What amulets are suitable for twins? Which talisman stone to choose for twins

According to astrologers, stones should be chosen and worn in accordance with the constellations of the Zodiac. What is the Gemini stone and what effect does it have on the mood and well-being of the owner? There are 2 types of stones in nature - crystals and minerals. The former affect the human body with a high frequency of vibrations and are able to restore its energy and heal. The radiation of minerals, in addition to strengthening health, promotes mental comfort and harmony. For a stone to have a positive impact, it must be chosen correctly.

According to astrologers, stones should be chosen and worn in accordance with the constellations of the Zodiac

Gemini is the most fickle and unpredictable of the zodiac signs. Element - Air. The Sun is in this sign from May 21 to June 21. For everyone born during this period, agate, alexandrite, beryl, citrine and carnelian will bring good luck as a Gemini talisman. They help prevent conflicts, develop patience, which Gemini lacks, and pacify their fuss. Agate provides assistance, especially to weak and sick people. It is considered a stone of longevity. Any jewelry made from agate is suitable for those who grow plants, since it has long been known as a talisman of fertility. Rings with it are recommended to be worn on the left hand, and a yellow stone should not be worn until the age of 40. Astrologers believe that all black talismans are contraindicated for this sign, and the best stone for Gemini is alexandrite. It helps to survive adversity, develops the qualities of a strong person, and makes people friendly. At night, jewelry with alexandrite should be removed.

Talismans for May Gemini

To determine more precisely which stones are suitable for Gemini, you need to take into account the consistent influence of Jupiter, Mars and the Sun, which affects the personality in different ways, and therefore the need for one or another energetic support. You should choose a stone based on your date of birth more specifically.

Those born from May 21 to May 31 have equally developed intuitive and analytical thinking. The mineral rock crystal for this zodiac sign is a stimulant of intellectual activity. They are generous and practical at the same time. They are in harmony with the moonstone (selenite), which allows you not to get scattered, not to throw from side to side, and guides you towards one goal. In family relationships, it helps to maintain fidelity. Most often, moonstone is framed in silver. The ring is worn on the ring finger of the left hand. Selenite jewelry is worn during the waxing moon; its influence is strongest during the new moon. On the waning moon, the stone takes energy from its owner.

Green talisman stones are suitable for May Geminis. The jade mineral improves the condition of the nervous system, but it cannot be worn constantly, as it attracts loneliness, which is intolerable to this sign. An amazonite talisman promotes sincerity and heals the body.

Under the influence of Mars

The Gemini zodiac sign characterizes people born from June 1 to June 10 as energetic and smart, but aggressive and too straightforward. Beryl, topaz and agate are suitable for them. Gemstones for Gemini, emerald, aquamarine, heliodor are the most famous varieties of beryl. Beautiful gems will help you finish what you have started and muffle violent emotions. Creative people need emerald for inspiration; it is the ruler of wisdom and philosophy. Heliodor is a stone of sun and holiday, relieves melancholy, lifts spirits, and is an amulet for happy love. It is very suitable for those whose work involves communication. With a beryl amulet, Gemini's colds, fatigue and stress will go away faster. Aquamarine protects against lies and symbolizes a peaceful attitude towards others. It is best to wear beryls as an amulet on a chain under clothing.

For good luck, talismans made of chrysoprase are best suited for the Gemini zodiac sign, since this stone helps especially mobile people. It should not be worn by those who often have attacks of anger and rage. The more transparent the stone, the more valuable it is. Chrysoprase can protect those who trade or run their own business from material losses or financial scams. Chrysoprase bracelets are good as amulets. Since ancient times, it was believed that this semi-precious stone protects against the evil eye, and in combination with silver it doubles these properties. If chrysoprase is left in a dark place for a long time, it may lose its potency. It must be worn constantly; these stones are suitable for any sign of the Zodiac.

If your birthday is in the third decade

Those born from June 11 to June 21 are better able to cope with their emotions than other Geminis, but they are also no strangers to bouts of anger. Emerald, topaz, tourmaline, and yellow sapphires help curb ardor. Tiger's Eye counters jealousy and suspicion. He can open Gemini's eyes to many incomprehensible situations. Tiger's eye loves silver frames. Pearls (except black) are very important for Gemini. He protects those who are too frank and talkative from ill-wishers. Magical astrology warns that only married people can wear pearls.

It preserves purity in the relationship between spouses, and brings peace and tranquility to couples who live together for a long time. Pearls have the greatest positive effect on self-confident people.

Amber helps Geminis develop intuition and correctly assess the state of affairs. Amber is indispensable for those who are building a career. Amber products are a must-have for business meetings. A tourmaline talisman protects Gemini from gossip and the evil eye, gives a feeling of peace and cleanses the mind. This magical stone is used to concentrate attention during meditation. It needs to be framed in gold. To make the life of the fickle Gemini more measured, give him a yellow sapphire amulet. It brings humility and helps you make friends for many years. When choosing a stone, carefully examine it, since the impact of a sapphire with defects on a person can be extremely negative.

Gems for Gemini (video)

For women and men

Geminis can be suspicious and envious. Women of this sign need more time to sleep and rest, as they are very active. Citrine gives a positive charge to their emotional state. Stones for Gemini women should be bright sunny shades: amber, cat's eye and tiger's eye. The blue amulet is excluded. For women involved in business, citrine is suitable, as it attracts profit and curbs excitement. It is better to wear it in a pendant. Women according to the Gemini horoscope should wear jewelry with malachite only to restore energy, infrequently. In magical astrology, tourmaline is considered a companion of love and hope, so a girl with the sign of Gemini needs a talisman stone made from it if she is looking for happiness in family relationships. Heliodor is indispensable for a woman and her health. It prevents the occurrence of gynecological problems, pregnancy is easier with it.

Which stone is suitable for Gemini men? Agate gives men confidence in their abilities and even makes them eloquent. A light-colored stone helps to find compromises and awakens good feelings. Yellow and red obsidians help sharpen the sharpness of thought and get together - this is sometimes difficult for impatient Geminis. It is useful for them to finger rosary beads made of yellow volcanic glass. The mineral malachite will share energy and protect from the evil eye. If a man wants to start a family, but cannot cope with frivolity and carelessness, it will be useful for him to wear rauchtopaz, which warns against temptations. Therefore, smoky quartz is often given to a man with the zodiac sign Gemini for a wedding as a family talisman.

