How to do a tarot reading for a beginner with interpretation. Situation tarot spread for beginners

Every beginner who begins fortune telling on a Tarot deck must follow the general rules for performing layouts. Following these principles will allow him to make work with maps as efficient as possible, and - accurate and reliable. The rules governing how to lay out tarot cards for the near future have been created over the centuries. When developing them, not only esoteric principles were taken into account, but also the personal experience of many successful tarot readers. Based on such information, universal algorithms were compiled that describe how to correctly lay out Tarot cards for a situation. Compliance with these simple principles allows you to direct energy in the necessary direction, receiving reliable data about the situation that worries the questioner and making fortune telling as effective as possible.

Key principles on how to correctly lay out Tarot cards

Before laying out Tarot cards for relationships, you need to clearly decide on the choice of fortune telling method. Specialized sites dedicated to Tarot will help you find a suitable alignment for love. Before starting fortune telling for a loved one, it is also necessary to properly prepare the workplace. It is best to perform the layout in a calm, relaxed atmosphere. It is advisable to cover the table used for fortune telling with a thick dark cloth (or a social tablecloth).

Speaking about how to correctly lay out Tarot cards in fortune-telling for love, it should be noted that the right attitude to work is key in the prediction process. The person who performs the layout on the Tarot deck should be in a calm, peaceful state. He needs to fully concentrate on the situation at hand. The question that the cards should answer can be asked mentally or written down on a piece of paper. The main thing is to concentrate on it throughout the entire fortune telling process. Having formulated the question, you can begin to plan the relationship. There is one important nuance to take into account here. If the fortuneteller wants to take into account both the upright and inverted positions of the Arcana, he needs to shuffle the deck. In this case, you need to shuffle the cards on the table clockwise. If the inverted positions of the Arcana are not taken into account, the deck just needs to be shuffled, then fanned out and the required number of cards selected. You need to pull them out with your left hand. It is important to lay out the Tarot cards as required by the layout chosen for fortune telling for the development of love relationships.

Simple Tarot Spreads for Beginners

Beginners should start fortune telling with the simplest Tarot card layouts. This way, they will be able to gain the necessary experience and hone their skills. There are no special Tarot layouts for beginners. However, some methods of fortune telling have a very simple scheme, and therefore can be used even by those who have no experience working with cards.

  1. Schedule of the day. There is only one card involved. For beginners, this tarot spread will be an excellent daily practice.
  2. "Three cards" layout. It also has a very simple layout. From left to right three cards are laid out on the table. The first indicates the reasons for the situation, the second - the essence of the problem under consideration, and the third - options for the development of events in the near future.
  3. "Pyramid of Lovers" layout. It allows you to reveal the essence of the relationship between partners. For beginners, performing the “Pyramid of Lovers” Tarot layout should not be difficult. The first card is placed in the middle of the table (it symbolizes the person himself), the second is on the left (denotes the partner), the third is on the right (the nature of the relationship at the present time), and the fourth is on top (the immediate future).

For a beginner in such a complex matter as fortune telling and making forecasts, any layout is not given the first time. Every experienced magician knows how important it is to put a lot of effort and effort into understanding the signs in the Tarot deck. Ancient, powerful cards cover all possible components of human life and demand well-deserved respect.

Tarot fortune telling is like a new book that needs to be read correctly

Choosing a fortune telling deck of Tarot cards

How to learn to tell fortunes using Tarot cards and is sacred knowledge accessible to everyone? Training, diligent implementation of all the recommendations of an experienced magician and the desire to comprehend something new, unknown, exciting the mind, encourages a person to get acquainted with the cards of the Tarot deck. Making a reading with a special question or a general message is not so difficult, and such a magical ritual is accessible to everyone.

Problems arise when the combination of cards drawn needs to be read. Individual symbols of the deck can have completely contradictory meanings. In order not to confuse himself and others, a person must realize that there is no room for fun. If the desire to comprehend the craft of prediction is serious and balanced, then no problems will arise.

Learning to work with the Tarot deck

Tarot, where to start learning it, and how will it end? Experienced magicians claim that sensitive cards are very capricious in choosing the person with whom they will work. The deck is selected in exactly this order. A person is chosen, rather than he looking for a deck of fortune telling cards.

