Darkness to them. Maurice Thorez: description, specialties, passing score and reviews. The most frequently asked questions of applicants Mglu what subjects to take

1. What documents are required when applying for admission?

You can familiarize yourself with the documents that are required when submitting an application to MSLU: for undergraduate and specialist degrees; for master's degree.

2. Do you have budget places?

Yes, you can find out the number of places for admission to study on a budgetary basis under various conditions of admission by following the link.

3. What are the Unified State Examinations (entrance tests) for admission to bachelor’s and specialist’s programs this year?

You can familiarize yourself with the entrance examinations and additional entrance examination of a creative orientation for bachelor's and specialist's programs by following the link or in paragraph 20 of the admission rules.

4. What USE scores do I need to submit documents to you?

You can find the minimum number of points when accepting documents by following the link.

5. How many points do I need to get to enter the budget?

You can familiarize yourself with the procedure and stages of admission, including for places on a budgetary basis, in section X of the admission rules.

6. When will it be possible to find out the dates for the entrance examinations?

7. How do I find out what will happen in the exam (interview for applicants to the master's program)?

You can find information on entrance tests for admission to a bachelor's degree and on questions asked for an interview when entering a master's program in the section.

8. How do I choose the languages ​​I want to learn?

10. Can I transfer (reinstate)?

You can familiarize yourself with the procedure for transfer (restoration) in the section.

11. How much does training cost on a contractual basis?

The cost of educational services provided on a contractual basis for specialist, bachelor's and master's programs in the 2019/2020 academic year, reinstated for training and transferred from other universities on a contractual basis with payment of tuition fees.

12. I am finishing 11th grade. Can I take the Unified State Exam in history or a foreign language at Moscow State Linguistic University?

You can find out about certain categories of applicants on the basis of secondary general education who can enroll in studies based on the results of general education entrance tests conducted by MSLU independently from paragraph 21

MSLU im. Maurice Thorez is a world-famous university that has long become one of the symbols of Russia. The university provides education in many programs and areas, but the most fundamental and high-quality knowledge is acquired at the departments of foreign languages ​​and translators.


MSLU im. Maurice Thorez's history dates back to the formation of French language courses, organized in 1906. By 1926, the courses were already a state institution with the name “Higher Courses of Foreign Languages”; training was conducted at the Library of Foreign Literature. At that time, the flow of students was large - more than 1 thousand translators for government organizations were trained annually.

The expansion of courses and their demand became objective reasons for transforming the educational structure into an institute, which happened in 1930. The new university included three language departments (German, French, English), where teaching was conducted in translation and pedagogical areas of education.

In the thirties, a department of correspondence education and preparatory courses appeared at the institute. In 1935, the educational institution received the name of Foreign Languages ​​(MGPIYA). The full course of study of the subjects was 4 years, teaching was carried out at the faculties of basic languages. Most of the groups were overloaded with students whose ages ranged from 20 to 40 years old.

In 1939, MSLU (formerly Maurice Thorez Moscow State Pedagogical Institute) received its own building on Ostozhenka for permanent placement. During the same period, the first textbooks began to appear, research work began, and the university received the right to defend candidate dissertations. The plans were big and full of fruitful work, but the war began.

War and post-war transformations

In the summer of 1941, with the outbreak of hostilities, more than 700 students and teachers went to the front as volunteers, and the 5th Frunze People's Militia Division was created on the basis of the institute. Despite the hardships and significant restrictions, the educational process did not stop at the Maurice Thorez Moscow State Linguistic University. The front needed qualified translators to work with prisoners of war, conduct reconnaissance and subversive work behind enemy lines, and organize propaganda activities. The response to the demand of the time was the founding of the faculty of translators and referents in 1948.

Students and teachers of the Maurice Thorez Moscow State Linguistic University, after winning Victory in the Great Patriotic War, acted as translators at the trials of condemnation of Nazism in Nuremberg, and later in Tokyo. In 1946, on the basis of the Faculty of French, the Faculty of Romance Languages ​​was formed, where French, Spanish, and Italian were taught.

Since 1950 at Moscow State Linguistic University named after. Maurice Thorez's full course of education is five years. At the end of the fifties, the faculty of translators introduced an innovation for students - compulsory mastery of two foreign languages. The VI World Festival of Youth and Students, held in 1957 in Moscow, became a rich field for acquiring live communication skills and applying knowledge. Since 1961, UN translator courses have been running at the institute.

In 1964, the educational institution received the name of Maurice Thorez, and from that moment on, the name of the Institute of Foreign Languages ​​in Moscow became recognizable in the international arena. University status was obtained in 1990, when the country was undergoing global economic and political changes. In the wake of changes, new areas of study were opened at the university - economics, political science, law, cultural studies and many others. In 2000, Moscow State Linguistic University named after. Maurice Thorez acquires the status of the basic organization for languages ​​and culture of the CIS countries.


