Infusion of bear bile. Bear bile - medicinal properties and contraindications. How to prepare and take bear bile tincture. Medicinal properties of bear bile tinctures

For many years, bear bile has been valued among healers and healers as an effective remedy with therapeutic and preventive properties. For the first time, this remedy began to be used in India, and then they learned about its beneficial properties in Siberia, Mongolia and China.

Bubble tincture is also widely used in modern folk medicine. It is called "the cure for 100 diseases". In addition, she has practically no contraindications.

The medicinal properties and contraindications of bear bile depend on the purpose for which it is used. Bear bile is much more effective than human bile. It has hepatoprotective and choleretic properties.

In folk medicine, bile is used to treat chronic diseases of the liver (hepatitis B and C, organ cells, cirrhosis), the endocrine system and gastrointestinal tract, stomach ulcers, cancer, etc.

Its properties include the following:

  • normalization of lipid metabolism;
  • recovery of hepatocytes;
  • lowering cholesterol;
  • preventing the formation of cholesterol plaques in the vessels;
  • dissolution and removal of cholesterol stones from the gallbladder;
  • treatment of obstruction of the biliary tract;
  • elimination of stagnation of bile;
  • general strengthening of the body;
  • restoration of immune processes;
  • treatment of different stages of cancer.

Bile is used both internally and externally. External use of this remedy is used for difficult-to-heal wounds, abrasions, ulcers, bruises, eye diseases and skin problems, as it has healing and antimicrobial properties. It is also taken for prevention purposes to prevent the development of liver diseases and the appearance of gallstones.

Bear bile is used for severe illnesses, which is useful for shortening the rehabilitation period and increasing its effectiveness.

The main secret of the therapeutic effect of bile was discovered in 1902. The Swedish biochemist recognized the main component that provides a powerful therapeutic effect. This is ursodeoxycholic acid (UDCA). It is also found in the human body, but in small quantities. In 1954, UDCA was synthesized by Japanese scientists, so it is no longer necessary to kill bears to extract it.

How to make your own tincture

At home, you can prepare an alcohol tincture based on bear bile. For this, the gallbladder is used. Its weight can be 10-80 gr. To prepare the tincture, the bubble must be carefully chopped with a knife or grated so that there are no pieces left that can cause poisoning or damage the walls of the stomach.

In this case, you should not remove its shell. The resulting mass is transferred to a dark glass container. Next, it must be filled with 40% alcohol and insisted for 2-4 weeks. For half a liter of alcohol, 25 g of bile is used.

Store the tincture in a dark space. It is recommended to shake it occasionally. The product has a bitter taste, dark color and sediment. It can be used both in pure form and with the addition of herbs.

Preparation of tincture is possible using ready-made bile. You can also dry it yourself. To do this, the gallbladder is hung in a warm, dry place for 1-1.5 months. If necessary, a piece is cut off from it and a medicine is prepared.

Water tincture

A tincture of the gallbladder prepared in water is drunk if the intake of an alcohol remedy causes discomfort or pain. Water tincture is also used to eliminate the effects of alcoholism or toxic hepatitis.

For its preparation, 2.5 mg of crushed bile is taken and ½ cup of warm water is poured. After thorough mixing, the product can be consumed. In this case, it is imperative to observe the dosage of the agent, calculating it by body weight. Water tincture is taken 2 times a day. A good effect of treatment with this remedy was noted among patients with cystic fibrosis.

How to use

Before proceeding with treatment, it is necessary to carefully study how to take bear bile and existing contraindications.

The drug is taken three times a day, and the dosage depends on the weight of the patient:

  • less than 65 kg - 1 tsp;
  • less than 100 kg - 1 des.l.;
  • more than 100 kg - 1 tbsp.

This dosage is intended for tinctures prepared with vodka, herbal decoctions and water. The mixture must be taken in its pure form, without eating or drinking anything, despite its bitterness. But if the patient has alcohol intolerance, then the product can be diluted with hot water, mixed thoroughly for 10 minutes and then drunk with the sediment.

