Do-it-yourself antiparasitic monastic tea composition. Herbal tea against parasites: properties and effective recipes Tea from parasites at home

calamus marsh
Calamus marsh has been known to the Tatar-Mongols since ancient times. The Koi tribes took its root with them both as a talisman and as a cleansing agent, which they threw into the water for disinfection, and then used this water inside.

Tar birch medical peeled

The second way is the use of tar inside, but only with milk. No more than 2 drops per glass per day. Very toxic, can cause severe poisoning. I hesitate to use it at all. There are milder ways to cleanse the body than tar. It can cause blockage of the renal tubules, hits the liver. So it's better not to risk your health.

But to cleanse the skin, it is enough to use high-quality tar soap, from which, by the way, there is never any peeling or skin irritation. What can you say about low quality.


The bark of the tree is used. Shows antiviral action. In practice, it is used as an anti-febrile and analgesic.

A well-known deep cleanser. Hyssop leaves in small quantities can be added to salads, first and second courses. Hyssop is a strong remedy against worms and fungi.

Kanufer (Bible sheet)


such a salad has a good effect on improving the composition of the blood, helps to strengthen the walls of blood vessels.


The aerial part is used - grass. Poisonous plant. Dosage over 20 gr. (1 tbsp can be lethal). Therefore, wormwood is used in microdoses.

It is very useful to eat fresh wormwood flowers - 2-3 tiny flowers a day is enough. You can also use dried flowers in the same dosage.

Wormwood "God's tree"

white radish

Contraindication - kidney disease, gastritis, ulcer.


It is useful to use radish salads, incl. radish greens (aerial part). Young radish greens are also a real storehouse of vitamins.

Contraindications: kidney disease (stones), and so on. arthritis and arthrosis.



We are all accustomed to perceive it simply as a vegetable, but few people know what powerful healing properties it has. With the help of fresh juices of beets and carrots, you can raise a person dying from oncology to their feet. There is also a unique recipe for cancer treatment with beets, you can find it in the cancer treatment section.



Southerners adore this herb and eat it as a spice simply in bunches. This herb also has powerful anti-parasitic properties, moreover, it is very tasty as a seasoning for salads, meat, vegetables and cheese.

A carbonated drink, of course, has nothing to do with real grass and does not have any beneficial properties.

Medicinal properties are manifested exclusively in fresh herbs.

Thyme (thyme, Bogorodskaya herb)

Pumpkin seeds (specifically the green skin on the nucleolus)

You can also use pumpkin seed oil (known in the pharmacy as tykveol). It has a very beneficial effect on the liver, helping to restore it. yarrow


It's not the same as thyme, it's a different plant. But it has similar properties, although to a lesser extent.


As mentioned above, there are different types of tea with different compositions that are designed to cleanse the body.

A list of the most popular components that make up a medicinal drink, from which you can make tea with your own hands at home:

Among women: pain and inflammation of the ovaries. Fibroma, myoma, fibrocystic mastopathy, inflammation of the adrenal glands, bladder and kidneys develop. As well as heart disease and cancer.

How to make tea at home: proportions of herbs

There are several ways to brew tea:

The most versatile and simple recipe. To prepare this tea, you need 2 teaspoons of all of the following ingredients:

  • oregano;
  • tea from large leaves;
  • rose hip;
  • St. John's wort;
  • elecampane root.

First, take a large saucepan, fill it with water and put a small saucepan in a large one. In a smaller one, add rose hips and elecampane root. Next, pour one liter of boiling water and leave the infusion for twenty minutes over low heat.
This recipe is suitable for people with diabetes. To prepare such tea, you need to add blueberries, chamomile decoction, rose hips, a little St. John's wort and blueberry leaves to the tea leaves.

Mix all the components in two tablespoons and pour 1 liter of boiling water, then let it brew for a certain amount of time. The prepared decoction should be taken two to three times a day.

Recipe for hypertensive patients

People who have this disease can also use tea to cleanse the body. But you should prepare a drink for health safety as follows: you need to mix in equal amounts (two tablespoons each) a few drops of motherwort, hawthorn, valerian and Ivan tea. Then pour 1 liter of boiling water, let the broth brew and drink.

