Gypsies and gypsy fortune telling. Gypsy fortune telling

Should you trust the gypsies? Let's try to imagine this picture: you are slowly walking through an evening square and then, out of nowhere, a dark-skinned woman with jet-black hair and a constant scarf on her shoulders comes to meet you - a gypsy. She comes up, looks you in the eyes and offers to tell your fortune on your hand...

How to behave correctly if a gypsy offers you fortune telling? Trust the urge to find out the future or politely refuse to quickly leave?

Yes, indeed, such concepts as fortune telling (especially on the hand) are closely intertwined in our minds with the image of a gypsy woman. And, probably, it is not for nothing that people have noticed since ancient times: the “gift of prophecy” is more common among gypsy fortune tellers than among representatives of other nations. But, unfortunately, the general progress of society and the associated strengthening of the role of the material filling our lives (money) was also reflected in the gypsy school of prediction.

Should you trust the gypsies?

Conventionally speaking, today, among gypsies who practice fortune-telling, three main types can be distinguished:

The first type is “shuwai”. This type of fortune teller can now be found very rarely among gypsies. “Shuwai” are gypsy women with a pronounced gift of divination, giving correct and sometimes simply amazing predictions for a person even at a far distance. They do not seek to hide the truth and often make their predictions completely free of charge. It’s rare luck to meet such a gypsy, and perhaps you shouldn’t refuse if a gypsy of exactly this type offers you fortune telling.

The second type is “duikers”. This type, in our understanding, is the image of a classic gypsy fortune teller and is found where there are large crowds of people (for example, in the summer season - at resorts). As a rule, these are young gypsies who tell fortunes by hand or on cards, earning money from this and at the same time using hastily learned, repeatedly tested in practice, techniques of “predictive-impressive” technique, according to which, seeing by hand or on cards, something potentially possible in the future person an event that can develop according to one of, say, three scenarios, they, using certain techniques of suggestion, project the person’s consciousness on the option that, in the opinion of the gypsy, has the greatest (around 30-40%) probability of fulfillment. Thus, the gypsy “programs” the consciousness of a person, susceptible to suggestion, on precisely this possible course of future events and the probability of her prediction being fulfilled in the future thus increases to 70%. The danger of such predictions lies in the fact that the gypsy does not always choose the most favorable option for a person, she simply projects his consciousness on the most likely outcome, even if it is not the best for the person himself. In the arsenal of “dukers”, the talent and technique of fortune-telling plays a secondary role, and their intuition, observation, cunning and ability to suggest come to the fore.

Type three – “fraudulent hypnotists.” Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for gypsies, possessing the well-honed techniques of an average skilled hypnotist, under the pretext of fortune-telling (or removing damage), put a person into a kind of trance, predict unwanted or even downright scary (of course, false) events and demand money to prevent them, jewelry and other valuables. And in such a “trance” state, a person often gives “voluntarily” his property to such “false fortune tellers.” As a rule, such representatives of the gypsy nation, just as well as the two previous types, have a well-developed ability to sense weakened and susceptible to hypnosis people, and their main weapon is a piercing look in the eyes and physical contact (holding and not letting go of the hand, etc. .). This kind of gypsy is purely a client of law enforcement agencies and has nothing to do with the real process of prediction.

But how can you determine what kind of “type” of gypsy is sitting at the table with cards or sitting next to you on the train, offering to tell your fortune on your hand?

This question is not so easy to answer. But you can still give a few tips:

1. Shuvai gypsies are extremely rare in crowded places. These are single gypsies who are not particularly looking for meetings with potential clients. People find them themselves and then return again, having received true predictions. These gypsies most often have no other occupation other than fortune telling. If a gypsy from Shuwai offers you fortune telling, you are very lucky.

2. The remaining two types of gypsies will find you on their own or will offer their services publicly, openly to everyone. However, in order to avoid becoming a victim of scammers, you should not agree to fortune telling in wild places, unaccompanied by relatives or friends.

3. Do not agree to fortune telling if, in addition to the gypsy predicting your fate, you will be surrounded by several strangers at the same time.

4. Do not guess with a large sum of money in your purse or pocket or with expensive jewelry on your body.

5. But if a lonely gypsy just quietly approached you, who is not trying to persistently look you in the eyes, and offers to “look at your hand” for free in a fairly safe place and, at the same time, there is someone you know with you - agree, Perhaps she found something in your appearance interesting and you may be lucky to receive a true prediction. However, having received this, do not let the gypsy leave empty-handed; be sure to give her some money.

6. And most importantly, treat any prediction you receive, especially in places where fortune-telling is routine (here we can again cite as an example the same fortune-telling tables at summer resorts). Remember the method described above for the majority of gypsies who practice commercial fortune-telling and belong to the “dukery” type.

7. As little as possible, resort to the services of gypsies and other fortune-tellers; do not forget that a person creates his own destiny, and all fortune-tellers simply strive to force a person to go with the flow of fate, often in a direction that is contrary to his interests.

Whether to believe the gypsies is up to you. Use the tips given in this article and don’t lose your head. Better yet, try it.

Due to the nature of my profession, I sometimes have to directly pay attention to how gypsies work. And I can tell you right away - their skill is unsurpassed!))) Hypnosis, suggestion, and knowledge of psychology are used. All this is on the verge of art, but I’ll tell you how they do it now.