For the stone to make an impact, it can be worn as jewelry, held in the hand, in a pocket or purse. It is believed that if you put rock crystal under your pillow, you will be able to get rid of insomnia or nightmares, since the mineral has a calming effect on the human psyche. The influence of any stone increases if you wear clothes that match it in color. Ancient jewelry, passed down from generation to generation, has the greatest power; they protect the family from harm.

People born under the constellation Gemini are distinguished by their contradictory character and extraordinary mentality. We are talking about the first sign of the air element, which combines seemingly completely incompatible personal qualities. Geminis are creative people who can find a way out of any situation. Many famous and successful personalities are representatives of this particular sign of the astrological pantheon. Duality manifests itself in literally everything: easy-going and constantly doubting themselves; gifted and at the same time absolutely inconsistent in actions and deeds; intellectuals, but impulsive and touchy... They really need special astrological amulets, because they achieve success only when they get rid of negative character traits and develop the positive aspects of their multifaceted nature. Fortunately, there are many talismans for Gemini.

What is special about attributes according to astrological sign?

Such multifaceted Geminis are a real mystery to those around them.

Talismans and amulets chosen according to their astrological sign will help restless and changeable Geminis find balance and spiritual harmony. The main function of a magical assistant is to rid its wearer of those components of his character that prevent the full disclosure of his inner potential. The zodiac object of power gives its owner additional energy resources, enhances its positive aspects, and also performs protective functions. In addition, talismans are selected according to the zodiac sign and in accordance with personal goals. For example, to attract financial well-being, health, love, to get rid of bad habits or to protect yourself from the evil eye.

Talisman stones for the zodiac sign Gemini

Black color is contraindicated for light and active Geminis

Astrological talismans in the form of natural stones can impart strength and also protect from the negative influence of others. According to astrologers, these are the most effective and efficient sacred helpers. Since ancient times, people have used minerals as amulets and amulets. The main thing is to choose the right talisman stone, taking into account individual characteristics and needs.

For woman

Gemini women are only suitable for natural minerals - precious or semi-precious stones. It is unacceptable to use plain stones of cold tones, they will only harm the representatives of the sign. But iridescent, multi-colored minerals go perfectly with the light, freedom-loving and versatile nature of a woman of this sign.

For a man

Natural minerals and stones are effective amulets and sacred objects of power for Gemini men.

A magical item made of onyx can be placed near the bed

  • This is a very powerful talisman, so it is not recommended to use it constantly. Regular use of onyx helps get rid of emotional instability, nervousness and insomnia. This mineral gives its owner self-confidence and hope for a bright future, eliminates the flow of negative thoughts. Geminis should not choose black onyx.
  • Opal. Amulets made of white opal are especially suitable for men whose activities are related to creativity. This mineral helps to release hidden potential and develop innate talents. Relieves anxiety and uncertainty. Attracts success and prosperity.
  • Sapphire. Develops strong-willed qualities, imparts fearlessness, perseverance and wisdom. Promotes self-realization and achievement of set goals. Protects its owner from ill-wishers and helps to find reliable friends and allies. Responsible for spirituality, teaches kindness.
  • Topaz. A magical assistant with topaz helps to achieve a harmonious state, neutralizes negative emotions and allows you to direct energy in the right direction. It has a positive effect on the nervous system and helps relieve insomnia.
  • Cornelian. This mineral of warm colors will bring good luck to its owner. The best metal for framing carnelian is gold. It can also be used as a talisman against the evil eye and damage.
  • Amethyst. An amethyst talisman in combination with silver will be an ideal item of power for air sign men who are too hot-tempered and fickle. It will help conserve precious energy and also relieve depression and anxiety. Balances and motivates.
  • Agate. An effective amulet for married Geminis. Protects the owner and his family from financial difficulties and slander, strengthens the relationship between spouses. Agate also promotes self-realization, bestows ambition and determination, improves memory and attention.

Talisman stones for women and men by date of birth

Only natural minerals have sacred properties

The astrological period of the sign of Gemini is divided into three decades, and each decade is protected by its own planet. This is why all Geminis are such unique, inimitable individuals.

  • 1 decade (21.05–31.05)

Early Geminis are born under the tutelage of Mercury. They are both strategists and intuitives at the same time. Talismans in the form of suitable stones will develop the strengths of representatives of the air element: they will strengthen the spirit and willpower, contribute to the sharpening of intuitive and even extrasensory abilities, and the development of analytical thinking. The best choice for Gemini in the first decade is moonstone, agate, yellow or red obsidian, rock crystal, as well as rich green minerals - jade, beryl, malachite, amazonite.

  • 2nd decade (06/01–06/10)

Warlike Mars patronizes intermediate Geminis born in the second decade. The influence of the red planet explains the irresistible craving of representatives of this astrological period for universal recognition, a high position in society and power. Affable and active Geminis of the second decade often turn out to be hypocrites, egoists and show unreasonable aggression. Tiger's eye, onyx and yellow pearl will help soften negative manifestations and enhance positive aspects.

  • 3rd decade (06/11–06/21)

Late Geminis are influenced by the Sun. We are talking about bright, friendly individuals who value their loved ones. But solar representatives of the Gemini sign are not without negative traits. They are subject to frequent mood swings and are very easily angered or offended. Sapphire, tourmaline, emerald and topaz help strengthen relationships with others, and also smooth out character flaws.


Gemini is the most changeable and dynamic astrological sign. Representatives of the air element are suitable for climbing plants, as well as plants with small and narrow leaves of an oblong shape. A positive effect will be exerted by the so-called atmospheric plants, which do not require scrupulous care and easily tolerate the negative influence of the environment.

Asparagus are ideal helpers for Gemini, having truly magical properties. In addition, they can be grown at home.

Asparagus from the asparagus family will lift your spirits and relieve melancholy

  • Asparagus pinnate.

This variety of asparagus is suitable for windy representatives of the air sign, prone to chaotic thinking and a disorderly lifestyle. Feathery asparagus promotes calm and rationality. Helps you get into a working mood and increases productivity. Frees the room from the atmosphere of fussiness. Such a plant can be placed near your workplace, especially if you work in the service sector and interact with a huge number of completely different people during the day.

  • Asparagus densely flowered.

