Tincture of aconite reviews. Aconite is a cure for cancer. Comparison of homeopathic treatment and traditional drug therapy

Tincture of aconite is a drug that can be freely purchased at a pharmacy, but it is not used in official medicine. Although its healing properties in the fight against cancer have long been known. And this is due, first of all, to the fact that this plant is classified as poisonous. Therefore, its use is associated with great risks.

Aconite is a perennial that grows in meadows. Today more than 300 varieties of the plant are known. People often find such names as wrestler, blue buttercup, skullcap, wolfsbane, and Dzhugarsky aconite.

Aconite flowers, depending on the species, can be blue, yellow, purple, yellow and even white. The inflorescence itself resembles a helmet, which is probably why the plant got the name Scutellaria. Aconite blooms beautifully, but this beauty is deceptive and dangerous. The plant is poisonous from roots to flowers; the highest concentration of poison occurs just during flowering.

Alkoloids, which contain aconitines, are the potent toxic substances produced by the wrestler. It is these poisons, in minimal doses, that, when used correctly, effectively fight cancer cells in the human body.

Tincture of Dzungarian aconite, which is native to the lands of Kazakhstan, is famous for its healing properties. It is used for cancer, severe pain, and irritability.

Before starting treatment with its help, you should understand that the plant is dangerous; exceeding the permissible dose of the drug can lead to death. Two milligrams of aconitine, a substance found in the plant, kills a person.

Since the use of the drug is associated with risks, you should still reduce them to a minimum; for this you do not need to try to make the tincture yourself; it would be more correct and safer to purchase it in trusted pharmacies and homeopathic stores. After all, when preparing, it is necessary to adhere to strict rules for collecting raw materials and technology for preparing the medicine.

Indications for use of the product

Aconite tincture improves metabolic processes in the body, actively activates restorative functions, and stimulates the functioning of the heart and blood vessels. This is a potent pain reliever that is often used for severe burns and injuries.

Both external and internal use of the drug is possible. It depends on the illness and condition of the body.

It is recommended to take it orally strictly according to the developed scheme. In the first days, it is only five drops of the drug; if well tolerated, the dose is gradually increased to thirty by the tenth day of treatment, then a decrease begins, with the expectation that by the twentieth day it will be five drops again. Then it is necessary to allow the body to cope with the received dose of the drug, absorb beneficial substances and direct them to fight the disease and remove harmful toxins and poisons. The time the body needs to recover is strictly individual and depends on many indicators. This is primarily the general condition of the person, age, criticality of his illness and its nature. However, the minimum break should not be less than seven days.

The use of aconite tincture for cancer, at any stage of the disease and any group of oncology, has good efficacy rates. They resort to it as a lifeline when there is nothing else to help, a huge number of chemical and folk remedies have been tried, then a person is ready to risk his life in order to give himself the opportunity to live. No matter how pretentious it sounds, this happens in 98 cases out of 100. In the initial stages of any disease, it is much easier to overcome the disease, but alas, either late diagnosis, or ineffective treatment, or lack of attention to oneself, leads to the fact that we save We are already in emergency mode. How does aconite work in this case? The substances included in its composition, which are characterized as toxic, in the right doses and correct use slow down the development of malignant neoplasms, destroy existing tumors and metastases. With the rapid development of oncology, after a course of treatment with aconite, a decrease in the size of tumors is observed, which allows for a successful operation to remove it.

Aconite tincture can completely replace taking morphine during painful stages of cancer; it is more tolerant to the body and does not lead to severe intoxication of the body, as with chemotherapy.

The use of alcohol tincture for oncology should be carried out thirty minutes before meals according to the following scheme: the first day - 1 drop, the second - two, and so on up to ten drops, from the eleventh day the countdown is carried out in reverse order - nine drops, the twelfth - eight, and we leave per dose of one drop on the twentieth day. Then you need to take a break for thirty days and repeat taking the drug. To get a positive result, you should take at least three courses of twenty days. When the stage of the disease is advanced and immediate intervention and assistance is required, the break is reduced to seven days, and the tincture can be taken three times a day, according to the scheme: one dose - one drop, the second - two, and so on until the twentieth, where respectively twenty drops, and then we go to reduce it to one drop. Treatment according to this scheme lasts 40 days. If the body is severely weakened or the patients are children, then the course should not exceed twenty days, otherwise it is dangerous for an already weakened body. Such patients should take the infusion twice a day according to the regimen described above. Taking the drug should be accompanied by drinking plenty of water.

Among other things, skullcap tincture is also used for external use. It is used to treat polyps and rectal cancer. To do this, make microenemas from tincture and water in the ratio of 1 ml of medicine and 50 ml of water. Uterine polyps are affected by douching with a prepared solution of half a liter of water heated to body temperature and 50 ml of tincture.

Externally, skullcap tincture is used to remove warts and papillomas. For the treatment of diseased joints, radiculitis, pinched sciatic nerve. A cloth bandage is moistened with the drug and rubbed on the sore spots twice a day for a month.

This plant should never be used during pregnancy or breastfeeding.

In parallel with treatment with aconite, be sure to drink herbal decoctions to remove toxins.

Dzhugarsky aconite successfully cures benign neoplasms, bronchial asthma, and tuberculosis. The regimen of use is standard, starting with one drop of the drug diluted in thirty milliliters of water with daily increases, on the eleventh day we begin the countdown. Sometimes during treatment you may become dizzy and vomit, in which case you should not increase the dose of the tincture, but you also do not need to stop it.

Of course, in case of cancer, the daily dose is much higher, but crossing the line of sixty drops is dangerous. And it is important to complete the full course, that is, to receive the required amount of the drug to fight cancer cells and metastases. During treatment you need to drink decoctions of cinquefoil and Japanese sophora. These herbs reduce nausea, restore blood cells, and strengthen the general condition of the patient.

Treatment of oncology with a drug from the fighter has advantages over chemical drugs in that:

  • it stops metastases, prevents their appearance, inhibits, and in some cases destroys existing ones;
  • if a strict dosage is observed, it does not harm the body, as this occurs as a result of chemotherapy and radiation;
  • side effects are minimal and can be neutralized by using decoctions of certain herbs;
  • highly effective pain reliever.

How to prepare a preparation from aconite yourself

Recipe 1.

