Uni after college. Entering a university after college. Is it possible to go to university after college?

Not only girls and boys think about acquiring higher education after graduating from the 11th grade of high school. Many people who have received secondary vocational education are interested in how to enter a university after college. In contrast to former schoolchildren, they already have a profession, but higher education opens up broader opportunities for them.

What are the rules for entering a university after receiving secondary specialized education? Successful completion of a secondary specialized educational institution (SSUZ) gives graduates the right not only to begin working in their specialty, but also to continue self-development at the university. Moreover, the admission rules for this group of applicants have a number of differences. This year, in order to enter a university after successfully graduating from college, applicants will have to prepare a package of documents.

College graduates

It includes:

  • statement;
  • passport;
  • diploma of secondary vocational education;
  • from 4 to 6 photographs;
  • a medical certificate of the established form to confirm the absence of diseases that prevent work in the chosen specialty;
  • Unified State Examination results in subjects established for the chosen profession.

To enroll in the first year of the institute, technical school graduates must take part in a general competition on equal terms with school graduates. But, unlike former schoolchildren, they can enter a university without the Unified State Exam after college. They are given the right to replace the Unified State Examination with entrance examinations organized by the institute.

Attention! According to current legislation, college graduates can enter universities based on the results of the Unified State Exam (USE) and the results of internal tests.

To pass internal tests, applicants after technical school will have to prepare the same number of disciplines as school graduates took when passing the Unified State Exam, despite the fact that the number of tests is set by the university. The names of the subjects also coincide with the list of disciplines that applicants who have graduated from high school take.

For those graduates of technical schools who wish to improve their skills and enter the institute in a specialized field, it is possible to replace one of the general education disciplines with another or with a comprehensive professional test.

The Institute is also considering a decision on this issue. To clarify all the nuances related to the question of how to get a higher education after graduating from college, applicants with a secondary school diploma should contact the admissions committee of the chosen educational institution.

The evaluation criteria for internal tests do not differ from. The results are given on a 100-point scale, so when participating in the competition they are correlated with the results of the Unified State Exam.

Useful video: about the fact that college graduates will not have to take the Unified State Exam

Entrance tests or Unified State Exam

Graduates of secondary educational institutions have the right to choose between the Unified State Exam and the institute’s internal entrance tests. In this regard, many applicants think about how to enter a university after college It will be easier. A comparative table of the Unified State Exam and entrance tests will help you understand this issue.

Comparable indicatorsUnified State ExamEntrance tests
Pre-registration From December 1 to February 1, you must submit an application to take the Unified State Exam in the required disciplinesNot required
Number of applications to various educational institutionsBy law, you can participate in a competition for admission to five institutions in three directions each. At the same time, the chances of admission to budget places increase The schedule for entrance examinations at various institutes is the same, so you can try to enroll in 1, maximum 2 institutes
The right of the university to determine the form of entrance examinationsUnified State Exam results for participation in the competition are accepted by all higher education institutions The rules of the institute may not provide for passing exams in certain subjects

In addition, some universities allow combining the results of the Unified State Exam and internal tests in various subjects. To enter a university after college, you can take the Unified State Exam in individual subjects, and the remaining exams in the form of internal tests. In addition, if the number of points on the Unified State Examination in any discipline is not enough, you can try to improve the result by passing the internal university exam.


Advantages of the highest level

What are the advantages of education at a university for graduates of a secondary specialized educational institution. In the conditions of the modern labor market, it is much more realistic for a specialist with a higher education to obtain a prestigious position than for a graduate of a secondary school. Employers rightly believe that a specialist’s knowledge after college is deeper, his qualifications are higher, and, accordingly, he can bring more benefits to the enterprise. Therefore, obtaining a higher education is beneficial for secondary school graduates for employment and future careers.

Applicants have a number of options to choose from:

  1. Full-time or part-time study. The part-time and part-time form combines both forms of the educational process.
  2. Study at a higher educational institution according to an individual lesson schedule. This gives you a chance to work in your existing profession while studying, gaining invaluable experience.
  3. Accelerated training.