Densely flowered asparagus with hanging stems are the best choice for sedentary and suspicious Geminis. Such an astrological assistant will help you gain self-confidence, give you purposefulness, motivation and independence. In addition, the plant has a positive effect on thought processes, improves memory, relieves depression and helps you concentrate on really important things.

  • Asparagus asparagus.

Asparagus asparagus is an ideal talisman for atypical Geminis who have lost mobility and lightness, succumbed to apathy and have ceased to be interested in life. This herbal assistant will relieve chronic fatigue and drowsiness, promote sociability and the development of oratory skills, and eliminate emotional stiffness.

Such a beautiful and completely unpretentious tradescantia will definitely appeal to representatives of the sign

This plant will bring an atmosphere of joy and peace to the home of Gemini, neutralize envious people, and help strengthen relationships between all family members. A representative of the astrological sign will give joy and hope, develop a sense of humor and a positive worldview. In addition, the flower will be a good helper for Gemini children if it is placed in the children's room.

In ancient Greece, ivy was considered a sacred plant

Ivy is a completely unpretentious and hardy plant with powerful energy. This is a suitable natural talisman for weak-willed, dependent, emotionally unstable people. Ivy helps get rid of bad habits, complexes, fears and doubts, and also has a beneficial effect on overall health.

Ferns are distributed throughout the globe

This plant can clear a room of a fussy and anxious atmosphere. It will also bring organization to your home. Fern is responsible for a sense of proportion, so all Geminis without exception can use it as a talisman. He will teach overly active individuals to stop getting excited, and will endow lazy ones with determination. Rationalists will become more sensitive, and overly sensitive natures will acquire rational qualities. Improves concentration and attention, eliminates idle talk and unnecessary thoughts.

Also suitable for Gemini:

  • chlorophytum,
  • decorative palms,
  • tillandsia,
  • orchids,
  • zebrina,
  • primrose.


You can also plant a fig tree at home.

There are also natural talismans for Gemini among trees. Personal amulets and amulets can be made from suitable wood. You can also plant a patron tree near your house or in your country house.

  • Chestnut. Chestnut patronizes creative, extraordinary representatives of the sign. It will help direct energy in the right direction and help reveal innate talents. Eliminates anxiety and uncertainty.
  • Ash. This tree attracts true love and helps to gain recognition from others. Eliminates talkativeness and the tendency to exaggerate everything. Teaches patience and prudence.
  • Hornbeam. Helps overcome fears, doubts, and self-doubt. Bestows wisdom and some solidity, promotes self-realization. Attracts mutual and deep feelings.
  • Elm. Patronizes people of advanced age. Helps preserve youth of soul and spontaneity, gives optimism. Elm is responsible for sensuality and spirituality. Relieves irritability.
  • Figs Sharpenes intuition and promotes the development of extrasensory abilities. Teaches you to listen to the opinions of others and not be afraid of difficulties.

Animal symbols according to the horoscope

In the legends of many peoples, ravens are the personification of wisdom.

Animals and birds have long been considered carriers of special energy. It is not easy for many authentic peoples to this day there is such a thing as a totem animal. Each astrological sign is protected by one or another representative of the fauna. It is completely optional to have a living mascot, and in some cases it is completely impossible. It is enough to use suitable figurines, figures, images, accessories that will personify your totem.


It would be good if there was a painting of an elephant in Gemini’s home. This powerful animal symbolizes majesty and solidity. Such a talisman will give you a feeling of peace and security, and will also provide you with spiritual strength and physical health.

This smart bird with extraordinary intellectual abilities will contribute to fast and effective learning. It will also help maintain interest in everything new and unknown in adulthood. In addition, the astrological talisman in the form of a raven sharpens intuition and reveals extrasensory abilities. Protects from the evil eye and the machinations of envious people. Astrologers recommend making a homemade talisman from crow feathers, for example, a dream catcher. And hang it in your home.


Decoration in the form of a snake will endow its owner with wisdom and patience. It will help you find a way out of a difficult situation, and will also protect you from gossip, confusing situations and love affairs.

Dragonflies, butterflies and hummingbirds

Winged creatures symbolize lightness and activity. Accessories, images or small figurines in the form of these representatives of the fauna will attract good luck and attract true love. They will also contribute to the discovery of new talents and give them a sense of inner freedom and self-sufficiency.

Other astrological helpers

Almost any thing can become a sacred talisman according to your zodiac sign. But there are also special objects of power, symbols that personify one or another astrological sign with all its characteristics. For the many-faced Gemini, objects that symbolize movement, flow of information, lightness and versatility are suitable.

A paper airplane will bring good luck

Copper bell

A small copper bell will bring good luck if placed in the bedroom. You should not extract sounds from it yourself; at the right time, the bell will ring on its own. The soft sound of such a talisman will be a harbinger of good news, luck, and healing. A dull sound will notify you of impending danger.

Airplane or angel

These symbols will be ideal magical helpers for representatives of the air sign. It is not so important what materials they are made from. The main thing is to hang them on a cord or thread of a suitable color directly to the ceiling. A soaring angel and a figurine of an airplane will attract good luck to their owner’s house.


The mask symbolizes the contradictory nature of Gemini and has a harmonizing effect. A talisman in the form of a small mask will help you get rid of internal contradictions and find peace of mind. It will also impart wisdom and prudence.


An ideal amulet for public Geminis who love to be the center of attention. Develops oratorical talents and helps to find an approach to completely different people. Sharpenes intuition and gives self-confidence. It is recommended to wear a small key made of silver or gold around the neck. You can also carry the talisman in your pocket or bag, having previously wrapped it in natural opaque fabric (any color is acceptable except black).

Pocket mirror

An excellent amulet against the evil eye and the negative influence of others. This compact mirror with a silver frame should be carried with you at all times.


The feather combines perfectly with the elements of Air, which governs Gemini. This symbol should be kept in the most visible place. The pen image can even be placed on your computer desktop. Responsible for creativity and self-realization. Helps achieve good results in professional activities and studies.

Book, flash drive, car, banknotes

The book pendant is an excellent talisman for inquisitive Geminis

All items symbolizing movement and exchange of information will have a beneficial effect on representatives of the air sign. They will strengthen the strengths of their owner and smooth out negative character traits.


Favorable shades and colors should be used in makeup, wardrobe or interior design.

  • Yellow.
  • Shades of blue.
  • Green.
  • Shades of grey.
  • Brown.
  • Violet.


Classic precious metals are suitable for Gemini:

  • Gold.
  • Silver.

