Technological instruction for the administrator of a beauty salon. Administrator job description. Job descriptions of the administrator and his duties

The job responsibilities of an administrator are established by higher management. All of them must be specified in the job description, otherwise they have no legal force. In addition, this document must be presented to the administrator for review immediately before taking up a new position.

As for the main points that the job description contains, it all depends on the specifics of the work. Indeed, despite the similarity of responsibilities, each structure has some differences. For example, there is a huge gap between hotel workers and, say, system administrators.

Who is an administrator?

But you should start with who the administrator is. Indeed, despite the prevalence of this position, many do not quite understand the range of responsibilities that fall on them. So, an administrator is a person who is responsible for order in a particular organization.

That is, the duties of an administrator oblige him to control the quality of work of his wards, communicate with clients (including resolving conflict situations), keep the halls clean, and so on.

Who can become an administrator?

In general, people with a completed secondary education can apply for this position. However, with the growth of competition in the labor market, the requirements for candidates for the post of administrator have also increased. So, people with higher education who know foreign languages ​​have much better chances than their less enlightened colleagues.

Moreover, in order to get to a promising place, the future employee will have to graduate special courses. True, quite often people with potential are trained by management for their own money. There are also some areas of administration that require specialized education. For example, a system administrator.

How to write a job description?

All documents of this type are created under the careful supervision of management. Use as a sample ready-made templates, which can be optionally both supplemented and changed, based on the needs of the organization. However, despite this, the duties of the administrator should not contradict the labor code, and also have clauses that violate current legislation. Russian Federation.

Often such a document has four points:

  1. General provisions, which indicate the main requirements for the candidacy of the administrator. Also here you should indicate the immediate superiors of the employee, the replacement procedure, the required level of knowledge, and so on.
  2. Responsibilities. Includes the entire list of what the administrator is required to do.
  3. Rights - the part where all the privileges of this employee are indicated.
  4. Responsibility is a particularly important point that establishes the measure of punishment for a particular act.

Job Description Sample

This option is universal and suitable as an initial template for any organization. However, it should be remembered that most items will need to be changed based on management considerations.

I. General provisions

  1. An administrator is a specialist who belongs to the category of office workers.
  2. Persons over 18 years of age with a completed secondary education can apply for this position.
  3. This specialist reports directly to the head of the hotel/restaurant/club.
  4. The administrator must be able to:
  • properly distribute responsibilities among employees of the organization;
  • eliminate all conflict situations both within the team and outside it;
  • competently convey all the necessary information about the services and tariffs to the clients of this organization.

II. Responsibilities

The administrator is obliged:

  1. Create all the necessary conditions for a comfortable stay of customers on the territory of the institution.
  2. Provide all necessary information on services, tariffs and discounts.
  3. Maintain all types of customer bases, as well as take measures to effectively increase them.
  4. Resolve all conflict situations with clients, staff and management.
  5. Ensure cleanliness and order in the territory entrusted to him.
  6. Monitor compliance with discipline within the work team.
  7. Provide managers with all the information about their organization.

III. Rights

This specialist has the right:

  1. Be interested in all management decisions related to both internal and foreign policy organizations.
  2. Make suggestions to improve the performance of staff.
  3. Require compliance with all norms and rules established by this document, as well as the labor code of the Russian Federation.
  4. Make decisions based on your own considerations, if they do not contradict this agreement.

IV. Responsibility

The administrator may be subject to the following penalties:

  1. For failure to comply with the instructions of the management, the employee may be held administratively liable.
  2. For malicious violations of discipline and negligence, the administrator may be demoted, up to and including dismissal.

This is just a rough sample of what a main document can be that regulates the actions that an administrator performs. The job description largely depends on the specific organization. Therefore, for example, consider the most common types of this profession.

Responsibilities of a Store Administrator

Often, such a vacancy exists only in supermarkets, as well as in stores that are part of a large retail chain. The main feature of this position is that the person holding it has to monitor the effectiveness of sales.

Based on this, we can conclude that the job responsibilities of the store administrator are primarily aimed at:

  • improving the work of sellers;
  • development of marketing techniques;
  • control over the quality of goods.

Responsibilities of a Restaurant Manager

The restaurant business is built on attracting customers. delicious meals and quality service. If the first in more depends on the work of the chef, the second is the lot of the administrator.

