Initial tarot spreads. Situation tarot spread for beginners

There are people who believe that tarot cards are a means to find out what the future holds. There are people who consider Tarot cards to be a guide to help them make the right choices for a better future. In any case, Tarot cards are gaining unprecedented popularity among various segments of society. This is not surprising, because everyone wants to uncover the mysteries of the future. Tarot reading has been around for over five centuries. Alignments are of great importance for fortune telling.

The layout is the layout of the cards after they have been shuffled and removed. Just like different tarot decks, there are different tarot readings. The layout can involve either one card or all cards. The choice of layout is determined primarily by the fortuneteller and questions that require searching for answers. There are layouts designed to answer specific questions.

Understanding tarot readings is not a very difficult task. With a little determination and prudence, you will certainly master the art of understanding Tarot readings. Before you begin to interpret the layouts, you need to remember the meanings of the cards. Having mastered theoretical knowledge, you can begin practice, which should begin with simple layouts. Pay attention to two simple Tarot layouts for beginners.

1. Tarot spread on three cards

The simplest and easiest to understand Tarot layout. For fortune telling, you need to shuffle the cards and divide them into three equal parts. Remember to concentrate on the question when performing this part of the fortune telling. You need to select one card from each pile and place it on the table, revealing the image. The map on the left reveals the background to the question. The central card represents a real situation related to a topic of concern. The map on the right reveals a possible future. This layout does not give an answer in the form of “yes” or “no”, so you need to fully concentrate on fortune telling and deeply penetrate the topic. Having thoroughly mastered the meanings of all Tarot cards, you will be able to easily recognize all the predictions.

2. Tarot spread on four cards

When starting this layout, you need to carefully mix the cards, completely immersing yourself in the question to which you need an answer. Keep shuffling the cards while your mind is busy with the question. Starting at the top of the deck, select four cards and place them face down on the table from left to right. Turn the cards face up and try to understand their meanings. The first card on the left represents the past. The second card shows the present. The third card is the future. The fourth card answers the question. For example, in a relationship reading, the first card shows how the past has affected the relationship. The second card shows the influence of the present on relationships. The third card reveals the relationship situation in the future. The fourth card is the measures that need to be taken for positive change. This layout can be used for fortune telling for absolutely any situation.

To begin with, you can practice on these two simplest layouts, then you can move on to more complex layouts. It will take time, but you will definitely master the technique of tarot reading. You can even come up with your own layouts and decipher them. But all this will take time, but for now, start practicing the two simple but effective layouts described above.

Even those who do not believe in fortune telling will find the Tarot layout for the situation useful. How? Everything is very simple. Your conclusions about what is happening may be limited. With the help of a “picture” that has its own meaning, you will look at the situation from a different perspective. Perhaps you will begin to take into account other aspects of what is happening.

How read the Tarot about the situation

If you do not have any experience in interpreting Tarot cards, then you do not need to immediately study complex layouts. This way you will only get confused, trying to connect the meanings of the arcana and their locations in accordance with the recommendations. Each position in the layout has its own strict purpose. In order to interpret correctly, it is necessary to “project” the meaning of the card onto all other positions. It's quite difficult. Therefore, to begin with, it is recommended to learn how to read the simplest layouts: three cards and one card. Do not doubt. And such “small” layouts contain a lot of information. However, it will be much easier to decipher. begins with the formulation of a question. It is important! Clear conditions will give a specific answer. For example, you are interested in whether your job offer will be accepted. You need to ask: “What is the likelihood that my initiative will be approved by management, accepted for implementation and will bring success?” This formulation will help you look at all the pros and cons and identify obstacles. And the prospects will be specified. Asking: “Can I get what I want?” - not worth it. So you don’t even ask the topic of the question.

