Capricorn horoscope for the third decade of May

Capricorns will suffer from star fever throughout May 2017. At the very beginning of this month, you will receive another reason to be proud of yourself (perhaps it will be a very beautiful novel, an expensive acquisition, or an appointment to a leadership position). One way or another, immediately after what happened, you will begin to consider yourself an example to follow, which you will hasten to declare publicly.

Of course, people don’t like it when someone sets themselves up as an example, and your inner circle will definitely not rejoice at your May arrogance! Be prepared for the fact that some of your friends at the end of this spring will decide to refuse to communicate with you, and without explaining the reasons for such behavior. There will also be those “dared souls” who, looking you in the eyes, will express their dissatisfaction with you. Decide for yourself how to react to this kind of reproach, but you should still admit that your friends’ anger has serious grounds. If you do not want to lose the favor of these people, talk about yourself less often and at least sometimes be interested in what is happening in their lives.

This same advice will be equally relevant regarding the sphere of your love affections. Your regular partner, tired of the fact that you constantly extol yourself and deliberately belittle his dignity, will one day not stand it and boil. From this angry tirade you will learn that your appearance, it turns out, is not as dazzling as you thought, and your culinary masterpieces are not so tasty, and in the sphere of intimacy you can only be given a three (and then with a huge stretch). In general, your significant other will emotionally offend you, and you will be digesting everything you heard for a long time... Will your couple be able to make peace after such an acute incident? It all depends on how touchy you are and how objectively you treat criticism.

Lonely Capricorns will enjoy increased attention from people of the opposite sex throughout May. It’s a paradox, but you will begin to attract them like a magnet immediately after you try on the invisible “crown” (that is, you will begin to consider yourself better than others, openly declaring this at every opportunity). How many worthy people will set out to conquer you, considering you a very expensive and prestigious “trophy”! Of course, in this situation, you shouldn’t think that love will open your door and the main romance of your life will begin for you. While for those around you you are just a “trophy”, there can be no talk of any sincere feeling.

But your high self-esteem will play a good role in everything related to your career! When choosing your deputy from a whole team of people engaged in a common cause, your boss will focus his preferences on you. Why will you be appointed to such a prestigious position? Most likely, your boss will not remain indifferent to the fact that you behave very confidently in any situation (even when it comes to your official mistakes). In general, your ability to show off and appear much better than you really are will help you get promoted. However, do not forget that you will have to prove the trust placed in you, and prove it constantly. If you ignore this advice, the myth about your super-professionalism will be dispelled. You will leave your high post and, with your tail between your legs, will be forced to return to your colleagues who, which is not surprising, will sarcastically recall everything that happened to you at every opportunity.

Attention, the Capricorn horoscope for the month of May 2017 has been published in an abbreviated form. In order to have a complete picture of the coming Red Rooster 2017, you should make a personal forecast for 2017 with an individual astrological chart, unique for each person.

In May, Capricorns will receive several privileges at once that will help them achieve happiness in the love sphere. The stars will not give any of the zodiac signs as many opportunities as Capricorns will have. It is important not to miss them and use them correctly. The love horoscope for May 2019 for Capricorns will tell you how to do this.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for May 2019

The astrological forecast for love advises Capricorns to tune in to innovations. There will be plenty of them in May. Capricorns' love relationships threaten to move to a completely different level. Representatives of this sign will be active and proactive in May. Thanks to this, everything in their personal life will not only begin to improve. The Capricorn romance threatens to turn from a simple, familiar relationship into an ideal example of mutual love.

The love horoscope advises Capricorns looking for a soul mate to pay attention to those who have long been pursuing the goal of winning their heart. In May of this year, representatives of the sign can instantly take such fans from the category of friends to the category of the most worthy applicants for the status of spouses.

The love horoscope predicts a very interesting period for family Capricorns in May. It mixes in a bizarre pattern both violent quarrels and no less passionate reconciliations. Subsequently, Capricorns will remember this spring month with a smile as one of the most interesting and bright events of their lives. It is in May that something will happen in the family life of Capricorns that will change their union once and for all, and the spouses will become truly happy.