The established connection will serve as the basis for a future forecast, and therefore it is especially important to find a deck that does not have to be solved like a puzzle. It is not for nothing that they say that during fortune telling, the magician and the cards are a single, inseparable whole.

Features of the deck for beginners

Tarot for the first layouts is an ordinary deck that can be purchased in a magic or occult shop. Over time, a person will get used to it and be able to choose more complex decks. A classic is the traditional Tarot deck, consisting of four suits.

There are many types of Tarot cards. You should choose the one that suits you

Where to start learning Tarot? From getting to know each individual card. The meaning of the symbol, presented in the form of a colorful illustration, will make it possible to understand the role of the sign in the deck.

Simple fortune telling techniques for beginners

How to learn to tell fortunes using Tarot? A beginner suffers from such a question for days on end, because not everyone can learn the deck. The methods of fortune telling using Tarot cards depend on the question with which the questioner invokes the magical attribute.

Commonly accepted special layouts on the Tarot deck:

  • about professional life;
  • on personal relationships;
  • on health status;
  • about future self-development and spiritual growth;
  • on the results of cases.

As much as the world is worth, so many people seek spiritual harmony in all areas of life. Having mastered ready-made layouts on given topics, a person will be able to look into the future. Popular Tarot layouts are in great demand to this day, because outwardly the magic deck has changed little.

Why you need to use special literature

The best Tarot books for beginners help you understand the basics of any fortune telling. It is useful to analyze the cards individually, but only Tarot books for beginners allow you to understand the meaning of ancient magical symbolism. Interpreting the Tarot yourself is not so difficult if you are not afraid to admit your own incompetence.

The classical description of each arcana will not always coincide with a person’s vision, because any truths are interpreted by a person based on his personal experience.

There is no need to be afraid of such a confrontation; by showing character, the fortuneteller becomes one step closer to his goal - the correct interpretation of the entire deck. The Tarot book will become an indispensable assistant for anyone who masters the technique of fortune telling. What other methods of Tarot fortune telling are available for a beginner?

Tarot card spreads for a novice magician

Ready-made schemes, which experienced magicians resort to, will allow you to make the right balance for relationships or work matters. Simple fortune telling can be done even by a beginner who is just learning the true power of fortune telling cards. Laying out the finished layout will not be difficult. How to guess correctly using ready-made, proven schemes?

Tarot, like any other magical attribute in rituals or rites, loves order and accuracy. Card layouts are not made under the influence of emotions or momentary impulse. The forecast should be the result of an informed decision that a person will not regret. It is necessary to lay out Tarot cards only if the beginner feels well, is in a peaceful state and is ready to expand his own consciousness.

Tarot layouts for first fortune telling with interpretation have been used for centuries:

  • informative diagram &Cross&;
  • schedule for the near, near future;
  • forecast for personal life;
  • fortune telling &Heart;
  • pyramid.

It is not difficult to do a Tarot reading. You just need to keep practicing

Interpretation of a simple layout

A person who has made a layout for a question of interest cannot wait for an answer. He must find it, receive it, like a mined gem. The interpretation of the symbols and their combination is more important than the correct order of the cards in the layout.

The main element of any prediction is the first card that leaves the deck. It serves as a guide, a prototype of a person who turns to the Tarot deck for advice. The clue that is hidden in the first character should not be ignored. It is the first symbol that answers questions regarding your personal or professional life.

Layouts called &partnerships& are made according to the principle of descending position of the main and auxiliary cards. The fortune-telling mechanism of such a ready-made scheme is quite simple: the first card remains in the middle of the layout, and the remaining Tarot signs lie (in three) on either side of the main landmark of any suit. The first symbol always indicates the hidden essence of the answer, no matter what area of ​​life the forecast is made for.

Technology for the near future includes a forecast that covers upcoming moments. The near future may bring many surprises. Fortune telling for a week or two is quite simple. To do this, you should lay out the major arcana of the Tarot deck in one row. The main meaning of the layout will be hidden in the first card, while the remaining symbols will serve as additional clues. A similar technique can be done on any day and at any position of the moon.

