Advantages of being a seamstress. Creative profession: seamstress Why is the profession of a seamstress useful to society?

Profession seamstress

Who doesn't want to look beautiful, fashionable and elegant? This problem can be solved by a professional seamstress. It is to them, the “mistresses of needles,” that we owe our favorite trousers, luxurious dresses, formal blouses and... this list can be endless. The colorful and rich world in which the seamstress lives and rules is all kinds of fabrics, leather, threads, buttons, patterns, flounces and ruffles. By bringing together all these elements, the seamstress will provide us with a comfortable or, on the contrary, extravagant outfit. As soon as she sits down at the sewing machine, beautiful and practical things appear, without which it is impossible to imagine our life.

The need for sewing services arose when man first came up with the idea of ​​protecting his body with some kind of clothing - in the Stone Age. Back then, everyone was their own seamstress, but over time, new fabrics, new technologies appear, and, naturally, more serious demands are placed on clothes and their tailoring, which only an experienced craftsman can satisfy. The first sewing factory appeared in the 19th century - it was then that the seamstress profession became in demand.…

The seamstress profession is now in great demand; there is work for them in factories and small private firms, in ateliers and in individual tailoring. Workers in this specialty can sew not only clothes, but also shoes, leather goods accessories, car seat covers and many other things. Dresses, coats, trousers, bags, fur coats and sheepskin coats - all this is the work of seamstresses.

Even stitches, pattern matching, knowledge of the intricacies of sewing technology and the ability to independently eliminate basic sewing machine malfunctions are the main requirements for seamstresses. To this we can safely add accuracy and patience, as well as a willingness to quickly switch from one operation to another.

The ability to sew any item you like for yourself or your family is an advantage of being a seamstress. And the most vulnerable place of skilled seamstresses is their eyes and back, so they need to be given rest, and also remember to perform simple physical and relaxing exercises.

To master sewing skills, you can use one of several options: amateur courses will allow you to make clothes for yourself and your loved ones at home; various school-based training centers and vocational technical schools open the doors of clothing factories or ateliers. Another option is practical training directly at a sewing enterprise, where you can gradually grow from a “student” to a “master.” The professionalism of a seamstress is determined by its rank, from 1 to 5.

The profession of a seamstress is now in great demand. Workers of this specialtiescan sew not only clothes, but also shoes,leather goodsaccessories, car covers and other things. Dresses, coats, trousers,bags, fur coats, sheepskin coats - all these are products of the labor of seamstresses.

The history of the profession goes back centuries. The need for sewing services arose when man first came up with the idea of ​​protecting his body with clothing - in the Stone Age. Then everyone was his own seamstress: male hunters obtained food, and with it, animal skins; women sewed primitive clothes from them (loincloths, capes, hats, etc.). Many hundreds of years passed until well-known fabrics (silk, brocade, wool, satin, flannel, etc.) appeared along with new technologies for sewing clothes that would be suitable for a very skilled craftsman. Only in the 19th century did the first sewing factory appear, and it was then that the seamstress profession became in demand.

In the twenties of the XIX century. On the roads of France one could meet a thin man dressed in rags, wandering from town to town. He fed by showing the public an amazing object - a sewing machine, invented by him. Bartholomew Timonier created in 1755 the first mechanical machine that sewed - and sewed well! V. Timonier organized a sewing workshop where 80 machines worked. But his workshop did not last long. Fearing competition, Parisian tailors attacked and destroyed the studio at night, throwing all the machines into the street. Only one survived. V. Timonier used a needle with two points and a hole in the middle. The design of the machine was still imperfect, and yet it gave impetus to the fact that several inventors immediately began to improve it.

In 1814, a needle appeared with an eye not at the blunt end, but at the point. The most successful model of a machine for such a reversing needle was created by the American inventor E. Howe. In 1845 he received a patent for a sewing machine with a shuttle. He came up with a two-thread stitch. But the needle on E. Howe’s machine moved horizontally, but the fabric moved vertically and could only move in a straight line.

