Opposites attract. Compatibility of opposite zodiac signs

The zodiac circle consists of 6 pairs of signs located opposite each other. The signs of each pair are complete opposites and have completely different characteristics from each other, but at the same time represent parts of a single whole. Read about their features, interaction and compatibility in this material.

Aries and Libra

These signs represent the axis of interaction with the outside world. Libra is responsible for balance, relationships and communication, while Aries is responsible for activity and strength.

Aries is a sign of independent, strong-willed people striving for fame and leadership. Its representatives are very arrogant, decisive and do not think at all about how their actions can affect others.

Libras, on the contrary, always value other people’s opinions, negotiate and look for a compromise. Causing inconvenience to others is not their principle. For Libra, the most important thing is that peace and harmony reign around.

Representatives of both these signs love communication. Aries needs it in order to show leadership qualities, and Libra needs it to enjoy conversations.

When interacting in this pair, Aries will be the undisputed leader, and Libra will become a good support for him.

Taurus and Scorpio

The axis of resources and material wealth is in the possession of these signs. Taurus is responsible for his own condition, and Scorpio is responsible for the competent use of other people's funds.

Taurus people are calm and calm by nature. They approach matters very responsibly, carefully thinking through every step. They are a little slow and know it, so they don't like those who rush them.

Scorpios are naturally endowed with the gift of inner instinct. They always spot deceivers without fail and strike back at the offenders. They take on work without delay, easily tolerate high-intensity loads and cope well with tasks under tight deadlines.

Despite the obvious differences in temperament, Scorpio and Taurus have quite a lot in common. Their representatives are pragmatic, hardworking, and efficient. They are quite reserved in communication and do not like to make their personal life public.

Relationships in a Taurus-Scorpio couple can often be unstable due to the excessive jealousy of both signs. However, they may well interact successfully: Taurus will not make unfounded statements, and the ardent Scorpio knows how to direct his energy in the right direction.

Gemini and Sagittarius

These signs form the axis of knowledge and travel. Gemini is more prone to a lot of superficial knowledge and easy trips, while Sagittarius is responsible for serious information and long journeys.

Geminis study the world bit by bit, like children, collecting and examining details, features and details. They are very attentive, know how to analyze well, and love to learn new things.

Sagittarians, on the other hand, see only a holistic image and do not go into details, which is why they sometimes suffer greatly. They are good teachers, they love to share knowledge and experience, and help those who have not yet reached their level. Sagittarians evaluate the actions and actions of those around them, focusing on their own ideas about good and evil, and strive to bring harmony to the world.

Gemini and Sagittarius can get along very well and will definitely not get bored in each other's company. Both signs love travel, new knowledge, communication and good company.

Cancer and Capricorn

These signs, in their interaction, are responsible for two important areas of life - work and home. Cancer symbolizes home, and Capricorn symbolizes career.

Cancers are very economical, attentive and kind. They are always ready to help and support. The sensitivity of Cancers and their tendency to mood swings are compensated by the ability to let go of grievances and solve problems without hushing them up.
In contrast to Cancers, Capricorns are stingy with emotions, their feelings are hidden deep inside and are rarely made public. Those born under this sign are practical and rational, love self-examination and put their career first. However, they are not such callous crackers as they may seem; Capricorns do not refuse to come to the rescue, but they usually help not in word, but in deed.

Representatives of both signs are usually very careful about money and property, they like to save and save. Cancers and Capricorns become responsible parents, devote a lot of time to loved ones, and love to spend weekends with their family. The union of these signs is good for its division of responsibilities: Cancers will be responsible for home comfort, and Capricorns will solve issues that require a serious approach to business.

Leo and Aquarius

Leo and Aquarius are located on the axis of personal and social development. The first represents individuality, the second takes care of interactions with other people.
Leos love to be the center of attention, to please the public and to feel better than others. They are selfish and not at all embarrassed about it. Their own needs and desires always come first for them. Despite this, those born under this sign always have many friends who value Leo for their protective warmth and endless charm.

Aquarians are more likely to worry about other people's well-being than about their own. They are sensitive to the problems of loved ones and always try to help. Representatives of this sign react sharply to any injustice, seek the truth in everything and fight for it in every possible way. And they do it completely sincerely - the picturesqueness of their experiences is not about them.