But first, about my communication experience. A long time ago, I was 22-23 years old, I had to go to Odessa for work, meet with suppliers at the 7th kilometer (who doesn’t know, about eleven years ago this was the largest wholesale market in Odessa) I didn’t have much money , there were some 70 rubles left, which were safely in my jeans pocket. Having dealt with my affairs, I stopped to drink coffee, when suddenly, out of nowhere, a gypsy appeared in full regalia: in a wide skirt reaching to the ground, a scarf on the top of her head and with gold earrings in her ears, and she immediately got down to business: “Give me your young, beautiful hand, I'll tell you fortunes, but this requires money. Do you have any money? You don’t need much, a ruble is enough, put it on the mirror, and the mirror on your palm! etc." Yes, I forgot to mention, the gypsy was not alone, her assistants were next to her (they play a very important role). Everything happened very quickly, I stood there, I realized that the hand of this fortune teller was walking through my pockets, and I was thinking!!! that I’m being robbed, but I calmly look into the distance. That is, I understood what was happening, but I couldn’t do anything at that moment, it felt like I was in a stupor. And then she and her friends disappeared. That same day, calling my husband, I told him about what had happened, and in response I was silent, followed by the phrase: “Wow... you too?” It turns out that on the same day, the gypsies near the police department robbed him of 51 rubles according to the same scheme.

So, the principle is that for a gypsy it is very important to defocus attention, that is, to break its integrity (while you are collecting your brains in a pile, you will already be deprived of money, this does not take much time. The truth is that a person needs to be introduced into a deeper state of inhibition, but here you just need to work more cleanly, that’s all). That is why in such cases, when money is being defrauded, several people work. Imagine a situation: you go to a kindergarten, to a group, where several people immediately run up to you and one is trying to convey some nonsense to you, but the others nearby are not silent either, and everyone is trying to do the same. Your attention is scattered, and accordingly, our brains begin to slow down from the abundance of incomparable, often stupid, disjointed information and noise. But before this theater begins, you need to earn your trust, so the gypsies always start by either feeling sorry for you (Ay-ay-ay, what a girl, young, beautiful, but unlucky in love, well, or other options), or from the fact that she is trying to thank you for something, well, for example, for the fact that you were not stingy and gave a bun to one of her kids.

So, the scheme is simple - to hook a person with something, then lull one’s vigilance and unfocus attention, breaking thinking into separate pieces. These are the simplest techniques that are also used in hypnosis.

The second option is psychology. I'll tell you one more case. Sometimes I visit fellow psychics, fortune tellers and other people, in order to understand the psychology of influence and prediction patterns. Don’t forget, I am a psychologist by training, so this area has always been interesting to me personally. So, one day a friend of mine told me that there is a gypsy woman in Moscow who tells the past with amazing accuracy. Yeah))) Without hesitation, I went to see her. It all happened this way. Firstly, the psychological mood of the person who came is very important in this case. The gypsy is the first thing, we all experience some fear and desire to distance ourselves from the gypsies. Second, wait, he says, while I feed the dog. I stand waiting, so to speak, in anticipation of a miracle. Come on in, - I go into a room stuffed with various magical gadgets. Sit down,” I sit down on a chair. The conversation goes like this:

Oh, I see that you came to me for a reason, you have a problem in your life - no, comrades, show me at least one person who would come to a fortune teller, gypsy, etc. no problem. Naturally, even someone who has no problems in life will involuntarily think at these words, maybe there is some kind of problem, but for some reason he didn’t notice it?...

But everything is in order. I see a child. - the phrase itself suggests multivariate development. Well, firstly, I am far from 18 years old, therefore, one way or another, I am a woman who has given birth. For an 18 year old girl, even if she doesn’t have children, you can always say that there will be children. By the way, do not forget about vegetative manifestations; when they tell fortunes to you, external manifestations are carefully examined. To a question that really caught your attention, each person will have an implicit reaction - redness of the face, slight dilation of the pupils and other signs. After this question, your reaction is expected. As a rule, a person who comes to a fortune teller for advice “clings” to some phrase and shows his interest. And yet, any mother or woman who really wants to give birth to a child will be hooked on the phrase about a child, so the result is predictable. Either a response question will be asked, or the woman will answer something like: “Yes, I have a child.”

You are worried about your child - a stupid phrase, show me a woman who would not worry about her offspring. But here you need to inspire trust, the main thing is to tell them that the child is wonderful, etc. and so on. This is the element where your trust is gained. If you really have problems with your child, you will definitely ask about it next. That yes, the child is good, smart, etc., but I want to know if we can’t do this or that. And here they will tell you everything as written, the main thing is to adapt to you.

There is a man next to you - yeah, but which of us doesn’t have men next to us? No, even if the man doesn’t have this, a way out will be found: you just don’t know about him, but anyway he exists!))))

Oh, things are bad, there is a woman next to your man (it doesn’t matter if she’s dark-haired, fair-haired, or whatever) - then your mouth begins to open to the floor in excitement, because your man, if you have one, does not live in the jungle , but lives in society, accordingly, he somehow has to communicate with the female sex. But a woman’s doubts are a terrible thing, immediately in her head one picture is more impressionable than the other (how is it possible, someone is trying to kill me?? Shoot me!!!) And we listen with pleasure to advice.

If you couldn’t get hooked on these topics (well, let’s assume you don’t have a child, you don’t have a man), then take on a topic about work or about parents. And everything follows the same pattern. Test casting the fishing rod, checking the reaction, then promoting the situation in the right direction.

You leave with the opinion that the money and time were well spent. Now you know exactly what problems you have and how to solve them. Even if you didn’t have these problems before this trip and everything was great)))))))))))

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“Gold your pen and I’ll tell you what’s in your heart.”

Gypsies are a mysterious and ancient nomadic people. They are emotional, talented, sensual, spontaneous and active. And we are more inert, rational, constrained, indecisive and surrounded by conventions. Our morality is social and biased, their morality is straightforward and simple. We consider them insidious, deceitful, selfish, and they consider us weak, cruel, self-confident and slow-thinking. Their clothes and behavior seem theatrical to us, but to them our whole life with its conventions and way of life seems like a meaningless circus.

We want to ignore them, but we say with snobbery that their culture is original, and their art delights our aesthetic feelings, and we admit that they can be “with us” among the comedians and buffoons.