Layout for beginners &Pyramid&

The layout, which is drawn up in the form of a pyramid, allows you to see the future in your personal and work spheres. For the questioner, whose soul is alarmed by the difficulties that have arisen, this type of layout is especially valuable. An incorrect approach to the &Pyramid& scheme will not reveal the probable future, therefore, before performing the layout, it is necessary to master its technique.

In total, for prediction you will need ten cards folded in four rows. The layout shows the essence of the answer, options for the development of existing situations and tips for solving all the difficulties that have arisen along the way of the questioner. For a beginner, &Pyramid& is a complex but accessible method of prediction.

Fortune telling with cards for beginners is a complex process that brings a lot of stress and disappointment. A person’s expectations about how the alignment is made and reality often do not coincide. How to understand the Tarot and is it worth understanding it at all?

Everyone who takes up a fortune-telling deck must understand that it will not be possible to guess the future, if the beginner’s main goal is to have fun, then there is no point in starting to study the Tarot.

The decomposed forecast is an opportunity, a weapon, advice and warning, and only then an exciting action. Magic does not tolerate partiality or frivolity, therefore, having started training, a person will have to go to the end.

Tarot for beginners. You have decided to learn how to read Tarot. Where to begin? And, most likely, the first thing you did was to passionately interrogate the all-knowing Yandex or Google about

  • what tarot cards to buy for beginners,
  • where to start learning Tarot,
  • Tarot deck for beginners,
  • Tarot began,
  • Tarot cards for beginners,
  • Tarot interpretation for beginners,
  • Books about Tart cards for beginners

etc. About tutorials on Tarot, about how to learn how to read Tarot readings on your own, what you need to do for this and what you don’t need to do -.

The best tarot cards for beginners are the Rider-Waite deck with drawings by Pamella Colman Smith. Proven by more than 100 years of practice. In addition, it is with this deck that Tarot masters recommend that beginners learn the basics of Tarot, and it is also with this deck that most of the really good self-help books on Tarot have been written.

In this article, let's touch on topics related to layouts.

  • Tarot spreads for beginners with interpretation,
  • Simple Tarot spreads for beginners,
  • Interpretation of Tarot cards for beginners, etc.

Let’s bring some clarity to the terms “Tarot card meaning” and “Tarot card interpretation.” It is appropriate to talk about the meaning when we simply mean a particular card (this is for a fortuneteller). We talk about interpreting a card when this card is already in some layout. Otherwise, we can say this: the fortuneteller uses the meanings of the cards (for himself) in order to interpret (for the questioner) them in the layout.

Tarot for Beginners

For those who better assimilate information from videos, there are 3 videos with a fairly detailed interpretation just below. The simplest Tarot layouts for beginners are Tarot triplets. A triplet Tarot spread is simply 3 cards laid out in a row. You can set the names of the positions yourself. The most popular options for naming positions in triplets:

If you are interested in the schedule for three cards for the future then it might look like this

  • The next 5 years - The next 5 years - And another 5 years.

Those. you determine for yourself the time period that interests you and divide it into three parts. Accordingly, if you are interested in what will happen in the next 30 years, then instead of 5 years you say 10 years. BUT, you must admit, it is quite difficult to describe 5 years of life (and even longer periods of time) with one card.

Let me explain with an example. There are many literary works that tell about the life of travelers who found themselves on a desert island and lived there for a long time. Throughout the novel, the life of a person on this island is described. For example, the famous Robinson Crusoe. And so you make a three-card layout for the life of Robinson Crusoe.

And, for example, the Knight of Pentacles (trade) - HERMIT - 10 of Pentacles (family, inheritance, clan, material well-being) falls out. All those years that he spent on the island, everything that he had to overcome, everything that he had to learn, that he had to endure - the tribes of cannibals, the meeting with Friday, the attack of pirates and much more will be described by the HERMIT card. Loneliness, isolation, withdrawal from the world. Will this map reflect the whole picture???

Conventionally, we can say that when you make a layout on Tarot cards for the future on three cards, you determine the “average temperature in the ward” (someone has already died and cooled down, someone has a fever of 40 * C, but the card does not say about this, she only says that the average temperature in the ward is 36.6*).

