Wintergreen round-leaved for women and men. Wintergreen round-leaved application Grass Wintergreen round-leaved

Sin .: round-leaved pear, pear, pear, birch, forty grass, brilliant green, butushnitsa, female grass, live grass, hoof, armor, betonika, two-leaf lily of the valley, cistus, etc.

Perennial herbaceous plant with rounded leaves and fragrant racemose inflorescences. The plant has diuretic, astringent, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory properties.

Ask the experts

In medicine

Wintergreen round-leaved is not used by official medicine, but is widely known in homeopathy and folk medicine. Dietary supplements, herbal teas based on wintergreen, have a tonic, antioxidant and tonic effect on the body. Decoctions and infusions from the leaves of the plant are used as a diuretic, bactericidal agent for various diseases of the digestive and excretory systems, in gynecology for inflammatory and. Homeopaths use the essence of Wintergreen leaves to successfully cure many diseases. Wintergreen leaf extract is used in dental practice for the treatment of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, for the prevention of scurvy. Tibetan medicine uses wintergreen preparations for liver diseases, bone tuberculosis and fever. Western European experts recognized the plant as a diuretic, as well as a means of lowering blood glucose levels. Wintergreen essential oil has a sedative, warming and analgesic effect, therefore it is successfully used in the therapeutic practice of Chinese medicine in the form of therapeutic ointments for the treatment of arthritis, arthrosis and other joint diseases, with sprains.

Contraindications and side effects

Despite the unique composition and beneficial properties of the round-leaved wintergreen, contraindications to its use are: childhood, pregnancy, breastfeeding, thrombophlebitis, hypotension, varicose veins, increased blood viscosity. With individual intolerance and overdose during the use of Wintergreen, an allergic reaction in the form of skin rashes is possible.

In dentistry

Wintergreen round-leaved is widely used in dental practice as an antibacterial agent with an astringent and anesthetic effect on the oral mucosa. Wintergreen extract has a persistent, refreshing effect, the active substances of the plant composition destroy putrefactive microorganisms, as evidenced by the results of clinical studies conducted in China, the USA and Europe. Wintergreen essential oil has a deodorizing effect. Tooth gel with wintergreen extract is used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes to restore healthy breathing, as well as to treat periodontitis, caries, stomatitis, gum disease. Wintergreen is an active component of dental and oral care products: toothpastes, rinses, oral lotions.

In cooking

On the basis of wintergreen leaves in combination with the juice of cranberries, lingonberries and red currants, tonic, refreshing drinks are made.


Wintergreen (lat. Pyrola rotundifolia) is a typical species of perennial plants of the genus Wintergreen (lat. Pyrola), belonging to the Heather family (lat. Ericaceae). There are about 20 species in the genus Grushanka, 4 of which are found on the territory of the Russian Federation.

Botanical description

Wintergreen round-leaved - herbaceous perennial plant with creeping, long rhizome. Stems are erect, low, up to 30 cm in height. The leaves of the plant are rounded, dark green in color, leathery, twisted on petioles at the base of the stem, forming a rosette. Above on the stem, one or two oblong-ovate, brownish, vaginal, scaly leaves. The edges of the leaf blade are entire or slightly crenate. At the height of summer, wintergreen begins to bloom. The flowers are white or pinkish in color, fragrant (reminiscent of the aroma of lily of the valley). Corolla five-petalled, wide open, calyx with pointed lobes, style long, curved downwards, stigma five-lobed. Drooping or rejected flowers on long stalks form racemose inflorescences, consisting of 8-15 corollas. At the end of August, fruits ripen - spherical, slightly flattened boxes up to 5 mm long. Wintergreen reproduces by seeds and vegetatively (by root shoots).


In nature, the round-leaved wintergreen is ubiquitous, covering the territory of Europe, Central Asia and even the Arctic regions of Greenland. In Russia, it is found in its European part, in the Urals, in Siberia, in the Far East. Grows in pine and oak, hornbeam-spruce forests, found in deciduous forests and wet meadows. Often wintergreen can be seen among blueberries, lingonberries. Wintergreen herb grows well on moist, soddy-podzolic soils, often in symbiosis with fungal hyphae. In culture, the plant requires special care, does not take root well, prefers moist, shady places with sandy soil.