Slavic amulets by date of birth

According to the Slavic astrological calendar, modern Gemini belongs to two palaces (periods) of the Svarog circle. Representatives of each palace have their own patron and special protective symbolism.

In the photo is the amulet of the Elk's palace

  • Hall of the Elk (7.05–30.05).
  • Finist's palace (30.06–21.06).

Geminis born in the palace of the Elk are distinguished by their determination and hard work. These are reliable comrades, loving wives, husbands, parents and children. They are patronized by the ancient Russian deity of fertility and beauty, the foremother of many Slavic Gods - Lada. And the totem tree is the birch. The amulet for this sector of the Svarog circle can be made of wood (preferably birch), and silver or copper amulets are also suitable for Gemini. The talisman of the Elk palace will protect the owner from the machinations of ill-wishers, envy and the evil eye. Strengthens marital relationships and gives physical strength.

Falcon, or Finist, personifies masculinity and valor. The fair and wise deity Vyshen controls representatives of this sector of the astrological circle of the Slavs. The patron tree is cherry. Geminis of the Finist palace have developed spirituality, heightened intuition, and often have psychic abilities. These people achieve tremendous success both in science and in the field of spiritual practices. A special talisman will help reveal innate talents and direct energy in the right direction. It will protect you from bad thoughts and evil deeds, and impart wisdom and kindness.

How to make a talisman yourself

Do not use synthetic materials for the mascot

An astrological talisman made with your own hands will become the best magical assistant for representatives of any zodiac sign. After all, a purchased amulet requires special cleaning and customization. And a homemade object of power is charged with your energy during the process of its manufacture.

Suitable materials for Gemini will be birch and cherry, silver and gold, as well as patron minerals. But in general, you can use any available means. The main thing is that they must be natural. Correctly selected colors and shades will bring additional benefits.

In order for a homemade amulet to start working for you, it is important to sincerely believe in its magical properties.


The air element will cleanse the talisman

Activation of a personal power item is an energetic process between the talisman and its owner. In order for the talisman to begin its work, it must be filled with one’s own desires, intentions, and thoughts. Hold him in your hands, talk to him mentally or out loud and thank him for his help and support.

At the moment of activation, it is very important to be in a good mood and a calm state of mind. Nothing should distract you, and strangers should not be nearby. It is best to customize the talisman in the evening or at night.

How to wear it correctly

You can show off your rings and rings

Talismans in the form of accessories and jewelry should be worn on oneself, closer to the body. It is advisable that they are hidden from prying eyes. You should not show them to others, let them touch or admire them. An exception will be rings with natural minerals. These are strong magical helpers who are not afraid of outside influence.

Giving, giving away, or simply throwing away an astrological talisman is also prohibited. But inherited amulets, on the contrary, have even greater efficiency and power. Before use, they should be rinsed thoroughly in fresh water.

Astrological talismans for Gemini require careful and careful treatment. These are sacred objects intended exclusively for you. If you meet all the necessary conditions, the zodiac talisman will help fulfill your desires, attract prosperity, health and love, and also protect you from adversity.

Gemini is the first truly summer sign - the end of May-June. The warm day continues to lengthen and the night continues to shorten. The sign ends the Summer Solstice - the shortest night and longest day of the year. This is the quintessence of the light and pure element of Air, a symbol of what is almost achieved and desired, but still unsaid and incomplete.
The sign is mobile, light, harmoniously uniting opposites. Geminis should spend most of their efforts creating their own personal inner balance, which will reduce their mood swings and gently stabilize the restless state of their soul.


Geminis are powerful communicators. They are charming, sociable, it is extremely pleasant to have conversations with them, and also interesting - they have a lot of adventures. In addition, Geminis easily absorb knowledge that is practically useless to them, and willingly share it.
They prefer freedom in work and activities that allow them to be useful in various situations. Actively explore new opportunities and are good at collaborating with other people. However, they often forget to listen to the opinions of others. Working on a flexible schedule or traveling on business trips, a wide circle of communication with different people is especially suitable for Gemini. They make neither strict authoritarian bosses nor submissive subordinates. They do not like tyranny and excessive restrictions. Geminis are restless and often forget to firmly adhere to the basic rules in relaxation and health.
Geminis hold the view that life in all its manifestations is of paramount importance.

Gemini is distinguished from representatives of other signs by a special duality, inconstancy in many manifestations. They are able to assess the situation from two sides at the same time, experience love and hatred at the same moment, and sometimes they themselves do not even understand the complex nature of their feelings. The dualistic personality trait means that their energy levels are often disorganized, so they require external guidance.

Everything in the life of Gemini is ambivalent, even the attitude of the stars towards them: on the one hand, fate endows them with inconstancy in intentions, on the other, it tirelessly sends them trials in which Gemini finally gains perseverance and determination.

Prefers light green, gold and yellow tones. Does not tolerate overly cold, gloomy and domineering stones, which can suppress Gemini and even cause them significant harm.
If Gemini lacks energy, they can carefully draw it from red stones. Since Gemini is a summer sign and the season of wearing stones is in full swing, they are recommended to collect a large collection of jewelry with stones for all occasions, to purchase and wear stones primarily intuitively, according to their whim, desire and momentary mood.

Gemini men usually develop their range of interests throughout their lives, but they do not go to their goal in a direct way, but in the easiest way - they do it by themselves. They can be interested in different things without being seriously interested in any of them, and they can also take risks without feeling afraid.

Gemini women are very smart and erudite. They learn easily and are also distinguished by their practical ingenuity. The Gemini lady rarely knows how to distinguish something truly important from the secondary; she seems absent-minded, but can instantly and without visible tension gather herself before a new breakthrough.


Tourmaline is a stone for women's health, protecting family and home. It protects against evil thoughts and dangers, and maintains a strong bond between loved ones. Choose a stone of red or pink shades, then it will give inner peace. The stone will bring good luck on the personal front to every girl born under the sign of Gemini. The mineral gives a lady happiness in family life, endows her with success in finding a betrothed, in conceiving a baby. Tourmaline generally strengthens women's health and clears the mind.

Incredibly beautiful, tourmalines serve Gemini as amulets of love. The stone amazes with the play of colors and shades. Well removes the influence of negative energy and unkind third-party emotions. Protects from evil looks and bad wishes.
In addition, stones are capable of directing the excess emotionality of their owner towards romantic thoughts, contributing to the revelation of a woman’s sexuality and sensuality.