Leos and Aquarius are noble from birth and do not accept base behavior in their own behavior or in others. They are tolerant of others and can be good friends and organizers.
The union of Leo and Aquarius can be difficult. Leos, like the real rulers of the world, love to be in charge, to dominate, to subordinate to their will. They are very jealous and do not tolerate contradictions to their opinions from their partners. For Aquarius, one of the main values ​​is freedom in all its manifestations. They cannot tolerate jealousy and suspicion, being themselves non-jealous people. They may perceive baseless accusations as an insult.
Joint activity can unite and unite this union. Those born under these signs love good company, communication and pleasant gatherings.

Virgo and Pisces

The axis of matter and spirit is represented by Virgo and Pisces. The first sign symbolizes practicality and a rational approach, and the second sign symbolizes spirituality and inner peace.
Virgos are characterized by perfectionism and special attentiveness. They notice all the subtleties and details of cases, take into account all the nuances, believing that there are no unimportant little things. Attentive, careful, responsible - Virgos are rightfully considered one of the best workers. There is also always order and comfort in their home - maintaining cleanliness is a vital task for them.

Pisces are sometimes somewhere on the other side of reality, living in a world of dreams and daydreams. They are often inattentive, do not attach importance to many even serious things, and look at the world in a simple way. Pisces, who are acutely sensitive to criticism of themselves, never criticize others, as they recognize the human right to make mistakes. They value a rich inner world and become good friends.

Representatives of the Pisces and Virgo signs are very different, but they are united by a love for animals and a willingness to always come to the rescue. These people will not leave a friend in trouble and will become a reliable shoulder in times of adversity.
A future together for Virgo and Pisces is possible if both partners are willing to make concessions for each other. Then it may turn out that together they are capable of much.

/ Love horoscope of opposite zodiac signs

Each zodiac sign has its own opposite - a sign with which it is difficult to find a common language, create a couple or have a mutually beneficial partnership. It is believed that opposite signs attract each other like a magnet. Then, the passion passes, leaving conflicts and disappointments in its place.

Is it so?

Indeed, a pair of opposite zodiac signs is one of the tense aspects in Astrology. But this does not mean that such a union is doomed!

Opposite zodiac signs complement each other and can be quite mutually beneficial. They often have similar goals, but different ways of achieving them.

Astrology helps to get around the rough edges in relationships with partners and allows lovers to better understand each other.

Aries - Libra

At first glance, they are completely opposite to each other. If you look at the ruling planets of these signs, you can find the patron saint of all men - Mars and the most feminine planet - Venus. Beautiful Venus and warlike Mars... It would be ideal if the man is Aries and the woman is Libra.

The couple experiences a strong mutual attraction. The Libra woman should be less capricious, and the Aries man should not be so rude and impulsive. Then the couple has long-term prospects for love relationships and marriage.

What if the woman is Aries and the man is Libra? Everything happens exactly the opposite. The Libra man should not blame the Aries woman for her waywardness and obstinacy. Libra can always curb the stubborn Aries with the help of affection and cunning. Libra is a sign of partnership, and Aries will appreciate Libra if they are able to provide him with psychological and moral support, then the Libra man should not worry that the Aries woman will begin to dominate the couple.

Taurus - Scorpio

Like the previous pair, the signs are ruled by Mars () and Venus (). But these zodiac signs have much more in common.

Both are equally interested in money and property. When interacting with Taurus, Scorpio learns to manage their emotions and be less “explosive.”

Taurus will appreciate Scorpio’s sensuality in the sexual sphere, learn to listen to their desires and show more initiative in sexual relationships.

By uniting their material goals, Scorpio and Taurus can achieve a lot together. These are excellent partners in business, science, and also in creative affairs. Their subtle strategies and little tricks are able to keep competitors at a respectful distance.

The internal warmth of Taurus seems to be created in order to melt the ice in the soul of the rebellious Scorpio. In love (if both learn forgiveness and compassion) a spiritual connection can arise. Selfishness and intransigence, on the contrary, can make them enemies for life.

