Mammals are animals with a long tongue. Who has the longest tongue in the world? nectar bat

Just look at these languages!

In our selection - the longest, most dexterous and even the fastest tongues!

The language of the chameleon is recognized as the "fastest" in the animal kingdom. Its speed can reach up to 100 km per hour. While hunting, the chameleon sits motionless on a tree branch for a long time and rotates its huge bulging eyes, tracking down prey. Noticing a fly or a grasshopper, he throws out his tongue with lightning speed and captures the victim, immediately putting his tongue back into his mouth. Thus, this organ appears in all its glory and length for only a fraction of a second, and it can only be seen well in slow motion.

In three seconds, a chameleon can catch up to 4 insects! Also, the tongue of this unusual lizard is incredibly large: often its length exceeds the length of the body of a chameleon.

Blue-tongued skink tongue

A characteristic feature of this "cute" reptile from Australia is the language of cobalt blue.

Bat tongue from South America

Scientists have discovered an incredibly long tongue in one of the species of bats from Ecuador. With its help, the animal manages to extract nectar from a flower called Centropogon nigricans, which has a very long corolla. Animal and plant seem to be created specifically for each other. No one else from the kingdom of animals and insects is able to feast on the nectar of this flower!

giraffe tongue

Since the giraffe is the tallest animal on the planet, it is not surprising that its tongue is one of the longest - up to 50 cm! In addition, this organ is distinguished by extraordinary strength and dexterity. With its help, the giraffe easily cuts off the foliage from the trees; and the horny layer of the skin, which reliably protects the tongue, allows the animal to feast on acacia leaves without fear of injury from the sharp thorns of this plant.

woodpecker tongue

The woodpecker extracts prey in the following way: first, it hollows out holes in the bark of trees with its beak, and then fishes insects out of these holes with its long and sticky tongue.

Anteater tongue

The long and thin tongue of this animal looks like a worm and is covered with a sticky liquid. In a giant anteater, this organ is even longer than that of a giraffe and reaches 60 cm! With it, the anteater, like a fishing rod, catches ants from an anthill.

Okapi language

Okapi is an artiodactyl living in the territory of the Congo and similar at the same time to a giraffe and a zebra. The okapi's tongue is so big and long that the animal licks its eyes with it!

snake tongue

With its forked tongue, the snake collects particles from the environment and sends them "for analysis" to the oral cavity. This procedure allows it to track prey and anticipate danger. The tongue is constantly in motion, constantly supplying the snake with information about what is happening around. This is where the slang expression "drive with a sting" comes from.

Hummingbird tongue

The tongue of these miniature birds is folded into a long tube. When a hummingbird lowers its tongue into the neck of a flower to drink nectar, its sides straighten out, and before returning to the beak, they again twist into a tube.

frog tongue

The frog's tongue is well adapted for catching insects. The frog can throw it forward a few centimeters and cover its prey with it, and so that the victim cannot get out, it is also covered with a sticky substance.

fly tongue

The role of the fly's tongue is played by the proboscis, which is divided into two tubes at the end. Through them, the insect sucks food.

Malayan Bear Language (Biruanga)

The Malayan bear, which lives in the tropical forests of Southeast Asia, has a long and thin tongue. With it, this cute bear gets his favorite termites from hard-to-reach corners.