The duration of treatment is from 1 to 2 months and depends on the disease. After this period, a break for a couple of months is necessary. After that, it is recommended to consolidate the result of treatment by drinking another 2-3 courses of the drug. With oncology, hepatitis A and B, and radiation therapy, the duration of treatment or prophylaxis is 1 month.

Bile can also be applied externally as a compress. To do this, gauze, folded in several layers, is dipped in alcohol tincture and applied to the affected area. From above the compress is covered with a film. Keep it for at least an hour.

Compatibility with other drugs

Bear bile can be combined with traditional medicines. But its effectiveness is reduced by the use of hormonal drugs and certain types of herbs. For example, clover, hops, parsley, peony, etc.

Ointment based on bile

Do-it-yourself ointment recipes, the main component of which is bear bile, are very popular.

Among them, two of the simplest methods that are available to everyone can be distinguished.:

  • Mix in equal proportions fresh liquid bear bile and honey, and evaporate the resulting mixture in a pan. The resulting thick ointment can be used for hemorrhoids, inflammation in women of the pelvic organs, tumors and prostate diseases in the male population. It is applied with a cotton swab, which is soaked in ointment and injected inside for a couple of hours. Also, the ointment can be applied externally in a plentiful layer to the affected area.
  • Mixed in 1 tbsp. knotweed and burnet root, and pour a glass of water. All this is put to boil for 30 minutes. on slow fire. Then 1 tsp is added. crushed bile, propolis and cocoa butter. The resulting mixture is left to cook until the desired viscosity is obtained. Such an ointment is able to eliminate puffiness in the treatment of hemorrhoids, reduce pain and help resolve tumor formations that have appeared in the rectum.

Who should not use

Treatment with bear bile is contraindicated in some categories of people:

  • with tuberculosis;
  • women during pregnancy and breastfeeding;
  • children under 14 years of age.

Do not exceed the dosage of bear bile, the maximum threshold of which is determined by the patient's body weight.

If this drug is abused, intoxication or disruption of the digestive tract may occur. It is recommended that before starting a course of treatment, consult a specialist. The contraindications of the ointment include only individual intolerance to its components.

Dietary supplements from bear bile

Under the Sustamed brand, a dietary supplement "Bear's bile with hilly hodgepodge" was released, which was created using natural animal UDKH.

In addition, it includes:

  • saltwort extract, which has the ability to normalize the work of the kidneys, liver, pancreas and gallbladder;
  • milk thistle oil, the main feature of which is a powerful antioxidant effect and the ability to improve capillary blood flow.

If you are interested in what this dietary supplement treats, then these are the intestines, gallbladder and liver. It is produced in the form of capsules, which must be taken after meals in two pieces. The course of treatment is usually 3-4 weeks. But this drug, like all medicines, has contraindications: pregnancy, lactation, age under 14 years and allergies.

Be sure to consult before starting treatment and a thorough study of the annotation.

Among the pharmaceuticals, there are also other drugs based on UDCA, used to treat various liver diseases. For example, "" and "". They are sold in pharmacies and dispensed without a prescription or doctor's prescription. Their action is aimed at increasing the amount of bile acid, reducing the synthesis of cholesterol and improving the choleretic properties. These drugs are used for gallstones formed in the gallbladder, as well as to eliminate alcoholic liver damage and treat hepatitis.

Preventive property

Prevention with bear bile is used to increase physical and mental tone, strengthen immunity, stimulate the production of one's own bile and improve bowel activity. Due to its antiseptic action, bile has a rejuvenating property. In addition, it normalizes the composition of the blood. In general, bile can improve the functioning of the whole body.


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But perhaps it is more correct to treat not the consequence, but the cause? We recommend reading the story of Olga Krichevskaya, how she cured her liver...