I. Singer, an American manufacturer and mechanic, did the opposite: he placed the needle vertically and the fabric horizontally. She was pressed while sewing by a small but strong foot. I. Singer’s machine was a success, and its fame spread throughout the world. At the end of the 19th century. The Singer company produced 600 thousand sewing machines per year. Even now, some respectable old women still have old Zingers, which they received as a dowry from their grandmothers.

In 1872, the first model of electric sewing machine was offered to consumers. It was invented by Russian electrical engineer V. N. Chikolev. The car was driven by a small electric motor, which was powered by a battery. In the West it was introduced into production immediately, but here it began to be produced in the 50s of the 20th century.

Professionogram of a seamstress

Profession names: Seamstress/Sewing Equipment Operator

Related professions: Embroiderer, cutter, tailor, design technologist

Areas of professional activity: o service, production

Profession classification

Type of profession by subject of work: a seamstress uses a variety of manual and mechanical means of labor in her work, so the profession can be classified as “Human-Technical”.

Type of profession based on purpose: transformative.

Type of profession by means of labor: Use of manually operated machines.

Type of profession by working conditions: work indoors in “room” conditions.

Profession class: performing (algorithmic); By the nature of the work, the profession of a seamstress involves the implementation of the same type of procedures, the performance of standard tasks according to the model, with strict adherence to the rules, regulations, and instructions.

Description of the profession

Seamstress– a specialist who creates textile products of various types using automatic or semi-automatic universal and special machines.

The main responsibilities of a seamstress relate:

  • performing work on threading and adjusting the sewing machine, taking into account the peculiarities of performing various operations;
  • management of universal and special sewing equipment;
  • maintenance, cleaning and lubrication of machines, if necessary, troubleshooting their operation;
  • performing operations for sewing clothes from various materials;
  • final finishing of finished products, cleaning and wet-heat treatment with an iron.

Requirements for the individual characteristics of a specialist

A seamstress must have such personal qualities as patience, a tendency to perform monotonous and monotonous actions, sustained attention, perseverance, accuracy.

To the professionally important qualities of a seamstress include: excellent vision and accurate volumetric eye; good coordination, dexterity and manual dexterity; high tactile sensitivity of fingers; visual-figurative memory; physical endurance; the ability to work intensively for long periods of time without reducing productivity.

Medical contraindications

The seamstress profession is not recommended persons with diseases of the musculoskeletal system, impaired hand function, varicose veins, high myopia, mental disorders, chronic diseases of the bronchopulmonary system; allergic reactions to dust, products of animal and plant origin, polymer materials.

Training requirements

The seamstress should know: sewing production technology, range of sewing products and material properties; methods and techniques for performing operations for sewing clothes from various materials; design features of the machines being serviced.

A seamstress must be able to: perform operations of varying degrees of complexity on machines or manually for sewing products, taking into account the range of products; take into account the properties of the materials used when performing the relevant work; use equipment, tools and devices when performing sewing operations; Identify and eliminate minor problems in the operation of serviced machines. She must be able to select the numbers of needles and threads, adjust the thread tension, the height of the presser foot and the amount of its pressure, the length of the stitch; adjust the speed of the machine when performing various types of seams; prepare the cut for work, check its quality; perform various stitches, connect parts of products using seams.

Application area

Seamstresses/sewing equipment operators are employed at light industry enterprises in the clothing, knitting, fur, felting, textile and haberdashery industries.

Seamstresses are in demand in ateliers and salons, fabric departments in stores, etc.

Working conditions

A seamstress can work independently or in a team.

A seamstress can perform the entire cycle of sewing work (a seamstress-tailor in self-employment and when working in an atelier) or one operation (a seamstress-machine operator in production).

Seamstresses work in special production premises (workshops, halls) of sewing enterprises. A seamstress can work individually at home.

Seamstress's workplace- This is the place where sewing operations are directly performed. It must be organized in such a way that maximum comfort and safety of the specialist’s work is ensured. The workplace may include an industrial table with equipment installed on it, additional tools, devices and organizational equipment, a chair, and a storage area for semi-finished products before and after the operation. The workplace should be well lit.

Special clothing for seamstress: a robe that protects clothes from dust, a headdress, arm ruffles, etc.

