Treatment with gymnastics for deforming osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Osteoarthritis: how to restore health to joints with the help of traditional medicine Exercises for knee joint pain

The most common joint disease is deforming osteoarthritis; at retirement age, every tenth person suffers from this disease, and people begin to get sick at the age of 40—in fact, young people. Moreover, men and women are affected equally. Deforming osteoarthritis is a joint disease of a dystrophic-degenerative type, it leads to loss of performance and, in some cases, to disability. After all, cartilage loses the ability to perform its function, since its altered structure is deformed, wears out and cannot withstand loads. Therapeutic gymnastics strengthens muscles and improves the nutrition of cartilage tissue and, thus, improves the patient’s condition.

Benefits of Exercise

The disease is treated with medications, surgery, and therapeutic exercises. Since deforming osteoarthritis cannot be completely cured and occurs chronically over a long period of time, prevention in the early stages is of great importance. Therapeutic gymnastics and special physical education act as retarders of the disease process by improving muscle tone, strengthening them, and improving blood circulation. The legs become more mobile and there is general relief due to a decrease in pain.

Therapeutic gymnastics is prescribed during a period when acute pain is relieved with the help of other treatment methods; exercises strengthen the group of muscles that abduct the leg towards the hip and straighten the knees. The exercises also target the back and abdominal muscles. An important feature that distinguishes physical procedures from the treatment of similar diseases is that the diseased joint is not loaded, the effort is exerted by the healthy leg, or the exercises are carried out in a position on the back or side.

You need to move carefully, exercises should be gentle, and with care and sensitivity you need to develop the muscle complex that helps you walk. Pain during exercise is inappropriate, since this puts stress on the already worn-out cartilage, so gymnastics specifically leads to pain relief and is gentle on the joint, preventing its further atrophy. If you can’t exercise on your own because of pain, you need someone to help, at least at the initial stage.

Acute period

Depending on the stage of the disease, for osteoarthritis of the knee joint the following is prescribed:

  • treatment without exercise (so-called rest treatment)
  • direct gymnastic exercises
  • gymnastics in aquatic environment
  • warming and improving muscle tone massage.

In case of acute pain in the knee joint, it is treated only with no load - the painful joint must be used so that it is completely relaxed. If we are talking about the elbow, you need to keep your arm at an angle of 90 degrees and avoid extension. You also need to fix the knee, it should be rigidly at a right angle, even when doing exercises, you need to avoid stress at all costs. In the acute period, all exercises are done in a supine position, but there is no need to despair - this is only a step towards recovery; in the future, gymnastics are performed while sitting, and soon standing.


All exercises are performed gently, without sudden movements of the knee joint. It is necessary to take into account the real condition of the patient, the pace and load should be set by the doctor and instructor, but soon you will be able to do everything yourself. After all, the goal of gymnastics is to heal the knee joint and allow you to be independent and independent.

You can use different gymnastics attributes - a ball, fitball, dumbbells, special weights with sand. The healthy limb is trained first, then the sick one. If you do not have the opportunity to constantly be under the supervision of your doctor, do the exercises with minimal effort; you yourself will feel when you need to increase them. With this disease, it is important not to do harm, since performing with severe pain can set you back a long way and you will need to use the boring “rest cure.” Exercises can be performed from five to ten minutes a day, three to five times. But if the effect is good, you need to increase the training first to half an hour, and after a while - even to one hour. If the load improves blood flow, the joint will no longer be deformed, and this is the desired effect.

The result of gymnastics should be strengthening the knee joint affected by osteoarthritis, as well as strengthening the muscles and ligaments that support the knee, improving the supply of tissues with nutrients through blood and lymph. With deforming osteoarthritis, the pain can be so severe that exercises need to be performed in water - the load is thus minimal, in addition, you need to swim, and swimming improves the general condition of the body.