If you decide to prepare the drug yourself, then first of all, stock up on gloves and, of course, patience. You need to take 20 grams of fresh skullcap root (monkshood), chop it and add 200 milliliters of 40-degree alcohol. Leave in a dark place for twenty-one days.

Medicine is prepared from dry roots using a slightly different technology. Raw materials - 100 grams are poured with 500 milliliters of boiling water and kept for at least an hour. Then the roots are crushed and returned to the container with water, 400 milliliters of alcohol or vodka are added. Infuse for exactly twenty-one days. It is worth straining before use. This infusion is used in the treatment of lung cancer. I drink according to the standard regimen, courses recommended by the doctor, depending on the stage of the disease and the patient’s condition.

Recipe 2.

A homemade infusion for sore joints is prepared as follows. One hundred grams of root and a liter of vodka are infused in a warm place for three days, then used to rub joints, but you don’t need to get carried away so as not to cause disturbances in your heart rhythm. After rubbing, the sore areas are wrapped to keep warm. Carry out the procedure before going to bed, in the morning the sore spots should be rinsed with warm water.

Recipe 3.

Wrestler seeds are used to treat cardiovascular diseases. It is necessary to infuse ten grams of seeds for fourteen days in 500 milliliters of alcohol away from light. Before use, filter and drink five drops before meals with plenty of water. Gradually add one drop at a time, when the amount of thirty is reached, begin to reduce the dose daily by one drop.

Many ailments are treated with the help of aconite:

  • Schizophrenia;
  • Neuroses4
  • Epilepsy;
  • Impotence;
  • Parkinson's disease;
  • Neuralgia, neuritis;
  • Migraine;
  • Impotence;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Bronchitis;
  • Hepatitis;
  • Diseases of the digestive system;
  • Flatulence;
  • Colitis;
  • Angina4
  • Hypertension;
  • Anemia;
  • Thyroid diseases;
  • Diabetes;
  • Hair loss;
  • Fibroids and uterine bleeding;
  • Adenoma;
  • Kidney stones;
  • Cystitis and a number of other disorders.

Recipe 4.

Not only alcoholic infusions are prepared from the wrestler, but also water decoctions. Roots, stems, leaves are used. The product is prepared from three medium-sized roots and 1500 milliliters of water, which need to be simmered over low heat for about thirty minutes. I drink sixty milliliters three times a day on an empty stomach. The decoction is more gentle, it does not contain scalding alcohol, but when boiled, the healing effect of the plant is weakened.

Precautions and first aid for poisoning

Since the drug aconite is very dangerous, all necessary precautions should be taken. Store only closed and away from children's hands and eyes. After using the tincture, always wash your hands with soap and boil the cup you drank from. Do not change the treatment regimen or increase the recommended dose under any circumstances.

In case of overdose, the following symptoms are observed:

  • Nausea;
  • Vomit;
  • Numbness of the limbs;
  • Numbness of the tongue, cheeks and lips;
  • Fever;
  • Sudden loss of vision;
  • Thirst and dry mouth;
  • Strong headache;
  • Low pressure;
  • Loss of consciousness.

In such cases, emergency medical care must be provided immediately. Until the doctors arrive, it is urgent to rinse the stomach. You can do it yourself using a liter of warm water in which a couple of manganese crystals are diluted. You should quickly drink the liquid and induce vomiting, then take activated charcoal. Plenty of hot drinks in the form of strong tea and coffee are recommended.

From all of the above, we can summarize that many years of experience in using the plant proves its effectiveness in the fight against many ailments. However, the plant itself and medicines based on it are highly poisonous. Therefore, their use must be precise, following all instructions. To obtain a positive result, regular course therapy is needed; chaotic use will not give the desired result. It is ideal to use tincture, extract, or decoction of wrestler under the strict supervision of a doctor in order to control the dose and the body’s reaction to the active ingredients. But for now, unfortunately, this is impossible, since aconite is not recognized in official medicine as an effective means of fighting cancer. Therefore, the decision to start treatment with this drug rests solely with the patient. Before deciding on a course, you need to weigh the pros and cons, study the relevant literature, and identify possible risks.

When deciding on treatment with a fighter, you need to follow the exact dosage.

And, if possible, do not prepare the drug yourself; it is safer to buy it at the pharmacy.

Alcohol tincture of Djungarian aconite - visual methods of application in the form of tables

For a more correct understanding of the regimens for taking aconite tincture, I suggest that you familiarize yourself with and, if necessary, print out visual tables that indicate the days of administration and the number of drops of aconite tincture for each dose.

In printed tables it is convenient to note the number of drops taken and you can put dates so as not to get confused in the drops.

1. General scheme for taking aconite tincture

If a patient takes aconite tincture for the first time in his life, then the first course should be taken according to this scheme.

The number of drops is indicated for 1 dose! Take aconite tincture 3 times a day 30 minutes before meals with 50-100 ml of water. Those. on the first day you need to drink 1 drop 3 times a day, on the second day 2 drops 3 times a day, etc. up to the 10th day, the maximum dose on the 10th day is 30 drops per day. Take a break of 2 weeks between courses. For effective treatment, conduct at least 3 courses in a row. For transient cancer, the break between courses can be reduced to 1 week.

Reception day:


Number of drops per 50-100 ml of water, dinner:

Number of drops per 50-100 ml of water, evening:

2. Intensive method of taking aconite tincture for rapidly progressing oncology.

If the patient tolerated the first course according to the general scheme normally, without signs of weakness, nausea, or vomiting, then the next course of aconite tincture can be taken according to this scheme (intensive).

Take the tincture 3 times a day, reach 20 drops, then return to 1 drop. The course will be 40 days. Take a break of 2 weeks between courses. For effective treatment, conduct at least 2-3 courses in a row. For transient cancer, the break between courses can be reduced to 1 week.

Reception day:

Number of drops per 50-100 ml of water, morning:

Number of drops per 50-100 ml of water, dinner:

Number of drops per 50-100 ml of water, evening:

3. Regimen for taking aconite tincture for weakened patients and children.

The number of drops is indicated for 1 dose! Take aconite tincture 2 times a day 30 minutes before meals in 50-100 ml of water. Those. on the first day you need to drink 1 drop 2 times a day, on the second day 2 drops 2 times a day, etc. up to the 10th day, the maximum dose on the 10th day is 20 drops per day. Take a break of 2 weeks between courses. For effective treatment, conduct at least 3 courses in a row. For transient cancer, the break between courses can be reduced to 1 week.

