Horoscope for August from Alexander Zaraev. Horoscope for August from Alexander Zaraev Astrologer Zaraev forecast for the year

The name of one of the leading astrologers in Russia, Professor A.V. Zaraev (People's Academician, President of the Russian Astrological School) is so popular that his forecasts are known and recognized in Russia, the CIS countries and even abroad.

A. Zaraev made a 15-year forecast related to the fate of Russia back in 1989. He predicted that perestroika would go through 7 cycles (about 2 years for each). It will end in 2002. In August 1999 - the last of the cycles - there will be a change in the supreme power in our state. “It was from this time that Putin, Yeltsin’s successor, became the leader of the country,” recalls the scientist and astrologer.

The struggle that threatens the Muslim world and the West will be the main event of 2016. The American clairvoyant Edgar Cayce assured that a united Europe would be scattered islands with individual cultures. Astrologer Alexander Zaraev notes: “But it’s not just about 2016. From March 2011 to 2018, the planet Uranus will be in the sign of Aries.”

The transition period will last until 2012. The protests on the city streets and the formation of a new opposition have not yet been forgotten. These events became a kind of finale. After this, as A. Zaraev states in his forecast, Russia will enter the path of intensive development. It will take 12 years. The renewal cycle established by perestroika will end in 2024. And turning points occur in 2016.
“The coming year – the year of the Fire Monkey – will definitely be dynamic,” predicts A. Zaraev. – It will become an impetus for everything new: traditions and attitudes will change. The element of the year, Fire, will fuel revolutionary sentiments.”

In mid-August - early October 2016, some changes will be possible in Russia. The conflict in Ukraine is threatened by a new round of events. The authorities will have to withstand another test of strength. The economic downturn, the very bottom of the crisis, will fall in the third quarter of the year. It will not be easy for all of us; it is important not to give up in order to prevent possible social unrest. At the same time, already in October - November, the time of recovery in the economy begins. The same applies to oil prices.

The European community should prepare for a serious turn of events - the process of the collapse of the EU. In September 2015, Saturn enters the constellation Sagittarius, and Jupiter moves into the sign of Virgo. This period is marked by a confrontation between two systems: state policy and public life. We should expect changes in constitutional rules and borders of powers, a change in state leaders or even governments whose activities do not correspond to public demands. Some European leaders may not be able to maintain their authority in 2016.

Thus, there is no threat of calm in the coming year. It will excite peoples and states. This means that we can overcome everything only through patience, not excluding common sense.


The first and second ten days of August are a favorable period for Aries, and many of them will be able at this time not only to recharge their body with new energy, but also to strengthen their love and friendship relationships. However, Aries's entrepreneurial spirit will weaken significantly; overwork will take its toll, as will the sluggishness of their partners. In addition, in the second decade, any trips can be extremely unfavorable, since they will cause unnecessary expenditure of time, money and effort. But in the third decade, Aries needs to think about a vacation or change of activity. Active physical recreation and tourism can bring Aries a lot of unforgettable impressions, give them new acquaintances that can develop into vibrant love relationships, so at the end of the month they have the opportunity to open up new perspectives in their personal lives.


The activity of Taurus in August will not be stable enough, so first of all they need to maintain their health, and only then plan their activities. Tension in relationships with loved ones and partners, which is likely in early August, will also bring chaos and bustle into the life of Taurus. But at the same time, in business and professional activities they will be very dynamic, which will help to make some positive changes, find additional sources of income, and engage in parallel activities. In the second half of August, Taurus’ mood and well-being will improve significantly, but communication and travel will not bring them moral satisfaction. In addition, the information received may turn out to be false or Taurus may trust casual acquaintances too much.


August will be a more positive and promising period for many Geminis, although it cannot be called very stable. In the first half of the month, their energy potential and attractiveness increase significantly, so the interest of representatives of the opposite sex in them also increases. This time will be remembered by many Geminis for interesting meetings, strengthening of friendships and love ties. However, Gemini's creative potential will be unstable, work will not bring satisfaction, as it may require increased concentration and distract from communication and pleasant meetings, which will abound in August. Despite the fact that Gemini's intellectual potential will be at its best, there will be much less opportunity to use it effectively, especially in the second half of August.

August is a relatively calm period for many Cancers, when they will be busy with their usual activities and responsibilities. Although small disagreements with loved ones can still be a source of resentment and unrest, after the 10th the Cancers will be more accommodating, so there will be peace and tranquility in the family again. Despite the stagnation in business, Cancers’ mood will improve every day, they will be able to act more coherently and harmoniously and attract new partners to their projects. However, the emotionality of Cancers can let them down, as they can be too generous with promises and thereby plant seeds of mistrust in their potential partners. By the end of the month, there will be more understanding and trust in relationships with lovers, and this is a good period for traveling together, for family holidays and shopping.

For Leo, August is the beginning of the next stage in their life. Along with energy growth in the first half of August, they will feel the opportunity to communicate more freely and easily with a variety of people and provide them with support, patronage, enjoying the love and respect of others. In addition, this is a very intense creative period when they will be able to create beautiful works and materialize their dreams. Scientific activity will also be successful, since Leo’s intellectual abilities will be very active. This month they will be very popular, witty and eloquent, so they will be able to easily make new acquaintances, find new partners and sponsors. In the second half of the month, problems in the family and with loved ones are likely, and at the end of August - conflicts and disagreements with partners.


For health and psycho-emotional stability, the first and second ten days of August are an unfavorable period, so many Virgos need to relax more often and not overload themselves with work. However, at this time their sexual attractiveness is more clearly manifested, which will allow them to shift part of their work onto the shoulders of loved ones and colleagues. By the way, high creative potential and intuition will help Virgos open up new opportunities for using their talents and creating a good base for material growth. In the second half of the month, Virgos need to be very attentive towards their partners and colleagues, as well as during trips and business trips, since some of their words and actions may be misinterpreted, which can lead to conflicts in the team, as well as unexpected expenses of money and strength.


The first and second ten days of August for most Libras is a fairly positive period, when there will be positive dynamics in business, and this is a great merit of friends and partners who will try both morally and materially to stimulate the activities of Libra. Thanks to this, the stagnation in business will gradually pass by the third decade, and Libra will be able to take on the implementation of postponed plans with new creative forces and ideas, as well as begin new activities. After August 10, relationships with loved ones will become more harmonious, therefore, when in the third decade Libra needs their moral and physical support, it is the family that will become their lifeline. After the 25th, Libra's relationships at work may become significantly more complicated, as slander, envy and intrigue behind their back can greatly affect their career and prospects.


August will be a rather problematic and difficult period for most Scorpios, since the decrease in their energy potential at the beginning of the month will lead to many problems and inconsistencies both in the business sphere and in relationships with others. It's time to think about a vacation, and they will be inclined to this thought by their own unstable emotions and partners, who will point out to them the mistakes they have made. In addition, there may be stagnation in business caused by the vacation period or the sluggishness of colleagues, while professional problems can cause material problems, especially at the end of the month. However, Scorpios will actively look for a way out of this situation, find sponsors, take out money on credit, and also collect the necessary information to find alternative options for earning money.


In the first half of August, Sagittarius will be able to rise to new heights in their careers, as well as strengthen love and partnership relationships. This is a fairly energy-saturated period during which they will be able to improve their health, get rid of negative energy, engage in new creative plans, and take interesting trips. Friendly meetings and love dates will follow each other like kaleidoscope pictures, especially after the 11th, and many Sagittarius will be very popular at this time. In the first half of the month, many of them will experience success in their careers, when they can get a higher position, a highly paid job, as well as income from old projects. However, in the second half of August, Sagittarians need to watch their words, since talkativeness can cause complications in relationships with others.


At the beginning of August, as well as from the 12th to the 20th, most Capricorns will feel tired, apathetic and unwell. Their biofield will be weakened, so many of them may get tired even from communication, and also risk becoming easy prey for critics and negative influence from others. The desire to focus on your problems will make relationships with loved ones drier, which will not allow you to take advantage of their support and energy protection. At the same time, there will be dynamics in their professional activities, so Capricorns will have to mobilize their strength so as not to miss good chances. Therefore, successful meetings, contacts and trips will contribute to the material and creative growth of most Capricorns, and will also help them compensate for failures on the love front.


August in general is an interesting period for many Aquarians, since at this time they can discover hitherto hidden talents and abilities, especially in the first half of the month. Many positive changes await them in relationships with their lovers in the second and third decades. However, during the period from August 15 to 25, Aquarius may be frivolous in their obligations, which will cause disapproval from their business partners. Therefore, during the active and positive period from the 5th to the 12th, people of this sign need to fulfill the maximum of their duties in order to eliminate labor disputes. The intellectual potential and communication skills of Aquarius will be unstable throughout the month, so they need to consult with loved ones more often, not go on trips and not sign important documents in the second ten days of August.


In August, the unfavorable situation will continue for most Pisces, since they will lack the energy and physical strength to get out of difficulties. At the same time, due to low sexual and creative potential, communication with them will be completely uninteresting and emotionally unstable. This can be the cause and consequence of energy imbalance, problems with finances, stagnation in creative and professional areas of life, and can also lead to major and minor troubles at the everyday level. However, the fairly high intellectual potential of Pisces, especially in the first decade, will help them turn the situation around and cope with problems that can greatly affect their destiny. After the 25th, Pisces will be fully armed again, and the most important meetings and affairs can be planned for this time.