Gemini - Sagittarius

And, as a rule, they have a similar temperament and are in no way inferior to each other in intelligence. Their main planets Mercury (Gemini) and Jupiter (Sagittarius) are the planets of communication, information and knowledge. Both signs are seekers of truth, they are curious, prone to travel and risks.

A Sagittarius man may be irritated by the duplicity and frivolity of the Gemini woman, but her optimism and sociability are extremely important for him, because he needs an interesting and erudite interlocutor, not too emotional, but not too cold either.

In such a couple there will be no place for boredom and routine. This is exactly what the energetic Sagittarius woman needs. Therefore, she loves to enjoy the company of a Gemini man (provided he has a strong nervous system). Gemini is not so hardy, therefore, the Sagittarius woman must be able to arrange Gemini’s rest and allow him to relax.

In partnership with Gemini, Sagittarius can learn to think and reflect more consistently, learn more about the psychology of people and expand the circle of their acquaintances. Gemini, in turn, will learn from Sagittarius how to benefit from these acquaintances and make them more profitable.

Gemini and Sagittarius can count on a long love union, provided that they do not openly limit each other's freedom. This does not mean adultery at all, it’s just that each of these signs should have: their own hobbies, a constant opportunity to communicate with people and freedom of expression. If someone wants to limit their partner’s freedom, they will separate. It's a pity. After all, they have so much in common.

Cancer - Capricorn

Both signs exhibit qualities that are not characteristic of them in communicating with others or they are not manifested as strongly: initiative and leadership. In this regard, in this couple, both can “hone” these important qualities on each other, but without mutual reproaches and accusations.

Helps you become more sensitive and sensitive, to hear the voice of your intuition, not your mind. In return, Capricorn will invite Cancer to learn more about ways to become more successful, inspire him to new feats, help him reach his goal, and stimulate his ambitions.

The ruling planets Moon (Cancer) and Saturn (Capricorn) have one similar negative trait: despondency (or pessimism). If both partners are prone to depression, then such a union will not be fruitful.

If a conservative Capricorn man teaches a hysterical Cancer woman calmness and self-discipline, then gradually the lunar (emotional, mobile) and Saturnian (stable, slow) nature of the relationship will merge together, forming a strong union of two hearts, and, as a result, a strong marriage, in where the kindest family traditions reign.

However, if a woman is born in a couple under the sign of Capricorn, then she can hurt the sensitive Cancer, and then he will stop trusting her.

The issue of trust in such a couple is very important. After all, both have many complexes, both are often unsure of themselves, but at the same time both are selfish. If they open up to each other, and their communication becomes more sincere and selfless, then the chances of being together increase.

Leo - Aquarius

And are signs of progress, innovation and ideals. Both are excellent speakers and brave, loyal friends. A spark of attraction immediately runs between them, and now they are ready to be together, despite the fact that Leo is more interested in the physical side of the relationship, and Aquarius is more interested in the spiritual.

But Leo has something that Aquarius lacks - self-esteem. Leo lacks condescension to criticism and the ability to admit his mistakes. Aquarius has all this.

Unfortunately or fortunately, in such a pair it is necessary to establish a leader. If this leader leads the process of creating a family, and does not become an instigator of quarrels as a result of any rivalry or clash of views and ideas, then the spouses will become not only passionate lovers, but also devoted friends.

Both signs are capable of being truly faithful, despite external bravado, the desire to please others, the desire to shock and surprise. Settled Leos are wonderful family men, and Aquarians are always able to add an original twist to relationships.

All contradictions in a married couple can be easily overcome provided there is mutual sexual satisfaction.

Virgo - Pisces

A strange and very common union. Both are cold and pedantic in appearance, but tender and sensitive inside, both dream of “leaning on a strong shoulder.” They rarely conflict, but at the same time they are able to silently irritate each other to the point of nausea. Not finding this strong, strong shoulder next to them, they are just about ready to part, but then they realize how deeply lonely they are without each other.

Union and awakens the creative core of the relationship, it is able to transform both emotionally and spiritually.

While other sexual partners quickly exhaust the flame of attraction, Virgo and Pisces are capable of longer-term intimate interest. After all, they moderately dose their passion. They are attracted by the aesthetics of feelings and poise, and not by open touching of the genitals in a cafe under the table. The foundation of relationships in a couple is mutual respect and tact.