And they use us just as we use them. A civilized person should reproach this hidden opposition to himself, and not to them. Where is their place? In general, who said that we should choose him for them? In general, the gypsies do not interfere with our way of life and do not give us advice. They live next to us and don't want to be disturbed. Someone works, someone earns a living as best they can - and not the gypsies - they don’t steal, don’t sell drugs, don’t create problems?

In general, gypsies and gypsy hypnosis have been studied closely by specialists for a long time. Erickson, and others who will be mentioned in this book, learned a lot from these children of nature in order to create an entire scientific field. Imagine - the luminaries draw knowledge from the gypsies! But even in these studies there are blind spots and ambiguities. There are still many more questions than answers. But the following is certain:

The way this ability to manipulate consciousness, honed over centuries and generations of gypsies, works is a clear illustration of human abilities and capabilities.

These opportunities are real and valid, and also dangerous today for those who ignore them.

It's not just the gypsies who manipulate us.

The influence of people on each other goes far beyond the scope of NLP techniques.

The time has come to pay attention to all information influences, and learn not to depend on them, before we all turn into a herd and lose our free will.

Nothing stands still, and research in such an area as power over human consciousness is especially important. But knowing is not enough. You need to feel, sense that there is this sphere in life, and everyone has the right to navigate it. Then there will be no need to try to understand with reason what is understood not only logically, and there will be no need to take cliché superstitions on faith. Then it will be clear what fortune-telling, dreams, the power of words, glances, and thoughts are.

It must be said that we all feel other people. And people feel us. The gypsies, an eternally nomadic people, had tools that protected them and gave them advantages - they turned out to be sharpened and developed.

What most researchers ignore actually deserves attention no less, and even more, than gypsy observation and knowledge of human nature. This is the sound and word of gypsy speech. The Gypsy language only seems primitive. Rather, it is versatile and flexible. And if neurolinguistic programming recognizes the ripple effect of sound and words even in such, in general, not the richest languages ​​as American English and German, then how does the melodic, albeit incomprehensible, gypsy language, which is a direct descendant of Sanskrit - a language based on Who created Kabbalah?

And the most important question that everyone who has tried this “ordinary” gypsy hypnosis asks themselves is whether it is possible to resist it, and how to learn it. And is it possible to learn such hypnosis? Or does it require talent?

Not all questions can be answered directly and unambiguously, but today it is already possible to draw some conclusions and assumptions. Everything we know will be presented in the book. Perhaps the reader will not like some things, and not all questions can be given a complete and unambiguous answer, but, as the hypnosis textbooks say, there is a rule:

If a person understands the mechanism of influence on his psyche, he is already largely protected from such unauthorized influence. For people with a clear mind and stable psyche, sometimes just the understanding that influence is possible is enough.

“A woman’s inclination towards fornication can be recognized by the lifting of her eyelids”

The stable authority of gypsy fortune-tellers rests on the belief that they are endowed with the gift of foresight, a gift the presence of which is indirectly confirmed by correct remarks concerning our current life. When the gypsy succeeds in getting into our problems in such a way and we are imbued with respect or surprise at the fortune teller’s insight, she, asking us to once again gild our hands, talks about the future. This is the general scheme of a fortune telling session. It is quite obvious that the most responsible and important is the first part, in which the gypsy insinuatingly tells us what is “in our hearts.” If a fortune teller makes a mistake in foreplay, she will not see good earnings. And we must admit that most often they do not make mistakes. What is the secret of insight, and is it even a matter of insight?

It has already been noted that fortune tellers are distinguished by extreme observation. Not a single detail of our dress, not a single movement escapes their field of vision. Undoubtedly, our face, age, mood, place and time where the fortune teller “slowed down” the client tells a lot to an outsider. As for our problems, it’s only us who think that they are somehow special, exceptional, but the fortune teller knows for sure that the fingers of one hand are enough to list everyone’s possible concerns. Our tendency to exaggerate everything that concerns us personally is worthy of a smile. Let's look, for example, at the one that we call the only one in the world. Alas, the “one” will soon turn out to be our neighbor, classmate or colleague. But let's return to the gypsies.

“She predicted the future. This English gypsy was called Madame Thorney. She holds my right hand tightly. I expected her to study my palm, but instead she observed my face. “You are writing something,” Madame Torney said immediately. - Perhaps a book. And you are also preparing for the journey.” I studied the fortune teller with bewilderment and respect, her captivating heavy-lidded eyes and her soft features that suggested jewels in nomu and sari. I had never met Madame Torney before, just like she had never met me. I was sitting in her carriage, one of hundreds of Americans attending the Epsom three-year-old races (an annual race day in England). Only, unlike most, I came not because of the horses, but to see a gypsy like Madame Torney. “Yes, a very long journey,” she said. - Where are you going?" I avoided answering. How could I tell her about my plan? I will soon have to cross the English Channel, and on the way to India I will have with me some English gypsies, husband and wife, whom Madame Thorney may know. We have developed a plan. We will leave as soon as necessary. We will visit other gypsies on our way - settled, nomadic, fire dancers, fortune tellers, violinists, meniks. That very day in London I prepared a money belt because I came to life to meet the gypsy thieves. “I can say more for five pounds. You have questions?" – she asked. I had absolutely no five quid questions. “How much can you give? – she asked. “It has to be given voluntarily, you know, otherwise the money won’t do me any good.” I could voluntarily give one pound. Then Madame Thorny pulled out a crystal ball from her apron pocket. The ball was small - slightly larger than a walnut. She stroked it gently, then completely forgot about it, continuing to look at me with her beautiful black eyes. “Now you’ll work it out,” she began. – Be careful to avoid what others may write or say. Write only what you feel yourself.” With these words Madame Thorney easily earned her pound.”

