"Structure of the hearing organ. Hygiene of vision and hearing." Hearing hygiene: basic rules Rules for vision and hearing hygiene

In order to prevent a decrease in hearing acuity and protect the hearing organs from the harmful influence of the external environment, the penetration of viruses and the development of dangerous diseases, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of hearing hygiene and monitor the condition of your ears, the cleanliness and condition of your hearing.

Ear cleaning

Hearing hygiene suggests that ears should be cleaned no more than twice a week unless they are very dirty. There is no need to get rid of the sulfur that is in the ear canal too carefully: it protects the human body from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into it, removes debris (skin flakes, dust, dirt), and moisturizes the skin.

Therefore, the hearing organs need to be cleaned correctly so as not to injure the ears during cleaning, contributing to hearing impairment. This happens when, trying to clean the ear canal with ear sticks or other sharp objects, the ear is damaged and scratches appear on the skin through which viruses and bacteria can penetrate, causing inflammation.

When trying to remove wax from the ear canal, they try to insert cotton swabs as deep as possible, which is fraught with serious consequences. If there is a plug of wax in the ear canal at this time, the cotton swab, instead of removing it, will push it deeper, close to the eardrum, which will make it difficult for even a doctor to remove the plug from the ear. If there is no plug, a cotton swab placed too deep can injure the eardrum and cause the membrane to rupture. To prevent this, the auricle and ear canal should be cleaned while bathing or taking a shower, lathering your finger and running it along the outer ear and around the opening of the ear canal, then carefully rinse off the water so that no water gets into the ear, and wipe dry.

For more serious cleaning, hygiene rules allow you to use hydrogen peroxide: dissolve 10-15 drops of the product in a tablespoon, soak cotton wool in it, put it in your ear and leave for a few minutes. When the cotton wool dries, you need to take it out and wipe your ear dry.

If your ears are blocked, your hearing has deteriorated, or an excessively large amount of wax has begun to be released, you need to consult a doctor: this may indicate the presence of a wax plug (you should not get rid of it yourself: this should be done by a specialist) or a more serious disease, for example, the appearance of a fungus in the ears or ear inflammation. In this case, you cannot rinse your ears with water.


Ear hygiene also means protecting them from water entering the ear canal, the presence of which in the ear directly affects the ability to perceive sound signals. When water gets into the ear canal, there is a feeling of stuffiness, a buzzing in the head, and painful sensations may appear.

Despite the fact that water will not get into the inside of the middle ear if the eardrum is intact, if it remains in the ear canal, it can cause inflammation of the outer ear or contribute to the development of fungus in the ears, which will not be easy to get rid of.

To prevent such consequences, before going to the pool, you must lubricate the ear canal with Vaseline and swim in a cap. If the liquid manages to get into the ear canal, in order to get rid of it, you need to tilt your head so that the water flows out of it on its own. This can be done more effectively by lying on your back and slowly turning your head to the side of the affected ear.

Inflammatory diseases

Since the ear is so closely connected to the nose and throat, ear hygiene involves having a healthy nasopharynx. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose or throat can lead to inflammation of the eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx, as a result of which bacteria can easily penetrate into the hearing organs, causing otitis media or another equally serious disease, which will lead to hearing impairment and severe pain.

To prevent the disease from spreading to the hearing organs, during colds it is very important to blow your nose correctly. Do this not with two nostrils, but alternately: first close one nostril and blow mucus out of the other, then do the opposite.


Hearing hygiene involves avoiding exposure to too much noise on the ears, which can lead not only to hearing impairment, but also to deafness. Loud sounds directly affect the elasticity of the eardrum, which, because of this, ceases to normally perceive and perform its functions. If your work involves a high level of noise or your apartment is located near a highway or airport, in order to protect your hearing from its effects, you must use protective equipment (earplugs, sound-absorbing materials).

It is also advisable to avoid listening to music with headphones, especially at maximum volume: this leads to neuritis (inflammation of the nerves) and progressive hearing loss. Ideally, don’t use headphones at all, and if you listen to music in them, do so at a minimum volume.


