General requirements for the duties of a locomotive driver. What must a driver ensure when driving a train? Job responsibilities of the driver


Job responsibilities of the driver


driver and assistant driver of Moscow metro electric trains I-007 TOE


1.1. The smooth operation of the metro largely depends on the quality of the work of the drivers and assistant drivers, on the level of their labor and production discipline, technical literacy, and their precise compliance with the Rules for the Technical Operation of Subways (RTE), Instructions for Signaling on Subways, Instructions for the Movement of Trains and Shunting Operations subways, this Job Description and other instructions, rules and regulations, orders and instructions related to their work.

1.2. Drivers and assistant drivers of electric trains must:

1.2.1. Have a qualification as a mechanic for the repair of rolling stock of at least 2nd category for an assistant driver and 3rd category for a driver.

1.2.2. Have theoretical training and practical skills in the scope of approved programs for training drivers and assistant drivers.

1.2.3. Have at least secondary education.

1.2.4. Before being appointed to a position, pass a theoretical exam on the technical school or electric depot, the Instructions for signaling on subways, the Instructions for train movement and shunting work on subways, this Job Description and other instructions related to the movement of trains, as well as the Safety Rules for operation, maintenance and current repair of motor-car rolling stock, a test trip on the line and withstand practical tests on rolling stock to overcome cases of possible malfunction of its equipment.

1.3. When transferring drivers and assistant drivers from one electrical depot to another, they must be instructed and tested in their knowledge of rolling stock devices, track layout and profile, features of technical and administrative acts of stations and work on the line.

1.4. Upon appointment to the position, the driver and assistant driver must be issued with a PTE, Instructions for signaling on subways, Instructions for train movement and shunting work on subways, and this Job Description.

1.5. The driver and assistant driver are administratively directly subordinate to the head of the electric depot, and operationally they are subordinate to the deputy head of the electric depot for operation, the driver-instructor, the electric depot duty officer, the operator, the train dispatcher on duty, the station duty officer and are obliged to carry out their orders.

1.6. Drivers and assistant drivers must timely familiarize themselves with the work schedule, outfits, shift assignments and appear for the performance of their duties according to the schedule or attire in the prescribed uniform, neat, well rested and prepared for work.

1.7. The length of the working day is determined by the work schedule or work order.

Drivers and assistant drivers who are not replaced at the appointed time inform the train dispatcher about this, but do not have the right to leave work without permission.

1.8. When returning after illness, vacation, business trip, etc., the driver, assistant driver must come to the foreman, hand over to him the documents that exempt him from work, and then receive an assignment from him for a shift, and in the absence of the foreman (day off) - from duty driver-instructor.

Before starting a shift, the driver and assistant driver must familiarize themselves with the documents issued during their absence.

1.9. Drivers and assistant drivers must inform the contractor and the personnel department of their residence address and home telephone number and immediately notify them in case of any changes.

1.10. The driver and assistant driver in relations with passengers and metro employees must be polite, helpful and require them to comply with the Rules for using the metro.

1.11. The driver does not have the right to travel from the electrical depot or technical inspection point to the line on a train (train) that does not meet the requirements of the PTE.

1.12. The driver has no right to leave the control cabin while the train is moving.

1.13. A high degree of vigilance when working on the line, during shunting operations, acceptance and delivery of rolling stock, high personal responsibility for the safety of the controlled train (set) and the passengers carried in it should be the main ones in the work of the driver and assistant driver.

1.14. The driver and assistant driver must treat driving a train (train) as a responsible production process, keep themselves in constant readiness for all sorts of surprises along the route, and always be ready to take emergency measures to ensure traffic safety.

1.15. It is forbidden for the driver to remove his hands from the control handles (driver's controller and driver's crane) while the train is moving and the CV main shaft is in the running and braking position.

In cases that require special vigilance (when following the first train, when the working lighting of the tunnel is on, when following turnouts, connecting branches, etc.), the driver’s right hand should also be on the handle of the driver’s crane.

In these cases, when servicing a train (composition) with two persons, the assistant driver must stand ready to use the stop valve if necessary.

1.16. If there is a threat of a collision with rolling stock or an obstacle, the driver and assistant driver do not have the right to leave the workplace without taking the necessary measures to prevent it.

If there is a threat of a collision with oncoming trains (trains), the driver and assistant driver are obliged to take measures for an emergency stop.

1.17. It is prohibited for a driver to transfer control of a train (set) to any person other than the replacement driver, the managers of the electric depot in which he works, or the managers of the rolling stock service who have the right to operate metro electric trains, or the driver-instructor (in this case, responsibility for traffic safety rests with the person , who has taken over control of the train), an assistant driver with the right to drive with the permission of the driver-instructor (when transferring control to the assistant driver, his duties are performed by the driver), an assigned trainee (trainee).

1.18. It is prohibited for a driver or driver's assistant to transfer control of a train (set) to a person who is under the influence of alcohol, drugs or toxic substances, who is not prepared for work and who is not dressed in uniform.

1.19. Drivers and assistant drivers assigned to the reserve are at the disposal of the driver-instructor, line point operator or electric depot duty officer and do not have the right to leave work without their permission. The driver or assistant driver assigned to the reserve can be sent to work on the line, train turnover maneuvers or in the electric depot, as well as to replace locomotive crews.

1.20. If the driver loses the ability to control the train, the assistant driver with the right to drive metro electric trains is obliged to stop the train, report the incident to the train dispatcher and call through him a reserve driver or driver-instructor. Then drive the train to the nearest station, where passengers are disembarked and the sick driver is handed over to the station attendant.

An assistant driver without the right to drive electric trains is obliged to stop the train, report the incident to the train dispatcher and request an auxiliary train.