The benefits depend on the rules for organizing the educational process of a particular educational institution, as well as the level of knowledge and abilities of the student.

The issue of entering a medical institute after graduating from medical college deserves special attention. For most medical specialties, only full-time education is provided, and part-time education is possible only for the specialty “pharmacy”. You will have to study for 5 or 6 years, depending on the specialty, since a shortened educational program is not provided.

Many secondary school students are interested in advance about how to enroll in a medical university to improve their level of education after college and obtain a specialty as a doctor. Answers can be obtained at open days organized by educational institutions, where students of secondary educational institutions are also invited. At this event, you can get acquainted with the conditions for admission and the rules of the educational process at a particular university, as well as evaluate its equipment.

There is still an advantage during the period of study at a medical institute after secondary school. It consists in the opportunity, having got a job in a specialty, to receive a referral to a university from a medical institution. This is a real chance for free training without stopping work.

Sometimes it happens that a person who has graduated from a secondary school realizes that the specialty he received is not interesting to him. Then the question arises whether it is possible to enter the institute for another specialty. There are no prohibitions or restrictions in this regard. You can go to university after college for any major. But when studying at a university not according to the profile of a graduate of a secondary school, the educational process will take place on a general basis.

Short form

Graduates of secondary educational institutions not only receive a profession and can start earning money, but also have the right to study at the university under an accelerated program. However, the shortened form of training is not available to everyone.

Mandatory conditions for studying at a university under this program after college are:

  1. Successful completion of a secondary school, confirmed by a certificate of certification in all disciplines.
  2. Admission to a university according to the profile of the specialty received, or related to it.
  3. The shortened form is not available to applicants with diplomas from a primary vocational school.

Attention! The shortened training program does not apply to PU graduates.

College students planning to continue their studies at a university often wonder whether it is possible to enter a university with a college diploma immediately in the third year. Unlike the rules in force earlier, according to innovations in the legislation, applicants with a secondary school diploma can be enrolled in the university on a general basis based on the results of a competitive selection exclusively for the first year.

To obtain the right to study in an accelerated program, a secondary school graduate, after enrolling in a university, must submit an application to the faculty dean's office to transfer him to an abbreviated form of the educational process. Since some disciplines have already been studied by the student at secondary school, there is no need to master them again. Therefore, an individual study schedule is approved for such a student. If the number of students admitted to this program is 7 or more, a special group is formed from them. Otherwise, students studying on an individual schedule are assigned to available groups.

Before submitting documents for admission to an institute, it is recommended to inquire in advance whether it offers an abbreviated form of education for secondary school graduates. Not all universities are ready to train students according to an individual program. It should also be noted that the final decision on transferring a student to an accelerated education program is made by the dean of the faculty.

Useful video: how to enter college without the Unified State Exam?


For college graduates, enrolling in a university is not only possible, but also very profitable. Continuing your studies is much easier than starting the process again. Indeed, often, in order to move up the career ladder, a person lacks a diploma of higher education. In addition, studying at the institute can be successfully combined with professional work by choosing a suitable form of study.

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After you graduate, you can go to study at any for-profit institution of higher education, but there may be some problems with studying in such a place. Firstly, not everyone can afford the luxury of a paid education, and secondly, it is a graduate of a state university who will be more willing to be hired for a job in their specialty. That is why it is best to give preference to a government agency.

You can judge which state university to enroll in based on several criteria. The first criterion is entrance examinations. A person entering a university can take the institute’s own exam, or he can take the standard Unified State Exam. If the applicant already has the results of the Unified State Exam, he can provide them, and they will be counted as the results of the entrance tests.

The second criterion is the schedule for attending classes. The applicant can choose the schedule of classes that he needs. Recently, students have been trying to study via distance learning, as it allows them to combine study with work or any other activity.

The third criterion is location. If an applicant studies on weekends, the location of the educational institution is not particularly important, but if on weekdays, it is advisable to choose a university located close to the center so that it is more convenient to reach it from anywhere in the city.