The ear piercing procedure should only be carried out by a specialist doctor who knows exactly where to make the piercing so as not to harm the body: inside the auricle there are many points associated with the internal organs, so a piercing in the wrong place can negatively affect their work. If this procedure is done incorrectly, the ears may begin to fester, and the piercing will take a very long time to heal.


Many people during cold weather, at sub-zero temperatures, do not want to wear hats. This can lead not only to various diseases of the hearing organ, including frostbite, but also to cause inflammation of the cerebral cortex (meningitis).

Hearing prevention

To maintain hearing acuity for as long as possible and to hear as well as a twenty-year-old at fifty, ear hygiene should not be ignored. To do this, you need to remember and follow several rules. First of all, you need to properly clean your ears and avoid getting water into your ears.

Colds, viral and other diseases must always be treated on time, under no circumstances should they be neglected, and at the first signs of inflammation, consult a doctor: this is fraught with deterioration in hearing, which may not be completely restored in the chronic form.

In everyday life, we are surrounded by many sounds and objects that we perceive both visually and auditorily. To prevent the development of diseases of the organs of hearing and vision, it is important to follow measures and rules for the hygiene of one or another organ.

What is visual and hearing hygiene

Hygiene of vision and hearing includes certain rules that are aimed at reducing the negative impact of external factors on the human body. Hygiene is, first of all, the improvement of vision and hearing, a set of measures and factors that together allow one to achieve good results.
Visual hygiene is a set of measures aimed at preventing the development of diseases. Follow these guidelines:

  1. Do not over-watch TV programs.
  2. While working on the computer, alternate between work and rest time, and do special eye exercises in between work.
  3. Protect your eyes from excessively bright light.
  4. Try not to read if the room is dark.
  5. Avoid reading or watching TV while lying down.
  6. Plan your diet correctly. Include vegetables (cabbage, spinach, broccoli, corn, carrots), fruits and berries (blueberries, black currants).
  7. Visual hygiene implies a properly organized workplace (furniture, lighting).
  8. If your eyes are tired, make compresses or lotions from a decoction of medicinal herbs.
  9. If you have diseases, in order to make the eye muscles work, try to do without glasses from time to time.

Visual hygiene, as well as hearing hygiene, are important rules, the observance of which will prevent the occurrence of diseases.

Hearing hygiene: rules

The world around us fills human life with a large number of all kinds of sounds that we perceive. Sounds and noises, in addition to being useful and informative, can bring some discomfort into our lives. As a result, their negative impact can lead to hearing loss, as well as various ear diseases. Therefore, visual and hearing hygiene must be strictly observed:

  • you need to carefully monitor the cleanliness of the ears;
  • avoid places with high concentrations of noise;
  • if inflammatory diseases of the ears occur, immediately seek medical help;
  • It is not recommended to insert sharp objects into the ear canal;
  • promptly treat nasopharyngeal diseases.

Visual and hearing care factors include maintaining the functional characteristics of visual and auditory perception.

Hygiene (both everyday and preventive) of vision and hearing is an important part of human adaptation to environmental conditions.

MOU. MSSH No. 2.

Abstract on biology

On the topic: hearing hygiene.


Student 9" A" class

Antoshkin Artem.


Our world is filled with sounds, the most diverse.

we hear all this, all these sounds are perceived by our ear. In the ear the sound turns into “machine gun fire”

nerve impulses that are transmitted along the auditory nerve to the brain.

Sound, or sound wave, is alternating rarefaction and condensation of air, spreading in all directions from a vibrating body. We hear such air vibrations with a frequency of 20 to 20,000 per second.

20,000 vibrations per second is the highest sound of the smallest instrument in the orchestra - the piccolo flute, and 24 vibrations is the sound of the lowest string - the double bass.

The idea that sound “flies into one ear and out the other” is absurd. Both ears do the same job, but do not communicate with each other.

For example: the ringing of a clock “flew” into your ear. He faces an instant, but rather complex journey to the receptors, that is, to those cells in which a sound signal is born under the action of sound waves. Having flown into the ear, the ringing will hit the eardrum.

The membrane at the end of the auditory canal is stretched relatively tightly and closes the passage tightly. The ringing, striking the eardrum, causes it to vibrate and vibrate. The stronger the sound, the more the membrane vibrates.

