Congratulations on Knowledge Day to the teacher. Tips for teachers in the new school year In Crimea, the situation is the same with a minor change in holidays

One of the keys to a child’s successful studies is a cheerful and positive mood of the teacher. But is this always possible? Rapid reforms in the education system, disgusting paperwork, universal education and other “non-responsibilities”, low salaries - how do teachers react to this, in what mood do they start the school year? Rebenok.BY asked the teachers two questions: how are you feeling and what’s bothering you?

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Sergey Dubelevich, teacher of Russian language and literature

He has been working at the school for seven years and remains an incorrigible optimist.

Yes, a new school year, especially its beginning, means new stress, a new headache, and a new “tongue on the shoulder.” But personally, I forget about all the “side effects” of the life of a teacher when I start a lesson or training on “What? Where? When?".

I believe that children should not know what absurdity a teacher sometimes has to deal with. Personally, I try to leave all such problems behind the classroom doors.

Maybe someone will consider this paradoxical, but it is in the lessons that I relax my soul - and it is the lessons that allow me to have fun.

Despite all the restrictions being introduced, no one is standing over the teacher with a stick yet - and I would very much like us, subject teachers, to continue to be allowed to work in peace.

In addition, I am also the class teacher of seventh graders. And I really want the teacher to have time for real things, memorable trips and events, and strong emotions behind the heap of all kinds of reports. The previous two years - it remained, for which I thank the guys and especially their parents.

This year I plan to work a lot and achieve a lot - and I want to be less disappointed, despite the changes in education since the new school year.

Fortunately, some reforms will not affect us. At the gymnasium where I work, lessons always started at 8:30 rather than 8:00. It will be the same this year. Moreover, some 20-minute breaks have been shortened, so the school day will end even 10 minutes earlier than last year.

But I consider some changes in literature programs to be unsuccessful, but this is a long conversation. I really didn’t like the total reduction and simplification - I call it “so that the kids don’t get headaches.”

But I am glad that the talk about changing the format of final exams has died down: for example, in the 9th grade, dictations in Russian and Belarusian were proposed to be replaced with expositions, and even with a grammar task, and in the 11th grade they talked about introducing essays. It seems that due to the total simplification of the school curriculum, the question of making exams more difficult is closed for now, and in this case this is a good thing.

Everyone is glad that they are not touching the 10-point system. Although these proposals were similar to "green dog effect": propose a frankly absurd idea, get everyone to discuss it and not pay attention to more important problems. And so it happened.

There is a lot of noise around education, but, as for me, one should not conclude that “this is what is needed” - but one should not fall into depression either. Nobody is stopping anyone from teaching good lessons and conducting really interesting and necessary events. It is possible to work as a teacher, which is what I personally will do!

Anatoly Safonov has been teaching mathematics and computer science for 35 years.

The school year begins with anxiety.

There are several points that concern me. For example, the issue of new mathematics textbooks is very relevant. There are simply no new books, and “old” ones too, because we worked according to Kuznetsov, and Latotin is recommended in the methodological letter. Maybe by the end of the year we will be given textbooks. There were "bad" old ones - now there are none.

I wonder who will still worry about teachers' salaries. I’m very concerned - how will it be raised if the money allocated for education went to other needs? Textbooks, manuals, school buses, electronic diaries, to support providers, to repair and purchase school furniture and equipment.

They remembered about the salary only at the end of August, when the money had already run out. God bless them: teachers are already accustomed to this and don’t even complain, even after the rate was raised from 18 to 20 hours, forcing the teacher to work 11% more for the same money. And then they allegedly “raised” wages after that. On 10%!

You could also improve your situation through paid services, but where is that?! 80% of the money that parents transfer for these services is taken by the state. And in some regions, per hour of work providing such services, a teacher earns less than for regular lessons.

In essence, the work of a teacher and a doctor have always been slave professions. Previously, questions were asked: what to teach, how to teach and where to teach. And recently another question has arisen:

Who will teach?