The American writer Bart McDowell, whose story about meeting the gypsy Madame Torney was quoted, did not hide his admiration for the skill of the fortune teller. The gypsy hit the nail on the head: the American had a long journey ahead of him, and besides, he turned out to be a writer, which Madame Torney cautiously suggested: “You are writing something. Perhaps a book." Brilliant result! How many equally insightful statements have come from the lips of dark-skinned fortune tellers in different parts of the world at different times, and how many more will be heard? And how many times has amazement at the accuracy of the fortune teller’s words prevented us from reflecting on the nature of this insight? It would be worth it.

The Epsom estimate, copied from life, is a magnificent illustration of the deductive method of Arthur Conan Doyle's famous detective hero Sherlock Holmes. And if Sherlock Holmes is a figment of the writer’s imagination, then the “guessing” method used by the literary hero is as old as the world.

It is very easy to recognize a foreigner in a person, even if he speaks our language perfectly. We recognize them immediately, without even making contact, by signs known to us, but we do not rush to a stranger with a daring offer to reward our observation with a pound sterling, dollar, mark or ruble. But that’s exactly what Madame Torney did!

Horse racing in Epsom attracts fans not only in England; people from all over the world come to the competition to enjoy the rare spectacle. Then, of course, they go back to their homes and businesses. This is the notorious “long road”. In predicting the American's journey, Madame Torney practically did not risk her reputation as a fortune teller. After all, even returning home to the United States is not such a close trip, and she didn’t even mention India.

It was difficult, but only at first glance, to determine McDowell’s occupation. There is nothing supernatural in this guess either. Let us note, first of all, that the fortune teller did not name the client’s profession, and the words “You are writing something” can be interpreted very broadly - they write not only books, but also letters and diaries. In this sense, the fortune teller again did not risk anything, because almost everyone writes “something”. Let's note and feel for a slander style that allows us to adjust guesses in accordance with the client's reaction.

But why did Madame Torney start talking specifically about writing? It can be assumed with a high degree of probability that McDowell, according to the fortune teller’s observations, did not fit into the image of a businessman who was unlikely to be the gypsy’s frequent clients. The writer did not fit into the category of those unfortunate lonely people who need communication, participation and a word of support - these are immediately visible. Madame Torney, with an experienced eye, caught the stranger's curiosity about her person, about the process of fortune-telling. As a rule, the writing fraternity - journalists, writers and, of course, tourists - suffer from this disease. Bart McDowell probably looked too respectable for a reporter, but he could have been a reporter, a writer, and a traveler. After the words “You are writing something,” the fortune teller pauses and, not noticing a negative reaction, moves a little further: “Perhaps a book.” Madame Torney did not risk clarifying what was said, and this was not required. The client is fascinated, he believes in the secret abilities of the gypsy, which means we can begin to “promote” him. The attraction continues, Madame Thorney asks for five pounds sterling, but agrees to less. If a less balanced person had been in McDowell's place, the matter would not have ended with one pound sterling.

Madame Torney had completely exhausted the stock of observations that allowed her to conclude that this was a foreigner in front of her, that he was a man writing, and said nothing more. The client’s question could have suggested something to the fortune teller, but since the American had no questions, she ended the session with general words that did not reveal her knowledge of any secrets. McDowell saw his future, like his past, better than a fortune teller.

The sharpness of the gypsy's tenacious gaze can be truly amazing. There are often cases when a fortune teller tells a person a lot about the state of his health, and does it right away, without lengthy and tedious studies that have to be done in clinics. It is easy to understand that in such a situation, the fortune teller enjoys the almost unlimited trust of the unfortunate person and is able to influence his psyche at her own discretion. What is the secret of gypsy diagnosis?

You should not look for the answer to this question in the sphere of the supernatural, secret, otherworldly. In such situations, we are faced with the manifestation of centuries-old experience in diagnosing and healing, passed on to our healer by our parents. The gypsy records the constitution of the human body, psychophysical reactions, carefully analyzes the color of the skin, studies the eyes, especially their irises, and makes a verdict, often putting certified specialists to shame. Let us remember how doctors were trained two or three centuries ago. The experience of treatment and diagnosis was passed on to the trainees by identifying the disease by the patient’s appearance. The listener's attention was concentrated on the external signs characteristic of a particular disease. Thus, the future doctor developed the intuition and abilities inherent in man by nature. There simply were no other means. Medical science did not yet have either the theory or the technical basis for examining the patient’s body.

Roma, who are cut off from professional medical care, also have full experience in healing and diagnosing diseases. Here it is necessary to mention the conspiracies that healers very often resort to when treating certain diseases and which, without a doubt, are of a hypnotic nature.

Yes, a person’s appearance will tell a lot to a trained eye; our appearance is determined by our occupation, state of health, social environment in which a person acquires character, and other factors. Even in ancient times, people connected the external parameters of a person and his destiny. This is how disciplines arose that are reluctant to be called scientific, but are nevertheless recognized - these are palmistry, physiognomy, phrenology. Gypsies are familiar with these objects, which represent the basis of activity for fortune tellers.

For example, palmistry establishes connections between the structure of the hands, proportions, the shape of the convexities and depressions of the palmar surface, the shape of the fingers, and the lines on the palm. It is believed that the lines on the palm reflect personality parameters, past, present and future. As you can see, palmistry is based on personality traits that are beyond a person’s control: you cannot change the shape of your fingers or the lines on your palm by force of will.

Even a person unfamiliar with palmistry will not dispute that hands really carry certain information about a person. They bear traces of their profession, congenital characteristics, and signs of disease. For example, students of higher medical institutions know that in case of cardiovascular diseases, the patient’s fingertips become somewhat wider and acquire a bluish tint.