At the present stage at Moscow State Linguistic University. Maurice Thorez teaches 36 languages, and operates cultural centers in the countries of the languages ​​being studied. Most of the teaching staff have scientific degrees and numerous scientific works in the field of linguistics and foreign languages. The university prepares and publishes more than 200 textbooks, manuals, and monographs throughout the year for universities and schools in the Russian Federation.

MSLU researchers have developed a series of educational complexes that have demonstrated their effectiveness in widespread use (Lingua, Signal-Inyaz, Intonograph and many others).

The educational institution operates a system of multi-level continuous education, based on the chain of succession of educational levels: “lyceum - university - advanced training”. MSLU im. Maurice Thorez cooperates with 70 universities from 25 countries, where students can undergo an internship or obtain a second diploma. The university provides education at bachelor's and master's levels.

Structural units

  • Applied and mathematical linguistics (institute).
  • Foreign languages ​​named after. Maurice Thorez (institute).
  • University departments.
  • International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences (Institute).
  • Translation faculty.
  • International information security (faculty).
  • Humanities (Faculty).
  • Law (faculty).
  • Faculties of correspondence and continuing education.
  • Faculty for foreign citizens.

The leading units of teaching and scientific work remain institutes and faculties focused on linguistics, translation activities and the study of foreign languages.

First among equals

Named after Maurice Thorez - the oldest department of the university. It consists of three faculties and departments:

  • In English.
  • German language.
  • French language.
  • Department of Second Foreign Language for Pedagogical Faculties.
  • Department of Linguodidactics.

Training is carried out according to bachelor's (4 years) and master's (2 years) programs. At each faculty, training is carried out in several profiles. One of the interesting projects of the Faculty of French is the training of teachers and specialists of the Chinese language (bachelor's degree).

Linguistics and mathematics

The Institute of Applied and Mathematical Linguistics trains students and carries out a large amount of research work. The structure of the institution includes:

  • Departments: applied and experimental semantics.
  • Laboratory of forensic speech science.
  • Scientific and educational centers: “Determinant means of information security” and speech science (fundamental and applied).

Student training is aimed at training teaching staff in the following areas:

  • Linguistics (bachelor's, master's)
  • Linguistics and literary studies (postgraduate studies).


The Institute of International Relations and Socio-Political Sciences trains future professionals in the fields of journalism, political science, and sociology. It also provides training for PR specialists, specialists in the field of international relations, etc. Students are required to study two foreign languages; if desired, the number can be increased to three or four languages ​​studied.

More than 1 thousand students study at the institute every year, and practice is carried out in 151 language groups. The training program is implemented in bachelor's and master's degrees. Students have the opportunity to undergo internships at foreign universities.

The structure of the institute includes:

  • 3 departments of linguistics and professional communication in the fields of political sciences, media technologies, and foreign regional studies.
  • Specialized departments: political science, public relations, sociology, journalism, theory of regional studies.
  • 2 centers: situational, ethnogenesis.

Translation faculty

The faculty for training translators appeared during the war years and over more than 70 years of activity, it has graduated more than 6 thousand specialists. The training program implements two directions:

  • "Linguistics" with bachelor and master levels.
  • “Translation and translation studies” (specialist in the training profile of military translators).

The educational structure of the faculty includes 13 departments where 23 languages ​​are studied. Many graduates of the Maurice Thorez Moscow State Linguistic University of Translation Faculty became famous statesmen, writers, and translators. Writer Mikhail Kozhukhov is known throughout the country - journalist and presenter of television projects, ex-Minister of Foreign Affairs I.O. Shchegolev, sports commentator V. Gusev and many others.


Any citizen of the Russian Federation can become a student of Moscow State Linguistic University named after. Maurice Thorez. The selection committee accepts documents of the appropriate sample, which indicate the results of the Unified State Examination, according to which the initial selection of candidates takes place. The next stage is passing exams, which are conducted in the form of tests.

The knowledge requirements for applicants are very high. According to the results of the past 2016, at the Moscow State Linguistic University of Maurice Thorez, the passing score ranges from 286 to 310 units. Those who purposefully prepare for admission have a greater chance of becoming a student by systematically attending classes at the pre-university preparation center.

According to the university, about 80% of students in the pre-university education department successfully passed the Unified State Exam and university entrance tests. The training program involves attending classes several times a week; at least 6 academic hours are allocated for training in foreign languages.