Zaraev's horoscope has attracted the attention of many people for several years.

This is due to the fact that People’s Academician and Professor A.V. Zaraev is considered one of the best astrologers in Russia. At the same time, his forecasts are also taken into account abroad.

The introduction of a new technique for determining a sequence of events from a person’s aura made it possible to say with great accuracy what might happen in the future.

Zaraev's horoscopes have been published since 1999 in special editions, and a large percentage of coincidence has been noted.

Let's find out what Zaraev's horoscope says for 2018 for the Yellow Earth Dog. It will begin on February 16 after the new moon in Aquarius.

Astro forecast Zaraev 2018 for the world

The element of Fire is not tamed too quickly, and the Fire Rooster left the world with impressive reserves of energy, so the revolutionary spirit and the likelihood of conflict situations will persist for some time.

The positive side of the fiery years was that they brought cleansing and renewal to the world, taught them to compromise and look for more acceptable solutions to all problems.

In 2018, due to the influence of the Earth element, a new phase of development favorable for humanity will begin.

Back in 2015, when Saturn stopped its advance in the constellation Sagittarius, and Virgo fixed a point in Jupiter, an impetus was given to the development of destructive processes in the European Union.

The accuracy of this forecast is confirmed by recent events related to the British Brexit.

In 2018, confrontation between political forces and social systems will continue in Western Europe, which could result in serious changes in constitutional provisions, a revision of the rules of functioning of the association, and even the withdrawal of several states from the European Union.

After the change of government leader, the United States will pursue a tough policy towards the Muslim world, which is fraught with aggravation of conflicts in the Middle East.

It is quite possible that the new American president will be able to make the United States a leader in world politics, taking advantage of internal European contradictions.

The situation in Ukraine is far from stable, because the transition of aggressive Uranus into the constellation Aries gave too strong an impetus for this.

Probably, internal conflicts will force the people to once again express their protest, maybe even by force.

The situation in the East of the state will not be resolved, but in 2018 it promises to be less tense - the conflict will enter a sluggish stage or will be frozen.

Zaraev's forecast for Russia for 2018

The fact that Zaraev predicts a difficult year for the Russian state no longer surprises anyone.

Residents of the country have already gotten used to the crisis, sanctions and inflation.

Budgetary problems and economic instability have, in general, become normal for the country.

The astrologer believes that Russians should not yet expect a strengthening of the economy and a normalization of the ruble exchange rate, because 2018 will not be an easy year

Some good astrological news, according to Zaraev, is that in 2012 the Russian Federation entered a new era of development, which will last 12 years.

This means that in 2024 the processes of internal renewal and restructuring will end in the state, and the next round will take the country to a qualitatively new level of economic development.

And at the moment, internal conflicts in society and tense foreign policy remain relevant.

This situation will not change until the election of a new head of the Russian Federation.

The risk of developing religious conflicts and social protests due to the financial needs of ordinary Russians will be especially high.

Several years ago, Alexander Zaraev already predicted radical changes for the Russian government.

In 2017-2018, Vladimir Putin’s resignation from the presidency cannot be ruled out.

However, Russian political scientists categorically do not support such stellar forecasts.

They consider rotation in the presidential apparatus possible, but not a fundamental change of political forces.

Horoscope Zaraev 2018 according to the signs of the Zodiac

But here is what astrologer Zaraev can briefly say to each sign separately in the year of the Dog.

Horoscope 2018 Zaraeva Pisces

Also, variety in communicating with people will contribute to emotional uplift, which will only benefit you.

The need for change can lead to a change in occupation or the emergence of a new interesting hobby.

Horoscope 2018 from Zaraev Aries

For Aries, 2018 is the best time to have children or at least get married to a loved one.

Good luck awaits you in your career; a change of job will bring material wealth to your family.

When communicating with unfamiliar people, do not reveal your soul, otherwise your frankness may harm you.

As winter approaches, pay attention to your health; an energy decline is expected.

Horoscope 2018 Zaraeva Taurus

All year long, Taurus will be concerned about career growth, and you will really succeed in everything in this field.

The main thing is that your workaholism does not interfere with your personal life, because your significant other will require increased attention to their person.

A major purchase is possible at the end of the year, but the decision must be well thought out.

Horoscope 2018 from Zaraev Gemini

Don't demand too much from others so as not to be disappointed.

Take your emotions under strict control and try not to be too straightforward in order to avoid conflict situations and save your nerves.

But in the love sphere, it’s time to make fundamental decisions, the timeliness of which determines the longevity of your relationship.

Horoscope 2018 Alexander Zaraev for Cancer

The sharp mind of Rakov will be maximally activated in 2018 in order to overtake not only business competitors, but also rivals in amorous affairs.

But there may come a period in the family when it will take a lot of effort to maintain the same relationship or even not lead to divorce. Your first or next child can help you with this.

Relationships with your parents may also deteriorate due to your inattention to them.

Horoscope 2018 from Zaraev Leo

In the year of the Dog, Leo is important not to miss a moment that can turn your life around and make you a very financially secure person.

On the love front, everything is not as smooth as we would like. To prevent separation, be as reasonable as possible.

Horoscope 2018 Zaraeva for Virgo

Many Virgos will want dramatic changes in all areas of life this year. It's worth thinking about starting your own business

However, this must be done very carefully so as not to go back to the starting point and start all over again.

If everything works out for you, you can count on enormous success in your creativity, thanks to your emotional uplift. But it’s better not to solve love affairs in the year of the Dog.

Horoscope 2018 from Zaraev Libra

Libra will be in an atmosphere of uncertainty; they will face a difficult period of misunderstanding of others.

But this stressful situation will help you understand where to go next, so that in the future success will accompany you in all matters.

Horoscope 2018 Zaraeva Scorpio

Even those peaks that you did not dare to dream about will submit to you. 2018 will be the beginning of a wide white streak in your life.

The main thing is not to rush and use your fortune for the benefit of career growth and financial income.

In love relationships, Scorpio should not change anything this year, so as not to be distracted from success in business.

Horoscope 2018 from Zaraev for Sagittarius

Trust your intuition and look for non-standard solutions; it is your extraordinary thinking that will help you make important decisions.

In 2018, frequent trips await you, including a long-awaited vacation at the resort of your dreams.

New acquaintances can turn into useful connections in the future, be sociable. In matters of love, no special changes are expected.

Horoscope 2018 Zaraeva Capricorn

Representatives of this zodiac sign will experience financial stability in the year of the Dog. Engage in increasing material wealth and strengthening business connections.

A similar situation awaits you in family relationships; spend more time with your marriage partner.

Horoscope 2018 Zaraeva Aquarius

For Aquarius, the year of the Earth Dog will be full of stormy events. This exciting period will bring particularly strong changes in love relationships and careers.

You should not resist them, and then the year will bring you good luck in love, career growth and improved living conditions.

In the second half of the year, you should take a little rest to recover from everything that happened.

You can learn more about Zaraev’s horoscope for 2018 by watching a video with his personal participation (still pending).

Enjoy watching!

One of the leading astrologers of our time, Alexander Zaraev, enjoys well-deserved popularity among the Russian population. It would seem that predicting the future from the stars is quite difficult, but he is the one who does it perfectly, because he gained fame and recognition throughout the CIS thanks to his accurate forecasts. Many people are wondering about the astrological forecast for Russia for 2016 from Zaraev, because this man developed a fundamentally new concept of astroforecasting, which gives an incredibly high percentage of matches.

Today, quite a lot of people use the knowledge of astrology in their professional activities, and this is not surprising, because of all the methods of predicting the future available to humanity, astrological forecasts are considered the most truthful, the main thing is to be able to interpret them correctly. There is no doubt that Zaraev is able to correctly interpret the message of the heavenly bodies, because it was he who was able to predict the 15-year fate of the Russian Federation in 1891. He knew that the union would fall apart, and perestroika would not end before 2002, and he also knew that in 1999 the supreme power would change, and the post of president of the country would be taken by a very powerful person who would rule for an extremely long time (it was then that for the first time in the elections Vladimir Putin won).

Related news:

What can you expect?

As you know, the coming year will pass under the auspices of the Fire Monkey, therefore, it will be extremely dynamic. Fire is a fairly aggressive element, which means it will happen, but it is thanks to it that the state will receive a “impetus” for changes for the better. According to the astrologer, the Russian economy will begin to recover, but the appearance of new “black holes” in the sky may be evidence that the recovery process cannot be called quick. We should not expect a powerful boost to the economy in the near future.

People will be quite aggressive, because the energy of space will awaken in them not very good-natured emotions, so it is possible that aggression will lead all people to a state of civil war (the stars really cannot say anything specific, so the information about the war may not turn out to be true) .

To be frank, astrologer Zaraev’s forecast for 2016 for Russia is practically no different from the predictions of other astrologers. Of course, a difficult period awaits Russians, but almost everyone is talking about this today. You don’t need to be an astrologer to understand that the lack of stability in the economic system and Western sanctions simply cannot guarantee people a peaceful future. As for astrology specifically, Russia will be under the influence of Mars, and this planet is distinguished by an aggressive disposition, which means that anxiety will definitely not be avoidable, however, it is believed that Mars is capable of not only making people aggressive, but also slightly balancing their emotions, so most likely the state will be on the verge of military action. The fall of the ruble will continue, so there is no point in expecting any positive changes in this area of ​​life for Russians; the same is true for oil, according to the astrologer.

