Profession chemical technologist. Profession – chemist: a very interesting and sought-after profession! Requirements for a chemist

Presumably from the Arabic kemi (Hemi). This was one of the oldest names for Egypt, in which the science of chemistry is believed to have originated. The word “chemistry” (Arabic - al kimia) literally meant Egyptian art (Egyptian priests had the ability to smelt and determine the purity of metals - gold, silver, lead, prepared metal alloys and medicines, dyes, cosmetics). Another version. Another version is from other Greek. chymos - juice, essence, liquid.

A chemist is a specialist who understands the composition of a substance and, based on analysis and experiments, can determine which chemical elements and in what percentage are present in solids, gases or liquids. This profession brings together specialists such as scientists, laboratory assistants, technologists - they all work with chemicals. Chemistry is one of the most fascinating sciences in the world, helping to look at a substance or object much closer than we usually look at it.

Features of the profession - chemist

Chemistry, as a field of natural science, is quite extensive and is closely related to biology and physics. Conventionally divided into organic and inorganic, although there are a huge number of sections in modern chemistry:

– physical chemistry – studies the physical laws of chemical processes;
– mathematical chemistry – uses mathematical modeling for theoretically possible physical and chemical processes;
– biochemistry – studies the chemical composition of individual cells and the entire organism, as well as the chemical processes occurring in them;
– nanochemistry – focused on the structure, properties and characteristics of the chemical behavior of nanoparticles;
– photochemistry – studies chemical processes under light exposure.

We have not listed all branches of chemical science, and every year there are more and more of them.

Necessary qualities of a chemist

The following qualities are important for a chemist:

– systems thinking;
– ability to analyze and systematize large amounts of data;
– high concentration of attention;
– good hand motor skills;
– tendency to experiment;
– observation and curiosity;
– interest in nature and ability for scientific creativity.

Where can a chemist work?

The activities of chemists are important in any industry - food, pharmaceutical, industrial, gas and oil refining, mining. They establish the technological process and set standards. Without chemical research, quality control services will not be able to carry out their audit activities.