Massage is an essential component of knee joint treatment; it complements physical activity well. Since the knee and thigh are easy to reach, you can do self-massage, but it is advisable to massage the front rather than the back of the leg.

Another advantage of this type of treatment is that it has no side effects, is also cheap, and this is with good effectiveness. If you engage in relaxing exercises for the knee joint, you can most likely avoid surgical intervention for osteoarthritis.

Osteoarthritis is a disease that causes degenerative changes and deformation of the joints. The danger of the disease lies in its dynamic development. Without comprehensive treatment, the disease quickly develops and leads to disability. Gymnastics for osteoarthritis is an important component of treatment. Properly selected exercises improve the patient’s condition and reduce the recovery period.

Gymnastic exercises are included in the complex treatment of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Therapeutic exercise is recognized as a therapeutic procedure that significantly alleviates the course of musculoskeletal diseases, restores the functional ability of the affected areas and is an effective preventive method for preventing such pathologies.

The main reasons for prescribing exercise therapy:

  1. Joints need to be in constant motion. This delays the process of cartilage destruction, bone tissue proliferation and osteophyte formation. Prevention of muscle atrophy and decreased muscle tone
  2. . Thanks to daily training, the muscle frame does not lose its strength and supports the skeleton.
  3. The need to eliminate excess weight. Extra pounds create additional stress on the spine and the entire musculoskeletal system, which causes accelerated deformation of the joints.
  4. Therapeutic exercise normalizes blood circulation in osteoarthritis. When bone processes grow, blood vessels are affected, which disrupts blood circulation in the problem area. Gymnastics helps restore the previous functionality of blood vessels.
  5. Gymnastic exercises help expand the joint space. The bones begin to deform more slowly, and accordingly there is more time for effective treatment.
  6. Elimination of discomfort, pain and general malaise of a person. Daily physical activity moderately relieves symptoms. The patient resorts to using painkillers much less frequently.
  7. Increased mental stability. A person who is engaged in useful work every day has motivation. A stable psychological state has a positive effect on the recovery process and indirectly accelerates recovery.

For its beneficial properties, therapeutic exercises take pride of place among recovery methods for rheumatoid arthritis, gonarthrosis, coxarthrosis, and osteochondrosis. An exercise therapy regimen is developed by a doctor, taking into account the physiological capabilities and condition of the patient. When selecting exercises, you need knowledge about the characteristics of diseases of the musculoskeletal system. Planning treatment at home without the participation of a doctor will not have the desired effect. Incorrectly selected gymnastics can harm the affected joints.

Set of exercises

For osteoarthritis, exercise therapy exercises are selected taking into account the location of the lesion. Physical activity is distributed evenly, but the main focus is on training the affected area.

For the knee joint

Exercise No. 1

It is convenient to sit on a hill (a stable table will do). Feet do not touch the floor. Alternately bend and straighten each limb. Repeat at least 10 times.

In a similar position, begin to lift each leg one by one, holding in this position for 5 seconds. Repeat 10 times.

Get down on the floor. Feet - shoulder width apart. Move the knee joints to the side. Keep your back straight, lean forward and return to the starting position. Repeat 5 times.

Lie down on a hard surface. Hands along the body. Bend your legs at the knees. Perform circular “bicycle” movements. It is important to maintain a moderate pace. Repeat 20 times.

Hip joint

Lie on a hard surface on your stomach. Legs are straightened, arms parallel to the body. Raise your right leg 15°. Hold for 40 seconds. Return to the starting position and repeat for the left leg.

While in the same position, raise both legs at an angle of 15°. Move them apart - bring them back. Repeat 7 – 10 times.

Lie on your right side. Bend your right leg and pull it towards your stomach. The left one should be straightened and raised above the floor at an angle of 45°. Hold in this position for 30 seconds. Roll over to the other side, performing a similar action with your left leg.

Sitting on the floor, straighten your legs. Without bending your legs, lean forward and clasp your feet with your palms. Stay in this position for 2 minutes.

