An intellectual game for primary schoolchildren with a presentation on the topic: Animals. Presentation "interesting animals of the world" Project on the topic of amazing animals

Natalia Nekrasova
Presentation “Amazing Animals”

Chameleon - unique animal. He is able to change color. Few Togo: One side of a chameleon might be bright red, for example, and the other green. By changing color, the chameleon merges with surrounding objects and becomes invisible.

A chameleon can jump from branch to branch. It moves awkwardly on the ground, legs spread wide and leaning on its tail. In water he is unable to move, but does not drown.

If angry or alarmed, the chameleon will very quickly "repainted". His skin turns black animal inflates, grows to twice its normal size, hisses like a snake and shows a bright red mouth.

Chameleons can "dance". On the ground or on a branch, the chameleon first freezes motionless, rotating only its eyes. He then slowly lifts one front leg and the opposite hind leg and rocks back and forth rhythmically. Having stepped once, he again freezes in place, raising the second pair of legs and repeats everything again. At the same time, he continuously rotates his eyes - back, forward, up, down. Scientists think that this is how chameleons communicate with each other.

Some people are compared to chameleons. They say: Changes like a chameleon. This means that a person can change beyond recognition depending on the situation.

Toucan - amazingly beautiful bird, lives in America, both North and South (Mexico, Argentina, Chile, USA).

The toucan usually lives in one place, without making large flights. Toucans live in tree hollows.

The main feature of the toucan is its massive, brightly colored beak, with which toucans peel fruit. Toucans feed on berries, fruits, seeds, sometimes insects and eggs of small birds. The colors of the beaks are not repeated, so birds can recognize each other in the flock by their beaks.

Interestingly, the toucan is a relative of the woodpecker. Toucans got their name due to the specific sounds they make. publish: knock-can, knock-can.

In nature, the enemies of toucans are boa constrictors and birds of prey.

Underwater chameleons and seahorses are excellent at playing hide and seek and master the art of camouflage to perfection.

Unlike other inhabitants of the oceans and seas, seahorses swim upright and in pairs, often with their tails tied.

Seahorses eat constantly. They feed on small fish or plankton.

Interestingly, both eyes of skates can look in different directions, studying the environment.

This fish is also called a dragon, since many species really resemble this fairy-tale character

These animals are very similar to small bears.

Koalas practically do not drink water. The fact is that all the moisture necessary for their life is contained in eucalyptus, which is the main food of the koala.

An adult koala weighs about 10 kilograms, and its height ranges from 60-80 centimeters.

Koala fingerprints are very similar to human fingerprints.

The koala sleeps 18 hours a day.

IN wildlife Koalas live on average 12-13 years, and in a seine they can live up to 18-20 years.

Koalas live on only one continent - Australia.

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Create conditions for expanding students' knowledge, instilling a sense of responsibility and care towards our smaller brothers, and developing interest in the study of zoology.
- formation of mental action techniques
- activation of intellectual activity of students through the use of the technological triad of personality-oriented education - task - dialogue - game based on personal experience;
- development of variability of thinking, creativity, imagination and constructive skills;
- formation of cognitive interest, strengthening of positive motivation for learning;
- development of reflection skills;
- broadening your horizons in subject matters educational fields;
- speech development (the ability to substantiate one’s beliefs, build simple conclusions);
- environmental education.
Rules of the game
There is a struggle for personal championship. To get into the tower, you need to solve tasks suggested by the animals. For each correct answer, 1 OM is awarded, the one who collects the most OMs wins.
1 slide:
Hello guys, dear guests.
Oh, what a huge world!
It's full of different animals!
Leopards, tigers, lions
And giraffes and elephants,
Zebras, bison and lemurs,
Crocodiles in thick skins,
Monkeys and raccoons
Manatees, hippos.
There are animals in the forest.
You will find a fox there,
Hare, squirrel, badger,
Wolf - “Gray sides”.
Let's dive into the sea with you.
We'll swim with whales there.
We will meet jellyfish and squid
Among the most wonderful corals.
Birds are singing in the sky -
These are swallows, tits,
Larks, sparrows
And starlings and nightingales,
Quails and cuckoos -
Everyone has gathered at the edge of the forest!
Impossible to list
The world of those living on Earth.
We need to save it
And for you, my friend, and for me!
2 slide: The theme of our today's event is “This wonderful world of animals.”
One day, while walking through the forest, I saw a little tower in a clearing. He is neither short nor tall. The animals live there and the children are welcome to visit them. And to get into the little house, you need to complete the tasks of the little mouse, the frog, the runaway bunny, the little fox and gray wolf. For each correct answer I will give you 1 OM (world around you)
Slide 3: The first test is mouse riddles.
Slide 4: What animal sleeps upside down all winter (Bat)
Slide 5: This cat is the king of beasts. Call her quickly. (Leo)
Slide 6: In winter he sleeps, in summer he stirs up the hives. (Bear)
Slide 7: Who trades milk for hay? (Cow)
Slide 8: What forest animal dries mushrooms on trees? (Squirrel)
Slide 9:
He looks like a shepherd.
Every tooth is a sharp knife!
He runs with his mouth bared,
Ready to attack a sheep. (Wolf)
Slide 10:
In the summer a ball rolls,