From whom:

For the last few years I have felt very bad. Constant fatigue, insomnia, some kind of apathy, laziness, frequent headaches. I also had problems with digestion, bad breath in the morning.

And here is my story

All this began to accumulate and I realized that I was moving in some wrong direction. I began to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat right, but this did not affect my well-being. The doctors couldn't say much either. It seems like everything is normal, but I feel that my body is not healthy.

A couple of weeks later, I came across an article on the Internet. literally changed my life. I did everything as it is written there and after a few days, I felt significant improvements in my body. I began to get enough sleep much faster, the energy that I had in my youth appeared. The head no longer hurts, there was clarity in the mind, the brain began to work much better. Digestion has improved, despite the fact that I now eat haphazardly. I passed the tests and made sure that no one else lives in me!

In the process of drinking medicinal tea, there are several rules that must be followed:

Is there any harm and contraindications? What results can be achieved?

This remedy has practically no contraindications. But given the composition of tea, in which there are many herbs with different effects, then for safety, it is recommended not to use a decoction: women in position, hypertensive patients and those suffering from gastrointestinal upset. Also, the features of such tea should be paid attention to, people who are allergic to certain tea ingredients. Before use, carefully read the composition.

The course of treatment can be completed within 21-30 days. Every day you need to drink two to three glasses of tea a day. After the end of the course, you need to take a short break. After a complete cure, this tea can be consumed for prevention and to improve the state of the microflora.

In another case, such a medicine will have a detrimental effect not only on the worms, but also on the human body. If the intake of tea is not controlled, then there is a risk of destruction of the microflora of the body and disruption of the full functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and intestines.

It is recommended to use tea courses intermittently. This is explained by the fact that worms can get used to certain components of the drug, and it follows that the use of the drug will be a meaningless treatment, which can also have a bad effect on the internal functioning of the body and disrupt the functioning of its systems.

The chemical composition of such a collection will directly depend on those medicinal plants that will be included in a particular collection.

For example, Pine Forest will contain the following ingredients:

  1. Valerian.
  2. Immortelle.
  3. Elecampane.
  4. Tansy.
  5. Buckthorn.
  6. Thyme.
  7. Repeshok.
  1. Essential oils.
  2. Flavonoid glycosides.
  3. Vitamins that belong to the group C, B, K.
  4. Substances with a tannic effect.
  5. mineral salts.
  6. resins.
  7. Organic acids, as well as trace elements: potassium, calcium, phosphorus, magnesium, iron, and many others.
  1. Oak bark.
  2. Birch leaves.
  3. Chamomile.
  4. Calendula.
  5. Peppermint.
  6. Sagebrush.
  1. Flavonoids.
  2. Tannins.
  3. Vitamins of groups B and C.
  4. Salts that are of mineral origin.
  5. Trace elements: manganese, magnesium, potassium, phosphorus, iron.

Gathering Berkov

  1. Thyme herb.
  2. Fennel seeds.
  3. Walnut leaf.
  4. Clove fruits.
  5. Turmeric root.
  6. Liquorice root.
  7. Valerian root.

Beneficial features

Self-preparation of the monastery collection

  1. Pharmaceutical camomile.
  2. Oak bark.
  3. Birch young leaf.
  4. Tansy.
  5. Wormwood.
  6. Sage.
  7. Calendula.
  8. Dried marsh dryer.
  9. Peppermint.
  10. Repeshok.

Self-preparation of the collection "Berezit"

  1. Birch bark.
  2. Wormwood herb.
  3. Yarrow herb.
  4. Tansy flowers.
  5. Echinacea herb.
  6. Clove fruits.
  7. Sage leaves.
  8. Ginger root.
  9. Dill seeds.
  10. Turmeric root.
  11. Celandine.
  12. Black walnut leaf.
  13. Repeshok.
  14. Monard.
  15. Spiraea.
  16. Oregano.

To prepare, you need to take one teaspoon of this mixture, pour it with one glass of boiling water, let it brew for 10 minutes. The finished product is taken immediately after its preparation. It is necessary to use the remedy 3 times a day, one glass.

