I. Sobolev V.I. E mail Sobolev Viktor Ivanovich

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1. "Day of the capture of the Lubyanka" Cherkesov. ... not fired generals FSB, and now Gosnarkokontrol employees close to the leadership Victor Cherkesov may become secretary of the Security Council. The new appointment could be Victor Cherkesov was not promoted at all, but rather demoted As expected, Russian President Vladimir Putin recently accepted the resignation of Security Council Secretary Igor Ivanov. And about. career intelligence officer Valentin became head of the Security Council apparatus Sobolev ...
Date: 28.08.2007 2. Agents of influence. ... Vladislav Sherstyuk (former general director of FAPSI); - Deputy Secretary - Colonel General Valentin Sobolev(former 1st Deputy Director of the FSB); - Head of the Main Directorate of Military Inspection (until March 2004) - general Army Mikhail Barsukov (former director of the FSB ...
President Vladimir Putin is a Lieutenant Colonel of the PGU [First Main Directorate (Foreign Intelligence)] of the KGB. Presidential Administration: - Assistant to the President - Lieutenant General Victor Ivanov (former deputy director of the FSB, head of the department ...
Date: 08/30/2004 3. Bandit "special forces". The victims of the killers were most often " generals underworld."
When he, wounded in a shootout with policemen at the Petrovsky-Razumovsky market, was brought to the prison hospital, he said that he was the same killer who killed the thieves in law Globus (Vyacheslav Dlugach), Kalina ( Victor Nikiforov), Bauman...
Date: 04/06/2004 4. The KGB is in power. BARSUKOV MIKHAIL IVANOVICH general army, head of the military inspection department of the Security Council of the Russian Federation Born on November 8, 1947 in the Lipetsk region.
BORODI VICTOR Ivanovich State Duma Deputy Born April 18, 1952.
Date: 12/27/2002 5. Hackers opened the Open Society. They may be involved in the theft of documents of the former commander of NATO forces in Europe general Philip Breedlove, George Soros's Open Society Foundation, and Chicago publicist Sarah Hamilton, who volunteered to help...
It states that the safety and confidentiality of this visit is provided by Pinchuk (we are talking about Victor Pinchuk, a well-known philanthropist, son-in-law of Leonid Kuchma - Ed.) Most of the meetings were to take place at the hotel where Soros lived.
Date: 08/17/2016 6. Director of the Federal Customs Service as a witness to smuggling. ... Chekists detained Elena Sobolev, intending with her help to deal with one of the organizers of the departmental competition that aroused suspicion - the former head of the FCS's main information technology department, and then the representative of customs in Ukraine, Lieutenant General Alexei Shashaev. Given that general- a long-time associate of the head of the FCS Andrey Belyaninov, the latter, obviously, was the target of the investigation ...
Date: 07/27/2016 7. Ex.2. List of names Smorodinsky Victor- agent of the FSB of the Russian Federation. Sobolev Valentin Alekseevich - First Deputy. Director of the FSB, Colonel General.
Almazov Sergey Nikolaevich - head of the tax police of the Russian Federation (1992-1999), general. 8. Who is who in the "revolutionary" government of Ukraine. ... Rada on the rule of law and justice Pavel Petrenko (second from left), candidate for the post of head of the lustration commission Yegor Sobolev(third from left in the background) and a candidate for the post of Minister of the Interior, acting. Minister of the Interior Arsen...
Cabinet of Ministers from A to Z Arsen Avakov (Avakyan) - Minister of Internal Affairs (50 years old) A native of the environment Victor Yushchenko was involved in corruption scandals seven times.
Date: 04/09/2014 9. Will the police take the "decisor". It turned out that the colonel was also involved in the "exploits" of the former head of ORB No. 11, Lieutenant Colonel Sergey Motin and the then head of the Azov-Chernomorsky Department of Internal Affairs in transport general Victor Sosyura.
Even enlightened local inhabitants know that Fortuna is controlled by thief in law Arutyunov (Armen-Kanevskoy) and the leader of the organizing group Sobolev.
Date: 05/25/2011 10. Report of the Kesaev commission to investigate the Beslan terrorist attack. ... Russia in the Republic of North Ossetia - A Colonel of the Internal Troops Tsyban Alexander Alexandrovich; Commander of the 58th Army Lieutenant General Sobolev Victor Ivanovich; Head of the Main Directorate of the Ministry of the Russian Federation for Civil Defense, Emergency...
In the building of the AMS (administration of local self-government. - "Power") in Beslan, the following arrangement of structures and officials located there was formed. On the first floor (left wing) - FSB ( generals Andreev V. A. and Kaloev T.).
Date: 05.12.2005 11. Import of spent nuclear fuel to Russia. ... Belyakov Alexander Semenovich Unity + + Bilalov Ahmed Gadzhiyevich Unity + + Bicheldey Kaadyr-ool Alekseevich Unity + + Borodai Victor Ivanovich Unity + + Botka Nikolai Petrovich Leningrad Region Unity 0 0 Burataeva Alexandra Mandzhievna...
... Gadzhimet Kerimovich Unity + + Semenkov Vladimir Mikhailovich Unity + + Sliska Lyubov Konstantinovna Unity * + Sobolev Anatoly Nikolaevich Unity + + Sorokin Nikolai Evgenievich Unity + + Sokhov Vladimir Kazbulatovich Kabardino-Balkarian...
Date: 06/08/2001 12. Votes in the Duma are for sale. + - 19. GENERALS SERGEY VLADIMIROVICH YUKOS, Minister of Fuel and Energy, buys from S. Frank a controlling stake in the Far Eastern Shipping Company, coal business (doubtful deal on KATEK) + = 20. KOVALEV SERGEY ADAMOVITCH Treason to the Motherland, connection ...
Default, trading insider information, causing damage to the state, covering subordinates, corruption, GKO + - 42. IVANENKO SERGEY VIKTOROVYCH Part of financing party expenses, communication with entrepreneurs - - 43. KUSHCHENKO VICTOR NIKOLAEVICH...
Date: 09/12/2000 13. Godfathers are running the case. ... the prosecutor's office of the Rostov region with the leaders of criminal groups in Rostov-on-Don to the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of the Russian Federation in the Southern Federal District Victor Kazantsev, whose direct duties include overseeing such "activities" of local officials...
- Ed.) " Sobolev-Ursala", provides active assistance in terminating criminal cases against members of an organized crime group (organized criminal group. - Ed.), Members of the PS " Sobolev- Ursala.
Date: 08.08.2000

In the late 1980s and early 1990s, the United States and its allies managed to achieve their main geopolitical goal - to divide the Russian people into its component parts, split other peoples from it that had lived with it for hundreds of years, and begin to build a "new world order", which, in the words of Zbigniew Brzezinski, "it is created against Russia, at the expense of Russia and on the ruins of Russia." And so that no one has any doubts that it was the West that played the main role in the collapse of the Soviet Union, I would like to quote the words of another politician, US Secretary of State during the collapse of the USSR Baker: “In order to destroy the Soviet Union and win the Cold War, we've spent trillions of dollars."