He has a prickly side.
He hunts at night
For bugs and mice. (Hedgehog)
Slide 11:
This beast with two fangs
With very powerful legs
And with a cake on his nose.
He digs earth in the forest. (Boar)
Slide 12:
He has a big ears.
He is obedient to his master.
And although it is small,
But it drives like a truck. (Donkey)
Slide 13:
What kind of miracle? Here's a miracle:
A dish on top, a dish below.
A miracle is walking along the road,
The head sticks out and the legs stick out. (Turtle)
Slide 14:
To complete the second challenge, listen to the fox stories first.
Slide 15:
There are a huge number of animal monuments installed in the world. Probably the most famous dog monument is installed in Paris, on the river. Seine. This is a monument to St. Bernard Barry - a statue of a dog with a child clinging to it. The inscription reads: "Barry, who saved forty people and was killed forty first."
Slide 16:
The Kazan cat breed was widely known in the 17th - 18th centuries. She became famous for her large size and extraordinary dexterity. The cats were so famous that in 1745, Empress Elizabeth ordered the largest representatives of this genus to be caught and brought to St. Petersburg. Pussies have become not only home decorations, but also excellent rodent rescuers. Their descendants still “work” in the Hermitage. And at the end of the 19th century, 45 individuals of this noble family were bought and taken out to guard the Louvre. Alas, there is no longer a single representative of the Kazan breed left in Kazan. But there is a monument to the Kazan cat.
Slide 17:
Monument in Berdyansk to the “Breadwinner Goby”, a fish that saved city residents from starvation during hard times.
Slide 18:
The monument to the leech was erected on the territory of the International Center for Medical Leeches in Udelnaya for its enormous contribution to the fight for human health.
Slide 19:
The common sparrow was also awarded a monument. In Boston, USA, a monument to this bird was erected in gratitude for saving gardens and crops from the invasion of caterpillars. There is also a monument to a sparrow in Belarus in the city of Baranovichi and in St. Petersburg - the famous hero of the song Chizhik-Pyzhik.
Slide 20:
And now I invite you to be sculptors and erect monuments to the animals I proposed yourself. Your task is to justify why you are erecting a monument to the animal. The one with the most complete answer will win this challenge.
1st monument – ​​kangaroo
2nd - to the peacock
3rd - to the rooster
21 slides:
To pass the third test, you need to listen carefully to the wolf facts.
Slide 22:
A starfish can turn its stomach inside out
Slide 23:
The animal that lives the longest
may not drink - rat
Slide 24:
A mole can dig a 76 meter long tunnel in one night.
Slide 25:
A snail has about 25,000 teeth
Slide 26:
Hummingbirds can't walk
Slide 27:
Crocodiles swallow rocks to dive deeper.
Slide 28:
Despite the hump, the camel's spine is straight.
Slide 29:
It takes 40 minutes to hard boil an ostrich egg.
Slide 30:
Grasshopper's blood is white
31 slides:
Now, answer the questions to find out who has a rectangular pupil.
- How many minutes does it take to hard-boil an ostrich egg?
-Who can go the longest without drinking?
- Who can dig a 76-meter long tunnel in one night?
-Who swallows stones to dive deeper?
- Who has about 25,000 teeth?
- What color is a grasshopper's blood?
- Who can turn their stomach out?
inside out?
- What bird can’t walk?
-Who has a rectangular pupil? (At the octopus)
Slide 32:
I offer you the fourth test - “Zaika’s lessons.” You need to listen to the poems and say whether it is possible to do this or not and why.
Slide 33:
The chick fell out of the nest,
We can't touch him! (Right)