The human ear is a unique hearing device in terms of sensitivity.

The goals and objectives of this course work are to familiarize a person with the sense organs - hearing.

Talk about the structure and functions of the ear, as well as how to preserve hearing and how to deal with diseases of the hearing organ.

Also about various harmful factors at work that can damage hearing, and about measures to protect against such factors, since various diseases of the hearing organ can lead to more serious consequences - hearing loss and illness of the entire human body.

The ear and surrounding structures contain a variety of tissue types, each of which can serve as a source of disease; Therefore, ear diseases include a wide range of pathological conditions. Any disease of the skin, cartilage, bones, mucous membranes, nerves or blood vessels can be located in or around the ear.

Eczema and skin infections– quite common diseases of the external ear. The external auditory canal is especially susceptible to them due to the fact that it is dark, warm and moist.

Eczema is difficult to treat. Its main symptoms are peeling and cracking of the skin, accompanied by itching, burning and sometimes discharge. Infectious inflammation of the outer ear subjectively causes a lot of trouble, since the hard wall of the canal and the proximity of the bone cause compression of the irritated skin in the event of a boil or other inflammatory process; as a result, even a very small boil, which would be barely noticeable in the soft tissues, can turn out to be extremely painful in the ear. Fungal infections of the external auditory canal are also common.

Infectious diseases of the middle ear. The infection causes inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media); it enters the tympanic cavity from the nasopharynx through the canal connecting them - the auditory tube. The eardrum becomes red, tense and painful. Pus may accumulate in the middle ear cavity. In severe cases, a myringotomy is performed, i.e. the eardrum is incised to allow drainage of pus; under the pressure of accumulated pus, it can rupture spontaneously. Typically, otitis media responds well to antibiotic treatment, but sometimes the disease progresses and develops mastoiditis (inflammation of the mastoid process of the temporal bone), meningitis, brain abscess, or other severe infectious complications that may require urgent surgical intervention.

Acute infectious inflammation of the middle ear and mastoid process can become chronic, which, despite mild symptoms, continues to threaten the patient. The introduction of plastic drains and ventilation tubes into the cavity reduces the likelihood of relapse of an acute condition.

The most important complication of middle ear diseases is hearing loss caused by impaired sound conduction. The patient appears fully recovered after treatment with penicillin or other antibiotics, but a small amount of fluid remains inside the tympanic cavity, and this is enough to cause hearing loss, accompanied by tension, fatigue and poor understanding of speech. This condition, secretory otitis media, can lead to a decrease in a child’s performance at school. The paucity of symptoms does not allow a quick diagnosis, but treatment is simple - a small incision is made in the eardrum and fluid is removed from the cavity. Repeated infection in this area can lead to adhesive (adhesive) otitis with the formation of adhesions in the tympanic cavity or to partial destruction of the eardrum and auditory ossicles. In these cases, correction is carried out using surgical operations, combined under the general name of tympanoplasty. A middle ear infection can also cause tinnitus.

Tuberculosis and syphilis of the ear almost always associated with the presence of a focus of corresponding infection in the body.

Ear cancer can occur in any part of it, but is rare. Sometimes benign tumors develop that require surgery.

Meniere's disease- a disease of the inner ear, characterized by hearing loss, ringing in the ears and dizziness - from mild dizziness and unsteadiness of gait to severe attacks with complete loss of balance. The eyeballs make involuntary rapid rhythmic movements (horizontal, less often vertical or circular), called nystagmus.

Many, even quite severe cases, are amenable to therapeutic treatment; if it fails, they resort to surgical destruction of the labyrinth.

Otosclerosis– a disease of the bone capsule of the labyrinth, which leads to a decrease in the mobility of the base of the stapes in the oval window of the inner ear and, as a consequence, to impaired sound conduction and hearing loss. In many cases, significant improvement in hearing is achieved through surgery.

Hearing hygiene

Sulfur plugs

Earwax secreted by the glands in the external auditory canal protects the ear from dust and germs, but its excess leads to the formation of cerumen plugs and can cause hearing loss. Therefore, you need to constantly monitor the cleanliness of your ears. If a lot of sulfur has accumulated, you should consult a doctor to have the sulfur plugs removed. .

