Write a dialogue about the competition in English. A Sports Center. Talk about work

translate into English. through a translator options are not needed English for children in Malta. Holidays in Malta. Summer camps. Every summer thousands

Children from all over the world come to attend summer camps in Malta. English has been taught to children in Malta for many years, and the fabulous landscapes will help you spend a unique time on your holidays in Malta. Malta is a fabulous archipelago in the very center of the Mediterranean Sea, attracting tourists with its year-round mild climate, excellent Mediterranean cuisine, rich history and comfortable communication. The entire population of Malta speaks excellent English. Unlike other countries, English language schools for children are open all year round. Language programs are offered throughout the year in age-appropriate groups. Vacation summer language learning programs provide more for the development of communication skills and spoken English. Summer language camps occupy the territories of boarding schools or are located on the territory of hotels. This is where the kids live, study, and where the entertainment program takes place. A mandatory part of the vacation program is daily visits to the beach, many outdoor sports activities, and excursions. Attending English language courses for children in Malta will leave many vivid memories, improve your child’s spoken language level and improve his health for many months.

I. Translate the sentences into English using The Present Indefinite or The Present Continuous Tense. 1. My friend lives in this city. 2. On

who are you watching now? - I'm looking at this girl. 3. Do you often visit your friends? 4. What are you writing? – We are writing the words of lesson 7. 5. During the lesson, our teacher usually stands at the table. 6. These students are learning new words now. 7. Do they usually go home together? 8. Where are you going? - I'm going home. II. Translate the sentences into English, paying attention to the use of tenses. 1. In the morning Anna called me. 2. I already know her. She is a good person. 3. Why didn’t you bring me these magazines? - Forgive me, but my brother is reading them now. 4. What time did you have dinner today? - At 8 o'clock in the evening. 5. I have never been to this park. Let's go there. 6.When are you going to visit your parents? - I visited them this week. 7. Have you repeated the grammar rules of the 8th lesson? - Yes, and I’m going to- learn the words of this lesson

Translate into English using the indefinite pronouns some and any. 1. Is there milk in the refrigerator? 2. Would you like to drink red wine at II. Translate into English using verbs in Active

or Passive Voice . 1. I am often invited to the movies. 2. My sister often gets help at school. 3. The teacher gave me a good grade. 4. I was praised at home. 5. Mom will be asked not to worry. 6. Mom will be given a cup of coffee. 7. When the cup broke?

III.Translate into English, observing the rule of tense agreement. She said she wouldn't swim anymore because the water was cold. My cousin said that she loved opera and would be glad to go to the theater with us, although she had already listened to La Traviata twice. Everyone was sure that Boris would do well in the exams. He said that Leo Tolstoy was his favorite writer. I knew that. you live in Moscow, but didn’t know your address.

Dialogues in English will help you learn new vocabulary from various areas, and by playing out the conversation in different situations, you will be more confident in building a conversation in everyday life.

Tip: Dialogues in English for beginners are especially necessary, but here the question arises: what topics to take and what areas to focus on first. Take simple topics that can be discussed every day.

Dialogue on the phone

Let's see what common phrases can be used when composing a dialogue on the phone in English.

Secretary: Good afternoon, may I help you?

Mr Johnson: Could I speak to Mr Manson, please?

S: I’m sorry, but he is in the meeting right now. Would you like to leave a message for him?

J: No, thank you, I will call back in half an hour.

S: Good afternoon, Manson's company.

J: Hello, it's Mr Johnson again. Could you tell me please, is the meeting over?

S: Oh, yes, the meeting is over, I will put you through in a few minutes, the line is busy at the moment. Will you hold?

J: Yes, I will hold. Thank you.

Secretary: Good afternoon, may I help you?

Mr. Johnson: Can I speak to Mr. Manson please?

S: Sorry, but he is currently at a meeting. Would you like to leave a message for him?

D: No, thank you. I'll call you back in half an hour.

S: Good afternoon, Manson Company.

D: Hello, this is Mr. Johnson again. Can you tell me if the meeting is over?

S: Oh, yes, I will connect you in a few minutes, at the moment the line is busy. Will you wait?

D: Yes, I'll wait, thank you.