Virgo brings order to Pisces’s home, and Pisces manages to teach Virgos to dream. Sober-minded Virgos can be useful to Pisces in everyday life, helping them to become more prudent, practical and economical, and Pisces help Virgos to relax and soar above boredom and vanity.

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Astral couples are pairs of opposite signs from the Zodiac circle. Opposite signs are in so-called opposition to each other.

Astral couples
Zodiac signs

This is the most intense of the aspects - the signs are in completely opposite positions, opposing each other. Opposition symbolizes antipathy, a complete reluctance to have anything in common. On the other hand, opposition is a constant source of energy, oppositely charged poles, which creates constant anxiety and encourages action.

Under certain conditions, it is in an astral couple that truly passionate love is possible. Only such a marriage will bring complete reciprocity of feelings.
There are six astral pairs in total.

Such relationships are almost doomed to failure if the intellectual potential of both partners has a strong gap. Misunderstandings will eventually result in hostility, which will break the thread of love connecting both. The Aries man in such a couple is required to reveal his energy potential of calmness and respectful attitude towards the woman. An Aries woman is required to have strict control over her own temper. The Libra woman has a powerful potential for balancing relationships; she has the difficult burden of being the first to make concessions.

A powerful Taurus man will easily conquer and subjugate a Scorpio woman, but such a situation will only lead to a calm existence in love and joy, and not to protest and rebellion on the part of the woman, since such a conquest will be carried out exclusively with her consent. A weak-willed and weak-willed Taurus has no chance with a Scorpio lady, who can only love a strong man.

In this pair, the twins destabilize the relationship, undermine it and are the initiator of almost all problems existing in the relationship. The responsibility of balancing relationships is on Sagittarius. If Sagittarius in a relationship (gender is not important) does not have sufficient wisdom, the union will be unsuccessful.

The option in which Capricorn is a man and Cancer is a woman can be considered very successful. In such a union, only one thing is required of both: to be themselves. A woman under the sign of Cancer is always feminine and tender, while a Capricorn man is brutal, courageous, strong and irresistible in the eyes of his wife. If the opposite is true, then both are required to restrain the peculiarities of their character. In any case, the prognosis in the first case is more favorable than in the second.

Restful signs, they can exist in the world only by maintaining a certain distance from each other. Respect for the freedom of your partner, for his independence. From the very beginning of the relationship, it is recommended to demarcate areas of inviolability that cannot be crossed and strictly adhere to them.

Virgo men are often possessive, and in such a union they can try to put Pisces on a leash. It sounds funny, but in real life the consequences of such behavior are almost guaranteed to lead to a break in communication. If Virgo is a woman, then the marriage has a high chance of a happy coexistence.

In any case, remember that it is a sensitive attitude towards your partner and, of course, love that determines your destiny to a large extent. Do not be afraid of disappointing forecasts; faith and the power of love have already accomplished amazing things, even real miracles, more than once. Love each other, follow the recommendations, and you will definitely succeed.

Relationships between opposite zodiac signs

Relationships between opposite zodiac signs can be harmonious!

Representatives of any two zodiac signs can create harmonious relationships if they accept the difference in each other's characters. Opposite zodiac signs are attracted to each other from the very beginning of their acquaintance and therefore quickly enter into a passionate union. However, spending time with someone whose approach to life is completely different from yours can be overwhelming. And over time, the spark of the union will have to be rekindled. What can you do to make your relationship sparkle with bright colors again?

Aries and Libra

When Aries meets Libra, a spark of passion flares up between the raw energy and unbridled sexuality of Aries and the charm and grace of Libra. However, over time, passions may subside, especially when Aries gets tired of their partner’s delicate manners, and Libra despairs of accustoming Aries to civilized behavior. In order to save the relationship, declare a truce in the struggle of the sexes and start working together to create something material: for example, open a business, build a house, or simply cook dinner together.


This is a fiery union from the very beginning of acquaintance. When the good-natured and sensual Taurus encounters the undying passion of Scorpio, together they spew out a lava of feelings. However, over time, Taurus may get tired of Scorpio’s persistence, and the latter will most likely get tired of Taurus’ conservatism. To rekindle the spark of passion, try to get out of bed more often. In the evening, meet friends or go to a concert. You will be able to look at each other from a different angle and rethink your relationship.