Reception day:

Number of drops per 50-100 ml of water, morning:

Number of drops per 50-100 ml of water, evening:

4. Regimen for taking aconite tincture for very weakened patients and children.

The number of drops is indicated for 1 dose! Take aconite tincture once a day 30 minutes before meals in 50-100 ml of water. Those. on the first day you need to drink 1 drop once a day, on the second day 2 drops once a day, etc. up to the 10th day, the maximum dose on the 10th day is 10 drops per day. Take a break of 2 weeks between courses. For effective treatment, conduct at least 3 courses in a row. For transient cancer, the break between courses can be reduced to 1 week.

Reception day:

Number of drops per 50-100 ml of water, dinner:

When taken internally using any of the methods, aconite tincture should be diluted in 50-100 ml (half a glass) of water.

If in the process of increasing the dosage using any of the methods became very ill or symptoms of poisoning developed(nausea, dizziness, weakness in the legs, etc.), you should start reducing to 1 drop, even if the maximum dose has not been reached. You should listen to the body’s reaction to taking poison; in some cases, the maximum dose is 5 or 8 drops - this is normal. In case of severe poisoning (vomiting, sharp drop in blood pressure), you should stop taking the tincture and take a weak solution of potassium permanganate in milk (or an aqueous solution of white clay) for 3 days, then take a break for 5-7 days and start a new course.

ethnoscience- one of the oldest sciences, the origins of which go back to the dawn of mankind. It has improved as society has developed. With the advent of writing, various works of a healing nature began to be created. In the written heritage of the ancient peoples of Egypt and Greece, Rome and Iran, India and Tibet, Central Asia and other countries, monuments of traditional medicine occupy a place of honor.

The term " ethnoscience"in its modern interpretation denotes the totality of all types of so-called alternative medicine, combining mainly herbal medicine, oriental medical schools, acupuncture (reflexology), healing (witchcraft) and treatment using techniques and methods that do not require the use of industrially manufactured drugs.

Preserving human health as a complex dynamic system is the responsibility of traditional medicine, because in our time of stress and passion, all kinds of environmental violations, nothing will help a person as much as the methods developed by our ancestors. You just need to use this powerful weapon not from time to time or when the disease comes close, but constantly, regularly, habitually. Then the joy and happiness from feeling healthy will never leave you.

Using available traditional medicine, you can save yourself and your loved ones from various diseases. You can do without expensive and harmful medications. Folk wisdom and the healing powers of Nature will help you regain lost health and gain vitality.

Traditional medicine is your present and future health.

Aconite is a plant belonging to the buttercup family, which includes about 50 genera and more than 500 species. The Ranunculaceae family is widespread, but the center of its species diversity is located in the cold and temperate zone of the northern hemisphere.

Aconite grows in Central Asia, the western regions of the former USSR, Siberia and the Far East.

In the territory of the former USSR you can find more than 50 species of the Aconite plant. The most common are: curly, bearded, antidote, Karakol, northern, Baikal, white-eared, white-violet, Amur, oak, arcuate, Djungarian Aconite.

Aconite, like most buttercups, is a poisonous plant.

Aconite is a herbaceous perennial plant with a straight, densely leafed stem up to 1.8 m high. The leaves are petiolate and dark green. The flowers are collected in a long raceme at the top of the stem and have a blue or blue-violet hue. The flowers are irregular in shape with 5 petal-shaped sepals, the topmost one has a helmet shape.

For medicinal purposes, tuber roots of the Aconite plant, harvested in the fall, as well as grass harvested before flowering, are usually used.

Pharmacological action and use of Aconite

The chemical composition of the plant has been little studied. It has been established that the stems and leaves contain alkaloids, inositol, vitamin C, tannins, trace elements, flavonoids and other compounds.

Preparations from the Aconite plant have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, narcotic, analgesic, antitumor, and antispasmodic effects.

Aconite helps in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Tibetan monks use Aconite to treat acute pneumonia, anthrax, and glandular tuberculosis.

Chinese healers used Aconite powder to treat paralysis.

In traditional medicine, tincture of Aconite (tubers) was used as an external pain reliever for rheumatism, neuralgia, colds, and joint pain. Previously, tincture of Aconite Dzungarian was part of the medicine “Akofit”, which was prescribed for radiculitis.

Today Aconite is used only in folk medicine for:

  • Parkinson's disease;
  • oncological diseases;
  • epilepsy;
  • nervous disorders;
  • paralysis;
  • pulmonary tuberculosis;
  • pneumonia, bronchial asthma, pleurisy, bronchitis;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • impotence;
  • goiter;
  • hypertension;
  • uterine fibroids, uterine bleeding;
  • stomach ulcer, gastritis;
  • angina pectoris, scarlet fever;
  • anthrax, diphtheria, malaria;
  • neuralgia;
  • fractures, dislocations, bruises;
  • psoriasis, leprosy;
  • arthritis, gout, articular rheumatism, radiculitis, sciatica, osteochondrosis and other diseases.

Djungarian aconite is used for catarrhal diseases of the mucous membranes, headaches, and bleeding.

Treatment with Aconite

Anyone who decides to undergo treatment with Aconite must be realistically aware of the limits of this method of treatment and the capabilities of their body.

As for oncological diseases, Aconite, despite its anti-cancer effect, should be used only as part of complex therapy.

A cancer patient should receive basic treatment at an oncology clinic (radiation, chemotherapy, surgery). Aconite is just an addition to this therapy.

Treatment with Aconite tincture, prepared as follows, is considered the safest and most effective: 1 teaspoon of crushed Aconite roots is poured with half a liter of vodka and infused for 2 weeks in a dark place with daily shaking. Then the tincture is filtered.

You should start taking Aconite tincture with 1 drop diluted in 50 ml of water. You need to take the drug half an hour before meals 3 times a day. Every day you should add 1 drop, reaching 10 drops per dose. The tincture is taken at this dose for 10 days. Then every day the dose is reduced by 1 drop until the initial dose is reached.

