Botanical gardens of Russia: list, review, description. Botanical gardens, their scientific profile and tasks The role of botanical gardens in the world

The Main Botanical Garden in Moscow is the largest in Europe. There are countless collections of various plants that are found on all continents and in all climatic zones of the planet. The vast territory contains different varieties of flora, planted using the latest landscape design techniques. For more than 70 years, the garden has literally been thriving, expanding and being one of the main cultural sites of the capital.

History of the formation of the Main Botanical Garden

GBS was founded in April 1945 as one of the events in honor of the 220th birthday of the USSR RAS. More than 360 hectares of land were allocated to organize a botanical garden in the Ostankino Forest Park.

The first mention of this land dates back to 1584. Then the territory belonged to the princes of Cherkasy. After some time, it was transferred to Sheremetev and received the name “Ostashkovo village”. Together with the estate located here, the forest park area was the dowry of Varvara Cherkasskaya, the wife of Peter Sheremetev. Over time, the English Park was created. This was done by Count Nikolai Sheremetev, the owner of Ostankino. In order to create a natural landscape, the count hired a gardener originally from England. On the huge area of ​​the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences, lindens, oaks and maples, viburnum and honeysuckle were planted, 5 ponds were dug, the water into which came from the Kamenka River.

A unique forest area of ​​the Russian capital was allocated for the formation of the largest botanical garden in Europe. And only thanks to the work of the scientific staff, it was possible to preserve intact and intact fragments of the ancient grove, oak grove and forest. From the day of its founding and for 24 years, the USSR Academy of Sciences transferred into the ownership of the GBS the lands on which the main exhibitions are now located.

The first director of the park is Nikolai Vasilyevich Tsitsin. Actually, that’s why the GBS RAS bears his name. Nikolai Vasilyevich is the founder of the garden, under his leadership the design of the territory was carried out and scientific and laboratory activities took place.

From the first days of the existence of the Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after N.V. Tsitsin, famous scientists worked there, which had a positive effect on the construction time and subsequent development of the park. Today, 150 researchers work here. GBS RAS also trains scientific personnel - over the entire period of its existence, about 200 people have studied in graduate school.

From the moment the garden was founded, the management recognized the expediency of exchanging experience and results of scientific research with other botanical gardens of the USSR. To achieve this goal, periodic production of serial printed publications began in 1948. The materials presented in the articles talked about all the important moments in the world of botany and in the life of the Main Botanical Garden in particular.

Since 1976, the GBS RAS has been cooperating with the United States on the problem of protecting endangered plants. In order to preserve the environment, joint expeditions are regularly conducted to regions of the USA and CIS countries.

Description of the forest park area

The park covers an area of ​​361 hectares. Of these, 52 hectares are allocated to the park area, and the same amount is occupied by a protected oak forest. There are exhibitions on another 150.4 hectares. GBS RAS has a huge number of plants. The collections include the flora of all countries that were once part of the USSR, tropical and subtropical, cultivated and floral and ornamental plants. In total, more than 8,000 forms and varieties, about 8,200 species are collected here, and the total number of taxa is about 16,300 elements.

Structural and non-structural formations

Main Botanical Garden named after. N.V. Tsitsina in Moscow includes departments:

  • dendrology;
  • flora;
  • ornamental plants;
  • plant protection;
  • tropical and subtropical plants;
  • distant hybridization;
  • cultivated plants;
  • implementation of the latest developments.

And laboratories:

  • plant biotechnology;
  • physiology and biochemistry;
  • landscape architecture;
  • physiology and immunity of plants;
  • herbarium.

The structural scientific unit also includes a branch located in the city of Cheboksary - the Cheboksary Botanical Garden.

Non-structural scientific departments include the group of chemosystematics and evolutionary biochemistry of plants. In addition, scientific and auxiliary units have been organized in the botanical garden, including the Altai stronghold and other production services responsible for maintaining the garden territory and conducting research work. Since 1947, a scientific library has been operating, which is a department of the Library of Natural Sciences of the Russian Academy of Sciences.

Schematic representation of the Main Botanical Garden named after N.V. Tsitsin

The layout of the GBS RAS can be seen most clearly on the map. There are several entrances to the botanical garden from different sides:

  • the main one is from the side of the street. Botanical;
  • from the side of the Ostankino Hotel;
  • from the street Komarova;
  • from the metro side - Vladykino station.