Words from the dialogue

  • Meeting – meeting, meeting.
  • To leave a message – leave a message.
  • The line - line.
  • Busy - busy.
  • To hold – hold the phone.
  • To call back - call back.

Weather and sports are very common topics of conversation, then you will see dialogues in English on these topics with translation.

Which is faster? -Which is faster?

Dialogue about sports

A common topic of conversation is talking about personal hobbies - let's make a dialogue about sports in English.

Mike: Hello Jack! Where are you going?

Jack: Hi Mike. I'm heading to the gym right now.

M: Really? Which one?

J: The new one. He was opened last week next to the Jasmine hairdressing saloon.

M: Oh ok, will you give me a call once you are back home? If you like this gym I will join you tomorrow.

J: I will go to the basketball game tomorrow. My team is ill-prepared and I need to support it.

M: Oh I will join you for sure for this one. Would you mind?

J: No, of course not. But I thought you are in a football team.

M: Yeah, but I like watching basketball.

Mike: Hi Jack. Where are you going?

Jack: Hi Mike. Right now I'm heading to the gym.

M: Really? Which?

D: New. It opened last week next to Jasmine's Hair Salon.

M: Oh, okay, will you call me when you get home? If you like the gym, I'll join you tomorrow.

D: Tomorrow I'm going to a basketball game. My team is poorly prepared and I want to support them.

M: Oh, this time I’ll definitely join you. You do not mind?

D: No, of course not. But I thought you were on the football team.

M: Yes, but I like watching basketball.


  • To head - to be guided.
  • Hairdressing saloon - hairdressing salon.
  • Gym – sports hall.
  • To be ill-prepared - to be ill-prepared.
  • To support - to support.
  • To join - to join.

Talking about the weather

Dialogue about the weather in English will help you start a conversation with a stranger using small talk - an exchange of insignificant phrases and opinions with which you can make acquaintances or simply fill the silence and show a friendly attitude towards the interlocutor.

Rhonda: Hello! What's up?

L: I’m going to the beach tomorrow. Do you want to join me?

R: Sure, but you are not going to swim, are you? It is still quite cold for swimming.

L: I know, I just want to take some pictures of the sea and seagulls. The weather will be sunny and warm.

R: Oh, that’s great. I’m already tired from the storm, rain and thunder. We can play badminton if it’s not windy tomorrow.

L: Sounds great! There will be no strong wind according to the weather forecast.

R: Good, till tomorrow then!

L: Yeah, I’ll see you tomorrow.

Leslie: Hello!

Rhonda: Hi, how are you?

L: I'm going to the beach tomorrow. Would you like to join me?

R: Of course, but you're not going to swim, are you? It's still quite cold for swimming.

L: I know, I just want to take pictures of the sea and seagulls. The weather will be sunny and warm.

R: Oh, great! I'm already tired of the storm, rain and thunder. If there is no wind tomorrow, we can play badminton.

L: Great! According to the weather forecast, there will be no strong winds.

R: Okay, then see you tomorrow!

L: Yes, see you tomorrow!

Advice: even simple dialogues in English can be made very funny; do not rush to put your thoughts on paper - first imagine in your head whether the situation you have come up with will be interesting.

Dialogue in a shop – dialogue in a store

Theme "Food"

When composing a dialogue in English about food, you will touch on a fairly common topic. Discussion of food can take place in a restaurant (at the restaurant), cafe (café), store (shop) or on the street (in the street). The following situation takes place in a restaurant.

Waiter: Good afternoon, sir. Can I take your order?

Customer: Yes, I would like soy cutlets.

W: Would you like rice or potatoes with your soy cutlets?

C: Do you have French fries?

W: Certainly sir. Would you like anything else?

C: What do you recommend?

W: We have a very tasty Greek salad. It includes tomato, cucumber, green pepper, red onion, black olives and feta cheese.

C: Sounds very tasty, I will take it.

W: Anything to drink, sir?

C: Ah, yes, please bring me a diet Coke.

W: Would you like anything for dessert?

C: Any suggestions?

W: You can choose a pie, an apple pie is my favorite.

C: Ok, I will take it then.

Waiter: Good afternoon, sir. Can I take your order?