This is a stone that can attract good luck in any endeavor. It promotes profitable business, protects against unreasonably risky transactions, and brings Gemini’s excitement within a reasonable framework. Allows you to restrain negative personality traits in this zodiac sign and enhances those qualities that are necessary for success. Citrine develops concentration and perseverance in Gemini.

For representatives of this zodiac sign who engage in public activities, citrine will ensure successful performances. If Gemini feels insecure in public or is afraid to speak in front of an audience, then before going out to the audience, take a small piece of this stone and put it in your pocket.

The energy of the stone is very pure and “loves” people with pure souls. For such people, citrine promotes the development of self-esteem, helps strengthen the will and encourages the manifestation of organizational abilities, and facilitates rapprochement with the right people. All this is very interesting for Gemini.

Citrine gives the energy of people of the Gemini sign strength and power, but only when a person knows exactly what he wants and is determined to serve good in the broad sense of the word. When he is ready to share the results of his work and bestow a variety of benefits on others without any conditions or demands on their part.
Gemini's inability to concentrate creates problems in work and study. Lemon-yellow or honey-golden citrine eliminates this deficiency.

For Gemini, rock crystal is a good talisman for good luck in love affairs. But, you should immediately understand that in exchange for “wild success” with the opposite sex, you will need to show warmth, attention and demonstrate a developed sense of beauty.
Rhinestone helps in the development of eloquence and the ability to concentrate, as this is very important for the restless Gemini. Also, rock crystal restores inner harmony.

Otherwise, the stone supports many of Gemini’s qualities, such as flexibility, the ability to avoid contradictions and resistance in a variety of forms of their manifestation, promotes the development of contacts and connections, especially with foreigners, which will be a welcome bonus for Gemini! And the transparency of the stone speaks for itself. He is pure and transparent, like people of the Gemini sign, who are able to free themselves from the subjectivity of assessments and judgments in order to become a pure, unclouded conductor of this or that information into the world.

Transparent rock crystal is a stone with a long magical history... It is believed that it helps to understand the unknown, clears the mind, repels negative energy and facilitates telepathic contact. In addition, the stone is great for helping to enter a meditative state, and at home they are often kept as “destroyers of bad qi” (just remember to regularly brush off the dust from the stone protector!).

An irreplaceable talisman for the restless Gemini. With its Lunar influence, it corrects the somewhat straightforward nature of the owner. Softens emotions and pacifies an overly active representative of this sign. Directs the energy of its owner deep into itself, forcing it to focus on its problems, instead of making its contribution to the construction of the universe. This quality - to be always and everywhere, to give advice and instructions - is quite tiring for Gemini's close friends and relatives. The stone will help curb the omnipresent fidget.

Moonstone will help the lady concentrate and achieve her goal in the shortest possible time. The mineral allows you to preserve love and strengthen your relationship with the groom. The amulet protects emotional, explosive people.

In many countries around the world, it is believed that moonstone can protect a person from the harmful influence of the Moon. This is a talisman of love that helps to pacify a strong mental and emotional state. It gives the owner the ability to beautifully and accurately express his thoughts, the gift of poetry, romantic artistic creativity, the gift of insight into the secrets of nature and the hearts of people. For lovers, it brings harmony, fidelity, understanding of each other immediately and even without words, and quite clearly reacts to cooling of feelings: it changes color and saturation, and can become dull

Agate is a strong amulet for Gemini in terms of health, both physical and psycho-emotional. If a representative of the sign feels a loss of strength or depression, astrologers recommend that he wear jewelry with red agate for some time. He will share his energy and cheerfulness with the owner. In difficult situations, agate will give courage and determination. To achieve success, Gemini, like no other horoscope sign, often lacks responsibility and focus on a specific task. They strive to complete all the tasks at once, but in the end they cannot complete a single one. Agate will help Gemini concentrate and direct their efforts towards achieving their goal. In addition, this stone can help creative individuals complete their next work.

This stone adds persistence in achieving goals without making its owner too harsh with people. It attracts good people to a person, thereby improving contacts. Since most experts consider agate to be the stone of Gemini, it is logical to assume the most beneficial influence of the stone on people of this sign. However, there is one “but”! Colored agates can “de-energize” Gemini, weakening their already delicate nervous system. Geminis can buy agate as interior decoration and nothing more!

If you really want to wear agate beads, a pendant or a bracelet, then you should not wear all this jewelry all the time. From time to time, when Gemini feels as collected and calm as possible, you can afford such luxury; in any other situations, it is better to avoid wearing agate jewelry close to the body.
An exception may be gray agate. On the contrary, this color of agate strengthens the nervous system, helps fight allergies and poor coordination. Minerals of warm colors are recommended - yellow, orange, red.

It is necessary to acquire it for those Geminis who feel a lack of communication, for those who often experience emotional empathy. This mineral is able to calm, and at the necessary moments it brings composure and a sober mind. The emerald lands Gemini and, probably, this is not bad. The stone stimulates eloquence, gives weight to the words of Gemini, and the word is the main weapon of the people of this sign. Through contacts, through conversations and the exchange of information, Geminis express themselves, their nature, and emerald comes in handy. The significance of the word spoken by Gemini gives a feeling of joy and fullness of life.
The next feature of the stone, its influence on Gemini, is associated with the world of feelings and the possession of material resources. It is important for Geminis to have a well-paid job, and the role of money in their lives is very significant. People of this sign are masters of raising money in the most original ways; they often have several sources of income, but they also lose money easily, so the topic of making money is always relevant. Emerald will help Gemini maintain their source of income, while deepening and expanding it.

It’s more difficult with the world of feelings, since Gemini’s feelings are very mobile and very unstable. Emerald is able to influence Gemini, slightly making it heavier and slowing down sensual life - this is what it may seem like to Gemini. However, it is worth looking at the situation a little more seriously. When Geminis show more maturity and stability in love, they manage to resolve a lot in other areas of life - there is no need to run from one object of love to another - sometimes it is worth stopping and listening to your inner voice, feeling, realizing your inner state and appreciating that what you already have...

Emerald is quite capable of influencing those who are very weak energetically. If a person constantly lacks his own strength, then the stone can charge him and serve as a source of inspiration.
People with very strong energy and, at the same time, easily excitable are not advised to wear emerald. In this case, the stone and the person will fight each other.