It is he who must monitor everything that can affect the mood of customers. So, the main job responsibilities of a restaurant administrator are as follows:

  • organization of well-coordinated work of staff;
  • communication with customers;
  • creating a favorable atmosphere in the room;
  • providing information regarding the menu and the work of the chef.

Hotel business

The most extensive are the duties of a hotel administrator. This is due to the fact that this specialist has to manage many aspects of life inside the hotel.

So, the duties of a hotel administrator prescribe:

  • ensure the comfort of guests;
  • provide information regarding hotel accommodation, local cuisine, attractions, and so on;
  • monitor cleanliness in the lobby, rooms, corridors;
  • keep records of seat reservations;
  • monitor staff performance and make necessary adjustments as needed.

A special category of administrators

As mentioned earlier, some categories of this direction still require a certain education. So, the job responsibilities of a system administrator imply a diploma of an IT specialist. After all, otherwise he will not be able to perform the tasks assigned to him.

Also, similar requirements may be presented in some other areas, depending on the specifics of the production and the opinion of management on this matter.

The administrator of a beauty salon is an important and responsible profession. It is he who meets clients, eliminates conflict situations, resolves issues of labor discipline, and creates a comfortable atmosphere. From our article, you will learn what the duties of a beauty salon administrator are, and we will also tell you how to write a resume when applying for a job.

Company face

Every successful business owner knows that the beauty industry is not as simple as one might think. Fashionable room design, specialists high level, new technologies, modern equipment - all these advantages cannot bring success if an amateur takes the position of administrator. Unfortunately, in our country there are no educational institutions that train such specialists, so many salon owners are trying to train employees on the spot or, which also happens sometimes, to lure them away from competitors. How wrong are those who believe that the administrator must have a pleasant appearance, a beautiful figure and be able to dress beautifully! Of course, all these characteristics are important, but we must not forget about the other side of his work. So, consider the main duties of an administrator in a beauty salon.

What a specialist should know

When the applicant gets a job, he will have a conversation with the CEO. It is the head of the company who issues the order to appoint an employee as a salon administrator, and only he can release him from this position. Most often, a person with an education not lower than secondary or secondary professional is accepted for this position. In the future, the administrator will report to the manager and (or) to CEO. Before embarking on their duties, the specialist must study:

  • Laws and regulations that relate to the services provided by the beauty salon.
  • The structure of the organization in which he will work, as well as the duties of employees and the mode of their work.
  • What rules must be observed when serving visitors.
  • Types of services provided by the salon.

In his activities, the administrator must be guided by the laws of the Russian Federation and the charter of the company in which he will work. In particular, he must know the internal labor regulations and regulations.

Responsibilities of a Beauty Salon Manager

What exactly should the hired specialist do? You can read about it below:

  • First of all, the administrator must work with clients - meet them, kindly answer questions and create comfortable conditions for them.
  • The next item is consulting on the services provided, bonus programs and promotions that are currently available to customers.
  • The administrator accepts applications, conducts a reception, informs employees about the record, keeps records of the client database.
  • The responsibilities of the administrator in the beauty salon include ensuring cleanliness and order. He must supervise the work of the cleaners and all the staff.
  • If necessary, the specialist should be able to eliminate the conflict situation. If there are claims to the work of the salon employees, then he must consider and decide on the claim.
  • The duties of an administrator in a beauty salon also provide for the control of employees in respect of their compliance with labor and production discipline. They also include checking workplace safety, industrial hygiene and sanitation requirements.
  • The administrator must promptly inform the management about the presence of deficiencies in customer service and take all measures to eliminate them.
  • The specialist must carry out separate assignments of his immediate superior.

The functional responsibilities of a beauty salon administrator, as you can see, are quite complex. Therefore, a person with a strong character and extraordinary thinking can cope with them. Leadership of a team requires not only the ability to be flexible in conflict situation but also the ability to make tough decisions.


After we have considered the main duties of the administrator of a beauty salon, we will analyze his rights:

  • The specialist may require management to create acceptable working conditions.
  • The administrator has the right to know what decisions the management makes if they directly relate to its activities.
  • He can inform the head of the shortcomings in the activities of the organization and take part in their elimination.
  • The specialist can make independent decisions if they are within his competence.
  • The administrator at any time has the right to make suggestions to improve his work or the work of the company.

In addition to duties and rights, a specialist must observe labor discipline, setting an example for other employees.