The very last fourth criterion is the cost of training. Even if you choose a state educational institution, you must understand that in order to study on a budget basis, you must have a very high passing grade. If the results of your entrance tests leave much to be desired, you will have to pay money for training.

Helpful advice

One of the popular universities for admission after college is MPEI State University.
Thanks to admission without the Unified State Exam for accelerated studies and obtaining a prestigious diploma in in-demand specialties, MPEI is a worthy choice for college and technical school graduates.

After finishing the ninth grade, some schoolchildren decide to continue their education at a secondary specialized educational institution (secondary school). There they not only master the general school course, but also receive a profession. And after college or technical school, its graduate also has the opportunity to enter a university.

You will need

  • - college diploma;
  • - certificate of passing the Unified State Exam;
  • - photos.


Consider regional technical schools. In the Moscow region, it is worth paying attention to the Moscow Regional College of Industrial Technologies, or the Orekhovo-Zuevsky Textile College. In Voronezh there are energy, installation and mechanical technical schools. In Kaliningrad you can go to study at a cooperative technical school. In Nizhny Novgorod, the Nizhny Novgorod Automotive, Agrotechnical and Construction Colleges await applicants. Among the Rostov educational institutions, one can highlight the Don Banking College. In Yekaterinburg, secondary specialized education can be obtained at the energy technical school.

After graduating from school or college, a graduate can get a job with the diploma received. He also has an alternative - entering a university. Many higher education institutions provide college graduates with the opportunity to obtain higher education.


Decide whether you want to continue studying in your chosen specialty or change it. In the first case, you can count on a shortened training program. It is not necessary that the specialties coincide completely. For example, if you studied at a college, then you can continue accelerated studies at the Faculty of Economics or Faculty of Management.

Find out which universities in your city offer special accelerated training for college graduates. If you manage to get there, your period of study will be 2.5-3.5 years, depending on your specialty. If the desired university does not have special groups for college graduates, then you will only be able to enroll in the first year. However, in this case, you can get some advantage - you can count the disciplines that you have already studied at school and not take exams on them again.

When choosing a university, be guided by its reputation, place in Russian rankings, and whether the study program meets your goals. For example, at the economics department of different universities, training programs and requirements for students may differ quite significantly.

Submit documents to your chosen university. College graduates do not take the Unified State Exam upon admission, so you will not need a certificate of passing this exam. However, you will still have to pass the entrance examination. This can be either passing three or four written exams, or an interview, for example, if you are entering a non-state university from college. There are also some restrictions for college graduates - for example, they do not have the right to participate in university competitions on an equal basis with schoolchildren, and if they win, they can be admitted to a university without competition.

Helpful advice

Try not to put off enrolling in a university for too long - with fresh knowledge it will be easier for you to study and, if necessary, pass entrance exams. But even if you graduated from college several years ago, the doors of the university are still not closed to you. In this case, you may simply need longer preparation for admission.

In the life of every person there comes such a crucial moment when you need to make one of the most important decisions in life - the choice of profession. Based on this, his future fate, salary level, career growth and future prospects will depend. Therefore, sooner or later, graduates of secondary specialized educational institutions are faced with the question of where to go to study?


There are many options for where you can go to study after college. These include institutes, academies and universities. Their main difference is the level of preparation of applicants, and what they have in common is a document (diploma) of higher education received after several years of hard study. However, the choice of a particular educational institution will depend solely on the individual factors of the person and his characteristics. Most often, higher education becomes the goal of graduates. Undoubtedly, a disadvantage, but at the same time, an advantage of such training is that it places high demands on students. But the reward of mental work will be the acquired knowledge in a certain area, and therefore the receipt of a worthy start in life. Before choosing a specific university, consider all the options, listen to your inner “I” to make the right choice. After all, every person wants to receive a decent salary and be a competent specialist in their field.