Tibetan fee

  1. Chamomile.
  2. St. John's wort.
  3. Strawberry leaves.
  4. Immortelle.
  5. Birch leaves.
  6. Birch buds.

Then, to prepare a remedy, you need to take two tablespoons of this mixture, pour two cups of boiling water. Let the ingredients brew for 2 hours. After that, the liquid is filtered, divided into equal parts. The finished composition is used half an hour before meals.

Contraindications and side effects

As you can see, all medicinal herbal preparations consist only of herbal ingredients that are of natural origin. However, before using them, it is recommended to consult a doctor. This must be done in order to minimize the risk of side effects, as well as to exclude possible contraindications.

Advantages over drugs

  1. Anti-inflammatory.
  2. Antiseptic.
  3. Antibacterial.
  4. Normalize the function of the digestive organs.
  5. Do not provoke addiction and allergic reactions.
  6. Activate the activity of the pancreas.
  7. Easily digestible.
  8. Cleanse the body, removing toxins from it.
  9. It is the main source of trace elements, vitamins, essential oils and amino acids.
  10. Excellent interaction with medications.
  11. There are different ways to use it.
  12. Can be used to treat children.


Milk and garlic


To prepare another medicine, you need to take a pomegranate, remove the seeds, and then boil them for 15 minutes. The infused composition is recommended to be consumed within one and a half hours after preparation.

Onion-based tincture is recommended for adults. To do this, a large onion is finely chopped, after which 500 ml of vodka is poured. The remedy should be infused in a dark room for 10 days. The finished product is used twice a day before meals.



To prepare the composition with wormwood, you need to take 500 ml of boiling water, pour it over the plant. After 1 hour, the product should be filtered through gauze. The drug is used in the amount of 2 tablespoons before meals for 30 minutes. It is necessary to use this drug at least 3 times a day.

It is not surprising that no one is immune from health problems. Any person can become a victim of crushing attacks of viruses, bacteria, fungi, helminths.

Path to health

The composition of the product is so rich and balanced that it can eliminate most types of worms, fungi, giardia, chlamydia and other pathological microorganisms. The effectiveness of the herbal remedy for the total improvement of well-being is largely predetermined by the fact that against the background of complete elimination of harmful organisms, the specific components of the collection allow the body to quickly get rid of the phenomena of intoxication, as well as to recover as correctly as possible.

How does a herbal product work?

Each of the healing components of the composition has a special effect on the human body:

The composition is formed on the basis of the following components:

Application features

It is important for these purposes to give preference only to high-quality drinking water. As a reservoir for the future broth, it is better to choose good glass or porcelain dishes.

The duration of the course is three weeks. This time is enough for all helminths, fungi, and other pathogenic life forms to be completely eliminated. Also, during this time, the healing components of the composition will completely heal the body, saturate the tissues and structures of the human body with the most important elements.

Who is the collection for?

For many people who are used to coping with problems through official pharmacological preparations, the question immediately arises: why drink some phyto preparations for a long time, if a lot of drugs have been invented to get rid of helminths, as well as for prevention. In principle, by taking a special suspension, tablet preparations or medicines in any other pharmacological form, in just a couple of days, you can conduct an express course for the prevention of the occurrence of helminthiasis.

However, even the most “harmless” or mild drugs are always toxic. Such is the nature of these substances - to eliminate this or that pathogen as quickly as possible. In this case, there is not only an “attack” on the pathogen, but also partially on the tissues of the organism itself.

Very "vulnerable" in this regard - hepatocytes, kidney tissue, sometimes the heart and brain. The monastic collection for the treatment of helminthic invasions is natural, which means it is completely safe. It will not only eliminate the pathogen, but also give the body strength to fight repeated attacks. This is especially true for young children, the elderly, as well as patients who suffer from pathologies of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, kidneys, and cardiovascular system.

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Helminthiasis is quite difficult to diagnose early, as it does not have clearly defined clinical signs, and therefore, it is easy to confuse it with other diseases.

When infected with worms, a person may experience the following symptoms:

  • headache;
  • appetite disorders, weight loss;
  • allergic reactions in the form of a rash on the body and mucous discharge from the nose and eyes;
  • loss of strength, general weakness;
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • nausea, flatulence;
  • increase in body temperature;
  • stool disorders (constipation, diarrhea);
  • irritability and nervousness;
  • joint and muscle pain;
  • dark circles under the eyes, etc.