1.21. A short-term departure of a locomotive crew (driver) from a train lying in storage at an electrical depot or technical inspection point (TIP) is permitted only if the high voltage has been removed from the train and permission has been obtained from the duty officer at the electrical depot or the PTO foreman. In this case, the driver must take measures to prevent spontaneous movement of the train.

1.22. When working on a night shift, divided into parts (at night, from the night), the driver and assistant driver must observe a rest regime.

Changing shifts between drivers (drivers' assistants) is allowed only with the permission of the contractor and making changes to the work order, and during the work shift - with the permission of the driver-instructor.


This Instruction establishes the procedure for the actions of metro workers, as well as employees of organizations renting premises or performing work at metro facilities, in cases of fire or smoke and determines the requirements for the operating modes of ventilation units.

All employees are required to know and comply with the Fire Safety Rules on the subway and the requirements of these Instructions, and be able to use primary fire extinguishing agents.

For each facility (including stations) of the metro, a “Fire Extinguishing Plan” and an “Evacuation Plan for Workers (Passengers)” are developed, which must be studied by all employees (on-duty personnel) of the station or facility. The actions of the duty personnel are practically practiced during fire-tactical exercises and classes according to the plans of the Fire Department of the metro.

When detecting or receiving a message about smoke, smoldering or burning (hereinafter - fire) on rolling stock or at metro facilities, when a fire signal is received at the fire alarm panel, each metro employee is obliged to report it to the city fire department by phone "6-01" "9-01"), to the metro fire department by phone "2-18-20"(from monorail transport system facilities - by phone "8-495 6221820"), as well as personally or by any available means of communication (including using emergency call columns) to a metro official (metro duty officer, train dispatcher, station duty officer, electric depot duty officer, etc.). In the message, indicate the exact location of the fire and its nature (smoke, smoldering, open fire, etc.). After the message, take measures to meet the fire and rescue units of the Ministry of Emergency Situations and extinguish the fire.

If there is a clear threat to life (heavy smoke, high temperature), metro workers must leave the danger zone without taking measures to extinguish the fire. In this case, it is necessary to notify workers in adjacent rooms about the evacuation by voice.

Before removing the voltage, it is recommended to use for fire extinguishing: in electrical networks up to 1 kV - carbon dioxide, powder (class E) and air-emulsion (OVE -6) fire extinguishers; in electrical networks up to 10 kV - air-emulsion (OVE-6) fire extinguishers.

The use of powder fire extinguishers when extinguishing a fire at the station is allowed only if there are no passengers in the immediate vicinity of the place of their use or absence

other fire extinguishing means.

2. In case of fire on structures, equipment or devices in the tunnel:

The locomotive crew (driver) that discovered the fire must:

Inform the train dispatcher about the incident, indicating the route number, section, route, picket, location of the fire;

If there is a fire threat to the rolling stock and it is impossible to proceed to this place:

Take measures to stop the train before the danger zone;

Inform the train dispatcher about the incident, indicating the section, route, picket, location of the fire;

Take measures to extinguish the fire using primary fire extinguishing agents.

When burning on the stretch sleepers or fuel debris in the immediate vicinity of the contact rail, contact rail boxes are recommended to be used, without relieving tension, air emulsion fire extinguisher OVE-6 from a distance of no closer than three meters to live equipment. In the immediate vicinity (at least 1 meter) from electrical equipment up to 1 kV, you can use powder fire extinguishers marked for class “E” fires or a tunnel extinguishing kit (CTK), observing the safety measures set out in the instructions for its use.

If a fire occurs in places where it is impossible to maintain a safe distance (under the contact rail box, next to a live cable, etc.), the locomotive crew (driver) informs the train dispatcher about this and continues moving along the route. The driver of the reserve train, who arrived at the scene of the fire, gives a request to the train dispatcher to relieve the voltage from the contact rail and turn on the working and emergency lighting.

After receiving an order from the train dispatcher to relieve tension from the contact rail, the driver must:

Repeat the order;

Install short circuit;

Take measures to extinguish the fire, using all available types of primary fire extinguishing means, including a tunnel extinguishing kit (CTK), if available;

Note: When traveling with a reserve train to a stage to extinguish a fire, the driver must obtain a CTT from the station duty officer. In areas where the pressure is below 3 atm, CHP is used only after the voltage has been removed(The list of stages with a pressure of less than 3 atm is given in section 5 of this instruction and is available in the bag with the CTT stations).

3. If a fire occurs on cable lines with voltage up to 10 kV, the locomotive crew (driver) that discovered the fire must:

Inform the train dispatcher about the incident, indicating the route number and train number, section, track, picket, cable location;

If there is no danger to train traffic, proceed through the dangerous place without stopping.

If it is impossible to follow this location:

Stop at a safe distance, report to the train dispatcher and take measures to extinguish the fire using an air-emulsion fire extinguisher (OVE-6).

If the fire could not be extinguished, report to the train dispatcher and, on his instructions, move to another cabin and take measures to remove the train with passengers from the tunnel, traveling in the wrong direction, having previously informed the train dispatcher of the evacuation direction. Inform passengers about returning to the departure station for technical reasons.

4. In case of fire on the station platform:

The driver is obliged to take measures to stop the train before the danger zone in cases where there is a threat to the rolling stock, and to inform the train dispatcher about this.

If there is no danger to the rolling stock, as well as if it is impossible to stop the train before the smoke zone, source of fire or fire, and with the traffic light indicating permissible, the driver is obliged to proceed through the station without stopping at the set speed; when a traffic light shows a prohibitive signal, the driver passes it in accordance with the requirements of the PTE of the Russian subways. On trains equipped with a station passage warning device (UPS), in order to proceed through a station without stopping, it must be turned off.

The driver immediately informs the train dispatcher about the case of non-stop passage of the station.