Love horoscope for Capricorn woman for May 2019

The spring of 2019 was an extraordinary period in the lives of Capricorn girls. It will end no less interesting. In May, Capricorn women will have a lot of opportunities to make their dreams come true. Active and purposeful Capricorns will be especially lucky. Quiet girls at home will not be spared success either. The month of May will be eventful and full of male attention for them.

The love horoscope advises single girls over 30 to spend more time in nature. It is there that Capricorns risk meeting a potential life partner. In May, girls will be susceptible to weaknesses. They can literally fall in love at first sight. Given this feature, the stars recommend Capricorns to try to assess the situation as soberly as possible.

The love relationships of Capricorn girls in May will quickly change into a new way, provided that serious decisions are made. The end of spring this year is an ideal time for both dating and separation. Therefore, Capricorns do not need to be sad. If nothing works out now, then next month you won’t have to rely on luck. As a reward for the lack of encouragement, women of this sign will be able to control their destiny independently, but, fortunately, success will affect the vast majority of Capricorns of the fair sex.

Love horoscope for Capricorn man for May 2019

Men of the Capricorn sign will be no less happy than girls in May. The only exception would be those who were recently divorced. During this period, feelings will surge with renewed vigor and sweep away all plans and positive intentions. There is no need to resist this. Having survived difficulties, Capricorns will become stronger and will be able to calmly forget past love and let their ex-wife go home.

Single men will have a particularly sweet time in May. They will receive increased attention from fans. The most beautiful representatives of the fairer sex will literally surround Capricorns with tenderness and care. It will be difficult to resist, and representatives of the sign will quickly find themselves in networks of love and passion, from which it will not be easy to get out, and there is no need.

Grooms should also expect good changes. If quite recently there were discords in their couple, then at the end of spring the situation will finally stabilize. But the stars also expect concrete actions from Capricorns. They don’t need to forget that the bride needs to be made happy every day, and not just on her engagement or wedding day.

Love horoscope for Capricorns for other months of 2019

It remains to understand why the May life of Capricorns will be replete with all sorts of mysterious coincidences and pleasant incidents. The reason that you will completely lose your usual peace (and, in the best sense of the word) will be Mars and Saturn, who will volunteer to take care of your life in May 2017.

It is noteworthy that your heavenly leaders will not immediately agree among themselves which of them will give you certain gifts and when. Very often, “presents” from Saturn and Mars will contradict each other. For example, Mars will make you more active and morally stronger, and at the same time Saturn will try to set you up for passive philosophizing. As a result, you will not try to move up and forward, but will begin to mark time, trying to comprehend a number of issues that do not make much sense for you to deal with.

While Saturn and Mars are arguing among themselves which of them is your main patron, another powerful planet, the Moon, will decide to actively intervene in your existence. It will confuse your inner world, so much so that you risk being completely disconnected from reality. Be careful, because it only seems from the outside that an emotional crisis can be overcome quite easily and quickly! If you allow the Moon to dominate you, your life will lose its tendency to develop and progress.

Fortunately, you have every chance to neutralize the tricks of the Moon, and a star named the Sun will volunteer to help you with this. Of course, the Sun rarely remembers you, but in May 2017 you can safely call this planet your wise mentor and caring guide along the winding paths of life. It is the Sun that will provide you with large-scale success, which, unfortunately, you will not gain immediately. The reason for this delay lies in the fact that the participation of the Sun in your destiny will constantly clash with the extravagant Mars, the domineering Saturn and the Moon, prone to eternal whims.

The coming month will be fruitful for those who have done everything to achieve their goal, but those who are looking for themselves will have to face troubles and difficulties. You should not take the initiative if you are not confident in yourself, otherwise you risk getting into an unpleasant situation.

There may be a lot of different gossip and rumors floating around you. This will especially affect those who have achieved success or immediately become leaders in the team. Some can significantly harm your career or contribute to further troubles and scandals.

Try to understand who is harming you and provoke this person into a frank conversation. Only in this situation will you cope with all the troubles.

Capricorn Woman: Work and Career Horoscope for May 2019

This month you will have to take on several tasks at once, including urgent ones. They can take up almost all your free time, but the result will be worth your effort. Try to do what your boss requires, even if this work is not related to your main activity. It is possible that a promotion will be waiting for you after all this.