The simplest method for detecting helminths is the analysis of feces for worm eggs and scraping for enterobiasis, which should be taken at least 3 times. In some cases, it is possible to additionally perform a blood test for the presence of antibodies to certain types of helminths.

In the treatment of helminthiases, it is necessary to carefully observe the rules of personal hygiene. This will help prevent re-infection. Bed linen should be changed frequently, underwear should be ironed before dressing. It is imperative to wash your hands after using the toilet, contact with pets, being in public places, before eating.

You need to drink tea on an empty stomach in a warm form.

There is another way to use the cooked collection. You can take non-brewed dry herbs in powder form. It is necessary to drink bitter herbs with sweet water. To do this, add honey to the water. During treatment, it is necessary to take sorbents to reduce intoxication from dressing. Sorbents are taken only on an empty stomach, not in combination with other drugs. As sorbent preparations, kaolin clay, activated carbon can be used.

Fast fatiguability

Symptoms of the presence of invasions in the body can be confused with symptoms of other diseases, therefore, before starting treatment, it is necessary to visit a doctor and pass the necessary tests. But there are a number of signs indicating the possibility of the presence of "neighbors" in the body:

  • exacerbation of chronic diseases;
  • change in the nature of defecation;
  • rapid fatigue and loss of strength;
  • pain in the joints and muscles;
  • increase or decrease in body weight without changing the lifestyle and quality of nutrition;
  • the appearance of allergies and skin manifestations in the form of ulcers, rashes, irritations;
  • an increase in the frequency of colds, a consequence of a decrease in the protective functions of the body;
  • foliation and fragility of nails;
  • development of an asthmatic component;
  • yellowing of the sclera;
  • deterioration in the quality of sleep;
  • irritability, tearfulness, impossibility of long-term concentration of attention.

People should remember, no matter how effective herbal treatment is, there are contraindications in their use:

  • intolerance to any component of the collection;
  • propensity to allergies;
  • acute periods of chronic diseases such as bronchial asthma, myocardial infarction, hypertensive crisis;
  • pregnancy and lactation period;
  • some mental and venereal diseases;
  • oncology.

When treating invasions with herbs, remember the rules:

  • Do not exceed the recommended dosage, the quality of treatment does not depend on how much you take at the same time.
  • Be careful when treating babies, do not exceed doses and do not deviate from the treatment regimen.
  • Follow the instructions for preparing solutions and infusions, do not overexpose in a steam bath, do not change the dosage.
  • Observe the shelf life of ready-made solutions and do not take after the expiration of the shelf life.
  • Take into account the peculiarities of your health, understand in which situations treatment with herbal preparations is not recommended.

Danger is everywhere

It is not surprising that no one is immune from health problems. Any person can become a victim of crushing attacks of viruses, bacteria, fungi, helminths.

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  • Chronic fatigue
  • Nausea
  • Stomach ache
  • Constipation or diarrhea
  • Rash of various nature on the skin
  • Weight loss
  • Joint pain
  • restless sleep
  • Itching in the anus
  1. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract
  2. Nervous System Damage
  3. Problems with the genitourinary system
  4. Diseases of the cardiovascular system

As a result, the human immune system becomes weak. The body is not able to resist viruses and infections that attack it from the outside. People who have helminths often suffer from acute respiratory viral infections, infectious diseases.

  • Dizziness
  • Nausea
  • Vomit
  • Diarrhea
  • Drowsiness
  • Loss of appetite
  • Hives
  • hallucinations

And this is not the whole list of possible side effects. Taking strong drugs can have a devastating effect on the liver. It is undesirable to prescribe medications for yourself, and especially for children.

Who is the collection for?

  • tansy, primarily flowers and grass,
    and many, many other plants.

But you don't need those effects...

Detoxifiers are the so-called spice plants:

  • fennel,

It is also necessary to include mucous plants with the anthelmintic collection, since they have a sorbing effect. When the worms are neutralized with anthelmintic herbs, then it is imperative to absorb toxins from the decaying worms in the intestines so that intoxication of the body does not occur.

There are many schemes for the use of antihelminthic plants. But it is better to give preference to the one that is tied to the full moon, the period when fertilization and reproduction of helminths occurs. The herbs are very strong, so you need to take breaks so as not to take them continuously for several months.