5. In the event of a fire in a train carriage located at the station:

If a fire is detected in a train carriage located at a station, the locomotive crew (driver) must:

Report the incident to the train dispatcher, indicating the route number, train number, station, track and request that the tension be removed from the contact rail;

Ensure passengers disembark from the train;

Brake the lead car with the hand (parking) brake;

Before the voltage is removed, take measures to extinguish the fire using an air-emulsion fire extinguisher (OVE-6) from a distance of no closer than 3 meters to live equipment or carbon dioxide

fire extinguishers from a distance of no closer than 1 meter to live equipment.

The use of powder fire extinguishers when extinguishing a fire at a station is permitted in the absence of passengers in the immediate vicinity of the place of their use or other fire extinguishing means.

If the fire could not be extinguished, then after receiving an order to relieve tension from the contact rail, the locomotive crew (driver) must:

Repeat the order;

Make sure there is no voltage on the contact rail;

Install short circuit;

Report to the train dispatcher about the installation of the short circuit;

Proceed to extinguish the fire using all available primary fire extinguishing means (excluding the use of powder fire extinguishers at the station unless absolutely necessary).

The decision to use water to extinguish a fire on electric rolling stock is made only by the driver, after de-energizing the electrical circuits of the faulty car, and in the event of a fire on the batteries, after isolating it (electrical section) from other cars.

After extinguishing a fire on a faulty car using water, it is necessary to wring out the shoes of the pantographs.

When sending a train, in order to find out the causes of smoke or burning smell and take measures to eliminate them, the driver must obtain a CTT from the station duty officer on the station tracks and connecting branches.

Having arrived at the station track or connecting branch, the driver submits a request to relieve tension from the contact rail in the area where the train is installed.

In the future, it acts as indicated in this paragraph after receiving an order to relieve tension from the contact rail.

6. In the event of a fire in a train that has driven part of the cars into a tunnel:

If, when the train departs from the station, the driver discovers a fire on the train or receives a message from passengers about a fire in the train carriage, and the train has not yet passed the sign “Limit place for emergency braking” clause 6.8. Instructions for signaling on Russian subways, the locomotive crew (driver) stops the train, calls the train dispatcher via train radio communication “Dispatcher, urgently!” informs him about what happened and conveys the following information: “Dispatcher! Train No...., route No...., station..., driver... I ask permission to stop the train at the station due to smoke (receiving a fire message) in car No.... (in the head, middle or tail parts of the train)".

Next it informs passengers in text: "Dear passengers! Please maintain calm and order. For technical reasons, the train is returning to the station...” When servicing a train with a locomotive crew, the driver sends an assistant to a car with smoke (fire) to clarify the situation, provide assistance to passengers and take measures to eliminate the fire (smoke).

Having received a verbal order from the train dispatcher to bring the train to the station, the driver brings the train to the station at a speed of no more than 5 km/h.

To do this, the driver must:

Set the reversing shaft of the driver’s controller to the “backward” position, having first disconnected the ALC-APC train devices. Press PB;

Make sure through the train rear view mirror that there are no obstacles for movement;

Sound the sound signal “two long”;

Set the train in motion in the “Backward” direction;

After the train enters the station, apply the emergency pneumatic brake and open the doors on the platform side to disembark passengers.

7. In the event of a fire on a train moving along the route:

When detecting or receiving a message from passengers about a fire in a train carriage following a stretch, the locomotive crew (driver) is obliged to:

Report the fire to the train dispatcher, indicating the route number, train number, section, track, if possible, informing in which car (in the head, middle or tail of the train) the fire was detected, and take measures to bring the train to the station.

If there is an assistant, the driver should direct him to the car with the source of fire to extinguish the fire using primary fire extinguishing equipment.

Urge passengers to remain calm by announcing over a loudspeaker: "Dear passengers! Keep calm and order. The train will arrive at the station in...minutes...”

Upon arrival of the train at the station, the driver acts in accordance with the requirements of paragraph 5 of these Instructions.


I–015/2000 TE


This instruction is a practical guide for the driver when accepting, inspecting, handing over electric rolling stock, working on the line, performing shunting work on the line and park tracks of the electric depot.

The instructions were developed in accordance with the requirements of the Rules of Technical Operation (RTE) of the Russian Subways, the Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on the Russian Subways, the Instructions for signaling on the Russian Subways, guidelines and orders of the Metro Administration and the Rolling Stock Service.

When developing this Instruction, many years of experience of advanced electric train drivers of the Moscow Metro were summarized, providing a high degree of train safety and cultural service for passengers.

In addition to this instruction, each electric depot must issue a Local Instruction that takes into account the design features of the rolling stock in use. The Local Instructions allow a change in the order of actions of the driver and assistant driver when accepting and handing over rolling stock, provided that the technological process of this instruction is fully followed. In addition, it is allowed to change any paragraph of these instructions in agreement with the Rolling Stock Service, provided that this change will help improve traffic safety and the culture of passenger service. Differences in the Local Instructions of electric depots serving one line, in acceptance and delivery of electric rolling stock, in the work of drivers on the line and when performing shunting work, are not allowed.

The Local Instructions must include extracts from the technical and administrative acts of stations (TRA) and park tracks of the electric depot of the serviced line; the numbers of exit traffic lights and traffic lights installed in places of poor visibility have been determined, all readings of which for self-monitoring the driver must call out loud; maximum permissible speeds on the line and places where it is limited; transfer routes to other lines; methods of rational train driving.

The instructions are a guide to the work of a Moscow metro driver and can serve as a guide when training to become a metro electric train driver.


1.1. The start of the driver’s work is the time specified in the work order or communicated to him when called. By this time, the driver is obliged to report to the health center to undergo a pre-trip medical examination and receive a route sheet in the manner established by the Local Instructions of the Electric Depot.

Medical examinations are carried out for each driver and assistant driver before starting work and selectively for drivers on a closed sliding schedule after a shift and before starting a shift after a night's rest.