The following objects are numbered in the diagram:

  • arboretum;
  • reserved oak grove;
  • rose garden;
  • shady garden;
  • coastal plants;
  • continuously flowering plants;
  • exposition of plants of natural flora;
  • Japanese garden;
  • cultivated plants;
  • natural forest;
  • laboratory;
  • stock greenhouse;
  • new greenhouse.

Collection funds

On the area allocated for the Main Botanical Garden of Moscow, several exhibitions dedicated to different parts of the world have been recreated:

  • "Caucasus".
  • "European part of Russia".
  • "Middle Asia".
  • "Far East".
  • "Siberia".
  • "Useful plants."

The greenhouse is the place where plants are grown and then supplied to all botanical gardens located in Russia and the countries of the USSR. The collection began with the orchid family: just over 100 Paphiopedilum and 120 Cattleya hybrids, and 140 other orchid genera. All of them were brought from Germany in 1947. Today the collection has expanded significantly and has been supplemented with other plant species. There are more than 1120 of them in total. Of these, 300 are hybrids and 222 subspecies and forms of orchids.

New greenhouse

Recently, the construction of a new greenhouse was completed within the Main Botanical Garden. The building is a structure with a height of over 33 m and an area of ​​approximately 9,000 m². Several blocks have been formed here, each of which meets certain climatic conditions. So, in the new greenhouse there are blocks “Moist forests”, “Tropics” and “Subtropics”. To create a naturalistic landscape, cascades of pools, rivers, waterfalls and reliefs were organized, trail systems were laid, artificial rocks and grottoes were formed. Here you can even make a tropical fog and “cause” rain - all so that the plants develop in their usual conditions.

Interesting facts, or why you should visit the park

  1. A unique opportunity to get acquainted with plants growing in our country and abroad.
  2. Japan in Russia - cherries and azaleas grow in the Japanese garden, a gazebo is installed and there is a small pond. This is a great place for those who want to be alone.
  3. Within the Main Botanical Garden named after. Tsitsin (GBS RAS) there is an opportunity to take a walk in the forest, in which a wide variety of trees grow, for example, catalpa, white acacia, Japanese quince, North American thuja, hornbeam and much more.
  4. Several ponds have been created here, strewn with water lilies, near which it will be pleasant to relax.
  5. In the greenhouse, which was already mentioned above, you can take a tour. Who doesn’t want to find themselves in the tropics in the middle of a noisy metropolis?

It will be interesting to know that the Moscow Botanical Garden takes part in many international exhibitions. GBS was awarded 30 diplomas, the collection includes more than 100 gold, silver and bronze medals.

Other information

How to get to the botanical garden? GBS RAS is located on the street. Botanicheskaya, building 4. You need to take the metro to the VDNKh station, from there by trolleybus to the Botanical Garden stop. From the Vladykino metro station you can walk to the GBS RAS.

botanical gardens The prototype of the first Moscow botanical gardens was the garden of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, founded in 1666 on the outskirts of Moscow in the village of Izmailovo. By the names of its individual plots (grape, pear, plum, millet, etc.) one can judge the variety of plants that were grown in it. Watermelons, melons, and pumpkins also ripened there; mulberry trees, “cypress bushes,” white lilies, double peonies, etc. took root there. Almost simultaneously with the Izmailovsky Garden, the so-called Embankment Gardens existed on the territory of the Kremlin, where many useful plants, previously unknown to Muscovites, grew. plants (eg marjoram, basil, rosemary). Gardens specializing in the cultivation of medicinal herbs, or “pharmaceutical gardens,” have been known in the capital at least since the 70s. XVII century According to contemporaries, the matter was handled so successfully that a number of herbs no longer needed to be collected in the Moscow region. By decree of Peter I of 1706, such an Apothecary Garden was founded at the Moscow General Hospital. According to legend, the king himself planted several trees in it. In 1805, this garden was transferred to Moscow University and became known as the Botanical Garden. Now it is a branch of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University (Mira Avenue, 26) - a monument to the history and culture of Moscow, a favorite vacation spot for Muscovites. Here, on an area of ​​6.5 hectares, there is a section of the old park, an exhibition of ornamental and other useful plants and a greenhouse.