Djungarian aconite (plant) - use and treatment with aconite, how to prepare a tincture?

After completing such a course, you need to take a break.

As a rule, during the break, treatment with other herbs is carried out.

If the patient takes only Aconite treatment, then the break should last 1 month. Then the course of treatment is repeated. A total of 7 courses of aconite therapy are required.

The tincture for external use is prepared as follows: 140 g of Aconite root is poured into 1 liter of vodka and placed in a warm place for 3 days.

This drug is used to treat rheumatism. Use 1 tablespoon of product per rubbing. For patients with cardiovascular diseases, the recommended dose is 1 tablespoon per day. The tincture of Aconite should be rubbed in until it dries, and then the joint should be wrapped in flannel cloth and wool on top. Rubbing is best done at night. In the morning, the rubbing area should be wiped with a damp cotton swab.

Use of Aconite in homeopathy

Aconite was first used in homeopathy, and then it began to be used in folk medicine.

In homeopathy, the drug Aconite is prepared from Aconite. It is prescribed for feverish conditions that occur with colds, flu, sciatica, neuralgia and other pain syndromes. If you take Aconite 3-5 times at the first signs of a cold, you can stop the further development of the disease.

Aconitum also helps fight sleep disorders in children, which include nightmares and frequent awakenings.

Aconite in homeopathy is also used for false croup, inflammatory processes of the larynx and pharynx, uterine bleeding, angina pectoris, and for painful conditions that are accompanied by tachycardia, atrial extrasystoles, trigeminy, bigeminy. In all cases, Aconite instantly eliminates fever, which is accompanied by thirst and tachycardia, while allopathic drugs cannot have any effect.

What types of lung cancer are there?

Depending on how far from the division of the trachea into the main bronchi the tumor is located, they speak of central or peripheral lung cancer. A sick smoker from a village had a variant of central lung cancer. The tumor was located right at the site where the main bronchus branches into the lobar bronchus.

In peripheral lung cancer, the primary focus occurs in the smallest bronchi and bronchioles, located almost at the edge of the lung. Often the pleura is also involved in the process. Tumor pleurisy occurs.

Metastatic lesions in lung cancer are most often found in the lymph nodes at the roots of the lungs, in the mediastinum, and also above the clavicles. One of the most unpleasant localizations of metastatic lesions is the bones of the skeleton, mainly the ribs and vertebrae of the thoracic spine. It is these lesions and even germination into the pleura that give the most severe pain syndrome. An extreme expression of this course of lung cancer is Pencoast disease, in which the brachial nerve plexus is involved in the process, causing the pain to be extremely intense.

From the point of view of cellular structure, lung tumors are divided into three main groups, not counting any rare forms (Kraevsky classification).

First group – squamous cell, or epidermoid, cancer. This is the most common variety. Mostly smokers get sick.

Second group - glandular cancer, most often adenocarcinoma.

Third group - anaplastic, or small cell (oat cell) cancer. This type is the least common, but it is the most “evil” cancer. It grows rapidly, metastasizes, and therefore has the worst prognosis. This is probably why cancer is divided into small cell and non-small cell, combining the first two types.

Despite, to put it mildly, the cool attitude of practicing oncologists towards herbal medicine for lung cancer, serious scientific and experimental work is being carried out all over the world, yielding very interesting results.

Thus, in 2001, a group of scientists studied an anticancer drug from a mixture of various vegetables containing flavonoids. The experiment was twofold. In one part, they looked at how the drug acts on mice that received a lung tumor. And in another part, they studied the effectiveness of treatment with conventional methods in combination with a mixture of vegetables in patients with stages III and IV non-small cell lung cancer. It turned out that if only 5% SV (a mixture of vegetables) is introduced into the diet of sick mice, tumor growth is suppressed by 53–74%.

Among sick people (a total of 14 people participated), the average life expectancy was 33.5 months, and more than 70% of patients had a life expectancy of more than one year. The Karnofsky index, which characterizes the quality of life, was on average 55 points at the beginning of treatment and improved to 92 points after using the vegetable mixture for 5 months or longer. In 5 patients, stabilization of metastases was achieved for up to 30 months. However, the primary tumor was operated on only in two of them. No new metastases appeared in 8 patients. In 3 patients who received radiation therapy and a mixture of vegetables, there was complete regression of metastases in the brain.

Improving quality of life

As we see, we are talking about the treatment of patients with advanced forms of lung cancer. It is these patients who make up the bulk of those who turn to the herbalist. The so-called Karnovsky index is mentioned. This is a questionnaire that assesses the patient’s physical activity, his ability to self-care, and general well-being. In combination with the duration of night sleep and the intensity of pain, assessed on different scales, the parameters of the Karnofsky questionnaire make it possible to assess the patient’s quality of life. Herbal medicine as a treatment method that has a minimal number of side effects should be given first place in palliative medicine.

Quality of life and general well-being are exclusively subjective concepts that can only be assessed by the patient himself. Using the example of patients who took hemlock, it is clear that some of them, from the first day of treatment and within a week, experienced an improvement in their condition and increased strength. There is a psychogenic placebo effect, which manifests itself through self-hypnosis and belief in a “miracle drug,” but quickly disappears without a real pharmacological background. Here, the patient’s well-being does not depend either on the dose of the drug or on the time of its administration, which is most typical for effective drugs.

Herbal medicine

Aconite and Euphorbia Pallas

From my experience, I can name two excellent, effective herbal remedies that have a significant impact on the well-being of lung cancer patients. At the same time, there is a clear dependence on both the dose taken and the duration of treatment.

The first remedy is my favorite aconite, and the second is Pallas's Euphorbia (aka Fischer's Euphorbia, man-root or thar-nu).

The most striking feature of the application aconite in patients with lung cancer is that patients feel noticeably better at the peak doses of the tincture. Pain subsides, performance improves, and optimism appears. If we focus on a 5% tincture of aconite roots, then we are talking about a daily dose of 45 drops and above (usually divided into three doses, that is, 15 + 15 + 15). It turned out to be very easy to trace this dependence. Since a 30-drop “slide” is usually made, after the peak of the dose has passed, its systematic reduction begins and below 45 drops (about 1 ml) the effect begins to disappear.