The end of work is considered to be the time specified in the work order, or the time the driver and assistant driver are released from work by the administration.

1.2. After passing a pre-trip medical examination and receiving a route sheet, the driver gets acquainted with the newly issued orders, directions, instructions, telephone messages, letters and briefings, and for their assimilation he signs in the daily briefing book, for permanent regulatory documents in a special book.

After a night's rest in the electrical depot or other points, before going to work, the driver and assistant driver, as a rule, do not sign in the daily briefing book, in the absence of documents that change the usual work procedure, with which they were not previously familiar. Next, the driver draws up a route sheet and receives a reversible handle of the driver’s controller (KB) at the electric depot in the manner established by the Local Instructions of the electric depot.

1.3. At the electric depot, the driver finds out: what track the train is on, what cars it is made of, whether there was an entry in the repair book when the train was placed at the electric depot, and whether there is a corresponding note from the repair personnel about the repairs performed. In the “Readiness Book”, the driver checks whether the readiness for the rolling stock has been given by the responsible employees. Checks the availability of automatic speed control (ASC) devices. Finds out about the changes made in electric rolling stock.

If there is no mark and signature under it about the repairs performed or the lack of readiness for the electric rolling stock, the driver does not begin to accept the train, which he reports to the duty officer at the electric depot.

1.4. When starting a shift on the line, the driver finds out from the operator of the line point or the person on duty at the centralization post which station track the train is on or specifies the time and route on which the train arrives.

1.5. Before accepting the rolling stock, the driver receives train equipment or checks its availability and serviceability on the electric rolling stock.

1.6. When inspecting the train in the electrical depot and on the line, the driver must have with him a reversible KV handle, a flashlight or a portable lamp. The driver must inspect the undercar equipment while wearing a headgear. If necessary, the use of an inspection hammer during the inspection of rolling stock should be specified in the Local Instructions of the Electric Depot.

1.7. While the train is moving, when the main handle of the HF is in the running or braking position, the driver’s left hand should be on the main handle of the HF, and the right hand on the handle of the driver’s crane.

When following the first train, following with the lights on in a tunnel, following turnouts and in other cases requiring special vigilance, the driver’s right hand should be on the handle of the driver’s crane.

1.8. It is prohibited for the driver to leave the control cabin while the train is moving and carry persons in the control cabin who do not have the right to travel there.

1.9. The driver, assistant driver, called to check the cars and eliminate malfunctions, while the train is moving, is prohibited from moving from car to car, except in cases where there is a threat to the safety of train traffic. At the same time, personal safety rules must be observed and the possibility of injury to passengers from the end doors of cars must be excluded.

1.10. While the train is undergoing technical inspection of the first volume (TO-1) at the electric depot, if there is no voltage of 825 V on the train, the driver can leave the train with the permission of the person on duty at the electric depot.

At maintenance points on station tracks, the driver can leave the train only to the premises of the maintenance point.

1.11. At the end of the shift, the driver must write a report in the prescribed form about all identified deficiencies in work and violations of the normal operation of the rolling stock.


General provisions.

1.1. This provision on the “Sectional Repair Book” has been developed in accordance with the requirements of the Rules for the Technical Operation of Subways of the Russian Federation.
1.2. The Regulations on the “Sectional Repair Book” establishes the requirements for the condition, design and maintenance of the “Sectional Repair Book” and the procedure for working with it by locomotive crews, repair personnel, depot and metro management personnel.
1.3. The “Sectional Repair Book” is intended for the driver’s records of faults identified during the acceptance, operation and delivery of rolling stock, notes on the elimination of faults, as well as control by managers at all levels over their timely elimination.
1.4. It is prohibited to use the “Sectional Repair Book” for entries not provided for by this provision.

2. Registration of a sectional repair book.
2.1. The “Sectional Repair Book” must have numbered pages, be bound and sealed. Instead of a seal, the signature of the depot manager or his deputies is allowed.
2.2. On the title page of the “Sectional Repair Book” the following must be indicated: the start date of filling, the end date of filling, if it has ended, the number of the composition to which it belongs.
2.3. The spread of the title page should contain the following information: numbers of cars included in the formation, the name of the driver-instructor, senior driver and locomotive crews assigned to this rolling stock, numbers of tools and mounting shoes.

3. The procedure for making entries in the sectional repair book.
3.1. The first six columns of the “Sectional Repair Book” of the book are filled out by the driver. In columns 1 - 4, the driver indicates the date of detection of equipment malfunctions, the number of the depot ditch, the route number and the numbers of the cars on which they were detected.
3.2. Column 5 indicates the content of the comment, the type and nature of the manifestation of malfunctions, and their characteristic features. Column 6 contains a legible signature of the driver who made the entry.
3.3. The remaining columns are filled in by the mechanic, foreman or foreman (performer) who carried out the troubleshooting work. In column 7, the contractor indicates the defects discovered during the repair process and the work performed to eliminate them. Column 8 contains a legible signature of the performer.

3.4. When making recouplings in a train, the foreman or foreman, who gave readiness after the recoupling, makes an entry in the “Sectional Repair Book”: “Car No. 1234 is uncoupled, No. 4321 is coupled. The operation of the electrical circuit and pneumatic brakes has been checked. Ready for the line. Signature (legible).”
3.5. During routine maintenance of train devices ALS-ARS, UESPM, as well as during car exchanges (scheduled, unscheduled), an entry is made in the “Sectional Repair Book” about the readiness of the devices for operation on the line with the signature of the performer and an indication of the position.
3.6. During routine maintenance of the Igla equipment, as well as in cases of its malfunction, be guided by paragraphs. 4.3., 4.5. and 4.5.4. Instructions No. 661 of 08/11/2000
3.7. The last pages of the “Sectional Repair Book” are used by the depot wheel engineer to record the condition of the wheelsets of a given composition.