Since the 18th century private botanical gardens appear. The most famous are: Botanical Garden of the major industrialist and philanthropist P.P. Demidov on Vorobyovy Gory (founded in 1756), which contained over 4 thousand species of plants both in open ground and in greenhouses; Botanical Garden of Count A.K. Razumovsky in Gorenki near Moscow (founded in 1798), which foreigners called the “miracle of Moscow” for the wealth of collections and size (about 730 hectares). In this Botanical Garden, where many botanists of that time worked, the organizational forms of functioning of modern botanical gardens took shape and certain directions of botanical research were outlined.

In 1945, on the territory of the ancient Ostankino oak grove, the Main Botanical Garden of the USSR Academy of Sciences (now the Russian Academy of Sciences; Botanicheskaya Street, 4) was founded, bearing the name of its founder and first director N.V. Tsitsina. Here, on an area of ​​360 hectares, collections (about 25 thousand species and garden forms) of wild various cultivated (primarily ornamental) plants have been created; there is a rose garden (over 2 thousand varieties of roses), a syringarium (a collection of lilacs, over 400 varieties); about 5.5 thousand heat-loving species grow under glass in a greenhouse. An exhibition greenhouse is being built. About 60 hectares are occupied by a protected area of ​​oak grove. This is a protected forest area that has no analogues in the world within the boundaries of a large industrial city. The main botanical garden also has a rich library and herbarium.

The main territory of the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University, created in 1950 on the Lenin (now Vorobyovy) Hills, covers an area of ​​33 hectares and primarily serves as a base for educational and research work of students and teachers of Moscow State University. Here a collection of mountain plants has been collected and placed in the rock garden, an arboretum, areas of other useful plants, etc. have been created.

Botanical Garden of the Moscow Agricultural Academy named after K.A. Timiryazeva (Pryanishnikova Street, 4) was founded in 1895. On an area of ​​1.2 hectares there are systematic and experimental plots, an arboretum with 350 species of widespread and rare trees and shrubs, as well as a rock garden and a greenhouse.

The Botanical Garden of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants NPO "All-Russian Research Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants" (VILAR; Grina Street, 7) is located in the south of Moscow in close proximity to the Moscow Ring Road. Organized in 1952. On an area of ​​45.3 hectares (17 hectares park area), many woody and herbaceous medicinal plants used in official and folk medicine are collected. Another botanical garden of medicines. plants, having mainly educational functions, Botanical Garden of the Moscow Medical Academy named after I.M. Sechenov (4th Krasnogvardeisky proezd, 20). Founded in 1946. On an area of ​​over 5 hectares, about 1000 species of medicinal plants are grown, used as pharmaceutical raw materials, for educational and scientific work.

B.N. Golovkin.

Main Botanical Garden
Russian Academy of Sciences.

  • - in the USSR, research, educational and cultural-educational institutions, in which they collect collections of living regions and, on their basis, study the diversity and richness of the region. peace of the Earth...

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  • - Botanical Garden of Moscow University. botanical gardens The prototype of the first Moscow botanical gardens was the garden of Tsar Alexei Mikhailovich, founded in 1666 on the outskirts of Moscow in the village of Izmailovo...

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  • - university institutions, the purpose of which is to give students the opportunity to acquire a thorough understanding of botany through practical studies, both in the microscopic anatomy of plants and in experimental physiology...
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  • - S. is a piece of land usually surrounded by a fence and planted with various kinds of plants intended for the benefit or pleasure of a person...

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  • - under this name gardens are known in which plants from different parts of the world and different climates are cultivated for scientific and educational purposes. At the beginning of the 14th century. Matvey Silvatik founded the first botan. garden in Salerno...

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  • - appeared in the 2nd half of the 18th century. First B. Curtis's Botanical Magazine, still published today, was founded by W. Curtis in 1787 in England...

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  • - maps showing the composition, features of the geographical distribution of flora, vegetation or plant resources...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - institutions in which they collect, systematize, store and exhibit botanical collections, as well as carry out scientific and pedagogical work on botany...