Shoulder joint

Sit on a flat, hard surface. Knees and feet are brought together. Place your hands on your knees. Raise your elbows to the sides 20 times.

Without changing position, alternately carry out rotational movements with your shoulders. The amplitude is moderate, the tempo is uniform, slow. Repeat 20 times.

Standing on a stable surface, spread your legs shoulder-width apart. Raise your right arm above your head, reaching your right shoulder blade with your hand. With your left hand, pull your elbow with your right for 10 seconds. Carry out a similar action with the other hand.

It is important to remember that exercises used for one type of arthrosis are sometimes contraindicated for another. For example, a “bicycle”, which is used for gonarthrosis, cannot be used when the hip joints are damaged.

Rules for performing exercise therapy for osteoarthritis

Therapeutic physical training is carried out under the strict supervision of a doctor or a special trainer. This is necessary to control and adjust exercises during class. The patient cannot adequately evaluate his actions. Sometimes during training, a person, due to fatigue, tries to reduce the number of approaches, or, on the contrary, tries to increase the pace and number of exercises. Such actions not only turn out to be useless, but also aggravate the situation.

To get the desired result, a person needs to follow several rules:

  1. Perform any physical exercises strictly during the period of remission. During exacerbation of osteoarthritis, the joints should be completely at rest.
  2. The first classes are conducted only under the supervision of a specialist. Subsequent classes are allowed to be carried out at home.
  3. During training, perform only the specified number of exercises, taking into account the correct pace, amplitude and strength of movements.
  4. Trainings are held daily at a certain time. Exercise for osteoarthritis is also considered an important component of treatment that cannot be ignored.
  5. If, while performing movements, discomfort, discomfort or pain occurs in the ankle, hip, shoulder, knee, elbow joints or hands, you should abandon this exercise and report the problem to your doctor or trainer.
  6. A set of exercises for osteoarthritis should be performed at a moderate pace. Haste increases the load on the joints, causing complications.

Contraindications to physical therapy

Despite the benefits of gymnastics, physical activity is not permissible for all patients with osteoarthritis. There are a number of contraindications that limit classes or prohibit them completely:

  • the patient's condition is assessed as serious;
  • cardiovascular diseases (hypertension disorders, thrombophlebitis, arrhythmia);
  • presence of acute painful syndrome;
  • inflammatory processes during exacerbation (arthritis, rheumatism);
  • blood diseases (leukemia, severe anemia);
  • active bleeding or the risk of its development as a result of exercise;
  • spinal injuries resulting in disruption of the functioning of internal organs;
  • hernias;
  • period after surgery;
  • period of acute infectious disease.

Before starting classes, a person should undergo a diagnostic examination, which will show the presence of contraindications.

Osteoarthritis is a dangerous disease that requires proper immediate treatment. Regular gymnastic exercises and morning exercises help prevent the development of the disease, acting as an effective preventive and therapeutic method.

Physical exercises for illness are part of complex treatment. Without exercise therapy for osteoarthritis, it is impossible to restore the mobility of damaged joints. It will not be possible to cure the pathological condition using only medications. It is necessary to use all measures recommended by the treating doctor.

What is important to remember before training

Before you begin to perform exercises for osteoarthritis, you must undergo treatment of the disease with drugs and physiotherapeutic methods. Training is prohibited during the period of exacerbation of symptoms; after pain is relieved and the inflammatory process is reduced, treatment with the help of physical therapy is allowed. It is not recommended to choose gymnastic exercises on your own. Before performing certain exercises, you should show them to your doctor; after the approval of the treating doctor, you can begin exercising.

It is strongly recommended to refrain from performing exercises that require the use of too heavy loads. It is important to remember that statistical loads should prevail over dynamic ones. The advantage of physical therapy is the absence of expenses that are required when purchasing medications, performing surgery, using physiotherapy and other methods of treating joint osteoarthritis.