Palmistry has been revered in the world for a long time. It was cultivated in China and India, where the Yoshi sect practiced fortune telling by hand. By the way, according to one hypothesis, Gypsies come from India. In this country there was a caste called "dom", which included professional dancers and musicians. And today, members of this sect lead a nomadic lifestyle. In addition to aristocratic activities, they are engaged in the manufacture of wood crafts and, of course, steal. The kinship of the gypsies with the Indian sect is justified not only by the named characteristics, but this is not the topic of our book.

Physiognomy also has its roots in ancient times. Pythagoras himself studied it, and Aristotle even wrote a special treatise on physiognomy. He divided external bodily signs into significant ones, which carry important information about the personality, and non-essential ones, which are “empty flowers”. In the Middle Ages, the experience of his predecessors was developed and generalized by the Swiss writer Johann Caspar Lavater, who wrote the true bible of the new science, “Physiognomic Fragments.” It was Lavater who took the lead in putting forward the idea of ​​​​the possibility of reconstructing a person’s external appearance based on knowledge of his thoughts, beliefs and actions.

As a pastor, Lavater not only observed people and formed his own opinion about them, but during confessions he had the opportunity to compare his conclusions with the revelations of the parishioners he observed. So he honed his insight and eventually believed in his ability to determine a person’s mind, character, and abilities by a person’s appearance. Without a doubt, Lavater was marked by the finger of God. He possessed the quality we call intuition almost to perfection. Almost, because he too had to be embarrassed more than once, for example, recognizing a criminal as a statesman. But in most cases he demonstrated very high competence and high society audiences from all over Europe came to his sessions.

Lavater's fame consisted of such episodes. Once the count brought his young wife to him to hear from the famous specialist confirmation of the correctness of his choice. According to signs known only to him, Lavater doubted the moral firmness of the young countess and tried to evade fulfilling the count’s request, but he insisted and the pastor, who defended his dissertation for the degree of Master of Science, expressed his opinion to the dignitary guest. The count was offended, and two years later his young wife left him and ended her life in an obscene establishment.

Europe was literally captivated by another incident. The Parisian woman brought her little daughter to Lavater. The master looked at the girl and became very excited. Then he wrote a few words on a piece of paper, put it in an envelope and took an oath from the lady to print the message in six months. Soon the girl died. When the lady opened the envelope, she found a note: “I mourn with you.”

It is an indication that Count Cagliostro, the greatest adventurer, avoided meeting at Lavater. Perhaps he was afraid of exposure, for his physiognomy clearly reflected the inner content of the subject.

Interesting notes on the “science of recognizing people” were left by the medieval alchemist Albert von Bolstedt. Here are some of his observations:

“Those whose hair is curly and, moreover, somewhat raised from the forehead, are stupid, more inclined to evil than to good, but have great abilities for music.”

“A person who has a fleshy forehead and puffy cheeks near his temples is brave, arrogant, angry and has very stupid ideas.”

“A woman’s inclination towards fornication is recognized by the lifting of her eyelids.”

“A long and thin nose means a brave person, always close to anger, a arrogant person who does not have a constant way of thinking.”

“A thick and long nose means a person who loves everything beautiful, but is not as smart as he thinks about himself.”

“Whoever turns his head in all directions is a complete fool, a fool, a vain, deceitful rogue, preoccupied with himself, changeable, slow in understanding, depraved mind, mediocre abilities, quite generous and finds great pleasure in inventing and confirming political and secular news.”

Lavater's style was different, more refined. He wrote that the fossa bifurcating the narrow chin, which protrudes forward with a “heel,” testifies to a special liveliness and satirical maturity of the mind with a nobility of soul; the same dimple on the chin is wide and slanted - a sure sign of duplicity and vicious inclinations. A strongly swollen V-shaped vein on the forehead, the line of which in profile is completely straight, speaks of terrible ferocity combined with cunning and limitations. However, if such a vein crosses a rounded forehead with well-defined eyebrows, then this is a sign of extraordinary talents and a passionate love of goodness.

A significant contribution was made by the Austrian doctor Franz Josef Gal. He founded phrenology - a science that establishes a connection between the shape and proportions of the human skull and the mental structure of the individual, fate. P. Camper, C. Bell and C. Darwin wrote treatises about the connection between external personality traits and internal properties.

I suspect that, after reading these names, the reader will grin ironically: did the gypsies even hold these books in their hands? Let us quote gypsy experts Efim Druts and Alexei Gessler: “Gypsy women have repeatedly told us that they use classical literature on palmistry.” So they are reading! And no wonder: only thorough human knowledge brings fortune tellers bread and something to go with it. After all, few people have read Darwin, but everyone has heard about his theory of human origins. The purely practical meaning of a particular theory can be transmitted from one to another without any reference to books and authors; the rest is completed by personal experience of ability. Gait, behavior, gestures - all this reflects personality characteristics, speaks about his mood, experiences, age, health.

Let's remember how a fortune teller approaches a potential client, and ask the question: why does she offer a service to this particular person and not another? The assumption that her choice was random is not worth considering, although it may happen. The gypsy observes the crowd, highlighting certain types of people, rapprochement with whom may be promising for her trade. Next, she is interested in the emotional state of the future victim. The gypsy’s eyes feel every fold on a person’s face, eyes, lips, record the figure as a whole, walking speed, habitual movements, etc., etc. Be sure that, without yet addressing you with the traditional “beauty” or “handsome”, she has already formed a certain opinion about you and sometimes can tell you something that you don’t know about yourself or don’t notice. This is what is noticed from the outside at first and is the basis for the gypsy to establish a trusting relationship, so necessary for “innocent” fortune-telling or hypnotic influence, ending for the client with the loss of significant values.

People who trust fortune-tellers will indignantly reject the above: for a correct prediction of the future one can pay dearly. You can't argue against such an argument. Indeed, in certain situations, knowledge of the future is tantamount to life itself, so it seems ridiculous to grieve over a lost gold ring and a wallet with bucks.

