Factors leading to mutation. Mutagenesis. Mutagenic factors Mutations that are artificially caused by the action of certain factors

When changes in DNA occur spontaneously, causing various pathologies of development and growth in living organisms, they speak of mutations. To understand their essence, it is necessary to learn more about the reasons leading to them.

Geneticists claim that mutations are characteristic of all organisms on the planet without exception (living ones) and that they have existed forever, and one organism can have several hundred of them. However, they differ in the degree of severity and nature of manifestation, which are determined by the factors that provoke them, as well as the affected gene chain.

They can be natural and artificial, i.e. caused in laboratory conditions.

The most common factors leading to such changes from the point of view of geneticists are the following:

    ionizing radiation and x-rays. When affecting the body, radioactive radiation is accompanied by a change in the electron charge in the atoms. This causes a disruption in the normal course of physico-chemical and chemical-biological processes;

    very high temperatures often cause changes when the sensitivity threshold of a particular individual is exceeded;

    when cells divide, delays may occur, as well as their proliferation too quickly, which also becomes an impetus for negative changes;

    “defects” that occur in DNA, in which it is not possible to return the atom to its original state even after restoration.


At the moment, more than thirty types of deviations in the gene pool of a living organism and genotype are known that cause mutations. Some are quite safe and do not manifest themselves in any way externally, i.e. do not lead to internal and external deformities, so the living organism does not feel discomfort. Others, on the contrary, are accompanied by severe discomfort.

To understand what mutations are, you should familiarize yourself with the mutagenic classification, grouped according to the causes of defects:

    genetic and somatic, differing in the typology of cells that have undergone changes. Somatic is characteristic of mammalian cells. They can be passed on solely by inheritance (for example, different eye colors). Its formation occurs in the mother's womb. Genetic mutation is common in plants and invertebrates. It is caused by negative environmental factors. An example of a manifestation is mushrooms appearing on trees, etc.;

    nuclear refer to mutations based on the location of the cells that have undergone changes. Such options cannot be treated, since the DNA itself is directly affected. The second type of mutation is cytoplasmic (or atavism). It affects any fluids that interact with the cell nucleus and the cells themselves. Such mutations are treatable;

    explicit (natural) and induced (artificial). The first appears suddenly and for no apparent reason. The latter are associated with the failure of physical or chemical processes;

    gene and genomic, differing in their severity. In the first variant, the changes concern disorders that change the sequence of nucleotide structure in newly formed DNA chains (phenylketonuria can be considered as an example).

    In the second case, there is a change in the quantitative chromosome set, and the example is Down's disease, Konovalov-Wilson's disease, etc.


The harm of mutations to the body is undeniable, since it not only affects its normal development, but often leads to death. Mutations cannot be beneficial. This also applies to cases of superpowers. They are always prerequisites for natural selection, leading to the emergence of new species of organisms (living) or to complete extinction.

It is now clear that processes that affect the structure of DNA, leading to minor or fatal disorders, affect the normal development and functioning of the body.

Factors that cause mutations are called mutagenic factors (mutagens) and are divided into:

1. Physical;

2. Chemical;

3. Biological.

To physical mutagenic factors include various types of radiation, temperature, humidity, etc. The most powerful mutagenic effect is exerted by ionizing radiation - x-rays, α-, β-, γ-rays. They have great penetrating power.

When they act on the body they cause:

a) ionization of tissues - the formation of free radicals (OH) or (H) from water located in tissues. These ions enter into a chemical interaction with DNA, break down nucleic acid and other organic substances;

b) ultraviolet radiation is characterized by lower energy, penetrates only through the superficial layers of the skin and does not cause ionization of tissues, but leads to the formation of dimers (chemical bonds between two pyrimidine bases of the same chain, often T-T). The presence of dimers in DNA leads to errors during its replication and disrupts the reading of genetic information;

c) rupture of spindle filaments;

d) disruption of the structure of genes and chromosomes, i.e. formation of gene and chromosomal mutations.