Is there a scientific explanation for this fact? In preclinical and clinical trials, the following effects of aconite were discovered: analgesic, anti-inflammatory, pronounced immunomodulatory and antidepressant (in some plant species containing zongorin).

It is known that aconite has the property of stimulating the adrenal cortex, which ensures better functioning of organs and systems under stress. A number of experiments have shown the ability of aconite to protect healthy cells from damage by various toxins.

Probably, the combination of all effects determines the effect of aconite on weakened cancer patients. An interesting feature that I was able to notice is that the most striking reaction is observed precisely in patients with lung cancer. It is also present in patients with other localizations, but is clearly visible in pulmonary patients.

I do not have a full scientific explanation for this difference. Eastern philosophy speaks of the ability of aconite to “move stagnant vital energy.”

As for Pallas's milkweed, the effect was first noted, as with aconite, at a dose level of 30 drops. After which it seemed logical to use constant doses of milkweed throughout the entire treatment cycle. In the last few years, this is how it has been used: a 5% tincture of the roots at the rate of 1.5 ml per day for an adult with an average body weight of 60 - 70 kg.

Both plants are powerful immunomodulators. At the same time, which is very important, we are not talking about some kind of massive general stimulation of immune reactions. The effect of aconite and milkweed on immunity is selective: only the priority links of antitumor protection are strengthened. When conducting immunological blood tests in patients, we repeatedly noted characteristic changes in the immunogram. They consist of an increase in the percentage and absolute number of killer cells and phagocytosis rates.

An immunogram is a rather expensive pleasure, not always available to the patient every two months. In addition, not every city performs research at the modern level, so a routine clinical blood test can be used for ongoing monitoring during treatment.


Antitumor plants

Below I will list plants whose antitumor effect against lung cancer has been scientifically confirmed. The selection is made according to the most authoritative, in my opinion, of modern scientific publications “Wild-growing useful plants of Russia”. This enormous work by a team of authors brings together all the scientific information available today about medicinal plants growing in our country. We can safely say that everything written about in this book has been thoroughly tested. That is why the list turned out to be very short - only eight plants.

Among the herbs aimed at treating lung cancer, there are both official and unofficial (official means pharmaceutical). Information on the chemical composition and recipes for the preparation of dosage forms are given from various sources. I took the liberty of making adjustments to the recipe part, as well as adding my comments to each plant.

Thistle. Thistle is used: field, vegetable, multi-leaved thistle, as well as a number of other botanical species. The plant contains essential oil, rubber, alkaloids, tannins, and flavonoids. It is known that thistle restores erythropoiesis (blood formation in the bone marrow). For a cancer patient, especially if there is hemoptysis, this is very important. Thistle Kamchatka is used to treat breast cancer. 3 tbsp. spoons of crushed dry grass and flowering tops per 0.5 liters of water. Boil over low heat for 4 - 5 minutes, leave for 2 hours, strain.

Treatment of cancer with poisons: tincture of Djungarian aconite in the treatment of oncology

Take 1/3 - 1/2 cup 3 - 4 times a day 30 minutes before meals.

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Traditional treatment of cancer with hemlock and other herbs.
In the treatment of cancer with folk remedies, universal plants for cancer are often used: aconite, hemlock, poisonous wech. First, a tincture is made from one of these plants. For aconite and vekha, rhizomes are used: 10 g of dry crushed roots are infused for 2 weeks in 0.5 liters of 40% alcohol. To treat hemlock cancer, a fresh plant is used: a jar is loosely filled with small leaves and flowers to the top and filled with alcohol. Hemlock in the traditional treatment of cancer helps relieve pain and stops the growth of cancerous tumors.

Tinctures are taken according to the “slide” scheme: a gradual increase in the number of drops followed by a decrease. Dosage regimen: 1 time per day on an empty stomach, 30 minutes before meals. Start with 1 drop, reach 20 drops and reduce to one. Then take a 10-day break and in the next course of treatment go up to 40 drops. More than 40 drops should not be taken. The tincture is diluted in 100-200 g of water. Treatment of cancer with poisons is carried out for life, then the months of life allotted by doctors turn into years of a full life. (healthy lifestyle recipe 2008, No. 15, pp. 22-23).

Folk treatment of cancer with hemlock.
Russian physician Arend N.D. Successfully treated cancer patients with hemlock tincture in the 19th century. He infused 50 g of hemlock grass in 500 g of vodka for two weeks. Taking hemlock tincture against cancer followed the following scheme: the tincture was taken 4 times a day at the same time, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th day - 1 drop, then the next 4 days - 2 drops, then 4 days 3 drops, 4 days 4 drops, and then five drops until complete recovery (HLS 2004, No. 16, p. 16).
In folk remedies for treating cancer with hemlock, the best result will be if you use a freshly harvested plant for the tincture; the most effective part of hemlock for treating cancer is its immature seeds.
It is believed that when treating cancer, small doses of hemlock (up to 40 drops per day) stimulate the immune system, which fights cancer.

The use of aconite tincture to combat diseases

And when treating cancer with hemlock in large doses (up to three hundred drops of tincture per day), the poison has a destructive effect directly on the tumor. You need to find your maximum daily dose of poison and under no circumstances reduce it. Hemlock is the main plant in the treatment of cancer with folk remedies (HLS 2003, No. 3, p. 16). The best result of treating cancer with hemlock will be for cancer of the mammary glands, brain, stomach, and lungs. A dose of 240 drops per day has a destructive effect on a cancerous tumor, but one must gradually introduce oneself to this dose of poison. When treated with poisons in sufficient quantities, the tumor does not metastasize, new cancer cells are quickly destroyed, and the old tumor is fenced off from the body by dead cells and continues to exist on its own. Under favorable conditions for cancer - reducing the dose of poison, stress, improving blood supply, the cancerous tumor can begin to actively grow again. Therefore, it is necessary to consume plant poisons for quite a long time. The main thing is to correctly determine for yourself the maximum dose of hemlock tincture; for some it will be 60 drops, for others – 260. To quickly reach the maximum amount, you can increase it not by 1 drop per day, but by three. Treatment of cancer with hemlock infusion can be combined with the ASD-2 fraction, with an interval of 30 minutes (Healthy Lifestyle 2002, No. 3, p. 12 from conversations with Dr. Tsvetkov)
Other healers believe that the dose proposed by Tsvetkov is unacceptable and threatens to destroy not only the cancerous tumor, but also the body itself. If you decide to consume more than 40 drops of poison per day using folk remedies for treating cancer, then do it under the supervision of a doctor, with constant checking of your blood test (HLS 2002, No. 10, p. 12)