Industrial noise

Strong noises that constantly affect the body cause great harm to health. They can lead not only to weakened hearing or its complete loss, but also to reduce performance, increase fatigue, cause insomnia, and also cause a number of diseases (ulcers, gastritis, hypertension, etc.). To combat industrial noise, various means of protection are used - sound-absorbing materials, soundproof headphones, etc.

The influence of sounds on the human body .

Man has always lived in a world of sounds and noise. Sound refers to such mechanical vibrations of the external environment that are perceived by the human hearing aid (from 16 to 20,000 vibrations per second). Vibrations of higher frequencies are called ultrasound, and vibrations of lower frequencies are called infrasound. Noise is loud sounds merged into a discordant sound.

For all living organisms, including humans, sound is one of the environmental influences.

In nature, loud sounds are rare, the noise is relatively weak and short-lived. The combination of sound stimuli gives animals and humans the time necessary to assess their character and formulate a response. Sounds and noises of high power affect the hearing aid, nerve centers, and can cause pain and shock. This is how noise pollution works.

The quiet rustling of leaves, the murmur of a stream, bird voices, the light splash of water and the sound of the surf are always pleasant to a person. They calm him down and relieve stress. But the natural sounds of nature’s voices are becoming increasingly rare, disappearing completely or are drowned out by industrial transport and other noise.

Long-term noise adversely affects the hearing organ, reducing sensitivity to sound.

The noise level is measured in units expressing the degree of sound pressure - decibels. This pressure is not perceived infinitely. A noise level of 20-30 decibels (DB) is practically harmless to humans; it is a natural background noise. As for loud sounds, the permissible limit here is approximately 80 decibels. A sound of 130 decibels already causes pain in a person, and 150 becomes unbearable for him. It is not for nothing that in the Middle Ages there was execution “by the bell.” The roar of the bells tormented and slowly killed the condemned man.

The level of industrial noise is also very high. In many jobs and noisy industries it reaches 90-110 decibels or more. It’s not much quieter in our home, where new sources of noise are appearing - the so-called household appliances.

Each person perceives noise differently. Much depends on age, temperament, health, and environmental conditions.

Constant exposure to loud noise can not only negatively affect your hearing, but also cause other harmful effects - ringing in the ears, dizziness, headaches, and increased fatigue. Very noisy modern music also dulls hearing and causes nervous diseases.

Noise is insidious, its harmful effects on the body occur invisibly, imperceptibly. Disturbances in the human body due to noise become noticeable only over time.

Currently, doctors are talking about noise disease, which develops as a result of exposure to noise with primary damage to the hearing and nervous system.

Didactic goal: create conditions for awareness and comprehension of a block of new information using several sources and the formation of information, communication and reflexive competencies.


  • Educational: reveal the meaning of the organ of hearing; introduce the structure and functions of the hearing organ and its parts; continue to formulate the concept of an analyzer, give an idea of ​​the causes of hearing impairment, the occurrence of hearing diseases, and their prevention; explain the harm of noise.
  • Educational: continue to develop skills and abilities to work with the text of the textbook, conduct self-observations and draw conclusions based on the results obtained.
  • Educational: to cultivate a responsible attitude towards one’s health, to emphasize the role of the auditory analyzer as a means of communication in the moral development of a person.

Lesson type: combined.

Equipment: “Hearing Analyzer” table, ear model, multimedia presentation, mobile classroom, Internet.

During the classes

1. Org. moment - greeting. Today we will continue our acquaintance with human analyzers and their significance in our lives.

2. Goal setting and motivation Today in the lesson we will have a lot of difficult work, because in addition to getting to know the structure and functions of the second most important analyzer, we will need to try to find a solution to one of the moral problems.

“The greatest luxury on earth is
the luxury of human communication.”
(Antoine de Saint-Exupery)

Question: Does the auditory analyzer play any role in communication between people?

Assignment: Formulate your goals for today’s lesson in the following areas:

What do you want to know

What would you like to learn

Why You Need It.