Chemical mutagens include:

Natural organic and inorganic substances (nitrites, nitrates, alkaloids, hormones, enzymes, etc.);

Synthetic substances not previously found in nature (pesticides, insecticides, food preservatives, medicinal substances).

Products of industrial processing of natural compounds - coal, oil.

Mechanisms of their action :

a) deamination - the removal of an amino group from an amino acid molecule;

b) suppression of nucleic acid synthesis;

c) replacement of nitrogenous bases with their analogues.

Chemical mutagens cause predominantly gene mutations and act during DNA replication.

Biological mutagens include:

Viruses (influenza, rubella, measles)

Mechanisms of their action:

a) viruses integrate their DNA into the DNA of host cells.

Biological mutagens cause gene and chromosomal mutations.

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course of lectures for students studying in Russian Ryazan

course of lectures for students studying in Russian Ryazan Compiled by: Associate Professor, Ph.D. Kalygina T.A.

Methods for studying biology
The main methods used in biological sciences are: 1) observation and description - the oldest (traditional) method of biology. This method is widely used today

Basic properties of living things
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Levels of organization of living beings
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Cell theory
In 1665 R. Hooke was the first to discover plant cells. In 1674 A. Leeuwenhoek discovered the animal cell. In 1839 T. Schwann and M. Schleiden formulated the cell theory. The main tenet of cell theory

Cell structure
Based on their structure, there are 2 types of cells: - prokaryotes - eukaryotes Prokaryotes include bacteria and blue-green algae. Prokaryotes differ from eukaryotes in the following ways: they

Outer cell membrane
1 – polar head of the phospholipid molecule 2 – fatty acid tail of the phospholipid molecule 3 – int

Cell evolution
There are two stages in the evolution of a cell: 1. Chemical. 2.Biological. The chemical stage began about 4.5 billion years ago. Under the influence of ultraviolet radiation, radiation

Structure and functions of the cell nucleus
The nucleus is an essential part of a eukaryotic cell. The main function of the nucleus is to store genetic material in the form of DNA and transfer it to daughter cells during cell division. Besides

Chromatin and chromosomes
Chromatin is a despiralized form of chromosome existence. In a despiralized state, chromatin is found in the nucleus of a nondividing cell. Chromatin and chromosomes interchange into each other

Cell life cycle
G1 – presynthetic period S – synthetic period G2 – postsynthetic period

Cell proliferation
Proliferation is an increase in the number of cells through mitosis, which leads to tissue growth and renewal. The intensity of proliferation is regulated by substances that are produced both inside cells,

Forms of reproduction of living organisms
Reproduction is the property of living organisms to reproduce their own kind. There are two main forms of reproduction: asexual and sexual. Asexual reproduction contributes to the preservation of the greatest

Cross section of the convoluted tubule of the testis (see page 27) Cellules germinales

Types and periods of ontogenesis
Ontogenesis is the process of individual development of an individual from a zygote during sexual reproduction (or the appearance of a daughter during asexual reproduction) until the end of life. The term "ontogenesis" in 1866 suggested by German scientists

Structural features and types of eggs
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Embryonic period of development, its stages
The period of embryonic development is the most complex in higher animals and consists of several stages: 1. Formation of the zygote 2. Fragmentation 3. Formation of the blastula

Crushing in chordates
A – lancelet (completely uniform) B – amphibians (completely uneven) C – birds (incomplete disco

Histogenesis and organogenesis
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Embryonic induction
Clarifying the mechanisms of development is one of the complex problems of biological science. Embryogenesis as a whole is determined by the hereditary apparatus of cells (as already mentioned, during ontogenesis

Embryonic development of birds
The egg cell of birds is sharply telolecithal; the vegetative pole contains a lot of yolk. As a result of fertilization, a one-celled embryo is formed - a zygote, which is characterized by

Extraembryonic provisional organs
In the embryonic development of vertebrates, a major role is played by provisional organs that function in the embryo and are absent in adulthood. These include: yolk sac, amnion, serous

Characteristics of postembryonic development
Postembryonic (postnatal) ontogenesis begins from the moment of birth, upon exit from the embryonic membranes (during intrauterine development) or upon exit from the egg membranes and ends with death

Effort. Clinical and biological death
Aging is a general biological pattern of decline of the body, characteristic of all living beings. Old age is the final natural stage of ontogenesis, ending with death.