Having divided the Russian people into its component parts, the West set about solving its next geopolitical task - to oppose these parts to each other, to pit them against each other. And so far this problem has been successfully solved. Ukraine, and above all its western part, is turning into an irreconcilable adversary of Russia through the efforts of the United States and its allies.

How and why did this happen, what were the prerequisites for this? After all, in Soviet times, there was nothing like this at all, and I am a living witness to this.

The fact is that after graduating from a military school, I served in Western Ukraine for almost eight years. Over the years of service, I had to visit almost all of its regions: Chernivtsi, Lviv, Ivano-Frankivsk, Rivne, Ternopil, Volyn, Zakarpattia, meet different people, at different levels, in different situations: at exercises, on business trips, at harvest when we helped the collective farmers harvest sugar beets in rainy times.

In 1978, the divisions of our regiment worked for three months in Lvov - they prepared the sports facilities of the Lvov SKA for holding the European Cup in modern pentathlon. Once, almost the entire regiment, we took part in the filming of the feature film "The Last Haiduk". Now you can't list everything...

But I want to say that at that time the inhabitants of the western regions of Ukraine were ordinary Soviet citizens who loved their Motherland and their army. During the exercises, it was impossible to just drive through the settlement: the column was bombarded with flowers, residents, especially young people, ran to the stopped equipment, treated the soldiers and officers with fruits, sweets, an impromptu concert began, sometimes a rally.

AND WHAT ARE THE BANDEROVTS? There were also Bandera, especially since they were released from places of detention ahead of time by N.S. Khrushchev, apparently, as "victims of Stalinism." Several times I had to travel for young recruits to various regions of Western Ukraine. So, in the service cards of some conscripts there were such entries: “Father was convicted for participation in the OUN gang for 25 years”; "The older brother was sentenced for participation in the OUN gang for 15 years."

But Bandera sat quietly and did not stick out. Of course, even then Western intelligence agencies tried to use them to their advantage, but they were under close supervision of the KGB and the Ministry of Internal Affairs and did not exert any influence on the life of Western Ukraine.

But after the collapse of the Soviet Union, they sharply intensified. But in order for this to happen, as Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland let it slip, the Americans alone spent five billion dollars. Bandera's ideology was literally hammered into the heads of Ukrainian youth from a very early age, especially during the reign of V. Yushchenko, the "American son-in-law", when Stepan Bandera and Roman Shukhevych were recognized as heroes of Ukraine.

Hundreds of non-governmental organizations have appeared in Ukraine, generously financed by Western intelligence services, dozens of various training centers and camps, where experienced foreign instructors theoretically and practically trained future militants. You look at the age of the Maidan and Right Sector militants - they were all born in the late eighties and nineties.

Well, what about Russia? And in Russia in the same years, our youth also studied history using the textbooks of D. Soros. Fortunately, we did not have our own Bandera and Shukhevych, but the heroes in these textbooks were Kornilov and Kolchak, Denikin and Wrangel, Yudenich and Kappel. Well, the most odious "historians" tried to make heroes such outright traitors as Vlasov and Krasnov.

AND EVERYTHING IS GOING ON TODAY. It is from the named six White Guards, who, with the active help of Western countries, unleashed a bloody Civil War against their people, but were defeated by the Red Army, we are offered by a certain military historical society to choose the name of Victory by May 9 this year. How can the defeated enemies of their own people be named after Victory, what could be more blasphemous?

And why the list of 55 commanders, from which we are offered to choose the name of Victory, did not include real winners, really talented commanders who defeated the troops of these leaders of the White movement: Vladimir Aleksandrovich Olderogge - Major General of the tsarist army and "Red Baron", commander of the Eastern Front of the Reds who defeated Kolchak's troops and liquidated Kolchakism;

Vladimir Nikolaevich Egoriev - lieutenant general of the tsarist army, commander of the Southern Front, which defeated Denikin's troops, rushing towards Moscow; Sergei Dmitrievich Kharlamov - colonel of the tsarist army, commander of the 7th Red Army, which defeated Yudenich's troops; Dmitry Nikolaevich Nadezhny - lieutenant general of the tsarist army, commander of the Northern Front, whose troops expelled the Anglo-American-French invaders from the Russian North; Dmitry Pavlovich Parsky - lieutenant general of the tsarist army, who led the Red Army in February 1918 and defeated the German troops near Pskov and Narva, thanks in large part to him, we celebrate February 23 as the birthday of the Red Army, the current Defender of the Fatherland Day;

Sergei Sergeevich Kamenev - Colonel of the tsarist army, from the beginning of 1919 until the end of the Civil War, Commander-in-Chief of all the Armed Forces of the Soviet Republic. By the way, all of them are hereditary nobles, which is important for modern "historians".

Why is Generalissimo Stalin, the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the USSR who defeated fascism, not included in this list, because he is included in the list of 100 great commanders of Russia?

What kind of society is this - a military-historical society that distorts our history in such a way?

And modern films about the war, such as "Penal Battalion" or "Bastards" - what can they teach our youth and what kind of patriotism can they instill?