Pedagogical universities are filled on a residual basis, and those who graduate from them do not stay in school for long. In many places, vacancies have not yet been filled.

A new academic year begins. I will soon retire, many of my colleagues have been retired for a long time, but continue to work: they were asked, but they cannot refuse for two reasons: first, teachers have a very low pension, second, teachers, as always, are reliable, but many are no longer may leave due to health reasons.

"There is no disease more terrible than the one that changes your face" - said Avicenna, referring to the nervous load. This load leaves its mark on the fate of teachers.

Elena Kovalenko has been teaching foreign languages ​​for more than 10 years.

The new school year is a joy for her.

I love the beginning of the school year even more than the end. The usual “aahs” and “sighs” - how you don’t want to start all over again! - I don't support it. We must take this as an opportunity to start all over again. New office, new students, new hopes, new rules.

Who else, besides the teacher, has such an opportunity? This year there is a lot of talk around changes in programs and operating hours. But this will not change the essence: children go to learn, and we go to teach. That's why I take changes calmly.

You can't go to work pouting with dissatisfaction. Especially if children are waiting for you there.

How did you feel when you started the school year?

May this new year be a learning year
Brings you good days,
The lessons will be interesting,
Let the students not be naughty
Don't let your salary offend you,
The authorities will honor you.
May there be more happiness than ever before
The school year will bring you!

Day of Knowledge, autumn has come,
The kids are in a hurry to go to school,
Share great knowledge
It's a glorious time.

We wish you strength and health,
Smiles, light, inspiration,
Let your children make you happy more often
And let patience not fail.

Let you be curious
Conduct lessons with children,
We wish you important work
Always love so devotedly.

Happy knowledge Day! Let this school year pass, leaving behind only bright and kind memories. May your health and nerves not fail you. Let joy and pride for your students always live in your soul. Prosperity in families and success in work.

You again lead to the light of knowledge
Big and small guys.
You give your soul to work,
Why everyone thanks you!

We wish you an easy start
And happy school days,
So that everything is fulfilled successfully,
Life was becoming brighter.

We wish you wisdom and patience,
A lot of persistence and luck.
May your children always understand you in everything,
Let your talents grow under your wing.

They are sitting back at their desks today
All beloved students,
And everything will start to repeat itself again:
Changes, lessons, calls.

Let them all be senseless now,
Let them be completely unaware now,
What, as adults, they will remember many times
More than one more school lesson.

Yes, it is very difficult to be a teacher,
No matter what anyone says!
Nothing can be taught
Without the greatest love for children.

We wish you great patience,
And diligent students,
And have a great mood,
And may each of you be healthy!

Teacher, happy holiday! The Day of Knowledge!
On an autumn day in September
I really want to congratulate you,
After all, the class and you are one family.

Let the school year begin
Let him only bring joy,
And your heart does not give up -
Rejoices, celebrates, sings!

Happy Knowledge Day, from September 1
You, our dear teachers!
Good luck to you for the whole year,
So that there is always comfort in your soul!

Patience so that it never ends,
So that the salary doesn't bite.
Lessons should be conducted in such a way
So that everyone can sit down at their desks immediately!

So that management praises you,
Always appreciated you with dignity,
Respected you for your work
For all the merits - awarded!

Congratulations on the beginning of the year.
We wish you obedient children,
Always diligent in everything,
May they be famous for their goodness!

For you personally - a whole cart of happiness,
Bouquets of the best roses,
Only loyal friends always,
Never know that there is trouble!

Knowledge Day today,
And he is yours by right,
For noble work
We will tell you: “Bravo!”
We wish you strength,
Patience and will,
We congratulate you
Within the walls of our school.
Decent salary
From all respect,
Winged dreams
All-all executions.

We hope that in the summer
We managed to rest.
It's time to get to work
Dive desperately.