Client: Yes, I would like soy cutlets.

A: Would you like rice or potatoes with the soy cutlets?

K: Do you have French fries?

A: Of course, sir. Would you like to take anything else?

A: We have a very tasty Greek salad. It includes tomatoes, cucumber, green peppers, red onions, olives and feta cheese.

K: Sounds very tasty, I'll take it.

A: Any drinks, sir?

K: Oh yes, please bring me a Diet Coke.

A: Will you have anything for dessert?

K: What are your suggestions?

A: You can choose a pie, my favorite is apple pie.

K: Okay, then I'll take it.

Advice: when composing dialogues in English, make them more expressive, introduce simpler expressions if the conversation takes place in everyday life.

Words and Expressions

  • To take an order - take an order.
  • Soy - soybean.
  • Rice - rice.
  • Potato - potato.
  • French fries - fried potatoes.
  • To recommend - to recommend.
  • Salad - salad.
  • Pepper - pepper.
  • Tomato - tomatoes.
  • Cucumber - cucumber.
  • Onion - onion.
  • Suggestion - proposal.
  • Pie - pie.
  • Apple - apple.

Talk about work

The following dialogue about work, written in English, takes place between two employees (co-workers, colleagues).

Lisa: Good afternoon, Jason, how is your day going?

Jason: I'm finishing the report. And what about you?

L: And I have to finish the project, today is the deadline. But I’m going to take a short break soon and drop in the canteen.

J: Great, I didn’t have a lunch today. Can I join you?

J: Listen, are you working with Ellen on this project of yours?

L: Aha, how do you know?

J: Well, I saw her today doing nothing and thought that she is with someone responsible in the team. Why don’t you give her any tasks?

L: My gosh, don’t ask. Believe me, it is the last time I’m doing the project with her. I work twice faster when she is no around.

J: I understand you, she is something! I think she will be transferred to another department soon. The manager knows everything.

L: Good for her, the job here is too difficult for Ellen.

J: Ok, then I’ll see you in 10 minutes?

L: Sure, I’ll wait for you in the canteen.

Lisa: Good afternoon, how is your day?

Jason: I'm finishing my report. And how are you?

L: I need to finish the project, today is the deadline. But I'm going to take a short break soon and pop into the cafeteria.

D: Great, I didn’t have lunch today. May I join you?

L: Of course.

D: Hey, are you working on this project of yours with Ellen?

L: Yes, how do you know?

D: Well, I saw her hanging around today and thought she was on a team with someone in charge. Why don't you give her some task?

L: God, don't ask. Trust me, this is the last time I will do a project with her. I work twice as fast when she's not around.

D: I understand you, she is something! I think she will soon be transferred to another department. The manager knows everything.

L: It's better for her, the work here is too hard for Ellen.

D: Okay, then I'll see you in 10 minutes?

L: Of course, I will wait for you in the dining room.


  • Responsible - responsible.
  • Report - report.
  • Lunch - lunch.
  • Team - team.
  • Fast - quickly.
  • Canteen - dining room.
  • To transfer - to translate.

What did they do? - What they were doing?

Family conversation

This dialogue about a family in English occurs when two children are looking at a photo album.

David: This is the family picture when I was 7.

Henry: I can recognize your parents next to you. And who is this old lady?

D: This is my grandma, don’ you see?

H: I see now. And this is your grandpa next to the tall man. They look alike, by the way. Are they related?

D: You guessed it right. This tall man is my uncle Tom and this is my auntie Sophia.

H: And where is your sister?

D: Alexis is next to my dad.

H: She is so little, how old is she here?

David: This is a family photo from when I was 7 years old.

Henry: I can make out your parents next to you. Who is this old lady?

D: This is my grandmother, can't you see?

G: Now I see, and this is your grandfather next to a tall man. By the way, they are similar. They are relatives

D: You guessed right. This tall man is my Uncle Tom, and this is my Aunt Sophia.

G:Where is your sister?

D: Alexis is next to dad.

G: She’s so small, how old is she here?

Words from the dialogue

  • To recognize - to recognize.
  • Tall – tall.
  • Alike - similar.
  • To relate - to be related.
  • To guess - to guess.