Tarot spread for the near future with three cards

Will give you a more detailed picture. For example:

  • The next 2 weeks (2 months) – The next 2 weeks (2 months) – And the next 2 weeks (2 months).

You will get even more detailed information if you narrow the scope of the question even further. For example,

  • What will happen At work c The next 2 weeks (2 months) – The next 2 weeks (2 months) – And the next 2 weeks (2 months).

There are three cards for the situation - you want to determine the trend in the development of the situation. In this case, the positions can be named as follows:

  • Past-present-future (your income / your relationships / your job, etc.)

And then you can see

How cloudless is your future (Is there something in the present that you don’t even suspect that will cause you a lot of trouble in the future. Although now it seems to you that nothing foretells deterioration.)

If you find something in the layout that worries you, you can get additional cards and find out in more detail what exactly the problem will be.

  • What needs to be changed – What to keep/maintain as is – What you can ignore at all.
  • What can I change – What shouldn’t be changed – What can’t I change (accordingly, you must somehow adapt to this, or find a way to get around it)
  • This activity/direction/action will bring the greatest benefit/popularity – This activity will bring more harm than good – This activity is simply a waste of time and money. Or
  • Where to start – How to continue – How to finish.
  • Important – Urgent – ​​Useless/unnecessary
  • I have to do this myself - This can be entrusted to someone - This can be ignored.

Tarot spread for three cards for relationships, incl. for love

The simplest option for naming positions in a layout

  • What he thinks – What he feels – What it looks like in reality
  • What he says – What he thinks – What he does
  • What he/she likes about me – What he/she doesn’t like – What he/she doesn’t care about
  • What he likes – What he would like to change – What he is ready to put up with / What he is ready to accept as is
  • Why he wants me to appreciate him - What he wants me not to notice in him - What he doesn’t mind changing in himself with my help
  • What he wants to be responsible for in our relationship - What he will avoid responsibility for - What he will be responsible for as a routine, without enthusiasm, but also without the desire to throw off this burden.
  • What he would like for me to never change - what he wants me to constantly show diversity - What in terms of stability / variability is not important to him at all (But in this situation, you need to keep in mind that people change, and what a person wants diversity now may become completely unimportant for him in 3-5 years. Therefore, this arrangement needs to be repeated at some frequency, for example, once every six months or a year in order to keep up with life)).

Let's pull out three cards at random, come up with some hypothetical Mr. X and read the same three cards in different triplets. This will give you a clear opportunity to see how to interpret the same cards in different layouts.

Past present Future

  • Knight of Pentacles (Profit/Trade/Deception);
  • 9 of Pentacles
  • 5 of Wands

What can we say about the next 15 years of the life of our Mr. X. For the next 10 years he will be busy making money, most likely through trading. At the same time, he will not disdain using not very honest methods (the Knight of Pentacles and the 9 of Pentacles tell us this) And judging by the 9 of Pentacles, these are his efforts in the first 5 years and in the next 5 years he will live a fairly prosperous and rather carefree life.

BUT 10 years from the moment of fortune telling, something will change in the rules of the activity that provided him with such income. And in order to maintain his income at the same level, it is better for him to study these new rules, and not try to act with the old methods, in which he has become very proficient over the previous 10 years. The meanings of the 5 of Wands tell us that he will have to relearn (learn new rules of the market). We are not talking about money here, we are talking about rules and false competence. Those. a person only thinks that he knows something, in fact, his knowledge was either initially incorrect, or (as in our case) it became false - outdated.

What else can we say about Mr. X from this arrangement? He did not limit us to the sphere of life in which he would like to know the future. This means we can assume that, apart from material security, there will be little that interests him in life in the next 15 years. Perhaps over the years he will get married and divorced 5 times, give birth to a bunch of children, but this side of his life will interest him little.

Past-present-future (your income / your relationships / your job, etc.)

“Three cards” layout for money:

Past. The Knight of Pentacles tells us that in the past a person actively created the basis for his current well-being. It is quite possible to work as a sales agent, sales manager, etc. Those. This was the period when the wolf’s legs feed him, as much as he worked, he ate as much.