The school year has begun -
And into battle, teachers!
On you, in fact,
The whole earth is holding together.

Therefore we wish
I wish you perseverance and strength,
So that in family and school
Peace and tranquility reigned!

In the upcoming school year, there are changes in the education system, and the teacher still needs to comply with the requirements and orders of the highest educational authorities and keep up with the times in the system of the learning process for children.

What awaits teachers in the 2017-2018 school year

The teacher remuneration system will not undergo changes, but the mandatory annual indexation will include the main increase for the next year. According to the inflation rate, an increasing coefficient will be calculated, which will be approximately equal to 11-12%. After the decline of the acute phase of the economic crisis, teacher salaries in 2017-2018 will increase in the average range by 1100-1200 rubles. This growth rate will not significantly improve the standard of living, but it will be able to cover the increase in utility tariffs, food prices and payment for other needs.

Teachers' workload 2017 2018

The main workload for teachers will remain the same, but for certain disciplines additional preparation for children for the Unified State Exam will be required. The introduction of a third discipline to be taken in a unified state format will add additional workload to history teachers.

Teachers' salaries 2017 2018

But there are no plans to increase the salaries of teachers in 2017 2018, who will be required to prepare graduates to pass the Unified State Exam. If the teacher conducts additional classes, then an increase in the basic part of the salary will lead to an increase in wages as a whole. An increase in teachers' salaries in 2017-2018 may occur due to the incentive part if new methods are used during training. For example, the in-demand subject of robotics requires the use of a modern 3D printer.

The primary school will actively engage children outside of school hours. First grade teachers of 2017 2018 will invite children to additional free sections and clubs from the first days of school. The opportunity to earn additional income will appear after recruiting groups to study fine and musical arts, modeling and designing small parts.

Teacher's calendar 2017 2018

The work plan drawn up for the current year will provide the most complete information on whether teachers' salaries will be increased in 2017 2018. The number of working days per year and the events for which preparation is required depend on the instructions of the Ministry of Education. Personal grants for teachers 2017 2018 will remain in full. Additionally, bonus competitions will be added for teachers and students in honor of the celebration of the anniversaries of domestic scientists, writers and famous figures.

Each school draws up an approximate academic calendar independently in accordance with the instructions of the Ministry of Education. But the number of working days in a quarter is on average at least 45 days.

In the third quarter, this figure approaches 55-58 days. Holidays and weekends remain in the same order without significant amendments. Holidays will also remain in the same format without reducing the number of days off during the New Year holidays and the summer season.

You might be interested.

Good day everyone!

Today we will remember the school period again. And although the school year is in full swing, we will still talk about what it has already been and what it will be. One quarter and the autumn holidays have already passed, the second quarter is coming to an end, and the cheerful winter New Year holidays are coming.

The new academic year 2016-2017 in schools, gymnasiums and other educational institutions of Russia began on Thursday, September 1, 2016 and will last until May 26, 2017. The total duration of this academic year will be 268 days, of which 157 days will be academic days, and 106 days will be vacations, weekends and holidays.

By month it looks like this:

  • September 2016: total days - 30, school days - 22, weekends - 8.
  • October 2016: total days - 31, school days - 20, days off - 11.
  • November 2016: total days - 30, school days - 18, days off - 12.
  • December 2016: total days - 31, school days - 17, weekends - 14.
  • January 2017: total days - 31, school days - 16, days off - 15.
  • February 2017: total days - 28, school days - 19, days off - 9.
  • March 2017: total days - 31, school days - 17, weekends - 14.
  • April 2017: total days - 30, school days - 20, days off - 10.
  • May 2017: total days - 31, school days - 17, days off - 14.

The main distinguishing feature of the teacher's calendar is that it begins not on January 1, like the calendar year, but on September 1. This day is the beginning of a new school year. The academic year also ends not in December, but in May, when schoolchildren and students come to the end of the educational process and go on their longest holidays. True, most students still have their final sessions in July, so this month is also included in the calendar of school days 2016-2017.