Another important point is the choice of specialty. If we think globally, this is much more important than choosing an educational institution. Therefore, before deciding where to go to study after college, decide on your future specialty. Most students are guided by their interests, preferences, and intellectual capabilities. And this makes sense! However, there is no certainty that in a few years the chosen one will be relevant in the labor market and will be able to give the owner a comfortable existence. Therefore, one should proceed not only from personal, but also economic factors, look to the future and approach this thoughtfully. After all, what is prestigious now does not mean it will be in demand later. Currently, we can highlight a large selection of professions for which there is and will be in demand in the foreseeable future. These include builders, managers, translators and linguists, nanotechnologists, teachers and doctors. Also, before enrolling, take a career guidance test, which will allow you to determine in which field, if you become a specialist in the future, you will achieve excellent results. And this means a real opportunity to get a good job, and therefore a ticket to great things far away.

After graduating from secondary school, graduates are faced with the question: “Where can I go?” Parents are concerned about their child's enrollment in educational institutions. There are certain forms of education in which passing exams for admission is not mandatory.


The first option for admission is vocational lyceums. In such educational institutions there is a shortage of applicants, so young people are accepted there only by application and interview. As a result of training, you can acquire a variety of specialties that will later be useful in life. For example, a mechanic, a painter-plasterer.

Your next option will be educational institutions, after which you will receive a secondary education. Such places include technical schools or academies. Having a high passing score in your certificate, you can easily submit documents without taking exams and begin your educational activities. Having received an appropriate education after school in, you can try your hand and apply to a university. If you are applying for a correspondence course and have work experience in the relevant field, passing the exams is not necessary for you. For example, the University of Engineering and Economics is popular among applicants in St. Petersburg. The admission faculties offered by the educational institution are very relevant. Admission to some faculties of this educational institution does not require passing entrance exams. The university has a simple student enrollment system. Places on a budget-funded basis are distributed according to a rating system. When gaining the number of passing points for a commercial form of education. Preference is given to Olympic winners and medalists. An economic education received at a university is the optimal balance between the result obtained and the effort put into studying.

Currently, there are non-state educational institutions. Upon completion, you can receive a specialist diploma. But the fact is that training in this system is based on payment, so upon admission you will need to deposit a certain amount of money, and passing exams is not mandatory. Subsequent training will be paid.

After graduating from college, it may turn out that your chosen profession is completely unsuitable for you. However, there is nothing to worry about, because today you can get an education at any age.


Before you start getting a higher education, you need to decide exactly what kind of higher education institution you need: public or commercial. Of course, it is better to give preference to the state one. If you did not manage to get a job before entering a university, remember that when applying for a job, the employer is more inclined towards state-issued diplomas than towards diplomas issued by any commercial educational institution. However, it is worth remembering that some commercial universities undergo the accreditation procedure and begin to issue state diplomas to their graduates.

If you already have a diploma, obtaining higher education in the relevant specialty will be carried out according to an accelerated program. An example is Tomsk Agricultural. Its graduates who have received a legal education have the right to immediately enter the third year of the same specialty at some other higher educational institutions in the city of Tomsk.

In addition to continuing your studies in the specialty you have already acquired, you can completely change the direction of your activity. The choice is yours. You can choose how you want to structure your learning process.

Find public universities that allow you to continue your education. Perhaps these will be found near your place of residence. In this case, it will be possible to avoid a long move and receive education close to home. This has a great advantage, since it will be possible for many college graduates to combine education with part-time work.

Decide on the form of higher education. Part-time or part-time, also known as evening, will allow you to combine work with study. In this case, you will be able to maintain a stable income and not lose your job. If the education received in college does not satisfy the needs of the graduate, if there is a desire to obtain another specialty, one must follow a different model for choosing a university.

Contact your college psychologist. It happens that the graduate does not like the education given in college. Career guidance, which young people can take in advance, before passing their final qualifying work, will help you decide where to go to study. Often the results can dramatically change your life and give you the opportunity to take a new path. However, the recommendations of a psychologist are not always worth following if you have your own dreams or goals that you want to achieve.