A specialist can be reprimanded, lose a bonus or a job if he systematically:

  • Be careless about your duties.
  • Will not comply with management instructions and trade secret orders.
  • Violate internal labor regulations, discipline, safety and fire safety rules.

Next, we will tell you how you can find a job in the beauty industry, if, of course, you are satisfied with all the conditions and you are ready to perform the duties of a beauty salon administrator.

Job applicant resume

Before you go looking for a job, you should prepare all the necessary documentation and, first of all, write a resume. It should be remembered that this document is your business card, the main purpose of which is to get the manager to invite you for an interview. Therefore, in the resume, you should describe your strengths, present yourself as a highly qualified specialist in your chosen field. Let's consider in detail how to properly compose a document:

  • Contact details are your last name, first name and patronymic, date of birth, telephone numbers where you can be contacted (indicate what time this can be done), home and email address.
  • Purpose of resume - In this section, write the title of the position you are applying for.
  • Education - indicate the educational institution you graduated from, the name of the faculty, specialty and period of study. If you have additional education, then do not forget to indicate it. If you are currently still studying, but write the year of graduation. Here you can also list your achievements and merits (certificates, diplomas, participation in seminars and trainings).
  • Work experience - remember that your future manager will consider this item most carefully. Therefore, indicate the places of previous work, describe your professional duties and the reason for dismissal.
  • Additions - here you can write data that can play a positive role in your employment. For example, this may be knowledge of a foreign language, the ability to work with a computer and office equipment, as well as the presence of a personal car and rights.

Since the main duties and functions of the administrator of a beauty salon include communication with clients, the employer will pay attention to personal qualities. Therefore, the applicant must fully reflect precisely these data in the resume. If possible, attach to the document letters of recommendation from previous jobs, in which your positive professional qualities will be noted.


A good leader knows that saving on training his employees is unacceptable. The specialist must not only know and perform the duties of an administrator in a beauty salon, but also have communication skills. Therefore, many companies pay for their wards to improve their skills in which they learn to get out of difficult situations, resolve conflicts and improve their telephone skills.


Any organization needs a good leader who can effectively solve current problems. Therefore, the work of the administrator of a beauty salon is extremely important. The duties of a specialist include many areas of activity, which means that the requirements for him should be special. If you decide to master this profession, then consider all its pros and cons. Remember that additional training, personal qualities and a desire to work will increase your chances of finding a job.

Administrator job description- an instruction indicating the range of assignments, duties, work that the person holding this position in the enterprise, firm must perform.


────────────────────────────── (Job title)


───────── ───────────────────

(signature) (initials, surname)

General provisions

1.1. The administrator belongs to the category of specialists.

1.2. A person who has a secondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years is accepted for the position of administrator. (Administrator job description sample)

1.3. The administrator must know:

1.4. The administrator in his activities is guided by:

  • Charter (Regulations) _______________________________________________;
  • this job description;
  • _____________________________________________________________________

1.5. Administrator reports directly ________________________ (name of the position of the head).

1.6. During the absence of the administrator(vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by an employee appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the relevant rights and is responsible for non-performance or improper performance of the duties assigned to him in connection with the replacement.

1.7. ___________________________________________________________________.


2.1. Providing efficient and cultured visitor service.

2.2. Control over the safety of material assets.

Job Responsibilities

BUT The administrator has the following responsibilities:

3.1. Carries out work on effective and cultural service to visitors, creating comfortable conditions for them.

3.2. Provides control over the safety of material assets.

3.3. Advises visitors on issues related to the services provided.

3.4. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

3.5. Considering claims associated with unsatisfactory customer service, takes the necessary organizational and technical measures.

3.6. Exercises control for the appropriate design of the premises, monitors the placement, updating and condition of advertising inside the premises and on the building. (Administrator job description sample)

3.7. Provides cleanliness and order in the room and in the territory adjacent to it or the building.

3.8. Controls the observance by subordinate employees of labor and production discipline, rules and norms of labor protection, requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene.

3.9. Informs management organizations about the existing shortcomings in servicing visitors, the measures taken to eliminate them.

3.10. Ensures that employees comply with the instructions of the company's management.

3.11. ________________________________________________________________ (other duties).