Vacations in the 2016-2017 academic year

The most awaited time for all students is, of course, the holidays. According to the recommendations of the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the following vacation dates will be established in all educational institutions in the 2016-2017 academic year:

Autumn holidays, as they said, have already passed. They began on October 29, 2016, and ended on November 6, 2016. The duration of the autumn holidays was 9 days.

Winter New Year holidays will begin on December 24, 2016 and will last until January 8, 2017. Their duration will be 16 days. Children will go to school on January 9.

Spring break will take place from March 25 to April 2, 2017. The total duration of spring break will be 9 days.

Summer holidays for schoolchildren will begin on May 27 and will last until September 1, when schoolchildren will return to their desks.

In addition to these main holidays, younger schoolchildren will also have additional ones. For first-graders, these holidays can be introduced from February 18 to February 26, 2017. In addition, students will have days off such as February 23, March 8, May 2 and May 9.

However, we must remember that vacation dates are only recommended by the Ministry of Education, and decisions on their dates and duration are made directly by educational institutions.

There may be many reasons for introducing additional vacation days, but the main ones are:

— low air temperature, which for primary schools is -25 degrees; for middle school -28 degrees and for high school students -30 degrees.

— low temperature in classrooms. If the air temperature in a classroom is below +18 degrees, then classes cannot be conducted in such rooms.

— quarantine and exceeding the morbidity threshold. Quarantine is usually declared either in a separate school, or even in a separate district, city or even region, if the epidemic incidence threshold exceeds 25% of all students.

School calendar for 2017 with holidays and days off for teachers

To print the teacher’s calendar, you need to click on the link above, and then right-click to select save as...

After which, you can send printouts to any location. Or print a calendar in your work class. The main thing is to save the file to a flash card, and then select PRINT, and hang the calendar in your classroom and give it to the teacher’s room!

The format was made for A3, the dimensions are as follows: 2340 by 1750 px. You can also print a smaller copy in A4 format. Do this as you please.


The teacher's calendar for the 2016-2017 school year displays not only school days and vacations, but also additional days off that await us thanks to the law on holidays. These dates are distributed as follows.

There are no holidays in September.

The fourth day of November is a holiday of the unity of the peoples of Russia. One more day is added to it - November 3, and therefore everyone will have to rest for 4 days in a row - from the first to the fourth of November. These little extra holidays were given to us all.

In January, from the 1st to the 9th, the winter New Year holidays and holidays will take place.

In addition, the third winter month gives another additional non-working day on February 23rd. It falls on Monday. This is Defender of the Fatherland Day. And since it follows Saturday and Sunday, we have a wonderful reason to extend our vacation for another day.

Next month, the women's holiday of March 8 is moved from Sunday to the first day of the week. So again we all have three days of legal time off.

We will have even more non-working days in May, thanks to the postponement of the main holidays - May Day and Victory Day in the great war over the fascist occupiers. Thanks to them, Mondays 4th and 11th become days off.

Well, at the very end of the school year, the most long-awaited three summer months come - June, July and August, when students begin their vacations and their teachers begin their vacations.