Belief in fortune telling is fueled by well-known examples of predictions that have come true, which means there remains a danger of becoming a victim of fraud. Let's try to figure out what lies behind the fulfilled predictions?

Fortune teller controls the future

A classic example of an accurate prediction of the future, mentioned in almost every work on this topic, is the fate of the great Russian poet A.S. Pushkin. He was told that he should beware of a tall, blue-eyed, blond man, at whose hands he could die at 37 years old. If the poet survives this year of his life, he will live for many, many more years. Note that when predicting premature death, fortune tellers do not rule out other developments.

Pushkin deeply believed in all sorts of omens and fortune-telling and perceived this prediction as fatal. According to the recollections of his contemporaries, from then on he felt an undisguised feeling of enmity towards every blonde, so it is not surprising that at his fateful 37 years he stepped towards fate in full accordance with the words of the fortune teller.

Why did the fortune teller name this particular year of the poet’s life and the outcome? A very probable version in this regard was expressed by V.F. Venda. Here’s what he writes: “Seeing in front of her a short temperamental, very impressionable, distinctly dark-haired man, she could assume that, having married and lived with his wife for about 10 years, by the age of 37 she would get pretty tired of him and she, in contrast to her husband, would become give preference to some tall, calm, blue-eyed blond. An ardent husband will not tolerate the threat of betrayal, he will become jealous and suffer. A fatal outcome was quite likely at all times when duels were in use. If Pushkin had demanded an explanation for the forecast and heard something like our reasoning, he would not have sought to justify it as his fate, but, on the contrary, would have easily avoided possible complications in life. Moreover, his wife’s behavior did not coincide with the frivolous “standard” of searching for variety and contrasts that the fortune teller was guided by.”

One cannot, of course, accuse a fortune teller who makes such “sentences” of evil intentions, but it has long been noticed that gloomy predictions “lead” a person along the destined path like a rabbit - the eyes of a boa constrictor. A person puts into practice what the fortune teller says as a suggestion.

Baron Eric de Bishop, even in his youth, was predicted that various adventures awaited him in different parts of the world and that he would complete his life’s journey there “where the tenth parallel intersects the 140th meridian.” Bishop fully carried out the plan laid out for him. As a cabin boy, he rounded Cape Horn, then he was a sea lieutenant, a minesweeper commander, a naval aviation pilot, a French consul, a consultant to a Chinese general, a coastal sailing captain, a prominent scientist, etc. Numerous accidents and adventures at sea ended for Eric, who could not sailed safely until 1958, when the leader of the expedition on the Tahiti Nui raft, Baron Eric de Bishop, being ill and suffering from a skull injury, died during an emergency landing on the island of Rakahanka. This happened in the 69th year of life in close proximity to the indicated point. If you consider that a man at the age of 69 went on a deliberately risky journey on a raft to a fatal (indicated!) area for himself, you will involuntarily come to the conclusion that Bishop sought to justify the forecast. Just a few more years and he may simply not have been able to go to sea due to health reasons.

K. Shannon wrote: “We know the past, but we cannot control it. But you can control the future without knowing it.” In a sense, this statement is directly addressed to the cases described above. The future is not so much predicted as it is destined as a plan for its implementation. It is no coincidence that in former times prophets and soothsayers were severely persecuted, sent to the stake or imprisoned.

In a different direction, but also amenable to logical explanation, is the prediction of the execution of N.I. Bukharin. A Berlin fortune teller handed down the death “sentence” to a prominent Bolshevik in the summer of 1818. "You will be executed in your own country." Bukharin was taken aback, it seemed to him that he had misheard, and asked again: “Do you think that the Soviet government will perish?” “I can’t say under what government you will die, but definitely in Russia.”

The fortune teller's train of thought is suggested by her words that she does not know under what government her client will die, and it was very easy for a politician to die in Russia in those years. The execution could have been carried out by an angry hungry mob on the street, by forces trying to return the monarchy, by rebellious peasants and Cossacks and, of course, by party comrades - when portfolios are distributed, someone always turns out to be superfluous and dangerous. Revolutions are accompanied and culminated in executions - this is the lesson of history, and the fortune teller in Berlin knew it.

Although there are more mysterious cases with the same revolutionaries. Trotsky was predicted to die from an object similar to an ice pick. Is this a coincidence or not?

What did Lavater demonstrate in the best salons in Europe? Or Gal, feeling the skulls blindfolded and immediately determining abilities, virtues and vices, predicting the fate of clients? Of course, the typology they developed brought a certain effect, but it was unlikely that it would make it possible to predict, say, the death of a French girl in the next six months. Here, most likely, intuition and the phenomenon of communication manifested themselves - gifts that nature does not endow people with very often. Such gifted individuals include the Moscow schoolboy Leva Fedotov, whom the New World magazine told readers about. In his diary, the teenager, half a month before the start of the war with Nazi Germany, accurately predicted its tragic development for the USSR - retreat, losses, and subsequent counter-offensive. In addition to intuition, and perhaps first of all, Leva had a brilliant analytical mind.

It is difficult to define the boundaries between observation, analyticalness and intuition, which together help a person demonstrate insight in other situations. V. Levi tells the following story:

“We were sitting in a cafe in the center of Moscow.

- Look, there are two people at the table. I can see from their backs that they are foreigners.

I looked: a man and a woman; no faces are visible; the clothes were nothing special, but the backs (or the backs of the heads?) were really foreign, I also immediately noticed this. We were convinced that we were not mistaken, although we were not able to understand what exactly the foreign allegiance of the backs consisted of.”