In addition, Alexander Zaraev’s forecast for 2016 contains information that the country may also face religious conflicts that will erupt against the backdrop of citizens’ dissatisfaction with the functioning of their economic system. According to some assumptions, this could even lead to the emergence of a new international conflict (many wars arose against the background of religious misunderstandings). The next year for Vladimir Putin will be especially difficult, as evidenced by the period of the lunar eclipse, which will take place under the sign of Libra. The astrologer is confident that this celestial phenomenon is a sign of radical change, and this is bad news for the president, because the stars warn that the country's citizens will lose faith in him. Moreover, the stars predict that the president will end his brilliant career and leave politics, but most experts consider this almost impossible.

Horoscope from an astrologer

Zaraev’s horoscope for 2016 for Russia is also popular, because the astrologer, when compiling it, touched on almost all signs at once. Moreover, he said that men will experience sexual enhancement (many will consider this news quite good), but women may face health problems, so they should pay special attention to taking care of their body.

People who were born under the constellations of Aries or Scorpio will experience great financial success, so fate literally hints to them that it is worth making large financial investments. In the first half of the year, all zodiac signs should not make large purchases (cars, real estate), because black holes will have a negative impact. The stars also advise everyone to pay attention to the fact that troubles in their personal or social life (they invariably arise against the backdrop of a financial crisis), depression may begin to bother them, but they should not despair, because the situation will soon improve and so will their mood.

Events and destinies in 2017 will be greatly influenced by the owner of the year - the Red Fire Rooster. According to the Chinese calendar, he will replace the Monkey only on January 28th. What to expect from the stars next year, said astrologer and owner of the Sirius publishing house, Professor Alexander Zaraev.

Horoscope of Alexander Zaraev for 2017: Aries (21.03 - 20.04)

For most representatives of this sign, 2017 will bring many good and even unexpected changes in their lives. First of all, many positive situations can be associated with their personal life, which will undoubtedly affect their career and material well-being. The appearance of new acquaintances who can awaken romantic feelings in Aries can lead Aries to the decision to get married and outline long-term plans. And some people of this sign may experience an addition to their family this year or the appearance of new members in their family environment.

In any case, the changes taking place will contribute to the harmonization of relationships with loved ones, strengthening family ties and expanding the circle of friends. In addition, Aries business partners can offer them promising and interesting cooperation related to business or social activities already at the beginning of the year. At the same time, many people of this sign in the first quarter will be able to get rid of some past ones that are slowing down their careers and relationships, that is, we can say that this part of the year will pass under the sign of liberation and spiritual cleansing.

For most Aries, in the second quarter important events may occur in their home environment regarding relationships with parents or children, and long-awaited changes in their professional activities may also begin.

During this period, Aries will be able to easily throw off the shackles of old, outdated relationships and connections, and will be able to concentrate on matters postponed until later, for example, finishing the construction of their own house or landscaping an apartment. They will feel empowered to take responsibility for decisions and actions that could radically change their lives and future relationships in the second half of the year. April and May may be especially important in this sense, when Aries are ending many old programs and relationships, and they need to prepare for the creative upsurge that is expected in early April. They may feel freer and more open to transformation and change, and Fortune will favor them until early November.

Many of them will be able to advance in their careers, improve their financial situation in an unexpected and successful way, receiving compensation for past patience and hard work. Therefore, in the third quarter and until the end of October, Aries need to be visible and communicate as actively as possible. At the beginning of November, some troubles are possible, caused by the need to clearly define the rights and responsibilities of others, and Aries need to be very careful, especially in risky projects, the start of which is scheduled for December or January next year. The time for these changes, planned at the end of the fourth quarter, has not yet come, so at the end of the year they need to be careful, trying to avoid conflict situations and dubious proposals.

Health horoscope for Aries for 2017

For Aries, 2017 may be a mixed year, and the first half may be less favorable than the second. There will be significant changes in their lives that will affect both the business and personal lives of Aries.

Already at the beginning of the year, they may be offered promising interesting cooperation related to business or social activities. Therefore, high energy costs await them, and if they do not maintain their health in the first half of the year, then in the second half they risk losing the race, and then they will have to seriously take care of themselves.

So, in January and in the first ten days of February they need to prevent overwork, monitor their diet and regime, otherwise in March, when the most unfavorable and even dangerous period for health awaits them and a change in energy fields occurs, Aries may find themselves weakened and incapable not only to engage in business, career or social activities, but also to resist infections during epidemics.

In the first ten days of April, they need to pay attention to their blood pressure, visit an ophthalmologist, or a dentist, since at this time problems may arise in these areas. It’s better if they retire before their birthday and allow themselves to relax. They will absolutely need this time-out in order to look around, understand and realize what is happening, and also replenish their energy resources.

May and June are completely harmonious periods in terms of health, when Aries will be able to fully use their professional skills, talents and knowledge, and achieve high results both in business and in sports. But in July, a very disharmonious period awaits them again, when it is necessary to monitor the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and control their emotions, otherwise this threatens not only an aggravation in the area of ​​digestion, but also serious conflicts.

Aries expects another negative period in the third ten days of September, when, as a result of an unhealthy lifestyle and indulgence in bad habits, they risk greatly weakening their energy. The end of the year may turn out to be more favorable and calm both in terms of health and for success in business and personal life.

Horoscope of Alexander Zaraev for 2017: Taurus (21.04 - 21.05)

For most Taurus, 2017 will be associated to a greater extent with their professional activities and career changes. They can change their relationships with their superiors, with the team, and they themselves will want and be able to act as a leader or a successful organizer. All the steps taken in this direction, already in the first quarter, will help many Taurus in the future to assert themselves, earn money and enter a new round of professional and creative orbit.

This mainly applies to the first half of the year, since, starting in July, many of them will be devoting more time to both business and personal partnerships. This is a favorable time for marriage, as well as for expanding creative and cultural ties, for romantic acquaintances and friendly contacts. Thanks to this, already in the second half of the year they will have many new acquaintances, some will begin long-term love relationships, while others will have interesting meetings and simply romantic interests. The charm and charm of Taurus will increase, and thanks to their charisma and abundance of creative ideas, they will be able to successfully begin the next six-year cycle. However, to achieve this, you will have to work hard in the first half of the year.

In this case, already at the beginning of August, many Taurus will be able to free themselves from old debts and misconceptions and will be committed to spiritual, creative, and professional growth. By the way, the most successful months for them in this regard will be the beginning of September and October, when they will pay more attention to their main activities and the main goals of their life. However, at the beginning of November, troubles and tensions in relationships with superiors, colleagues or loved ones will be a kind of test of their resilience and commitment to their ideas.

A similar situation may develop even earlier, in the first ten days of April (from the 2nd to the 10th), and in order not to make a mistake, during this period Taurus needs to be extremely self-possessed and correct. Taurus born in late April - early May should be especially careful in the first half of the year and in the first quarter. At this time, many of them will be wondering whether to give up everything and do something new.

However, at the end of May the situation will begin to change dramatically for the better, and minor problems in relationships, especially during the period from June 14 to 21, as well as from July 2 to 7, will help you understand who is a true friend and who is an enemy. Then a streak of creative success will begin for Taurus in the second half of the year. By the way, during the period from September 21 to 30, a lack of energy can cause malaise and a feeling of fatigue and depression. Disagreements with partners and financial problems are also possible during the period from November 2 to November 11.

However, almost the entire month of October, the second and third ten days of November, as well as the first ten days of December will be favorable for professional activities, everyday affairs, and the start of new projects. Taurus should try to celebrate the New Year 2018 in a calm atmosphere, since the period from the 20th to the 28th is unfavorable both for their health and for sorting out relationships.

Health horoscope for Taurus for 2017

For health and energy, this year may turn out to be quite harmonious, when they will be able to devote more energy to their career, not forgetting to equip their home. Energetic Taurus will be able to assert themselves, earn money, and enter a new round of professional and creative orbit already in the first quarter.

True, in January and early February, energy losses are possible, caused by gluttony, the desire to pamper oneself, to relax, and this can affect the quality and energy content of their aura, which will lead to loss of ability to work and a weakening of the body’s protective functions.

In the second half of March, Taurus also need to take care of themselves, since in the spring the body is cleansed of toxins accumulated over the winter, so many Taurus may suffer from diseases of the throat and upper respiratory tract.

In April, people of this sign experience a change in energy fields, when chronic diseases worsen, and in this regard, the first half of the month is a very disharmonious period.

If Taurus manages to survive this period without health problems, then May will be the most favorable for them, when they will feel a surge of energy, optimism, and will be able to recover from illnesses and the consequences of stress.

The next unfavorable period for their energy and health is expected in July and the first ten days of August, when perception becomes more acute, emotions are heightened and it will be difficult to control one’s energy. At this time, it is extremely important not to let it stagnate, try to walk more, swim, avoid conflicts and watch your diet. The second half of August and the first half of September are a completely harmonious period when you can go on vacation, get new impressions, and renew your aura.

In the third ten days of September, it is advisable for Taurus to remain aware, not succumb to illusions and not allow their feelings and emotions to guide their consciousness.