Anyone can attend additional classes - express training courses, which start immediately before the start of the admissions campaign. Training is provided on a commercial basis.

Language classes

In addition to training programs designed to prepare applicants, all interested persons are invited to study foreign languages, including English courses. MSLU Maurice Thorez attracts the best teachers of the university to work on courses, many of them have original programs developed for better mastery of the subject.

In 2017, applications for foreign language courses will be accepted from August 21 to September 30. Teaching is conducted in the following areas: English, Spanish, German, Italian and French. Testing is carried out before the start of classes. The program includes several levels of knowledge development from beginner to advanced. Upon completion, exams are conducted and a certificate is issued. The number of participants in one group does not exceed 12 people. The cost of training for one semester (4.5 months) is 30 thousand rubles.

Passing score
1-23 01 02 Linguistic support of intercultural communications. German and second foreign language 350
1-23 01 02 Linguistic support of intercultural communications. English and second foreign language 362

Faculty of English

Faculty of Spanish

Faculty of German Language

Specialties (areas of specialties) Passing score

Faculty of French

Translation faculty

Specialties (areas of specialties) Passing score

Passing scores at MSLU for the correspondence course in 2017

Faculty of English

Faculty of German Language

MSLU: Passing scores for paid (day-time paid form of education) in 2017

Faculty of Intercultural Communications

Specialties (areas of specialties) Passing score
1-23 01 02 Linguistic support of intercultural communications German language and second foreign language 249
1-23 01 02 Linguistic support for intercultural communications English and a second foreign language 253
1-23 01 02 Linguistic support of intercultural communications. Spanish and second foreign language 218
1-23 01 02 Linguistic support of intercultural communications. French and second foreign language 244

Faculty of English

Faculty of Spanish

Faculty of German Language

Specialties (areas of specialties) Passing score
1-21 06 01 Modern foreign languages ​​1-21 06 01-01 Modern foreign languages ​​(teaching). German language (based on the German language) and a second foreign language 231
1-21 06 01 Modern foreign languages ​​1-21 06 01-01 Modern foreign languages ​​(teaching). German (based on English) and a second foreign language 220

Faculty of French

Translation faculty

Specialties (areas of specialties) Passing score
1-21 06 01 Modern foreign languages ​​1-21 06 01-02 Modern foreign languages ​​(translation). German and second foreign language 248
1-21 06 01 Modern foreign languages ​​1-21 06 01-02 Modern foreign languages ​​(translation). English and second foreign language 258
1-21 06 01 Modern foreign languages ​​1-21 06 01-02 Modern foreign languages ​​(translation). Chinese (based on Chinese/English) and a second foreign language 211
1-21 06 01 Modern foreign languages ​​1-21 06 01-02 Modern foreign languages ​​(translation). Japanese (based on English) and a second foreign language 241

MSLU: Passing scores for paid correspondence courses (paid correspondence courses) in 2017

Faculty of English

Faculty of German Language

*Data on passing scores indicated on the official website of the university was used. Please check with the admissions office for more information.

Search by passing scores for other universities and other forms of education, by CT certificates you can find