Read various statistical reviews, this will help you find out in which industry there is a shortage of specialists. This approach will help you obtain a sought-after specialty and not remain unemployed. However, it is not worth running to study in a specialty that requires knowledge and skills for which you do not have the ability - there will be no success. It is better to choose another profession - a direction in which personal potential will be most fully revealed.

Submit your documents to a university where you don’t have to take the Unified State Exam again, this option is possible. Or try to take exams at several universities that meet the necessary requirements.


You should start choosing where to go to study after college in advance in order to have time to prepare for the entrance exams.

Admission to a shortened form of study does not mean that the student will be immediately enrolled in the 3rd year - this is a gross violation that will entail the student’s expulsion and punishment to the university. Successful admission to a shortened course of study will be marked by the applicant's acceptance into the 1st year of the shortened study program.

Helpful advice

Choose only state universities, since only in such an institution can you get a quality education that will be useful in later life.

Before paying for tuition at a commercial educational institution, make sure of the reliability of the university and the integrity of the founders.

It is believed that secondary specialized education does not provide any special advantages. Moreover, there is an opinion that schools exist for those who were unable to enter a higher education institution. However, it is worth considering college as a step for further life choices.


There are several options for where you can go after college. For example, try to learn a different profession. Sometimes during or after completing training, a person realizes that he simply made a mistake in choosing a specialty. The solution is simple - retrain. It is important to prepare and not make a mistake with your choice this time. You should re-select a school, university, specialty and get the desired profession. In this case, there will be an important advantage - there will be more options when looking for a job.

Continue your studies in your specialty at a university. Most people now use this option. If you like the chosen specialty and are suitable for creating a career, but the employer needs an employee with a higher education? Go to university and feel free to improve your skills. You should start by choosing a university. The school management can help here by providing information about universities; some schools have cooperation agreements with them. Then take your exams. Those who have chosen a direction at the university that is directly related to the specialty of the school do not have to take the Unified State Exam. It is replaced by an entrance test in the form established by the university.

If you have no desire to study further, find a job after college. The modern job search system has been greatly simplified. You can easily post your resume on the Internet, as well as view a list of vacancies offered by the employer. Then you shouldn’t sit quietly and wait for the employer to decide to review your resume. Sign up for a series of interviews. This will not only add experience, but will also speed up your job search and allow you to quickly begin your desired responsibilities and create a career.

Consider the possibility of combining work and education - further education after college is a very profitable option when you can support yourself and improve your knowledge. It is established by law that the employer is obliged to provide the employee with leave during the session, so there is no need to worry about the lack of time for preparation.

Correspondence education is the best alternative for those who want to get a diploma, but do not want to waste many hours in a university classroom. Indeed, books and the Internet are a faithful assistant to a part-time student and will allow you to gain knowledge in full. Where can you study part-time?


Most federal universities in the country have a faculty of correspondence and evening education. This is the norm, and it corresponds to the provisions of the Russian Constitution. Everyone has the right to receive higher education - and this applies not only to yesterday’s schoolchildren, but also to mature adult members of society who did not have time to study at a university for some reason. It’s logical, because it’s hard to quit your job - it will affect the family budget. Part-time education will allow you to find a balance between work and study.

Correspondence education is offered by polytechnics and specialized universities in the country. In many (universities of communications), you can study in a budget department. The state needs technical specialists, so it financially supports their training. To study, you need to provide USE results in relevant disciplines. The dean of the faculty of evening and distance learning at the university to which you want to apply will be able to answer your questions. As a rule, for admission to technical specialties you will need to pass exams in mathematics and the Russian language, for the humanities - mathematics, Russian and social studies.

Successfully passing the exams will allow you to study completely free of charge. Many people ignore this opportunity, but in vain! Successful preparation includes purchasing Unified State Exam problem books and then solving them, writing trial tests in an exam-like atmosphere, preparing with tutors and working with them on problematic topics from the trial test.