The present. Now he is a quite wealthy person, his income allows him not to think about his daily bread every day, and not to stress too much about getting money. BUT

Future. Some unpleasant changes await him in the future, although in the present there are no signs of any deterioration. Therefore, Mr. X needs to keep his finger on the pulse of the activities that now provide him with a good, stable income. Don't rest on your laurels for too long. Already now, some changes are beginning to occur in his field of activity, due to which his stable good income may significantly decrease.

Three Cards Spread for Relationships

Knight of Pentacles (Profit/Trade/Deception);

9 of Pentacles (Profit/Security/Craving for the forbidden);

5 of Wands (Game/Fight/Rules of the Game/Problems of False Competence)

In the past and present, relationships have been and continue to be based on the financial component. But in the near future, our Mr. X may be presented with demands from his partner on the topic - why do you measure everything with money?! Do you think you can buy me? You don't pay enough attention to me, etc. Those. he will be faced with problems in relationships that he does not know how to solve, because he only knows how to solve these problems through money and gifts.

That's all for today. If the article was useful and interesting to you, I would be grateful if you would share it on social networks.

With respect to your views and your values,
Natalia Vammas.

There are people who believe that tarot cards are a means to find out what the future holds. There are people who consider Tarot cards to be a guide to help them make the right choices for a better future. In any case, Tarot cards are gaining unprecedented popularity among various segments of society. This is not surprising, because everyone wants to uncover the mysteries of the future. Tarot reading has been around for over five centuries. Alignments are of great importance for fortune telling.

The layout is the layout of the cards after they have been shuffled and removed. Just like different tarot decks, there are different tarot readings. The layout can involve either one card or all cards. The choice of layout is determined primarily by the fortuneteller and questions that require searching for answers. There are layouts designed to answer specific questions.

Understanding tarot readings is not a very difficult task. With a little determination and prudence, you will certainly master the art of understanding Tarot readings. Before you begin to interpret the layouts, you need to remember the meanings of the cards. Having mastered theoretical knowledge, you can begin practice, which should begin with simple layouts. Pay attention to two simple Tarot layouts for beginners.

1. Tarot spread on three cards

The simplest and easiest to understand Tarot layout. For fortune telling, you need to shuffle the cards and divide them into three equal parts. Remember to concentrate on the question when performing this part of the fortune telling. You need to select one card from each pile and place it on the table, revealing the image. The map on the left reveals the background to the question. The central card represents a real situation related to a topic of concern. The map on the right reveals a possible future. This layout does not give an answer in the form of “yes” or “no”, so you need to fully concentrate on fortune telling and deeply penetrate the topic. Having thoroughly mastered the meanings of all Tarot cards, you will be able to easily recognize all the predictions.

2. Tarot spread on four cards

When starting this layout, you need to carefully mix the cards, completely immersing yourself in the question to which you need an answer. Keep shuffling the cards while your mind is busy with the question. Starting at the top of the deck, select four cards and place them face down on the table from left to right. Turn the cards face up and try to understand their meanings. The first card on the left represents the past. The second card shows the present. The third card is the future. The fourth card answers the question. For example, in a relationship reading, the first card shows how the past has affected the relationship. The second card shows the influence of the present on relationships. The third card reveals the relationship situation in the future. The fourth card is the measures that need to be taken for positive change. This layout can be used for fortune telling for absolutely any situation.

To begin with, you can practice on these two simplest layouts, then you can move on to more complex layouts. It will take time, but you will definitely master the technique of tarot reading. You can even come up with your own layouts and decipher them. But all this will take time, but for now, start practicing the two simple but effective layouts described above.

The article will present the most common and convenient layouts on Tarot cards.

Fortune telling with Tarot cards is a creative process. That is why what layout to use is not important.

  • In fortune telling, the main thing is how you are determined. Your sensitivity to images depends on this.
  • You need to start fortune telling with one card. This is the easiest way for beginners or simple situation
  • In any layout there is such a thing as an “auxiliary card”. It is removed at the end of the layout when clarification is required
  • The interpretation of fortune telling should occur on two levels - intuitive (sensual) and rational. As practice shows, it is the intuitive interpretation of fortune telling that is the most correct
  • Regularly laying out the cards, make personal notes in a notebook, write about your feelings about the cards that fell out. Over time, you will develop your favorite layouts that you will customize for yourself.