Rules for conducting classes

Sometimes gymnastic exercises cause harm to the body, in order to avoid complications and not aggravate the course of degenerative-dystrophic pathology, certain rules should be followed. Patient's recommendations when performing exercise therapy to restore joint mobility:

  • try to avoid sudden movements;
  • eliminate jumping;
  • the range of movements is increased gradually;
  • if the exercise provokes acute pain, you should stop doing it;
  • static and dynamic loads should be alternated;
  • buy comfortable shoes and loose clothes so that they do not cause discomfort during exercise;
  • if the disease has worsened, and the doctor has not prohibited performing therapeutic exercises, it means that physical education must be divided into several parts, half done in the morning, the second part after lunch or before bedtime;
  • The duration of classes is determined based on your feelings; you should devote 30–40 minutes to classes per day;
  • The therapeutic exercises should be completed with a massage of the affected joint.

Training complexes in case of illness are prohibited if there are contraindications. Exercises should not be performed by patients who have serious problems with the functioning of the heart and lungs or at elevated body temperatures.

The effect of exercise on joints

Physical therapy at the initial stage of development of degenerative pathology helps prevent the development of the disease process. Gymnastics is an important method of restoring joint function; thanks to therapeutic exercises, the following occurs:

  • elimination of atrophy of the periarticular muscles (for example, the quadriceps femoris muscle in patients diagnosed with gonarthrosis);
  • eliminating joint instability;
  • reduction of muscle tension;
  • increased nutrition of the tissues of the affected joint;
  • reduction of arthralgia;
  • the patient's functional abilities improve.

Gymnastic exercises help improve sleep; pain during the rest period ceases to bother the victim. During remission, the patient faces one task - to strengthen the muscular-ligamentous apparatus and restore the functioning of the joint. It is important to ensure sufficient blood and lymph circulation, increase the joint space, and relieve pain.

Training complex for damage to the knee joints

Classes are performed daily. In the remission stage, you should complete the entire complex in 30–40 minutes; if pain appears, leave the remaining exercises for the evening. Training:

  1. Lie on your back, lower and upper limbs straight. Lift your right lower limb off the floor, bend it at the knee joint, clasping it with your arms, pull it to your chest. Hold your leg in this position for 2-3 seconds. The number of total repetitions is 10.
  2. Taking a lying position on the floor with your stomach down, bend your left leg at the knee at an angle of 90 degrees. Raise your left leg 100 mm from the floor, stay at the final height for 30 seconds. It is enough to carry out 1 approach, consisting of one repetition, for both legs.
  3. Sit on a high stool. Raise your left leg parallel to the floor and lower it after 3 seconds. Feel the tension in your thigh and calf muscles.

The exercises are simple to perform and can be used for exacerbation of degenerative disease of the knee joints. Therapeutic exercises for osteoarthritis of the knee joint are performed for both lower extremities.

Training for localized pathology in the hip joints

The goal of treatment is to restore motor activity and length of shortened periarticular muscles. You shouldn’t rush things and try to force yourself when the first results appear. Recovery occurs gradually; nothing good will come from increasing the load on the joints. Training complex:

  1. Lie on your back, arms straight, lower limbs bent at the knees, feet fully flat on the floor. Press your heels as close as possible to your buttocks, bring and spread your lower limbs without lifting your feet from the surface. When spreading to the sides, hold your legs in this position. Each time, try to increase the amplitude when abducting the lower limbs to the sides. The exercise should be repeated 20 times.
  2. Stand near a support. With your right hand, grab a chair or other device to stand firmly and not fall, and move your left leg back. Swing at a 45 degree angle. You can add swings to the sides. Number of repetitions - 10.