At school, chemistry didn't seem hard to me. Is it difficult to remember that silver is monovalent, and an alkali, when combined with an acid, turns into a salt? It was interesting to look into the institute textbook of the older sister and with difficulty make out the mysterious puzzling words: “dithio derivatives”, “heteropolyacids”... It seemed then: if you understand what these words mean, you will immediately become a real chemist. Where can you find them?
I joined the club. We were warned that the classes would be taught by Alexander Petrovich Ivanov, Candidate of Chemical Sciences, and were told where to show up. And we showed up. While they were waiting for classes to start, they managed to get acquainted and boast, and the two even got into a fight. We didn’t notice how Alexander Petrovich entered. We look, there is an elderly man standing near the table, he treats our tricks with complete calm. He waited until we calmed down and said quietly: “Sit down, colleagues.”
You understand, no one has ever called us such a serious word. Everyone even became shy, and I thought: well, now other learned words will come out. But Alexander Petrovich turned out to be a cheerful person. And he often asked questions slyly: “What do you think, colleague, what will happen if we drop this substance into this solution?”
And if the student was wrong, the teacher would say with regret: “No, colleague, you won’t get such a reaction. But what you’ll end up with is - what? - an explosive-fuser-firecracker.”
At first we rolled like this. This is then Alexander Petrovich’s manner of asking himself again - “what?” – and speaking in rhyme became habitual for us.
We found that first chemistry lesson surprisingly fun. Meanwhile, without noticing it ourselves, we learned from it the most important thing that a chemist should know. You can write anything on paper—formulas and equations of various reactions—but in practice, substances do not always behave the way we want.
And Alexander Petrovich also told us: the first step to chemistry is to understand that this science surrounds us everywhere. Even when you wash your hands or wash your shirt, when you cook soup, chemical processes occur, and not so simple ones.
Take sauerkraut, for example. Many people have probably seen how it is prepared. Or maybe they themselves helped adults, not even suspecting what difficult events were happening. Have you ever wondered, for example, why they put a piece of bread in the cabbage or pierce it several times with a stick, why first the tub of cabbage is kept warm and then in the cold? Even an experienced housewife will not always answer these “whys”. And the chemist will explain.
When cabbage is sauerkraut, the molecules of some substances are converted into molecules of others, which were not present in the cabbage at all. In other words, ordinary chemical reactions occur. The crust of bread is a catalyst (you've probably heard this word) - it speeds up reactions and directs them in the right direction. Some of the cabbage carbohydrates - substances that are related to sugar - are converted into acids and carbon dioxide. Over time, too much carbon dioxide accumulates, and if it is not released, foam will appear and the delicious juice from the tub will spill across the floor. That’s why they pierce the cabbage with a stick—the same way they let air out of a balloon when the balloon is about to burst.
Cabbage is kept warm so that reactions occur faster, because the bacteria that cause them do not like low temperatures. And when the cabbage is almost ready, it is put in the cold, otherwise the bacteria may overdo it. Acids - citric and lactic - which are formed during sauerkraut and give it such a wonderful taste, suppress the activity of bacteria at the right time and allow sauerkraut to be preserved for a long time.
You see how many miracles are hidden in an ordinary tub of sauerkraut.
It’s one thing to simply know, and another to control chemical processes yourself. Isn't it interesting to extract gold from old radio tubes or make potassium permanganate, which does not contain manganese?
But no matter how many books you read, you can’t get by with just reading in chemistry and you won’t become a real chemist. Chemists explore the world with their own hands, or, to put it more scientifically, the main method of their work is experimental. Chemistry poses questions to us all the time. Every experience is a question.
There are many exciting and simple experiments that beginner chemists can do. But it's not about complexity. Even the simplest experiment must be able to be carried out correctly and competently. If you do the experiment carelessly, the answer to the question will be incorrect. It is useless to rush in chemistry, just as in any other matter: if you hurry, you will have to redo everything again and more than once. If you are too lazy to wash the chemical glassware properly, you will waste your time when you set up the experiment. Being able to experiment in chemistry is no less important than reading or even memorizing a dozen books.
But now you have learned how to carry out experiments, you already know how important it is for the dishes to be clean, you understand that you cannot light a burner where hydrogen is released... Do you think this is where chemical training ends? No matter how it is.
Alexander Petrovich told us that a chemist should be able to do everything with his own hands. We didn’t understand this very well then, but everyone who later became a chemist recalled these words more than once.
When I first came to work after graduating from the institute, I was asked... to install a device - a chromatograph. It was just delivered and they didn’t even have time to unpack the boxes that contained the parts. And after a week the device should have been working. So I had to learn an important tool for a chemist - a wrench. And when the device finally started working, I got acquainted with a screwdriver and pliers: I had to fix one simple device. Then I had to go to physicists to record the spectrum. I won’t explain now what the spectrum is. Let me just say that I saw a huge device - I didn’t even know what it was called. I sat near it for several days until I figured out what was what and learned to work on it myself.
After all this, I come to my boss with a complaint: I’ve been working for several months now, but I haven’t even picked up a flask. And he laughs: “That’s good, you become a real chemist.”
But it’s true, I remember Alexander Petrovich telling us the same thing - a chemist should be able to do everything with his own hands, not just tinker with a flask.
Chromatographs, spectrographs, lasers, computers - all this must also be understood by a chemist, who, according to tradition, still continues to be depicted with a flask in his hand. Those who are just planning to become a chemist should also be interested in this. Where to get all the knowledge that is necessary for everyone who is interested in chemistry? Of course, from books.
I once thought: I’ll learn all the mysterious words - so I’m a chemist. It turns out that this science is not so easy.

Chemist - scientist, specialist in chemistry.

Chemistry (from Arabic and presumably from the Egyptian “chemi” - black, from which also the Greek name for Egypt, chernozem and lead - “black earth”; other possible options: ancient Greek χυμος - “juice”, “essence”, “ moisture", "taste", ancient Greek χυμα - "alloy (of metals)", "casting", "flow", ancient Greek χυμευσις - "mixing") - one of the most important and extensive areas of natural science, science about substances, their properties, structure and transformations that occur as a result of chemical reactions, as well as the fundamental laws to which these transformations are subject. Since all substances are composed of atoms, which, thanks to chemical bonds, are able to form molecules, chemistry is mainly concerned with the study of interactions between atoms and molecules obtained as a result of such interactions.

The subject of chemistry is chemical elements and their compounds, as well as the laws that govern various chemical reactions. Chemistry has much in common with physics; in fact, the boundary between them is arbitrary. Modern chemistry is one of the most extensive disciplines among all natural sciences.