Tarot spread for the situation: three cards

This combination puts current events into perspective. You lay out three cards in a row. It is recommended not to look at the pictures right away, as you can influence the choice of subsequent cards by seeing the meaning of the previous one. The interpretation is this. The Tarot combination for a situation begins with the past. speaks of what in past events led to the current situation. What else influences what is happening? Then comes the lasso - “the present”. This is the state of affairs today. From it you can take information about the event itself, the people involved in it, and possible prospects. The last lasso is “future”. This map will tell you how events will unfold. In this case, the main emphasis is on what cannot be avoided given your “for today” attitude to the matter. Keep in mind that if the future doesn’t suit you, then it’s because of you. You are approaching the situation incorrectly, thereby creating an unfavorable outcome!

Tarot for the situation: one card

This layout is recommended in order to understand what happens if something escapes your attention. It can be used to review a crisis situation. Or just calm down if it is out of your control. Agree, you should not make a decision in a nervous state. This will not lead to success. Only after calming down and looking at the situation from all sides does it make sense to decide what to do. So, here’s the breakdown: you formulate the question (specifically). You take out one card. You study it. What does she say? What is the situation now, who matters for its development. He also advises in which direction to think and act. The first thing you will see when you start decoding is the correctness of your own position.


If you asked a question and the minor arcana came up, it means you are paying too much attention to the situation. She is not as important to you as she seems. The significance of what is happening is emphasized by the major lasso.

When you start making layouts, don’t rush. Consider all aspects of the fallen arcana. Try to feel their “relationship.” If they are in “confrontation” with each other, then the situation is not harmonious. “Resonate” - everything will go smoothly, without obstacles.

1.1 ANKH

The spiritual and deep reasons for what is happening come to the fore in the scenario. How the problem actually affects the Questioner, what steps should be taken and what they will lead to.

1+2 - Two opposite impulses blocking each other; The questioner is, as it were, crucified between them (If the question concerns the cause of a conflict or crisis. If the question is about some pleasant event, then these cards represent forces that are in harmony.

3 - Long-standing reasons.

4 - The newest reason (reason).

5 — Enlightenment (awareness of the true meaning of events).

6 — Conclusions.

If the Questioner managed to achieve enlightenment (5) and draw the necessary conclusions (6), the remaining cards can be revealed.

7 - Next step.

8 - Unexpected discovery.

9 - Result.

How to interpret cards.

First you need to find out the essence of the conflict with cards (1-2). This is the biggest difficulty in this situation. It can be especially difficult to understand what the conflict is, especially if the opposite cards have a positive meaning. If you do not understand this, then the further arrangement makes no sense.

The most important role in the layout is given to cards (5 - 6), having understood them, we already know exactly what to do next. To interpret map (5), you can refer to the “Consciousness” column, and map (6), in meaning, corresponds to the “Advice” section.

Then you can go to the forecast cards in positions (7 - 8 - 9).

1.2 The pinnacle of happiness

1 - You will get rid of this.

2 - This you will achieve.

3 - It will come.

4 - It will bring you happiness.

5 - This is still bothering you.

6 - This decision will bring you the highest happiness.

1.3 Decision-making issue

1 - 2 - This is what you have come to.

3 - 4 - Where you go, dangers / chances.

1 - 3 - Everything that is against.

2 - 4 - All that.

1.4 Yes or No

1 - What is the question?

2 - How does it affect my life?

3 - What obstacles do I need to overcome?

4 - What is my past experience related to the question?

5 - What do I think about this now?

6 - What will happen in the future?

7 - Should I seek professional advice?

8 - How will it all end? (Or: Will this problem affect my finances?)

1.5 Star

1 - What path in life are you on now? Your current position.

2 - Your tasks.

3 - Difficulties and obstacles.

4 - Your strengths.

5 - Your goal.

1 - At what stage of your life's journey are you now? Your current position.

2 - Your tasks.

3 - Fears and concerns.

4 – What/who will help you in the future.

5 - The result of efforts.

1.6 Celtic cross

The Celtic Cross is one of the most famous and oldest tarot card layouts. It is the most universal, that is, it is suitable for answering any questions, especially about how events will develop, what are the reasons for what is happening, what awaits a person, or how this or that situation arose. If you find it difficult to decide which alignment is best to answer your question, use the Celtic Cross - and you will not go wrong.