Occupational hazards

For specialists in the clothing industry, there is a risk of diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, since a number of technological processes are associated with the formation of harmful vapors and dust.

Working posture– sitting position. Prolonged stay in this position can lead to diseases accompanied by back and neck pain.

Cutters often suffer from diseases of the joints of their hands. The load on vision during work is very high, especially considering the fact that the time for performing technological operations is limited.

A creative and interesting profession that has not lost its attractiveness for centuries. And we are sure that it will remain relevant for a long time. This is the profession of a seamstress. In the article we will analyze the features of training specialists, the requirements of employers for them, the job responsibilities of seamstresses and other important and interesting information.

What kind of profession is this?

A professional seamstress today performs operations both by machine and by hand. The simplest ones are sewing, adjusting clothes to fit. Sometimes minor repairs to textiles. As a rule, such works, despite their simplicity, are very popular.

Specialists work both in large textile productions and in small studios. Many people open their own workshops.

What else makes the seamstress profession stand out? Mastering the skill is easy: to work in an atelier, it is enough to complete specialized courses. For further professional development, it is necessary to acquire more and more new categories of seamstresses. The higher the category, the more serious the work, the higher the wages and the demand for specialists.

Seamstress training

What’s great is that you can become a seamstress “suddenly and right away.” The specialty does not require many years of training. Much more important is the inner sense of style and balance, creative nature, the ability to see and create beauty.

All training opportunities for specialists can be divided into three categories:

  • Sewing courses. The easiest and fastest way. The average duration is about 3 months. But if you want to move up the professional ladder, seamstress courses won't be enough. Such training is limited to minimal skills - hemming, minor clothing repairs. But the courses are good because they help you decide on your goal - whether you want to continue developing in this direction or not.
  • Secondary vocational education. The profession can be acquired in a number of colleges and technical schools.
  • Higher professional education. Without a university, of course, it is possible to become a first-class specialist, but still many seamstresses strive for just such training. By the way, it is available through a correspondence program, which makes it possible to combine education with work.

Required personal qualities

The job description for seamstresses does not contain such a column. But certain personal qualities allow you to achieve success at work, enjoy this activity, and motivate you to develop further in the sewing world.

The following is appreciated here:

  • Perseverance.
  • Passion for working with fabrics.
  • The ability to harmoniously combine colors, shades, designs, patterns.
  • Artistic taste.
  • Accuracy.
  • Patience.
  • Pedantry.
  • Attention to detail.
  • Constant desire for self-development and professional self-improvement.
  • Communication skills. Yes, yes, the success of a seamstress largely depends on properly structured communication with clients. This way she will thoroughly understand what the customer wants in the end and will gently resolve conflict situations.

The seamstress should know...

The job description of a seamstress requires the specialist to have the following knowledge:

  • About the types and varieties of fabrics.
  • About the options for using different types of seams.
  • About working on various types of sewing machines.
  • On the techniques of designing and cutting various items of clothing.
  • About the rules for caring for sewing equipment.
  • About the rules for storing sewing accessories.

A seamstress must be able...

The job description of a seamstress requires the specialist to possess a number of skills necessary for the job. This is the following:

  • Correct selection of needle and thread numbers.
  • Adjusting the tension level of the tensioned thread in a sewing machine.
  • Adjusting the speed of the sewing device.
  • Troubleshooting minor problems in the functioning of sewing equipment.
  • Ability to operate both a manual, foot-operated sewing machine and an automated device.
  • Connecting parts of various products, selecting the right type of seam.
  • Cutting out various parts and preparing them for work.

Job responsibilities of a seamstress without category

The job description of a seamstress does not require obtaining a category to perform the following types of work:

  • Labeling of textile products.
  • Measuring and subsequent cutting of fabrics for further sewing of products.
  • Design and manufacture of parts for specific purposes.
  • Sewing products from natural and artificial leather.
  • Textile repair using heat treatment.
  • Repair of canvas products (for example, tents) and other products that require knowledge of the location of eyes, loops, bushings, edgings and ropes and the use of techniques not directly related to sewing.