Distribution regions on the map of Russia.

Procurement of raw materials

In folk medicine, the aerial part of the plant is used, in particular the leaves of wintergreen round-leaved. Collection is carried out during flowering - in May and in the summer. Healthy leaf blades are harvested in dry weather. The raw materials are dried in well-ventilated rooms or spread out in a uniform layer up to 3 cm under a canopy. Avoid direct sunlight on the leaves of the plant. Dried raw materials are stored in paper packages for no more than 1 year.

Chemical composition

Wintergreen contains flavonoids (comiferol, quercetin, avicularin, kaempferol), arbutin, hydroquinone, methylarbutin, essential oil, mucus, tannins, resins, saponins, hyperoside, homoarbutin, himafilin, aviculirin, amyrin, bitter substance urson, erikolin, organic acids (gallic, quinic, ascorbic), gum, andromedoxin, trace elements (zinc, copper, magnesium, barium, etc.), quinones (himafilin, renifolin).

Pharmacological properties

With diuresis, there is an increased excretion of chloride and nitrogen salts from the body, and this explains the effectiveness of Wintergreen round-leaved in gout and joint diseases. In some forms of diabetes, there is a decrease in blood sugar, appetite improves and digestion processes normalize, thanks to the healing properties of wintergreen. Mucus envelops the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, stomach and small intestine, eliminating inflammatory processes. Tannins normalize the functioning of the digestive tract. Flavonoids reduce the fragility of small capillaries, normalize the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

European scientists have found that wintergreen preparations have a pronounced bactericidal effect against putrefactive bacteria that multiply in the oral cavity. The tannins in the composition of the herb help strengthen teeth and gums, and actively fight bad breath. The plant extract also stimulates the microcirculation of the oral mucosa, is able to provide reparative properties. This is the basis for the production of medical and hygienic products based on wintergreen.

Application in traditional medicine

Thanks to its unique chemical composition and beneficial properties, wintergreen is widely used in folk medicine internally as infusions, decoctions and externally. Wintergreen leaves have a diuretic, choleretic, astringent, analgesic, hemostatic and wound healing effect. Decoctions of the plant are used for therapeutic and prophylactic purposes in diseases of the digestive system (cholecystitis, dysbacteriosis, liver inflammation, cholelithiasis, spastic syndrome, diarrhea, ascites), in bone tuberculosis, pathologies of the excretory system (cystitis, chronic kidney disease), skin lesions (purulent wounds, furunculosis, wounds with scrofula), in the initial stages of diabetes, edema of various etiologies, bronchitis, blepharitis, epilepsy, stomach ulcers, etc.

The use of Wintergreen round-leaved contributes to an increase in daily diuresis, removes chloride and nitrogen salts from the body, thereby alleviating the condition of patients with arthritis, arthrosis, and gout. A decoction or tincture of wintergreen, with regular use, lowers the level of glucose in the blood of diabetic patients, improves appetite, and normalizes metabolic processes. Due to its anti-inflammatory and astringent properties, it is advisable to use wintergreen as a decoction for the treatment of the stomach, intestines, and chronic bronchitis. Being an excellent antiseptic, the use of wintergreen is advisable for inflammatory processes in the oral cavity (stomatitis, gingivitis) in the form of rinses, the plant relieves toothache, a decoction of the leaves freshens breath and strengthens the gums. The juice of fresh wintergreen grass lubricates long-healing wounds. An infusion of flowers is used to wash the eyes with conjunctivitis.

Wintergreen is especially popular in gynecology. Wintergreen tincture is an effective remedy for diseases of the reproductive system of women; it is not for nothing that the people call the plant “female grass”. The plant has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, bactericidal action. Wintergreen is taken in the form of a tincture or decoction inside, a decoction is used for douching with vaginitis, colpitis, leucorrhoea, gonorrhea, adnexitis, atony and prolapse of the uterus, with postpartum hemorrhage. Wintergreen alcohol tincture is an effective remedy for infertility, it is recommended to take it for a long period. It is possible to increase the therapeutic effect in gynecological pathologies by using alternately the upland uterus and wintergreen. Wintergreen is also suitable for the treatment of male diseases: chronic gonorrheal urethritis, dropsy, is used in inflammatory processes of the prostate gland.