How to tune in to fortune telling?

  • Fortune telling should become a kind of ritual for you, when your thoughts and feelings are focused only on the issue of interest
  • Those who have previously meditated will find it easier to concentrate. For those who haven’t done this, we advise you to practice the art of meditation
  • During fortune telling, nothing should distract you. There should be no strangers, irritating sounds or smells
  • Sit in a comfortable position, take the cards in your hands and slowly shuffle the deck
  • While shuffling, turn off the flow of thoughts and try to clear your head of thoughts. Create a vacuum in your head and feel complete relaxation
  • Be in a state of calm for as long as you want. At a certain point you will feel that you are ready to start fortune telling.
  • Turn the deck face down and remove the cards with your left hand towards you
  • At this moment, mentally ask a question to the cards, as if asking it to yourself
  • Each card must be removed carefully and thoughtfully. Focus on every movement and do not be distracted by extraneous thoughts

Tarot card spreads

  • The main method of prediction on Tarot cards is all kinds of layouts
  • The essence of the layouts is the same - they give an answer to the question, advice and evaluate various influences on the situation
  • There are simple layouts where there are only exact values ​​(for example, a specific answer to a question). And there are those where there are cards that characterize hidden influences. To understand them, you must already have some knowledge of the art of fortune telling.
  • It’s better to start the bastard with simple layouts. They will help you become familiar with the deck and learn to feel the cards.
  • Sometimes when shuffling a card falls face up. You need to pay attention to it, as it is a hint of fate. It may not answer a specific question, but simply assess your current situation

3 simple layouts for the current situation, for now

  • "1 card" layout. This is a simple layout that is good both for beginners and for those who are interested in a short answer without explanation. It can be used as an answer to a question or a prediction of the current day. In this scenario, it’s easy to study the deck and make personal notes. After shuffling the deck of cards, remove them with your left hand towards you. Mentally ask a question and draw a card. After that, carefully examine what is depicted on it. Without looking into the interpretation, feel what emotions the image conveys. Try to connect this image with your feelings. Write everything down in a notepad. Only after this read the meaning of the card and translate it to suit your situation
  • "3 cards" layout. Also a simple layout that will help clarify the situation in time. The cards are laid out on the table in the following order: “Past”, “Present” and “Future”. The first card is what circumstances influenced the situation. Average - the current state of affairs. The latter is a variant of the development of events in the current state of affairs
  • "5 cards" layout. This layout is more complex than the previous two. It contains additional cards that have a more intuitive interpretation. You need to do this layout after you have already studied the deck and can freely do analysis. We lay out the cards on the table in this order: “Past”, “Present”, “Hidden influence”, “Advice”, “Possible result”. "Hidden Influence" is a card that points out aspects of an issue that you have missed. You may be too focused on one area of ​​your life, causing others to suffer. “Advice” is the practical action that will be best in a given situation.

Simple Tarot spreads

Methods of Tarot divination for love, relationships

  • Sometimes personal relationships don’t work out and you want to understand what needs to be changed
  • To do this, try making the “Help in Love” layout. It will help you understand what in your behavior repels people around you.

Layout “Help in love”

  • In the layout we will have 5 cards, which should be laid out in the order shown in the diagram
  • 1 - your readiness to build relationships. This card speaks to your personal willingness to give and receive love.
  • 2 - obstacles on the path to love. The map shows what is stopping you from finding love.
  • 3 - advice on what to do to find a life partner
  • 4 - what external factors (people) prevent you from building relationships?
  • 5 - result, or general assessment of the situation

Ways to predict the future using Tarot

Fortune telling for wish fulfillment “Horseshoe”

  • The layout will have 5 cards, which are laid out on the table in the shape of a horseshoe, as in the diagram below
  • 1 - the rational part of the desire, how your mind relates to it
  • 2 - the intuitive part of desire, what your inner voice says
  • 3 - how desire will affect future events
  • 4 - factors (people) that stand in the way of achieving what you want
  • 5 - factors (people) that contribute to the fulfillment of desire
Fortune telling "Horseshoe"

Life fortune telling "Horoscope"