Expelled: The status indicated is not entirely correct - I was not expelled, but I left on my own a month before the end of the second semester, and this was achieved through serious effort.
Admission and entrance exams. When submitting documents, you must definitely ask which languages ​​this year will be taught in your chosen form of study (bachelor’s/specialist’s degree), because you will not choose it yourself, but will only be able to “indicate the desired one,” and then the dean’s office will decide your fate. The long-eyed women from the admissions committee were very surprised by my request to announce the list for my year of admission and looked for it in the offices for about 15 minutes. You will learn about the decision only at the first course meeting after admission, and it is worth considering that it may not be made in your favor, so instead of the desired French, you will study Armenian, with the easy encouragement of the notorious dean’s office, or vice versa. In my memory, there were at least two cases when, after a course meeting, girls ended up not studying Spanish and French, but received completely different languages ​​as their first and second languages. I was a little luckier, as they gave me the “desired” language from the family of the one I wanted to study, but this opportunity was available only when enrolling in a specialty. So the choice is still illusory and the feeling of being unable to decide the fate of your own academic career will still not go away, unless you are completely unlucky. The English entrance exam is not much more difficult than IELTS, TOEFL or other international exams, so if you have a certificate in any of them, then there will be no problems and the format will not be a surprise.
The learning process, student life and teachers. My teachers in grammar, vocabulary and home reading of the first (English) language were girls who received specialist diplomas in the year of my admission. There is no need to talk about the quality of their teaching skills. It was pointless to ask questions in pairs; everything could be searched much faster on Google, or classmates would come to each other’s aid while the teachers hesitated and promised to give an answer by the next lesson. There was no home reading as such, because the teacher went on maternity leave after the first lesson, and only a few weeks later they found replacements for us in the form of a fourth-year student, who often could not attend due to her own schedule. Only the phonetics teacher turned out to be experienced, but after the first lesson she ordered me to break the American accent I had acquired over the years of self-study, because only Queen’s English is rated at the university, and it is impossible to get into separate classes with the only “American” phonetist. Another trouble was the course on Russian history that Soghomonyan teaches. Almost an activist of the National Democratic Movement (and perhaps an activist, I won’t go into this jungle, but with his comrades-in-arms he definitely publishes a patriotic newspaper with the St. George’s ribbon on the entire front page), he spent a whole semester pouring leavened patriotic pus into the heads of my poor young classmates on streaming classes . It was impossible to listen to this: there Stalin, Putin, all the Tsars and Empresses merged into one superman, who was not characterized by mistakes and defeats, only Great Russian Rightness, Victory and Orthodoxy. Enemies, intrigues, the decaying west. No logic, maximum emotions. Thank you, but I did not subscribe to the patriotism+ program. Good things to note are the teachers of linguistics and Danish. And yes, physical education is mandatory, and the hours are quite large. A very unpleasant addition to an already poor educational process. There is no student life as such; fans of KVN and other fan activities have to be content with the theater and choir. You can participate in the international exchange program for no more than a semester, otherwise you will cause the dean’s office to become paranoidly hysterical about recruitment by agents of influence of foreign states (seriously). Be prepared for the fact that students are encouraged to be civically passive, so your innovative proposals to improve the learning process and claims to the quality of education at any level will be met with threats and indignation. A good friend of mine, who is currently studying at the Faculty of Sociology, chose the problem of homophobia as the topic of her course work, for which she fought until the official announcement of a change from a conservative scientific advisor, who in every possible way prevented her choice. As a bonus, during one of the classes they were shown films about telegony and the sinfulness of premarital sexual relations. So if you want to preserve your freedom of speech and self-expression, then be prepared to seriously fight for it, or choose a less conservative and patriotic educational institution. Encouraging such behavior also affects the conservatism of the students themselves - most of them are quite negative towards everything new and different, and they take criticism of MSLU to heart, although they themselves complain about its problems. By the way, there is no Slavic studies, except perhaps the Ukrainian language. The books are old and literally fall apart in your hands, from the 70s-80s. In some languages, teachers write textbooks themselves. And since MSLU often does not have international agreements with other countries providing for the supply of current educational literature and dictionaries, you will use printed and bound library copies and dictionaries with outdated vocabulary. Such agreements also provide for the exchange of teachers, so if you are unlucky with the choice of language, you will not receive native teachers. This situation existed in 2014-15. with Danish, while Moscow State University, St. Petersburg State University and even PetrSU had similar agreements with Denmark.
Infrastructure and administration. It is incredibly difficult to get a dormitory, and in the first year it is completely impossible. The buildings are located as far apart from each other as possible and are inconvenient. The main building is old, damaged and no one has been renovating it for a long time. Yes, there really are holes in the floor instead of toilets. The elevators in the tall Soviet extension, where most of the classes take place, have recently been used exclusively by university employees. The classrooms are tiny and stuffy, Wi-Fi in the dining room was removed with the arrival of Kraeva (in my time there was none). I didn’t eat in that same canteen only once, because it was cheaper, tastier and more satisfying to buy a hot dog or sub at the stalls nearby. I saw a cockroach, was impressed and never came again. The food in all three buildings is standard municipal-school food. The building on Babaevskaya is a nightmare, like an old, dirty clinic. It is dark and depressing, with crumbling Soviet furniture, long gloomy corridors and a smelly toilet. When it was last repaired is unknown to historical science. The Rostokinsky building stands out from the other two because of its more or less recent renovation and terrible location - a beautiful constructivist building stands in the center of a forest park, you can only get there by tram from the Sokolniki metro station or VDNKh (the trip will take 15-30 minutes, depending on traffic), and the only sign of life for a couple of kilometers around is a gas station. Yes, sometimes you had to rush from there to the next couple straight to the Ostozhen building, so be prepared to run around and be nervous. Although teachers will not scold you for being late, since they understand the situation perfectly well. You will not be allowed into the university without a student card; there are no built-in or separate admission cards, despite the presence of turnstiles in each building. None of the buildings are adapted for people with disabilities to the required extent. Losing a student card, regardless of the circumstances of such loss, will cost you three thousand rubles and international exchange/practice. Yes, if you lose a cardboard with stamps you won’t be allowed anywhere. The administration did not change even after my expulsion - even after Khaleeva’s scandalous departure, the dean’s office of the Faculty of Translation is still run by the same evil boors. At one time, they promised to expel me for my piercing if they saw me with it again (no one else in the world cared about it), referring to the clause in the rules for students about “undesirability of body jewelry made by piercing.” They will intimidate and put pressure on you for any reason, even illegitimate, and if exposed, they will deny everything and run away with their tail between their legs. I STRONGLY recommend not to conduct a single conversation with the administration and dean’s office without the voice recorder turned on. This can save you later in a difficult situation. Always rely on your advisor or other friendly faculty member/administrator for help in such matters and never give up. They are never allowed to wear shorts, so when I came with a huge backpack of literature to check out in the hot month of May, I was given permission from all 924,587 guards at the entrance gate of the main building. Calls to the rector's office and the dean's office did not yield any results; the first ones already openly sent me and simply did not pick up the phone. The woman from the dean’s office condescended and came down to first call my parents and make sure that they were aware of my decision (ha, I was far from 18 then), to which the surprised parents responded in surprise, “well, uh, yes?” and then submitted an application for expulsion to me through the railing at the turnstiles. She communicated with me exclusively through him and refused, on her own responsibility, to take me to the library, located right at the entrance, so that I could hand over my incredible pile of books. However, I achieved my goal, and they still let me in, but I received my documents only a month later - and this was in an accelerated manner, according to the dean. To do this, I had to really FUCK them, and not stop running into everyone and running after everyone for several hours. According to friends and acquaintances from senior years, they are deliberately delaying the process of issuing documents so that the guys can be drafted into the army. Sometimes the delay in issuance reaches up to six months, regardless of gender.
Before entering MSLU, I would highly advise you to think about all of the above. There are good translation departments in other universities, not only in Moscow, so I would recommend taking a closer look at the St. Petersburg ones and thinking about taking the Unified State Exam in literature, since it is required in almost all faculties related to philology in St. Petersburg. It was my long-time dream to enter the Moscow State Linguistic University as a translator, but in the end I was very disappointed, so don’t raise your hopes too high. It’s generally not worth applying for non-core specialties here, since the quality is appropriate. Information not related to my faculty and language is known to me thanks to friends who remained there after I left in 2015. The situation, they say, is only stagnating or worsening. If you still intend to enroll here, then be prepared for great hardships. And take into account the recent incidents with the deprivation of accreditation of several non-core specialties, several shifts of acting. rector after the notorious Khaleeva and others.