1. It is known that how you celebrate the New Year is how you will spend it. And the first of September, after all, is the start of a new school year, which for a teacher is always more important than the astronomical year. Therefore, it’s like New Year’s Eve! – expect the best, make wishes, exude positivity... On September 1, transform into a school fairy (elf or good Santa): be elegant, charming and... simply magical. 2. Dive into the school year not like into a stormy river that you need to quickly swim across, panting, but like into a warm sea where it’s just pleasant to swim. And you can move in any direction, dive and splash. We are not in a race for survival, but in the exploration of the sea. Plus – if possible – exploration of the coast. 3. Good news: teaching is not a cross and not a blessing from God (which you can’t refuse); it's your own choice. You make this choice every day, voluntarily and with the desire to meet your students. There are many other possibilities in the world, but you chose this one. Why and why do you work at school? What moves you forward lesson after lesson? What brings you satisfaction? Ask yourself these questions every night, and your work will become more meaningful. 4. Set yourself three (at least) goals for the school year: in the field of professional growth (master technology, implement a project, undergo retraining), personal growth (get a driver’s license, master a foreign language at level X, participate in a culinary competition) and simply personal (fly in a hot air balloon, lose 10 kg, settle outside the city). It is better to voice goals – at least from the first two groups – publicly: this will make you responsible for their implementation. If you are a class teacher, then conduct a starting workshop on the goals of the year with your students: you will accompany them, they will accompany you. 5. Most teachers I know strive to “pass the program” at all costs. The very word “pass” is worth something! - to pass by, to pass by, to pass by consciousness... The children understood, they did not understand whether there was enough time or not - the toggle switch switches, and a new topic begins (“open the notebooks and write down”). And if from now on your program becomes a child, his own pace, his needs, successes and “congestion”? Yes, it is very difficult and requires additional effort (And what about reporting? All sorts of control sections and test exams?.), but if you want to get real results and progress from everyone, you will have to move in this direction. 6. Probably, “loving children” is too much for a teacher. But treating them well/kindly/with interest is a necessary condition for the success of the profession. It is known that children “feel” the teacher’s true attitude with their skin and will never believe baby talk that masks indifference, fear or anger. And on the wave of warm human contact, even a “severe reprimand with a note” will be forgiven. Therefore, be open, patient and objective; Constantly check yourself for falsehood and bias. School is the very place where you need to be demanding and tolerant at the same time. 7. Learn to work with particularly demanding parents. Always thank them for their vigilance and valuable recommendations (without any irony, because their reaction is a litmus test for your actions). Better yet, make “pre-emptive strikes”: invite them to your place and consult on important matters before they turn to you. Show interest and concern for their children. Turn them into allies and partners: give parents the opportunity to solve specific issues related to daily routine, discipline, homework, school uniform... But at the same time maintain status and distance. 8. “What kind of freedom can there be if there is continuous pressure, control and reporting?” - you object. I once read (in the book The Teaching Revolution by Gordon Dryden and Janet Vos) an excellent recommendation for school leaders: “Break the psychological addiction to mass testing.” In relation to a teacher, it can be reinterpreted as follows: do not stress over control procedures; they are a necessary formality that one must learn to carry out quickly and efficiently - without investing mental strength and emotions. This is just additional competence, not penance. You create the pressure yourself (and your bosses often support it, but they also waste their nerves). And one more observation: formalities are really formal! The same documents (with minimal changes) are suitable for different cases; you can make a high-quality “matrix”, and then use it more than once or twice. And pass it on to your colleagues – if you don’t mind. 9. So, you have set goals for the year, decided on priorities, optimally organized your work schedule, and even (!) little by little stop worrying about programs and reports. Oh, miracle! – you free up time (at least an hour a day). Spend it exclusively on yourself: communicating with your family, on hobbies, on evening walks, reading or fitness. Attention! “For yourself” is not for part-time work, not for cooking dinner, not for doing laundry and running around the shops, not for evening calls from anxious mothers, and not even for helping with preparing home care for your own children. Take personal time as a value - then people around you will also respect it. 10. Stop teaching everyone* (even in the form of internal critical monologues - admit it, this happens?). Allow for mistakes, forgive mistakes and increase your resource of frivolity. Assess your appearance from the outside: is it too formal? Don’t you remind me of a Penguin (white blouse/shirt – black suit)? Maybe you should play a witch or a pig in a school play? Or go to the show “Take It Off Now”? (Option for men: play Kashchei and take part in the rally). In general, expand the horizon and surprise everyone. First of all, yourself.

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