BUT administrator has the right:

4.1. Participate in the discussion of draft decisions of the organization's management. (Administrator job description sample)

4.2. In coordination with the immediate supervisor, involve other employees in solving the tasks assigned to him.

4.3. Request and receive from employees of other structural units the necessary information and documents.

4.4. Participate in the discussion of issues related to the duties performed.

4.5. Require the management of the organization to assist in the performance of official duties.

4.6. _________________________________________________________________ (other rights).


5.1. The Administrator is responsible for:

  • - for improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - in the manner established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation; (Administrator job description sample)
  • - for offenses and crimes committed in the course of their activities - in the manner prescribed by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;
  • - for causing material damage - in the manner prescribed by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

5.2. ___________________________________________________________________.

Final provisions

6.1. This job description has been developed on the basis ofQualification characteristics of the position "Administrator" (Unifiedqualification directory of positions of managers, specialists andemployees. Section "General industry qualification characteristics of positionsworkers employed at enterprises, institutions and organizations,approved by the Decree of the Ministry of Labor and Social Developmentof the Russian Federation of 21.08.1998 N 37), _________________________________(details of other actsand documents). (Administrator job description sample)

6.2. Familiarization of the employee with this job descriptioncarried out at the time of employment (before the signing of the employment contract).Familiarization of the employee with this job descriptionconfirmed by ____________________________________________________________ (hand-painted on the familiarization sheet, which is an integralpart of this instruction (in the journal of familiarization with officialinstructions); in a copy of the job description keptat the employer; otherwise). (Administrator job description sample)

6.3. ___________________________________________________________________.

Sample Documents

© Administrator job description sample

An office manager is an employee who manages an office. As a rule, this employee is introduced into the staff of the central (head) office of the enterprise or the office in which the directorate of the enterprise is directly located.

The main task of the office manager is effective management office: its logistics, office work, and most importantly - the office staff (secretaries, referents, translators, dispatchers on the phone, etc.). Often, office managers of small companies are entrusted with the responsibility of conducting personnel records-production (registration and accounting of office workers), registration of primary accounting documents, and negotiating with office visitors. A number of trade enterprises practice work with clients (service) and coordination of sales. Among the duties of an office manager may be work with public utilities, with representatives of organizations servicing office equipment.

The main and significant difference between an office manager and an office administrator lies in the governing powers - the administrator, as a rule, does not manage office workers, but is just one of them and performs his work in cooperation with the office staff.

An office manager and an office administrator must have such personal qualities as communication skills, energy, the ability to clearly express one's thoughts, confidence, the ability to convince, the ability to self-organize (for an administrator) and the ability to manage a team (for a manager), knowledge of a foreign language, etc.

I. General provisions

1. The office administrator belongs to the category of professionals.

2. A person with a professional education (higher; secondary) is appointed to the office administrator position. Experience in economic and administrative work at least (1 year; 2 years; 3 years; etc.)

3. The office administrator must know:

3.1. Location of office space.

3.2. Principles of planning and design of office premises.

3.3. Rules and methods of organizing office work.

3.4. Scope of office workers.

3.5. Ethics of relationships in the working group.

3.6. Business standards.

3.7. Principles of organizing the supply of the office.

3.8. Legal requirements for business contracts and the procedure for their conclusion.

3.9. Office equipment.

3.10. Rules for the use of office equipment.

3.11. Principles of relations with the administration (commandant's office) of the building in which the office premises are located.

3.12. Fundamentals of aesthetics, ethics and social psychology.

3.13. Internal labor regulations.

3.14. Fundamentals of labor legislation.

3.15. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.

4. Appointment to the post of administrator of the office and dismissal from office is carried out by order of the head of the organization.

5. The office administrator reports directly to _________________________________.

6. During the absence of the office administrator (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job Responsibilities

Office administrator:

1. Ensures the preparation of the office for the working day (deactivating the security alarm system, connecting office equipment and preparing it for operation, providing the office with stationery and consumables).

2. Makes estimates for the logistics of the office.

3. Decorates Required documents for the conclusion of contracts for: supply of stationery, consumables and other inventory items necessary for the work of the office; Maintenance and repair of office equipment; other services.

4. Controls the design of the premises, monitors the preparation and release of advertising and other information materials in the office, intended for distribution to visitors.

5. Ensures cleanliness and order in the office premises.

6. Monitors the proper operation of office equipment and the rational use of stationery and consumables in the office.

7. Establishes contacts with operational services, utility organizations for resource provision of office premises, repair and other work.