To be allowed to perform other work in the seamstress workshop, a specialist must obtain the appropriate rank. The division is based on the degree of complexity of a particular sewing method, accuracy, and speed of work execution.

Seamstresses 3rd category

Specialists are busy sewing hospital gowns, pajamas, bed linen, bags, overalls - all products whose usefulness is valued more than their appearance.

A seamstress in third-class production must be able to:

  • Baste the edges using a machine.
  • Sew buttons on a special device.
  • Sew straight edges.
  • Hem cuffs, pockets, hems using special devices.
  • Sew on the edges.
  • Process the edges of the pillowcases.
  • Use fastening devices to attach labels.
  • Darn, mend loose stitches.
  • Shorten and lengthen simple items of clothing.
  • Thread the thread into the bobbin of the sewing machine.
  • Adjust thread tension.
  • Lubricate the sewing machine.
  • Control the sewing device.
  • Adjust the speed of the machine.

Seamstresses 4th category

The job description of a fourth-grade seamstress suggests that a specialist works with cotton, wool, nylon, viscose, and combined fabrics. In relation to the products it makes, the appearance of the products is important.

In addition to the skills of a category 3 specialist, a seamstress must be able to:

  • Sew irregularly shaped parts, work with curves and curved lines, strictly right angles.
  • Give an aesthetic appearance to manufactured products.
  • Embroider small elements - pocket flaps, patch pockets, loops on the shoulders using topstitching, processing curved lines and right angles.
  • Making loops on various items of clothing - trousers, shirts.
  • Performing various operations for sewing clearly defined contours.
  • Sewing with double needles.
  • Repair of clothing associated with changing the design of the product, and not just lengthening/shortening it.
  • Sewing irregularly shaped areas.
  • Proficiency with an overlocker and knife.

Seamstresses of the 5th category

They work on products where quality is important (for example, parachutes) and elegant appearance (evening suits). They easily cope with the manufacture of clothes with numerous and elaborate details. They have deep skills in connecting and fitting curved, curved structural parts.

The main work that the job description prescribes for these specialists:

  • Sewing parts with matching patterns, often with a double needle.
  • Replacement of cuffs, pockets.
  • Repairing parachutes with minimal seam tolerance.
  • Repair involves changing waist sizes and intermediate parts.
  • Working with wool, nylon and viscose.
  • Combining the main parts of a product into a common whole.
  • Work with bulky textiles weighing up to 20 kg.

Seamstresses 6th category

The main work of these specialists is heavy multi-layer textile products. For example, coats and jackets with lining.

A seamstress-motorist should be able to do the following:

  • Place the sleeves of the product in the armhole without wrinkles or folds.
  • Sew the edges around the lapels of coats and jackets, making sure all allowances are correctly observed.
  • Finish with high precision the edges of products of complex designs.
  • Repair complex textile items. An example here would be the same coats and jackets.

A seamstress in this category is fully responsible for the appearance of the complex cut product she produces. Of all the above, work within this category will be the most intense, requiring extreme concentration.

Specialist's remuneration

How much does a seamstress-machine operator earn on average? The salary of a specialist depends on a number of factors. Professional experience has the greatest influence on the amount of monetary compensation. The longer the work experience, the more valuable the specialist.

In second place is the specifics of the employer. At large enterprises, wages are higher and opportunities for career growth are richer. In small studios, of course, both the salary and professional promotion are more modest.

The third factor is region. Here are the average numbers:

  • Moscow: 30-50 thousand rubles.
  • St. Petersburg: 25-45 thousand rubles.
  • Ekaterinburg and Novosibirsk: 20-40 thousand rubles.
  • Nizhny Novgorod: 10-35 thousand rubles.

Working as a seamstress is an interesting creative activity. Some people start with three-month introductory courses and try themselves in small ateliers, their own mini-workshops. Then she develops practical skills, becoming a professional, in-demand seamstress with golden hands. Someone follows a different path: receives a specialized higher education for further employment at a large textile factory. University training contributes to rapid career advancement - it allows you to become a department head or a team leader.