    Great Soviet Encyclopedia

  • - scientific research, educational and auxiliary and cultural and educational institutions cultivating and studying plants, promoting botanical knowledge...

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  • - Sad"s, -"ov: N"new Sad"...

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"botanical gardens" in books

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The oldest university botanical gardens (location) 3 Kew - London, England 4 Pisa - Italy Temp - pcs. Arizona, USAPadua - Italy5 Cologne - GermanyKyoto Japan - moss garden6 Berlin - GermanyMoscow - Russia7 Venice - ItalyLeipzig - GermanyLombard - pcs.

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Organizations that have documented collections of living plants are called botanical and are used for educational purposes, conservation of biological diversity, and participate in scientific developments and demonstrations. There are more than 2000 such organizations in the world, the list of botanical gardens in Russia reaches 73 units, all of them are united by the main goal - the conservation and use of plant resources to improve human well-being. Gardens have different geographical locations and are extremely important for the development of society as a whole. They contain a variety of varieties and types of plants.

The development of issues of garden construction and decorative structure occupies a key place in botanical gardens. Most of these organizations serve departments of botany at universities and operate as a base for educational institutions. Botanical gardens contribute to the growth of highly qualified specialists in the field of botany. Despite all these advantages, the main goal is the development and maintenance of the plant world.

History of the development of botanical gardens

The very first botanical gardens in Russia began to appear in St. Petersburg and Moscow. The purpose of their creation was to grow medicinal crops, but over time, other types of plants began to appear.

The history of the development of green areas has a close connection with the development of botany as a science. From the beginning of the 18th century, apothecary gardens began to appear in our country, growing valuable apothecary plants from which drugs were made. The spread of such gardens began during the reign of Peter I, in St. Petersburg, Voronezh, Moscow and many other cities.

The role of botanical gardens in the world

Floristic research and comprehensive forwarding activities have contributed to deepening the knowledge of the flora and plant nature of our country and all green crops around the world. Thanks to this, the rarest representatives of wild flora and new crops began to be developed. Botanical gardens systematically organize expeditions and trips, conduct comprehensive scientific research in the field of experimental botany, considering the main problems that plants face during acclimatization, and study environmental issues, biology, physiology and geographical location of plants. These studies had a beneficial effect on the mobilization of domestic resources.

Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after N.V. Tsitsina

The main Russian museum of plant nature was created in Moscow in January 1945. Its fundamental goal was to preserve the rarest green areas - the Leonovsky forest and the Erdenevskaya grove, the area of ​​which occupied more than 300 hectares. Architects Rosenberg and Petrov made a great contribution to the landscape design, thanks to which the garden was as close to natural conditions as possible.

Main Botanical Garden of the Russian Academy of Sciences named after N.V. Tsitsina collected in his collection more than 15,000 species of plant wealth, of which 1,900 are representatives of trees and shrubs, about 5,000 different species of plants from the tropics and subtropics, as well as a garden of endless flowering. This wildlife museum conducts excursions in its arboretum, during which visitors walking around the museum get acquainted with a huge variety of plant crops, learn about the benefits and harms of organisms, and also learn many new facts about indoor floriculture.

Amur Botanical Garden

The Amursk Botanical Garden was founded in 1994; its territory occupies 200 hectares. In this area there are about 400 representatives of vascular plants, of which 21 are listed in the Red Book. This museum participates in exhibitions, filming on television, and conducts lectures on landscape design.

The Amur Garden has three zones: the first zone is the island, the second is the right bank of the river, and the third is the administrative and economic area. A large area of ​​forests belongs to nature reserves, and in some parts excursions are held, which are divided by complexity, distance, and age group of visitors. The Key Route has seven main locations.

St. Petersburg Botanical Garden at State University

The Botanical Garden of St. Petersburg State University is located in the city itself and suffers greatly from the effects of transport and environmental pollution. It began to be created in the 19th century. Active replenishment of the collection began in 1844, and in 1947 its official name was approved - the Botanical Garden at the State University. The main goal of this organization at that time was the educational process. The number of species had increased to 2,500 by 1896, and in 1901 an arboretum was founded.