A new look at cancer treatment with plant poisons.
From a letter to the editor of doctor S. I. Tsvetkov.
In this letter, Tsvetkov expresses his opinion on the treatment of cancer with plant poisons, and shows some of the misconceptions of patients.
Misconception No. 1: “Strengthening immunity will stop tumor development”
The human immune system is able to fight foreign cells only until a tumor occurs.
Misconception No. 2: “If I drink hemlock, I’ll be healthy”
The dosage regimen according to Tishchenko’s “royal method” (from 1 to 40 drops and back) is too general. Such a quantity of poisons will strengthen the immune system, increase the number of leukocytes, and the condition will improve, but the growth of the tumor will not stop. This requires higher doses of poisons - before the first signs of poisoning. In this case, healthy cells will also suffer, immunity will drop, and health will worsen. But cancer cells absorb poisons more intensively than healthy ones, and they adapt to poisons worse than healthy ones, which is why they will die earlier. For successful treatment with poisons, the patient has to balance on the verge of poisoning.
You can determine the critical dose of poison by how you feel, or better yet, by a blood test. As soon as the number of platelets in 1 ml of blood becomes less than 150,000, you need to stop. This can be at 60 drops or at 80... Then go down 1 drop per day, reach 25-30 drops and stay on this dose for 2-3 weeks, then go down drop by drop to one. Then repeat the course. Drink poison tinctures once a day 1 hour before breakfast. Dilute in 100 ml of water. For cancer of the digestive system, dilute in 30 g of water for a stronger local effect.
Misconception No. 3 “I’ll buy hemlock tincture and get treatment”
It is better to make the tincture yourself. The most effective part of the plant is the rosettes of unripe fruits. They are cut off and immediately thrown into alcohol so as not to lose essential oils.

Misconception #4: “I’ll drink hemlock until I’m cured.”
After 8 months, the body will get used to the poison, it will be necessary to replace hemlock with aconite (it is 40), colchicum (4 times more poisonous than hemlock), fly agaric, etc. Aconite is 40 times more poisonous than hemlock. Be careful. Fly agaric tincture can be used with ASD. Fly agaric in the morning, ASD before lunch, afternoon tea and dinner.
Misconception #5: “Fasting will save me”
Fasting is only possible between courses of taking poisons. It is especially effective before the first course (3-7 days). In the diet, exclude all sweets, flour, and spicy foods.
Misconception #6: “The more herbs I drink, the faster I will heal”
The use of any other herbal preparations other than the main poison is undesirable. Only if any organ cannot tolerate intoxication, can it be supported with the appropriate herb
(healthy lifestyle recipe 2001 No. 12, pp. 8-10)


All methods may have contraindications. Before using traditional recipes, be sure to consult your doctor!

Aconite has several names. Aconite, aconite or blue buttercup contain alkaloids. If a lot of these substances accumulate in the body, they can have a toxic effect on it, like curare. The flowers of perennial plants resemble a knight's helmet.

There are more than 300 varieties. Aconite is found in the forests of Asia, Europe and North America. Plants of the rhizomatous or root-club type have straight stems. Sometimes there are twisting and climbing stems. The flowers have different colors, including variegated ones. There are about 450 seeds in 1 g.

The smell of aconite resembles horseradish, and the shape of the roots can be confused with celery. The tubers have a nauseating taste; after they enter the body, a feeling appears in the mouth as if goosebumps are crawling on the tongue. Numbness follows.

Chemical composition

All parts of aconite are poisonous. To cause poisoning, 3 mg of the plant is enough. Death is caused by a dose equal to 2–4 g. Two tubers are enough to cause the death of the organism.

The composition includes diterpene alkaloids: neoline, aconitine, hypaconitine and others. Complex toxic substances are most concentrated in seeds with roots. At the same time, there is a difference in content ranging from 0.55 to 1.5% depending on the area and life cycle.

The most dangerous among the constituent components is aconitine with a concentration of 0.2% in the roots. The compound reduces the potassium content in cells.

Treatment of stage 4 cancer with aconite and hemlock

Under the influence of the alkaloid, hyperkalemia develops, which can block the heart and cause asystole. A person who eats aconite can die.

The root also contains sugar, daucosterol, mesoinosidol and acids: benzoic, myristic, fumaric, citric, stearic. The tuber part contains resins, coumarins, flavones, and saponins. Additional studies made it possible to detect more than 20 microelements and other substances in the stems and leaves.

Aconitine alkaloids have quite interesting characteristics. They dissolve well in chloroform, poorly in ether, and do not dissolve at all in water.

Basic pharmacological properties

Aconitine and alkaloids are similar in structure and principle of action. First, the central nervous system is excited, after which paralysis occurs. The substance in minimal doses is used as an effective medicine to stimulate tissue metabolism.

Taking aconitine increases the frequency of contractions of the heart muscle and increases their strength. Excessive amounts of the alkaloid cause ventricular arrest. When myocardial tissue is exposed, fibrillation may occur.

The hypotensive effect of drugs produced from the roots of the wrestler is known. It manifests itself in a decrease in breathing rate. At the same time, the force of myocardial contraction increases. In case of an overdose, arrhythmia occurs, which often ends in death.

Under the influence of alkaloids, nerve endings are excited. The place where the skin came into contact with the poisonous plant begins to burn and itch. At the next stage, sensitivity is lost and paralysis begins to develop. The harmful effects of alkaloids extend to the brain.

Taking aconite causes irritation of the oral mucosa. The parasympathetic nerves are excited, and saliva begins to be released in excessive quantities at the reflex level. The root begins to act from the moment when alkaloids accumulate in the body in sufficient quantities. If aconite is taken only once at the recommended dose, the resulting effect will be weak.

Use in medicine

Aconite is effective in the treatment of various pathologies. It can be used by patients suffering from the following diseases:

  • Malignant tumors that require surgery.
  • Pathologies that are practically untreatable using traditional methods of therapy.
  • Diseases that threaten people's lives.