  • This fortune telling includes all aspects of life, helps to look at them from the outside and characterize them. There are 13 cards in total. 12 are specific aspects, and 13 is the final one
  • The cards are laid out in the shape of an astrological circle, with the last card placed in the center
  • 1 - your “I”, life goals and priorities
  • 2 - card that characterizes the material part of the issue (money, career, property)
  • 3 - people who surround you or everyday activities. Everything that happens to you every day is part of life.
  • 4 - mentor, teachers or parents. Influence of those who are stronger or wiser than you
  • 5 - children or subordinates. Your influence on people who depend on you
  • 6 - negative aspects of life (illness, “gray everyday life”, problems at work or in personal life). Everything that prevents you from living fully
  • 7 - people who are nearby and important to you (friends, partners, personal contacts). The card indicates your relationships and their impact on life in general.
  • 8 - secret passions and desires. A card that reveals your secret passions
  • 9 - indicates spiritual or mental development. What you lack and what you need to strive for
  • 10 - success and your vanity desires. What you want to achieve in life
  • 11 - your place in society, how people around you react to you, what impression you make
  • 12 is a card that shows restrictions in your life. What is stopping you from moving forward on the path to happiness?
  • 13 - final map that summarizes and explains all the previous ones
Fortune telling "Horoscope"

Fortune telling for all occasions “Celtic Cross”

  • "Celtic Cross" is a universal fortune telling that can clarify any situation
  • This layout is based on a personality map. This is a card that characterizes you personally
  • There are two ways to choose a personality card. The first is to simply choose the one from the deck that you like best. That. with which you personally associate yourself, your feelings and experiences
  • The second way is astrological. We choose the suit: swords - air signs (Libra, Aquarius, Gemini), wands - fire (Aries, Leo, Sagittarius), cups - water (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces), pentacles - earth (Virgo, Capricorn, Taurus)
  • Now we select a card according to gender and age. Boys - Knights, girls - Pages, men - Kings, women - Queens
  • Example: a girl who was born under the sign of Gemini must choose her personal card, Page of Swords

Celtic cross layout

  • 1 is a card that indicates the essence of the issue. It talks about a person’s place in relation to the question being asked.
  • 2 - “cross”. A card that speaks of obstacles or lack thereof. For situations that need to be kept under control. The first two cards are of utmost importance for the entire layout
  • 3 - Indicates aspects that led to this problem.
  • 4 - past. What is left behind but still has an impact on the present. 3 and 4 cards are connected and form a general description of your past affairs
  • 5 is a card that indicates opportunities and prospects. It indicates the best solution to the problem
  • 6 - future. Shows what fate has in store for you in the near future. Cards 5 and 6 are connected
  • 7 - a card that indicates your subconscious attitude to the issue
  • 8 - indicates the people who surround you: family, friends, enemies. All those who have influence on the situation
  • 9 - hopes or fears regarding the issue
  • 10 is the result. The final map, which shows how the matter could end in the current situation
Fortune telling "Celtic cross"

How to interpret fortune telling?

  • If the fortune telling is complex, then it needs to be assessed as a whole. That is, not only specific cards, but also their connections
  • Pay attention to how many straight and inverted cards are in the layout
  • Make a general assessment of fortune telling. Which images are there more? What suits? What cards are there that indicate personalities?
  • Think about everything you see on the cards, about their images
  • Only then read the meaning of the cards. Record meaningful phrases in a notebook and associate them with personal feelings

How to turn any fortune telling only to the benefit?

  • Many people avoid fortune telling precisely because they are afraid of negative answers. They believe that what is predicted by the cards will happen
  • Remember that cards do not provide specific answers to questions. This is just a tool to help you understand yourself.
  • Even if the answer is negative, think about what you can change. After all, the negative answer has come out now, given the current state of affairs. But what happens next is up to you
  • Any fortune telling is beneficial, because it helps to look at the situation from the other side, to evaluate hidden factors

The meaning of cards in the Tarot deck

  • A deck of Tarot cards has 78 cards, which are divided into the Major and Minor Arcana.
  • You can study the meaning of the cards here
  • Write down your intuitive feelings from the cards and compare them with the general interpretation. Over time you will receive individual tarot card meanings

Video: Celtic Cross layout

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