on the topic "Assessment of the meta-subject results of primary general education by means of integrated work"
1. Explanatory note.
2. Control work.
3. Evaluation criteria.
Explanatory note.
One of the results of education in elementary school is the ability of graduates to solve educational and practical and educational and cognitive tasks based on: a system of knowledge and ideas about nature, society, man, sign and information systems;
the ability of educational and cognitive and subject-practical activities;
generalized ways of activity;
communication and information skills.
In this regard, a comprehensive test work on an interdisciplinary basis is added to the final works in mathematics and the Russian language. Its purpose is to assess the achievements of the planned results in two interdisciplinary programs - "Reading: working with information" and "The program for the formation of universal educational activities", i.e., assessing the ability of primary school graduates to work with information presented in various forms (in the form of literary and scientific and educational texts, tables, diagrams, graphs, etc.), and solve educational and practical problems based on the formed subject knowledge and skills, as well as universal educational activities on an interdisciplinary basis.
The purpose of the proposed test is to assess the level of preparation of a primary school graduate in literary reading, the Russian language, mathematics and the world around him. Particular attention is paid to the examination of the ability of students to work with unfamiliar text.
The procedure for conducting control work
For each task of the test, several answers are given, of which only one is correct. When completing tasks, you must indicate the number of the correct answer. All tasks are approximately equal in complexity. It is necessary to provide each student with the text of the work, an additional sheet and a draft. All necessary entries for completing tasks are made on an additional sheet. The test is designed to take 40-45 minutes.
Akimushkin I.I.
Read the text
The giraffe has a long tongue - it will overwhelm the giraffe leaves with its tongue, like a noose, and peel them off.
The anteater also has a long tongue. He puts his tongue in an anthill and waits. When the ants cover the entire tongue, the anteater pulls it into the mouth along with the ants.
The tongues of the giraffe and anteater, although long, are no longer than the animals themselves.
Who has a tongue longer than the body?
At the chameleon.
He lives in hot countries and catches insects with his tongue. He will see a fly, slowly, slowly begin to get close to it. With one eye, the chameleon looks at the fly, and with the other on the sides, so that the enemies themselves are not taken by surprise. The chameleon will get closer to the fly and shoot with its tongue. Until recently, scientists thought that flies stuck to the tongue of a chameleon. But it turned out that this is not the case. The tongue of the chameleon, it turns out, is not a glue, but a pneumatic trap.
Prey is held by a small sucker at the end of the tongue.
Touches the tongue to the fly - she got caught! A quarter of a second later, the tongue returns to the mouth and pulls the fly along with it.
A chameleon twenty centimeters long can reach with its tongue a fly that sits at a distance of thirty centimeters from its nose.
That's what his tongue is - one and a half times longer than the body!
1) Determine the genre of the text:
a) story c) scientific and educational
b) fairy tale d) legend
1 point
2) Divide the text into parts and title each with one word.

2 points
3) Find out the meaning of each word and write it in the table:
Word Meaning
Overwhelm Climb Surprise 3 points
4) Whose tongue turns into a loop:
a) a giraffe
b) anteater
c) a chameleon
1 point
5) Whose tongue is a "plate"?
1 point
6) Whose tongue is called "pneumatic trap"?
1 point
7) Whose tongue is longer:
a) anteater
b) chameleon
c) giraffes
1 point
8) Fill in the table "Who eats what":
Leaves Insects
1 point
9) Who hunts and protects himself at the same time?
1 point
10) Find and write down the passage about the chameleon hunt:

1 point
11) Compose and write down a sentence about the anteater.
1 point
12) Write down the number of sounds and letters:
Language- ___________________________________________________
Leaves- _________________________________________________
2 points
13) Write out 3 words, indicate grammatical features:
Noun ___________, beginning form ___________, gender ____, declension _____, number ______, case ______.
Adjective _______________, beginning form _________________, number ______, gender singular _____, case _______.
Verb ______________, beginning f. ______________, conjugation ______, person ____, time _______, number _____, gender in past c. units h.______.
3 points
14) In the phrase, find a noun in which you need to add the ending "-e".
Circle the letter next to your answer.
a) take out the tongue - b) looks around -
c) get close to the flies- d) stick to the tongue-
1 point
15) Write out from the text one word for each rule.
Underline the spelling.
Unstressed vowel in the root of the word-
Unstressed vowel at the end of adjectives
Unstressed vowel in prefix-
Unstressed vowel at the end of the verb - 4 points
16) Connect with arrows who eats what:
Giraffe Ants
Anteater Flies
Chameleon Leaves
1 point
17) Write out the numbers from the text
1 point
18) Who absorbs food in less than a second?
1 point
19) Find the length of the chameleon's tongue if it is one and a half times longer than the body?
1 point
20) How many flies will a chameleon catch in 1s? For 1min?
2 points
21) What animal made the biggest impression on you?
1 point
Criteria for evaluation.
For the performance of the work, two marks are given: a test score and a certification mark. The test score is set on the basis of the primary scores received for the completion of each of the tasks of the work. A correct answer is worth 1 point, an incorrect answer is worth 0 points. The sum of points received for completing all tasks in a given academic subject is a test score. The attestation mark for the assimilation of each academic subject is set on a five-point scale, in accordance with the test score.
31 points - 100% - "5"
22 points - 70% - "4"
15 points - 50% - "3"
Less than 15 points - "2"