WHEN the US embassy in Ukraine became the main headquarters for coordinating the actions of all anti-Russian forces and organizations, our Foreign Ministry took a position of non-interference in the affairs of Ukraine in principle, and our embassy in Kiev was headed by V.S. Chernomyrdin is the founder and one of the main shareholders of our "national treasure" - "Gazprom", who saw his main task in the constant conduct of "gas wars" with Ukraine. What are the national interests and geopolitical tasks! The commercial interests of "Gazprom" and his personal pocket - and this is at best, and at worst - an outright betrayal of Russia's national interests.

In general, V.S. Chernomyrdin has played his sinister role more than once in Russia's recent history. After all, it was he, together with B.N. Yeltsin made the decision to shoot the Supreme Soviet in 1993; it is his signature that stands under the "nuclear deal", according to which Russia handed over to the United States for a pittance 500 tons of weapons-grade uranium, accumulated during the years of Soviet power by the labor of millions of Soviet people - workers, engineers, scientists who forged the country's nuclear shield; it was he, President Yeltsin's special envoy, who "surrendered" Yugoslavia to the Americans for one billion dollars; he played his anti-Russian role in Ukraine as well. Well, then he was replaced in this post by one of the most “effective managers” in our government - M.Yu. Zurabov. His deputies were put behind bars, and the “minister” himself was sent to defend our national interests in Kyiv. So we now have in Ukraine what we deserve.

Meanwhile, the "Ukrainian party" on the "great chessboard", according to Brzezinski, is just beginning. I don’t want to draw such a conclusion, but it seems to me that the loss of Crimea for the United States in this “chess game” is a “pawn sacrifice”. They will try not to miss the whole of Ukraine or some part of it, and the chances in this “game” are too unequal. In the modern world, force plays the main role, and it is clearly not on our side. In essence, B. Obama is right: Russia, if we do not take into account our nuclear weapons, today is an ordinary regional power with a dilapidated industry, undermined agriculture and a collapsed army.

As a military person, I want to dwell on the state of our Armed Forces in more detail. Firstly, I remind those who have forgotten, and ordinary people who were convinced through TV that everything is fine in our army, unlike the Ukrainian one: “As a result of the cardinal reforms carried out by A. Serdyukov - N. Makarov, the army Russia has turned from an army capable of repelling the aggression of serious geopolitical opponents into an army capable of fighting armed militant groups.” This is not my opinion, this is the conclusion of serious military analysts - both ours and foreign ones, who summed up Serdyukov's activities after his resignation. It should be noted that this was the goal of the reforms, and the country's leadership, represented by V.V. Putin and D.A. Medvedev showed an unprecedented political will.

However, the reformers overdid it a little. By destroying or significantly reducing the command and control bodies responsible for maintaining their combat readiness in the troops, destroying the systems of military education, logistics and technical support, reducing the term of service in the army and navy to one year, they actually made even those brigades that remained in the army after reduction of regiments and divisions.

STEALING A. Serdyukov, having completed his dirty deed, resigned. In his place was appointed the most experienced minister of modern Russia, S.K. Shoigu, the permanent head of the Ministry for Civil Defense, Emergencies and Disaster Relief, created after the collapse of the USSR.

Some digression.

The new ministry was created on the basis of the Civil Defense Troops, which were previously part of the military department. The young minister, who immediately stepped from reserve lieutenants to generals, resolutely set about creating management bodies and structures that, in his opinion, would meet the tasks of the new ministry: he created rescue teams for various purposes, pulled up emergency medicine in the Ministry of Emergency Situations, acquired aviation, while reducing it to almost zero themselves Civil Defense Troops. As a result, the structure of the Ministry of Emergency Situations began to represent a huge control apparatus, where there were more generals than in the Ministry of Defense, with an almost complete absence of troops, a kind of "apiary without bees." And then a brilliant solution was found: firefighters were transferred from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the Ministry of Emergency Situations. It is more expensive to reduce them, even in peacetime. Only Serdyukov could decide to do this, reducing the fire brigades at military depots, bases and arsenals, as a result of which they constantly burned and exploded.

Therefore, one of the “achievements” of S.K. Shoigu as head of the new ministry was the almost complete liquidation of the Civil Defense Troops, and at present civil defense, as such, does not exist in Russia.

Well, okay, the one who does nothing is not mistaken.

More than a year has passed since the Ministry of Defense was headed by a new minister, and the General Staff - by a new chief. What has changed for the better in the Russian Armed Forces? In matters of restoring the combat readiness and combat readiness of the Russian Armed Forces - practically nothing.

In fairness, it should be noted that Sergei Kuzhugetovich is indeed an experienced and very proactive leader. Tank biathlon, “scientific” companies, ostentatious video conferences, now, from April 1, the number of operational and strategic control bodies is increasing by more than 20 percent: the National Center for Defense Control of the Russian Federation in the Moscow Region, regional and territorial centers in the districts and armies, respectively, are being created . But what do these ministerial initiatives have to do with restoring the combat readiness and combat effectiveness of the Armed Forces? All this is nothing more than PR.

As for the newly created control centers for the day-to-day activities of the troops, their place and role are generally incomprehensible. In the course of the Serdyukov reforms, the governing bodies of all levels were greatly reduced and are hardly fulfilling their tasks, they need to be restored, increasing the staffing. Instead, as new control centers are created, they are further reduced. But the Armed Forces are not the Ministry of Emergency Situations. The basic principle of training troops and military command and control bodies is: "Teach them what is necessary in war." What will the “crowd” (more than 20 percent) of captains, majors and lieutenant colonels in the operational and strategic management bodies do when the Armed Forces are transferred from peacetime to wartime? After all, in peacetime they will be engaged exclusively in everyday "peaceful" activities.

And ONE MORE initiative of the minister, which does not leave many, including purely civilians, indifferent - a new "office" uniform. Of course, it has no direct relation to the issues of combat readiness and combat readiness of the Armed Forces, but this uniform is very similar to the overalls of janitors, the tag with the name on the left breast of a serviceman is especially touching. So that no one confuses anything if they suddenly do not know the military leader, including the minister, by sight or do not understand military ranks. Officers and generals of the Russian army have not yet worn such a uniform - neither in tsarist nor in Soviet times. It seems to me that even Serdyukov's movement of the epaulette from shoulder to stomach did not cause such rejection as Shoigu's "office" uniform.