1. Wintergreen - Pyrola L. // Flora of the USSR. In 30 volumes / Started under the leadership and under the chief editorship of Acad. V. L. Komarova; Ed. Volumes B. K. Shishkin and E. G. Bobrov. - M.-L.: Publishing House of the Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1952. - T. XVIII. - S. 10-11. - 802 p.

2. Safonov N. N. Medicinal plants: an illustrated atlas. - 2013. - 312 p.

3. Safonov N. N. Complete atlas of medicinal plants. - M.: Eksmo, 2011. - 311 p.

Wintergreen is a perennial herb whose flowers look like lily of the valley inflorescences. It is widely used in alternative medicine. Herbalists highlight its anti-inflammatory, diuretic, hemostatic and soothing qualities. Wintergreen has found great use in the treatment of female diseases.

Healing characteristics

The plant has a wide range of medicinal properties. However, the plant has found great application in gynecology. It contains many biologically active elements in its composition. The grass is saturated with iridoids, tannins, polycyclic organic acids and alcohols. The composition of the plant includes ascorbic acid and a great variety of minerals.

Also, the composition of the plant contains phenols and essential oils. A large number of medicinal substances makes the plant medicinal.

The benefits of a medicinal plant are its following qualities:

  • Accelerates the process of tissue repair.
  • It has an antimicrobial effect.
  • Eliminates fever.
  • Has a diuretic effect.
  • Removes the inflammatory process.
  • Prevents swelling.
  • Eliminates spasms.
  • Normalizes metabolism.

Use in gynecology

Meadow lily of the valley has healing elements that can stabilize the reproductive system and prevent the occurrence of cancer. Experts say that 5 substances that are present in this medicinal plant are very useful for the weaker sex:

  1. Tannins and mucous substances. They help fight inflammation, prevent bleeding and remove toxins from the body.
  2. plant polyphenols. Stimulate the body to resist microbes and viruses, reduce the signs of menopause, reduce pain during menstruation.
  3. Polycyclic organic acids and alcohols. Helps fight different types of infections.
  4. organic resins. They have anti-inflammatory properties, cleanse the body of microbes and relieve spasms and pain.
  5. Glycosides effectively fight inflammation in the urinary system.

For these opportunities wintergreen is also called grass for women. Doctors advise using its healing qualities for any anomalies of the reproductive system.

Usage restrictions

Despite the significant list of healing characteristics, there are some limitations to the use of the plant. The use of wintergreen can provoke a drop in blood pressure, so people suffering from low blood pressure should take the remedy with great care.

Since the plant has the ability to stop bleeding, the restrictions for its use are:

  • Rapid blood clotting.
  • The presence of blood clots in the vessels.

Wintergreen should not be used by women in position and people who have a specific intolerance to grass.

Use in alternative medicine

There are recipes for the preparation of universal remedies from this medicinal plant. They are used for effective prevention of diseases of the urinary system.

  1. Explosion. To prepare this remedy, you need to stock up on wintergreen seeds or its rhizome. Take this broth 2 tablespoons, 4 times a day and only after meals. 15 grams of herbs are poured into 180 g of boiling water and the container is placed in a water bath for half an hour. After that, the broth is filtered off.
  2. Tincture on water. To prepare the tincture, take both fresh and dried plants. You will need a mixture of inflorescences and foliage of the plant. Use tincture 1/3 cup three times a day. However, the specialist may prescribe a different regimen.
    2 tablespoons of the plant are diluted with a cup of boiling water and left for a quarter of an hour in a water bath. Then leave the composition for 60 minutes. The tincture must be cleaned and taken according to the indicated scheme.
  3. Alcohol tincture. To prepare an alcohol infusion, you will need wintergreen leaves and inflorescences, but it is better to use dry raw materials. Take the infusion for 20 minutes. before meals 30 drops. Before use, the product must be diluted with boiled chilled water. Recipe 2. 50 grams of dry grass are put in a container and a bottle of alcohol is added. The container is sealed and the composition is left for 2 weeks in a dark, cool place. The tincture should be stirred regularly. Then the composition is cleaned and taken orally.