Gemini and Sagittarius

From the moment when the cheerful and witty Gemini meets the wise and philosophizing Sagittarius, not only sparks of love, but also new brilliant ideas flare up. Different approaches to life can, however, drive you to despair, especially when Gemini gets tired of Sagittarius's self-confidence, and the latter becomes irritated by Gemini's love of gossip. Try to transfer the tension into the world of art or into the realities of life. Swim, go hiking in the mountains, or spend the evening watching a movie or listening to music. Taking a break from thinking and processing will allow you to rekindle your passion and provide food for new ideas.

Cancer and Capricorn

When the sensitive and safe haven Cancer meets the strong and silent Capricorn, a harmonious union is created. However, over time, Cancer may begin to feel that they are being ignored, while Capricorn will consider their partner to be too clingy. In order to avoid a cooling relationship, you should remember that you are not just partners, but also lovers. Follow the example of all those couples shown in romantic movies: leave the children with the grandparents and arrange a real date in an expensive restaurant with flowers, champagne and gifts. When you return home, be sure to spend a sensual night of love.

Leo and Aquarius

Passions flare when the regal Leo meets the irreverent Aquarius. A man who refuses to bow before his majesty delights Leo. Aquarius admires Leo's ability to charm everyone with his charisma. However, over time, Aquarius may become tired of a partner who constantly demands attention. Leo, in turn, will become irritated by the constant challenges to society from the other half. When you are ready to destroy each other, just think about sex. Spending time away from people and expressing your natural instincts will be the saving grace of your union. With the help of intimacy, you can rekindle the fire of love.

Virgo and Pisces

Practical and loving order in everything, Virgo and Pisces, who avoid routine, would seem to have nothing in common. Together they bring the missing elements into each other’s lives: Virgo begins to organize the affairs of Pisces, and they, in turn, help their passion to escape from everyday life and enjoy life. However, over time, Virgo may get tired of their partner's inconstancy. And Pisces will become outraged by the excessive control and criticality of the other half. The key to harmonious relationships is passion, in all its manifestations. Travel the world, learn new languages ​​together, or just go to a restaurant. Virgos will benefit from a change of scenery, and Pisces will appreciate the organizational skills of Virgos, who will not forget to book a table or make a list of new words when learning a foreign language.

Astrological compatibility is a very interesting topic. Some signs are so similar that you get the strong feeling that they were made for each other. And indeed, in life their relationship is almost perfect.

But there are also opposite zodiac signs. Those who are so different that their relationship is impossible even in theory. And now it’s about them that we’ll talk about.

Aries and Libra

This is the first pair of antipodes. Aries is strong, uncompromising, stubborn, always considering himself to be the most correct in everything. Leadership and the ability to achieve goals are important to him.

He has many negative qualities, including impulsiveness, aggressiveness, demandingness and authority. But there are also a lot of positive ones - straightforwardness, courage, optimism and the ability to solve assigned problems.

Libra is completely different. Representatives of this zodiac sign attach great importance to relationships between people.

They know how to analyze the current situation into details, they manage to find a compromise or somehow explain what happened, and these people are also masterful in consoling, supporting and giving advice. They also hate others, so they often make concessions. The most important thing for them is peace, prosperity and harmony.

These are opposite zodiac signs. They have very little in common. They are different in everything - from their worldview and lifestyle, to their character and temperament.

Gemini and Sagittarius

When talking about opposite signs of the zodiac, it is necessary to pay attention to this pair. Gemini is a real extravaganza. People of this sign are charismatic, exciting, intriguing, sociable, curious, carefree, and also incredibly sociable and active.

But Sagittarius are somewhat restless, serious, responsible people, for whom the concept of culture, morality and high ideals is of particular importance.

It cannot be said that representatives of these opposite zodiac signs come into confrontation with each other. They're just different. Their perception of life is very different.

Sagittarius is too responsible - he can even plan his absolutely free day minute by minute. He thinks about every decision for almost weeks. And Sagittarius can become fixated on something for a long time. Geminis don’t understand how they can spend so much time thinking. They are spontaneous and easy-going. So it’s simply difficult for these two to understand each other and find a common language.