Someone may object to me: what about regular sudden large-scale exercises with military districts? By and large, this is also more PR than teaching. Well, how can you conduct high-quality exercises with the current military district, which includes two or three combined arms armies, the Air Force and Air Defense Army and the Navy, in one week and at the same time work out issues of combat readiness, combat training, including at the stages with live firing, the current formations - “brigades of constant combat readiness”, if these brigades are staffed with personnel and serviceable military equipment by 50-70 percent and are able to field no more than one reinforced battalion from their composition for any action, the training of which leaves much to be desired?

But the exercises are “large-scale”. The number of personnel involved in the last year's exercises in the Eastern Military District was announced at first as 70,000 people, then this figure seemed too small and was brought up to 160,000. Interestingly, the staffing of the Eastern District corresponds to this number of participants in the exercises, or is it its payroll?

On the other hand, at the present time it is almost impossible to conduct large-scale exercises for a long time: troops without logistic and technical support will not last more than one week in the field. And the theme of the exercises is strictly anti-terrorist. On the last of them, in the Western Military District, either the special forces portrayed terrorists who captured the settlement, and the paratroopers conditionally destroyed them, or vice versa. Children's games, and only, and not exercises on a district scale.

From the positive that will somehow affect the combat readiness and combat capability of the troops, made by the new leadership of the Armed Forces, we can name the recruitment of cadets and students in military universities, an increase in the duration of training in military academies to two years, the introduction of deputy commanders in battalions and brigades in terms of armament, the restoration of two divisions - Tamanskaya and Kantemirovskaya (only two), long-distance campaigns of our ships, and, of course, conducting exercises, even if they are anti-terrorist. Serdyukov did not do this either.

But all this is in the nature of a "cosmetic overhaul" of Serdyukov's legacy - an army capable of fighting against armed detachments of militants. Russia now needs an army capable of repelling the aggression of any geopolitical adversary in any strategic direction. And recent events in Ukraine only confirm this. The West has actually already decided on a direct confrontation with Russia and is preparing aggression directly at our borders. Quite recently, a decision was made to drastically increase the military component of NATO in the countries of Eastern Europe that are members of this bloc, including the Baltics. There is nowhere to retreat further, behind Moscow.

I am aware that it is practically impossible to restore the combat readiness and combat effectiveness of the Armed Forces without reviving our industry and agriculture, science and culture, restoring the historical memory of our people, without changing the entire socio-political course of the country. And if our government does not understand this, it must immediately be dismissed. Otherwise we will lose the country.


Lieutenant General IN AND. Sobolev - commanded the 58th Army of the North Caucasian Military District, participated in the counter-terrorist operation in the North Caucasus, was Chief Military Adviser of the Russian Embassy in India. After retiring, the general joined the Communist Party of the Russian Federation and headed the public Movement in support of the army, defense industry and military science (DPA). A Russian officer who loves his Motherland and knows how to defend it, Sobolev does not tolerate lies and hypocrisy. The general debunks the ostentatious patriotism of the authorities who support the compradors, who even during the sanctions are enriching themselves by briskly trading with "partners" who have crept up with their missile defense systems, military bases close to our borders.

What's going on, Viktor Ivanovich? The Medvedev government complains day and night that Western sanctions against Russia undermine our economy, cut off our budget, which is why Russians have their salaries, pensions, and benefits reduced. And for some, sanctions are like “mother is dear”?

Sanctions are a convenient excuse for the government. It dumps its mediocrity on sanctions. But lookfraternal Belarus has been living under sanctions for many years. However, all the factories work there, all the fields are plowed and sown, people work, everything is clean and tidy.Little Cuba Since its inception, the West has been strangling with sanctions. But everything is working there too, the production sector is developing, and social guarantees are being strictly implemented. Cuban medicine occupies a leading position in the world. People come to Cuba for treatment from everywhere. In the context of ongoing sanctions -North Korea. But even there they do not complain, but create their own nuclear missile shield.

And these countries have practically no natural resources.

And Russia is the richest country in the world in natural resources. If we divide our resources for each inhabitant of the country, then we are 20 times richer than Americans, and 50 times richer than Western Europeans. Using resources in favor of the state, it would be possible to raise our economy to the highest place in the world. But the leadership of the Russian Federation with its pocket parties and "heroes" seems to be concerned about something else...

With what ?

The goal of the "reforms" initiated by Yeltsin-Gaidar after the 1991 coup was not to strengthen Russia, but to turn it into a raw material colony of the West, followed by degradation and disintegration. We heard about this, for example, from Koch. In my opinion, we have already become a colony. Our grain, timber, gas, oil, fertilizers, and metals are flowing to the West. Sanctions do not prevent this.

The most egregious example is our titanium, rare and very hard metal. Before 90% of it goes to the US to the enterprises of the military-industrial complex. Titanium is needed for Boeings, Airbuses, which filled the sky, including in our country. The Russian aviation was ruined, and the Western one was “nurtured”… The Russian “owners” of titanium production profit from the titanium trade, their interests are personal enrichment. Sanctions are not a hindrance to them. This is not oil or gas, but the metal from which all aircraft are made. There were 15 aircraft factories in the Soviet Union. Each produced a hundred or even more aircraft a year. Every third aircraft in the world was Soviet. And today you will find at least one Russian aircraft anywhere? All Boeings, Airbuses - all from our titanium. And Russian aircraft factories are standing still. Recently I heard that 4 Su-134 bombers will go to one of the military units of the Eastern District. What is 4, it's funny. Yes, in the USSR, each of the 15 factories produced 100 aircraft. And then everything was cut off. Novosibirsk plant them. Chkalov produced the Su-24. But Yeltsin, returning from the United States, hand-writtendecree banned the release of these aircraft. At that time they were the best, most modern in the world. Instead of them - Su-134, but only 4 pieces. Or maybe this plant makes hundreds of such aircraft. How can we protect the country?

But the most striking thing is that you said from the rostrum that America, which has imposed sanctions against us, is openly threatening us, rattling their weapons, Russian businessmen are selling unique titanium ?

