Barinov Nikolai Ivanovich General. The General Fsin was taken for kickbacks on the “crosses. Here are those cross

The retired deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service and the current adviser to the head of Rosreestr, Nikolai Barinov, was detained on November 2 in Moscow. He is suspected of taking bribes worth 110 million rubles at his former place of work.

As it became known to Fontanka, the detention of Nikolai Barinov by employees of the central apparatus of the FSB took place as part of a criminal case on giving and receiving bribes during the construction of the Kresty-2 pre-trial detention center in St. Petersburg. According to investigators, Barinov, who served as deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service and since 2007 oversaw a project worth 12 billion rubles, entered into a criminal conspiracy with the director of the general subcontractor Petroinvest Ruslan Khamkhokov and deputy head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of St. Petersburg and the region Sergey Moiseenko to steal government money. As follows from the materials of the case, announced earlier at court hearings on the selection of measures of restraint for Khamkhokov and Moiseenko, after the funds were transferred to the account of Petroinvest, part of them was cashed out and transferred directly to the bribe takers.

“According to the investigators, from May to August 2007, while on the territory of St. object, he will ensure the signing of the necessary documents on the work performed. Then, from October 2007 to December 2012, while in various places in St. Petersburg and Moscow, he repeatedly received bribes from the above persons in the form of money in various amounts, and in total a total of at least 110 million rubles, ”they said today, November 2, in the Investigative Committee.

Nikolai Barinov's heir in charge of Krestov-2, deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service Oleg Korshunov, was also detained and has already been arrested. Now he is charged with embezzlement in the purchase of fuels and lubricants in other regions.

As the press service of the St. Petersburg City Court reported, Khamhokov was kept under arrest until January 31, 2018. Sergei Moiseenko will be held in custody until February 1, 2018. He is accused not only of taking a bribe, but also of organizing the murder of his subordinate Nikolai Chernov, who became aware of episodes of theft during the construction of Kresty-2.

According to Fontanka, Barinov was detained after Khamhokov concluded a deal with the investigation. The businessman acknowledged the transfer of 350 million rubles to the employees of the Federal Penitentiary Service, including Barinov.

In the status of an adviser to the head of Rosreestr, Nikolai Barinov declared 9.6 million rubles for 2016, a 130-meter apartment, Volkswagen Multivan, Renault Kangoo, Moskvich-407 cars, and an all-terrain vehicle. His wife turned out to be wealthier. With an annual salary of just over a million rubles, she owns six land plots with a total area of ​​​​8 thousand square meters, a residential building, three garages, Audi A7, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Nissan Murano cars.

Perhaps Nikolai Barinov will be transferred to St. Petersburg and a measure of restraint will be chosen here. If Barinov is arrested, then, ironically, along with Ruslan Khamkhokov and Sergei Moiseenko, he may become the first guest of the new pre-trial detention center. The transfer of the contingent from Kresty to Arsenalnaya Embankment is scheduled for December 1, 2017.

The pre-trial detention center Kresty-2 has been under construction since 2007, the volume of budget investments is 12 billion rubles. The construction of a new institution was commissioned by Vladimir Putin.

Several high-ranking officers of the Federal Penitentiary Service resigned in early February, sources told RBC. The decree on their resignation was not officially published.

Photo: Evgeny Asmolov / TASS

Three generals of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) were relieved of their posts on February 9, two sources in the central office of the service told RBC.

We are talking about the head of the department of engineering and information support, communications and weapons of the Federal Penitentiary Service Yuri Barinov, the head of the legal department of the service Leonid Klimakov and the head of the main department of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Irkutsk region Anatoly Kilanov. Together with the generals, Colonel Yevgeny Lukyanets, who held the position of head of the department for organizing the execution of sentences not related to the isolation of convicts from society, was fired.

Now the website of the Federal Penitentiary Service indicates that all of the listed units are headed by the interim. These are colonels Yuri Omelchenko, Oleg Polyabin, Elena Korobkova and Alexei Girichev. “Their predecessors were exempted from execution at their own request - some retired, some went to another place of work,” one of the sources in the central office of the Federal Penitentiary Service told RBC. According to him, "acting appointed recently, a week or two ago."

All officers have been dismissed from their positions with neutral wording, another interlocutor in the central office of the Federal Penitentiary Service told RBC and confirmed a source in law enforcement agencies, adding that "they just quit" for the time being.

Appointments to these positions and dismissals from them occur by presidential decree, in this case the decree was not officially published. “The appointment of employees of the penitentiary system to positions of higher commanding staff and dismissal from these positions is not within the competence of the Federal Penitentiary Service,” RBC was told in the press bureau of the service, answering a question about resignations. Presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov did not answer RBC's question.