Close to the correspondence form of education is distance learning. Moscow Witte University and UMIK are leaders in Internet education. On the university website you can view lectures in video format. Assignments are sent to you on an email server or a special client; you can take exams at a time convenient for you (agreed with the curator). The cost of studying itself is many times more profitable than full-time or traditional correspondence education.

Helpful advice

Think about whether a diploma is so important to you. If you need specialized skills or knowledge, there are free educational resources available. Coursera.org allows you to listen to dozens of lectures from Stanford, Oxford and Cambridge universities and other universities. It is not theoretical knowledge, but real skills that attract employers.

While studying in college, you know for sure that you will devote your entire life to developing your profession. But it also happens differently: you study and clearly understand that this is not your calling and you should continue your studies in a profession that is more attractive to you.


Admission to various universities. In many colleges, excellent students are given the right to continue their studies at the university - without taking exams. The rest need to pass some specialized disciplines. For example, at the Pedagogical University you should take pedagogy and psychology, at the University of Economics - mathematics, Russian and a foreign language.

Direction to work. In many colleges, all excellent students, and in some even good students, are given a job assignment. According to this document, you must work for 3 years, after which you can either stay at work or quit. Such directions are issued, for example, in.

Self-employment. This option is suitable for both those who want to continue their studies and those who have not received a referral. In the first case, a student can study or pay full-time and work at the same time. In the second, the person was able to find a job he liked. For example, having graduated from technical engineering, the first will continue his studies at a university with additional part-time work in his specialty, and the second will work as a salesman.

Submit documents to non-state educational institutions of secondary specialized and higher education. Upon completion, the graduate is issued a specialist diploma, most often of a non-state standard (because of this, difficulties may arise when getting a job). Education at these institutions is usually paid. Enrollment of applicants is carried out on the basis of final grades in the certificate or after passing a simple interview.

Completing education at a school or college does not mean that a young person should immediately get a job. Most often, college graduates can continue their studies at higher educational institutions according to a convenient shortened program.

Pass the entrance examination at your chosen university. In this case, the applicant is not required to submit the results of the unified state exam. Typically, the admission procedure involves passing simple tests from the institution itself or participating in an interview. When enrolling, check the availability of budget places at the institution, as this is a convenient opportunity to study for free. Please also note that if you choose a specialty that does not correspond to the one you received at school, you will have to take an academic difference in the form of additional exams and tests.

Continue your studies at the school if the institution has a master's program. Master's studies usually last 2-3 years. Having received the appropriate diploma, you will be able to get a more prestigious job or remain at the school as a teacher.

Consider finding a job immediately after graduation. As a holder of a secondary specialized education diploma, you will be able to apply for suitable vacancies in the same way as applicants with a higher education. You may not be able to get a prestigious job right away, but you will be able to start working earlier than other young people and subsequently, thanks to good experience, you will be able to climb the career ladder faster.

Young people who graduated from school but did not enter a university or college at the beginning of the school year still have the opportunity to continue their studies at one of the universities or colleges. For example, in October, some institutions are still accepting students.

In October, they may make an exception especially for you and accept a student into one of the already created groups.

Enter a secondary specialized school or college after 9th grade. These institutions also often set a fairly long deadline for accepting applications, so the chances of being admitted there in October are quite high. The training will last 1.5-3 years, and upon completion you will be able to enter a higher educational institution and study there according to a shortened program. If you have already graduated from college, find out where and within what time frame you can submit documents for further education.

Browse the websites of various educational institutions in your city and call their admissions offices. If any of them did not recruit students well enough during the summer period, the commission may consider your application, even if you submit it in October.

The knowledge you gained in college will definitely be useful to you in the future. Unlike yesterday's schoolchildren, who studied the classical school curriculum for ten years, but never decided on their future specialty, you already possess professional skills and have some work experience. In addition, your advantage is time and freedom of choice.

Even if you realize that your education is not exactly in the field in which you want to develop professionally, you will still have enough time to radically change the direction of your career. Moreover, you can take a break and work for a year or two in the specialty that you have already received, and then, when you make this or that decision, enter a university or another college. Moreover, it will be easier for you to get a second specialized secondary education, since you will not need to study the general education program a second time.