The period after October 20 is quite harmonious for the health of many Taurus, when you can make bold plans for the next year, hold meetings, and also take care of yourself, your appearance, updating your wardrobe and image. This is also a favorable period for romantic adventures, weddings and the birth of children.

Horoscope of Alexander Zaraev for 2017: Gemini (22.05-21.06)

The first half of 2017 will be very successful for many Geminis. This will be associated primarily with their active participation in social activities, with romantic adventures, with strengthening their positions thanks to the ability to achieve popularity and financial acumen. Most Geminis should use these circumstances to establish profitable connections and establish contacts that can be very significant for them. A high level of energy during this period will allow them to realize a large number of plans, they will be able to have fun to the fullest and also successfully develop their main activity.

Also, this time, especially from February 5 to 20, is a very opportune moment to enlist the support of business partners, find sponsors, and negotiate working conditions with management. Many meetings and plans need to be scheduled already during this period, so that in the second half of the year you can have time as you wish. This is very important for many Geminis, because if they cannot decide on their plans, at the end of April they may have complications in relations with work colleagues, management, and they will also have to deal with issues relating to old agreements, travel a lot, small errands. However, if Gemini manages to prepare a good material and legal basis for future affairs, they will not be afraid of fuss and minor troubles at the end of the second quarter and in the second half of the year.

Despite the fact that Gemini will clearly lack financial resources almost throughout the year, in the first half of the year it will be easier for them to cope with this problem than in the second. Here it is important to think in advance about how to properly distribute income, invest it in promising projects, shares, or purchase valuables in order to be more financially independent in the future. As for the health status of Gemini, unfavorable periods in this sense may be: the second ten days of January, the third ten days of April and the second ten days of May.

At this time, they need to take care of proper nutrition, proper sleep and rest in order to restore vitality. Situations that can provoke nervous or physical exhaustion should be avoided, which in the future can turn into more serious problems for Gemini, so before their birthday (especially in the first and second decades of May) they need to carefully spend their energy.

The end of September (from the 21st to the 30th) is also unfavorable for them, since difficulties may arise in the field of professional activity. They may experience distrust and envy on the part of their colleagues, which will negatively affect their emotional state. But in October, after the 4th, many Geminis will be able to restore their life potential and more actively use their knowledge and experience in the second half of November. The first ten days of November also promises trouble for many Geminis, as it is fraught with conflicts with partners, both in business and in family relationships.
At this time, they may be faced with the need to repay debts and even fight for their interests. All this will knock Gemini out of their usual rhythm of life and spoil their mood. However, in the remaining days of November and in the first half of December, positive changes await them in the sphere of romantic relationships, and fresh ideas in terms of business that have emerged will help most Geminis act freely and effectively in 2018.

Health horoscope for Gemini 2017

The first half of the year may be more uncomfortable than the second. Gemini will experience active communication, participation in public events, as well as romantic adventures, which, against the backdrop of the disharmonious influences of the Cosmos, can lead to large energy losses, poor health and exacerbation of chronic diseases. So, already in January after the holidays, many Geminis will be tuned to a calmer pace of life. At this time, it is better for them to avoid mass events, since seasonal infections and weakening of the biofield can lead to viral diseases.

In February, Gemini's energy will also be unstable, many of them will be prone to depression, sudden mood swings and may lose a lot of energy even on minor matters. The period from March 15 to April 12 may also be negative for their sensitive energy. At this time, it is important to receive good nutrition, rich in vitamins A, C, E, and also not to allow yourself to be lazy, spend more time in the fresh air, do breathing practices, which will help them replenish energy losses.

May and June are a completely positive period, and although Gemini’s energy is renewed in May, the harmonious influence of the Cosmos will help them maintain good physical shape and not lose activity. If at this time they carry out health practices, then in June they will have a new and very favorable period when they can make big changes in their lives.

But in July, Gemini needs to change their activity and devote more time to rest, and it is best to plan a vacation and go on a trip at this time in order to get a supply of vigor and impressions for the entire energetic year.

Although while traveling they need to watch their diet, especially if they encounter completely different culinary traditions. At the end of September, Geminis also need to reduce their activity, devote more time to rest and favorite activities, since emotional overload can lead to stressful conditions, insomnia, and nervous diseases. Autumn and the end of the year will be quite favorable for Gemini both for health and for an active social life.

Horoscope of Alexander Zaraev for 2017: Cancer (22.06 - 22.07)

For most Cancers, 2017 is a very important stage in life, since their idea of ​​themselves and those around them can radically change. Some of the Cancers will have to take responsibility not only for their own destiny, but also for the destiny of their loved ones and the changes that will occur in their environment. First of all, this may affect their relationships with relatives or family members, since Cancers will have to resolve issues related to real estate, repairs or construction.
For a stable psycho-emotional state, in 2017 it will still be important for many Cancers to have a reliable, protected rear in the form of a strong friendly family and reliable, loyal friends who can always provide them with moral and financial support, as well as give timely advice. However, Cancers should not relax and expect to spend the first quarter in hibernation, since this is the right moment to change their lives for the better, try to get rid of some bad habits, false ideas and unnecessary connections.

In the second quarter, they will feel the need to engage in self-improvement, they will openly express their feelings in communication or in creativity, and already from the end of July, many Cancers will feel an emotional uplift. They will be in the mood for romantic adventures or want to take part in some kind of social movement. Their creative ideas and hidden talents will be in demand, and in the second half of the year, Cancers may find themselves in the center of everyone's attention. The stars will primarily favor representatives of this sign who are expecting the birth of a child or moving to a new place of residence, as well as those people who have decided to start a family, try their hand at business or creativity. True, not the whole year will be cloudless.

The third ten days of January (from the 25th to the 31st) can be very tense, when disagreements with colleagues or management and problems in relationships with partners are possible. This situation in the first ten days of February can affect their health and emotional state, but at the same time become a kind of karmic test, as a result of which they will be able to free themselves from old, interfering connections and see the true faces of those around them.

Another difficult period for many Cancers may be the days from April 2 to the 12th, when the strength of their relationships with friends or loved ones will be tested. Travel, any contacts, negotiations, or starting a new activity during this period are not very favorable, as they can lead to disappointment and unexpected problems. It is quite risky to start new businesses between June 14 and June 25. At this time, it is better for Cancers to analyze their accumulated experience and think about how they can effectively use the next creative upsurge, which is possible in late August - early September.
After a number of minor problems that can overshadow relationships with family members or relatives in the third ten days of September, October will be quite favorable for Cancers, especially its second half, when romantic adventures, the implementation of creative plans, and financial success are not excluded. If Cancers manage to maintain the height they have achieved and not lose the skills acquired in the first ten days of November, then they will have a very successful end to the year, and the end of November - beginning of December will be remembered as one of the most positive periods in the outgoing year.

Health horoscope for Cancers for 2017

The first half of 2017 may not be very harmonious for Cancers, since they will be faced with large and important tasks, and sometimes they will have no time to stop and replenish their energy reserves. Their partners will be more preoccupied with themselves, so Cancers will often not feel supported. So, already at the beginning of the year they need to be very restrained about their desires, not allowing themselves to overeat during the holidays. A disharmonious energy background can affect the digestive tract of Cancers, which is already weakened in them.

At the same time, January can also turn out to be a rather tense period in terms of partnerships, so the psycho-emotional state of Cancers can also affect the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, in the first and last decades of February they also need to monitor their condition, since at this time there is a high probability of colds and viral diseases, as well as changes in blood pressure and the risk of injury.

In the first half of March, Cancers will be able to take a breath and recharge their batteries, but in the second half of the month, a weakening of the kidney meridian can lead to infectious inflammation in the genitourinary area. But from April 13 until July, Cancers can lead a dynamic rhythm of life, when their emotional background will be on the rise.

At this time, they should only beware of conflicts with others, as well as their own irritation and creative restlessness. At the same time, in June, Cancers will be able to gain strength and celebrate their birthday on an optimistic note. However, in July they need to be especially attentive to themselves, since excessive emotionality and incontinence can lead to serious exacerbations of gastrointestinal diseases. The second half of the year will be more interesting for Cancers, especially for starting a family, having children, and setting up a home.

And in this regard, from August 10 to September 18, they will be able to very actively organize their personal lives and careers. At the end of September, you should not be nervous, as well as overwork and carry heavy loads, so as not to develop problems with the spine and cardiovascular system. The last three months of the year are a completely favorable period for the health of Cancers, which they can live actively and interestingly.

Horoscope of Alexander Zaraev for 2017: Leo (23.07 - 23.08)

In 2017, Leos will want to change everything around them, their environment and relationships with loved ones. In a sense, this is a karmic year, when there is an opportunity to understand the experience of relationships, past mistakes and try to correct them, and in the first half of the year it will be easier to deal with accumulated problems and find out the reasons for your failures. By the way, if Leos can show determination and get rid of dubious friends and annoying admirers in the first quarter and concentrate on priority tasks and creative plans, then the first half of the year can be marked by very fruitful activities.