Hello! My name is Maria, I teach English and prepare applicants for admission to Moscow State Linguistic University. In this article I will analyze part of the tasks, I will add my comments, and also try to show all the pitfalls and difficulties of the exam the way I do it in classes with my students. You can download the 2008 version. The most important and most difficult exam when entering a language specialty at the Moscow Foreign Languages ​​Institute (MSLU, former Maurice Thorez Institute of Foreign Languages) is the English language test. So let's get started...

Task 9. Restore the logical sequence of sentences in the passage. Indicate the sentence numbers in the order you choose under the corresponding letters (a-e) on the answer sheet.


2) One thing is certain: with this combination of director and actors the film is bound to be a success.

3) However , the stars are unlikely to join the set until next year due to previous commitments.

4) Hollywood‘s king and queen – Tom Cruise and Julia Roberts – are to star opposite each other in Ridley Scott’s new blockbuster.

5) Filming is due to start in September.

To establish the logical sequence of sentences, we need to think about how it is generally achieved in any texts. Each sentence contains an indication of where the sentence should be located. Any word or phrase. In this case, these are the following words: however, due to.

First you need to think about what might be at the beginning of the text. The sentence that introduces information and conveys the main idea is independent of the others. We can't start with a proposal The film will be another Roman epic…, since there is a definite article here the serves to show that we already understand what kind of film we are talking about. Article the used when repeatedly mentioning an object or person or in a conversation about something already known to the speaker. As practice shows, if instead of the definite article the put the word this(this, this, this), the meaning of what was said will not change much.

So, first sentence:

1 4) Hollywood’s king and queen – Tom Cruise and Julia Roberts – are to star opposite each other in Ridley Scott’s new blockbuster.

The queen and king of Hollywood, Tom Cruise and Julia Roberts, will star in Ridley Scott's new blockbuster. (turnover are to is a modal verb to be to, expresses the need to perform an action due to a plan, schedule;– must according to plan, by prior agreement. )

However howsoever; Whichever; How; nevertheless; however; Despite this; despite; however; no matter what; wherein; on the other side; but still.

Due to in connection with; as a result; because of; as a result; That's why; at the expense of; on the ground; taking into account; thanks etc.