If a person is seriously ill, then he will have to make a difficult decision whether he will take aconite for therapy or not. The patient must be treated in a hospital, and in addition he can use medicinal herbs.

Intoxication of the body

In Europe, there are practically no cases of drug poisoning. Basically, people can poison themselves accidentally or with the intention of committing suicide. There is a known case where a shepherd died after eating aconite root. Borets are planted for landscape designs, and some varieties are eaten. The garden look is valued for its aesthetics and ease of maintenance. Pests avoid this poisonous plant.

Aconite, which grows in a meadow, can be a honey plant, but bees land on the plant when there are no other flowers nearby. While collecting nectar, bees can become poisoned and die.

The root of a plant native to China is used only after prolonged boiling. In eastern countries, poisoning can be caused by improperly prepared medication.

Clinical picture

A person can become poisoned when aconite enters the body. Symptoms are characterized by rapid development. Death can only be prevented by medical intervention. When a person has taken the plant, but his health has not worsened, a favorable prognosis can be made.

An overdose of aconite causes a burning sensation in the mouth. The process of numbness begins to develop from the oral cavity, then it moves to the limbs and face with the throat.

At this stage, other signs stand out. These include mydriasis, blurred vision, drooling, and anxiety. The patient feels chills and experiences muscle weakness.

At a later stage, other symptoms appear:

  • The person feels sick and vomits.
  • My mouth is constantly dry.
  • My head hurts a lot.
  • The muscles feel weak.
  • Breathing becomes frequent and shallow.
  • Speech lacks articulation.
  • The muscles of the face begin to twitch.
  • Paroxysmal tachycardia develops.
  • Extrasystole is observed.
  • Primary toxicogenic collapse is noted.
  • The man loses consciousness.
  • Convulsive syndrome.
  • Breathing stops.
  • Fibrillation with ventricular tachycardia.

Treatment of intoxication

The above signs indicate that the person has been poisoned and needs professional medical help.

You need to rinse your stomach. To induce vomiting, the patient must drink approximately 3 liters of water. One of the sorbents or a saline laxative will help stop the absorption of alkaloids. Depending on the severity of the patient’s condition, infusion therapy, forced diuresis, and hemosorption are performed.

Currently, an antidote is being developed that is effective in case of aconite poisoning. Symptomatic therapy helps to save a person.

Glucose and insulin are injected into a vein. When a convulsive syndrome develops, tazepam is prescribed. A patient with breathing problems is transferred to mechanical ventilation. Obzidan helps localize the focus of tachycardia, and atropine will help with bradycardia.

If hyperkalemia develops, antihyperkalemic drugs are used. Thus, sodium polystyrene sulfonate is effective, but its effect develops slowly.

Having decided to fight a dangerous disease with medicines based on the fighter, the patient should know that this medicine can cure the disease only if the recommendations for its use are followed. In case of overdose, the consequences for the body may be irreversible. Careless use of aconite can lead to death. A person must weigh the pros and cons before agreeing to take effective but dangerous medications.

Externally, aconite-based medicine can be used for scabies and erysipelas. It helps heal poorly healing wounds. Aconite copes with almost any infection in its acute stage. The main thing is to follow the instructions for use of the drug.

Homeopathy Aconite indications for use

Aconite is a plant of the Ranunculaceae family.

Despite the toxic substances in its composition, it is used in alternative medicine and serves as a valuable homeopathic raw material.

Aconite - properties of the drug

There are many representatives of the genus aconite, more than three hundred, but only a few of them are used in medicine - Altai, Dzungarian, pharmaceutical, Baikal, Belousty.

The plant is included in homeopathic alcohol tinctures and homeopathic sugar-based cereals. To make the medicine, aconite root is used, from which the extract is extracted.

The latter evaporates and becomes the main active substance of the product:

Additional substances, depending on the form, are ethanol 40% or sugar. Aconite extract contains many alkaloids, which also provide the raw material with medicinal properties. Homeopathic remedies have the following effects:

  • anti-inflammatory;
  • antimicrobial;
  • antispasmodic;
  • anesthetic;
  • antipyretic.

The effect of the plant on the body is combined. Like all homeopathy, Aconite's indications for use relate primarily to self-healing of the body. Raw materials trigger the normalization of self-regulation processes. It affects the central nervous system, helping to get rid of pain, fever, and stops the production of inflammatory mediators.

Aconite also reduces heart rate, helping with arrhythmia. The drug has a vasodilating effect, positively affecting blood pressure and vascular tone. It also has an anti-anxiety effect and reduces the secretion of the tracheobronchial tree.

Indications of the product

The plant has been known since ancient times; even then it was used to treat various joint diseases. This homeopathic medicine is widely used for rheumatic diseases, as it can relieve inflammation in the joints.

The medicine will help reduce pain from gout, sciatica, and osteochondrosis. Its indications also extend to the field of neurology - you can drink it for hysteria, neuralgia, epilepsy, dizziness, headache.

In complex therapy, Aconite is prescribed for anemia. Very often the drug is indicated for infectious and colds:

Cardiac and vascular diseases are also treated with Aconite - it is recommended for angina pectoris, coronary artery disease, hypertension, arrhythmia, endocarditis (as an additional remedy), cardiac neurosis. Diseases of internal organs can be used to treat bronchial asthma, cystitis, nephritis, and hepatitis.

The medicine will help normalize the menstrual cycle and reduce the severity of hot flashes during menopause. Tincture of Djungarian aconite is indicated for oncology (usually skin, thyroid, and lung cancer).

Contraindications and side effects

It is better to strictly observe contraindications - despite the low dosage of the plant in homeopathy, it contains toxic substances. You cannot treat with granules, tincture for typhus, low blood pressure, serious types of cardiac arrhythmia and heart blockades. Aconite is a medicine for adults only!

Among the side effects, allergy and intolerance reactions may appear, which have different severity and unequal symptoms. As in cases with other homeopathy, it is considered normal for the signs of the underlying disease to intensify in the first days of therapy. Aconite should not be discontinued.