Seamstress- a specialist whose responsibilities include creating various kinds of garments (clothing, shoes, leather goods, cases, hats and other accessories) using specialized equipment. The profession is suitable for those who are interested in world artistic culture and work and economy (see choosing a profession based on interest in school subjects).

There is a common misconception that seamstress and tailor are just two different names for the same profession, but in reality this is not the case. The difference is that a tailor carries out all stages of creating textile products (from cutting to sewing), while a seamstress specializes exclusively in tailoring. Most often, her tasks include performing a specific procedure at one or another stage of sewing production - for example, processing parts.


  • carrying out operations for sewing and production of various products from fabrics, knitwear, leather and other materials;
  • adjustment of stitch frequency and thread tension;
  • management of universal and special sewing equipment;
  • servicing sewing machines and repairing minor equipment faults;
  • cut quality control;
  • checking the compliance of the fittings with the color and purpose of the product;
  • finishing of finished products, their cleaning and wet-heat treatment;
  • compliance with safety regulations at work.

Pros and cons of the profession


  • you can dress yourself and your whole family;
  • accessible training;
  • the opportunity for creative self-realization (while receiving additional education).


  • high level of background noise in the workshop when working at a large enterprise;
  • there is a risk of vision deterioration, since due to the specific nature of the professional activity, the seamstress has to constantly strain her eyes;
  • there is also a danger of developing or worsening spinal diseases, since the work is sedentary;
  • monotonous actions;
  • lack of communication with people.

Professionally important qualities

  • accuracy;
  • patience;
  • attention to details;
  • good hand-eye coordination;
  • dexterity;
  • presence of artistic taste.

Where to study to be a seamstress

The knowledge and skills necessary for this work are taught in specialized technological colleges and technical schools or in professional courses. Since the primary task in training is to master practical skills, correspondence education is not provided. The exception is higher education obtained after graduating from a secondary specialized institution in a given profile.

Educational institutions

  • Moscow College of Light Industry No. 5.
  • Sewing Technological College.
  • Higher vocational school of sewing design. (Moscow)
  • Russian Correspondence Institute of Textile and Light Industry. (Moscow)
  • Moscow State University of Design and Technology.
  • St. Petersburg State University of Technology and Design.

Places of work

  • Garment factories and enterprises.
  • Clothes repair and sewing studio.
  • Fabric shops.
  • Educational establishments.
  • Own business.


Salary as of 08/15/2019

Russia 20000—65000 ₽

Moscow 30000—65000 ₽

The salary of a seamstress can vary depending on her qualifications and the specifics of the work performed and ranges from 35 to 70 thousand rubles. and higher.

Career steps and prospects

The professional growth of a seamstress is marked by assigning her the next qualification category, starting from the first and ending with the sixth.

Novice specialists most often perform simple operations on sewing equipment or sew on accessories. Seamstresses who have reached a high level are engaged in more complex work - turning sleeves, connecting individual parts of a future product, etc.

In addition, a seamstress can acquire additional skills in preparing drawings and patterns for various things, as well as cutting out parts, which will allow her to come up with her own unique models of shoes, clothes, etc. In this case, there is an opportunity to realize her talents by organizing her own business and accepting individual orders from customers at home.

In the process of direct communication with the customer, the seamstress, if necessary, provides professional consultation on the choice of style and selection of materials that best suit the customer.

Another path to professional development is higher education. Thus, the training program “design of light industry products” provides great opportunities for improvement in the profession and includes several specializations: history of fashion, technology for manufacturing garments, development of collections of clothing or shoes, modeling and design of various products, creation of drawings and patterns, etc. .

Description of the presentation by individual slides:

1 slide

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Class hour: “All professions are needed, all professions are important. Profession – seamstress” The ship of life is susceptible to all winds and storms if it does not have labor ballast. Stendhal

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Slide description:

Profession – seamstress A seamstress is a worker engaged in sewing (an outdated word is a dressmaker). Tailor (obsolete) – master, specialist in sewing clothes. Atelier is a clothing workshop. A fashion designer is a person who comes up with new styles of clothing. A model is a person who shows samples of new clothes. July 13 – Day of Light Industry Workers.