The meaning of positions.

1 - The meaning of the problem.

2 - Coming circumstances.

3 - What do we think about it?

4 - How do we feel?

5 - The reason for the situation.

6 — The trend of its development.

7 - The questioner's point of view.

8 - Other people's point of view.

9 - What the questioner expects or fears.

10 — Prospects and results.

Meaning of Line Items

1 — Characteristics of the situation at the moment.

2 - An impulse from the outside, which can help the matter, add something to it, or can hinder it.

These two cards describe the external side of events, and the next two - its internal, non-obvious side.

3 - Level of consciousness. What the questioner already knows (understands), or what he strives for.

4 - Subconscious level. “That which is below,” as soothsayers used to say in the old days. This is the basis, the foundation of the existing situation, its roots, a person’s deep inner conviction in his actions, which is very difficult to shake.

5 - Map of the past. It describes what happened relatively recently, what exactly caused the question itself, or indicates the reasons for the occurrence of this situation.

6 - The first card of the future, showing what awaits the questioner in the very near future.

7 - This card represents the questioner, his own attitude towards the situation (i.e., cards 1 and 2), or his mood in connection with it.

8 - External circumstances. This card can represent the place where the situation is playing out, or the role of other people in it. If the issue concerns a relationship between two people, this card denotes a partner, a man or a woman.

9 - Hopes and fears. The role of this card is often underestimated because it does not contain any forecast. Meanwhile, it can provide valuable information, especially if we are guessing at an absent person. It shows how a person assesses the situation, what he hopes for and what he fears.

10 - The second card of the future, describing more distant prospects and indicating where everything is going.

Thus, we read the forecast only in positions 6 and 10. All other cards describe only certain details, the “background” against which the situation related to the question asked is played out.

Interpretation of card meanings.

It is better to start with position 5 (past, background), and then move to position 9 (hopes and fears).

In this way, you will immediately get a general idea of ​​both the reasons for the question (position 5) and what exactly worries the questioner (position 9).

Next, look at cards 1 and 2, meaning the main driving impulses, and the first card always shows the initial, initial impulse, and the second - an accompanying one, which can add something to the situation, can stall the matter or, conversely, speed it up.

Check what the questioner is aware of (position 3) and what is hidden in his subconscious (position 4). Please note that this position is especially important. What is rooted in the subconscious cannot be shaken by any hurricanes. If there is a negative or problematic card in this position, this is bad for the entire layout as a whole, even if the other cards are better than each other.

After this, find out how the questioner feels about this situation (position 7), what external factors or other people play a role in it (position 8), and only then move on to predictions in positions 6 and 10.

1.7 Sword

1 - The crux of the matter.

2 - Starting point.

3 - Support, base.

4 - Chances / something that will help the Questioner.

5 - How the problem will be resolved.

6 — What wishes come true.

7 - New state, understanding.

1.8 Crossroads

The layout describes the likelihood of unexpected events in the life of the Questioner, their nature, and also gives wise advice on how to act in this situation.

Cards are interpreted in groups.

1 - 2 - 4 - 5 - These cards describe the life of the Questioner for a given period of time (about 3 months). They talk about the situation the Questioner will find himself in.

3 - 8 - 9 - These cards give advice to the Questioner.

Moreover - (3) - this card talks about how to act in the mental area (that is, which idea to follow).

(8 - 9) - cards indicate which actions of the Questioner will be the most correct.

6 - 7 - These cards describe the nature of the expected surprises.

1.9 Pyramid

This layout is good for considering a particular problem. With it you can get an accurate answer to your question.

1 - Indicates a question of interest. Your problem that you want to solve.

2 - Your capabilities that you have at the moment.

3 - Influence of the surrounding world, external circumstances. They have the most direct impact on you and the state of affairs. The map will help you figure out what factors matter to you.

4 - What stands in your way. These are barriers and obstacles (including psychological ones) that you must cope with.