4. Monitoring the maintenance and condition of the sectional repair book.
4.1. The “Sectional Repair Book” is located in the cabin of the head car at the exit from the depot. The driver, when handing over the train, makes a note in it about the necessary repairs, hands it over to the person on duty at the depot or puts it in a place designated at the depot to familiarize himself with the comments of the repair personnel. Before making a repair record, you must indicate the type of sludge (day-night, planned, unscheduled).
4.2. When accepting rolling stock, the driver is obliged to familiarize himself with the entries in the “Sectional Repair Book” and when inspecting the cars, pay special attention to the equipment and components that have been repaired.
4.3. If, upon acceptance of the rolling stock, it turns out that the “Sectional Repair Book” is in unsatisfactory condition, there are no records of repairs in it, or the replies specified in clause 3 of Appendix No. 1 are found, the driver must call the senior foreman of the integrated team via the depot loudspeaker communication or masters of the relevant type of equipment. Notify the depot duty officer to make a prompt decision on issuing the train to the line. At the end of the shift, the driver draws up a report on this case.
4.4. Responsibility for the condition, registration and maintenance of the “Sectional Repair Book” lies with the senior driver to whom this composition is assigned.
4.5. The driver-instructor checks the condition, design and maintenance of the repair book. When deficiencies are identified, he points them out to the drivers and the senior driver of the given train.
4.6. Foreman of the integrated crew and night shifts, as appropriate, daily check the records of locomotive crews, the records of repair personnel about the repairs performed, and selectively check the quality of the repairs performed. After a spot check, they sign for the repairs performed next to the contractor.
4.7. Engineers of the technical department of the depot on a daily basis, when checking the implementation of technological processes, check the maintenance of “Sectional repair books” by locomotive crews and repair personnel. If deficiencies are identified, they act in the manner specified in clause 4.9. of this Regulation.
4.8. During scheduled inspections of the implementation of technological processes, the managers of the electrical depot (in accordance with regulatory documents) monitor the condition, execution and maintenance of “Sectional Repair Books”. At the same time, attention is paid to the quality of recordings of both locomotive crews and repair personnel, especially repeating recordings.
4.9. The deputy head of the electric depot for traffic safety is informed about the identified shortcomings, who is obliged to conduct an analysis of the violations and hold the persons involved accountable.
4.10. All metro employees who exercise control over the condition, registration and maintenance of “Sectional Repair Books” (except for the employees specified in clause 4.5.) are required, after the inspection, to legibly sign the date of inspection and position in the top field of the page on which the last entry was made about malfunctions.

5. Storage of a sectional repair book.
5.1. Upon completion of the “Sectional Repair Book”, the senior driver in the technical department of the depot receives a new “Sectional Repair Book” completely ready for use. The head of the technical department puts the end date on the submitted “Sectional Repair Book” and puts it in the Archives.
5.2. Used “Sectional Repair Books” are stored for at least 6 months.

Instructions (extract)


General provisions.

I-016/2010 TE


These provisions are mandatory for metro drivers and determine the general procedure for action in the event of malfunctions of electric rolling stock, as well as non-standard situations that arise during work.

The requirements of this Instruction can be met and applied provided that drivers know the Rules for Technical Operation of Subways of the Russian Federation (RTE), Instructions for the movement of trains and shunting work on subways of the Russian Federation, Instructions for signaling on subways of the Russian Federation, job descriptions and equipment of rolling stock.

The main task of drivers when a malfunction occurs on electric rolling stock is to eliminate it in the shortest possible time and remove the faulty rolling stock from the line. The efficiency of the actions of drivers must be combined both with ensuring the safety of train traffic and with fulfilling the requirements of the Labor Safety Instructions.

In order to promptly identify faults in electrical

Added to the site:

Job Description for Diesel Locomotive Driver [name of organization]

This job description has been developed and approved in accordance with the provisions of the All-Russian Classification of Occupations OK 010-93 (OKZ) (approved by Resolution of the State Standard of the Russian Federation of December 30, 1993 N 298) and other regulations governing labor relations.

1. General Provisions

1.1. The diesel locomotive driver of [name of organization] belongs to the category of workers, is hired and dismissed by order of the manager of [name of organization].

1.2. A person who has a secondary vocational education, with experience in the specialty of at least [fill in what is required], who has passed a preliminary medical examination and has no contraindications to performing the work, is appointed to the position of diesel locomotive driver.

1.3. The diesel locomotive driver reports directly to [fill in as appropriate].

1.4. The locomotive driver must know:

Purpose of a diesel locomotive, its design, main types of malfunctions and damage;

Rules for preparing a diesel locomotive for a trip;

Rules for acceptance and maintenance of diesel locomotives;

Procedure for inspection and delivery of a diesel locomotive;

Classification of types of inspection and repair of diesel locomotives and their characteristics;

Types and scope of diesel locomotive repairs;

H&S rules;

Labor protection rules and regulations.

1.5. Before being allowed to work independently, a diesel locomotive driver must pass:

Initial training at the workplace;

Testing knowledge of labor protection instructions;

Testing knowledge of instructions for providing first aid to victims in connection with accidents when servicing power equipment;

Testing knowledge of instructions on the use of protective equipment necessary for the safe performance of work;

Testing knowledge of safety regulations for workers who have the right to prepare a workplace, carry out admissions, be a work performer, an observer and a member of the team to the extent corresponding to the duties of those responsible for safety safety regulations;

Training in professional training programs.

1.6. During work, a diesel locomotive driver must undergo:

Repeated briefings - at least [fill in as necessary];

Testing knowledge of labor safety instructions and current instructions for providing first aid to victims in connection with accidents when servicing power equipment [specify the period];

Medical examination - [specify period];

Testing knowledge of occupational safety and health regulations for workers who have the right to prepare a workplace, carry out admissions, be a work performer, an observer or a member of a team - [specify the period].