This organization is a division of a state university, as a result of which its collection is selected in such a way that the educational process in botanical departments takes place visually. Thanks to this, students have the opportunity to gain in-depth knowledge in the study of botany. Botanical gardens of Russia make a valuable contribution to the development and education of society.

The area of ​​the garden's greenhouse reaches 1,300 square meters, and the number of its representatives is 2,200 different varieties of subtropical and tropical crops, herbaceous plants, and shrubs. The garden’s collection also includes more than 800 species of cacti and succulents. An interesting fact is the presence of specimens that managed to live for more than 70 years.

The northernmost botanical garden in Russia

The botanical garden, located above the Arctic Circle, was founded in 1931. The goal of this project is to study the behavior of plants from different climates in a low temperature zone. Over the entire period of the garden’s existence, about 30,000 species of flora visited it, of which 3,500 were able to adapt to difficult conditions. Various studies are also carried out in the park.

The collection of the botanical garden includes more than 650 representatives of moss, more than 400 species of different plant crops, approximately 1000 varieties of wildlife from the subtropics and tropics. The number of visitors per year is more than 3,500 people. Snowdrops, living herbariums and a rock garden are some of the most unique representatives of this place. The garden also interacts with more than 30 countries around the world, with which it exchanges seeds and plant sprouts.

Great contribution to education

Botanical gardens are engaged in mass educational work. Many gardens have specialized nurseries that supply institutions and the public with planting and sowing materials. They also provide advisory support, give advice on the use and application of various plants, pay attention to botanical work in schools, create clubs for young botanists, and organize educational gardens for nature lovers.

Regardless of their directions, botanical gardens have a common important goal - the creation and maintenance of valuable plant crops and the dissemination of knowledge about living nature and the benefits of the living world for humans. The botanical gardens of Russia serve as a striking example of landscape design, and are also an excellent place for the population to relax, which awakens in people a love for the living area.

Defines a botanical garden as an organization that has documented collections of living plants and uses them for scientific research, biodiversity conservation, display and educational purposes.

"GOST 28329-89. Greening cities. Terms and definitions" defines that a botanical garden is " special purpose green area, which houses a collection of tree, shrub and herbaceous plants for research and educational purposes."

Thus, different definitions of the term "botanical garden" imply that it is either a "territory" or an "organization".

A modern botanical garden is an urban, specially protected natural green area, based on the resources of which the management organization creates landscape gardens and contains documented collections of living plants and/or preserved plant samples containing functional units of heredity that are of actual or potential value for the purposes of scientific research and education , public displays, biodiversity conservation, sustainable development, tourism and recreational activities, production of plant-based services and marketable products to improve human well-being.

As a rule, botanical gardens have auxiliary units or institutions - greenhouses, herbariums, libraries of botanical literature, nurseries, excursion and educational departments, zoobotanical gardens or zoos.

Botanical gardens, in which trees are studied mainly, are called arboretums, or arboretums; shrubs - frucicetum; lianas - viticetum. Some botanical gardens are of a very narrow scientific nature and are not open to the public.

There is a worldwide tendency to strengthen the ecological, environmental and socially significant functions of botanical gardens in urbanized areas. In this regard, for example, the American Association of Botanical Gardens and Arboretums (Arboretums) recently changed its name to a new one - American Association of Public Parks and Arboretums, and some African botanical gardens are being rebranded as “ecology centers.”

Historical overview

The first botanical garden was founded at the beginning of the 14th century by Matteo Silvatico (lat. Matthaeus Silvaticus) at the medical school in Salerno.

In Western Europe, botanical gardens began with monastery gardens, and in Russia with “pharmaceutical gardens.”

In addition to those mentioned, botanical gardens were famous: in Germany - in Berlin, Halle, Munich, Belvedere near Weimar, in Dick near Dusseldorf, in Austria - Schönbrunn in Vienna, in Sweden - Uppsala (founded in 1657) and Lund, in Italy - Palermo (founded 1779).

Of the non-European botanical gardens, it should be noted:

  • in Asia - in Kolkata and Chennai (India); in Sri Lanka; in Java in Bogor; to Guangzhou;
  • in Africa - in Cape Town (founded in 1848); in Mauritius; in the Canary Islands;
  • in North America - in New York, Philadelphia, Cambridge (Massachusetts, USA);
  • in Central and South America - in Mexico; Rio de Janeiro ; Cayenne; in Jamaica (Kingston);
  • in Australia - in Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide.