The use of plants in the treatment of female and male diseases

Therapy with this healing herb has a positive effect on various gynecological anomalies. But you need to start it only after visiting a specialist and determining the appropriate dose. In addition to traditional recipes used for preventive measures, there are remedies that are used to cure serious anomalies.

With infertility
The plant does not contain hormones, because of this, it cannot directly act on ovulation or the maturation of eggs in a woman's body. But wintergreen will be useful for infertility, which is caused by obstruction of the fallopian tubes or infection in the reproductive system. It is advised to use the tincture on the water. Use it 1/3 cup three times a day before meals. The duration of therapy is determined by a specialist. It usually lasts 3 weeks.

Recipe: a spoonful of a dried plant is diluted with a cup of boiling water. The vessel is placed in a water bath and simmered for 45 minutes. Then the composition is filtered and supplemented with cool water to obtain a full mug.

Mammary cancer
The plant helps in the fight against various tumors, in particular in breast cancer. But such therapy is possible only under the supervision of a specialist, it is forbidden to exclude traditional treatment, since a positive result is possible only when all the methods of fighting oncology are combined. Use the remedy for ¼ cup three times a day and best before meals. The duration of treatment is 1-3 months.

Recipe: 4 tablespoons of finely chopped herbs pour 0.5 liters of hot water. The container is tightly corked and allowed to brew for 2 hours. Then the composition is cleaned and drunk according to the indicated scheme.

With endometriosis
The medicinal plant will help with endometriosis and adenomyosis, as it fights inflammation. To increase the healing effect, it is advised to use a collection made from several medicinal plants. The resulting infusion is drunk three times a day, 30 drops, for 1-2 months. Then they pause for 2 weeks and continue treatment again.

Recipe: Three medicinal herbs are taken in equal proportions: 2 tablespoons of meadow lily of the valley, upland uterus and winter-loving, mix well. 50 grams of the resulting composition is poured with a bottle of alcohol. The product is left for 14 days, stirring regularly. Then filtered.

From ovarian cysts
Each change in the functioning of the testicles is a signal and a good reason to visit a specialist. However, it must be remembered that only those brushes that can be absorbed can be treated with unconventional methods or medicines.

For the normal functioning of the testis, it is advised to use tincture on water. Use the broth three times a day for 50 g.

Recipe: 12 tablespoons of medicinal herbs are diluted with a liter of boiling water. The vessel is removed under a blanket and allowed to brew for 3 hours. Then the infusion is filtered and consumed inside.

Downward displacement of the uterus
To cure this ailment and strengthen muscle tissue, it is advised to take a tincture prepared from medicinal plants. Drink the infusion for 2 months, 1/3 cup three times a day.

To prepare the medicinal collection, you need to take: 3 spoons of wintergreen and St. John's wort, 2 spoons of oregano, uterine cloves and coltsfoot. The collection is well mixed. A spoonful of the collection is crushed into powder and diluted with a cup of boiling water. Leave for 30 min. and filtered out.

In the inflammatory process in the testes and fallopian tubes
40 grams of the plant is put in a container and poured with a glass of alcohol. The mixture is stirred regularly and allowed to stand for three weeks. Then the infusion is cleaned and taken orally according to the indicated scheme. It is drunk three times a day in a small spoon.

For the treatment of prostate adenoma
The medicinal plant will help to cope with inflammation in the prostate gland. For the treatment of prostatitis, it is necessary to use an infusion of wintergreen, 50 g twice a day. The duration of treatment is one month.

In boiling water (250 ml) add a spoonful of raw materials. Then the container is closed and allowed to brew for 4 hours. After that, the composition is filtered.

The healing qualities of the plant are widely used in Tibet. Infusions, decoctions, balms are used to treat serious anomalies such as bone tuberculosis and osteomyelitis. In many cases, therapy is successful.

    Wintergreen is a herbaceous perennial plant from the Wintergreen family. Used in folk medicine as an anti-inflammatory, sedative, hemostatic, diuretic.

    Wintergreen has a long, branched, creeping rhizome, from the nodes of which adventitious roots and above-ground shoots depart. The stem is naked, erect, reaches 40 centimeters in height. Leaves are oval or rounded, long-petiolate, leathery, often hibernating.