The main auxiliary function of the tongue is chewing and swallowing food, however, living beings do not find any use for the tongue. The cat family, for example, uses the tongue as a kind of comb with which they clean the fur, removing loose hairs from it. In addition, with such a tongue it is easy to clean the meat from the bones of your prey.

Canines use their tongue to regulate body temperature, using it as an air conditioner to help cool them down on a hot day. The tongue of such animals is the only part of the body that is able to evaporate moisture. But there are also representatives of the animal world who use the tongue to get food. They also have the longest tongue among all animals.


Scientists managed to establish that the bat (lat. Anoura fistulata) is the owner of the longest tongue among mammals. The length of her tongue is 8.5 cm, which is 3.5 times the length of her own body. Such a long tongue is necessary for the mouse to extract nectar from the Centropogon nigricans flower. And interestingly, only these bats have adapted to extract nectar from this plant.

We are already accustomed to hearing the sound of a woodpecker (lat. Picidae) in the forest - this is how this bird gets its food from under the bark of trees. But how does he get it? Answer: with the help of a long (about 10 cm) and rough tongue, which is located in a woodpecker in a special cranial cavity. At the tip of the bird's tongue there is a horny hook, with which he picks up the hiding larvae and pulls them into his mouth.

Often, woodpeckers can eat ants and termites, and in winter they can eat tree seeds. It is worth noting that the woodpecker's tongue is pushed out with the help of a special tape that goes around the inner cavity of the skull and is attached to the bird's nostril.

Australian echidna

The Australian echidna (lat. Tachyglossus aculeatus) is an egg-laying mammal with an elongated tubular nose, at the end of which there is a nose and mouth, in fact, like all representatives of the animal world. But the oral cavity of this animal is narrow, and the tongue is very thin and long.

In addition, the tongue is covered with a special fluid that is produced by the salivary glands of the echidna and helps to capture insects. The tongue of the animal protrudes outward by 18 centimeters, and this despite the fact that part of it still remains in the mouth.

Snakes (lat. Serpentes) are unique reptiles with both a long body and a long tongue (up to 25 cm). With the help of their unusual forked tongue, snakes easily read information about everything that surrounds them.

The snake's tongue is in constant motion. Thus, he carries out the selection of particles of water, soil and air, analyzing the information received, which allows you to detect prey or a potential enemy.

Cows (lat. Bos taurus taurus) are mammals with a rather wide, rough and long tongue (up to 30-45 cm). The length of the tongue depends primarily on the age and breed of the animal itself. Cows need such a tongue to capture grassy vegetation, which she mows with incisors located on the lower jaw.

Giraffe (lat. Giraffa camelopardalis) is the tallest of all mammals living on Earth. Surprisingly, the giraffe sometimes lacks its height, so it quite often resorts to the help of its long tongue (45 cm). In addition to the fact that the tongue of the giraffe is long, it is also very agile.

With its help, the animal easily cuts off foliage from trees and shrubs. Interestingly, the giraffe's lips and tongue are designed in such a way that they are not damaged at all, neither on thorns, nor on tree branches.