Barinov filed a report back in August last year, when Anatoly Rudy, the first deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service, ceased to oversee his department and another deputy director of the service, Alexander Khabarov, became the curator, added another RBC interlocutor close to the service. But then the question of his resignation was not resolved, he said.

Earlier, in early February, the ICR opened a criminal case related to the theft of radio sets for the needs of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the amount of 141.6 million rubles. It featured "unidentified officials" from among the employees of one of the state institutions of the Federal Penitentiary Service - the Main Center for Information Technology and Communications (GCITOIS), as well as unidentified employees of the commercial company T-Helper Telecom. The case was initiated on February 2 under articles on abuse of office (Article 286 of the Criminal Code) and fraud (Article 159 of the Criminal Code), follows from the letter of the ICR Department for the North-Eastern District of Moscow to the Prosecutor’s Office of the capital (its authenticity was confirmed by a source in RBC TFR).

The work of the GCITOIS was supervised by Yuri Barinov, an interlocutor close to the prison department told RBC. RBC sent a request to the Investigative Committee.

In September last year, FSB officers, the Basmanny Court of Moscow, arrested him. Korshunov is charged with embezzlement of 160 million rubles. on the purchase of sugar and gasoline, as well as two episodes of fraud on the purchase of shoes for prisoners. In the spring of last year, the TFR initiated those associated with the supply of the Federal Penitentiary Service, sources told RBC.

In November 2017, Nikolai Barinov was arrested in St. Petersburg on charges of taking a bribe. According to investigators, he received kickbacks of 12% from contractors for the construction of the St. Petersburg pre-trial detention center Kresty-2, and a total of 110 million rubles were transferred to him.

The founder of the social network, Vladimir Osechkin, notes that the president dismissed half of the team of the director of the Federal Penitentiary Service Gennady Kornienko. “Lefortovo is the financier of the current administration, Oleg Korshunov, who, according to the idea of ​​Gennady Kornienko and Minister of Justice Konovalov, was to become the main reformer of the prison economy,” says Osechkin. According to him, retired Barinov and Klimakov are friends and confidants of the first deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service Anatoly Rudy, they served together in the air defense and they are called "anti-aircraft gunners."

“The latest resignations mean that Rudy and Kornienko have completely lost influence and trust on the part of the country's leadership, although Putin counted on them as generals who would be able to rehabilitate the Federal Penitentiary Service in the eyes of society after Reimer,” Osechkin told RBC. In his opinion, the latest personnel decisions mean only one thing - the recognition of the failure of the reform of the prison system.

The penitentiary system is a sore spot for our law enforcement agencies, said Artem Kiryanov, First Deputy Chairman of the Public Chamber Commission on Public Control. “The dismissals indicate that the country's leadership reproaches the service for the underdevelopment of the penitentiary system, disorder in prisons, violation of the rights of prisoners,” says Kiryanov.