Regeneration of organs and tissues, its types
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Transplantation is the engraftment and development of transplanted tissues in a new location. The organism from which the material for transplantation is taken is called a donor, and the one to which the transplant is performed is called

Homeostasis in living organisms
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Biological rhythms. Chronobiology
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Any type of organized beings and any population of any species does not exist in isolation from other beings, but form a complex and contradictory unity called a biotic community. Bi

Monohybrid cross
Mendel conducted experiments on peas. When crossing pea varieties with yellow and green seeds (homozygous organisms or pure lines were crossed), all offspring (i.e. first generation hybrids)

The splitting rule. Mendel's second law
If you cross hybrids of the first generation with each other, individuals with both dominant and recessive traits appear in the second generation, i.e. splitting occurs in a certain

Di- and polyhybrid crossing. Mendel's third law
In a dihybrid cross, the parent organisms are analyzed for two pairs of alternative traits. Mendel studied such characteristics as the color of seeds and their shape. When crossing peas with yellow

Gender as a hereditary trait
One of the characteristics of many living organisms is gender (male and female). Sex is a set of morphological, physiological, biochemical and behavioral characteristics of an organism, to

Determination of gender
In most organisms, sex is determined at the time of fertilization (syngamous) and is regulated by the chromosome complement of the zygote; it is called the chromosomal type of sex determination. In humans and mammals

Inheritance of sex-linked and sex-limited traits
Sex-linked traits are those whose development is determined by genes located on the sex chromosomes. If the gene is located on the Y chromosome, then it is inherited in humans, mammals

Linkage of genes. Experiments and Morgan's Rule
The study of sex-linked inheritance has stimulated the study of linkage between genes located on autosomes. Any organism is characterized by species constancy of chromosomes in the karyotype.

Basic provisions of the chromosomal theory of heredity
The main provisions of the chromosomal theory of heredity boil down to the following: - the carriers of hereditary information are chromosomes and the genes located in them, - genetic

Stages of development of molecular genetics
Molecular genetics emerged from biochemistry and emerged as an independent science in the 50s of the last century. The birth of this science is associated with a number of important biological discoveries: 1

Genetic code and its properties
The genetic code is a system for recording information about the sequence of amino acids in proteins using the sequence of nucleotides in the DNA molecule. Genet properties

Functional gene activity or gene expression
In prokaryotes, it is carried out in two stages: transcription and translation. In eukaryotes there is also a processing stage. Gene expression involves the synthesis of an mRNA molecule on a DNA molecule, the complex

Regulation of gene expression in prokaryotes
Scheme of regulation of transcription of structural genes of a prokaryotic cell according to the type of repression

Definition and forms of variability
Genetics studies two basic properties of living beings - heredity and variability. Variability is the property of organisms to acquire new characteristics and features of individual development

Stability and repair of genetic material
Resistance to changes in genetic material is ensured by: 1. A diploid set of chromosomes. 2. DNA double helix. 3. Degeneracy (redundancy

Law of homological series of hereditary variability N.I. Vavilov
It is known that mutation occurs in various directions. However, this diversity is subject to a certain pattern, discovered in 1920 by N.I. Vavilov. He formulated the law homol

Genealogical method
The types of inheritance and forms of manifestation of genetic inclinations in humans are very diverse and differentiation between them requires special methods of analysis, primarily genealogical,

Twin research method
Twin studies are one of the main methods of human genetics. There are identical twins, which arise from one egg fertilized by one sperm. They arise due to