During the full moon, the worms become very sensitive, and the amount in the blood increases significantly. This allows you to reduce the dose of plants. Get yourself a lunar calendar (well, or watch the moon). Drink the infusion three days before the full moon, on the day of the full moon and three days after the full moon. A must for deworming!

A prerequisite for deworming is the simultaneous deworming of all family members and all pets that are (especially cats and dogs). Worms circulate throughout the apartment, and you do not constantly wash your hands and trust each other. This means that absolutely everyone living in the apartment: mom, dad, children, cat, dog, must definitely receive this fee. How often are such courses held?

It is recommended to conduct such a course of deworming for several months in a row (approximately four months in a row) at least once a year. If there are animals in the house that go outside or go to the country in the summer, then courses are recommended to be held 2 times a year.

Chamomile flowers

The essential oil of these flowers relieves inflammation, eliminates fermentation in the intestines, disinfects and anesthetizes. Chamomile not only relieves the symptoms of diseases, but also heals. It is especially effective in the treatment of stomach ulcers, inflammation of the colon. Chamomile can be drunk at any age, observing the appropriate dosage.

marigold flowers

Calendula has a rich chemical composition, thanks to which you can strengthen the immune system. Flowers contain a lot of vitamin C, bitter and tannins. Bitter and tannic components are detrimental to pathogenic microflora. Calendula has bactericidal, anti-inflammatory properties. Just like chamomile, it is effective in the treatment of gastritis, gastric and duodenal ulcers.

tansy flowers

Tansy is effective in the fight against Giardia, relieves inflammation, improves digestion. Good in the treatment of hepatitis, gastritis with low acidity, gastric and duodenal ulcers. The tool has astringent, bactericidal, choleretic, wound healing properties. Contraindicated in pregnant women, small children. It is dangerous with toxic qualities, it is necessary to strictly observe the dosage, take a maximum of 500 milliliters per day.


Wormwood cleanses the body of worms, fungi and viruses.

A toxic drug that requires compliance with the prescription and recommendations for the duration of use. The bitter taste of wormwood tones and cleanses the body of various microorganisms. Such as worms, chlamydia, trichomonas, yeast bacteria, fungi, viruses, mycoplasmas, ureaplasmas. It is not recommended to take more than 14 days.

Oak bark properties

aspen bark

Aspen contains a lot of trace elements necessary for a person. Aspen is able to restore blood. It has analgesic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing properties. Effective in the treatment of giardiasis, opisthorchiasis, pancreatitis, cholecystitis. It is undesirable to use with constipation or a tendency to them, individual intolerance.

clove buds

Rich in vitamin complex, minerals, micro and macro elements. They have antimicrobial, analgesic properties. Eliminates gas formation and improves digestion. Effective in the fight against worms and pathogenic microorganisms. Contraindicated in hypertensive patients, pregnant women, people with high acidity, stomach ulcers.


Rich in biologically active substances, vitamins and minerals. Contains bitter and tannins. The herb has soothing, anti-inflammatory, analgesic properties. You can not use with individual intolerance. Contraindicated in pregnant, lactating women and children under 6 years of age. In case of an overdose, sleep disturbance occurs, pain in the heart appears.

sage leaves

The composition of the product is so rich and balanced that it can eliminate most types of worms, fungi, giardia, chlamydia and other pathological microorganisms. The effectiveness of the herbal remedy for the total improvement of well-being is largely predetermined by the fact that against the background of complete elimination of harmful organisms, the specific components of the collection allow the body to quickly get rid of the phenomena of intoxication, as well as to recover as correctly as possible.

Herbal preparations from invasions

monastery tea

Monastic tea from worms contains:

  • chamomile flowers, tansy, calendula;
  • oak bark;
  • grass of wormwood, yarrow and cudweed swamp;
  • leaves of peppermint, birch and sage;
  • turnip root.

It should be taken before meals three times a day, each time brewing a new portion of tea. You should start with a dosage of 50 ml, gradually increasing it to 200 ml. The course of treatment is three weeks, which is due to the need for the death of not only sexually mature individuals of worms, but also their larvae. During the first week of taking the remedy, you must carefully monitor changes in well-being.