With the participation of: Natalia Galimova

The original of this material © "Kommersant", 11/03/2017, The largest pre-trial detention center in Russia was built for bribes, Photo: TASS Vladislav Litovchenko Employees of the Main Investigative Committee of the ICR in St. Petersburg and the FSB detained Nikolai Barinov, former deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, and now adviser to the head of Rosreestr. According to investigators, the major general, who oversaw the construction of the largest pre-trial detention center in Russia, Kresty-2, received more than 110 million rubles as kickbacks from contractors. According to unofficial data, the former deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service was detained on November 2 in his Moscow apartment. After the search, Mr. Barinov was taken to the central office of the ICR, from where he will be transferred to St. Petersburg. The investigation plans to bring charges against him and apply to the court for his arrest. As Kommersant was explained in the TFR, the detention of Nikolai Barinov was carried out as part of a criminal case initiated under Part 6 of Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (receiving a bribe on an especially large scale). At the same time, he became the second deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service who ended up in a pre-trial detention center in recent times. Initially, under investigation for embezzlement (part 4 of article 160 of the Criminal Code) 160 million rubles. when implementing contracts for the purchase of sugar and fuels and lubricants, Oleg Korshunov, who was in charge of the rear in the department, turned out to be. According to investigators, the suspect Barinov, supervising the construction of the Kresty-2 pre-trial detention center in the Kolpinsky district of St. Petersburg, from October 2007 to December 2012 received kickbacks from companies involved in the implementation of this project. In particular, the head of the Petroinvest company, who has been under arrest since September of this year, paid representatives of the prison department 12% of the budget funds received by his company. Kickbacks, for which the work performed in the pre-trial detention center was accepted, first went to the deputy head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, who then shared the amounts received with General Barinov. In total, according to the investigation, Sergei Moiseenko was given bribes in the amount of 350 million rubles, of which Mr. Barinov received 110 million rubles directly. Corruption schemes operating during the construction of a pre-trial detention center designed for 4,000 detainees (the project cost is 12 billion rubles) were uncovered during the investigation of another crime - the murder on March 2 this year of the head of the technical supervision and operation of construction facilities department of the Federal Penitentiary Service for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region Nikolai Chernov. The main version of the investigators connected this crime with the colonel's official activities: the timing of the acceptance of work performed by contractors for the construction of Krestov-2 largely depended on Mr. Chernov. In addition, he had information about the existing system of kickbacks and, allegedly, for a number of reasons, tried to counteract it. After the arrest of the alleged perpetrator of the crime, a resident of St. Petersburg Sabir Sadykov, the investigation came to the customer, in whose role he sees Sergei Moiseenko. Studying the problems in the relationship between two high-ranking officers of the Federal Penitentiary Service, the investigators received data on numerous financial violations committed during the construction of the new "Crosses". The result was the initiation of several criminal cases, including the embezzlement of 57 million rubles, in which the owner of another subcontractor company, JSC General Construction Corporation, Viktor Kudrin, is suspected. And already during the investigation of the cases of the accused Moiseenko and Kudrin, the investigators received information about the illegal actions of Mr. Khamkhokov. According to unofficial information, the testimony of the head of Petroinvest, who is actively cooperating with the investigation, became the basis for the criminal prosecution of the former deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service. [Fontanka.Ru, 10/02/2017, "The former deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service was detained in the Krestov-2 case": In the status of an adviser to the head of Rosreestr, Nikolai Barinov declared 9.6 million rubles for 2016, a 130-meter apartment, Volkswagen Multivan, Renault Kangoo cars , "Moskvich-407", all-terrain vehicle. His wife turned out to be wealthier. With an annual salary of just over a million rubles, she owns six land plots with a total area of ​​​​8 thousand square meters, a residential building, three garages, Audi A7, Jeep Grand Cherokee, Nissan Murano cars. - Inset] Nikolai Barinov

May 13th, 2013

The killer Oleg Topalov, who escaped from Matrosskaya Tishina, was detained on May 8 in one of the city parks. During the arrest, the criminal himself did not even try to resist: according to him, he knew that there was nowhere to run, since the police and operatives of the Federal Penitentiary Service were on his trail and blocked all possible ways to escape from justice.

In order to understand the situation and understand who benefited from the organization of this event, it is enough to recall the previous case of a high-profile and, probably, the most daring escape from a strict regime colony No. 17 in the Vologda Oblast. Then Alexei Shestakov, convicted of murder, managed to escape with the help of a helicopter, which suddenly appeared over the territory of the colony and also suddenly disappeared, taking the killer with him.

Both of these cases - Shestakov's escape by helicopter, and Topalov's escape with the help of an ordinary aluminum spoon - could well become the plot for a Hollywood movie. However, for a person who is even slightly familiar with the security system installed in our Russian prisons, both of these cases raise serious doubts.

However, escaping from the prison, which, in addition to the security system, is monitored around the clock by numerous guards, is possible only if the escape is organized not without the help of high-ranking stakeholders. And most likely, the reason for organizing such an event is the indignation on the part of the public, which will follow immediately after such a flagrant fact of negligence on the part of responsible persons.

Comparing the dates, one can obtain indirect confirmation of this assumption: the “helicopter” escape was committed at the moment when, as a source familiar with the situation, there were internecine wars between the so-called “clans” within the very department of the Federal Penitentiary Service (FSIN) of the Russian Federation, as a source familiar with the situation said. Alexander Reimer, then head of the department, and his deputy, Eduard Petrukhin. This confrontation did not take place without the help of a number of interested media. So, for example, one of the Moscow newspapers in most cases was the first to publish information about all the failures pursuing the ex-head of the Federal Penitentiary Service. Ultimately, a series of events led to Reimer's resignation.

At the moment, as it became known to the FIC from a source in the department, the “clan” of Eduard Petrukhin is likely to be confronting the team of another deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service, Vladislav Tsaturov.

At the same time, earlier in a number of media there was information that Eduard Petrukhin is highly respected among the criminal world, where he is even called the "patron of thieves in law". The escaped criminal Oleg Topalov, as it became known, was a member of one of the most brutal criminal groups, the Kurgan.

The scheme is simple: first, an escape is carried out, which in part even looks comical, and then a material is published in a certain publication that details why such an escape became possible and who is to blame. At the same time, the whole process is controlled by persons who are interested, let's say, in rocking the situation and pursuing their very specific goals.