The training complex for osteoarthritis of the ankle joint involves rotational and flexion-extension movements. Exercises affect more the ligamentous apparatus of the joint and muscle tissue. Here are the exercises themselves:

  1. Sitting on a sofa or chair, grab the heel of your right foot with your right upper limb and your toes with your left. Perform rotational movements.
  2. Bend and straighten your toes.
  3. Pull your toes toward you, then away from you.
  4. Imitate walking in place, with rolling movements, without lifting your feet off the floor. Imitation of walking is performed in a sitting position forward, then backward.
  5. Place small objects on the floor. Try to grab the object with your fingers.

If you have a disease of the ankle joints, it is useful to exercise on rotating objects. For example, place a small rolling pin on the floor. Stand with your feet on it, try to maintain your balance. When performing the exercise, the entire ankle joint is worked, the fingers are compressed, and the inner surface of the foot is worked.

A set of exercises for shoulder joint pathology

Physical therapy is an effective method of combating osteoarthritis in the shoulder joint. Training complex:

  1. Regular swings of the upper limbs help relieve pain.
  2. Stand up straight, clasp your hands in front of you, and in this position, raise your upper limbs above your head. Unlock the lock, spread your arms to the sides, then in front of you and repeat the exercise.
  3. Standing, clasp your hands behind your back and try to raise them parallel to the floor. Increase the amplitude gradually.
  4. Place your hands behind your back, cross them, touching your elbow joints with your fingers. With your right hand, press your left elbow for half a minute. Then apply pressure to the elbow of your right limb. Do 8 repetitions.

The listed exercises can cause fatigue in the shoulder joints. If pain occurs, you should take a long break. Do not exercise when you are in pain; the results gained will be lost.

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Osteoarthritis of the knee is a serious pathology that requires an integrated approach to therapy. One of its important components is exercise therapy for osteoarthritis of the knee joint, which helps restore mobility in this area.

With the help of exercises, it is possible to strengthen the joints and prevent further progression of pathological processes characteristic of osteoarthritis. Physical therapy helps return patients to a full life, as evidenced by numerous reviews.

Important! Physical therapy for osteoarthritis in the knee area does not always involve performing standard exercises. It may include exercise on exercise bikes, swimming, squats, yoga, fitness and even a stepper. Such activities help not only to forget about the unpleasant symptoms of the disease, but also bring variety to everyday life.

Effective exercises

Before starting any exercise, you must remember that the load on the affected joints should be minimal at the very beginning, and they should be increased gradually. The appearance of pain or discomfort serves as a signal to stop exercising.

The exercise therapy complex often contains the exercises described below.

Starting position - lying on your back

To perform it correctly, you need to lift your right leg off the floor, holding it in weight. Then we lower the limb and relax. The leg should be completely straight. Repeat the exercise for the left leg.

During its execution, you should correctly hold the buttocks and back area: they should fit tightly to the floor surface, without tearing off.

The total duration of the first sessions should be 5 - 10 seconds, with a gradual increase to 40 seconds. It is useful to repeat the exercise dynamically, when the leg is held for only a couple of seconds, doing several repetitions at once with an interval of a couple of seconds. The interval is necessary as a rest for muscle relaxation.

You should not be overzealous during the execution process. Raising your legs up to 20 cm from the floor surface will be sufficient.

Starting position - lying on your stomach

You need to extend your arms to your sides. Straighten your left leg, bend your right leg at an angle (straight). The bent leg should be raised and held for 5 or 10 seconds. Then slowly lower your leg to relax. Repeat in the same way with your left leg.

During execution, it is important that the stomach and thighs fit tightly to the floor. In the future, the total duration of holding the legs in weight should be increased to half a minute.

It is useful to perform the exercise dynamically: you need to hold your leg in a raised position and lowered it at intervals of a couple of seconds.

The next exercise will seem difficult to many. It is allowed only if you are in good physical health, without cardiac or vascular pathology. The arms are extended parallel to the body, the legs are straight. You will need to slightly raise your straightened legs above the floor level (no more than 20 cm). Then slowly move them apart and bring them back together. It will take at least 8 repetitions, slowly and carefully.