We will find the anthill
Let's watch and leave. (Right)

We saw a hedgehog
and they took him home. (Wrong)

If we catch small fish,
then we throw it to the cat. (Wrong)

Slide 34:
We saw a nest in the grass
and played with the chicks. (Wrong)

We'll take the dogs into the forest,
The birds will be calmer in it! (Wrong)

We collect flowers
We chase butterflies with a net. (Wrong)

We protect snails
We don’t offend pond snails. (Right)

Slides 35-36:
And the last test is “Frog Ears”. You need to find out who owns this or that voice. (1-eagle owl, 2-horse, 3-sheep, 4-bee, fly, 5-donkey, 6-monkey, 7-wolf)
Slide 37:
So, we are in a little mansion, and while you watch a slide show about animals, the jury will determine who has more Ohms.
Slide 38:
You are the owner.
We argue with you
we don’t want to and we can’t.
But without us -
just imagine! –
Will it be earth?
Thank you all for your attention, take care of our little brothers!
Information sources:
1. V. Bulvanker “From the whale to the cat”


Oms for awarding for correct answers:


Slide 1

The most unusual animals on the planet

Slide 2

Fish with red lips
Fish with red lips, or in English Rosy-Lipped Batfish. These fish live off the coast of Costa Rica. The interesting thing is that they do not know how to swim, this fish simply walks along the bottom of the sea and with its red lips attracts small fish and shellfish, which swim with interest in the red color, after which something like a fishing rod pops up in the hole of the nose of this fish, with which he grabs his victim.

Slide 3

Chinese giant salamander
Chinese giant salamander. These salamanders live in mountain streams and lakes of Eastern China. These salamanders are considered an endangered species due to their use in Chinese medicine and they are also considered a delicacy in China. The length of the salamander is 180 cm. Many say that they live up to 150 years, although the maximum recorded age of the salamander was only 55 years, and their maximum weight can reach 180 kg.

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Yeti crab
The Yeti crab was discovered in 2005 by a group of scientists who found it at a depth of more than 2 km. near the exit thermal waters. Many people think that they look like they are made of wool, but this is not so, their wool is thickly growing long bristles with the help of which the crab receives various information.

Slide 5

Viper fish
Another amazing creation of nature is the viper fish. It got its name because of its appearance - a terrible head with very large teeth, even in the Guinness Book of Records it was listed as the largest teeth compared to the size of the head. Its length reaches 35 cm, and they live at a depth of up to 2 km. They feed once every one or two weeks on small squid, shrimp and fish. The viper fish lives for about 40 years and sometimes becomes prey for sharks.

Slide 6

The first incredible animal can be called the axolotl. It lives in several lakes in Mexico. The body length of the axolotl is 15-25 cm. The adult form of the axolotl, during the process of metamorphosis, loses its external gills and begins to breathe using the lungs and through the skin. Translated from the Aztec language, axolotl means “water toy,” which is not surprising from its appearance.

Slide 7

Aye-aye or Madagascar little hand
Aye-aye is an amazing animal, which is considered the only representative of the family of arms. The body length of the aye-aye reaches 40 cm, and its tail is 60 cm. They live in the forests in the East of the island of Madagascar. These animals feed on mango fruits, beetles, larvae and the core of bamboo or reed. Aye-ayes are considered a very rare species, which is listed in the Red Book. There are no more than 50 individuals left on the Earth of Madagascar bats.