The first mention of the healing properties of bear bile, recorded in written documents, is considered to be the Chinese "manuscript" Ben-cao, written under the leadership of Emperor Shen-Nong about 5 thousand years ago, and there is also information about the use of bear bile in papyri of the era of Pharaoh Sneferu (3700 years BC). However, most of the oldest recipes, to a modern person, seem rather ridiculous.
The use of bear bile for therapeutic purposes is also described in later works. Pan Sum writes in his writings; - bile of bears will help with lung disease, diseases associated with the digestion of food, relieve heart pain, cure gout and help preserve youth.
For many years, Western scientists were distrustful of the use of preparations from bear bile, as, indeed, of all Eastern medicine. It seemed unbelievable to a European doctor that the use of bear bile would have a beneficial therapeutic effect in various, dissimilar diseases. Interest in bear bile increased only at the beginning of the 20th century. In 1911, I.P. Pavlov said: “It can be assumed that they have not yet figured out the importance of bile.” Despite the fact that more than a century has passed since that time, views on the importance of bear bile for the improvement of the human body have not yet fully developed.
Brown bears are used by humans for meat, fat, bile and fur; are the most important source for obtaining a variety of medicinal preparations. According to many folk healers and practicing doctors, the way to search for drugs in the body of a brown bear is the most reliable and surest, since it will still not be possible to find a more promising ally than the bear itself. This idea is especially good for residents of the harsh climatic zones of the northern hemisphere.
BEAR BILE is an integral, auxiliary sub-organ of the bear's liver, the purpose of which is to accumulate bile produced by liver cells and throw it into the small intestine and duodenum. Bear bile (bear gallbladder) is a kind of cistern that takes bile and makes it thicker, more concentrated. Approximately once an hour - dumps it into the intestines.


Accumulation of bile. Bear liver cells constantly produce bile, and the gallbladder is the accumulator for storing it. When food enters the gastrointestinal tract, it is emptied.
bile concentration. The total volume of bear bile that passes through the gallbladder depends on the amount and nutritional properties of the food.
Excretion of bile into the gastrointestinal tract. The movement of the secret from the gallbladder begins when food enters the esophagus. If the food is of animal origin, then the amount of bile in the bear is thrown out more. The concentrated bile in the small intestine helps in the digestion of heavy foods.
Body protection. Bile contains biologically active bile acids. Bear bile prevents the production of hypotoxic acids in the intestines and liver.


Brown bear bile is a powerful stimulation of antitumor immunity.
Bear bile is at the forefront of folk remedies of plant and animal origin and is the most prominent fighter for Human Life against cancer.
The bile of brown bears is subordinate to the planet Saturn - a planet unlike any other. It is Saturn that endows bear bile with a bitter taste, which, if we recall the “Chzhud-shih”, has an original driving effect on the human body. Unlike vegetable hemlock, bear bile is practically not hepatotoxic when used correctly. Bear bile is one of the most promising means of alternative oncology. Its effectiveness has been proven by centuries of use, confirmed by research and beyond doubt. High antimetastatic activity, combined with the absence of side effects with proper infusion of raw materials, analgesic, antidepressant, detoxification and many other effects - put the use of bear bile on a par with modern classical chemotherapy.
Bear bile is very popular in Southeast Asia as a blood and liver cleanser. Bear bile rejuvenates the skin, eliminates inflammatory, allergic and metabolic diseases. Prevents the accumulation of toxins in body tissues, reduces the level of excess cholesterol and glucose, immune complexes and free radicals. Due to the natural aggressive environment, it kills pathogenic microbes and is active against a number of protozoa.
"Bear bile - a protective umbrella for all occasions" - Traditional medicine of Japan.
In China, the bile of a bear was given the name "Noble Robber", which can be translated as "stealing disease." Ancient manuscripts say that bear bile can cure one hundred and eight ailments. The systemic use of bear bile balances the human body (has an adaptogenic and sedative effect), has antioxidant properties and improves liver function.
"Bear bile - a noble thief of diseases, wages a fierce war behind enemy lines" - Chen Yongsheng.

Bear bile improves blood composition and improves immunity, protects the body during SARS and influenza epidemics.