Once the basic information is entered, details follow.

2 1) The film will be another Roman epic, following hot on the heels of Scott’s previous film.

The film will be another epic project for Scott, following right after his previous film.

3 5) Filming is due to start in September.

Filming is due to begin in September. (to be due to- be due)

4 3) However, the stars are unlikely to join the set until next year due to previous commitments.

However the stars are unlikely to appear on set until early next year because of employment in other projects.

5 2) One thing is certain: with this combination of director and actors the film is bound to be a success.

One thing is for sure: with this combination of director and actors, the film is destined for success.

Task 10. Determine which 5 of the words below have vowels pronounced the same? Enter the numbers of the selected words in the order they appear under the corresponding letter (a-e) on the answer sheet.

1) tow 2) two 3) foe 4) now 5) too 6) low 7) cough 8) toe 9) oh

In this task you need to know and understand how words are read.

If you don’t know, draw parallels where possible.

1) tow = 6) low =

= 3) foe = 8) toe =

= 9) oh

Sound indicated by a combination of lettersow, oe, oh This diphthong(sound from two elements; triphthongs- respectively, out of three)

I note that combinations of letters for this sound can be like this: o, oa, ow, ou, oe, oo, eau, ew, au, aoh, ough.

2) two= [ tu:] Two dots indicate that the sound is long and pronounced protractedly.

5) too= [ tu:]

7) cough = Sound [ ɔ ] — brief. Long will be denoted as [ o: ] .

Task 12. What personal pronouns - he or she— Would you replace the following words? For pronoun he enter the number 1 on the answer sheet to she- number 2.

Noun gender test.

a) nephew b) dressmaker c) niece d) monk e) shepherd

a) nephew –nephew (he)

b) dressmaker –dressmaker (!) (she)

c) niece –niece (she)

d) monk -monk (he)

e) shepherd –shepherd (he)

Task 14.

Jack of Hearts is a new _a)_ which comes to our screens this week. It _b)_ given _c)_ 9.30 slot_d)_ that the network has faith _e)_ creation.

a) 1) six-part dramatic serial 2) six part’s drama sequel 3) six-part drama series

b) 1) has been 2) was 3) is being

c) 1) a prime Wednesday morning 2) the main Wednesday’s evening 3) the prime Wednesday evening

d) 1) that shows 2) , which shows 3) which suggests

e) 1) of its recent 2) in its late 3) in its latest

Correct answer:

Jack of Hearts is a new six-part drama series which comes to our screens this week. It has been given the prime Wednesday evening 9.30 slot which shows that the network has faith in its latest creation.

Task 15. Form antonyms from adjectives using one of the affixes and indicate the corresponding numbers on the answer sheet: 1) un— 2) ir— 3) in— 4) im— 5) — less.

a) readable b) useful c) responsible d) decisive e) polite

To successfully complete this task, you need to know the basic rules of word formation, as well as the numerous prefixes and suffixes that are added to the base of a word in order to give it a specific meaning. Knowledge of the words themselves and your ingenuity will only be a plus.

unreadable unreadable, unreadable, unreadable

irresponsible irresponsible; not responsible; frivolous; irresponsible

indecisive indecisive; inconclusive; indecisive; wavering; not decisive; uncertain; unsolved

impolite rude; discourteous

useless useless; vain; unsuitable; good for nothing; waste; feeling unwell

Task 18. From each group, select 1 word that is not related to it on thematic or grammatical grounds, and indicate the numbers of the selected options on the answer sheet:

a) 1) neighborhood 2) manhood 3) brotherhood 4) priesthood

b) 1) hair-conditioner 2) plant-holder 3) step-brother 4) oven-cleaner

c) 1) appointment 2) involvement 3) arrangement 4) confident

d) 1) spoonful 2) tearful 3) hopeful 4) dreadful

e) 1) kinship 2) spaceship 3) friendship 4) partnership

Right answers:

a) 1) neighborhood - surroundings, neighborhood; intimacy; your area

2) manhood manhood; maturity; mature age; masculinity of the male population of the country

3) brotherhood Brotherhood; friendly relations; religious brotherhood

4) priesthood priesthood; priesthood; clergy; clergy priests

b) 1) hair conditioner hair conditioner; hair styling product

2) plant holder — capture of the transplanting machine; plant holder

3) step-brother stepbrother (animate)

4) ovencleaner oven cleaner

c) 1) appointment appointment, position; fast; place; meeting; date; appointment (with a doctor); definition; appointment

2) involvement involvement

3) arrangement tidying up; arrangement in a certain order; arrangement; classification; systematization;

4) confident confident (of success, etc.); self-confident; arrogant; brave (adjective; other words are nouns)

d) 1) spoonful full spoon (quantity designation)

2) tearful tearful, almost crying

3) hopeful promising, up-and-coming

4) dreadful terrible, terrible

e) 1) kinship kinship; similarity; similarity; kinship similarity

2) spaceship spaceship (material object)

3) friendship friendship

4) partnership partnership

Task 19. Complete the phrases by choosing the lexical and grammatical options that are appropriate in meaning, and indicate the numbers of the selected options under the corresponding letter (a-e) on the answer sheet.