Amber is extremely close to Gemini and therefore very useful. Amber is a stone that bestows wisdom and peace. It is he who can force the restless Gemini to think about his actions, make the right decisions and be responsible for his actions. Amber can be used by magicians, mediums and psychics during rituals. It is he who is able to establish a connection between parallel worlds.
Amber gives vitality, develops organizational skills, helps to maintain the chosen pace in your activities and bring what you start to the end. Geminis quickly lose interest in what they were doing yesterday or three hours ago - it is difficult for them to maintain the focus of their attention on one thing for a long time. Amber, as a talisman, will support you, and as an amulet, it will protect you from unnecessary information, from tossing and doubting, from switching too quickly from one thing to another.

In other words, amber, on the one hand, will give more of the necessary energy, on the other hand, it will slow down, restrain Gemini, and protect Gemini from those contradictions that prevent them from achieving their goals.

If you want to see the future, interpret it and not make mistakes, you need alexandrite. This stone is endowed with many magical properties that it easily transfers to its owner.

Alexandrite is able to warn a person that trouble will happen to him. In this case, the previously cold talisman begins to heat up sharply. This makes it possible to understand that the wrong action is being taken, and you need to think about everything again in order not to get into an unpleasant situation.

Alexandrite is a stone that truly has character. He is looking for his own owner. A weak, weak-willed, cowardly Gemini will not be able to wear it. The stone tests every person.
If you are not ready to pass the test or have broken down, then all you can expect from alexandrite is a sea of ​​failures. If you managed to get out of this abyss of misfortune, then you can be sure that alexandrite will protect you from any negative influence and will very actively attract only happiness into your life.

If you decide that this stone is what you need, buy yourself either 2 rings with this stone, or a set (earrings and bracelet, ring and pendant). The jewelry is worn only in pairs. It is advisable not to refuse such an accessory for military personnel, sailors, actors and speakers.

Alexandrite has the mysterious property of changing color. Green in daylight, it turns purple in artificial light. Yellow spots on its surface are a signal of danger to the health or life of the owner.

The stone is considered an excellent amulet for Gemini in undertaking undertakings. Chrysoprase is a variety of chalcedony. This is a stone that brings success in any endeavor and allows you to climb up the career ladder. Moreover, such a mineral saves you from illnesses, improves your mood, and imparts positivity.

Chrysoprase stone, a type of the mineral chalcedony, is considered a magnet of good luck. With his appearance in the life of a Gemini woman or Gemini man, a bright streak begins. These stones have the properties of attracting good luck to each of the areas of activity of their owner. With him, the representative of this zodiac symbol will become what is popularly called “the darling of fate.” In addition, the chrysoprase talisman can protect its owner from all sorts of troubles. A person who gives preference to such a mineral will always be in a good mood.

Chrysoprase is a powerful amulet for twins. It protects against financial losses, so it is very good if your work involves interacting with a large amount of money. In the family, chrysoprase takes away manifestations of negativity and leaves only positivity. Protects while traveling, on the road. Helps in risky, adventurous matters.

Another very favorable stone for Gemini is Jade. It is believed to be a stone of enlightenment and health. This stone also has many colors, like agate, only in this case its colors vary from white to completely different shades of green. Jade also comes in black and red colors, but this is very rare. Even in ancient times, this stone was considered a cure for seven ills, and it was also called a kidney stone. This beautiful stone is used both in the form of magnificent jewelry and for medicinal purposes, as well as for magical rituals. Massage with jade balls is very helpful in treating rheumatism, sprains, bruises, as well as for rejuvenating the skin and getting rid of wrinkles. In addition, those who wear jewelry made from natural jade have normal blood pressure, sleep soundly, and do not suffer from neuralgic disorders.

Jade is a stone of luck and prosperity. An amulet made from Jade gives its owner long life, as well as good health, but this stone is not suitable for attracting love into your life, since it is a stone more likely for singles in life. Those representatives of the sign who need to strengthen their communication talents, those Geminis who study languages ​​or their life is closely connected with the profession of philologist, journalist, writer, etc. should take a closer look at jade, and perhaps take advantage of its help. The stone will be especially useful for Geminis who have communication problems - yes, there are such...

And otherwise, jade does not at all contradict the energy of Gemini, except that it develops the world of feelings and emotions, making them more mature and conscious. The subtlety of perception of the surrounding world in all its splendor, sensitivity to beauty will only improve the lives of those Geminis who have no time to pay attention to the simple joys of life and cannot find time for spiritual communication with the people closest to them.

Gemini's soul is full of energy, but they do not always have enough strength to carry out their plans. Malachite will make these people more active and cheerful, filling their hearts with determination and enthusiasm. Thanks to the green gem, Gemini will be able to complete all long-term projects. In general, malachite is a stone that symbolizes growth and merit. Malachite is an ideal talisman for people surrounded by attention.
Gemini women need malachite in a special case - the stone brings additional health and supplies more energy.
Malachite protects Gemini men from worries and nervous tension. Malachite also relieves insomnia and restores vitality.
For children born under the zodiac sign Gemini, malachite gives attention and the desire to know everything. Such children are more likely to be creative: they draw, sing, play some musical instruments.
Malachite in the house of Gemini affects vitality and harmony. Malachite at work means great success.

Amazonite is an inexpensive greenish stone that helps calm overexcited Geminis. If you feel that lately you are constantly “on edge” and people who are completely innocent are periodically caught in the hot hand - buy this stone and wear it for several days without taking it off. It will become easier. In addition, the stone brings good luck, bestows courage and devotion, helps build a family and... develops natural laziness. So if aggression and irritation after those very few days of wearing have been replaced by lazy doing nothing - take off the pebble and get back into life!

With him it will be easier to look deep into yourself, understand your true purpose, and feel the full power of your heart. Take a closer look at it, play with its highlights, and the deep meaning of your life will be revealed to you and, perhaps, you will be able to look into the future.

With the help of this stone, Gemini will be able to achieve great heights in any professional activity, especially in those that require a conscious and creative approach.


21.05 – 31.05 (Jupiter) Geminis of the first decade have equally developed both intuitive and analytical thinking. Rock crystal enhances thought processes. Emerald will help you connect with people. Moonstone will help soften mood swings and harmonize life in all areas. Green minerals that personify fidelity, purity, and self-control are also recommended: malachite, jade.
Geminis often get into trouble because of their character flaws, such as selfishness and callousness. Gemstones of warm yellow or orange shades will help cope with these qualities. A good talisman would be yellow tourmaline or beryl, amber.