It is difficult to get an overdose of homeopathic remedies - high dilutions are used to create them. But when consuming the tincture in large quantities, signs of an overdose may develop - impaired urine output, vomiting, diarrhea, depression of consciousness, abdominal pain. Numbness appears in the legs, arms, hyperhidrosis, and weakness. An urgent visit to a doctor and gastric lavage is necessary! Severe poisoning leads to death from respiratory arrest or asystole!

Instructions for the drug

The semolina is taken by sucking it under the tongue. Typically the initial dose is 6-8 granules 5 times a day.

Treatment of stage 4 cancer with aconite

Treatment should be done on an empty stomach - half an hour before meals or 2 hours after. When the signs of an inflammatory, cold or other disease begin to subside, the dosage is reduced.

After that, for several more weeks they drink 8 granules 3 times a day, then 1-2 times a day.

The duration of therapy is determined only by the doctor depending on the type of disease.

The tincture is also drunk before meals; it is diluted with water before taking it. For a single dose you need to take 5-10 drops, the norm is up to 5 times a day. During the treatment period, you need to exclude foods containing a lot of acids - lemon, raspberries, etc. For toothache, you can drop a little tincture directly onto the tooth or rub it into the gum next to the tooth.

In oncology, there is a decrease in pain and inhibition of tumor development while taking Aconite. Baikal and Dzungarian aconite in tincture are especially suitable for this purpose. First, drink 3 drops three times a day, then gradually increase the dose to 30 drops three times a day and reduce it to the original. The course will be 40 days, after 14 days another course is carried out, and so on 3 courses.

Analogues and other information for the patient

The cost of Aconite is 170-300 rubles.

You can find other products with aconite on sale - Aconite-plus, Donovit, Akofit. Below are other homeopathic remedies that also have antipyretic, analgesic, anti-inflammatory effects, and help with the heart:

In oncology and homeopathy one can often find different uses of poisonous plants. The goal of such treatment is to reduce the rate of tumor growth or even destroy it. Recently, both on the Internet and among doctors, you can find an interesting poisonous plant, Aconite, which can help in the fight against cancer.

As many herbalists, as well as oncologists, advise, self-medication is contraindicated and all recipes, methods of application and the therapy itself are done under the strict supervision of an oncologist who is fully familiar with the patient’s medical history.

Otherwise, the patient risks harming himself even more and worsening the condition of the body. Let’s take a closer look at the treatment of cancer with the herb “Aconite Djungarian”, its medicinal properties and methods of use.

Description of the plant

In common people it is also called blue buttercup or tall fighter. This is a perennial plant with bright blue flowers. The toxic substance is contained one and a half times more than the same substance, which is also used in the fight against oncology.

The plant has a distinctive horseradish smell due to the large amount of aconitine. This is a toxic substance and affects tumor cancer cells.

The poison permeates all components of the plant, but most of all it is in the rhizome. In Russia, Ukraine, and Belarus, this plant is not officially used in the fight against malignant tumors. It is more often used in Asian countries.

In China they call it “Aconite, a cure for any cancer.” In fact, this is quite controversial, since even there it is used only as an auxiliary type of therapy. But the basis is still: surgery, chemotherapy, radiation, etc.

Impact and effect

Tincture of Aconite has a direct effect on atypical cancer cells of the tumor. But it must be taken into account that the neoplasm itself releases waste products into the blood, which also poison the body and increase intoxication.

Tumor cells begin to grow more slowly, and aggression towards nearby tissues decreases when exposed to plant alkaloids. The cytostatic effect does not treat or destroy cancer cells, although there are slightly fewer of them. That is why the tincture can be excellent for preparing for surgery to reduce tumors.

Another question arises - can it be used during chemotherapy and how effective is it? Only the attending physician can answer this. Since he is the one who knows the dosage of chemical reagents. You need to understand that both chemistry and blue Buttercup are poison for the body. And the second can worsen the entire condition.

The plant also has an analgesic effect. This can help a lot, as in the first stages. So it is at the last stage, when the pain is already unbearable. From the practice of Asian healers, you can find out that tinctures can really have a good effect at stage 1. It is often mentioned that poorly differentiated and undifferentiated forms of cancer are sensitive to Aconite due to their atypicality. Let's look at all the effects:

  • Reducing the severity of pain;
  • Reducing the rate of tumor growth;
  • Reducing the likelihood of metastasis.

With the right dosage, you can really achieve good results. But there is one small nuance - no one knows the exact amount of toxic substance in the plant. There is much less of it in the stems and flowers than in the roots. But the problem is that in different regions of the country, due to differences in climate and soil, the amount of poison can be either less or more by an order of magnitude. During the flowering period, the plant has an order of magnitude more poison.

Without laboratory tests, an ordinary person will not be able to determine the exact proportion for himself. Therefore, it is better to find out about this from your attending physician or a competent herbalist, who is also familiar with the medical history.

How to use?

On the Internet you can find a huge number of recipes and instructions for preparing alcoholic tinctures from this magical plant. Never prepare your own medicine. Because if the proportion of poison is incorrect, you can either be seriously poisoned or not get the desired effect at all.

The tincture is freely available in pharmacies and is quite inexpensive. Be sure to make sure that the elixir is not expired. For accuracy of application, we will use insulin syringes, since they have a small volume of 1 milliliter.

Mode of application

ATTENTION! Taking the medicine is prohibited without the permission of the attending oncologist.

Method one

  1. Take a bottle of tincture and fill about 1/4 of the syringe.
  2. Take 1 glass of cool boiled water and add 1 drop.
  3. Drink on an empty stomach once a day, an hour before meals.
  4. Every day for 20 days add 3 drops. At the end of 1 course there should be 60 drops.
  5. Next, we begin to add 3 drops each until there is only one left.
  6. We take a break of 14 days. And we repeat the course again.
  7. Treatment time: 3 courses.

Method two

  1. 1 drop is diluted in half a glass of water.
  2. Drink daily before meals.

NOTE! If during treatment the patient feels unwell, headaches, nausea and a general deterioration in condition, then the drug should be stopped immediately.

Side effects

  • Blurred vision.
  • Dyspnea.
  • Cramps.
  • Temperature increase.
  • Numbness of the tips of the fingers and toes.
  • Decreased heart rate or bradycardia.

CONTRAINDICATIONS! It is prohibited for patients who have heart problems. The poison sharply reduces blood pressure and heart rate.

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