The English chemist Robert Boyle can be considered the founder of chemistry as a science. The greatest gas law, the Boyle-Mariotte law, is named after him. The great Russian scientist M.V. Lomonosov stood at the origins of corpuscular (atomistic) chemistry. At the beginning of the 19th century, chemistry became an independent science. At the same time, chemistry was divided into inorganic and organic. Analytical chemistry emerged as an independent discipline. Without exaggeration, this science holds the future discoveries and achievements of mankind.


Chemical analysis and study of the composition of substances, product, intermediate (intermediate compound), raw materials of the reaction mixture;

Studying the properties of various substances;

Forecasting the use of substances in the national economy;

Chemical synthesis (obtaining a specific product with a given chemical composition and structure);

Obtaining, production of various substances on an industrial scale (mineral fertilizers, insecticides, growth additives, etc.);

Development of methods and selection of synthesis conditions (temperature, pressure, sequence, quantitative ratio of components);

Chemical research: analysis and synthesis of new products, testing their properties;

Creation of technological projects (description of the characteristics of the starting substances, type, number, dimensions, power and sequence of inclusion of devices in the technological chain; determination of material and energy costs;

Control over the quantity and quality of waste, methods of their storage and disposal);

Observation, control of the chemical process (heat exchange and heat transfer, dispersion (grinding), separation (separation) - filtration, distillation, etc.).

Personal qualities



Clarity, composure;




Perseverance, patience.

Places of work

Industry and academic research institutes;

Chemical enterprises and plants (for the production of plastics, synthetic fibers and fabrics, fertilizers, etc.);

Educational institutions (schools, technical schools, institutes, universities);

Pulp and paper industry enterprises;

Mining and processing plants;

Medical institutions (pharmaceutical industry);

Central factory laboratories and control stations;

Food industry enterprises;

Perfume industry.

The salary of a chemist depends on the place of work and position.

To explain what a chemist does, it is necessary to list many narrow specializations: teachers, scientists, laboratory assistants, analysts, technologists and some others.

The profession of a chemist includes much more practical activities using chemistry as an applied science. However, theorists are also present in this area, although in smaller numbers.

Types of chemists

Chemical engineer (chemist-technologist)

The essence of the activity of a chemical engineer is to develop new technologies for the production of chemical products and improve existing ones. In addition, the specialist monitors the efficient use of equipment and the quality of raw materials and products.

Laboratory Chemist

A laboratory chemist studies various substances (oil, metals, salts, water, etc.) to determine their chemical composition.

Analytical chemist

Essentially, an analytical chemist performs work similar to that of a laboratory assistant. If a laboratory chemist studies the composition of individual substances, then an analyst conducts entire projects, answering questions: what properties does this or that raw material have, what consequences may occur as a result of its use, how its properties can be improved, etc.

That is, in fact, the analytical chemist decides the fate of the product - whether it makes sense to release it at all, and if it has already been released, then whether it meets expectations. Therefore, these professionals are in great demand, for example in the pharmaceutical industry.

Places of work

Chemist positions are available in many oil refining, metallurgical, defense, pharmaceutical, perfume, and other manufacturing plants. Specialists can also work in government control bodies and various laboratories.

History of the profession

The word “chemistry” was first mentioned in written sources in the year 336, and its origin is most likely associated with the ancient name of Egypt. However, this science began with the study of the nature of metals and their alloys approximately 5000 years ago in Mesopotamia and Egypt.

Chemistry became a science with a capital S in the mid-17th century thanks to the Englishman Robert Boyle (co-author of the Boyle-Mariotte law) and finally emerged at the beginning of the 19th century, dividing into organic and inorganic. Over time, a huge number of areas have emerged in chemistry (both theoretical and applied).

Responsibilities of a Chemist

Here are the popular and main job responsibilities of a chemist:

  • conducting laboratory research;
  • technological production control;
  • control over the quality of raw materials and manufactured products;
  • development and implementation of industrial technologies;
  • creation of production regulations and technological maps.

Requirements for a chemist

Typically, employers have the following requirements for a chemist:

  • higher chemical or chemical-technological education;
  • work experience in a specific specialization or at certain enterprises;
  • Large companies also require knowledge of foreign languages.