3. Testing knowledge in the form of a frontal conversation:

  • What is an analyzer?
  • What is the analyzer made of?
  • What parts make up the visual analyzer?
  • What visual hygiene should a person observe?

Find visual hygiene on the Internet. 3 min

4. Learning new material:

4.1. The meaning of hearing. Turn on music (Intro accompanied by musical accompaniment made up of pleasant calm classical music, hard rock, surf or rain noise and industrial noises).

Like vision, hearing is a distant sensory organ, that is, with its help you can perceive sounds at a considerable distance. Animals use hearing to detect prey, escape from predators, and communicate. Hearing is also important for humans. A person's entire life takes place in the world of sounds. The sounds of the surf, melodies, speech - all these are sound vibrations. Our hearing picks up vibrations with a frequency of 16 to 20 thousand times per second. How did the music you listened make you feel? How do you determine the importance of the hearing organ?

Teacher's conclusion: Sounds can give rise to both wonderful thoughts in our soul and cause negative reactions, act soothingly, or irritate. Thus, ...

Notebook entries: The meaning of hearing:

Hearing contributes to the aesthetic education of a person;

Is a channel of communication;

Participates in the transfer and accumulation of knowledge accumulated by humanity

4.2. The structure of the auditory analyzer.

Like any other analyzer, the auditory one also consists of three parts: the auditory receptor, the auditory nerve with its pathways, and the area of ​​the cerebral cortex where the analysis and evaluation of sound stimulation occurs.

Play movie (Hearing organ)

Notebook entries: Structure and functions of the ear parts

Ear parts Structure Functions
External The auricle, the external auditory canal that ends at the eardrum Protection (sulfur release)

Catching and conducting sounds

Average Auditory ossicles:




Eustachian tube

The bones conduct and amplify sound vibrations 50 times.

Eustachian tube - equalizes pressure in the middle ear.

Inner ear: vestibule (membranes of the oval and round windows), cochlea Cochlear auditory receptors Convert sound signals into nerve impulses that go to the auditory zone of the KBP

How to consolidate checking the completion of the table in the workbook.

Play the movie Wave Propagation

Notebook entries: Structure of the auditory analyzer:

The organ of hearing is divided into the outer, middle and inner ear. (Working with the textbook text on the textbook page Sonin, Sapin and the textbook drawing)

Teacher: In the late 90s of the 18th century, the great composer Ludwig van Beethoven began to develop deafness. He was a man of titanic will, a powerful spirit, which helped him continue to create. But how? After all, he practically didn’t hear. He did this with the help of a cane, one end of which he placed against the piano, the other against his teeth, since bones are capable of conducting sound waves, which is what Beethoven felt when composing music. Beethoven developed deafness after an illness he suffered. As you know, many viral diseases lead to hearing loss or complete deafness. In modern society, hearing impairment can be caused not only by infection, but also by various noise pollution.

Teacher: In your notebook there is a reminder “Hearing Hygiene”. I propose to analyze the first 5 rules. Let's turn to them.

Hearing hygiene

  1. Do not clean your ears with matches or knitting needles.
  2. Protect your ears from loud noise.
  3. If your ears hurt, consult a doctor.
  4. Every morning, stretch your ear.
  5. Listen to calm rhythmic music.
  6. Wash the vestibules of the ear canals with soap and warm water.
  7. Treat inflammation of the nasopharynx promptly, as this leads to hearing impairment.
  8. Open your mouth when there is an explosion or shooting.
  9. For noise at work, wear earplugs.
  10. Protect your ears from blows.