In the spring, Leos will feel the need to act diplomatically and wisely, strengthen their fortitude and faith in their ability to intuitively guess favorable moments for themselves, and not think only about pleasures. As a result of communication with friends and new fashion trends, Leos in the second half of the year, especially at the end of the third quarter, may think about changing their image, making diverse contacts and even traveling abroad. This will help them expand their horizons and enrich themselves with new experiences and ideas that can be successfully implemented in the fourth quarter. Some of the representatives of this sign will want to look at life in different strata of society as if from the outside. This will give them new topics to think about, and will also allow them to establish important connections, which can be very useful in the future and will help them conduct their affairs in a new way and build relationships with loved ones. However, if soon after their birthday many of them want to “put on their royal clothes” again, then they should be more restrained.

The second half of the year in this case will be favorable for investing money in real estate and creating strong emotional connections. This is a good time to strengthen relationships with relatives, especially with the mother or children, as well as for plans related to adding to the family. All this will enable Leos to create a good psychological environment in the house, enjoy the warmth of the family hearth and trusting relationships at the end of the year.

The most difficult period for many Leos may be January, from the 6th to the 15th, as well as from the 25th to the 31st. At this time, some unresolved problems in relationships with loved ones, with management or with subordinates may affect financial issues that will require a quick solution . But mid-February may be more favorable for representatives of this sign, since new acquaintances will be ready to provide them with moral support and material assistance. Leos will be able to work quite calmly and productively, bringing to life their creative or simply home plans, throughout the first half of March and the first ten days of April.

But the period from April 23 and almost until May 10 is again very difficult for Lviv, when you need to think about rest. Their affairs will go with varying degrees of success, which can negatively affect their career and relationships with their superiors, and can also seriously affect their financial situation. At this time, you need to be careful when investing money, when starting any new projects, when sorting out relationships, otherwise you may lose more than you gain.

After a period of emotional stagnation in the first half of July, from the end of July Leo will begin to experience a bright streak. They will feel more confident and will be able to understand the essence of current events, which will allow them to achieve success, well-deserved respect and recognition of their professional merits in October or in the second half of November. During this period, their relationships with others and close people may change for the better; they will begin to value friendly participation more and will be able to count on the loyalty and responsiveness of friends.

Some health problems that are possible in the first ten days of November and in the third ten days of December will remind Leos of the need to be attentive to their well-being and not spend energy so generously. However, most likely, Leos will celebrate the New Year with far-reaching plans, enriched by life experience, in a circle of close people, and perhaps with new acquaintances.

Health horoscope for Leo for 2017

For many Leos, this year will be karmic, when they will have to rethink the accumulated experience of relationships, which will not always be easy for them in psycho-emotional terms. Thus, January and the first ten days of February are a very unfavorable period for the health of Lviv, when nervous overload and dissatisfaction with relationships can create negative energy in the spine, in the projection of the heart. At this time, you should not abuse alcohol, overeat, or exercise little.

At the end of February and from March 13 to March 28, Lviv's energy will also be unstable, so they will be more susceptible to viral infections, as well as exacerbations of radiculitis and other spinal pathologies. In the first ten days of April, the resistance of their body will increase, Leos will feel an influx of fresh strength, but they should not take on their own affairs too actively. The emotional background will be very tense; quarrels and conflicts may often arise, which can lead to neuroses and changes in blood pressure.

May and June will be very calm for Leo's health; they will be at the peak of activity. This time is good to use to restore your health, as well as to look for a new job and additional sources of income.

But in July they will face a strong energy decline, when they will be very vulnerable both to their competitors and critics, and to negative energy influences (the evil eye and damage). This is also a period of exacerbation of chronic diseases, since Leo’s immune system will be very weakened.

They will be able to be revived only after August 10, when the energy potential begins to sharply increase, and every day Leos will feel an influx of fresh creative forces. At the end of September, they need to rest a little, and also beware of drafts, be careful in terms of swimming in cold water and hardening procedures, since at this time the genitourinary system is weakened. But from the second half of September until the end of the year, Leos will be in good physical shape and in an optimistic mood.

Horoscope of Alexander Zaraev for 2017: Virgo (24.08 - 23.09)

For most Virgos, 2017 is a generally favorable period, since it promises pleasant changes in relationships with team members, with management, as well as an opportunity to demonstrate their abilities at a new level. This can provide good financial income, so in the first half of the year Virgos will have fewer financial problems than in 2016. In addition, some of them may receive a promotion, an increase in salary, and others may significantly expand the scope of their activities.

Many Virgos will also feel freer in terms of spiritual self-expression and will strive for collective creativity, while remaining committed to their principles. In the first half of the year, Virgos will have to be more responsible about their decisions and actions, since changes not only in the second half of the year, but also in the lives of loved ones depend on this. This condition can be facilitated by the help of friends, salary increases, bonuses, as well as additional sources of income.

In the first half of the year, Virgos should focus on strengthening their financial situation, since in the future this will make them more independent. They will be able to have a good vacation, and the second half of the year will open up prospects for spiritual and creative development.

After the second half of September, Virgos will be quite optimistic, and romantic interests, love affairs, interesting trips and useful contacts may appear in their lives. In the second half of the year, the circle of communication will also be much expanded, and Virgos will be ready to practically use the emerging information in their daily activities. Relationships with brothers, sisters or other relatives will contribute to the establishment of closer contacts and deep spiritual unity, which will allow Virgos to feel like part of a strong family.
Studying, creativity, introducing fresh ideas, working using the Internet, profitable contracts, business - all this will be successful for Virgos in the second half of the year, so serious positive changes are possible in their lives. The third ten days of January will be difficult for many of them, when tensions may arise in relationships with colleagues and in the family, as well as the first half of April, when unpleasant surprises, deceptions, and behind-the-scenes actions of competitors and envious people are possible.

However, some stagnation in your personal life, which may occur at the beginning of April, will be replaced in May by new love or romantic interests, many meetings and friendly contacts. This will allow Virgos to gain confidence and feel an interest in life. By the way, in the second half of June they should try to avoid conflicts with partners, both former and current. In addition, they should be very careful about new proposals, projects and the start of new cooperation in June, otherwise from July 2 to July 18 they may face disappointments, unforeseen expenses or serious financial losses. It is possible that during this period they will have to work much more than they would like and pay less attention to their family.
At the end of July and in the first ten days of August, Virgos need to think about a vacation so that they can have a good time before the next creative stage, which begins in September. Despite some complications that may appear in the third ten days of September, in October Virgos will experience emotional uplift and career growth, which will continue almost until the beginning of December. This time must be used to solve accumulated problems, implement family plans, and the long-awaited changes will certainly come by the end of 2017.

Health horoscope for Virgos for 2017

For the health of most Virgos, 2017 may turn out to be quite harmonious if during negative periods of the year they follow a routine, communicate more with nature, and do not become overtired. Already at the beginning of the year, from January 5 to February 10, they will experience a rather disharmonious period, when they will feel a lack of strength, apathy, and also be under nervous tension. At this time, one should not freeze, and also not get enough sleep, since many problems will be associated with the fact that their body will not retain heat and energy well. In the first ten days of March, Virgos will be able to replenish their reserves of strength, but already from March 19 to April 13, problems with partners, the need to take on the worries and problems of others can quickly deplete their strength.

At this time, it is extremely important to support their immune system, otherwise they may be completely defenseless against the penetration of pathogenic infections. During the second half of April, May and almost all of June, Virgos will feel very energetic and ready for any activity. However, they will also need timely rest, since the positive prospects that have emerged in business and the material sphere will force them to forget about everything and themselves first of all. The second half of the year will open up prospects for spiritual and creative development for Virgos. However, in July and August they need to be extremely attentive to their conditions, their energy potential will be very weakened, problems with the liver and endocrine system are possible, so it is advisable to take a vacation during this time and eliminate any overwork and nervous tension.

In the first and second decades of September, Virgos will perk up, their vital energy will be renewed, so the influx of fresh strength and optimism will help them to be at the forefront of current events. This is a very favorable period for recuperating from illnesses and stress, for carrying out health-improving activities, so that during the next energetic year you do not slow down your activity and be vigorous and healthy. True, at the end of September you need to take a short break, since Virgos will spend a lot of energy and time on illusory dreams and illusions, and will also perceive everything that is happening too deeply and negatively. The last three months of the year, the energy background for Virgos will be quite favorable, so they will have a very positive end to the year.

Horoscope of Alexander Zaraev for 2017: Libra (24.09 - 23.10)

2017 will be quite unusual for most Libras, since a new six- or twelve-year cycle begins in their lives. This can affect their worldview, self-image, and will also allow them to change their attitude towards others for the better. This year their personal activity, life potential and ability to resist diseases will increase.

Many Libras will become more purposeful and decisive and will be able to draw a line under last year's trials and problems that hindered their evolutionary growth. Most Libras will be ready for changes at work, to search for the meaning of life, which will significantly affect their professional activities, as well as their social status. Some of the representatives of this sign will try to prove themselves in the public or political sphere, as they will have a desire to take a high position and assert themselves.

The situation will be especially favorable in the first quarter of the year, and Libra must make the most of their abilities and connections in order to attract new people, influential people, and patrons to their plans. During this period, you can lay the foundation for future material and professional well-being, that is, what is sown at this time can bear very good fruit in the future. In order for everything to work out, Libra in the second quarter needs to take risks, decisively part with past attachments, or even change their life virtually 180 degrees.