Dermatoglyphics method
This is a science that studies the hereditary determination of the patterns that form the lines of the skin on the tips of the fingers, palms and soles of a person. It turned out that every nation

Cytogenetic method
This method allows you to use a microscope to examine cell structures - chromosomes. Using microscopy, the karyotype of the human body (the chromosome set of body cells) was studied. Installed

Somatic cell hybridization
Hybrid cells have certain properties that make it possible to determine gene localization or gene linkage. Loss of human chromosomes from certain types of hybrid cells allows obtaining a clone

Ontogenetic method
Allows you to study the patterns of manifestation of any sign or disease in the process of individual development. There are several periods of human development. Antenatal (development before birth)

Population-statistical research method
It is a method of mathematically counting certain genes and corresponding traits in certain populations. The theoretical basis of this method is the Hardy-Weinberg law.

Simulation method
N.I. Vavilov’s law of homological series (species and genera that are genetically close have similar series of hereditary variability) allows us to extrapolate experimental data with certain restrictions

Immunological research method
This method is based on the study of the antigenic composition of cells and fluids of the human body - blood, saliva, gastric juice, etc. The most frequently tested antigens of blood cells are erythro

Biochemical method
Allows, on the one hand, to study the amount of DNA in human cells in normal and pathological conditions, on the other hand, to determine hereditary metabolic defects using: 1) determination of abnormal

Gene diseases
1) An autosomal dominant type of inheritance is characterized by a violation of the synthesis of structural proteins or proteins that perform specific functions (for example, hemoglobin). Phenotypically, in this case, t

Chromosomal diseases caused by autosomal abnormalities
Chromosomal diseases are a group of hereditary pathological conditions caused by a change in the number of chromosomes or a violation of their structure. The most common trisomies are dir.

Chromosomal diseases caused by abnormalities of sex chromosomes
Sex chromosomes are the main carriers of genes that control the development of sex, therefore their numerical or structural abnormalities determine various deviations in sexual development.

J.B. Lamarck's theory of evolution
J.B. Lamarck in “Philosophy of Zoology” (1809), in which the foundations of an integral evolutionary concept were first outlined, formulated two laws: 1) on the influence of the use and disuse of an organ on its

Charles Darwin's theory of evolution
In 1858, Charles Darwin and, independently of him, A.R. Wallace substantiated the principle of natural selection and the idea of ​​the struggle for existence as a mechanism of this selection. Theory of evolution by eating

Microevolution. Criteria and structure of the species. Population
Microevolution is the initial stage of evolutionary transformations of a population: from the occurrence of hereditary changes to the formation of adaptation and the emergence of new species on their basis. Study

Factors of evolution
Changes in the genotypic composition of populations occur under the influence of many events that are able to transform populations in one way or another. Nevertheless, it is possible to distinguish the following basic

Formation of new species
The formation of new species in nature is the final stage of microevolution. Under the influence of evolutionary factors with the leading role of natural selection, the process of transforming genetically discovered into

The mechanism of the microevolutionary process
Elementary evolutionary factors (mutation process, population waves, isolation, natural selection) affect elementary evolutionary material (mutations) at the level of elementary evolution

Human animal origin concept
The basis of modern ideas about the origin of man is the concept according to which man emerged from the animal world, and the first scientific evidence in favor of this concept was

Differences between humans and animals
Man has significant differences from animals, which was also noted by the ancients, for example Anaxagoras (500-428 BC) and Socrates (469-399 BC) believed that

Driving factors of anthropogenesis
There are social and biological factors of anthropogenesis. Anthropogenesis is the origin of man and his formation as a species in the process of formation of society. A person has a number of specific

Mutagenic factors – factors causing mutation.

Factors of physical, chemical and biological nature have a mutagenic effect.

Chemical substances that cause mutations include organic and inorganic substances, such as acids, alkalis, peroxides, metal salts, formaldehyde, pesticides, defoliants, herbicides, colchicine, etc.