Slide 8

Blob fish
Drop fish. This fish lives at a depth of 800 meters and feeds there on various mollusks and crustaceans. The peculiarity of the fish is that it incubates its eggs until the fry hatch from them. The length of the drop fish can reach 70 cm, and its weight is about 10 kg. What kind of animal: fish, scientific name Psychrolutes marcidus. Habitat: lives in the Atlantic, Pacific and Indian Oceans, found in deep waters (about 2800 m) of the coast of Australia and Tasmania. Special features: Drop fish live at depths where the pressure is several tens of times higher than at sea level, and in order to maintain viability, the body of the drop fish consists of a gel-like mass with a density slightly less than water; this allows fish to swim above the seabed without expending energy to swim. Dimensions: Maximum body length is about 65 cm.

Slide 9

Giant isopod
Isopods can reach a size of more than 40 cm in length and they live at a depth of 1600 meters. The largest recorded isopod was 76 cm in length and weighed 1.7 kg. The body of isopods is covered with hard plates. They feed mainly on the carcasses of dead fish that have sunk to the seabed. Due to the fact that it is not always possible to obtain carcasses of dead fish, therefore isopods are adapted to starvation and go without food for more than two months.

Slide 10

Angora rabbit
The Angora rabbit is considered one of the oldest breeds of rabbits bred in Turkey, which is where their name Angora came from, because Angora used to be the capital of Turkey. First of all, these animals are valued for their fur, which is obtained through their haircut. The weight of this rabbit reaches 6 kg, and they live no more than 7 years. They are also very often kept as pets because they are very active and love to play. There are 4 breeds of such rabbits: French, Angora, German and Satin.

Slide 11

Herring king
Last on the list of the most unusual animals on the planet is the herring king. The herring king is also called the belt fish because of its very large length, which reaches more than 6 meters, and there have been cases of catching this fish with a length of 11 meters. The herring king lives in the warm waters of the Pacific, Indian and Atlantic oceans. The weight of the fish can exceed 250 kg. The width of the herring king with its large length becomes only 5 cm.

Slide 12

Japanese giant salamander.
Today, it is the largest amphibian, which can reach 160 cm in length, weigh up to 180 kg and can live up to 150 years, although the officially recorded maximum age of the giant salamander is 55 years.

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Bearded pig.
In different sources, the Bearded Pig species is divided into two or three subspecies. These are the curly bearded pig (Sus barbatus oi), which lives on the Malay Peninsula and the island of Sumatra, the Bornean bearded pig (Sus barbatus) and the Palawan bearded pig, which live, as the name suggests, on the islands of Borneo and Palawan, as well as on Java, Kalimantan and the small islands of the Indonesian archipelago in Southeast Asia.

Slide 14

A mammal from the order of insectivores, divided into two main species: the Cuban slittooth and the Haitian. The animal is relatively large compared to other types of insectivores: its length is 32 centimeters, its tail is on average 25 cm, the weight of the animal is about 1 kilogram, and its body is dense.

Slide 15

Sumatran rhinoceroses.
They belong to the odd-toed ungulates of the rhinoceros family. This type of rhinoceros is the smallest of the entire family. The body length of an adult Sumatran rhinoceros can reach 200 - 280 cm, and the height at the withers can vary from 100 to 150 cm. Such rhinoceroses can weigh up to 1000 kg.

Slide 16

Its large fluffy tail is clearly comparable to that of a squirrel. And his charming face and graceful movements, flexibility and insinuation, clearly reflect his cat-like traits. The amazing jumping ability, mobility, strength and incredible dexterity of this animal clearly show its nature as a funny cat and an elusive squirrel. Of course, there would be a place to use your talents, because a cramped cage is very poorly suited for this. But, if you give this animal a little freedom and sometimes allow him to walk around the apartment, then all his quirks and talents will come true. Many even compare it to a kangaroo.