8. Ensures the proper maintenance and operation of the office premises in accordance with the rules and regulations of industrial sanitation and fire protection.

9. Organizes the order of air and railway tickets for the office staff, dispatching vehicles.

10. Organizes office work, receiving incoming calls and managing outgoing calls.

11. Organizes effective and cultural service for visitors, ensures the creation of comfortable conditions for them, advises them on administrative issues, provides information and other materials (business cards, price lists, booklets, etc.).

12. Prepares the material and technical base for complex negotiations with partners, clients, other categories of visitors.

13. Keeps records of visitors.

14. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.

15. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.

16. Prepares the office for closing (turns off lights and office equipment, activates security alarm systems, etc.).

III. Rights

The office administrator has the right to:

1. Independently and under your own responsibility to dispose in cash allocated to provide the office with the necessary inventory items.

2. Submit proposals to the head of the enterprise to improve the work of the office and the enterprise as a whole.

3. Get acquainted with the documents that define his rights and obligations in his position, the criteria for assessing the quality of performance of official duties.

4. Sign and endorse documents within their competence.

5. Require the management of the enterprise to ensure the organizational and technical conditions and execution of the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

IV. Responsibility

The office administrator is responsible for:

1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

3. For causing material damage to the enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

Download official
administrator instructions
(.doc, 88KB)

I. General provisions

  1. The administrator belongs to the category of specialists.
  2. A person who has secondary vocational education without presenting requirements for work experience or primary vocational education and work experience in the specialty for at least 2 years is appointed to the position of administrator.
  3. Appointment to the post of administrator and dismissal from it is carried out by order of the director
  4. The administrator must know:
    1. 4.1. Decrees, orders, orders, other guidelines and regulations higher and other bodies related to the work of the enterprise.
    2. 4.2. The structure of enterprise management, the rights and obligations of employees of the organization and the mode of their work.
    3. 4.3. Rules and methods of organizing the process of serving visitors.
    4. 4.4. Types of services provided.
    5. 4.5. Fundamentals of marketing and advertising organization.
    6. 4.6. Principles of planning and design of premises, showcases.
    7. 4.7. Fundamentals of aesthetics, ethics and social psychology.
    8. 4.9. Fundamentals of economics, organization of labor and management.
    9. 4.11. Legislation on labor and labor protection of the Russian Federation.
    10. 4.12. Internal labor regulations.
    11. 4.13. Rules and norms of labor protection, safety measures, industrial sanitation and fire protection.
  5. During the absence of the administrator (vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner, who acquires the appropriate rights and is responsible for the proper performance of the duties assigned to him.

II. Job Responsibilities


  1. Provides effective and cultural service to visitors, creating comfortable conditions for them.
  2. Carries out control over the safety of material assets.
  3. Advise visitors on the availability of available services.
  4. Takes measures to prevent and eliminate conflict situations.
  5. Examines claims related to unsatisfactory customer service and takes appropriate organizational and technical measures.
  6. Controls the rational design of the premises, monitors the renewal and condition of advertising in the premises and on the building.
  7. Ensures cleanliness and order in the premises and in the territories adjacent to them or the building.
  8. Controls the observance by the employees of the organization of labor and production discipline, rules and norms of labor protection, safety precautions, requirements of industrial sanitation and hygiene.
  9. Informs the management of the organization about the existing shortcomings in servicing visitors, takes measures to eliminate them.
  10. Supervises the implementation by employees of the instructions of the management of the organization.
  11. Performs individual official assignments of his immediate supervisor.

III. Rights

The administrator has the right:

  1. Get acquainted with the draft decisions of the management of the enterprise relating to its activities.
  2. Submit proposals for the management to improve the work related to the this manual responsibilities.
  3. Within the limits of his competence, report to his immediate supervisor about all the shortcomings identified in the course of his activities and make proposals for their elimination.
  4. Request personally or on behalf of the management of the organization from the divisions of the enterprise and other specialists information and documents necessary for the performance of his duties.
  5. Involve specialists from all (individual) structural units in solving the tasks assigned to him (if this is provided for by the provisions on structural divisions if not, then with the permission of the head of the enterprise).
  6. Require the management of the enterprise to assist in the performance of their official rights and duties.

IV. Responsibility

The administrator is responsible for:

  1. For improper performance or non-performance of their official duties provided for by this job description - to the extent determined by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.
  2. For offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
  3. For causing material damage - within the limits determined by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.
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