4.3. Hearing hygiene. (conversation followed by addition using the Internet)

Notebook entries: Hearing hygiene

Cause Consequences
Auditory nerve damage Impaired transmission of impulses to the auditory zone of the KBP
Formation of sulfur plug Impaired transmission of sound vibrations to the inner ear
Strong sharp sounds (explosion) Rupture of the eardrum
Constant loud noises Decreased elasticity of the eardrum
Foreign bodies Middle ear swelling
Pathogenic microorganisms Inflammation of the middle ear (otitis media)

4.4. Harmful effects of noise on hearing.

In large cities, over 60% of people complain about excessive noise. Under constant sharp impacts of sound waves, the eardrum vibrates with a large amplitude. Because of this, it gradually loses its elasticity, and as a result, hearing becomes dull. Excessive and prolonged noise causes inhibition in the cells of the cerebral cortex. In addition, through the organ of hearing, noise can cause a variety of physiological (increased heartbeat, increased blood pressure) and mental (decreased attention, nervousness) disturbances. Long-term exposure to noise is one of the factors contributing to the development of ulcers and even infectious diseases. As a result, life expectancy is reduced. Noise is the work of humans, so they can and should fight it.

As a rule, noise is annoying: it interferes with work, rest, and thinking. But noise can also have a calming effect. Such an influence on a person is exerted, for example, by the rustling of leaves, the roar of the sea surf. Relaxing in the quiet of the fields, on the shore where the splashing of water is heard, in the forest amid the soothing rustle of leaves is beneficial not only for the organ of hearing, but also for the whole organism.

Let's check the effect of noise on your hearing.

4.5. Performing laboratory work “Studying the effect of noise on hearing”

1. Formulate the purpose of the work

2. Do the work:

3. Enter the results into the table.

4. Compare the results of your work and explain them. Draw a conclusion.

4.6. Checking initial assimilation:

Knowledge test test dial Lesson 19 Hearing and balance analyzers answer. (mobile class)

3. Reflective stage.

4. Teacher’s assessment of children’s work

So, we found out that the organ of hearing is designed to perceive sound stimuli. In the Bible in the “Parable of the Sower” there is such a phrase: “He who has ears to hear, let him hear!” What is the meaning of this expression?

What is the role of the auditory analyzer (ears) in human communication?

What is meant by the concept of “hearing”? Do we always “hear” each other? What does it take for one person to hear another?

Have you achieved all your goals set for the lesson?

5. Homework.

Pages 80-82 of the textbook.

Formulate rules for caring for your ears. (1 option)

Suggest measures to reduce human exposure to noise. (Option 2)

Assignments for a biology lesson, grade 8

Laboratory work “Studying the effect of noise on hearing”

1. Formulate the purpose of the work

2. Do the work:

a) A wristwatch is brought close to the right ear of the subject, who is sitting with his eyes closed. The distance at which he heard the ticking of the clock is recorded.

b) Carry out a similar experiment with the left ear. (A distance of 10-15 cm is considered normal.)

c) Listen to loud music for 2 minutes, and then repeat the experiment.

Enter the results into the table.

4. Compare the results obtained and explain them. Draw a conclusion.

A task to test knowledge at a basic level

Read the text, write down the necessary words in order separated by commas:

“Each ear consists of three sections: ..., ..., .... The outer ear ends... .... In the middle ear there are... .... They transmit sound vibrations... .. ... inner ear. The inner ear, unlike the previous sections, is filled.... In the inner ear there is the vestibule, cochlea and... .... The final analysis of sound stimulation occurs in... the zone of the cerebral cortex. A well-mannered person will not become loud... in public places.

In order to prevent a decrease in hearing acuity and protect the hearing organs from the harmful influence of the external environment, the penetration of viruses and the development of dangerous diseases, it is necessary to adhere to the basic rules of hearing hygiene and monitor the condition of your ears, the cleanliness and condition of your hearing.

Hearing hygiene suggests that ears should be cleaned no more than twice a week unless they are very dirty. There is no need to get rid of the sulfur that is in the ear canal too carefully: it protects the human body from the penetration of pathogenic microorganisms into it, removes debris (skin flakes, dust, dirt), and moisturizes the skin.

Therefore, the hearing organs need to be cleaned correctly so as not to injure the ears during cleaning, contributing to hearing impairment. This happens when, trying to clean the ear canal with ear sticks or other sharp objects, the ear is damaged and scratches appear on the skin through which viruses and bacteria can penetrate, causing inflammation.

When trying to remove wax from the ear canal, they try to insert cotton swabs as deep as possible, which is fraught with serious consequences. If there is a plug of wax in the ear canal at this time, the cotton swab, instead of removing it, will push it deeper, close to the eardrum, which will make it difficult for even a doctor to remove the plug from the ear. If there is no plug, a cotton swab placed too deep can injure the eardrum and cause the membrane to rupture.