Exactly. And the US strategy in relation to Russia, this is written in their military doctrine, is to inflict the first global disarming strike on our nuclear forces with hypersonic missiles that are made from our titanium. After that, according to American military analysts, we will have somewhere between 15-20% of nuclear missiles. If they take off, they will be neutralized by the missile defense system, which is being created around the Russian Federation. Then - the invasion of ground forces ... The United States is actively building up military groups around our borders - in the Baltic states, in Poland, Romania. Last year, 1,500 tanks were stationed in the Baltics. Now the American brigade is conducting exercises there. The slightest excuse, and they will turn in our direction. But for now, they need a lot of titanium. And our compradors are ready to provide it to "partners". In the Urals, in the city of Verkhnyaya Salda, a joint Russian-American venture arose ...

Help (Wikipedia) : In 2007, an agreement was signed to establish a joint venture between VSMPO-AVISMA and Boeing - Ural Boeing Manufacturing (UBM), or Ural-Boeing in short. It went into operation in 2009. In the same year, in the presence of Putin, a contract was signed with Airbus until 2020 ($4 billion), in 2012 - with Boeing until 2018. All contracts are valid, cooperation is not interrupted. VCVSMPO-AVISMA Corporation includestwo industrial sites - VSMPO in the city of Verkhnyaya Salda, Sverdlovsk Region and AVISMA - a branch in the city of Berezniki, Perm Territory. The basis for the corporation was a plant for the production of semi-finished products from aluminum and magnesium alloys, built during the years of Stalin's five-year plans in the Moscow region. In 1941 he was evacuated to the Urals, to Verkhnaya Salda. In the 90s, unique production passed into private hands. Later came the SP. VSMPO-AVISMA was integrated into the Russian Technologies State Corporation. The liberal press wrote about Chemezov that he showed miracles of entrepreneurship, having managed “during the crisis, secretly from everyone beyond the Urals, to build one of the most modern enterprises in the world together with the Americans.” Chemezov is proud that not a single Boeing will take off without Russian titanium, and that he manages to cooperate with the Americans despite any external disagreements: “our joint venture is an alliance of business leaders from Russia and the United States - the Russian Technologies State Corporation, represented by the world leader in production of titanium VSMPO-AVISMA, and the world leader in the field of aircraft construction - Boeing.

Only 25% and one share of titanium production remain in the hands of the state. It is no longer ours. This is how we become a raw material colony of the West.

Where is the patriotism ?

He is in words. In fact, the opposite is true. Take education. It was destroyed on purpose. The think tank of destruction is the Higher School of Economics (HSE), founded in 1992 with funds from the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development. They explain why our education was "reformed": to eliminate the redundancy of knowledge. It turns out that our state was spending extra money on “excessive” education. To eliminate this “shortcoming”, they began to introduce the Unified State Examination, the Bologna system. And the HSE, as a bearer of Western ideas, from the first day generously finances the state, much more than the Moscow State University. Lomonosov. That's what "patriotism" is.

There are also many questions about the financial sector. .

In finance, the economy, everything is going on, as in the 90s, according to the recommendations of the International Monetary Fund (IMF). He does not allow us to reduce the interest rate on loans, and the United States advises to reduce rates. And it turns out that in the Russian Federation not a single plant, not a single company can receive loans for its development. The sanctions have deprived our production workers of affordable loans abroad.

And no one explains why there are no cheap loans in Russia ?

And to whom to explain? Our Central Bank is even registered in New York… We are told: there is not enough money. And last year they bought $92.5 billion worth of debt. Allegedly for the reliable storage of our reserves. And who do they take us for? Who will pay us these promissory notes if the USA owes the whole world. Their external debt - under 19 trillion dollars? And why not send these funds to the manufacturing sector? They are silent…

You came to the Communist Party. Why?

He believed the communists, the party programs, Zyuganov. The Communist Party of the Russian Federation is a party of patriots, this corresponds to my convictions.

In September there will be elections to the State Duma. What dangers, in your opinion, await the Communist Party? How to overcome them?

- First . It is necessary to expose all fake pseudo-communist parties. I think they are created in the bowels of the Administration. There is the CPSU, and the Communist Party of the Russian Federation, and the "Communists of Russia" ... They were spawned to confuse people in the elections. We need to make it clear to voters where the fakes are so they don't make mistakes.

Second. There is a danger of fraud, distortion of the final results. So it was in the last elections, when shameless stuffing was done, real results were replaced by false ones. I know it was common in the republics of the North Caucasus.

But first we need to convince the people to come to the polling stations and vote. We need to work with people who today, for the most part, live very poorly, are nostalgic for the past and do not know how to improve their lives. They need to be explained that life can be changed by supporting the Communist Party.

We need to work more with the youth. When you begin to explain to her how everything is in reality, she perceives very well, even better than older people who have already come to terms with their fate. Young people want change and believe in it. The Communist Party leads to change.

Lieutenant General Viktor Ivanovich Sobolev was born on February 23, 1950 in Krasnodar. He graduated from the Baku Higher Combined Arms Command School, the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze and the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Passed positions from the commander of a motorized rifle platoon to the deputy commander of the army. Since 2002 - Deputy Commander of the OGV (c) in the North Caucasus. 2003-06 Commander of the 58th Army of the North Caucasian Military District.
Since 2006, Chief Military Adviser of the Russian Embassy in India. He left the post upon reaching the age limit in December 2010.

On the eve of the elections, our President and Supreme Commander Dmitry Medvedev and the “national leader” Vladimir Putin took care, among other things, of the state of the army and the military-industrial complex of the country and assure the gullible citizens of Russia that they will do everything to ensure that our Armed Forces meet modern requirements and timely received new models of weapons and military equipment.