Chameleons (lat. Chamaeleonidae) are the most unusual lizards from the scaly order. One of the most basic features of a chameleon is its tongue, which can be up to about 50 cm long. Usually, the length of this organ corresponds to the length of its owner, therefore, the larger the lizard itself, the longer its tongue.

But to see the language of the chameleon in all its glory is possible only after accelerated shooting. The whole process of hunting (throwing out the tongue and returning it to its original position) lasts about 1/20 of a second. It is interesting that the chameleon is able to recognize and then catch up to 4 insects in 3 seconds.


Anteaters (lat. Myrmecophagidae) are devoid of teeth, but they do not need them, since anteaters feed on small insects such as ants and termites.

But without their sticky and long tongue, they definitely can not do. For example, in a giant anteater (lat. Myrmecophaga tridactyla), the tongue can reach up to 60 centimeters in length. The frequency of movement of the tongue in an anteater is about 160 (!) Times per minute.

Komodo Dragon or Komodo Dragon

The Komodo dragon or Komodo dragon (lat. Varanus komodoensis) is the largest lizard in the world. It is also called the "ground crocodile". The lizard itself grows up to 3 meters in length, and its tongue - up to 70 cm. Komodo monitor lizards weigh about 70 kg.

This is a large and powerful animal capable of killing even a buffalo. To do this, they only need to inflict a wound on their victim, and then just chase her and wait until she falls dead. The fact is that monitor lizard saliva contains a lot of bacteria that, getting into the wound of the victim, cause blood poisoning in it.

Blue whale

Blue, or blue whale (lat. Balaenoptera musculus) is the largest among all living creatures that live on our Earth. In addition, he received the title of "the owner of the largest and longest language in the world."

Only the 3-meter tongue of a blue whale is usually measured not in length, but in width, since it is a huge piston that serves to filter the krill that enters the whale's mouth along with tons of sea water.

So it turns out that the language of each of the animal species is adapted to the environment and the method of obtaining food. It is of great importance to each of them. If there were no language, the animal would simply die.

A long tongue in animals does not mean that animals talk a lot, since this is characteristic only of people. The long tongue serves living beings for other purposes. If we talk about the main task of the tongue, then this is chewing and swallowing food, however, some animals use the tongue for other purposes. The longest tongues in animals - TOP 10 - look!

The longest tongues in animals - TOP 10

For example, cats use their tongue as a comb to brush their fur. Also, a rough tongue allows them to easily remove meat from the bones of the victim.

Dogs use their tongue to regulate their body temperature. For example, on a hot day, it acts as an air conditioner to help cool the dog. In a word, every living being uses language in its own way.

This article will focus on those creatures that have an incredibly long tongue that helps them get their own food.

The longest tongues in animals - Bat

Tenth place goes to the bat. This mammal has one of the longest tongues of any mammal. The length of the tongue is 8.5 centimeters, which means that the tongue of a bat is almost 3.5 longer than the body of this nocturnal animal. A bat needs such a long tongue in order to be able to easily extract the necessary nectar from a flower. The most interesting thing is that only bats can extract nectar from this flower, and all thanks to the long tongue.

The longest tongues in animals - Woodpecker

If someone knocks loudly in the forest, then it is a woodpecker. The woodpecker knocks on trees to find food, and in order to get it later, he needs a long and rough tongue. The length of the tongue of a woodpecker can exceed 10 centimeters, so it can easily reach its prey. At the tip of the woodpecker's tongue there is a special hook that allows the bird to catch various larvae, and then pull them into the oral cavity.

Woodpeckers have also been known to eat ants and termites, and may even eat tree seeds in winter. Another feature of the woodpecker's tongue is that the tongue extends outward in the form of a kind of ribbon attached to the woodpecker's nostril.