Starting position: on your side

Performed with bending one of the legs and on the side. The other leg must be straightened. It will need to be lifted at an angle of 45°. You must hold your leg in this position for at least 30 seconds. Then lower it and let the muscles relax. Perform with both legs.

If you have difficulty performing, you are allowed to hold your legs for 5 or 10 seconds. The time should be increased gradually.

Starting position - sitting on a chair

You will need to sit on a chair. Keep your back parallel to the back, straight. Bend your legs at a right angle. Then the left leg should be straightened and raised above the floor (parallel) to the maximum possible distance. You must hold it for at least 30 seconds and lower it.

Relax your muscles completely. Repeat with both legs. If it is impossible to keep your leg suspended for such a long time, you are allowed to start with 5 seconds, gradually increasing by 5 - 10 seconds. The maximum time should be 1 minute.

Starting position - standing

You need to stand up straight, holding onto the back of the chair with support only on your heels. Then you need to slowly raise your toes and fix them in this position. After a minute, lower your fingers and rest. Do the same several times without delay, simply lowering and raising your toes at intervals of a second.

It will be useful to perform another exercise: you need to curl your toes, holding the back of a chair, and stand on your toes. You need to rise high and stand in this position for a minute. Then lower yourself onto your full foot and relax, relaxing your muscles.

You can start doing the exercise from a couple of seconds, gradually increasing the interval. It is useful to perform it in a dynamic version, rising and falling on your toes at intervals of 1 - 2 seconds.

After completing a full set of exercises, it will be useful to perform self-massage. To do this, sit down and massage the sides and front of the thigh. It is best to move in the direction from the knee to the groin.

Experienced specialists for osteoarthritis of the knee always recommend doing therapeutic exercises or physical exercise.

At the initial stage, it is advised to adhere to the number of repetitions of each exercise no more than 5 times, and the total duration of classes per day - 10 - 15 minutes.

Before starting the main exercises, it is very useful to do a short warm-up with stretching.

Important! Many patients with osteoarthritis are afraid to exercise for fear of pain or fear of making their condition worse. But you should never be afraid to put stress on the area of ​​your sore knee. You need to understand that regular exercise will restore functionality to the joint and prevent further development of the disease.

Other tips include:

  • Exercises should be performed regularly (preferably daily);
  • exercises with heavy loads on the knee area should be avoided;
  • you need to learn to relax between exercises;
  • You should always start with minimal loads, with a gradual increase;
  • You should stop exercising at the slightest sign of pain.

The main goal is to learn how to dose the load on your legs. This will allow the joints to regain their former mobility over time. The exercises should be performed gradually, without haste.

To get the maximum effect, do not forget about proper nutrition, massages and regular visits to your doctor. A healthy lifestyle, giving up bad habits, walking, spa treatment and swimming will help consolidate the results.


Osteoarthritis in the knee joint is a serious pathology that can confine the patient to bed. It has long been proven that physical therapy occupies one of the leading places in the complex treatment of the disease. With its help, it is possible to consolidate the results of the treatment, restore mobility to the knees and prevent further progression of the pathology.

Experts in the field of orthopedics have developed more than one set of exercises that are aimed at strengthening the joints in the knee area. The classes have helped many patients return to a full life and resume daily activities.

With regular exercise and following all the recommendations of specialists, you can not only take control of the disease, but also forget about its unpleasant symptoms for many years.

By regularly doing exercises for osteoarthritis of the knee joint, the patient can slow down the progression of the disease. Specially selected exercises help preserve cartilage tissue.

This disease has become very common lately. It is not only older people who are susceptible to it. More and more young patients are turning to the doctor with symptoms of knee arthrosis. Exercise therapy helps maintain joint functionality.

Physical therapy is necessary for diseases of any joints. Thanks to it, performance is maintained for a long time. For knee osteoarthritis, exercises are performed while sitting or lying down, because in this position the load on the joints is reduced.