The action of chemical factors: enhance mutation processes, cause point mutations that induce chromosomal rearrangements, and cause disruption of DNA replication. Some mutagens can cause disruption of meiosis, which leads to chromosome non-disjunction.

Physical factors: ionizing radiation, radioactive decay, ultraviolet radiation, electromagnetic radiation, extreme heat and cold.

The action of physical factors: X-ray radiation, having a high penetrating ability, causes the formation of free radicals of water, which break down nucleic acids, causing gene and chromosomal rearrangements. Ultraviolet radiation leads to the formation of thymidine dimers, which cause disruption of DNA replication.

Biological factors: viruses (measles, rubella, influenza), metabolic products (lipid oxidation products), microorganism antigens./

The action of biological factors: they increase the rate of cell mutations by suppressing the activity of repair systems.

3. Gene and chromosomal mutations, their characteristics.

Gene (point) mutations- these are changes in the number and/or sequence of nucleotides in the DNA structure (insertions, deletions, movements, substitutions of nucleotides) within individual genes, leading to a change in the quantity or quality of the corresponding protein products. Base substitutions lead to the appearance of three types of mutant codons: with a changed meaning (missense mutations), with an unchanged meaning (neutral mutations) and meaningless or stop codons (nonsense mutations).

There are three groups of such changes. Mutations of the first group consist of replacing some bases with others (about 20% of spontaneously occurring gene changes). The second group of mutations is caused by a shift in the reading frame that occurs when the number of nucleotide pairs in the gene changes. The third group is mutations associated with a change in the order of nucleotide sequences within a gene.

Mutations by type of replacement of nitrogenous bases occur due to the following reasons. Firstly, a change in the structure of a base already included in the DNA helix can occur accidentally or under the influence of chemical agents. If such an altered form of the base remains undetected by repair enzymes, then during the next replication cycle it can attach another nucleotide to itself.

Another reason for base substitution may be the erroneous inclusion in the synthesized DNA chain of a nucleotide carrying a chemically altered form of the base or its analogue. Thus, a change in DNA structure by base substitution occurs before or during replication, initially in one polynucleotide chain. If such changes are not corrected during repair, then during subsequent replication they become the property of both DNA strands. The consequence of replacing one pair of complementary nucleotides with another is the formation of a new triplet in the DNA nucleotide sequence, different from the previous one. In this case, the new triplet can encode the same amino acid (a “synonym” triplet), another amino acid, or not encode any amino acid (a nonsense triplet). In the first case, no changes occur, in the second, the structure and properties of the corresponding protein change. Depending on the nature and location of the replacement that occurs, the specific properties of the protein change to varying degrees, in some cases significantly. It is known that replacing nucleotides in one triplet leads to the formation of synonymous triplets in 25% of cases, meaningless triplets in 2-3%, and true gene mutations in 75-70% of cases.

Chromosomal mutations(or aberrations) – changes in the structure of chromosomes. At the chromosomal level of organization, the hereditary material has all the characteristics of the substrate of heredity and variability, including the ability to acquire changes that can be transmitted to a new generation. Under the influence of various influences, the physicochemical and morphological structure of chromosomes can change. Changes in the structure of chromosomes, as a rule, are based on an initial violation of its integrity - breaks, which are accompanied by various rearrangements, called chromosomal mutations or aberrations. Chromosome breaks occur naturally during crossing over, when they are accompanied by the exchange of corresponding sections between homologous chromosomes. Crossing-over disruption, in which chromosomes exchange unequal genetic material, leads to the appearance of new linkage groups, where individual sections fall out - deletion - or double - duplication. With such rearrangements, the number of genes in the linkage group changes. Chromosome breaks can also occur under the influence of various external factors, most often physical (for example, ionizing radiation), certain chemical compounds, and viruses. Violation of the integrity of chromosomes can be accompanied by a rotation of its section located between the breaks by 180° - inversion. A fragment of a chromosome separated from it during a break can attach to another chromosome - translocation. Often, two damaged non-homologous chromosomes mutually exchange detached sections - reciprocal translocation. It is possible to attach a fragment to its own chromosome, but in another place - transposition. A special category of chromosomal mutations are aberrations associated with the fusion or separation of chromosomes, when two non-homologous structures combine into one - Robertsonian translocation, or one chromosome forms two independent chromosomes. With such mutations, not only the morphology of chromosomes changes, but also their number in the karyotype changes. The latter can be considered a genomic mutation. The cause of genomic mutations can also be a disruption of the processes occurring in meiosis. Violation of the divergence of bivalents in anaphase leads to the appearance of gametes with different numbers of chromosomes. Fertilization of such gametes by normal germ cells leads to a change in the total number of chromosomes in the karyotype due to a decrease (monosomy) or increase (trisomy) in the number of individual chromosomes. Such violations of the genome structure are called aneuploidy. If the mechanism of distribution of homologous chromosomes is damaged, the cell remains undivided, and then diploid gametes are formed. Fertilization of such gametes leads to the formation of triploid zygotes, that is, an increase in the number of sets of chromosomes occurs - polyploidy. Any mutational changes in the hereditary material of gametes - generative mutations - become the property of the next generation if such gametes are involved in fertilization.