Phrases from the video will also help you create a dialogue in English:

Hello Sasha.

Did you go to training yesterday?

Yes, I did. Yesterday we studied a new technique. Why didn't you come?

I felt bad and got sick. The doctor said that I can’t do any sports while I’m sick.

Clear. You get better, listen to the doctor and come to training when you get better. Tomorrow the boys and I will come to visit you.

Don't come back for three days while I'm coughing. I don't want to infect you.

Okay, we'll call. Get well soon.

Thanks, bye.

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Simple short dialogues on the topic Sports. To everyone The dialogue in English has been translated into Russian, in addition, for better understanding, the ones found in them are written out separately words with transcription and expressions.

Words and Expressions

  • team - team (including sports)
  • root for - root for
  • vs. (short for Latin versus ["vɜːsəs]) - against; Dynamo vs. Spartak - “Dynamo” - “Spartak”
  • win, won (past tense), won (past tense) – win
  • to win the game - win the game
  • score - score (in game); kerf); score (in a game); make notches
  • What's the score? - What is the score?
  • The score is 3 to 0 (nil). - Score 3-0.
  • favor = favor (American)["feɪvə] – favor; benefit
  • in their favor - in their favor
  • congratulation - congratulations
  • How did the match end? – How did the match end?
  • The match ended in a draw. – The match ended in a draw.
  • lose, lost (past tense), lost (past tense) – to lose
  • to lose the game - lose the game
  • You don't say so! - Can't be! (lit.: Don't say that!)
  • unfortunately [ʌn"fɔːʧ(ə)nətlɪ] – unfortunately, unfortunately
  • watch a game - watch the game
  • I am sorry for you. - I feel sorry for you.
  • exciting [ɪk"saɪtɪŋ] – exciting, exciting, exciting
  • to be different from – differ from
Examples of using this construction:
American football is different from European football. - American football is different from European (football).
English grammar is different from Russian grammar. - English grammar is different from Russian (grammar).
The weather in New York is different from the weather in Moscow.- The weather in New York is different from the weather in Moscow.
  • which [(h)wɪʧ] (of)?– which of? (about a human); Which one of? (about the subject)
  • soccer["sɔkə] – football (European): American football, unlike European football, combines the rules of rugby and soccer – the familiar European football.
  • dangerous ["deɪnʤ(ə)rəs] – dangerous, threatening
  • to show smth on TV – show something on TV
  • switch on (the light, TV set) – turn on (light, TV)
  • switch off (the light, TV set)– turn off (lights, TV)
  • switch over to channel 1 / change to channel 1 – switch to the first channel
  • world championship ["ʧæmpɪənʃɪp] – world championship
  • by all means - certainly, in any case
  • to take (took (past tense), taken (past tense)) part in- To participate in
  • competition [ˌkɔmpə"tɪʃ(ə)n] – 1. competition, competition 2. competition
  • I wish you good luck. - Wish you luck.

    Hello, Olezhek!

    Hello, Aunt Valya!

    I haven't seen you for a long time! How are you doing? Why are you carrying a sports bag on your shoulder?

    Yes, I'm leaving training.

    Yes I remember! I think you've been swimming?

    Oh, Aunt Valya, I have been swimming for a very long time. I stopped about six years ago. And for the last four years I have been doing karate.

    What are you talking about? And he looks so skinny!

    But karatekas don’t need a mountain of muscles. There must be inner strength in the hand. And the right spiritual attitude.

    Do you often go to training?

    Now three times a week, and

    Before competitions, it happens more often. I started to compete, although I was afraid before.

    What is there to be afraid of? I did rhythmic gymnastics as a child. So don’t feed me bread, let me go to a competition in another city, I wanted to see the world.

    Did you take any places?

    No, I didn’t win anything! Have you already become a champion?

    So far only regions.

    Oleg, congratulations, you are smart! Why are you being modest? Why didn't you tell me right away?

    A title does not mean that a person is stronger than others in karate. Our coach doesn't let us become arrogant

    Well, it's time for me to run! You surprised me so pleasantly! Good luck in sports!

    Thank you, Aunt Valya! Goodbye!

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Dialogue on the topic “Sport”

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