Australian echidna

The longest tongues in animals - Australian echidna

This funny mammal belongs to the egg-laying animals. Echidna has an elongated nose in the form of a pipe, and at its end is located both the nose and the mouth, which, in principle, is characteristic of all mammals. The main difference is a very narrow oral cavity and an incredibly long tongue.

The features of the language of the Australian echidna have not ended there yet. The tongue of this creature is covered with a certain liquid that is produced by the salivary glands of the animal. Thanks to this mucus, the echidna can easily capture insects. Echidna is able to pull out the tongue by 18 centimeters, despite the fact that its real length is much longer.

The longest tongues in animals - Snake

Everyone knows that snakes have long tongues. These reptiles have a very long body, so it is not surprising that the tongue too. Language is necessary for snakes not only to capture food, but also to receive information that surrounds them. When the snake sees something new, it starts to move its tongue, thereby collecting information for them, but people often mistake this gesture for the snake's aggression and the desire to attack.

Snakes are creatures that are in constant motion and search. Any information received by the language must be processed in order to detect its prey in time or neutralize the enemy. The length of the tongue of snakes reaches 25 centimeters.

Longest Animal Tongues - Cow

Cows have a very long, wide and at the same time rough tongue. In length, it can reach 45 centimeters! In younger individuals, it is slightly shorter, and the length also depends on the breed of the cow. Due to the long tongue, cows can easily grab plant food, which the cow mows with incisors located on the lower jaw.

The longest tongues in animals - Giraffe

The tallest animal that lives on land. And yet, giraffes still lack such a high growth, so a long tongue comes to the rescue. The tongue of a giraffe is not only very long (about 45 centimeters), but also incredibly mobile, so you should be careful when feeding this exotic animal.

The giraffe's long tongue helps it pluck leaves from bushes and trees. In addition, the giraffe should not be afraid that he can scratch his tongue or lips on thorns, since both his tongue and lips are designed in such a way that they cannot be scratched. Interestingly, the giraffe has a black tongue.


The longest tongues in animals - Chameleon

This funny little animal could not help but get into this rating. Of all the lizards, it is more difficult to find a more amusing and unusual creature than a chameleon. Its constantly changing color, eyes, each of which lives its own life, a long tail, and, of course, an unusual language - that's what made this animal so famous. As a rule, the length of the tongue corresponds to the length of the body of the chameleon, so the longer the chameleon, the longer its tongue.

The saddest thing is that it is almost impossible to make out the language of a chameleon. To do this requires fast shooting, as it takes less than a second to eject the tongue and return to the starting point. It takes a chameleon less than 3 minutes to catch 4 insects.


The longest tongues in animals - Anteater

It is known that anteaters do not have teeth, but they do not really need them. The main prey of anteaters are ants and termites.

If they do not need teeth for grinding food, then a long and sticky tongue is simply necessary. Thanks to their tongue, they easily catch their prey. In a giant anteater, the length of the tongue can reach 60 centimeters in length.

komodo dragon

The longest tongues in animals - Komodo dragon

The largest lizard is the Komodo dragon. The giant lizard has not only impressive size, but also a very long tongue. Someone even calls the Komodo monitor lizard "ground crocodile". In length, monitor lizards grow up to 3 meters, but the length of the tongue is equal to 70 centimeters. The average weight of a Komodo Dragon is 70kg.

You should not treat this lizard as a cute and funny reptile, as in fact it is capable of killing even a large buffalo. In order to catch such a large prey, the monitor lizard only needs to inflict a wound on the victim and wait until it falls dead. The fact is that the saliva of a lizard contains a lot of bacteria, which, when it enters the bloodstream of another creature, instantly causes blood poisoning.

Blue whale

The longest tongues in animals - Blue whale

The first place goes to the blue whale. The blue whale is the largest creature of all currently known to mankind. In addition, the whale is also the owner of the longest tongue.

The three-meter tongue of this giant, as a rule, is measured in width, and not in length, since it is a healthy piston, the main task of which is to filter the keel that enters the body of a whale with a ton of water.

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