Russian mass media, controlled by the government and the president, have also actively joined in THESE ASSURANCES. So, in the final program on NTV on October 9 with Kirill Pozdnyakov, a whole news block was devoted to the Russian military department. It was prepared by NTV correspondent Alexei Pobortsev. And, I must say, he did everything to smooth out the sharp corners and the problems of the Armed Forces and the military-industrial complex that had accumulated over the years of reforms, at the same time to promote our “national leader” Vladimir Putin, who this time personally tested the control system of the T-90S tank with commander's position in the tower.
The car is good in all respects: a modern communication and navigation system, additional electromagnetic protection of the armored hull, automatic transmission, rear view camera; the tank is equipped with a complex of guided missiles with a range of hitting targets up to 5000 m; according to experts, it has good export prospects, but ... it will not be supplied to the Russian army.
It turns out that our Ministry of Defense is waiting for a fundamentally new model of the tank, the development of which supposedly should be completed by 2015. This is despite the fact that the previously developed new T-95 of the Ministry of Defense refused. Its prototypes were manufactured and factory tested - and that's it. And therefore, according to the statement of the First Deputy Minister of Defense A. Sukhorukov, it is planned to modernize the Soviet T-72 tanks of the 70s: "the ratio of price and quality of the Ministry of Defense suits." The fact that the facilities of Uralvagonzavod, the last Russian plant capable of producing modern tanks, will be idle is not important for our Ministry of Defense.
The matter is aggravated by the fact that the export prospects of our armored vehicles as a result of the activities of the previous First Deputy Minister of Defense V. Popovkin are very vague. In 2010, Mr. Popovkin gave the most negative characterization of our military-industrial complex in the media, assessed almost all samples of our weapons and military equipment as outdated and unpromising, which in fact dealt a blow to our entire military-technical cooperation with foreign countries. (Who will buy obsolete weapons of military equipment?). Mr. Popovkin was urgently transferred to another position - to the "Russian Space", after which all our rockets began to fall. I cannot link all the failures of our space industry directly with the name of Mr. Popovkin, but the fact remains.
“The military does not just want to order new tanks and aircraft,” says A. Pobortsev, “we need modern combat systems and combat control systems.” And what does this mean, military observer V. Litovkin explains to the gullible Russian layman: “The tank must be connected with an unmanned aerial vehicle. He must transmit the coordinates of the target to the tank. And the rocket projectile must be brought to the target and corrected by the drone.”
As a military man, I have no idea how this will happen in practice. Unmanned aerial vehicles can really be of great help in reconnaissance of targets, but areal ones: artillery and anti-aircraft batteries, command posts and communication centers, areas where various reserves are located; with their help, you can adjust the fire of artillery and multiple launch rocket systems from closed firing positions. But detecting a single camouflaged target for a tank (a tank or an anti-tank gun, an anti-tank guided missile in a firing position) using a drone and adjusting the fire of a tank gun - only a military observer who has never served in the army can think of such a thing.
And, of course, such unmanned aerial vehicles can only be made in Israel (which the Israelis demonstrated during the last war in Lebanon, when they lost most of their Merkava tanks, which were considered invulnerable).
By the way, the military themselves have not ordered anything for a long time. Completely different people do it for them - "effective" civilian managers who have never served in the army, but who understand financial flows much better than the military.
The military observer is supplemented by another "major military specialist" - Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, who justified the need to purchase unmanned aerial vehicles in Israel. Then came the justification for the need to purchase "Mistrals" in France, sniper rifles in England. Moreover, A. Pobortsev agreed that the aiming range of our SVD sniper rifle turns out to be three times less and is only 500 m. Well, how can you be so ignorant in military affairs and prepare a military program ?!
“Today the Ministry of Defense has money,” A. Pobortsev continues, “so sometimes more expensive foreign models are bought for the army. Soon our motorized riflemen will ride Italian IVECO armored vehicles.” True, they are inferior in maneuverability and maneuverability to the domestic Tiger armored vehicles, but they are superior in armor protection (our Ministry of Defense is not embarrassed by the fact that it ordered vehicles with such a level of protection). At the international arms exhibition in Nizhny Tagil, the Italian armored car could not overcome the obstacles that the Tiger easily conquered.

Russian "Tiger"
But as a military man, I have a question: why do our motorized riflemen need armored vehicles at all? After all, these are not battlefield vehicles, neither ours, nor even the Italian armored car will overcome an elementary trench without bridges previously installed through it, not to mention weapons.
Military observer V. Litovkin also substantiated the refusal to purchase Kalashnikov assault rifles: “Kalashnikov, of course, is not suitable for a professional soldier. Because the AK has a drawback: one or two bullets hit the target, the rest fan out to the side. But after all, this is characteristic of all automatic small arms without exception and largely depends on the training of the shooter. Here is such a "professional" critic.
As if with regret, A. Pobortsev states that not all types of weapons for the Russian army can be bought abroad, for example, the Kh-35 anti-ship missile. Western partners will not sell anything similar or more modern to Russia today.
The only sober thought in this program was expressed by the General Director of the Tactical Missiles Corporation B. Obnosov: “If you count on the fact that someone will sell us modern models on a serial scale, this is nonsense. Everyone cares about their own safety, and we are not so close friends in practice with all our competitors that we are sold good weapons. Everyone is rooting for their safety, except for our Ministry of Defense, unfortunately. As for “good weapons”, I think that this fully applies to Mistrals, IVECOs, British sniper rifles, and Israeli drones.
And one more very important point. In the course of the reforms, the army system of maintenance and military repair of weapons and military equipment was eliminated in our country. It is assumed that the commercial structure "Oboronservis" and representatives of manufacturing plants will deal with this. Arms and military equipment purchased abroad will also be serviced and repaired in the troops by representatives of foreign firms, or what?
The First Deputy Minister of Defense easily and naturally justified the failure of the state defense order this year. It turns out that officials of the Ministry of Defense demanded that the military-industrial complex enterprises justify in detail the prices for all components, up to screws. Therefore, most contracts were concluded only by October. Well, who is to blame for this? Of course, the military-industrial complex enterprises themselves. But it seems to me that if the president had not suddenly mentioned the state defense order, no one would have signed contracts this year. I wonder if the money allocated by the budget for the purchase of weapons and military equipment has been a dead weight all this time?!
By the way, about prices. Doesn't Mr. Sukhorukov know that after paying all taxes, the military-industrial complex enterprises have only half of the amount allocated to them (half is returned to the state)? But that is not all. A tidbit of the "defense pie" goes to the bankers in the form of interest on loans. After all, the allocated money never arrives at enterprises on time, and we have to take out loans, this is the policy of our Ministry of Finance. And then there are intermediary firms that arrange various tenders, for some reason the Ministry of Defense does not work directly with military-industrial complex enterprises. And, of course, the corruption component.
That's how many problems that need to be solved at the level of the Ministry of Defense, and not to count for 9 months, how much screws cost. From really big money (20 trillion by 2020), our military-industrial complex will receive mere crumbs. But instead, the Ministry of Defense decided to order weapons and military equipment abroad.
So what do we have today?
This year's defense order has been cancelled. Chronic underfunding or, as this year, its almost complete absence has led to the fact that the military-industrial complex of the country is degrading and rapidly losing the ability to produce new modern models of weapons and military equipment. In order for new samples to appear, advance funding of research and development work - R&D is necessary, and they are generally funded according to the residual principle. Enterprises not loaded with production are losing skilled workers and engineers, the training of which takes many years.
And this situation in our military-industrial complex has developed largely due to the purposeful policy in the field of state defense orders of our own Ministry of Defense. Is it really that the president and our “national leader” do not see and understand this? And if they do, why don't they take action?
Even worse is the situation in the Armed Forces. It is believed that we have a million-strong army, as Mr. Sukhorukov recalled in this program. Let's count together. There are 150 thousand officers in the army, there are no ensigns at all, they were liquidated. According to the civilian head of the GOMU, V. Smirnov, 184,000 contract servicemen serve in the army and navy. A total of 334,000, which means that the remaining 666,000 people are conscripts. But they just weren't called that many. In addition, conscripts serve not only in the army and navy, out of the total number of those called up, up to 30% serve in the internal troops, border guards, units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in the presidential regiment, finally. This means that there is a huge shortage in the army and navy, and it will only grow. The autumn call is planned to be reduced by almost 2 times. More than 200 thousand citizens, according to the same Smirnov, evade military service. The spring call stretches until September, and the autumn one - until March. The only thing the troops are doing is that continuously, throughout the year, they accept young soldiers into their ranks in small groups, organize individual training with them and try to staff the units. At the same time, the process of dismissal is also continuously going on. Under these conditions, there can be no question of any high-quality staffing of units. What are these parts of constant combat readiness?
Therefore, NATO military analysts are pleased to note that, as a result of the reforms, the Russian Armed Forces are no longer able to successfully solve problems even in local conflicts, “The Russian army does not have enough vehicles to transport troops over long distances, it does not have enough aircraft and pilots that can fly in any weather, there is no single information system. There are not enough soldiers in the army ... "
The Russian army is ruined, NATO understands this, but the country's leadership?