2. Job responsibilities

2.1. The locomotive driver has the following responsibilities:

2.1.1. Controlling a diesel locomotive, regulating the speed of movement depending on the track profile and the weight of the train, monitoring signals, the condition of the train and tracks, the contact network, the position of switches, readings of instrumentation, etc., organizing and performing shunting work;

2.1.2. Control of a traction unit, consisting of a control electric locomotive and two motorized dump cars or an electric control locomotive, a diesel section and a motorized dump car, checking the correctness and reliability of the coupling of the traction unit with the first car (dump car, platform) or other vehicle, troubleshooting the operation of the traction unit.

2.1.3. Preparing the locomotive for the trip.

2.1.4. Servicing it during the route, in parking lots.

2.1.5. Monitoring the operation of a diesel locomotive.

2.1.6. Carry out necessary service repairs.

2.1.7. Preparation for delivery to the depot.

2.1.8. Determination of a rational mode of train movement.

2.1.9. Carry out operational orders of duty officers at operational locomotive depots, reporting points and shifts of locomotive crews, and driver-instructors of operational locomotive depots serving this area.

2.1.10. When performing job duties, have with you: a service ID with a record certified by an employee of the HR department about the delivery of a certificate for the right to drive a diesel locomotive and a certificate of assignment of a qualification class to the HR department of the locomotive depot, a certificate of admission to work on electrical installations, a driver's itinerary, service and technical forms driver, warning card, train schedule, extracts from the TPA stations of the serviced area, extracts about the established speeds of trains, regime maps.

2.1.11. In the event of a fire or detection of its signs, immediately notify the fire department and take measures to extinguish the fire and evacuate passengers, and act in accordance with the instructions for ensuring fire safety in railway rolling stock.

2.1.12. All malfunctions of the diesel locomotive identified during operation should be recorded in the logbook form TU-152.

2.1.13. Undergo a medical examination at turnover points and after the trip, if such a procedure is established by the railway.

2.1.14. Improve your qualifications and technical knowledge, professional skills in driving diesel locomotives, performing shunting work, and maintaining diesel locomotives.

2.1.15. Confirm qualifications at the locomotive depot commission - at least [fill in what is required].

2.1.16. Perform other related duties.

3. Rights

3.1. The locomotive driver has the right:

3.1.1. Refuse to leave the depot if, in accordance with the rules for routine repair and maintenance of locomotives, the diesel locomotive has malfunctions that make it impossible to operate.

3.1.2. Stop movement in cases provided for by the rules of technical operation of railways of the Russian Federation.

3.1.3. Use regulatory and technical documentation available at the locomotive depot on issues within the scope of his duties.

3.1.4. Use official telephone, telegraph and electronic communications to inform the managers involved about identified deficiencies in ensuring the schedule and safety of trains.

3.1.5. Make an entry in the form of the assistant locomotive driver working in his locomotive crew about any violations identified and comments made while performing his job duties.

3.1.6. In the event of a diesel locomotive malfunction and the train being forced to stop on a stretch or station, involve workers from other services to quickly restore traffic.

3.1.7. Contact officials of [insert name of organization] with proposals for improving work.

3.1.8. Do not follow the instructions of the heads of the operational locomotive depot, other managers and officials involved in the organization of train and shunting work, if they contradict regulatory documents on traffic safety, followed by a mandatory entry in the book of the driver’s comments and a written report to the head of the operational locomotive depot.

3.1.9. Request and receive the necessary materials and documents related to the issues of their activities.

3.1.10. Report to the head of the enterprise or his deputies about all identified deficiencies within his competence.

3.1.11. Make decisions within your competence.

3.1.12. Demand assistance from the head of the organization in the performance of his official duties and rights.

3.1.13. Make proposals for improving work related to the responsibilities provided for in these instructions.

3.1.14. Receive information in a timely manner to the extent necessary to perform your job duties.

4. Responsibility

4.1. The locomotive driver is responsible for:

The technical condition of the locomotive and compliance with the rules of its operation, the safety of inventory, tools and equipment of the locomotive;

Failure to perform (improper performance) of one’s job duties as provided for in this job description, within the limits determined by the labor legislation of the Russian Federation;

Offenses committed in the course of carrying out their activities - within the limits determined by the administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation;

Causing material damage - within the limits determined by labor, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

The job description has been developed in accordance with [name, number and date of document]

Head of HR department

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]


[job title]

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

I have read the instructions:

[initials, surname]


[day month Year]

Responsibilities of the driver.

General provisions.

1.1. The job description defines the duties, rights and responsibilities of the driver.

1.2. The driver in his activities is guided by the PTE of the Russian subways, the Instructions for signaling, the Instructions for train movement and shunting work, and other regulatory documents on issues related to his job responsibilities.

1.3. A driver is appointed as a person who is at least 18 years old, with at least a secondary (complete) general education, who has passed a medical examination, professional psychological selection, internship and has a certificate of completion of training courses in the profession of "electric train driver", a certificate of the established form for the right to drive electric rolling stock metro and electrical safety group no lower than 3rd, interviewed by the head of the electrical depot.

1.4. When appointed to a position, a driver is given:

PTE of Russian subways;

Signaling instructions;

Instructions for train movement and shunting work;

Job description;

Local instructions.

Issuance of documents in electronic form is allowed.

1.5. When transferring from one electric depot to another, the driver undergoes labor safety instruction, theoretical and practical training, followed by testing in knowledge of Local instructions, the structure of electric rolling stock, the layout and profile of the track of the operating line, the features of the technical and administrative acts of stations, practical tests on working on the line and shunting work and emergency training sessions.

1.6. According to the nature of the work performed, drivers are divided into work related to the transportation of passengers and shunting work on the line and shunting work in the electric depot.