To prepare the tincture, you should use only high-quality bear bile from healthy adults, otherwise you can harm your body. Brown bears often suffer from infectious and parasitic diseases. Purchased bear bile must have a veterinary certificate and a brown bear hunting license. Buying bear bile from legal Russian hunters, you guarantee yourself and your loved ones the declared end result of using bear bile. Without accompanying documents, cattle or "Chinese" bile is sold.


How to prepare bear bile tincture at home?
To prepare the tincture, one part of dried bear bile and 20 parts of trusted vodka are taken. Eg; 50 grams of bear bile per 1 liter of vodka.
Grind bile as finely as possible and pour vodka. A prerequisite is glass containers and a dark place for storage. Insist from 2 weeks with constant shaking.
How to take bear bile?
Bear bile belongs to the inert class of folk remedies of animal origin. You should start with small doses and gradually bring to your norm. The accelerating period is the "Young Moon".
Daily rate of bear bile:

weight up to 60 kg - a teaspoon 30 minutes before meals

weight up to 80 kg - dessert spoon 30 minutes before meals

weight from 80 kg - a tablespoon 30 minutes before meals

Take bear bile 3 times a day, the interval between doses is 6 hours.

When using bear bile, you should be careful and careful. In the hands of inexperienced people, the bile of a bear becomes not an ally in the struggle for maintaining health, but a dangerous enemy. The 15th century German doctor Theophrastus Paracelsus spoke about the need to choose the right dose of a medicinal substance: “Everything is poison, nothing is devoid of poisonousness, and everything is medicine. However, it is only the dose that makes a substance poisonous or a medicine.” These "golden words" have not lost their meaning in our time. Using the bile of a bear, patients and their relatives are obliged to strictly observe all the instructions of a specialist.
Talk to your doctor before using bear bile.
Do you feel like your body is starting to fail? Take BEAR BIL and be healthy!

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Many healers throughout the centuries-old history of traditional medicine have used recipes with bear bile to treat complex human diseases. And all because its medicinal properties of bear bile have been successfully confirmed many times and always successfully. The healers of Primorye, Siberia, Asia knew about the bile of a bear. And not only knew, but used it in the treatment of diseases of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, rheumatism and pain in the joints, jaundice, dysentery, treatment of abscesses and ulcers.

Bear bile is obtained from the gallbladder of a brown bear. Bile is very important for its owner. After all, all the fat accumulated by the winter is broken down precisely thanks to its enzymes. If bile is so important to a bear, then maybe it is useful to a person. Probably so when the first healer thought, who began to use it. So that you know more about it, let's talk in more detail about bear bile, use, treatment, medicinal properties contained in it.

As you understand, bear bile has long been considered a remedy. The synthesis of bile occurs in the liver, and then it enters the gallbladder, in which it actually accumulates.

Due to the fact that the bear belongs to carnivores, its liver is larger than that of herbivores. The bladder where it is contained consists of a glossy black connective tissue, which contains a brown or black liquid - bile.

It is customary for hunters to extract this valuable substance during the winter hibernation of a bear, when the concentration of bile is highest. External characteristics of bile - it has a pungent odor and a very bitter taste. The content of ursodioxycholic acid (UDCA) makes the product truly priceless. This substance is also present in human bile, but in old age it loses its properties, and then brown bear bile comes to the aid of sick people. It is indicated for use in diseases such as arthritis, gout, osteochondrosis, rheumatism, prostatitis, impotence, diabetes, radiation sickness. As a general tonic, preparations with it can be advised to improve immunity and to increase the body's resistance to viral infections.

The use of bear bile is possible mainly in the form of an alcohol tincture and a healing ointment. To prepare a medicinal tincture, we need a 0.5 liter bottle of vodka and 5-7 grams of brown bear bile. Mix and infuse for a week in a cold dark place. Take this tincture by teaspoons, and in case of a higher concentration - drip.

With external wounds, suppuration, abscesses, bile is used as an ointment.

The primary source of the use of bile is Tibet, which falls into the habitat of the brown bear. As early as the 6th century, the monks of Tibet knew how to treat cholelithiasis and some diseases of the gallbladder with bear bile.