    The flowers are regular, at the top are collected in a long brush. Corolla white, fragrant, wide open. Wintergreen blooms in May-July, the fruits begin to ripen in August. The fruit is a multi-seeded spherical capsule. Wintergreen grows in wet meadows, in deciduous, pine, mixed forests. The plant can be found in Central Asia, Siberia, throughout Europe.

    Wintergreen has long been used in Russia to make wine or tea. Healers prepared decoctions from this plant and used them to treat gynecological diseases, pathologies of the kidneys and urinary tract. Wintergreen is used in traditional Chinese medicine as a natural antibiotic. The plant got its name because of the similarity of flowers with pear corollas.

    Procurement and storage

    For medicinal purposes, the leaves of the plant are usually used. They are harvested in late spring and summer, during the flowering period, since it is at this time that the leaves contain the largest amount of biologically active substances. Harvesting of raw materials is carried out in dry weather.

    After collection, the leaves are dried under a canopy, on the street or in a room with good ventilation, spread out in a thin layer on paper or cloth. Leaves should not be exposed to direct sunlight. The finished product is stored in paper packaging. Shelf life - 12 months. After this period, the raw materials begin to rapidly lose their healing properties.

    Chemical composition

    The composition of the plant includes a large number of biologically active substances. The most important are:

  • mucus and tannins - have a hemostatic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, antiseptic effect, contribute to the removal of toxins from the body
  • arbutin is a natural antiseptic that effectively relieves inflammation in the organs of the genitourinary system
  • flavonoids - have an antioxidant, antibacterial effect, reduce the severity of PMS symptoms in women
  • organic acids, resins - have an anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antispasmodic effect on the body
  • triterpenoids - have antibacterial and antiviral effects

Application in medicine

Wintergreen is used in folk medicine in the form of decoctions and infusions for oral administration, as well as externally. The leaves of the plant have a diuretic, wound healing, choleretic, hemostatic, analgesic, astringent effect on the body.

Decoctions of the plant are used to treat and prevent the following pathological conditions of the body:

  • diseases of the digestive system
  • gynecological diseases
  • pathology of the urinary system
  • bone tuberculosis
  • dermatological diseases
  • mild forms of diabetes
  • edema of various origins
  • inflammatory diseases of the oral cavity (gingivitis, stomatitis)
  • toothache

The juice of fresh grass lubricates poorly healing wounds. An infusion of wintergreen flowers is used for conjunctivitis to wash the eyes.

Especially often the plant is used in the treatment of gynecological diseases. Wintergreen is even called " women's grass". The plant is taken orally in the form of a decoction or tincture, used externally for douching with colpitis, vaginitis, gonorrhea, leucorrhoea, atony, adnexitis, uterine prolapse, and also with birth bleeding.

Alcoholic wintergreen tincture helps with infertility. The effect is enhanced by the combined use of wintergreen and hogweed. Wintergreen also helps with male diseases - prostatitis, purulent urethritis.


Do not use plant-based products if you have the following contraindications:

  • individual intolerance
  • high rate of blood clotting
  • pregnancy, lactation
  • varicose veins, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis

It is important to strictly observe the recommended dosages and frequency of taking wintergreen preparations. In case of an overdose, side effects such as impaired coordination of movements, the appearance of blood in the urine, a feeling of intoxication, and confusion are possible. If these symptoms appear, stop taking wintergreen and consult a specialist.

plant parts used

  • Leaves and stems



For part of the plant - Leaves and stems

General recipe. Decoction and tincture are used for edema, dropsy, joint diseases, gout, improve appetite, normalize digestion processes, have astringent and anti-inflammatory effect in case of inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. They are used for hernias, chronic constipation, peptic ulcer of the stomach and duodenum, diseases of the prostate gland, cystitis, obstruction of the fallopian tubes, infertility; help with headaches, migraines, diseases of the throat and larynx, difficult to heal wounds.

Pour 2 teaspoons of herbs with 1 cup of boiling water, leave for 2 hours, strain. Take 1-2 tablespoons 3 times a day before meals. You can add honey to taste.