Exercise therapy is suitable for everyone - there are no age restrictions. If you feel pain, it is better to start exercising after taking a painkiller. How intense and frequent the exercises should be depends on the severity of the pain.

Physical activity has a strengthening effect on cartilage and has a positive effect on the patient’s emotional state. In addition, a good effect is also observed on the part of the heart muscle.

When performing gymnastics for osteoarthritis, the patient increases the load gradually. It all starts with small volumes. If possible, it is advisable to attend classes in groups under the guidance of a specialist. Then charging is done at home.

If you perform the exercises regularly, the diseased joint will receive everything it needs for normal functioning. Blood flow will improve, which will affect the nutrition of the cartilage. This will have a positive effect on its lubrication.

When starting to carry out exercise therapy, you should remember that only regular exercise will bring the desired result. If you perform exercises occasionally, there is no point in waiting for recovery.

The following approximate set of exercises will help the sore knee joint and also restore muscle strength:

  1. The patient sits on the table (on its tabletop). The back is straight, the legs hang down. You need to swing them around with a small range of motion. This exercise should be performed more often. It will not be particularly difficult, but the effect will be good.
  2. The second exercise is performed from the same position as the first (on the table). The patient extends one leg forward. She should be parallel to the floor and keep her foot at a 90° angle. Hold in this position for 3 seconds. Then do the same with the other leg. Doing this exercise can strain your hip and ankle muscles.
  3. The patient should stand on the floor with his back to the table and rest his buttocks on the tabletop. Bend your knees slightly and spread them a short distance. Socks point to the sides. Bend forward several times without bending your back and return to the original position.
  4. The fourth exercise is called “small bicycle”. Starting position - stand on the floor, bend your knees slightly. Pull one leg towards your stomach and rest your knee on it. Slowly lower the limb, after straightening it. Do the same with the other leg. Make sure that your foot is at a right angle.
  5. The person lies on his back and stretches his legs. One of them bends at the knee, while slightly raising the foot above the floor. Lie like this for at least 5 seconds. Slowly lower your leg and repeat the exercise with the other leg.
  6. The exercise is called “big bike”. You should lie on the floor and perform movements with your legs similar to those a cyclist makes when riding. At first, your legs pedal slowly. But gradually the pace increases. The patient may feel the muscles tense.
  7. Lie on the floor on your right side. Place a small pillow under your cheek and put your right hand under it. In this case, the left hand will serve as a support. Bend your right leg slightly. And pull the left one bent at the knee to the stomach and immediately take it back to such a distance as possible. All movements are performed at a slow pace.

Regular exercise for osteoarthritis of the knee joint will help reduce pain and improve movement.

In order for therapeutic exercises to bring only positive effects, the patient must adhere to a number of rules.

All exercises must be performed in a state where pain is minimal, or even better, if it is completely absent. If you exercise during periods of exacerbation of the disease, the condition of the joints will only worsen.

It is advisable that a doctor select a set of exercises. When choosing them yourself, you need to be careful. When performing gymnastics, you should listen to the sensations. If it is particularly painful, it is better to stop.

When performing gymnastics for osteoarthritis, it is necessary to ensure that there are more static exercises than dynamic ones.

That is, the first ones should take much longer.

During therapeutic exercises, the patient should be completely relaxed. You can massage your knee. If it is not possible to visit a specialist, then self-massage is also suitable. Do not put too much pressure on the joint or knead it with significant force. It is good to use various massage creams. They relieve pain and symptoms of the disease.

Therapeutic gymnastics is generally available to all people without exception. There is no need for expensive simulators to perform it. There is no need to purchase any special medications. And it brings enormous benefits. Not a single joint can be cured if the patient does not make efforts to recover.

Simple walking can help get rid of the disease. If you walk for 30 minutes every day on level ground, you will not only “develop” your joint, but also improve your muscle tone. But you can’t replace a quiet walk with shopping with heavy bags.

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