Test pilot of the first Soviet jet aircraft G.Ya. Bakhchivandzhi predicted his own death at the festive table. If desired, the pilot’s words can be taken as a revelation received from above. In fact, the tester soberly saw that he was unable to protect against the vagaries of the new, difficult-to-control equipment. In jet aviation of those years, a rare flight was accomplished without a threat to the life of the pilot. At that time, 400 accidents involving the death of pilots occurred in US fighter aviation. We don’t know how many military test pilots died in the USSR, but Bakhchivandzhi, of course, had an idea about this.

Consequently, about fortune telling and predictions we can say that we know our future ourselves. As soon as we lose the sense of control over our lives, we stop wanting to change anything. And, on the contrary, how many cases and examples can be given of how faith in something and passionate desire became reality? If we believe in something, then we literally “pull out” every confirmation that we are right and carefully store it separately from other little things, dashes and signs, signs and instructions. We protect this collection of our choice and it ultimately helps us achieve our goal.

An example is the fate of the great ballerina Anna Pavlova, for whom Matilda Kshesinskaya “predicted” a great future as a child. The power of this prediction, combined with the girl’s desire, made her this way. A dream makes us look for opportunities. And we find them, considering them signs of fate. If we believe in it enough, it helps us. But the moment we lose confidence in ourselves, the charm goes away, and we, expecting defeat, get it. What is more here - intuition, reading in the book of the future or self-programming?

Gypsy fortune telling is a whole performance that is performed in front of the “victim” of a representative of the Roma nationality. The goal is to lure money or jewelry, while suppressing your consciousness and turning off logic. Has it always been this way, and what can a knowledgeable soothsayer tell?

Gypsy ritual script

What is a sin and crime for an ordinary person is a normal way of life and a way to earn money for a gypsy. There is even a parable why this nationality is allowed to cheat and steal.

They say that when Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, a gypsy child hanging around nearby was able to steal one nail with which the Romans wanted to pierce the Savior’s heart. Thanks to this, he died a natural death and was then able to resurrect. In gratitude for this, the gypsies were supposedly given the opportunity to cheat and steal.

Due to the nomadic lifestyle, people of this nationality did not have the opportunity to engage in agriculture, therefore, they had to obtain food in another way. Thanks to their colorful appearance, good knowledge of human psychology and possession of the rules of hypnosis, gypsies became famous as good fortune tellers.

In addition, they knew how to sing and dance well, but this brought in much less profit. In any city, village or village there will always be a person who wants to find out his fate for a “small” reward.

Modern "fortune telling"

Now this ritual has been brought to perfection and such gypsy fortune-telling sometimes ends very badly for a person who gets in the way of the camp. How does this happen? Usually people of this nationality work in crowded places, markets, train stations and subways.

A fortune teller approaches the “victim” and begins to quickly say something; at certain moments she touches the person, without stopping chattering. The fooling process is divided into 3 stages. The first is to capture a person's attention.

For this, banal phrases can be used: let me tell you fortune; if you don’t listen, you will regret it; your family is in danger. If the fraudster knows the name, then she will definitely pronounce it, as if thereby confirming her clairvoyant abilities.

Attention has been attracted, it’s time to move on to the second stage - introducing into a stupor. If the “victim” reacted and showed interest, she is bombarded with an uncontrollable flow of information. The brain is trying to process it, but this is physically impossible due to the correct speed of speech and a set of incoherent words. The person simply falls into a trance and succumbs to hypnosis.

Stage 3 - programming. Without stopping talking, the gypsy at certain moments touches the person put into a trance with her hand, uttering certain commands. The brain no longer perceives the general flow of words, but what is said when touched is clearly recorded. Commands are received to give up all their savings and forget the face of the prophetess. The job is done, you can leave.

Having woken up after a trance, a person will come to his senses for a long time and remember what happened. Such gypsy fortune telling for love and removing the evil eye usually ends in mental trauma and empty pockets.

Has it always been like this?

If this had always been the case, then people would hardly still believe in gypsy fortune-telling. History has preserved many facts confirming the clairvoyant skills of this nomadic people. They say they acquired this knowledge in Byzantium.

Of the most famous people, A.S. could confirm the veracity of the gypsies. Pushkin, the prophet predicted death from a “white” man. It is known that Lenin’s mother also used the services of fortune tellers.

The latter asked for help regarding her son Alexander, to which she was given the answer: you cannot save the first, but the second will become a ruler and everything will work out for him, although death will be difficult. That's how it happened. Other famous personalities and rulers also turned to the gypsies more than once.

In the past, in the villages near which the camp stopped, people gathered in groups and went to tell fortunes. Usually this work was carried out by old, wise representatives of this people. They took not only money and food for their clairvoyance; they could also give practical advice for a good deed or helping them.

There were several methods of fortune telling:

  • on playing cards;
  • on knives;
  • using Tarot cards;
  • on beans;
  • on needles;
  • by hand.

Popular fortune telling

The most common are palmistry (fortune telling) and the study of card layouts. The most serious and accurate prediction will be given by Tarot cards. This is a special deck consisting of 78 pictures: 22 major arcana and 56 minor ones.

Among hereditary fortune tellers, the deck was passed down from generation to generation; the older the “tool,” the higher the accuracy of the predictions. It should be stored in a separate place, wrapped in cloth, so that the cards do not lose their power. Each card has its own picture. In the layout, it matters not only which card fell out, but also in what position and what neighbors surround it.

Gypsy fortune telling with playing cards involves the use of a deck consisting of 36 ordinary cards, which are used for playing solitaire and playing “the fool”. There are several layouts.

Some will help you find the answer to a clearly posed question, others will tell you about the near future, and others will tell you about your partner’s feelings. Interpretation is carried out depending on the location of the pictures and the combination of cards. Suits also play a role; they help determine which area of ​​activity events will relate to.

Palmistry will tell you about what will happen and what could have happened to a person if not for certain events. Each line has its own name. Its thickness, the presence of breaks and dashes, are of particular importance. Well, deciphering them is like a map of the starry sky; if you don’t know where and what is located, you’ll hardly understand.