There are many inherited metabolic diseases. Examples include disorders of porphyrin metabolism (Gunther's disease, erythropoietic protoporphyria, coproporphyria, etc.). These are diseases that manifest themselves after exposure to UV rays by damage to the skin and deeper tissues, an increased content of proporphins and coproporphyrins in erythrocytes. They appear among brothers and sisters of the same generation.

Factors causing mutations. Factors that cause (induce) mutations can be a wide variety of environmental influences: temperature, ultraviolet radiation, radiation (both natural and artificial), the effects of various chemical compounds - mutagens. Mutagens are agents of the external environment that cause certain changes in the genotype - mutation, and the process of formation of mutations itself - mutagenesis.

Radioactive mutagenesis began to be studied in the 20s of our century. In 1925, Soviet scientists G.S. Filippov and G.A. Nadson, for the first time in the history of genetics, used X-rays to obtain mutations in yeast. A year later, the American researcher G. Meller (later twice a Nobel Prize winner), who worked for a long time in Moscow at the institute headed by N.K. Koltsov, used the same mutagen on Drosophila.

Chemical mutagenesis was first purposefully studied by N.K. Koltsov’s collaborator V.V. Sakharov in 1931 on Drosophila when its eggs were exposed to iodine, and later by M.E. Lobashov.

Chemical mutagens include a wide variety of substances (alkylating compounds, hydrogen peroxide, aldehydes and ketones, nitric acid and its analogs, various antimetabolites, salts of heavy metals, dyes with basic properties, aromatic substances), insecticides (from the Latin insecta - insects , cida - killer), herbicides (then lat. herba - grass), drugs, alcohol, nicotine, some medicinal substances and many others.

Genetically active factors can be divided into 3 categories: physical, chemical and biological.

Physical factors. These include various types of ionizing radiation and ultraviolet radiation. A study of the effect of radiation on the mutation process showed that in this case there is no threshold dose, and even the smallest doses increase the likelihood of mutations occurring in the population. An increase in the frequency of mutations is dangerous not so much in an individual sense, but from the point of view of increasing the genetic load of the population. For example, irradiation of one of the spouses with a dose within the range of doubling the frequency of mutations (1.0 - 1.5 Gy) slightly increases the risk of having a sick child (from a level of 4 - 5% to a level of 5 - 6%). If the population of an entire region receives the same dose, the number of hereditary diseases in the population will double in a generation.

Chemical factors. The chemicalization of agriculture and other areas of human activity, the development of the chemical industry led to the synthesis of a huge flow of substances (totaling from 3.5 to 4.3 million), including those that had never existed in the biosphere for millions of years of previous evolution. This means, first of all, the indegradability and thus long-term preservation of foreign substances entering the environment.