Slide 17

Tasmanian devil.
Being the largest of modern predatory marsupials, this black animal with white spots on the chest and rump, with a huge mouth and sharp teeth has a dense physique and a stern disposition, for which, in fact, it was called the devil. Emitting ominous screams at night, the massive and clumsy Tasmanian devil looks like a small bear: the front legs are slightly longer than the hind legs, the head is large, and the muzzle is blunt.

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The island of Madagascar has preserved animals that are not found not only in Africa itself, but also in the rest of the world. One of the rarest animals is the Fossa - the only representative of the genus Cryptoprocta and the largest predatory mammal living on the island of Madagascar. The appearance of the Fossa is a little unusual: it is a cross between a civet and a small puma. Sometimes the fossa is also called the Madagascar lion, since the ancestors of this animal were much larger and reached the size of a lion. Fossa has a squat, massive and slightly elongated body, the length of which can reach up to 80 cm (on average it is 65–70 cm). The fossa's paws are long, but quite thick, with the hind paws being higher than the front paws. The tail is often equal to the length of the body and reaches up to 65 cm.

Slide 19

Lilac frog.
Some animals have managed to adapt to these, at first glance, very difficult conditions and have even learned to benefit from the changing seasons. So the indigenous Indian purple frog (Nasikabatrachus sahyadrensis), which as a species was discovered quite recently - in 2003, uses the monsoon time to its advantage - to continue its kind.

Slide 20

An insectivorous mammal of the mole family. Externally, the starfish differs from other members of the family and from other small animals only in its characteristic stigma structure in the form of a rosette or star of 22 soft, fleshy, mobile bare rays. In size, spade-shaped forelimbs, thick velvety fur (black or dark brown) it is similar to the European mole.

Slide 21

The habitat of belted tails extends to the rocky regions of Africa, which have an arid climate, mainly on the southern side of the Sahara Desert. In addition, belted tails live in certain numbers on the island of Madagascar. There are more than forty species of belttails in the world. The sizes of belt-tails vary quite widely and range from 12 to 70 centimeters in length. The entire body of the belt-tail is covered with rectangular plates - scales, which cover the bony base of the reptile.

Slide 22

Palm thief.
Representative of decapod crustaceans. Its habitat is the western Pacific Ocean and the tropical islands of the Indian Ocean. This animal from the family of land crayfish is quite large for its species. The body of an adult reaches a size of up to 32 cm and a weight of up to 3-4 kg. For a long time it was mistakenly believed that with its claws it could even split coconuts, which he then eats. To date, scientists have proven that crayfish can only feed on already split coconuts. They, being its main source of nutrition, gave the name palm thief. Although he is not averse to eating other types of food - the fruits of Pandanus plants, organic substances from the soil, and even his own kind.

Slide 23

A small mammal from the order of primates, very specific appearance which created a somewhat ominous halo around this small animal weighing up to one hundred and sixty grams. Thus, the indigenous population of Indonesia and the Philippine Islands associated the absurd appearance of the tarsier with the tricks of evil spirits. However, many of our contemporaries, who see the tarsier for the first time in its native habitat, remain amazed by its non-standard appearance.

Slide 24

Imperial scorpion
The imperial scorpion is 8 inches long. He is one of the largest scorpions in the world. It was first found in Ghana during a study in 2006.

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Fruit bat
This fruity one bat found in 1999 in New Guinea.

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Slide 34

Malayan bear, or biruang, or Sun Bear
The smallest and most pugnacious of all existing bears... In general, a brawler! Mammal of the bear family. Habitat: From northeast India and southern China through Myanmar, Thailand, the Indochina and Malacca peninsulas to Indonesia. Special features: Stocky, strong animal with a short and wide muzzle. The ears are short and rounded. The limbs are high with disproportionately large paws; the claws are very large, curved. Feet are bare. The fangs are small. The biruang's fur is short, stiff and smooth. The color is black, on the face it turns into roan-yellow. On the chest there is usually a large whitish or reddish horseshoe-shaped spot, resembling in shape and color rising Sun. A nocturnal animal, it often sleeps all day or sunbathes in the branches of trees, where it builds a kind of nest for itself. Dimensions: The smallest representative of the bear family: it does not exceed 1.5 m in length (plus a 3-7 cm tail), height at the withers is only 50-70 cm; weight 27-65 kg. By the way: Biruangs are one of the rarest species of bears.