To prevent this, the auricle and ear canal should be cleaned while bathing or taking a shower, lathering your finger and running it along the outer ear and around the opening of the ear canal, then carefully rinse off the water so that no water gets into the ear, and wipe dry.

For more serious cleaning, hygiene rules allow you to use hydrogen peroxide: dissolve 10-15 drops of the product in a tablespoon, soak cotton wool in it, put it in your ear and leave for a few minutes. When the cotton wool dries, you need to take it out and wipe your ear dry.

If your ears are blocked, your hearing has deteriorated, or an excessively large amount of wax has begun to be released, you need to consult a doctor: this may indicate the presence of a wax plug (you should not get rid of it yourself: this should be done by a specialist) or a more serious disease, for example, the appearance of a fungus in the ears or ear inflammation. In this case, you cannot rinse your ears with water.


Ear hygiene also means protecting them from water entering the ear canal, the presence of which in the ear directly affects the ability to perceive sound signals. When water gets into the ear canal, there is a feeling of stuffiness, a buzzing in the head, and painful sensations may appear.

Despite the fact that water will not get into the inside of the middle ear if the eardrum is intact, if it remains in the ear canal, it can cause inflammation of the outer ear or contribute to the development of fungus in the ears, which will not be easy to get rid of.

To prevent such consequences, before going to the pool, you must lubricate the ear canal with Vaseline and swim in a cap. If the liquid manages to get into the ear canal, in order to get rid of it, you need to tilt your head so that the water flows out of it on its own. This can be done more effectively by lying on your back and slowly turning your head to the side of the affected ear.

You can also get rid of water in the ear canal by taking a deep breath, then pinch your nose with your fingers and exhale without opening your mouth. The pressure built up in the ear, nose and throat will push the water out of the ear.

Inflammatory diseases

Since the ear is so closely connected to the nose and throat, ear hygiene involves having a healthy nasopharynx. Inflammation of the mucous membrane of the nose or throat can lead to inflammation of the eustachian tube, which connects the middle ear to the nasopharynx, as a result of which bacteria can easily penetrate into the hearing organs, causing otitis media or another equally serious disease, which will lead to hearing impairment and severe pain.

To prevent the disease from spreading to the hearing organs, during colds it is very important to blow your nose correctly. Do this not with two nostrils, but alternately: first close one nostril and blow mucus out of the other, then do the opposite.


Hearing hygiene involves avoiding exposure to too much noise on the ears, which can lead not only to hearing impairment, but also to deafness. Loud sounds directly affect the elasticity of the eardrum, which, because of this, ceases to normally perceive and perform its functions.

If your work involves a high level of noise or your apartment is located near a highway or airport, in order to protect your hearing from its effects, you must use protective equipment (earplugs, sound-absorbing materials).

It is also advisable to avoid listening to music with headphones, especially at maximum volume: this leads to neuritis (inflammation of the nerves) and progressive hearing loss. Ideally, don’t use headphones at all, and if you listen to music in them, do so at a minimum volume.


The ear piercing procedure should only be carried out by a specialist doctor who knows exactly where to make the piercing so as not to harm the body: inside the auricle there are many points associated with the internal organs, so a piercing in the wrong place can negatively affect their work. If this procedure is done incorrectly, the ears may begin to fester, and the piercing will take a very long time to heal.


Many people during cold weather, at sub-zero temperatures, do not want to wear hats. This can lead not only to various diseases of the hearing organ, including frostbite, but also to cause inflammation of the cerebral cortex (meningitis).

Hearing prevention

To maintain hearing acuity for as long as possible and to hear as well as a twenty-year-old at fifty, ear hygiene should not be ignored. To do this, you need to remember and follow several rules. First of all, you need to properly clean your ears and avoid getting water into your ears.

Colds, viral and other diseases must always be treated on time, under no circumstances should they be neglected, and at the first signs of inflammation, consult a doctor: this is fraught with deterioration in hearing, which may not be completely restored in the chronic form.

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