Attention: the given combinations of options cannot be divided.

Planning a big day out this summer? It’s not just the rides _a)_ stomach. The risk of food poisoning _b)_ on your mind when you _c)_ day out. But, _d)_UK, there were around 95,000 reported cases of food poisoning _e)_ year alone.

a) 1) which can destroy a 2) that could upset your 3) that will set up your

b) 1) should be the last thing 2) must be the latest thing 3) has to be the only idea

c) 1) enjoy the quiet 2) plan an uneventful 3) are enjoying a quiet

d) 1) in 2) in the 3) throughout

e) 1) in a previous 2) next 3) in the last

Correct answer:

Planning a big day out this summer? It's not just the rides that could upset you stomach. The risk of food poisoning should be the last thing on your mind when you are enjoying a quiet day out. But in the UK, there were around 95,000 reported cases of food poisoning in the last year alone.

Task 20. Replace the underlined parts of the sentences in the left column with the appropriate idioms given in the right column. Indicate the numbers of the selected options under the corresponding letter (a-e) on the answer sheet.

Here, in addition to knowledge of translation, a considerable amount of intelligence is needed, since each expression has several possible translation options. Ingenuity and more ingenuity!

2) go hand in hand
3) take a back seat
e) It’s time they . 5) in a muddle
6) go a long way

get to the bottom of things- get to the heart of the matter; drink the cup to the bottom; figure out what's what

go hand in hand- to be inextricably linked, to go hand in hand

take a back seat- occupy a modest position; take a humble position; take a back seat; to fade away; sit down; give up control

lay one's cards on the table- open your cards

in a muddle- to be in disarray to be confused to be confused (about thoughts), a mess in the head

go a long way have great influence; be of great importance (with, towards, to); last a long time; make a strong impression (on someone); to play an important role, to go far; go far; to be sufficient (about money, products)

Right answers:

a) Don’t be so passive and let others act instead. 3 ) take a back seat
b) We need a proper investigation to find the true explanation for this. 1) get to the bottom of things
c) I’m sorry I am a bit confused. Could you explain again? 5) in a muddle
d) Poverty and crime are found together in this place. 2) go hand in hand
e) It's time they say exactly what their position is. 4) lay one’s cards on the table
6) go a long way

Task 22. Determine how the plural of the following nouns is formed: 1) using endings -s/ es; 2) using the ending –en; 3) by changing the root vowel; 4) the singular and plural forms are the same.

a) hero b) chairman c) monarch d) ox e) sheep

In this task you need to know the subtleties of forming the plural of various nouns. The rule is difficult because there are a great many exceptions. And all because of borrowings from other languages: Latin, Greek, Old Germanic, Scandinavian, etc. So,

hero – pluralheroes(Nouns with a singular ending O , as a rule, form the plural using the ending e s )

chairman – plural chairmen(by changing the root vowel - Compound nouns that include as one of their components man or woman to indicate gender)

monarch– plural monarchs(the ending –arch, ch is read as [ k] in this case, also oligarch, matriarch, patriarch.)

Compare: march— march es - March

watch – watch es - wrist watch

stomachstomach's [ k] - belly

ox – plural oxen(exception by adding the ending - en )

sheep– plural sheep(exception, forms are the same)

Task 24. For underlined adjectives used in the sentences in the left column, find the antonyms in the right column. Indicate the numbers of the selected options under the corresponding letter (a-e) on the answer sheet.

a) Mike is really clever. 1) friendly
b) She is a kind-hearted old lady. 2) sensitive
c) Why are you so unsociable? 3) boring
d) Dick’s quite proud, isn’t he? 4) halfwitted
e) Don't be so reckless. 5) rude
6) cruel
7) humble

Right answers:

a) Mike is really clever. (smart) 4) halfwitted - crazy, stupid
b) She is a kind-hearted old lady. (Kind) 6) cruel - cruel
c) Why are you so unsociable? (unguarded, unsociable) 1) friendly- friendly 3)boring- bored, dull
d) Dick’s quite proud, isn’t he? (proud, arrogant, arrogant) 7) humble- obedient, humble
e) Don't be so reckless. (reckless) 2) sensible- reasonable, sensible, sensitive
5) rude - rude