After taking bile, fat is better absorbed by the body, the quality of bile secreted by the human body also improves. As a result, the acidity of the gastric juice is stabilized and some poisons of the body are neutralized. During the use of the remedy from the bile of a brown bear, the load on the liver is reduced, due to which its working capacity and health are maintained.

Since bile is a natural source of acid released during digestion, 90% of all acids contained in the body are found in it. After conducting scientific research, it was noticed that people whose level of this acid in the body is higher, respectively, have higher immunity.

They are less susceptible to diseases such as cirrhosis of the liver, biliary dyskinesia, cholelithiasis, fatty liver, and viral hepatitis.

Positive reviews of bile and preparations with it were received in the treatment of malignant tumors and cancer. As medical experience shows, after transplantation of organs and tissues, regeneration and faster adaptation were precisely in those patients who used bear bile or preparations derived from it.

The synthesis of therapeutic agents based on bear bile avoids some contraindications.

Here's another one tincture recipe and method of application:

For 45 grams of bile, one liter of 40 degree alcohol is taken. Mix and let it brew for a month in a dry, dark place, not forgetting to shake it daily.

During the reception you can not drink alcohol. The dosage is prescribed depending on the disease, the general condition of the patient, and the weight of the patient. If your weight is less than 60 kg, then this is a teaspoon of tincture 3 times a day strictly 20 minutes before meals.

With a weight of up to 85 kg - the use of 2 teaspoons is recommended, and 100 kg or more - a tablespoon. Such a course of treatment is 2 months, after which a one-month break is made and again, patients are prescribed a course of taking the tincture lasting 2 months.

In order for the medicine to help well, it is necessary to follow the storage rules and do not leave the tincture with the lid open and in the light.

For bruises, fractures, hematomas, sprains and ruptures of tendons, it is recommended to rub a tincture of bile or put lotions or compresses on the affected areas (except for mucous membranes and open wounds).

However, like any remedy, brown bear bile has contraindications for use. Contraindications for bear bile are pregnancy, lactation, allergies, individual intolerance. Keep in mind that in case of overdoses, symptoms of poisoning and a burn of the gastrointestinal tract are observed. Therefore, we recommend that you discuss the use of this remedy with your doctor, who will advise the most optimal method of administration and recipe for preparation. Be healthy and take care of yourself!

A single dose of bear bile is limited to one tablespoon, you can not use more bile at a time!

Starting a course of treatment with bile, it is necessary to clearly understand that all dosages are prescribed personally, and if they are increased, instead of recovery, there is a risk of getting poisoned. Large doses of bear bile carry the risk of gastric burns and intoxication.
Usually, patients are prescribed a three-time dose of the drug one hour before meals. To calculate the dosage, the severity of the disease, as well as weight, height and age, are taken into account. Patients with a weight of 40-60 kg are shown a teaspoon of bile, with a weight of 61-80 kg two teaspoons, from 85-100 kg a dessert spoon, and for those who weigh more than 100 kg a tablespoon at a time.
Bear bile is one of the rare types of drugs that can be used in the last stages of oncology, even if tumor cells have spread to the main digestive organs, with progressive cirrhosis of the liver, viral liver diseases and Botkin's disease. With painful symptoms and an enlarged liver, the patient is prescribed an aqueous bile infusion. A piece of bile, the size of half a teaspoon, is carefully crushed and mixed with 100 ml of not hot water. Constantly stirring, bring the drug to readiness and give the patient 1 teaspoon 30 minutes before meals. The drug must be placed in the refrigerator, and after seven days, prepare a new one. Depending on the patient's condition, therapy is carried out for 14-21 days. Longer duration cannot be made.
Combined use with bile of herbs, which include phytohormones (sage, clover, hogweed, herbs of the peony family, licorice, etc.), and plants that help lower cholesterol levels (creeping thyme, clover, parsley, ground tributaries, etc.) .d.) significantly reduces the effectiveness of therapy.

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