If the chosen career path is to your liking, you can immediately start working in your specialty, thus gaining an advantage over university graduates in terms of work experience. You may need a higher education diploma for career growth in the future, but it will be quite possible to obtain it practically without interrupting your job. However, the workplace should be chosen in such a way that there is a prospect for career growth in the future, because even the highest paid specialty without the opportunity for professional development is a road to nowhere.

If you liked studying and want to continue your education for a more valuable diploma, the college will also provide you with a service, since many universities accept graduates with secondary specialized education on preferential terms. Even if you don’t manage to get into the second year right away, studying in the first year will still seem quite simple to you, because you have already completed most of the subjects.

As a rule, people go to college to quickly master a profession that will allow them to live independently and even help their parents. In any case, after graduating from a secondary specialized educational institution, you should try your hand at a real job: send out a resume, call advertisements that are often posted on information boards of colleges and technical schools, study newspapers and websites with vacancies. It is better to start your job search shortly before graduating from college to give yourself a slight advantage over other graduates.

Answering the question “How to apply to a higher education institution without the Unified State Exam (in person, in absentia, remotely)?” It is advisable to consider three legal options for admission: through college, through retake, through a foreign institute. Where can you go, or rather, what universities are you allowed to enter without passing exams? It is worth noting that the list of these educational institutions is not secret, but you will not see a sign on the assignment of each of them stating that the institute is enrolling students to study without the Unified State Exam. Let's take a closer look at the legal options for entering an institute, university, or university to obtain higher education without passing the notorious Unified State Exam.

First option

Without the Unified State Exam, it is possible by law to go to college, and after receiving secondary vocational education, it is possible by law to go to college without the Unified State Exam and study according to an abbreviated program.

This is the first option for a legal and official way to get a higher education without passing the Unified State Exam, that is, through entering college.

Second option

Enter any foreign university and later transfer to a Russian university without passing the Unified State Exam. There are a number of Russian universities that can help with this if, for some reason, the applicant does not have the required Unified State Exam results, or has not taken it at all.

This option is not obvious, it is not as simple as it seems, but in practice it exists and can be used absolutely legally and legally.

Third option

Less popular, but also has its place. If the results of the Unified State Examination are unsatisfactory, then the law provides for its retake. Thus, you can work with a tutor and eventually score the required number of points for admission in compulsory subjects - “mathematics” and “Russian language” and additional subjects of the applicant’s choice.

One of the disadvantages of this option is the lost time for preparation and retake and the lack of guarantees that during the retake you will be able to score the desired number of points.

Current legislation in the field of education allows you to enroll in a university, university, or institute for higher education without passing the Unified State Exam - the Unified State Exam. In general, anyone can apply. Some after the army, some after college, there are students who want to study remotely (correspondence) and they graduated from school at a time when the Unified State Exam was not compulsory for everyone. And some of the applicants simply did not score the required number of points and at the same time do not want to wait for a retake or the next intake.

Sometimes remember the eternal student or how to enter a university after college

Becoming a university student after college is usually a logical continuation of the desire of successful graduates to continue their education.

Unlike school graduates, those who have received college diplomas may not worry too much if they fail at a university, since they already have the opportunity to work in their specialty, waiting a year to make the next attempt to enroll.

Advantages of going to university after college

A university or institute opens up new prospects and opportunities for such students, taking into account the rules of a particular university and the student’s abilities:

  • choose forms of study – full-time or part-time;
  • gain knowledge according to an individual schedule of attending classes, while combining work and study;
  • It is easier for students who have graduated from college to study at a university, especially if they continue to study in the specialty they received in college, unlike school graduates.