5 - Describes those details of the current picture in your life that you do not like and that you must overcome. It is likely that this is some kind of long-standing habit of yours or a job on which you spend a lot of effort and get nothing in return.

6 - Positive aspects of the current situation. This is something you would like to keep for the future.

7 - Key. The most favorable way to get out of this situation.

8 - Unforeseen circumstances. Something will probably appear that you never expected.

9 - Alternatives. You are free to choose and the map will indicate new paths of development.

10 - Result, outcome of the situation.

1.10 Path to resolution

1 - What you have.

2 - Where are you going?

3 - Chances and opportunities.

4 - Challenge of fate.

5 - Something that is a mystery to us.

6 - Cargo, which, however, is necessary for you.

7 - Tasks.

8 - Problems.

9 - how your problems will be resolved.

So, you have purchased your first Tarot deck (or maybe you are just about to purchase it) and want to know how correctly lay out Tarot cards.

Let's start with what Tarot is.

Tarot cards is a deck consisting of 78 cards, the images on which may vary from deck to deck, but maintain a single meaning. This system reflects the symbols of astrology, occultism, mythology and alchemy. Esotericists and historians agree that the Tarot comes from ancient cultures and combines the secrets and wisdom of the past.

The Tarot deck is divided into the Major and Minor Arcana.

The Major Arcana are 22 cards with deep meaning and complex symbolism. Each card of the Major Arcana has its own traditional plot, which can be depicted in different ways, name and number (from 0 to XXI).

The Minor Arcana is the rest of the deck, they are divided into four suits. Each suit contains number cards from 1 to 10, as well as court cards (Page, Knight, King and Queen). The Minor Arcana cards served as the prototype for modern playing cards.

Decks tend to have the same structure, and any traditional descriptions apply to them. Gradually, you will learn to focus not only on the meanings of the cards indicated in the instructions for your deck, but also on your own intuition. You may later want to purchase a deck that better suits your personality and tastes. There are, for example, which are used primarily to view the hidden, invisible and deep sides of what is happening. There are also, they openly talk about the fears, hopes and emotions that manifest themselves in human relationships. But for someone who has just begun to learn the basics cards for fortune telling , decks for beginners are the best choice.

How to lay out Tarot cards?

It is best to perform the layout in a calm, relaxed atmosphere. Formulate your question that you want to ask the deck. You can even write it down on paper so that it is before your eyes. After this, shuffle the cards as you are used to. There are traditions in which cards must be taken out of the deck only with the left hand, or shuffled in a certain sequence. All these card layout rules exist to help you tune into the deck, to ritualize this moment. Follow them, or shuffle the deck in a way that suits you, concentrate on the sensations in your hands, and repeat your question mentally or out loud.

Then you can start laying out the cards. There are a great variety of layouts, and with experience you will be able to create your own layouts that best suit the task. In the meantime, we present to you three of the simplest and yet most effective layouts that will suit

t for many situations:

1. "One card" layout. This layout is great for beginners, as it helps them get to know their Tarot cards for fortune telling and will be a great daily workout. Take a card out of the deck, place it in front of you, look at it carefully. What is shown in the picture? How does it make you feel? Try to formulate for yourself how this card answers the question you asked, then look in the book and read the interpretation of the card.

2. “Three cards” layout. It is also quite simple: three cards are laid out on the table from left to right, face down, and turned over one by one. The first card means the reasons for the situation, the second - the essence of the problem under consideration, and the third - how the situation will develop in the near future.

3. "Cross" layout. Four cards are laid out on the table opposite each other. This layout is suitable for any situation: when fortune telling for love, health, money, etc. The first card represents the essence of the problem. The second is possible troubles, what should be avoided and what to be prepared for. The third is what should be done to successfully resolve the problem. And the fourth is the most likely outcome of the situation if the fortuneteller chooses to follow the advice of the cards.

These layouts will be enough for you for the first time. Don't be afraid to experiment and learn new things. Good luck on your journey as a tarot reader!

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