Task 25. Complete the sentences by choosing the pronouns necessary for their meaning, and indicate the numbers of the selected options under the corresponding letter (a-e) on the answer sheet.

a) She might bring some work with 1) herself 2) her — the deadline is tomorrow. (With yourself)

b) We're going to miss the bus. Let's hurry 1) ourselves 2) us 3) — ! (Let's hurry= Let us hurry)

c) The radiator is really hot! I've burned 1) myself 2) me 3)—. (got burned, burned myself)

d) How do you feel 1) yourself 2) yourselves 3) — ?

e) Will they be able to find 1) themselves 2) each other amongst all the people in the concert hall? (each other)

Note: to feel oneself- touch, caress yourself

Task 26. Complete the phrases using the appropriate speaking verb: say, tell, talk, speak. In the answer sheet, enter the number 1 for the verb say, number 2 for verb tell, number 3 for verb talk and the number 4 for the verb speak.

a) Our boss always __ down to all of us.

b) We are quarreled and are not on __ing terms any longer.

c) John was __ing a story about his past adventures.

d) She is very direct and always __s her mind.

e) I can’t understand a thing of what he is __ing.

Right answers:

a) Our boss always talks down to all of us. (to silence; to shout down (someone); to calm (someone); to talk down to someone)

b) We are quarreled and not on speaking terms any longer. (not to be on speaking terms - not to talk to each other, to be in a quarrel)

c) John was telling a story about his past adventures. (tell a story)

d) She is very direct and always speaks her mind. (to speak mind - openly express your opinion; say what to think)

e) I can’t understand a thing of what he is saying.

Task 28. Determine which words can be used to form verbs using suffixes ise/ size And ify. To the answer sheet for the suffix ise/ size enter number 1 for suffix ify number 2.

a) pure b) national c) example d) rational e) beauty

2- purify 1- nationalize 2- exemplify 1- rationalize 2- beautify

Task 29. For the sentences in the left column, select their semantic equivalents from the right column. Indicate the numbers of the selected options under the corresponding letter (a-e) on the answer sheet.

a) The prices aren’t nearly as expensive as I expected. The prices are not at all as high as I expected. 1) The prices are a little cheaper than I expected.2) The prices are much cheaper than I expected.
b) Of all the teams in our league theirs is the least successful. Of all the teams in our league, theirs is the least successful. 1) Their team is a little less successful that some of the others.2) Their team is the most unsuccessful of all in the league.
c) They said it was one of the most powerful earthquakes ever. They said it was one of the most powerful earthquakes ever. (One of!) 1) There may have been more powerful earthquakes. 2) No other earthquake was as powerful.
d) I have to say that the hotel wasn’t quite as luxurious as the brochure said. I have to say that the hotel was not as luxurious as the brochure said. 1) The hotel was much less luxurious than the brochure said.2) The hotel was slightly less luxurious than the brochure said.
e) She isn’t anything like as snobbish as you say. She's not a snob at all, as you say. 1) She isn’t snobbish at all. 2) She is less snobbish than you say.

Task 30. Complete the sentences by choosing the required order of definitions before the nouns, and indicate the numbers of the selected options under the corresponding letter (a-e) on the answer sheet.

a) It's a(n) 1) ancient priceless Greek wine ceramic 2) Greek ceramic ancient priceless wine 3) ceramic wine priceless ancient Greek 4) ancient priceless Greek ceramic wine jar .

b) Our school has a 1) state-of-the-art new fantastic computer 2) 3) new fantastic state-of-the-art computer 4)new computer state-of-the-art fantastic center.

c) She found ten meters of 1) superb dark blue textured 2) dark blue superb textured 3) superb textured dark blue velvet in sales.

d) The exhibition shows 1) luxurious Italian leather 2) luxurious Italian leather 3) luxurious leather Italian upholstery.

e) He had a(n) 1) alone sudden 2) sudden lonely sensation.

To do this task, you should know that to determine the order of adjectives before a noun, this abbreviation word is used:


OP INION (strange, decent)

S IZE (huge, tiny)

A GE (young, ancient)

SH APE (round, oval)

C OLOUR (greyish, purple)

O RIGIN (Estonian, Latin)

M ATERIAL/PURPOSE (wooden, medical).

Correct options:

a) It's an ancient priceless Greek ceramic wine jar .

b) Our school has a fantastic new state-of-the-art computer center.

c) She found ten meters of superb dark blue textured velvet in sales.

d) The exhibition shows luxurious Italian leather upholstery.

e) He had a sudden lonely sensation.

Note: a sudden lonely sensation - a sudden feeling of loneliness.

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