01.06 – 10.06 (Mars) For those born in the second decade, it is important to soften the influence of the aggressive planet, weaken such qualities as selfishness, hot temper, and excessive persistence. Amber calms the nervous system and brings peace of mind. Alexandrite will warn about the consequences of unwanted actions. Restless natures seeking change and renewal benefit from wearing chrysoprase. Yellow agate, beryl, and citrine are also suitable.

11.06. – 21.06 (Sun) The chosen ones of the Sun radiate optimism. They love children very much. Geminis manage their feelings better than other Geminis, but they also have outbursts of anger. Those born during this period are protected by the Sun itself - they brightly illuminate everything around and warm those close to them with their warmth. It is useful for them to have products with emerald, amber, tourmaline and alexandrite.


Gemini young ladies are the brightest representatives of the Zodiac circle, woven from contradictions and elusiveness. They tend to take life lightly - they strive to find originality in it, and at the same time they have non-standard thinking. Protective stones for them must have properties suitable for these originals.
Talisman stones for a woman of this zodiac sign must be selected taking into account the characteristics of her temperament.
They are sophisticated and intelligent. In this way they are similar to Aquarius, with whom they go well together. Aristocratism should also be observed in amulets intended for this zodiac sign. The best advisors and protectors will be: yellow Beryl, Alexandrite, Tourmaline, talisman from Rock Crystal, Moonstone, Citrine.

The most necessary gemstone for Gemini women is emerald. This gem is able to pacify and calm girls suffering from emotional distress. When sociable representatives of the fair sex lack communication, emerald will come to the rescue. And at the moment of need, the gem will give composure to representatives of the Gemini sign. Moonstone can relieve excess tension. He will soften the mood swings of the Gemini woman, attract success to her and open up ways to achieve her goal.

According to the horoscope, chrysoprase suits a Gemini woman. This stone is responsible for the heart chakra, so it will become a reliable protector against disappointments in your personal life. In addition to love, he attracts loyal friends and helpers to his mistress. Chrysoprase helps the dual and changeable nature of Gemini in the Zodiac to make the right choice and complete what they started.

Amber is the favorite stone of the Gemini zodiac sign. A woman chooses petrified resin after becoming a mother. The solar mineral protects both mother and child. Amber charges pessimistic twins with positive energy, gives a feeling of peace and joy.
However, these active people with unbridled energy are not able to limit themselves. Twins can have about 10 different amulets. Which of them will be ideal will be decided by an intuitive choice.


Representatives of the stronger sex are divided into two groups. The first category includes men who are distinguished by their beautiful deeds and heroism. However, these people do not take care of their health; it remains in the background. Therefore, the best stone for such Gemini men will be malachite. This mineral will help strengthen a person’s physical condition and help get rid of unnecessary worries and nervous tension.
The other group are scientists, intellectual workers, calm by nature, reasonable people. To have success in any endeavors or career growth, such men must choose jade. This stone will support you when defending your dissertation, getting a promotion at work, or passing exams.

A piece of jewelry containing citrine will become a faithful talisman primarily for Geminis who have chosen creative professions, especially the path of a writer. Beryl talismans can help develop their owner’s intuition, strengthen their communication abilities and ensure good luck on long journeys, which is especially important for the changeable Gemini. In addition, by constantly wearing such an amulet, Gemini will quickly cleanse themselves spiritually of all negativity, stress and accumulated fatigue. Beryl will give its owner not only purity of mind, but also provide physical strength and endurance, so this talisman is especially suitable for Gemini men.

Alexandrite will teach Gemini men to take care of their nerves, not to give in to empty worries and not to worry about every little thing. The gem will bring you closer to spiritual harmony and calm the restless representative of this sign. It is better to wear Alexandrite in a ring on the middle finger; it is recommended to remove it at night. Agate will give Gemini stability and prudence and will be able to calm them down. The gem will reduce the shortcomings of representatives of this sign. For Geminis associated with creativity, agate will help them find their own style and achieve real success. The mineral will not allow you to give up everything at the first failure. Beryl will help Gemini achieve what they want. The mineral will force changeable representatives of this sign to complete every task they start, and will teach them how to solve problems more profitably and easily. Beryl is the talisman of Geminis seeking to make a career.


A stone for Gemini should NOT have gloomy, dark shades. Black obsidian, black onyx and Arabic onyx, aquamarine, hematite, black pearl and haliotis, white cacholong opal and black noble opal, blood red pyrope garnet. They are energy stealers with a depressing effect.
Blue and white shades of gemstone amulets are not suitable for Gemini women. The ideal "Twin" stone will have orange, gold, yellow or green colors. Such rich, bright colors generously give the owner all their energy reserves.
Geminis are not suitable for stones that are too powerful and active, and black and gloomy stones can easily harm them. It is not recommended to wear serpentine, green jasper, red carnelian, labradorite, peridot, blue topaz and sapphire in cold shades.
Changeable and destabilizing stones - opals, labradorite and haliotis are especially undesirable.
Magical black morions and smoky quartz are not suitable for Gemini.

By nature, many Geminis are friendly and sociable people. They adapt to change easily, using their natural ingenuity and imagination. In terms of choosing a profession, private entrepreneurship, journalism, trade, and brokerage are suitable for Gemini.

Sociable Geminis will not be harmed by a reliable protective amulet, since among their many acquaintances there may be a person with the “evil eye”.

Key and mask

Geminis who adore attention should carry a gold or silver key with them. This amulet will tell you the way to the heart of a loved one and will help you establish contacts with the right people. Wear this amulet on a chain as a pendant or in your purse or just in your pocket. In the latter case, it must be wrapped in fabric of any color, with the exception of black.

Many Geminis are characterized by frequent mood swings. Mobility and changeability can negatively affect a person and push friends and acquaintances away from him. To prevent others from considering you a frivolous person, a special talisman mask is used. It can be engraved or painted, although it is much better to use an actual mask.

Pupils and students will benefit from amulets that can arouse in their owner a desire for knowledge and provide. Such a talisman can be a figurine or keychain in the form of a snake, star or hand. The amulet must be carried with you - on a chain, in a clothing pocket, or as a keychain.