2.1.1. Know and comply with the requirements:

PTE of Russian subways;

Instructions for signaling on Russian subways;

Instructions for train movement and shunting work on Russian subways;

Job description;

Instructions for troubleshooting problems that occur on rolling stock;

Local electrical depot instructions;

Rules and Instructions for labor protection and fire safety during the operation of electric rolling stock;

Internal labor regulations;

Other governing documents defining his responsibilities.

2.1.2. Constantly improve your qualifications and level of technical knowledge.

2.1.3. Ensure traffic safety on the basis of strict compliance with the PTE of the Russian subways and regulatory documents regulating its operation.

2.1.4. Ensure compliance with train schedules in compliance with traffic safety.

2.1.5. Ensure the accuracy of the data entered into the route sheet.

2.1.6. Attend technical training classes monthly. If you do not attend technical training, within a month of going back to work, you must independently work on the topic of the missed technical training and pass a knowledge test with a driver-instructor.

2.1.7. Pass periodic knowledge testing at the qualification commission of the electric depot, and drivers of the 3rd, 2nd and 1st qualification classes undergo certification to confirm the qualification class within the time limits established by the “Regulations on the procedure for assigning a qualification class to metro electric train drivers and locomotive crew instructors” and conducting their periodic certification."

2.1.8. Report to work at the place of assignment at the time determined by the work schedule or work order, avoid being late and leaving work before the end of the shift. Have proper rest before your shift.

2.1.9. When returning to work after vacation, illness, business trip, etc., report to the locomotive crew foreman, hand over the documents that exempt you from work, get assigned to a shift, and in the absence of the foreman (day off) - from the duty driver-instructor ( line point operator) or the duty officer at the electric depot (DDE site operator). If there is a break in work for more than 10 days, undergo additional training in accordance with the established procedure.

2.1.10. About the impossibility of reporting to work due to illness, other reasons, or the impossibility of arriving at the work time established by the work order, report this no later than 3 hours before the start of work to the locomotive crew foreman, the duty officer at the electric depot, the operator of the DDE section, the duty driver-instructor or operator linear point.

2.1.11. When performing your duties, adhere to the established dress code. On holidays and days determined by the metro management, wear a white uniform shirt to work.

2.1.12. Undergo periodic medical examinations within the established time limits. Provide a medical report on admission to work before the next work shift. Undergo pre-trip and post-trip medical examinations in accordance with the procedure established by the metro.

2.1.13. When performing official duties, have with you:

Service ID;

Warning coupon;

Certificate of testing knowledge of regulatory documents on electrical safety and testing knowledge of documents on industrial safety and other special rules;

Route sheet;

Driver's form;

Working "Driver Alarm Clock";

Triangular key.

2.1.14. Notify the HR department of the electric depot with the address of registration and actual place of residence, contact telephone number and immediately notify in cases of changes in the above data.

2.1.15. Accept and hand over the train in accordance with the requirements of the Local Instructions, in compliance with the instructions on labor protection during the operation of electric rolling stock.

2.1.16. Do not travel from the electric depot or PTO to the line on a train that does not meet the PTE of the Russian subways, with incomplete train equipment, tools, inventory and lack of readiness for the train.

2.1.17. Administratively, the driver is subordinate to the head of the electric depot and the deputy head of the electric depot for operation, and operationally - to the driver-instructor, line point operator, train dispatcher, station duty officer, electric depot duty officer, and DDE section operator and is obliged to carry out their orders.

2.1.18. At the request of the head of the electric depot and (or) the deputy head of the electric depot for operation, appear for an interview on train safety issues (at least once a year), as well as for testing (interview) with a psychologist.

2.1.19. Inform the driver taking control of any identified shortcomings in the work and violations of the normal operation of the train, write a report in the established form at the end of the shift, and when placing the train in the electrical depot, make an entry in the “Sectional Repair Book”. If the malfunction recurs, make an entry in the “Repeat Repair Book.”

2.1.20. Monitor the availability of records of completed repairs of the train according to requests made in the “Sectional Repair Book”.

2.1.21. In relationships with metro employees and passengers, be polite and helpful, and demand that they comply with the Rules for using the metro.

2.1.22. Do not leave the control cabin while the train is moving.

2.1.23. If there is a threat of a collision with people, an obstacle, or if signs are detected that threaten the safety of train traffic, take measures to immediately stop the train. If there is a threat of a collision with rolling stock or an obstacle, the driver does not have the right to leave the workplace without taking measures for an emergency stop.

The life of a modern person cannot be imagined without machines and other mechanized devices. It is quite logical that there are people who operate such machines. And if machines used for personal purposes are operated by their owners, then equipment for industrial or public purposes can only be operated by specialists - representatives of the machinist profession.

It is impossible to imagine the life of a modern person without machines and other mechanized devices, which not only make our lives easier, but significantly increase the productivity of specialists in a variety of industries. It is quite logical that there are people who operate such machines. And if machines used for personal purposes are operated by their owners, then equipment for industrial or public purposes can only be operated by specialists - representatives profession machinist.

Since we are unlikely to live to see the moment when machines are fully automated (that is, no longer require human control) in the next few decades, and the number of machines is steadily increasing, the labor market is constantly in need and will continue to be in need of professional machinists for a long time. Therefore, many yesterday’s schoolchildren prefer not to chase fashion, choosing today’s popular professions of economist or lawyer, but opt ​​to study as a machinist, since this profession guarantees a stable income, regardless of the economic situation in the country.

Who is a driver?

A qualified specialist whose professional activity is to operate machines of various types and purposes. Note that depending on what kind of machine the specialist is driving, the term “driver” is always supplemented by the type of machine. At the same time, some professions related to the management of certain types of machines have nothing in common with the term “driver”. For example, a car is controlled by a driver, and an airplane is controlled by a pilot.