In Russia

In Russia, the first botanical garden is the "Apothecary Garden", the oldest botanical garden in Russia, founded by Peter I in Moscow in 1706. In 1709, Peter I founded an apothecary garden in Lubny, and in 1714 in St. Petersburg under the name of the Aptekarsky Garden.

In the first quarter of the 18th century, botanical gardens were established in Moscow (by Count A.K. Razumovsky), Dorpat and Vilna.

By the end of the 19th century, botanical gardens existed in all university cities in Russia. Of the university botanical gardens, the oldest is Moscow, founded in 1804, then Dorpat - in 1806, which belonged to the most outstanding attractions of the city, Kremenets, led by V. Besser - in 1807, Kharkov - in 1809, founded by V.N. Karazin. The Kiev and Warsaw botanical gardens also contained many different species.

Famous were the Imperial Nikitsky Botanical Garden near Yalta, founded in 1812 by H. H. Steven, the Uman Tsaritsyn Botanical Garden, gardens at horticulture schools and the botanical garden in Tiflis, which served as the central botanical and acclimatization station for the entire Caucasus and Transcaucasia.

The largest botanical gardens in the world are united in the International Council of Botanical Gardens (English) Russian (BGCI).

Botanical gardens of Russia

  • Botanical Garden of Moscow State University “Aptekarsky Ogorod” is the oldest botanical garden in Russia. Founded by Peter the Great in Moscow in 1706, in 1805 it was transformed into the Botanical Garden of Moscow University.
  • The Botanical Garden of Tver State University is the northernmost botanical garden with an exhibition of steppe plants, the only one of its kind in the Upper Volga region. Located in the Zavolzhsky district of Tver. An object of historical, cultural and natural heritage - an archaeological monument. Founded in 1879.
  • in St. Petersburg - one of the oldest botanical gardens in Russia. It grew out of the Aptekarsky vegetable garden founded in 1714 on Aptekarsky Island.
  • (PABSI) of the Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Kirovsk) is the northernmost botanical garden in the country (67°38" N) and one of three botanical gardens in the world located beyond the Arctic Circle.
  • Botanical Garden of Petrozavodsk State University (BS PetrSU) Petrozavodsk) - founded in 1951 on the northern coast of Petrozavodsk Bay of Lake Onega among coniferous forests located on the southern slopes of a relict volcano. Located on the northern borders of the natural distribution of a number of woody plant species, it is an introduction step between the St. Petersburg and Polar-Alpine Botanical Gardens.
  • The Main Botanical Garden named after N.V. Tsitsin RAS (Moscow) is the largest botanical garden-institute in Russia.
  • The Biryulevsky Arboretum is the second botanical garden in Moscow in terms of the number of rare species of trees and shrubs.
  • The Botanical Garden of Perm University is the oldest botanical garden in the Urals, possessing one of the largest collections of plants in open and closed ground. Founded in 1922 by A. G. Genkel.
  • The Siberian Botanical Garden is the first botanical garden beyond the Urals, founded in 1885 in Tomsk.
  • The Botanical Garden of Irkutsk State University (BS ISU) is the only one in Baikal Siberia (near Lake Baikal).
  • Botanical Garden of St. Petersburg State University - founded in the 19th century on the initiative of A. N. Beketov.
  • Sochi Arboretum - founded in 1892.
  • Penza Botanical Garden named after I. I. Sprygin - founded in 1917.
  • SamSU Botanical Garden - founded on August 1, 1932.
  • South Siberian Botanical Garden (Altai State University, Barnaul) - studies the flora of the Altai mountainous country.
  • Botanical Garden of Syktyvkar State University (61°41" N) - created in 1974, covers an area of ​​32 hectares; in 2007, plants of 395 species of 226 genera of 78 families from fifteen regions of the globe grew in the garden in the open ground.
  • Botanical Garden of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Ekaterinburg, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
  • Rostov Botanical Garden (Rostov-on-Don) is a botanical garden-institute of the Southern Federal University.
  • The Central Siberian Botanical Garden of the SB RAS (Novosibirsk) is the largest botanical garden-institute in Siberia.
  • FEB RAS (Vladivostok) - the largest botanical garden-institute in

On February 14, 1706, on the northern outskirts of Moscow, behind the Sukharev Tower, Peter I founded the Apothecary Garden for growing medicinal plants. Nowadays the Botanical Garden of Moscow State University named after M.V. Lomonosov is one of the oldest botanical scientific institutions in Russia. Today we decided to talk about the seven most famous botanical gardens in Russia.