Chemist resume sample

How to become a chemist

Becoming a chemist is not difficult - just get a basic vocational education and love chemistry. Although for successful career growth it is very desirable to obtain a higher education - this will simplify your professional life.

Chemist salary

The salary of a chemist across the country varies from 20,000 to 120,000 rubles per month. Large metropolitan manufacturing enterprises are sometimes ready to pay professionals a lot. At the same time, the average salary of a chemist is around 34,000 rubles per month.

Chemistry can be compared to magic, because it is a kind of factory of real miracles. Chemical miracles surround people everywhere, because corresponding substances between different substances can appear almost always and everywhere.

However, how attractive can the profession of a chemist be? What can you expect when choosing the appropriate specialty for yourself?

Chemist: features and types of profession

Chemistry is a science not only about various substances and their properties, features of interaction. This science turns out to be comprehensive and truly attractive, multifaceted. Moreover, any substance initially includes numerous atoms, which require increased attention.

A chemist can be successful only if he focuses on certain nuances and aspects and correctly determines the optimal direction of his professional activity. These aspects undoubtedly lead to the diversity of chemist specialties:

  1. Technologist.
  2. Nuclear engineer.
  3. Engineer.
  4. Analyst.
  5. Laboratory assistant.

Each of the above types of profession involves its own characteristics and work tasks.

  1. Engineer– the chemist must carry out control of any substance or raw material, assessment of auxiliary components. In addition, it is planned to develop a formulation with careful study of indications. A chemical engineer must not only control chemical reactions and develop recipes, but also correctly fill out the relevant types of documentation.
  2. Chemist-technologist is responsible for the development of numerous formulations, research of raw materials, and then implementation into production.
  3. Analytical chemist must analyze various types of raw materials and compile complete descriptions of various reactions, features of the composition of raw materials and suitability for use. In this case, the need for knowledge of organic and inorganic chemistry and the presence of analytical thinking are assumed.

In most cases, chemists must have not only an optimal base of general and theoretical knowledge, but also a willingness to search for logical conclusions to existing questions. In professional activities, without a doubt, an excellent memory combined with an inquisitive mind and a real thirst for knowledge will help.

What duties should a chemist perform?

Nowadays, a chemist has certain job responsibilities that need to be handled only at a perfect level.

  1. Carrying out various chemical analyses.
  2. Study of chemical substances and features of their composition.
  3. Full control of various chemical processes.

Without fail, a chemist must have certain inclinations for successful work:

  1. Accuracy.
  2. Attentiveness.
  3. Accuracy.
  4. Increased patience.
  5. Responsibility. You need to understand that the lives of people around you depend on the results of your work.
  6. It is important to be prepared to successfully use the sense of smell, the ability to distinguish a wide range of colors, the manifestation of analytical thinking, decent memory and acquired knowledge.

Only in the appropriate circumstances can one count on successful work as a chemist, despite the existing specifics.

Is the profession of a chemist in demand in the 21st century?

The profession of a chemist can be very in demand. Where and how can chemists work?

  1. Laboratories.
  2. Enterprises.
  3. Medical institutions.
  4. The sphere of perfumery or food production.
  5. Oil industry.

At the same time, the highest rung of the career ladder is the position of process engineer. If a person has decent knowledge and skills, and the desire to achieve success, you can count on real success. There are a large number of enterprises in Russia where experienced chemists can work successfully.

Advantages of being a chemist

  • Chemist can be an interesting profession. Every workday is expected to be unique.
  • It is expected that there will be an opportunity to carefully study new technologies for water treatment, reuse of land waste, and waste-free production activities. Additionally, you need to have skills in working with accounting programs that are used for accounting and orders. Thus, chemists must have significant knowledge and skills.
  • A chemist is a promising profession on which the future of work largely depends. This profession allows you to guarantee the opportunity to successfully perform daily tasks. Understanding how serious the tasks are allows you to become even more involved in your professional activities, using the versatility of your potential.

Disadvantages of the chemist profession

  • A serious drawback is harmful production, which includes noise, vibration, and contact with chemical solutions. To reduce possible risks, established safety regulations must be followed.
  • Many young people believe that the work of a chemist cannot be modern and prestigious. However, this opinion turns out to be a deep misconception.
  • A significant amount of work tasks are expected to be performed. However, this aspect is compensated by a large number of interesting responsibilities.

Only a person with good knowledge of chemistry and an analytical mind can count on professional success.

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