Contraindications for treatment with this remedy include childhood, pregnancy, lactation, an allergic reaction or individual intolerance to any of the components indicated in its composition, chronic pathologies in the acute stage.

Herbal tea from worms

This tool is effective for a variety of types of helminthic invasions: ascariasis, trichinosis, trichocephalosis, opisthorchiasis, ankylostomiasis, enterobiasis, diphyllobothriasis, hymenolipidosis, etc. In addition, it helps with a number of other pathological conditions accompanied by a decrease in immunity, loss of strength and intoxication.

The composition of Phytotea No. 28 includes the following medicinal plant materials:

  • flowers of common tansy and chamomile officinalis;
  • Birch buds;
  • herb St. John's wort, oregano and creeping thyme;
  • stevia and peppermint leaves;
  • dandelion roots;
  • rose hips and common hops.

Contraindications include intolerance or allergy to the plants included in the composition, pregnancy and breastfeeding.

sage leaves

Herbal preparations are used to treat children and adults. Treatment of a child with herbs is not as difficult for the liver as treatment with medications. But you should correctly calculate the dosage, and under no circumstances exceed it.

  • For a 12-month-old baby, a twelfth of the adult norm is used.
  • For a child after 2 years, an eighth of the adult norm is recommended.
  • For children 3 years old - the sixth part.
  • For seven-year-olds, a third of the adult norm is applied.

Phyto fees are divided into two types:

  • those that expel helminths;
  • those who destroy them.
  1. For brewing, you need 1 tbsp. a spoonful of the mixture, 1 cup boiling water. Give the medicine to infuse for 30 minutes. Drink three times a day for 3 tbsp. spoons before meals
  2. Powder is often prepared from this collection. The grass is ground in a mortar or crushed in a blender. For one dose, use 1 teaspoon of powder without a slide. The drug is taken in the morning with water. The powder is drunk according to the scheme: 1st day - 1 teaspoon; 2nd day - 2 teaspoons; then 7 days in a row take 3 teaspoons. After completing the main course of treatment, for prevention, lasting several months, use 1 teaspoon of the collection once a week.

The composition includes wormwood, knotweed, thyme, dandelion roots (2 parts each); tansy, peppermint (1 part each), cloves (3 parts). For brewing take 2 tbsp. tablespoons of the mixture with the top and 0.5 liters of boiling water. The infusion is ready for use in 40 minutes. Drink it in small portions throughout the day.

Crushed ginger, clove powder and honey are mixed in a ratio of 1:1:0.5. The medicine should be taken for 7 days. Single dose - 1 teaspoon.

How does a herbal product work?

Tea allows you to quickly get rid of the so-called intoxication syndrome.

  1. Rinse the teapot before each preparation.
  2. Pour 2 tbsp. l. collection of 0.5 liters of boiling water.
  3. Wrap the teapot with a towel.
  4. In this form, leave the kettle in a water bath for 10 minutes.
  5. Insist the finished product for half an hour, so that the medicinal herbs have time to give the decoction their beneficial properties.
  6. Before use, it is recommended to dilute with boiled water.

Medicinal herbs for tea can be prepared independently.

If you cannot drink the whole glass, it is allowed to divide it into parts and drink throughout the day.

It is unacceptable to drink tea in large doses or for too long.

There are several recipes for this tea.

RECIPE 1: Universal.

  • oregano
  • dog-rose fruit
  • elecampane root
  • St. John's wort
  • black loose leaf tea

For greater effect, such tea should be prepared in a water bath. To do this, take two pans of different diameters. So that one goes into the other.

Pour water into a large saucepan and put a small one in it. In a small container we fall asleep wild rose and elecampane root. Fill them with boiling water (1 liter) and leave to languish over low heat for 20 minutes.

When the infusion is ready, add the rest of the ingredients to it and leave it in a water bath for another 30 minutes. Then we filter through cheesecloth and pour into cups.

You can add honey and lemon to this tea.

RECIPE 2: For Diabetes

You can use this cleansing tea for diabetes. To do this, the following ingredients must be included in the tea leaves: St. John's wort, blueberries, chamomile, rose hips, dandelion root and blueberry leaves.