Taurus and Scorpio

These are opposite signs of the zodiac, the compatibility of which is difficult to imagine.

Taurus is a leisurely, pragmatic and overly practical person. People of this sign prefer calm, hate change, spontaneity and adventure. They live in a very measured slow rhythm.

But Scorpios are emotional individuals who deeply feel other people. They follow a dynamic lifestyle. Even while on vacation, Scorpios seek thrills. And they always throw themselves into things headlong.

They do not need time to “swing” - they will quickly but carefully think about everything, after which they will immediately begin to complete the task. In conditions of lack of time and stress, by the way, they do not lose productivity.

This relationship won't last long. Active and sometimes even impulsive Scorpios simply do not understand cold, detached, calculating Taurus.

Cancer and Capricorn

These are also zodiac signs that are opposite to each other. Cancers are incredibly sensitive and emotional individuals. They are easy to hurt. Almost any little thing can lead them to self-destruction. Cancers often complain about life.

But they are also loving, caring, compassionate and caring people. Who also achieve a lot in life due to their motivation and hard work.

Capricorns are not suitable for Cancers. They are too dry, stable and unemotional for them. Capricorns are also distinguished by the habit of being stubborn, lack of creative imagination, power, vanity and pessimism. Good traits include reasonableness, practicality, loyalty, responsibility and reliability.

These are perhaps the most opposite signs of the zodiac. Capricorn has no time to empathize with his neighbor, but for Cancer this is incredibly important. He considers him heartless, although this is not so - he simply helps not with sympathy, but with action. But still, differences in character and temperament will not allow them to get along.

Leo and Aquarius

Here are some other zodiac signs that are opposite. Leos are narcissistic, bossy, somewhat selfish and reckless people who can get bored easily and also love to create excitement and drama. They are also incredibly sociable and charismatic, optimistic, generous, passionate and goal-oriented.

Leos also often place themselves a step above others. Aquarius considers himself a part of society, being confident that every person has the right to freedom of expression. A person of this sign is an altruist, concerned about the well-being of others.

But emotionally, Aquarians are somewhat distant and cold. Picture experiences and excessive feelings are not for them. They are accustomed to relying on an internal sense of justice and logic.

In general, Leo does everything with his heart, while Aquarius acts with calculation and mind. One wants to charm and surprise everyone, and the other wants to stand out with the result. They are different, and the only thing that unites them is the love of freedom.

Pisces and Virgo

The last pair of opposites. Pisces is about dreaminess and spirituality. Virgo - rationalism and practicality. If attraction arises between these opposite signs of the zodiac, it will not last long.

Pisces are really too sensitive. They easily become depressed and are characterized by self-doubt and pessimism, moodiness, self-destructive tendencies and indecisiveness. But they are also caring, compassionate, loving, romantic and loyal.

Virgos are critical individuals. They are materialistic skeptics who overanalyze and appear indifferent. But Virgos are disciplined, reliable, balanced, reasonable and intellectually savvy.

These two simply don't understand each other. Virgo is afraid to talk about her feelings, and she simply doesn’t know how. And Pisces needs it like oxygen. If they don't get it, they become suspicious, sad and hysterical. But Pisces are not saints for Virgos either. They are too impractical, and it just kills your partner.

Other unpromising couples

The above astrological combinations are real antipodes. But there are several more zodiac couples that, according to the horoscope, have no future:

  • Taurus and Libra. Someone who considers himself right in everything, and a person who hates arguments and the imposition of opinions.
  • Aries and Taurus. Strong-willed and stubborn personality. If they collide, then a problem arises.
  • Taurus and Gemini. A person who values ​​stability most of all, and one who cannot live without adventure.
  • Virgo and Sagittarius. Both are not interested in a relationship. The combination of two neutralities is a dubious pairing.
  • Aries and Scorpio. This union is a bomb that may well explode. Although if both prefer Shakespearean passions, then everything will suit them.

Also, Gemini and Capricorn, Aquarius and Cancer, Leo and Scorpio, Libra and Sagittarius, Pisces and Aries should not get involved. From an astrological point of view, these pairs will be too problematic.

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