4 tablespoons of grass pour 0.5 liters of vodka in a dark bowl, leave in a dark cool place for 3-4 weeks, shaking daily, strain. Take 20-30 drops 3 times a day, 30-40 minutes before meals.

Additional materials

  • Causes and treatment of uterine bleeding

31.12.19 Olga

Happy New Year and Merry Christmas!

I am sending you the results of my tests. I have the following question for you. At the moment, I began to take Eutiroks 50 mg, I also take the collection recommended by you, Longidase suppositories. Since the beginning of December, I have been worried about discomfort in my right side from below (it appeared two days later - I was at a funeral - after my legs and lower back were very cold). She did an ultrasound of the small pelvis, when pressing on the nerve, pain appeared, she also looked at the kidneys - the pelvis of the right kidney was slightly enlarged, but she says everything without pathologies. Maybe when the stone came out damaged the ureter? Pain in the lower back on the right in the region of the hollow above the buttock, I do Movalis injections, a stone in the gallbladder. The temperature is kept at 35.0-36.0, it does not rise higher. Yulia Evgenievna, I ask you to help me with advice and recommendations on how to improve the activity of my body. Hematocrit - 41.7% (35.0-45.0), hemoglobin - 14.4 g / dl (11.7-15.5), erythrocytes - 4.70 million / μl (3.80-5.10 ), MCV (mean erythrocyte volume) - 88.7 fl (81.0-100.0) RDW (erythrocyte distribution width) - 11.7% (11.6-14.8), MCH (mean Hb content in erythrocytes ) - 30.6 pg (27.0-34.0) MCHC (mean concentration of Hb in erythrocytes) - 34.5 g / dl (32.0-36.0), platelets - 228 thousand / μl (150-400 ), leukocytes - 6.11 thousand / μl (4.50-11.00), neutrophils (total), % - 49.3% (48.0-78.0). When examining blood on a hematological analyzer, no pathological cells were found. The number of stab neutrophils does not exceed 6%. Lymphocytes, % - 41.4% (19.0-37.0), monocytes, % - 7.7% (3.0-11.0), eosinophils, % - 1.1% (1.0-5 .0), basophils,% - 0.5% (pregnancy: 1st trimester: 0.1-2.5; 2nd trimester: 0.2-3.0; 3rd trimester: 0.3-3.0. Estradiol - 338 pmol/l (follicular phase: 68-1269, ovulatory phase: 131-1655, luteal phase: 91-861, postmenopausal: Progesterone - 9.9 nmol/l (follicular phase: 0.3-2.2, ovulatory phase : 0.5-9.4, luteal phase: 7.0-56.6, postmenopausal: Prolactin - 235 mU / l (109-557) Hormones were taken on the 11th day of the cycle.

Among the huge number of medicinal plants donated by nature, the medicinal herb round-leaved wintergreen, or small, is known, which herbalists greatly appreciate. The grass is called differently: wild incense, living grass.

Among the huge number of medicinal plants donated by nature, the medicinal herb round-leaved wintergreen is known.

Wintergreen loves moist soil. And so it can be found in mixed forests and meadows, among blueberries and lingonberries. In Russia, the plant can be found in the Urals, the Far East or Siberia.

In official medicine, it is used only in dentistry, and in homeopathy and herbal medicine it is widely used as part of dietary supplements and herbal teas. Wild frankincense can be found in many oral care products. It has a detrimental effect on the bacteria that settle in it.

Medicinal plant is useful for the following properties:

  • diuretic;
  • diaphoretic;
  • antiseptic;
  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antispasmodic;
  • astringent.

Patients are interested in how wintergreen is used, medicinal properties and contraindications to the use of herbs. Wintergreen has been recognized by Chinese and Tibetan physicians as a natural antibiotic and is used to treat liver, bone disease, and fever. The essential oil, which the plant is rich in, is used by the Chinese as part of therapeutic ointments for diseased joints.

Gallery: Wintergreen (25 photos)

How wintergreen is used

The plant is used in gynecology and urology. Living grass treats infertility, in particular ovarian dysfunction, disruption of the ovulation process, menstrual cycle irregularities, obstruction of the fallopian tubes. The plant helps with inflammation of the appendages, colpitis, vaginitis, prolapse of the uterus, bleeding after childbirth, genital infections. For men, it helps with prostatitis and prostate adenoma, returns male power.