Apothecary garden in Moscow

The Apothecary Garden in Moscow or the Branch of the Botanical Garden of the Faculty of Biology of Moscow State University is the oldest botanical garden in Russia, which was founded by Peter I in Moscow in 1706. This botanical garden is also one of the oldest parks in Moscow. Initially, the Apothecary Garden was created in order to grow medicinal plants on its territory. There is a legend associated with this oldest garden that Peter himself personally planted three coniferous trees - spruce, fir and larch - in the newly created garden. Even under Peter, the garden was rich in greenhouses, rare plant species, and was also a favorite place for research by famous botanists.

Imperial Botanical Garden in St. Petersburg

The Imperial Botanical Garden in St. Petersburg, whose name now sounds like the Botanical Garden of the Botanical Institute. V.L. Komarova RAS is also one of the oldest botanical gardens in Russia. The garden itself is located on Aptekarsky Island in St. Petersburg. The garden was opened by Peter the Great in 1714. Today, this famous botanical garden in Russia is subordinate to the Botanical Institute named after V. L. Komarov, is its department and, accordingly, is part of the structure of the Russian Academy of Sciences. In the Botanical Garden of the BIN RAS, the plant collection includes more than eighty species. The museum's exposition at the garden is dedicated to the vegetation of the Earth, the history and evolution of plants, plant resources of Russia, as well as the relationship between plants and humans.

Biryulevsky Arboretum

Biryulyovsky Arboretum is one of the most famous gardens in Russia, which is located in Moscow. This garden is the second among Moscow parks in terms of the number of rare specimens of trees and shrubs. The arboretum is located in East Biryulyovo and is part of the Biryulyovo Forest Park. This garden was opened in 1938, but there is a certain secret connected with it, that the layout of the arboretum was already contained on the topographic map of the Moscow province of General Schubert in 1832. Now the Biryulyovsky Arboretum contains more than 250 rare species of trees, shrubs and other plants.

Botanical Garden of Tver State University

The Botanical Garden of Tver State University is the northernmost botanical garden in Russia with an exposition of steppe plants. The garden is located in the Zavolzhsky district of Tver, not far from the confluence of the Tvertsa and the Volga. Also, this unique garden of the Upper Volga region is an object of historical, cultural and natural heritage, more precisely, an archaeological monument. Initially, the garden was founded by the merchant of the First Guild I. Bobrov in 1879. At that time, oaks and larches were planted in the garden, which have survived to this day. This botanical garden features about 350 species of trees and shrubs, as well as more than 2,000 specimens of herbaceous plants. Eight exhibitions and six stock collections have also been created here. The ancient pond in the garden has been known since the 18th century.

Polar-Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute

The Polar Alpine Botanical Garden-Institute is located in the city of Kirovsk, Murmansk region, and is one of 11 institutes of the Kola Science Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. This unique garden is the northernmost botanical garden in Russia, as well as one of the three gardens in the world located above the Arctic Circle. The decision to create a botanical garden in the Khibiny Mountains was made on August 26, 1931 with the participation of Academician A.E. Fersman. This botanical garden conducts research on the acclimatization of new plant species, their reproduction for the population, and other work. More than 400 plant species of the Murmansk region are collected here.


Main Botanical Garden named after N.V. Tsitsin RAS

The Main Botanical Garden named after N.V. Tsitsin RAS is the largest garden-institute in Russia, as well as the largest botanical garden in Europe, which has the richest collections of plants. The most interesting thing is that this garden presents the most diverse flora of all continents and climatic zones of our planet. This unique botanical garden is distinguished by a large number of exhibitions dedicated to plants of Russia, the tropics and other climatic zones. The garden's living collections include 8,220 species and 8,110 forms and varieties of plants. The garden was founded on April 14, 1945.

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