What was initially taken as an achievement in the fight against pests later turned into a complex problem. Widely used in the 40s - 60s insecticide DDT, which belongs to the class of chlorinated hydrocarbons, led to its spread throughout the globe, right up to the ice of Antarctica.

Most pesticides are highly resistant to chemical and biological degradation and have a high level of toxicity. anthropogenetics chromosomal inheritance anomaly

Biological factors. Along with physical and chemical mutagens, some factors of biological nature also have genetic activity. The mechanisms of the mutagenic effect of these factors have been studied in the least detail. At the end of the 30s, S. and M. Gershenzon began research on mutagenesis in Drosophila under the influence of exogenous DNA and viruses. Since then, the mutagenic effect of many viral infections in humans has been established. Chromosome aberrations in somatic cells cause smallpox, measles, chickenpox, mumps, influenza, hepatitis viruses and etc.

Factors causing mutations. Factors that cause (induce) mutations can be a wide variety of environmental influences: temperature, ultraviolet radiation, radiation (both natural and artificial), the actions of various chemical compounds - mutagens. Mutagens are agents of the external environment that cause certain changes in the genotype - mutation, and the process of formation of mutations is called mutagenesis.

Radioactive mutagenesis began to be studied in the 20s of our century. In 1925, Soviet scientists G.S. Filippov and G.A. Nadson, for the first time in the history of genetics, used X-rays to obtain mutations in yeast. A year later, the American researcher G. Meller (later twice a Nobel Prize winner), who worked for a long time in Moscow at the institute headed by N.K. Koltsov, used the same mutagen on Drosophila.

Chemical mutagenesis was first purposefully studied by N.K. Koltsov’s collaborator V.V. Sakharov in 1931 on Drosophila when its eggs were exposed to iodine, and later by M.E. Lobashov.

Chemical mutagens include a wide variety of substances (alkylating compounds, hydrogen peroxide, aldehydes and ketones, nitric acid and its analogues, various antimetabolites, salts of heavy metals, dyes with basic properties, aromatic substances), insecticides (from the Latin insecta - insects , cida - killer), herbicides (then lat. herba - grass), drugs, alcohol, nicotine, some medicinal substances and many others.

Genetically active factors can be divided into 3 categories: physical, chemical and biological.

Physical factors. These include various types of ionizing radiation and ultraviolet radiation. A study of the effect of radiation on the mutation process showed that in this case there is no threshold dose, and even the smallest doses increase the likelihood of mutations occurring in the population. An increase in the frequency of mutations is dangerous not so much in an individual sense, but from the point of view of increasing the genetic load of the population. For example, irradiation of one of the spouses with a dose within the range of doubling the frequency of mutations (1.0 - 1.5 Gy) slightly increases the risk of having a sick child (from a level of 4 - 5% to a level of 5 - 6%). If the population of an entire region receives the same dose, the number of hereditary diseases in the population will double in a generation.

Chemical factors. The chemicalization of agriculture and other areas of human activity, the development of the chemical industry led to the synthesis of a huge flow of substances (totaling from 3.5 to 4.3 million), including those that had never existed in the biosphere for millions of years of previous evolution. This means, first of all, the indegradability and thus long-term preservation of foreign substances entering the environment. What was initially taken as an achievement in the fight against pests later turned into a complex problem. The widespread use in the 40-60s of the insecticide DDT, which belongs to the class of chlorinated hydrocarbons, led to its spread throughout the globe, right up to the ice of Antarctica.

Most pesticides are highly resistant to chemical and biological degradation and have a high level of toxicity.

Biological factors. Along with physical and chemical mutagens, some factors of biological nature also have genetic activity. The mechanisms of the mutagenic effect of these factors have been studied in the least detail. At the end of the 30s, S. and M. Gershenzon began research on mutagenesis in Drosophila under the influence of exogenous DNA and viruses. Since then, the mutagenic effect of many viral infections in humans has been established. Chromosome aberrations in somatic cells are caused by smallpox, measles, chickenpox, mumps, influenza, hepatitis viruses, etc.

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