Believe it or not?

Whether or not to believe the gypsy prediction is up to everyone to decide individually. One thing to remember is that a good fortune teller will not stand in the subway or at the train station. You can only get to them through patronage. It will be difficult to get real gypsy fortune telling on cards; most often they give the answer to those who really need help.

The magic of the gypsies. Myth or reality?

The magic that the gypsies possess is more ancient than one might imagine. Gypsies not only know how to tell fortunes and induce hypnosis. Gypsies possess the “magic of the Atlanteans.”

"Atlantean Magic" is another strange name that someone came up with that implies something ancient.

“Atlantean magic” is the ability to communicate with “kingdoms”,

in a more civilized version, “Atlantean magic” is Kabbalistics.

It is obvious that the gypsies know bondage. Of course, not all. However, this has always been the case. Not every gypsy is initiated into the occult secrets of magic. Initiation and castes exist for everyone and everything. And finding such initiates among the gypsies is far from easy.

For example, there are legends about gypsy hypnosis. There is a belief that you cannot look gypsies in the eyes, talk to them, or show them jewelry - rings, watches. The power of gypsy magic is no less famous. They say that a gypsy curse - even if it is sent by an unprofessional gypsy fortune teller - always carries a complex curse. What are the ways to protect yourself from gypsy hypnosis and their powerful magic?

Gypsy Magic - the most powerful Magic

Its traditions arose from a nomadic lifestyle, which allowed them to absorb the esoteric secrets of a wide variety of cultures. On this basis, a unique magic grew, closely related to psychology and hypnosis.

Many esotericists classify gypsy magic as dark magic - after all, it consists of many damages, evil eyes and curses.

And many gypsies use their secrets to earn a living.

Some provide magical services - they bewitch and cause damage.

Others are guessing.

Knowing the power of gypsies, many people are afraid when they encounter them on the street. There is no need to be afraid here - in such cases it is not magic or hypnosis that is used, but simple psychology. It is not at all difficult to protect yourself from such influence.

The main thing is to remember a few rules so as not to become a “victim” of a street gypsy beggar

(alas, the reality is cruel...).

If a gypsy woman approaches you on the street and asks for alms, politely refuse her and speed up your pace. The lady will probably start talking to you quickly, complimenting you or threatening you. Try not to turn in her direction and quickly move forward. In order not to anger the gypsy (they are very emotional), you can say: “Sorry, I don’t have time.” Your main task is to get out of her sight.

Do not enter into dialogue with street gypsies.

Avoid handshakes - they draw attention away from your wallet.

The main thing is not to be rude to them or insult them. Like any other person,

your rudeness may hurt the gypsy. The consequences of a gypsy offense are the most unpredictable.

Please note - many gypsies view begging as their job. It comes naturally to them and they do it professionally.

Many people react emotionally to gypsies.

Any manifestation of feelings - both positive and negative - makes the work of the gypsies easier. It is very easy to put pressure on an anxious person.

Protection from dark spells

Gypsies curse in two cases: if they are paid for it or if they are offended. To avoid the effects of gypsy magic, try to close your energy fields.

Cross your arms over your chest. Try to “withdraw into yourself” and concentrate on your thoughts. Do not remove your hands from your chest while you are in the gypsy's field of vision. Crossed arms block the flow of energy into your body.

Wear an amulet against the evil eye. This could be a medallion or a large pendant. You don't have to buy expensive jewelry. You can wear bright, round-shaped jewelry that resembles an eye.

This little thing will take attention away from you.

If the gypsy has already begun to whisper something, take out a small mirror and turn it towards the fortune teller’s face. The mirror will reflect all curses from you to the gypsy. Seeing the mirror, the gypsy will probably interrupt her spell. Take advantage of this time to get away quickly.

Make fists with your hands. Squeeze them tightly, as if you are afraid of dropping something. Fists can be stuffed into pockets.

The main thing is that you feel that they are compressed. This technique will allow you to close one of the main energy channels - your palms.

If the slander has already been cast

Red threads and blackened needles - typical attributes of supposedly gypsy street magic - are not dangerous in any way.

Gypsies usually read spells out loud. If you already feel that the gypsy has caused harm, try the classic removal of gypsy damage.

The elder of the house (father or grandfather) must pluck three hairs from your head, repeating each time: “Where there is a hair, an ear grows.” Then a banknote is taken. It needs to be unfolded and placed on the table.

Then you take the plucked hair, burn it in the fire of a church candle and say, turning to the elder: “It was yours, but it became mine.” That is, you kind of take that banknote from him.

After this procedure, get rid of the money. They don't have to be thrown away. It is enough to exchange them (preferably at a bank) and quickly buy something with the exchanged amount.

So that you understand:

Those gypsies who beg on the streets and ask to gild their pens are just for the most part “actors,” although all gypsies have in their blood a penchant for magic, the occult, and Kabbalah. But it is precisely the presence of a large amount of money and luxury of a gypsy that is the first sign of his occult status and his “ancestral roots.”

Fortune telling, hypnosis, clairvoyance - all this is trifle compared to what gypsies (of course, not all) can do with the energies and egregors of the “elements” and “realms”. In truth, only “children of nature” can do this.

People are interested in the civilization and magic of the Incas or Aztecs, trying to find and unearth at least some secrets of their magic. But for some reason they are of little interest to the gypsies, although, in my opinion, the gypsies are much more interesting. It’s probably necessary to destroy all the gypsies so that everyone becomes interested in the magic they possess and their “civilization.”

Gypsy magic is actually the most powerful, but it comes in two types: “street” - gypsies - nomads today have turned it into a skilled craft; “true gypsy magic” is secret sacred knowledge that is passed down from generation to generation.

Fortune teller Militta Mais

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