Slide 35

The Hungarian Shepherd is a breed of dog. Habitat: everywhere. Special features: When keeping a Komondor, special care is required for its coat, the length of which can reach almost a meter. It cannot be combed, but as it grows, the formed strands must be separated so that the hair does not fall off. Dimensions: This "King of Hungarian Shepherds" is one of the most... large dogs in the world, the height at the withers of males is more than 80 cm, and the long white hair, curled into original laces, makes the dog even more massive and impressive. By the way: Feeding this huge dog is not particularly difficult. Like any herding dog, they are very unpretentious and eat very little, a little more than 1 kg of food per day.

The slowest animal

  • 48 m per hour - this is the speed the snail develops, for which it receives the title of the slowest animal
The highest flying bird
  • Oddly enough, this title went to the bar-headed goose. There is evidence that these birds can fly at altitudes of 10,175 meters and higher
The smallest insect
  • The smallest insects, whose size is approximately
  • 0.46 mm - these are tiny wasps, mimarids
Fastest animal
  • The peregrine falcon bird reaches speeds of up to 321 km per hour.
  • She is the fastest animal
The longest animals
  • The longest animals are nemertean worms of the species Lineus longissimus.
  • The length of the largest reaches 55m
Longest migration
  • The Arctic Tern has the longest migration.
  • These birds cover distances of 22,400 km
Tallest animal
  • The tallest land animal is the giraffe. Its height can reach 6 meters
The smartest animal
  • This title belongs to the chimpanzee. A dolphin follows him
Fastest mammal
  • The white-winged porpoise is the fastest aquatic mammal.
  • It reaches speeds of up to 58 km per hour
Oldest animal
  • Galapagos giant tortoises can live more than 175 years.
  • These are the most ancient reptiles on the planet
The most poisonous animal
  • One box jellyfish with 60 tentacles can kill 60 adults
The deadliest animal
  • This title went to the female malaria mosquito. Every year, mosquitoes that carry malaria kill more than a million people worldwide.
The loudest animal
  • The sounds of blue whales reach an intensity of up to 188 decibels and can be heard at a distance of 800 km.
  • Blue whales are also the largest animals
The strongest animal
  • The little-known copepod is the most powerful animal. The copepod is considered to be 10–30 times stronger than any car or animal in the world
Longest snake
  • Large anaconda, found in South America, usually has a length of about 8 m.
  • But one day an anaconda was caught, its length was 14 m and its diameter was 82 cm.
Fastest animal
  • The speed of the cheetah is the highest among animals, 110-115 km per hour
Fastest fish
  • The swimming record belongs to the sailfish (Tetrapturus audax), whose speed reaches 109 km/h over short distances.
The bravest animal
  • The bravest animal is the honey badger, which lives in Africa and India. He engages in battle with an animal of any size
The best climber
  • The best climber is a snow goat living in the mountains of North America. Snow goats move along completely vertical cliffs
The longest-legged bird
  • The longest-legged bird is the flamingo. It lives mainly in the tropics and subtropics, but sometimes - very rarely - it flies into the territory of Belarus.
Longest beak
  • The sword-billed hummingbird (Ensifera ensifera) has the longest beak. It's longer than her head, neck and torso combined
The most unusual bird
  • The most unusual bird is considered to be the tropical kiwi bird - it has unusual feathers that resemble thick wool, and it itself is the least like a bird
The most voracious animal
  • The shrew and dragonfly are the most voracious.
  • A shrew eats 4 times its own weight per day, and a dragonfly can eat 40 house flies
  • All of these animals have extraordinary qualities that make them unique in the natural world.
  • The world of living nature conceals many wonders and unusual things.
  • You and I must save and save this world!
Internet resources:
  • Guinness Book of Records - records of our Earth on the website›interesting
  • Record holders of the animal kingdom on the website
  •›pictures of anaconda
  •›pictures of a blue whale
  •›pictures of Galapagos tortoise
  •› cheetah
  • Green presentation template
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