The name of the profession comes from the Latin māchina (tool, device, mechanism). It is interesting that in pre-Petrine Russia all mechanical devices were called “colossus,” and only then did this word acquire a slightly different meaning, and the mechanisms began to be called the German word Maschine. The first cars appeared in ancient times, and accordingly, the profession of the same name arose at the same time.

But if at the dawn of the formation of the profession, machinists controlled primitive lifting mechanisms (blocks and levers) and military equipment, then modern specialists control a huge amount of very different equipment, the control of which is akin to control of a spaceship: cranes, trains, manipulators, excavators, etc. True, in everyday life, most specialists are called by the name of the equipment they operate: crane operator, bulldozer operator, excavator operator.

Regardless of which machine the specialist works on, the professional responsibilities of all drivers are approximately the same: operating a mechanical device, maintaining cleanliness in the workplace, strictly following safety precautions during work, monitoring the condition of the equipment and timely completion of technical inspection of the machine, etc.

What personal qualities should a driver have?

Since any machine is a high-risk device, the driver must, first of all, be very attentive and responsible. Besides, driver's work requires a specialist to have such personal qualities as:

  • stress resistance;
  • accuracy;
  • endurance;
  • concentration;
  • love of technology;
  • courage;
  • ability to react quickly in unexpected situations;
  • developed hand coordination;
  • good reaction.

It is also necessary to understand that the work of a driver is physically difficult work, so representatives of this profession must be strong, not only physically, but also mentally.

Advantages of being a driver

Since no area of ​​human life today can do without the use of technical devices, the demand for specialists capable of operating machines has always been and will remain consistently high for a long time. That is, immediately after completing training, a young specialist is guaranteed to be able to find a job in his specialty (though, in some cases, he will first have to work for some time as an “assistant driver”).

One more advantage of being a machinist we can safely say that the level of earnings is quite decent - according to the latest statistics, the average salary of a driver in Russia is 40 thousand rubles. Agree, this is a lot for a working profession.

It is also important that the profession of a driver, which, by the way, enjoys well-deserved respect, allows you to feel your significance and “usefulness” for society. After all, it is thanks to these specialists that we can quickly get from one place to another by train or metro, build multi-story buildings, easily move multi-ton objects, etc.

Disadvantages of being a driver

Talking about disadvantages of the machinist profession First of all, it is necessary to note the difficult working conditions. As a rule, drivers work in shifts. Moreover, the shift lasts more than 8 hours, which is difficult not only physically, but also emotionally. Maybe that’s why this profession is considered to be exclusively “male” - it’s hard to imagine a representative of the fair half of humanity at the control panel of a tower crane or behind the wheel of a bulldozer.

In addition, the great psychological stress in the work of a driver creates enormous responsibility, since the health and lives of many people sometimes depend on his professionalism. Because of this, a driver can only obtain permission to work after a medical examination, including a psychological examination.

Where can you get a job as a driver?

Get a job as a driver, regardless of the specialist’s field of activity, it is possible in a secondary specialized educational institution. However, the learning process most often does not stop there. Firstly, since equipment is constantly being improved and updated, the driver has to periodically undergo retraining or improve his qualifications. Secondly, some specializations, for example, the profession of an electric train driver, require not only obtaining practical skills in the position of “driver’s assistant” (and, in the case of as an electric train driver, the specialist must work as an assistant driver for at least 3 years before he is allowed to independently drive the train), but also take additional courses.

1. Ensure the safety of train traffic based on strict compliance with the requirements of the PTE, current instructions and guidelines.

2. Manage the work of the persons included in the locomotive crew, control their actions, ensuring compliance with the train schedule and shunting work plan.

3. Carry out established and master advanced technologies for driving trains and performing shunting work.

4. When driving passenger trains, ensure high-quality service for passengers, avoiding disruption to the smooth operation of trains.

Before starting work

The locomotive crew must:

Complete a safety briefing from an instructor on the locomotive, with a log entry.

Receive an inventory reversing handle from the delivering driver. It is prohibited to have and use non-stock reversible handles, as well as to use devices that replace them.

Before acceptance, you should make sure that the locomotive is braked and cannot move spontaneously.

Before inspecting the diesel engine, auxiliary equipment and electrical equipment, you should de-energize all electrical circuits and turn off the battery switch.

Before starting the diesel engine, inspect the condition of its components and auxiliary equipment, remove tools, check the laying of floors, and sound a warning signal.

It is prohibited to be in the engine room or on the roof while the diesel engine is running.

Before testing the brakes, the driver must warn the assistant about this, make sure that there are no people near the locomotive, under it, in the diesel room, and check that the brake devices are turned on.

It is prohibited to close or open taps by striking them with a hammer or other objects.

During work

Before the locomotive starts moving, the locomotive crew must be in the cabin with the instructor. Movement without an instructor is prohibited.

All locomotive doors must be closed before moving. It is prohibited for persons who are not part of the locomotive crew to travel in the locomotive cabin, with the exception of the road manager and instructors performing the inspection.

While moving, the locomotive crew is prohibited:

1. exceed the established speed;

2. lean out of the side windows of the cab beyond the turning glass;

3. open external side doors and lean out of them;

4. be on steps, ladders and other external parts of the locomotive.

You can get off the locomotive only after it has come to a complete stop, having made sure that the exit is safe. All work on connecting and disconnecting pneumatic hoses, as well as uncoupling and coupling, should be carried out only with the permission of the instructor.

Before disconnecting the connecting hoses of the brake line, it is necessary to close the end valves. Before blowing the brake line, take the connecting sleeve near the head, press it tightly to your thigh and only then open the tap.

After finishing work

After finishing work, the locomotive crew must:

hand over to the instructor or hand over to the driver receiving the locomotive the locomotive's inventory reversing handle.

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