Pour all the ingredients in equal amounts (2 tablespoons each) with a liter of boiling water and let it brew. You need to drink this tea 2-3 times a day.

RECIPE 3: For hypertension

We mix in equal proportions (2 tablespoons each) motherwort, hawthorn, willow-herb, valerian root and shepherd's purse. Pour a liter of boiling water and drink after such a remedy is infused.

RECIPE 4: To cleanse the liver

For liver intoxication, the following composition of such tea is shown.

You need to take fennel, chamomile, string, calendula, mint, burdock root and immortelle in equal amounts (2 tablespoons each) and pour a liter of water.

Then filter and take a drink of 50 ml no more than three times a day. Also, the prepared herbal mixture can be ground in a coffee grinder to a powder state and taken dry before meals with water, starting with 1 tsp. on the first day, 2 tsp. on the second day, and then 3 tsp. in the following days.

Herbal collection is prepared according to the following proportions: 3 parts of clove buds and 2 parts of wormwood, knotweed, thyme and dandelion root are taken for 1 part of mint leaves. The resulting composition (2 tablespoons) is poured into 1 liter of boiling water and infused for 40 minutes, covered with a lid. Then filtered and taken 30 ml hourly for two weeks.

Mix 1 part of chamomile and tansy flowers with 2 parts of wormwood herb and zhoster bark. The prepared mixture (2 tsp) is transferred to a thermos, poured with 200 ml of boiling water, sealed tightly and left for 8 hours, it is more convenient to do this at night. In the morning, the infusion is filtered and taken in the morning and evening for five days.

In equal proportions, the herb of wormwood and centaury are combined. 2 tsp are placed in a small saucepan. mixture, add 400 ml of water, put on gas, wait for it to boil and keep it on minimum heat for a quarter of an hour. Then let the broth cool, filter and take a glass on an empty stomach for one week.

Healing ingredients in a unique combination

The herbs included in the collection are known to everyone. The right combination allows you to increase the effect and enhance the effect of each other. The composition of the monastery tea includes many herbs:

The composition is formed on the basis of the following components:


  • St. John's wort has a fastening effect and causes constipation;
  • elecampane high has a toxic effect;
  • wormwood negatively affects the central nervous system, causes convulsions and hallucinations;
  • common tansy can cause disorders of the nervous system, manifested in the form of depression, irritability, anxiety, convulsions, and the digestive tract (nausea, diarrhea, stomach pain);
  • centaury grass and clove buds irritate the mucous membranes of the stomach and intestines, which leads to dysfunction of organs.

Application features

Tea has its own proportions of medicinal herbs, which must be indicated on each package.

It is recommended to drink three times a day before meals. Start with a dosage equal to ¼ cup. Gradually you need to drink a whole glass. The duration of treatment should be at least a month. As a preventive measure, it can be taken in spring and autumn.

It is important for these purposes to give preference only to high-quality drinking water. As a reservoir for the future broth, it is better to choose good glass or porcelain dishes.

The duration of the course is three weeks. This time is enough for all helminths, fungi, and other pathogenic life forms to be completely eliminated. Also, during this time, the healing components of the composition will completely heal the body, saturate the tissues and structures of the human body with the most important elements.

Their "work" can affect such internal organs as the intestines, kidneys, liver, etc. Without special studies, it is extremely difficult to establish the exact cause of ailments associated with the activity of pathogenic organisms.

These symptoms include:

  • various manifestations of allergies
  • increased headaches
  • loss of energy and chronic fatigue
  • sleep and appetite disorders
  • disorders in the gastrointestinal tract
  • joint and muscle pain
  • sudden mood swings
  • unhealthy skin color
  • bruising under the eyes

  • worms
  • chlamydia
  • lamblia
  • fungi

Other properties of this tea include:

  • pressure reduction
  • elimination of pain
  • normalization of blood sugar levels
  • strengthening immunity
  • protecting the body from colds
  • fat burning

Most cathedrals of this tea have a pleasant taste and smell.

It can be used as an infusion. To do this, take a tablespoon of the collection, pour 0.5 liters of boiling water over it, cover and infuse for 1 hour. Drink the resulting infusion during the day in small portions before or immediately after meals.

If you want to deworm a child, but he does not want to drink a bitter infusion, then simply grind the herbs and roll them into a bread crumb, thus obtaining a “homemade” capsule.