How to enter a university after college without the Unified State Exam

Until 2015, all graduates of secondary educational institutions who entered universities or institutes had preferential rights compared to applicants - yesterday's schoolchildren. However, the provisions of the new rules equalized everyone who enters a university and put forward a requirement for the need to pass tests and exams. In 2016, according to the new rules, only the following categories of applicants can apply to universities without Unified State Examination certificates:

  • who have limited physical capabilities;
  • applicants who graduated from a technical school or college after 2010;
  • graduates of a technical school or college who apply to a university for the specialized specialty in which they studied at the college or technical school.
  • It should be taken into account that this rule is temporary and will be invalid starting from 2017.

How to enter a university after college on a budget

In order to study at a university or institute, and at the same time not only not make payments for education, but also receive a scholarship, you need to:

  • have an excellent school certificate;
  • pass the entrance exams with flying colors;
  • take into account the region and city where the higher education institution is located, because in large cities or in the capital there are very few chances to have access to budget education at a university than in medium-sized and small cities, but the prestige of the education received will be corresponding.

How to enter a university after medical college

If you enter a medical institute or academy after medical college, you must pass the internal exams of these universities. In this case, the student is enrolled in the first year.
As a rule, medical colleges constantly maintain partnerships with medical universities, so there is an opportunity in advance, for example, at an open day where partners are invited, to familiarize themselves not only with the entry requirements, but also to evaluate the material resources of the university and find out the conditions of study.

You can get a job, for example, as an ambulance, and get a referral to a university from this medical institution. At the same time, there is an opportunity not only to study for free, but also to study while working.

You might be interested.

Today, an increasing number of applicants are considering college as the main option for obtaining a professional education, while subsequently expecting to complete a bachelor's degree program. Starting your professional path from college is an extremely profitable strategy that allows you to enroll on special conditions with the prospect of studying at a university and master the desired specialty in the shortest possible time, while taking advantage of the following advantages of a college, including:

Deferment from the army
- benefits for certain categories of applicants
- provision of hostel
- assistance with employment.

For the majority of eleventh-graders, graduating from school is associated with the need to pass both compulsory and specialized Unified State Examinations, the results of which will affect the likelihood of further admission. However, for those who are not confident in their abilities, there is a way to obtain a legitimate diploma by enrolling in specialized secondary vocational education programs. In this case, the admissions committee will only need to provide a school certificate, on the basis of which a decision will be made on enrolling a potential student. The main condition for successful admission in this case is a sufficiently high average score on the certificate.

Go to university after college

The high cost of modern higher education is another reason that encourages people to enroll in colleges after finishing school and having to choose a future direction in life. It is the college that gives the opportunity to subsequently enter the university at a budget department - excellent students and recipients of benefits, subject to choosing a similar field of study and if there are free places. In addition, holders of secondary vocational education diplomas who received educational documents no later than 2009 can also get into a university without Unified State Exam results.

However, the final decision on whether to accept a candidate to study at a university on a budget place after completing a secondary vocational education program depends not only on the performance indicators of the potential student. In some cases, you will need to pass a special entrance exam, and the test can take the form of both a profile interview and testing.

Benefits of Going to University After College

Studying at a college allows you not only to obtain a professional education in the absence of outstanding Unified State Examination results, but also to save several years when further enrolling in a university: some of them accept college graduates for a shortened training program, that is, immediately into the second or third year. In addition, continuing to study at a university helps improve qualifications, and therefore the demand for a specialist in the labor market. A bachelor's degree is valued higher among employers than a post-secondary degree, and also provides the basis for subsequent development of an educational career - up to an MBA, or research and teaching - through graduate school. Thus, studying in college is only the starting stage of acquiring professional knowledge and becoming a specialist: a significant part of those who are about to graduate from college intend to improve their knowledge and skills in their specialty in higher educational institutions.

What documents are needed for admission to the university?

A college graduate who has realized the need to plan his future can either begin his professional life, immersing himself in work, or continue his studies - already at a university. The future student provides:

Document on completed secondary specialized education
- passport or other identification document, copies thereof
- certificate from a medical institution
- standard size photographs (3x4)
- statement.

As well as accepting documents for admission, passing internal specialized exams, if required for admission, takes place within the deadlines established by the university, which can be clarified in the admissions committee of the selected educational institution.

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