At this time, they will be able to acquire new partners and acquaintances, boldly use the chances provided by fate, and already in the second half of the year, Libra will see the results of their efforts. Their well-being will increase significantly, and business activity and the ability to earn money will allow them to achieve a stable material income. This will be facilitated by a flair for money, the ability to invest it profitably and spend it wisely. New sources of income may appear, as well as interesting, profitable work.

True, sometimes many Libras will have to show their talents in an area that is not entirely familiar to them - in the field of business or financial support, but this promises them pleasant changes, unexpected gifts and successful prospects in business. However, not everything will go smoothly throughout the year; there may be obstacles and problems that may reduce their business activity, especially from January 7 to 15 and in the last ten days of January (from the 25th to the 31st). Having broken old outdated ties and relationships at this time, they will be forced to look for new spaces for their activities, so February and March will be quite successful for most Libras.

But after March 16 and almost until the 31st, many of them will fully feel their dependence on circumstances. Disagreements with partners, envy and ill will, intrigue, unfulfilled promises, old debts can seriously spoil their mood and interfere with business.

However, after April 1 and until the end of the month, they will be able to understand many complex issues, and they will be able to act confidently and effectively. The troubles that may arise at the end of June and in the first ten days of July will show them who they can rely on and with whom it is better to build reliable and long-term relationships. Later, Libra will begin to experience a creative upsurge, which will peak in October.

Another difficult period is from September 21 to 27, when many of them will not be in the best physical shape, and may also face dishonesty of partners or colleagues, although many secrets and unclear motives in their behavior will become clear. However, in the fourth quarter, in November and December, most Libra will be able to feel the favor of Fortune. At the same time, they must not let down their vigilance, since after December 18, not all planned plans will be able to be fulfilled, so at the end of the year they should not take on several things at once, take risks and act too rashly.

Health horoscope for Libra for 2017

This year may turn out to be very important for the formation of healthy energy and psycho-emotional state. Many Libras will be ready to start over, to realize themselves, to take a higher position in society, so good health and a stable psyche will be extremely necessary for them.

The main thing this year is not to be led by your weaknesses, not to allow yourself to be lazy, and not to overeat, since many Libras will be prone to weight gain. In addition, they need to monitor the functioning of the liver, since the weakening of its functions can affect not only the general energy of the body, but also the condition of the skeletal system, especially the hip area. So, in January and in the first ten days of February they need to be more careful on the roads, wear comfortable shoes during icy conditions, and also watch their diet, not forgetting about foods containing calcium and phosphorus.

At this time, there may be unrest associated with partnerships, so they will also need sedatives. The next negative period awaits them in March (from 10 to 25), when nervous disorders can lead to disorders in the digestive system, insomnia and nervous breakdowns. This is also a period of seasonal viral infections and epidemics, so it is better for Libra to refrain from attending cultural events. Only in the second half of April will Libra be able to feel completely energetic and creatively fulfilled.

At this time, it is advisable to support your body with fresh herbs and vitamins. May and the first half of June are a very favorable period for them, when they will be able to work well and fruitfully, as well as have fun. Energy losses at this time are quickly replenished, so Libra will be able to successfully cope with their usual loads. But from June 23 until August 10, they need to spend their energy more wisely and not violate the laws of harmony and balance. Many Libra will find it difficult to fight temptations; they will manifest themselves to the maximum in everything - in work, in food and entertainment, which cannot but affect the general energy and condition of their body. It is better for Libra to plan their vacation in September in order to gain strength and survive this negative period in a comfortable and happy environment. In October they will be able to recover, a quite dynamic, creative period awaits them, and they can maintain this state of fullness until the end of the year.

Horoscope of Alexander Zaraev for 2017: Scorpio (24.10 - 22.11)

For Scorpios, 2017 can be quite ambivalent. In the first quarter of the year, they may encounter a number of completely unexpected and sometimes incomprehensible problems that the Red Rooster will bring with it. They could have appeared at the end of the Year of the Monkey, and now Scorpios will need the ability to sensitively understand the motives of their own behavior, as well as better understand the feelings and thoughts of other people. If they take this as a guide, they will adapt to changes more easily, since at this time their intuition will become sharper.

At the same time, at the beginning of the year, Scorpios’ willpower will become weaker and their life potential will decrease. That is why Scorpios will have to act very carefully if they decide to expand their connections, especially in business or in love relationships. Many people of this sign will be more open to contacts with the information field, and the advice of others will be very important to them. This is a time of spiritual transformation for many Scorpios, which will occur during the 2017 period.

In their lives, many situations will be both purification and summing up of the past six-year cycle, as well as preparation for the new six-year cycle. For most Scorpios, in the first half of the year, their inner world and idea of ​​themselves and other people will change greatly. They will become much wiser and more tolerant towards others. Analysis of past affairs, mistakes and positive experiences, repayment of debts in the first half of the year will contribute to the transition of Scorpios to a new level of consciousness. And since their energy will be reduced in the first and early second quarters, the support of their partners and wise advice that will help people of this sign draw the right conclusions are very important to them.

The most difficult periods for making decisions may be January (from the 7th to the 15th), as well as from January 25 to February 5 and the end of March (from the 16th to the 23rd).

At this time, Scorpios may encounter unforeseen obstacles when performing even familiar work, betrayal by friends, or an unacceptable position from management, which may make them want to change jobs. Most likely, one of the Scorpios will do this in January or early February, which will most likely be correct. A lot will depend on their initiative and on how correctly they calculate their steps in the near future.

In the first ten days of April, especially from the 5th to the 10th, Scorpios need to be very careful and collected, since there is a high probability of getting into a car accident, a difficult business situation, being seriously injured by cutting objects, or getting into trouble with the law. Conflicts with loved ones and financial losses also cannot be ruled out. A similar dangerous period is expected from April 19 to May 26. At this time, Scorpios should soberly understand the causes of emerging problems and situations, mainly related to relationships with partners, past obligations and old debts fraught with litigation, then they will be able to overcome all adversity.

After May 27, Scorpios will feel more confident and will be able to adjust their plans, highlighting the most important ones. Their activities will be most successful only after June 1, however, from June 15 to June 22, Scorpios need to carry out preparatory work before new projects, as well as control their statements and actions. Even participating in risky or dubious projects at this time, as well as changing jobs or partners, will give them the opportunity to accumulate life experience and intellectual baggage necessary for positive changes in the second half of the year.

Thus, Scorpios will complete their karmic program in the first half of the year and will be ready to take on important tasks in the second. Already at the beginning of July, their idea of ​​their partners will change, hidden reserves will appear, and they will begin to behave more confidently when communicating with others. Many will turn to them for advice, and the ability to unite supporters and like-minded people around themselves will allow them in August and early September to prepare the basis for future successes that are possible in the near future. In everyday work, Scorpios should not forget about their health.

During the period from September 21 to October 4, there is a high probability of exacerbation of diseases and decreased immunity, so it is better to take all necessary preventive measures in advance and not overload yourself at work and at home. After a birthday, which can be quite stormy, especially for Scorpios born in the second ten days of November, many can count on the favor of Fortune, so they will remember November and December as one of the most interesting and successful periods of the whole year.

Health horoscope for Scorpios for 2017

The first quarter of the year is a very negative period, bringing illness, nervous tension, and a general state of internal dissatisfaction. January and the first ten days of February will be especially negative in this regard, when Scorpios will very actively spend their energy, which can already in February and March lead to serious negative consequences caused by intemperance in eating and drinking. An imbalance in the energy balance in the digestive zone can lead to inflammation of the liver, gastrointestinal tract, vitamin deficiencies, and a weakened immune system.

The second half of April, May and almost the whole of June is a quite comfortable period for the well-being of Scorpios, so it should be used for rehabilitation, to cleanse the body, to fill your aura with new impressions and creative states.

In July, many will be affected by disharmonious astral influences, but the strong energy of Scorpios will help them survive this period without harm to their health, unless, of course, they test their body to the limit and risk their health. But in early August, they need to take better care of themselves, avoid swimming in cold water if possible, beware of drafts and overwork, since ailments can be caused by these very reasons.

At the end of September, many of them will be in good physical shape and feel a surge of strength, but you should not be too zealous in business, since the end of September and October is a very unfavorable period for Scorpios, when energy fields change, the body is in greater need of care and relaxation , chronic ailments may worsen. This is also a period of crazy ideas, injuries, a desire to take risks, so Scorpios can find themselves at risk and find themselves in dangerous situations, as well as quickly deplete their energy resources, which will make them more vulnerable to negative energy impacts from rivals and competitors (evil eye, damage ).

If Scorpios manage to survive this period without harm to their health, then November and December will turn out to be quite harmonious months for them for health, love and career.

Horoscope of Alexander Zaraev for 2017: Sagittarius (23.11 - 21.12)

2017 promises unexpected prospects and interesting career changes for most Sagittarius, and this is a good opportunity to make new friends, like-minded people, as well as sponsors and people who will help them implement their plans and ideas. Collective creativity in the first half of the year will be very successful for many Sagittarius and will allow them to significantly strengthen their material base. They will easily perceive new trends and changes occurring at this time in the political life and economy of the country, so they will quickly be able to adapt to the conditions and relationships changing in the Year of the Rooster.