The most important thing is the protection of internal organs, first of all, the liver and kidneys, the brain, since this collection includes detoxifying herbs and spices.

But it is also right to drink such tea, adhering to the necessary dosages and course of treatment.

Today, in every pharmacy you can buy "revolutionary" products to cleanse the body, to increase its performance, to lose weight, etc. How many of them work? Of course not.

But, the tea in question in this article is a natural product, consisting only of medicinal plants that have been used for healing for thousands of years.

This is not a drug or dietary supplement

This is an herbal formula that has proven to be effective. And in order to understand whether this tool really “works”, you need to try it. Buy this tea ready-made or make your own. And in any case, write about it in the comment form under this article.

  • tansy;
  • wormwood;
  • calendula;
  • oak bark;
  • chamomile;
  • drier dryer.
  • bitter wormwood - acts like tansy, but is additionally included in the composition of healing enemas;
  • oak bark - reduces intestinal irritation due to astringent effect;
  • calendula - has a wound healing and antiseptic effect;
  • marsh oregano - similar in effect to oak bark;
  • sage - characterized by a disinfectant effect due to alkaloids and resins;
  • chamomile - thanks to organic acids, terpenes and flavonoids, it has a detrimental effect on worms;
  • peppermint and yarrow - soften the action of the main components, reduce inflammation in the digestive tract;
  • birch leaves - has a diuretic effect, saturates the body with vitamin C.
  • killing of helminths;
  • elimination of nail diseases caused by a fungus;
  • restoration of the mucous membrane and improvement of intestinal motility;
  • activation of bile production;
  • improvement of the work of sphincters in the gallbladder;
  • cleansing the liver and kidneys;
  • reduction of high blood pressure;
  • stabilization of metabolism;
  • elimination of papillomas;
  • reduces bleeding;
  • mood improvement;
  • normalization of sleep;
  • strengthening immunity.

sage leaves

In order for the antihelminthic collection to be effective, it is necessary to cleanse the body before using it. Cleaning is selected individually, taking into account the characteristics of a person, but the principle of purification remains unchanged. To begin with, the gastrointestinal tract is cleaned. For this, special solutions of salt water, laxative oils or herbs may be applicable. Then the liver is cleansed. Coffee enema is the most gentle and short-term cleansing of this organ.

Korsun E.V.

In the days when the pharmaceutical industry was not so developed, people resorted to herbal treatment. Many still prefer natural ingredients. After all, the impact on our body of chemistry is already huge. The main thing is to know which herbs and in what proportion to apply.

Most doctors are in favor of drug treatment. Among them you can find those who are categorically against the treatment of folk methods.

However, many physicians are not opposed to ancillary herbal treatments.

Doctors do not recommend giving tea to children under 12 years of age. Before taking tea by children from 12 years old, it is better to consult a family doctor in order to avoid unwanted reactions based on personal intolerance to the components.

  1. During pregnancy
  2. During breastfeeding
  3. With personal intolerance to individual components

Contraindications for herbal treatment

Most plants for worms have contraindications. They are not prescribed for children under 12 years of age and pregnant women. Do not use in the treatment of people with hypersensitivity to the components included in the collection.

They are contraindicated for those who suffer from gastritis and peptic ulcer. Such fees are not recommended for use by women during menstruation.

Underestimated dosages do not allow you to get the proper result. An overdose leads to the accumulation of poisons in the human body, causing poisoning.

Take herbs only after consulting your doctor. Use pharmacy fees. They strictly observed the ratio of medicinal herbs. This approach helps a person avoid side effects and additional health problems.

In case of an overdose, side effects are possible.

It could be:

  • nausea;
  • vomit;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • cardiopalmus;
  • allergy;
  • dizziness;
  • liquid stool;
  • nervous excitability;
  • suffocation.

This remedy has virtually no side effects. The only contraindication is individual intolerance to its ingredients. Some herbal ingredients of this collection may contain allergens.

Kate. I have had allergy problems since the age of 14. And this year, in addition to her, she received chronic fatigue. I felt like a dead lemon. Unfortunately, my doctor never determined the cause of all these problems. I had to self-medicate. I found an article about this tea. I decided to try.

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