Lieutenant General Viktor Ivanovich Sobolev was born on February 23, 1950 in Krasnodar. He graduated from the Baku Higher Combined Arms Command School, the Military Academy named after M.V. Frunze and the Military Academy of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Passed positions from the commander of a motorized rifle platoon to the deputy commander of the army. Since 2002 - Deputy Commander of the OGV (c) in the North Caucasus. 2003-06 Commander of the 58th Army of the North Caucasian Military District.
Since 2006, Chief Military Adviser of the Russian Embassy in India. He left the post upon reaching the age limit in December 2010.

On the eve of the elections, our President and Supreme Commander Dmitry Medvedev and the “national leader” Vladimir Putin took care, among other things, of the state of the army and the military-industrial complex of the country and assure the gullible citizens of Russia that they will do everything to ensure that our Armed Forces meet modern requirements and timely received new models of weapons and military equipment.

Russian mass media, controlled by the government and the president, have also actively joined in THESE ASSURANCES. So, in the final program on NTV on October 9 with Kirill Pozdnyakov, a whole news block was devoted to the Russian military department. It was prepared by NTV correspondent Alexei Pobortsev. And, I must say, he did everything to smooth out the sharp corners and the problems of the Armed Forces and the military-industrial complex that had accumulated over the years of reforms, at the same time to promote our “national leader” Vladimir Putin, who this time personally tested the control system of the T-90S tank with commander's position in the tower.
The car is good in all respects: a modern communication and navigation system, additional electromagnetic protection of the armored hull, automatic transmission, rear view camera; the tank is equipped with a complex of guided missiles with a range of hitting targets up to 5000 m; according to experts, it has good export prospects, but ... it will not be supplied to the Russian army.
It turns out that our Ministry of Defense is waiting for a fundamentally new model of the tank, the development of which supposedly should be completed by 2015. This is despite the fact that the previously developed new T-95 of the Ministry of Defense refused. Its prototypes were manufactured and factory tested - and that's it. And therefore, according to the statement of the First Deputy Minister of Defense A. Sukhorukov, it is planned to modernize the Soviet T-72 tanks of the 70s: "the ratio of price and quality of the Ministry of Defense suits." The fact that the facilities of Uralvagonzavod, the last Russian plant capable of producing modern tanks, will be idle is not important for our Ministry of Defense.
The matter is aggravated by the fact that the export prospects of our armored vehicles as a result of the activities of the previous First Deputy Minister of Defense V. Popovkin are very vague. In 2010, Mr. Popovkin gave the most negative characterization of our military-industrial complex in the media, assessed almost all samples of our weapons and military equipment as outdated and unpromising, which in fact dealt a blow to our entire military-technical cooperation with foreign countries. (Who will buy obsolete weapons of military equipment?). Mr. Popovkin was urgently transferred to another position - to the "Russian Space", after which all our rockets began to fall. I cannot link all the failures of our space industry directly with the name of Mr. Popovkin, but the fact remains.
“The military does not just want to order new tanks and aircraft,” says A. Pobortsev, “we need modern combat systems and combat control systems.” And what does this mean, military observer V. Litovkin explains to the gullible Russian layman: “The tank must be connected with an unmanned aerial vehicle. He must transmit the coordinates of the target to the tank. And the rocket projectile must be brought to the target and corrected by the drone.”
As a military man, I have no idea how this will happen in practice. Unmanned aerial vehicles can really be of great help in reconnaissance of targets, but areal ones: artillery and anti-aircraft batteries, command posts and communication centers, areas where various reserves are located; with their help, you can adjust the fire of artillery and multiple launch rocket systems from closed firing positions. But detecting a single camouflaged target for a tank (a tank or an anti-tank gun, an anti-tank guided missile in a firing position) using a drone and adjusting the fire of a tank gun - only a military observer who has never served in the army can think of such a thing.
And, of course, such unmanned aerial vehicles can only be made in Israel (which the Israelis demonstrated during the last war in Lebanon, when they lost most of their Merkava tanks, which were considered invulnerable).
By the way, the military themselves have not ordered anything for a long time. Completely different people do it for them - "effective" civilian managers who have never served in the army, but who understand financial flows much better than the military.
The military observer is supplemented by another "major military specialist" - Ruslan Pukhov, director of the Center for Analysis of Strategies and Technologies, who justified the need to purchase unmanned aerial vehicles in Israel. Then came the justification for the need to purchase "Mistrals" in France, sniper rifles in England. Moreover, A. Pobortsev agreed that the aiming range of our SVD sniper rifle turns out to be three times less and is only 500 m. Well, how can you be so ignorant in military affairs and prepare a military program ?!
“Today the Ministry of Defense has money,” A. Pobortsev continues, “so sometimes more expensive foreign models are bought for the army. Soon our motorized riflemen will ride Italian IVECO armored vehicles.” True, they are inferior in maneuverability and maneuverability to the domestic Tiger armored vehicles, but they are superior in armor protection (our Ministry of Defense is not embarrassed by the fact that it ordered vehicles with such a level of protection). At the international arms exhibition in Nizhny Tagil, the Italian armored car could not overcome the obstacles that the Tiger easily conquered.