Grass is also used in endocrinology. Wintergreen round-leaved is used in diabetes mellitus, as it lowers the level of glucose in the blood. The plant eliminates skin problems (boils, ulcers), heals bones and joints.

Since wintergreen contributes to profuse urination, the content of a significant amount of salts in urine has been noticed when it is taken. Salt deposits are cleansed, which improves the condition of the joints and reduces gout.

Diseases of the internal organs are treated with this healing herb. A decoction of a medicinal wintergreen plant is useful to use when the disease takes a chronic form. It alleviates the condition of a person with diseases of the kidneys, bladder, inflammation of the gastrointestinal tract. The plant contains mucus, which, once ingested, envelops the entire mucosa of the digestive tract, thereby reducing inflammation.

The plant is used in gynecology and urology.

Diseases of the mouth and throat can be treated with this herb. An infusion of the leaves is useful for rinsing the mouth and throat with a bacterial infection. The use of such a solution helps to get rid of bad breath.

Wintergreen round-leaved and its useful properties (video)

Contraindications to the use of the plant

  • Contraindications include increased blood clotting and a tendency to vascular diseases (varicose veins, blood clots, etc.).
  • Given that the plant has a pronounced diuretic effect, hypotensive patients should not use it, since the decoction lowers blood pressure.
  • Treatment with elevated hemoglobin is contraindicated.
  • It is also contraindicated for lactating and pregnant women to be treated with this remedy.

Remember that herbs, like medications, can cause serious harm to the body, so before starting treatment, familiarize yourself with possible side effects in order to prevent complications in time.

Usually, the herbal preparation is well tolerated by the body, but with uncontrolled use, an overdose is possible, the appearance of blood during urination. In this case, the treatment should be stopped and consult a doctor.

How the round-leaved wintergreen is harvested, what is its use in traditional medicine, is of interest to many. The most suitable period for collection is summer, the plant blooms actively at this time. For medicinal purposes, you need to collect the above-ground part. Dry the grass in a room where there are drafts and there are no direct rays of the sun. Arrange the leaves in one layer.

Wintergreen round-leaved (video)

Recipes for folk remedies

There are no complicated recipes for preparing medicines from wintergreen. A decoction or alcoholic tincture is prepared according to the classic recipe. You can use both fresh leaves of the plant and dried ones.

The broth is prepared as follows: pour 10 g of medicinal herb with a glass of boiling water, you can insist in a thermos or just wrap it with a towel. Strain after 2 hours. You should use 2 tbsp. spoons. Three times a day will be enough.

Alcohol tincture requires 70% alcohol or vodka. 4 tbsp. l. Wintergreen pour 0.5 liters of alcohol. Keep in a dark place for 1 month, periodically shaking the container. Ready and filtered tincture take 20-30 drops 3 times a day.

With infertility, as well as to relieve the inflammatory process in the pelvis, douching is done. In the morning and evening, it is necessary to douche with the following solution: brew 1 des. l. medicinal herbs 1 liter of boiled water. Infuse for 2 hours and strain through several layers of gauze.
In case of infertility, a decoction should be taken 3 times a day, 2 large sips before meals. You can take tincture instead of decoction.

Treatment with folk remedies requires patience, since their effect on the body occurs gradually. Much depends on the individual characteristics of the body, body weight, age, lifestyle and other factors.

There are no special complicated recipes for preparing medicines from wintergreen. A decoction or alcoholic tincture is prepared according to the classic recipe

The Indians living in North America used wintergreen to make drinks. They noticed its medicinal properties. And in Ancient Rus', people made wine from a plant, brewed leaves and used it as tea.

The flowers of the plant are very similar in shape to pear flowers, but their size is quite small. That is why the grass was called wintergreen.

To prepare a drink based on wintergreen, you will need:

  • wintergreen large-leaved (leaves of the plant);
  • cranberry;
  • cowberry;
  • Red Ribes.

Boil like compote, cool and consume chilled. The drink is considered tonic, so you should drink it in small portions.