Business will develop very successfully at this time, and the creation of new creative associations will help Sagittarius realize their extraordinary abilities and experience. This will be facilitated by any contacts with new people, exchange of opinions, as well as the versatility of Sagittarius’ interests. The high moral principles that many of them adhere to will at this time help them rally like-minded people around them and become a spiritual leader for their environment, discover their talents as a teacher, reformer, and public figure. However, successful activities will require very clear fulfillment of the obligations assumed to loved ones, especially in the first quarter, or former partners - at the beginning of the second.

Otherwise, many positive moments later, in the second half of the year, may be overshadowed by slander, intrigue and a break in relationships. That is why, when conceiving any new business, Sagittarius should consult with competent people, involve lawyers and legal specialists in discussing all the nuances of partnership relationships. If this is not done, then in July you may encounter dishonesty and major miscalculations and lose much of what has been done.

It is especially important to be careful at the end of January (in the third ten days), as well as in the first half of April and the second half of May. It is at this time that wrong decisions can be made and hasty conclusions made, which can create unnecessary difficulties in the future. The loving and sociable nature of Sagittarius will constantly attract partners of the opposite sex to them, but in the period from June 25 to July 7, fate may bring them together with consumer people who will use Sagittarius for their own purposes. However, Sagittarius may have more respectable acquaintances in the second half of July and early August.

In the third ten days of September, especially from September 23 to October 2, some of them may have disagreements in the family, which will lead to the need to move or to a tough showdown with loved ones. At this time and in the fourth quarter, Sagittarius will have to more actively defend their positions in the home circle and at work. Thus, conflicts that broke out in September may recur in the first half of November, and this can have a very adverse effect on the health of many Sagittarius.

A decrease in their energy potential can lead to exacerbation of chronic diseases, deterioration in performance and, as a result, financial losses or the need to explain themselves to partners. Some unresolved issues in the first half of the year in November may become relevant again and will require effort and money. However, after their birthday, many Sagittarius will feel a surge of strength and the ability to demonstrate their best qualities, unite a variety of people around them, perceive higher truths and not lose their presence of mind even in difficult situations.

Health horoscope for Sagittarius for 2017

The Red Fire Rooster promises most Sagittarius unexpected prospects and interesting career changes. And in terms of health, they will have an active, although not very energy-rich, year. Many of them will have poor energy retention, so even during favorable periods of the year they may experience a lack of strength, limitations and fatigue.

Sagittarians will have to put in much more effort than other zodiac signs to achieve results. That is why they need to take care of themselves, play sports, and not neglect restorative health activities in order to maintain a dynamic and business-like rhythm of life.

At the beginning of the year, from January 5 to February 10, too much energy may be lost on vanity, unnecessary things and meetings. At this time, it is important to monitor your diet, since overeating and other indulgences can lead to problems with digestion, liver, and skin disorders.

At the end of February and in March, Sagittarians have a weakened spleen-pancreas meridian, so maintaining a drinking and eating regimen becomes important for them.

In the period from April 15 to June 15, a favorable cosmic background will determine an active and creative state for Sagittarius. During this period, consuming vitamins contained in early greens and berries will help them recover faster after exercise, as well as look good and fresh. This is a favorable time for travel, recreational activities, creativity and career.

But in July, a very negative period awaits them, when their aura and kidney meridians are weakened, so spending energy on sexual and other pleasures can lead to infectious inflammation, colds, and also make them defenseless against negative biopathogenic influences. The second half of August will be more favorable for health, when you can recover, gather strength and look optimistically into the future.

The next negative period awaits them after September 18, when there is a high probability of disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract, poisoning and allergic reactions.

October will be very positive, but in November they need to take special care of themselves, since this is the most difficult period in terms of health, energy fields are changing, and the success and dynamics of the next year will depend on how Sagittarians are able to maintain their energy potential.

Horoscope of Alexander Zaraev for 2017: Capricorn (22.12 - 20.01)

For many Capricorns, 2017 may turn out to be one of the best years in the previous 3 years, because opportunities will open up for them to realize their plans and dreams. This year is favorable for professional growth, establishing good relationships with management, starting a family, or, conversely, freeing oneself from unnecessary connections, bad habits and some restrictions.

Many Capricorns, especially in the first half of the year, will feel the support of Higher Powers, which will be manifested in the favorable attitude of management and the appearance of sponsors. Political and social activities, the creation of new companies, and investing in real estate will be successful. Capricorns should make the most of this period, which will last until the beginning of June. They can find a new interesting job or attract smart employees to their activities. Unusual contacts, trips and meetings in the first half of the year will help Capricorns in their activities, so many of them will have prospects for demonstrating their abilities at a qualitatively new level.

Representatives of this sign, who already have their own business, will find an opportunity to expand it, or will be able to cooperate on several levels at once. In such a situation, it is very important not to break the laws and try to listen to your intuition so as not to use dubious means in your affairs. Otherwise, Capricorns may have serious problems with the law or partners in a year. In addition, much of what they receive in the first half of the year will either have to be returned through legal proceedings at the end of the year or left to their partners.

In order to prevent this from happening, Capricorns need to very clearly build their business relationships in the first and at the beginning of the second quarter. In principle, everything will work out very well for them, although the advice of wise mentors and competent people familiar with jurisprudence will not hurt. It is especially necessary to pay attention to this in the second and third decades of January, when many Capricorns will receive offers promising quick enrichment or a new, seemingly highly paid and easy job. Here you need to call on your intuition to help and act according to a well-known principle.

A similar situation may also arise in the first ten days of April, and until this time Capricorns will act effectively. The right moment to free themselves from illusions and get down to specific things is the first half of May, but after the 22nd they need to relax and accumulate energy in order to take advantage of the favorable opportunities that will appear in late June - early July. New partnerships formed at this time will help them not only gain supporters, but also reliable cover. They will especially need a strong rear because of a series of troubles at work and in the family, which are possible from August 2 to 10 and at the end of September, from October 23 to October 2. Already from October 10, Capricorns will feel a surge of strength and energy and will be determined to take decisive action. They will be able not only to organize their own business, but also to attract some government organizations and public entities to expand it. This is a suitable period for moving to a new job, changing leadership, having children and starting a family, and new partnerships.

In the second half of the year, starting from August, pleasant changes may occur in the lives of many Capricorns in love or family relationships, or in the field of business partnerships. However, the end of the year can be tense, since an unfavorable period begins on December 18, when illnesses, injuries, and intrigues can disrupt the usual rhythm of life for Capricorns. At this time, it is not advisable to start something new, go on a long trip or travel, but it is better to take care of rest and improve your health. It would be nice if they have friends, partners and lovers next to them at this time, whose support and participation will help Capricorns avoid major troubles.

Health horoscope for Capricorns for 2017

The year 2017 may turn out to be very favorable when they will be able to realize their plans and dreams. In addition, Capricorns will have the opportunity to reconsider their attitude towards themselves, get rid of bad habits and some restrictions.

Already at the beginning of the year, they will feel a little overwhelmed and tired, so a harmonious environment around them and a healthy lifestyle will be important for them, which will help them better control their conditions, listen to themselves and find the right path to achieve internal harmony. This unfavorable period may last until March inclusive, so it is important not to overwork, adhere to proper nutrition, work and rest schedule, as well as a positive attitude. Many problems and limitations can arise in the thoughts of Capricorns themselves, so some of them will need consultations with a psychologist, as well as more positive emotions and vivid impressions that can dispel their spleen.

The second half of April, May and June are quite harmonious periods when you can actively build your career, engage in your personal life, and go on travel.

In July, conflicts and troubles in relationships with partners are possible, which can lead to nervous feelings, changes in blood pressure, headaches and insomnia. If Capricorns are able to protect themselves from these troubles, they will be able to maintain a very active rhythm of life and get a lot done.

The second half of August is a very emotional and creative period, when you will be able to overcome restrictions and feel more freedom for self-expression. Success in their career and personal life will inspire Capricorns, so they will be able to devote more time and attention to themselves, their health and appearance.

Almost all of September they will be on a creative upswing, but in the period from September 22 to October 15, disturbances in the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract are possible, so it is advisable to exclude dry food, as well as in catering establishments.

In addition, Capricorns' nervous system will also be in an unstable state, so it will be easy to throw them out of emotional balance. But November will turn out to be one of the most favorable periods of the year, so they will be able to stock up on strength to withstand negative factors in December.

Horoscope of Alexander Zaraev for 2017: Aquarius (21.01 - 19.02)

For Aquarius, 2017 promises many unexpected events, primarily related to the expansion of business and friendly connections, educational trips, meetings, and new interesting contacts that will enrich them with new impressions and knowledge. This will help them to be active and decisive and, by taking initiative, earn good money. This is one of the favorable periods for taking advantage of all the opportunities for personal and professional growth in the second half of the year. To do this, they need to more actively participate in various social events, expand cultural ties, take an interest in philosophical sciences, maybe even get additional education, and also communicate with different people who are ready to support their progressive ideas.

It is possible that during this period the life of many Aquarius will resemble a stormy stream. The abundance of information, fireworks of emotions and feelings, love dates, travel and unexpected acquaintances will leave no time for boredom, and until mid-April many Aquarians will be in a state of euphoria. They will be energetic and purposeful, feeling a clear surge of strength and energy, and many of the problems that hindered them last year will fade into the background. Some of them will be able to get rid of chronic diseases, get rid of debts and change their attitude towards themselves and their goals.