Russian "Tiger"
But as a military man, I have a question: why do our motorized riflemen need armored vehicles at all? After all, these are not battlefield vehicles, neither ours, nor even the Italian armored car will overcome an elementary trench without bridges previously installed through it, not to mention weapons.
Military observer V. Litovkin also substantiated the refusal to purchase Kalashnikov assault rifles: “Kalashnikov, of course, is not suitable for a professional soldier. Because the AK has a drawback: one or two bullets hit the target, the rest fan out to the side. But after all, this is characteristic of all automatic small arms without exception and largely depends on the training of the shooter. Here is such a "professional" critic.
As if with regret, A. Pobortsev states that not all types of weapons for the Russian army can be bought abroad, for example, the Kh-35 anti-ship missile. Western partners will not sell anything similar or more modern to Russia today.
The only sober thought in this program was expressed by the General Director of the Tactical Missiles Corporation B. Obnosov: “If you count on the fact that someone will sell us modern models on a serial scale, this is nonsense. Everyone cares about their own safety, and we are not so close friends in practice with all our competitors that we are sold good weapons. Everyone is rooting for their safety, except for our Ministry of Defense, unfortunately. As for “good weapons”, I think that this fully applies to Mistrals, IVECOs, British sniper rifles, and Israeli drones.
And one more very important point. In the course of the reforms, the army system of maintenance and military repair of weapons and military equipment was eliminated in our country. It is assumed that the commercial structure "Oboronservis" and representatives of manufacturing plants will deal with this. Arms and military equipment purchased abroad will also be serviced and repaired in the troops by representatives of foreign firms, or what?
The First Deputy Minister of Defense easily and naturally justified the failure of the state defense order this year. It turns out that officials of the Ministry of Defense demanded that the military-industrial complex enterprises justify in detail the prices for all components, up to screws. Therefore, most contracts were concluded only by October. Well, who is to blame for this? Of course, the military-industrial complex enterprises themselves. But it seems to me that if the president had not suddenly mentioned the state defense order, no one would have signed contracts this year. I wonder if the money allocated by the budget for the purchase of weapons and military equipment has been a dead weight all this time?!
By the way, about prices. Doesn't Mr. Sukhorukov know that after paying all taxes, the military-industrial complex enterprises have only half of the amount allocated to them (half is returned to the state)? But that is not all. A tidbit of the "defense pie" goes to the bankers in the form of interest on loans. After all, the allocated money never arrives at enterprises on time, and we have to take out loans, this is the policy of our Ministry of Finance. And then there are intermediary firms that arrange various tenders, for some reason the Ministry of Defense does not work directly with military-industrial complex enterprises. And, of course, the corruption component.
That's how many problems that need to be solved at the level of the Ministry of Defense, and not to count for 9 months, how much screws cost. From really big money (20 trillion by 2020), our military-industrial complex will receive mere crumbs. But instead, the Ministry of Defense decided to order weapons and military equipment abroad.
So what do we have today?
This year's defense order has been cancelled. Chronic underfunding or, as this year, its almost complete absence has led to the fact that the military-industrial complex of the country is degrading and rapidly losing the ability to produce new modern models of weapons and military equipment. In order for new samples to appear, advance funding of research and development work - R&D is necessary, and they are generally funded according to the residual principle. Enterprises not loaded with production are losing skilled workers and engineers, the training of which takes many years.
And this situation in our military-industrial complex has developed largely due to the purposeful policy in the field of state defense orders of our own Ministry of Defense. Is it really that the president and our “national leader” do not see and understand this? And if they do, why don't they take action?
Even worse is the situation in the Armed Forces. It is believed that we have a million-strong army, as Mr. Sukhorukov recalled in this program. Let's count together. There are 150 thousand officers in the army, there are no ensigns at all, they were liquidated. According to the civilian head of the GOMU, V. Smirnov, 184,000 contract servicemen serve in the army and navy. A total of 334,000, which means that the remaining 666,000 people are conscripts. But they just weren't called that many. In addition, conscripts serve not only in the army and navy, out of the total number of those called up, up to 30% serve in the internal troops, border guards, units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations, in the presidential regiment, finally. This means that there is a huge shortage in the army and navy, and it will only grow. The autumn call is planned to be reduced by almost 2 times. More than 200 thousand citizens, according to the same Smirnov, evade military service. The spring call stretches until September, and the autumn one - until March. The only thing the troops are doing is that continuously, throughout the year, they accept young soldiers into their ranks in small groups, organize individual training with them and try to staff the units. At the same time, the process of dismissal is also continuously going on. Under these conditions, there can be no question of any high-quality staffing of units. What are these parts of constant combat readiness?
Therefore, NATO military analysts are pleased to note that, as a result of the reforms, the Russian Armed Forces are no longer able to successfully solve problems even in local conflicts, “The Russian army does not have enough vehicles to transport troops over long distances, it does not have enough aircraft and pilots that can fly in any weather, there is no single information system. There are not enough soldiers in the army ... "
The Russian army is ruined, NATO understands this, but the country's leadership?
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