In addition, if in the case of an escape from the zone by helicopter, all the blame can be placed on the employees of the correctional colony, then in the case of Topalov, the latter was and is under clear operational control, which is carried out by the operational units of the Federal Penitentiary Service as part of the support of criminal cases against Topalov in court. Therefore, when conducting an internal audit and investigating a criminal case initiated by the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the fact of an escape, it is necessary to take into account, among other things, the version of assistance in this escape by both the employees of the pre-trial detention center and the employees of the operational unit of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

Control by the operational units of the Federal Penitentiary Service is also indirectly confirmed by Topalov's quick detention. Now, 2-3 more years that are not decisive for him will probably be added to his "life" term, but in return Topalov will most likely serve this term on special conditions or, as they say "there", "in chocolate".

The so-called "thieves in law" under the new leadership of the Federal Penitentiary Service feel quite at ease. Many of them, if they wish, can choose their own place to serve their sentence, as well as, for a fee, serve part of the prescribed period on sick leave.

The North Caucasus region is especially popular with thieves in law, according to a source from the Analytics and Security FRC in the department, since, according to the source, any issues are easily resolved there.

According to the source, the leadership of the Federal Penitentiary Service cannot be unaware of the situation in the regions: employees loyal to the leadership are appointed to senior positions in the regional operational management bodies, which makes it possible to control all thieves' gatherings.

Those “thieves in law” who respect the leadership of the Federal Penitentiary Service, according to a source in the department, occupy the status of “untouchables”: under their direct control, criminal schemes for the supply of drugs are being established on the territory of correctional institutions.

Special equipment.

According to the above facts, one of the most interesting and profitable areas for Petrukhin and his team could be the supply of special equipment to the North Caucasus region. It's no secret that E. Petrukhin supervised this direction in the Federal Penitentiary Service. So, according to the available information, for a long time, the Shot armored personnel carrier, produced on the basis of KAMAZ at a plant in Naberezhnye Chelny, was supplied to the North Caucasus region. According to unverified information, kickbacks from the purchases of the “top” of the Federal Penitentiary Service could range from 15% to 30% of the cost of the car. According to available information, those involved in this group of people handed over the cars to the militants, writing them off from the balance sheet of the Federal Penitentiary Service for Rostov-on-Don, as burned out. The same thing could have happened with other vehicles purchased by the Federal Penitentiary Service between 2007 and mid-2009.


No less interesting activity of E. Petrukhin, N. Barinov and the team was the financial scheme associated with the use of the functions of the Spassky Gate insurance company. According to available information, the essence of a possible fraudulent scheme was that all property and all funds of the Federal Penitentiary Service, in violation of Federal Law No. 94 (On placing orders for the supply of goods, performance of work, provision of services for state and municipal needs) were insured in violation of the rules for holding tenders, so to speak, "by pull", by the insurance company "Spasskiye Vorota" for a 20-30% rollback, depending on the objects of insurance. There is reason to believe that the Federal Penitentiary Service also carried out purchases of fuel and lubricants for budgetary funds through shell companies, also “through pull” without taking into account the articles and provisions of Federal Law No. 94.


Of course, the FRC "Analytics and Security" could not ignore another way of possible criminal earnings on the part of the above colleagues - this is the supply of food. This scheme operated from 2007 to mid-2009. Presumably, the delivery was carried out through the city of Saratov. According to available information, the essence of this criminal scheme was that the Federal State Institution "Department for the Organization of Trade, Production and Food Supply of the Federal Penitentiary Service" carried out the purchase of possibly low-quality products. Budgetary funds (presumably in the amount of 80%) allocated for the purchase of products went to the accounts of one-day firms. A classmate of E. Petrukhin Epshtein Vitaly Arkadyevich could supervise this scheme.

Naturally, this situation caused a lot of dissatisfaction among the employees of correctional institutions. For more information on these issues, please see the links below:

Between 2007 and mid-2009, the situation in correctional facilities improved significantly. The power of criminal authorities in prisons was weakened. For example, they were deprived of the opportunity to communicate with representatives of the criminal world outside these institutions. According to many crime bosses, most correctional facilities have become "frozen". This suspended the activities of many criminal schemes, such as drug trafficking. What caused these changes? The firm position of Reimer and his team or the political will of V. Putin? It's not clear yet. But at present there are prerequisites for the destruction of the beginnings of this reform.