In relations with colleagues, you will have to act diplomatically. You will be unpleasantly surprised by the attitude of the person you considered your friend. Try to avoid outright conflicts, especially with those who dream of being in your place, otherwise the actions of enemies and envious people can lead to unpredictable results.

Those who are looking for themselves and their career will have to be active. Some of you can change the situation if you take part in professional castings and competitions. Be active and wait for the result, it is likely that after this you will have a career takeoff. Do not refuse tempting offers, even if you do not consider them feasible, the stars promise you good luck and an unexpected leap forward.

Capricorn Man: Work and Career Horoscope for May 2019

At the beginning of the month, you will be faced with a significant amount of paperwork or correcting past mistakes. This time you should pay attention and try to complete the things you started. Don't plan anything new until you solve all your old problems, otherwise troubles will accumulate like a snowball.

This month, promotion awaits only those who have completed their work and are ready for new exploits. The stars promise you a significant promotion and success if you take the initiative in business and do not refuse the responsible assignment of your superiors. The initiative this time will not be punished, but, on the contrary, will bring you significant prerequisites for success.

Your relationships with colleagues can improve if you show kindness and act in the chosen direction. If you are competent and give advice to your friends, they will notice and help you in difficult times. The main thing is not to deviate from your goals and act in your own interests. For those who dream of expressing themselves in creativity or changing their field of activity, the stars will provide a lucky chance.

In May, nothing should be taken to heart. When life throws you not the most pleasant events, it is best to plunge into the abyss of absolute indifference and relaxation. This is the month when most planets will simply not notice your existence and you will be left to your own devices.

Because life is unpredictable, it is best to focus your attention on small goals and short-term projects. Many results will simply be unpredictable, so it is especially important to live consciously and have clear goals.

This is the month when you need to allow the waves of circumstances to carry you into the unknown, especially since the horoscope predicts that this unknown promises to be successful. The only thing that should be avoided throughout the month is selfishness; this quality will bring only negative events to life.

Capricorn career horoscope for May 2017

In the area of ​​work, be prepared to work as productively as possible. However, as already mentioned there is no need to look too far.

If you have your own business, focus your efforts on maintaining current results and current projects, without thinking about future prospects. With the proper level of cooperation with partners, no problems are expected. Get together, think together and make joint decisions.

If you are employed, May promises to be more colorful, since management will definitely pay attention to you, in a good way. From the first days of the month, you will understand that you have a huge number of alternatives and opportunities for every taste.

Due to the negative influence of the Moon, do not think that you are a lone ranger capable of dealing with all enemies; in May it is especially important to look for allies, only such a strategy will lead you to victory.

Love horoscope for May 2017 for Capricorns

In the area of ​​personal relationships, the situation will change so often that you will not have time to understand anything, but some will like it. Prepare for the fact that problems will arise on their own and be solved on their own. In some cases, you shouldn't even try to understand what's going on.

If you are alone, the horoscope predicts a meeting that can lead to a truly strong and reliable relationship. You just need to be prepared for meetings and not turn down offers.

If you have a loved one, the month promises to go like clockwork. The horoscope recommends spending more time in the company of your loved one. This is a month when many conflicts will become a thing of the past, and relationships will become stronger.

The negative influence of the Moon can cause some inconvenience. Just remember that selfishness and stubbornness are a recipe for conflict and disagreement.

Health horoscope for May 2017 for Capricorn

In May, you should not ignore your body's signals. If you feel unwell, give yourself more time to rest, so you can avoid seasonal illnesses.

Favorable days in May 2017

  • Luck in sports: 11, 12, 13, 29, 30, 31;
  • Successful days in business: 11, 12, 13, 18, 19, 29, 30, 31;
  • Activity, ambition in work: 5, 6, 7, 11, 12, 13, 28, 39, 30, 31;
  • Luck and optimism: 11, 12, 13. 18, 19, 20. 29, 30, 31;
  • Clarity of thinking (days of insight): 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 31;
  • Confusion in thinking: 13, 14, 15, 27, 28;
  • Foresight, prophetic visions: 3, 4, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 27, 28;
  • Emotional sensitivity: 24, 25, 26, 31;
  • Luck in love: 10, 11, 12, 24, 25, 26;
  • Desire for loneliness: 18, 19;
  • Probability of accidents: 10, 11, 12, 28, 29, 31.
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