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Brief description of the profession: A professional seamstress is the mistress of needles, threads and sewing machines; we owe them our favorite trousers, luxurious dresses, formal blouses. The colorful and rich world in which a seamstress lives is all kinds of fabrics, leather, threads, buttons, patterns, flounces and ruffles. By putting these elements together, the seamstress will provide us with a comfortable everyday or festive outfit. But even for the most daring, extravagant ladies, she will sew models to suit their taste. As soon as she sits down at the sewing machine, beautiful and practical things appear, without which it is impossible to imagine our lives. The profession of a seamstress is now in great demand; they can find work in factories and small private firms, in studios and in individual work at home sewing bed linen, kitchen utensils and various types of clothing. Workers in this specialty can sew not only clothes, but also shoes, leather goods accessories, car seat covers and many other things. Dresses, coats, trousers, bags, sheepskin coats - all these are products of the labor of seamstresses. By enrolling in vocational schools or practical training at a sewing company, you can grow from an “apprentice” to a “master.” The professionalism of a seamstress is determined by its rank, from first to fifth.

4 slide

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Historical background: how the seamstress profession appeared The history of the seamstress profession goes back centuries, and the need for sewing services appeared already when man first came up with the idea of ​​protecting his body with clothes - in the Stone Age. Then everyone was his own seamstress: male hunters obtained food, and with it, animal skins; women sewed primitive clothes from them (loincloths, capes, hats, etc.). Many hundreds of years passed until well-known fabrics (silk, brocade, wool, satin, flannel, etc.) appeared along with new technologies for sewing clothes that would be suitable for a very skilled craftsman. Only in the 19th century did the first sewing factory appear, and it was then that the seamstress profession became in demand.

5 slide

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History of the origin of sewing accessories Iron Do you know what gift in the old days was the most desired and expensive for the bride? Large, heavy iron. The gift of an iron meant that the bride was considered a needlewoman and an excellent housewife. It was kept as a family heirloom and passed from mother to daughter. The iron is no more than 500 years old... Sewing Needle In the long collection of inventions of mankind, the needle is a treasure. What would we do without this painstaking assistant helping us out! Man invented the needle long before metals were discovered. The first needles were made from fish bone, in the blunt end of which a hole was made...

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Slide description:

History of the appearance of sewing accessories Sewing machine In the twenties of the 19th century. On the roads of France one could meet a thin man dressed in rags, wandering from town to town. He fed by showing the public an amazing object - a sewing machine, invented by him. Bartholomew Timonier created in 1755 the first mechanical machine that sewed - and sewed well! I. Singer is an American manufacturer and mechanic.

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School sewing workshop A school sewing workshop is a class specially equipped for sewing fabric products. Rules of behavior in the workshop... Rules for cleaning the workshop... Duties of the duty officer... Tools and devices for sewing work: needles, thimble, measuring tape, scissors, dummy, ruler, sewing machine, needle and thread, buttons, pins.

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A brief history of costume The concepts of “clothing” and “costume” are similar in many ways, but there are also differences. Clothing includes various types of products: underwear, dresses, shoes, hats, stockings, etc. A costume is a single ensemble of clothing items, in which an important role is played by accessories (gloves, bags, belts, jewelry, etc. .), hairstyle, cosmetics. We are familiar with the words “fashionable” and “unfashionable”. What is fashion? Fashion is a stylish suit, and the style of a suit is determined by its silhouette. According to their design, costumes of all eras are divided into three types.

Slide 9

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What a novice seamstress needs to know Pattern - a template for marking and cutting fabric Dart - a small fold sewn from the inside to sew a garment according to the figure Pattern - a drawing tool for drawing curved lines Mannequin - a figure in the shape of a human body, necessary when sewing or finishing clothes

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Excerpts from literary works about tailors and sewing... She had to iron her sisters' dresses, starch their skirts, and sew collars and frills. “And I will wear the most modest dress, but I will have a cape embroidered with golden flowers and a diamond belt, which no noble lady has.” C. Perrault. “Cinderella” Proverbs and sayings Measure seven times, cut once. Riddles I am the younger sister of the needle, I also have a long thin neck, I differ only barely: Instead of an ear there is a head. (Pin)

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