Nikolai Barinov, ex-deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia, adviser to the head of Rosreestr, was arrested in St. Petersburg, who is suspected of taking bribes in the amount of 110 million rubles. for the signing of documents on the performance of work on the construction of the largest pre-trial detention center in Europe "Crosses-2". The former high-ranking officer of the Federal Penitentiary Service himself denies involvement in the crime in which he is suspected. His defenders promise to appeal against the measure of restraint, considering it to be excessively harsh.

The former deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service Nikolai Barinov was detained by security officers in Moscow on November 2 as part of a criminal case initiated by the main investigative department of the TFR in St. Petersburg on October 31 under Art. 290 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation (bribe). On the same day in the evening, an adviser to the head of Rosreestr was interrogated as a suspect, and then transferred to St. Petersburg.

Nikolai Barinov, who took the post of deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in 2005, retired from service in 2009. By virtue of his professional duties, he oversaw a major federal project - the construction in Kolpino, a suburb of St. Petersburg, of the largest pre-trial detention center in Europe (with a capacity of 4 thousand people), the cost of the pre-trial detention center amounted to about 12 billion rubles. According to investigators, in the period 2007-2012, a high-ranking employee of the Federal Penitentiary Service received about 110 million rubles from the heads of two companies that built Kresty-2 for the approval of documents on the execution of work. According to the case file, the head of Petroinvest, Ruslan Khamkhokov, personally transferred 55 million rubles to Nikolai Barinov, while part of the money was transferred at the Moscow railway station in St. Petersburg; General Director of General Construction Corporation JSC Viktor Kudrin transferred a similar amount to Nikolai Barinov through Ruslan Khamkhokov. Both testified against the ex-deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service.

On November 3, the Smolninsky District Court began considering the petition of the Main Investigative Directorate of the ICR, which asked for the arrest of Nikolai Barinov. The investigation requested that the meeting be held behind closed doors, since after the suspect was detained, one of the witnesses began to receive threats. Nikolai Barinov himself, who appeared in the hall without handcuffs, but accompanied by special forces, asked not to remove journalists from the hall. “My client is ready to honestly give all the explanations with an open visor,” said his lawyer Stanislav Kharkovsky. The Smolninsky court nevertheless closed the meeting, ensuring the secrecy of the investigation and the safety of the participants in the process. Nevertheless, the consideration of the petition had to be postponed: the defense asked for time to collect medical documents - in particular, Nikolai Barinov told the court that he had diabetes and coronary heart disease.

The process continued on November 6 behind closed doors, but the Smolninsky District Court publicly announced the decision on the measure of restraint.

According to the investigation, Nikolai Barinov should be arrested: he can hide from the investigation - in November of this year he allegedly planned to leave Russia, he can influence witnesses - as an argument, the investigation mentioned calls to Mr. Kudrin with a proposal to change his testimony; Finally, since Mr. Barinov worked for the Federal Penitentiary Service for a long time, he is aware of the tactics and strategy of the investigation and can hinder the investigation of the criminal case. The investigator also noted that the whereabouts of the bribes had not been established.

In turn, the defense insisted on alternative preventive measures - house arrest or bail in the amount of 3 million rubles.

The lawyers argued their position by the fact that the state of health of the suspect requires constant medical supervision, and also by the fact that Nikolai Barinov has housing in St. Petersburg, where he can be under house arrest.

The ex-deputy director of the Federal Penitentiary Service himself said that he was the victim of a slander by other defendants in the case. “People who testified against my client have their own motives,” said Mr. Kharkovsky. Another lawyer for the defendant, Valery Putin, also noted that Nikolai Barinov has diseases that, in accordance with the requirements of the law, prevent him from being held under arrest.

As a result, the Smolninsky District Court, having studied the arguments of the parties, came to the conclusion that the petition of the investigation was subject to satisfaction, and arrested Nikolai Barinov until December 31.

As Kommersant previously reported, at the final stage of the Kresty-2 project, scandals accompany it - for example, the deadline for the completion of the facility has been repeatedly postponed. The last date mentioned was December 1st. However, according to unofficial data, the move may be postponed again.

In addition, the St. Petersburg curator of the project, Deputy Head of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Sergey Moiseenko, was detained on charges of ordering the murder of his colleague, Head of the Department for Technical Supervision and Operation of Construction Facilities of the Federal Penitentiary Service for St. Petersburg and the Leningrad Region, Nikolai Chernov. Moreover, according to the investigation, Sergey Moiseenko received 350 million rubles as kickbacks (the amount was 12% of the transferred amount). Both builders of the Krestov, Viktor Kudrin and Ruslan Khamkhokov, are also under investigation: the first for embezzling funds allocated for this project, and the second for giving a bribe of 350 million rubles.

Dmitry Marakulin, St. Petersburg

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