
  • Bankruptcy accounting and analysis

The final stage

  • Physical Culture
  • Educational and production practices
  • Final state certification

* modular discipline course

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, a higher educational institution has the right to introduce modular disciplines in order to deepen knowledge and improve the professional skills of a student.

A modular discipline is one or more training courses, including practical ones (using computer programs), that form additional professional competencies.

At present, the rapid development of the world economy and the economies of states separately creates an emerging demand for certain types of specialties. At the same time, market relations, which are increasingly developing on the territory of the Russian Federation, have made training in educational institutions in the specialty, analysis and audit very popular. The more stringent requirements are also largely explained.

Accounting, analysis and audit - what is it

Accounting, analysis and today is the most important direction for the proper functioning of almost any company. Therefore, the demand for qualified specialists is very high. Professionals in this field can quickly find a job in any company. However, these professionals must constantly learn new information and methods of accounting. In order to deftly operate with data, it is necessary to understand each of the definitions in detail.

Accounting, analysis and audit

Accounting is a form of special ways of summarizing information about the ongoing operations of the company. At the same time, all accounting data in a structured form is a kind of history of the enterprise, without which it will not be able to function properly, develop, make important decisions, and become attractive for investment in the future.

Accounting analysis is a more specialized form of accounting, which is needed to justify certain management decisions, as well as to select business transactions that will be necessary for the further development of the company. A professional specialist who knows the methods of economic analysis well will be able to foresee the threat of bankruptcy of the organization and offer effective solutions for establishing profits and improving its overall condition.

An audit is a type of activity in which the company's documentation is checked in order to detect inconsistencies or deliberate misrepresentation of information.

In general, audits cover not only accounting, but also a number of other business activities. It can also be carried out by government agencies, such as the tax office.

What you need to know

A fairly important data system is the accounting and financial reporting system. Thanks to it, you can get data on the economic activity of the organization itself.

At the same time, reporting is a set of records contained in accounting, with the help of which it was possible to trace the ongoing economic activities of the organization.

In general, it is a system consisting of tables containing summary data that provides an opportunity to assess the financial condition of the company and its performance.

Accounting reports allow:

  1. Provide continuous monitoring (to monitor the health of the enterprise);
  2. Use an extensive information base (gives the company's management more opportunities to make the right decision);
  3. Regular control is introduced;
  4. Use current reporting as a base (for planning long-term projects);
  5. It is possible to simplify economic indicators (at the regional and state levels).

At the same time, it will be necessary to submit reports at the legislative level a maximum of two times per calendar year. At the same time, the reliability of the information provided can be verified as a result of the verification.

Why do you need such a check:

  • An audit is necessary to confirm the data (thus it will be established whether reliable information is reflected in the reporting);
  • To exercise control over compliance with legislative normative documents (here it will regulate the procedure for compiling accounting and subsequent preparation of reports);
  • To confirm reliable information and its accuracy in the submitted reports;
  • To search for reserve funds (as a result of which it will be possible to more effectively manage the company's funds, credit money).

The most important goal here is to evaluate the information particularly carefully to ensure that the information provided is accurate and that it accurately reflects the company's existing assets.

When conducting a financial audit, the auditor, as a rule, summarizes the results obtained at each stage of the control. The purpose of this action is to estimate the total amount of inaccuracies and errors found in the reports.

Currently, there are two stages of control of the provided accounting reports:

  • Conducting an audit of the data provided in the report (here the content of the reporting forms is controlled. Parameters are set with which the data will be verified later);
  • Checking individual forms of accounting reports.

How the financial statements are audited

In a number of cases, the auditing of financial statements will be carried out by specialized audit companies or by individual specialists, subject to a small amount of work in the company. At the same time, these organizations must have certified employees without fail.

At the legislative level, the following requirements are put forward for inspectors or organizations:

The individual auditor must:

  1. Have a completed higher economic or legal education;
  2. Have a general work experience as a chief accountant or an assistant to an audit organization for at least three years;
  3. Pass the audit certificate exam.

Auditing companies are required to:

  • be commercial;
  • Have any form of organization other than an open joint-stock company;
  • Have more than three employees (passed the auditor's exam);
  • The head of the company must himself have an auditor's certificate;
  • More than fifty-one percent of the authorized capital must belong to the auditors themselves.

These provisions are governed by federal law of the Russian Federation number one hundred and nineteen. Here, the requirements for commercial enterprises that carry out an audit are disclosed in detail.

Nuances in express check

If the organization is not able to conduct a full-fledged audit of the statements, then it can apply an express audit, which will be much faster than a standard audit.

In the case, only certain areas of activity will be checked. Which will not require significant financial contributions and a long time period. As a result of such a check, the organization will receive a number of information about the current state of accounting.

In addition, the data that will be obtained as a result of an express check will be useful not only for the company's management, but also for the founding council. Also, such a check can be carried out for the entire accounting or only for the direction specified in the contract.

This check allows you to assess the state of accounting in general (in this case, reports, primary documents and business contracts will be involved).

It will help identify weaknesses that need to be improved or eliminated. Also, based on the results of the audit, the organization can decide whether it needs a full comprehensive audit.

So, we can highlight the main tasks of this check:

  1. Conducting a generalized assessment of reports, which will occur at low financial costs and deadlines;
  2. Identification of errors and inaccuracies that are associated with incorrect tax deductions;
  3. Improving the efficiency of accounting work.

Upon completion of this review process, the auditor should provide a summary report that will reflect the main violations identified and the estimated tax risks.

However, it should be noted that the express audit provides only a superficial assessment of the financial condition of the company. Therefore, based on its results, in case of detection of serious errors, it is necessary to initiate a full check. You should always keep this in mind, otherwise the company may get quite serious problems with the tax service.

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