Flora and fauna

For Gemini, a raven or an elephant can be an excellent companion. Of course, you won’t have to get a live bird (and especially an elephant). It is enough to purchase a couple of figurines with symbolic images of these representatives of the fauna.

Flowers and plants can make your life more successful and even save you from some problems.

Violets. Use these flowers if you lack romance and love in your life. Rest assured - soon someone interesting will appear on the horizon!

Daisies. In some mystical way, daisies are capable of... For Fortune to be favorable, place a bouquet of these flowers on a new tablecloth.

Buttercups. Are you suffering from health problems or frequent seasonal colds? In this case, buttercups are exactly what you need!

Jasmine. These flowers increase efficiency, they help relieve stress and fatigue. Jasmine is recommended for a person who has had to endure disappointment - the flower will help quickly restore strength and regain self-confidence.

Daffodils. This is another talisman that attracts romance and love. But you need to be careful with daffodils - if there are too many of these flowers, then you will become fixated on yourself, and not on finding a “soul mate.”

Quinoa. The Slavs placed quinoa on the window to protect their home from the machinations of evil spirits. By the way, in some localities in Russia this tradition has been preserved to this day!

Honeysuckle. This talisman will attract the favorable disposition of higher powers to you. Honeysuckle protects against minor everyday troubles and everyday troubles, the abundance of which can infuriate even the most persistent person.

Tulips will give you good health and a great mood. Fresh flowers should be placed in a green or red vase. The green tint is used when it is necessary to attract health into the home, and the red color is used to attract material well-being. If you are interested in natural talismans, we recommend that you read the article "".

Among the color shades that are optimal for Gemini are yellow, coffee, gray and blue. Blue, blue and lilac shades have a very beneficial effect. It is recommended to use the listed tones in the interior. If your room is decorated in the right color, you will be able to work very productively and fully relax in it.

Stone amulets

In the diverse world of talismans, minerals belong separate niche. How can you kill two birds with one stone? It’s very simple, choose an accessory with a stone - and you will get a beautiful thing and a reliable amulet.

Jewelry with amethyst will bring harmony to your life. This stone is a symbol of peace and integrity. In addition, amethyst helps to establish contacts with the partner you are interested in, especially if it is framed in a silver frame. In combination with gold, the stone helps strengthen family ties.

Blue agate will protect Gemini from depression and bad habits, prevent kidney disease, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it improves vision and strengthens the immune system. Jewelry with agate helps lovers survive separation and remain faithful to each other.

For a financier twin, the best amulet will be chrysoprase enclosed in a ring. This mineral will improve health, strengthen sleep, and protect its owner from nightmares. It is also suitable for travelers and Geminis whose work involves the implementation of innovative ideas.

Bright representatives of the air element, Gemini, as a rule, lead an active lifestyle and are characterized by changeable moods. Both men and women born in this constellation are quite intelligent, resourceful and quick-witted.

Most often, Geminis look at the world with optimism, cannot stand routine and have many things and projects started, between which they always find time to relax and communicate with loved ones and friends. Geminis constantly strive for development, conquering new horizons, and attend many events and courses.

This zodiac sign has its own stones, which can be used as talismans and attract happiness and good luck into the life of Gemini. And we will talk about which stone is considered the most suitable and which is not suitable at all, in this article.

Suitable minerals

This zodiac sign is best if it gives preference to yellow, gold or green stones. Stones in this color scheme will support Gemini's focus, calmness and discipline. And since this sign leads an active, active life, the talisman should match it.

Stones that will help develop eloquence, give spiritual and physical strength, courage and determination are one hundred percent suitable.

On the other hand, the talisman must protect its owner from negative influences and bad people, since Gemini can arouse not only admiration, but also envy in others.

Many representatives of this constellation are considered avid travelers, so a stone that will protect a person from troubles on the road will come in handy.

Based on what qualities and properties the future talisman should have, you need to choose a mineral. The most suitable gems for Gemini: carnelian, agate, tiger's eye, beryl, chrysoprase, citrine. Aquamarine, opal and onyx are not recommended.


Carnelian stone is an effective talisman for Geminis who are engaged in creative activities, in particular, writing or composing. This mineral helps to attract inspiration, develop memory and eloquence.

Carnelian also helps solve financial problems and protects against various kinds of troubles. For a married couple, carnelian will become a symbol of fidelity, love and tranquility.


The semi-precious agate stone is considered one of the main talismans for Gemini. Each individual agate stone is unique and inimitable, just as representatives of a given zodiac sign are not similar to each other.

The gem makes its owner wise, gives strength and protects from bad influences. It is believed that such talisman stones for Gemini will provide excellent protection against diseases and can prolong the life of their owner.

Eye of the Tiger

The tiger eye talisman is considered universal for those whose zodiac sign is Gemini. This orange-brown stone protects its owner from negative influences, intrigue, gossip and envy.

The stone will help ward off enemies and bad people from home. Both women and men born in the constellation Gemini, using the mineral, will be able to control jealousy and emotional turmoil, becoming more decisive and sensible. For those who are characterized by excessive wastefulness, the stone will make them practical and economical.


Talismans for Gemini, made from beryl, help get rid of stress and fatigue, add strength and confidence. In addition, beryl has an excellent effect on the communication and oratory skills of its owner.

For travelers, this mineral will become a symbol of a successful road without incident. The beryl group includes the well-known emeralds, aquamarines and heliodors.


For people whose zodiac sign is Gemini, one of the varieties of chalcedony - chrysoprase - is suitable.

This mineral is believed to bring good luck in all endeavors.

In addition, the stone protects against troubles, adds eloquence, lifts the mood and relieves depression and blues.


The Gemini zodiac sign is characterized by mobility and activity, which, naturally, can lead to some exhaustion of the body. This can be solved with sleep. Gemini's talisman - citrine - will help solve any sleep problems.

This lemon-yellow mineral promotes self-discipline, calmness, and focus. Both women and men who prefer citrine will be able to achieve career advancement, material wealth and respect from colleagues.

The mineral helps you focus on what really matters and achieve excellent results. In addition, the stone strengthens the health of its owner, normalizes the emotional state and gives a positive charge.

Each zodiac sign has its own stones that can be used as talismans. Gemini talismans are minerals of golden, yellow and green shades. Stones that are too expensive and heavy are not suitable for them, as they can deprive representatives of this zodiac sign of their natural lightness and optimistic attitude towards life. It is not recommended to use gems of cool white and blue colors.

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