The only thing that can darken their existence throughout the first half of the year is the uncertainty in relations with management and the team. Because of this, many Aquarians will treat their official duties in the first half of the year as a heavy burden. However, if they are able to pull themselves together and come to terms with a regulated daily routine, they will be able to improve their relationships in the team and at home in the second half of the year.

Their ability to achieve their goals will increase, while tactfully proving their right to a personal worldview. In the first half of the year, Aquarians will be ready to much more easily accept someone else’s point of view and the principles professed by their loved ones. This will help people of this sign raise their relationships with loved ones and friends to a new level of mutual understanding and will allow them to implement their plans in the second half of the year. At the same time, the main thing is not to lose touch with the past, not to destroy the bridges to retreat behind you.

Aquarians will need reliable connections and clear contractual relationships during busy periods of the year, and the whole of January, especially until the 27th, may be one of these. Moreover, in the second ten days of the month Aquarius will not feel the best, and in the last ten days of January they will have to humbly accept fair reproaches from loved ones, which will help them let go of their past problems. If they succeed, then already in early February and March new horizons will open up for Aquarius. This is a favorable period for creativity, for starting new activities, for trips and meetings. In the second half of April, Aquarius may experience some complications and troubles, primarily concerning close people, relatives or children.

Problems in the home and in their immediate surroundings may make Aquarius at the beginning of the second quarter desire solitude or want to go somewhere for a while. However, you need to try to live the second quarter with dignity, for which almost the entire month of May Aquarius needs to show patience and restraint. However, after May 23, the situation will begin to change, and they will again feel more free and will be able to do what they love.

Creative success awaits them in the first half of June, and this will be facilitated by their ability to express their abilities in a timely manner, acquire useful connections, confess their feelings to loved ones and create a friendly atmosphere around themselves. Haste and carelessness in the second half of June or in the first ten days of July can interfere with the affairs of Aquarius; they need to be attentive and diplomatic, otherwise excessive self-confidence can lead to loss of support from partners and a waste of time sorting out personal relationships.

You should not try to run away from problems at the beginning of the third quarter instead of finding ways to solve them. If you manage to settle the troubles, then July, August and September will be favorable for many Aquarians, work will bring satisfaction, and you can win the love and recognition of colleagues. The end of September and all of October will be especially interesting, when most Aquarians will be able to achieve success in their endeavors, improve their financial situation, and find an exciting job. Sponsors, patrons and wise mentors can help them with this.

However, Aquarians are sometimes unable to use the gifts of fate properly and may miss the chances that fall to their share. From November 1 to November 13 are quite busy days for them. Lack of energy combined with physical overload can lead to a psycho-emotional breakdown or depression. However, starting from the second half of November, their life potential will begin to increase, and in November or the first half of December their working capacity will gradually recover.

At the same time, it should be noted that they need to complete the most important tasks before mid-December, since at the end of the year there will be a lot of fuss, and Aquarius will have to make a lot of efforts so as not to be left without strength and livelihood while preparing for the New Year.

Health horoscope for Aquarius for 2017

For Aquarius, this year will be favorable for personal and professional growth, which is possible in the second half of the year. But in the first, they need to pay more attention to themselves and their health.

January is one of the most difficult and negative periods of the year. The energy of Aquarius will be weakened, they will be susceptible to colds and infectious diseases, so they will have to take preventive measures to protect themselves during flu epidemics.

In February, many of them will be able to perk up, their energy will be renewed, there will be more strength for meetings, entertainment events, and this will be very important for their emotional state. However, at the end of February and in March they will face another negative period, when internal inflammatory processes are possible due to the accumulation of metabolic products and disruption of metabolic processes. At this time, it is important to cleanse the body, drink more clean water and give up flour and confectionery products.

The second half of April will be a more energetic and positive period, the energy of Aquarius will become stronger, desires, a spring and romantic mood will appear. This is the right time to tidy up your figure, appearance, and also to get rid of bad habits. This favorable period will last until mid-June, so it should be used very actively, both in terms of career, health and personal life. At this time, Aquarius should plan their vacation in order to get stronger, get new impressions, and meet new interesting people.

In July, Aquarius will experience a decline in activity caused by exacerbation of chronic pathologies, as well as nervous breakdowns and heart rhythm disturbances.

In August they will feel much better, their entrepreneurial spirit and readiness for new relationships will appear. At this time, partners will stimulate the enthusiasm of Aquarius, so until September 17 they will be able to very dynamically use their creative potential.

But from September 18 to October 15, the potential of the genitourinary sphere may weaken, so it is necessary to protect the lumbar region. The beneficial influence of the Cosmos in October, November and December will have a very beneficial effect on the mood and health of Aquarius.

Horoscope of Alexander Zaraev for 2017: Pisces (20.02 - 20.03)

For many people of this sign, 2017 may be a turning point for their plans and main goals, especially its first half. This will be due to the need to ensure a stable financial position, although many issues in this regard will depend on the reliability of the partners. On the one hand, Pisces in the year of the Rooster will have an amazing sense of money and will try to find additional sources of material income, but on the other hand, they will be limited in their choice of partners, and much may depend on their financial situation and desire to cooperate with them.

In order for Pisces to have success, first of all they must think about who they can do business with and who can insure them not only morally, but also materially. In addition, Pisces' creative activity will be somewhat reduced throughout the year, so they will have to be more careful in choosing the time and place for work in order to make more effective use of their knowledge and experience. This may be due to the influence of Saturn, which will make it more difficult for them to fulfill their duties, and management will begin to demand more diligence and dedication from them.

Many Pisces will be in an ambivalent position, since management may limit their creative freedom, and new partners striving for promising development will only be willing to support them if Pisces are relatively independent and can freely manage their time. Many Pisces at the end of the first and at the beginning of the second quarter will seem to be squeezed in a narrow corridor, from which they need to get out quickly enough, without stopping in one place.

In any case, positive aspects will appear in the second half of the year, but in July, when they will become much more comfortable, they should under no circumstances relax and lose momentum during the first half of the year. It is especially important for Pisces not to mess things up and not get involved in adventurous projects in January, when tempting offers may turn out to be illusory. That is why, before getting involved in new ventures that promise financial success this month, Pisces need to listen to their intuition, which they will have at a high level throughout the year. Past experiences and wise teachers, as well as Pisces' ability to sense transtemporal transcendental states of consciousness, will help them overcome the trials in late January and early February.

And then, from March 5th, they will begin to have luck, and their charisma will intensify. Many representatives of this sign will be able to act very effectively, not paying attention to emerging obstacles. They can demonstrate leadership and organizational abilities, which will contribute to their career advancement. However, at the beginning of April (from the 2nd to the 10th), as well as at the end of May (from the 19th to the 26th), Pisces need to be more attentive to their body and listen to the voice of their higher self, since troubles will haunt them in this time.

However, after April 15, Pisces will restore their usual pace of life, and things will go uphill for them from the beginning of June, especially in its first half. Here, investing money in real estate, strengthening family relationships, renovating an apartment, or developing your business can be successful. True, unforeseen expenses, which are inevitable in such matters, during the period from July 13 to July 18 can significantly limit the desires of Pisces and distract them from important plans planned after July 22.

The second half of the year will be calmer and more promising, as many problems will be resolved at the end of August. New partners and business connections will allow Pisces to show their best in the fall, advance in their careers, achieve the desired success and financial stability. Some disagreements with partners that are possible in the second half of September, although they will cause emotional turmoil for Pisces, will not affect the state of affairs, so until December 18, representatives of this sign can feel confident.

After December 19, Pisces need to be careful and prudent, since relationships with team members and superiors may deteriorate, and at the end of the year it may happen that Pisces will part with their past plans, partners and will be forced at the beginning of next 2018 to look for a new job or creating your own business.

Health horoscope for Pisces for 2017

For PISCES, 2017 may be a turning point for their plans and main goals, especially its first half. In terms of health, this period will be very unfavorable, when negative astral factors will affect the energy and health of Pisces.

In January, they need to beware of hypothermia, not drink soft drinks, and also avoid eating dry food. Warm drinks and good nutrition will help maintain your inner fire and resist not only negative cosmobiological factors, but also external influences from others. Moreover, this will continue into February, when the Pisces body is especially weakened, susceptible to viral infections, and exacerbation of chronic diseases.

In March, their energy will begin to increase, but it will not be able to fully recover, so they need to take care of themselves, not overwork, spend more time in the fresh air, eat well and surround themselves with loving and caring people. And only in May will Pisces be able to feel their energy in full, their psycho-emotional mood, self-confidence, determination and courage will improve.

They need to cultivate these states within themselves so that in unfavorable periods they have a source of strength and inspiration.

In July, unfavorable cosmic influences will affect the condition of many people, although a high level of life potential will help them cope with difficulties themselves and support those around them. By the way, in July, people of this sign need to pay more attention to their diet, eat fruits and vegetables, fresh herbs, in order to get rid of toxins and metabolic products accumulated over the winter.

In September, big changes await them in terms of partnerships, so Pisces need to be in great shape, show charm and charm. From September 18 to October 15, they need to take care of their kidneys, lower back, and lower spine.

The end of the year (November and December) for Pisces is a very favorable period in terms of health and creativity, so they need to use it not only for a career and maintaining business relationships, but also to strengthen their health, to improve their appearance, image, which can bring next year they will experience very favorable changes in their personal lives.

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