Wintergreen is a flowering plant that reaches 40 cm in height. Most often it is found in coniferous or mixed Siberian and Far Eastern forests, less often in deciduous.

The people call the plant "meadow lily of the valley" because of the resemblance to these flowers.

Wintergreen round-leaved - description, composition, photo

Wintergreen round-leaved is used in folk medicine, its beneficial properties are due to its rich composition. The plant contains the following substances:

  1. Tannins known for their astringent and antibacterial properties.
  2. Flavonoids - strengthen the immune system and remove heavy metals from the body.
  3. Arbutin is a substance that relieves inflammation.
  4. Glycosides are elements that have antibacterial properties.
  5. Monotropins - stimulate the production of testosterone in men.
  6. Vitamins, trace elements, organic acids, essential oils, minerals.

Such a set of useful substances helps to cope with many diseases.

Application in traditional medicine

The range of use of wintergreen in folk medicine is quite wide, it is used to treat:

  • gynecological diseases;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and kidneys;
  • and edema;
  • and diseases accompanied by fever;
  • headaches and migraines;
  • dental diseases;
  • chronic fatigue;
  • conjunctivitis;
  • purulent wounds and skin diseases.

In addition, the plant perfectly stops bleeding and disinfects an open wound. Wintergreen is also used to awaken the appetite.

Teas and decoctions are prepared for oral administration. Infusions are suitable for external treatment and douching, and the balm is applied externally for inflammation of the joints.

Wintergreen is prescribed in the treatment of many gynecological diseases. Before using products based on this plant, a consultation with a doctor is required.

Meadow lily of the valley is able to eliminate infertility, provoked by obstruction of the fallopian tubes or inflammatory processes in the genitals. For treatment, a decoction should be prepared. A tablespoon of wintergreen is poured into a glass of hot water at a temperature of 80 degrees (not higher, otherwise useful substances are eliminated). Then the liquid is placed in a water bath and languishes for 45 minutes. Part of the broth will evaporate, it must be replenished with boiled water. Then strain the liquid and you can take it. Drink 70 ml three times a day on an empty stomach, the course of treatment is 3-4 weeks.

And this remedy helps against breast cancer. Please note that traditional medicine cannot be abandoned, and a specialist consultation is required before use. For 0.5 l of water, take 4 tablespoons of meadow lily of the valley (with a slide), leave for 2 hours, then filter through any cloth. Drink ¼ cup 3 times a day before meals. The duration of treatment varies from 1 to 3 months.

From endometriosis, you can drink a medicinal collection, for it you will need:

  • 2 heaped tablespoons of wintergreen leaves;
  • 2 tablespoons of boron uterus;
  • 2 tablespoons of winter-loving;
  • 500 ml of vodka.

Mix the herbs and weigh 50 g. Pour this amount of the collection with alcohol and insist in a dark place for 15 days, then strain. Take orally 30-35 drops on an empty stomach 3 times a day. The course of treatment lasts 1-2 months, after which it is important to take a break for 14 days, then continue taking it. So until recovery.

To normalize the work of the ovaries, an infusion is prepared. 12 tablespoons of the plant are poured with a liter of boiling water into the pan. Close the container with a lid, wrap with a towel and leave for 3 hours, then filter through gauze. Drink 50 ml three times a day.

The following remedy helps with female and male infertility. 60 g wintergreen pour 0.5 liters of vodka and leave for 2 weeks in a dark place, you can in the cellar. Then strain and drink 35 drops three times a day before meals.

Treatment of prostatitis. Reviews

Wintergreen is also used in the fight against prostatitis. Such treatment has received positive reviews, but it must be comprehensive. It should also be noted that the plant is used in a chronic disease, in acute it is ineffective. Also, prostatitis can be treated with enemas. The usual infusion is prepared at the rate of 2 teaspoons of meadow lily of the valley per glass of boiling water, filtered and cooled. The liquid is introduced into the rectum with the help of a pear, the contents are poured in, you should try to keep it as long as possible. Repeat the procedure every other day.

For a bath, prepare a decoction: for 100 g of a plant, take 3 liters of water, pour it in, leave for 2 hours. Then strain, cool, and you're done. Pour warm liquid into the bath and take it for 10 minutes, you can sit or lie down.

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