Making ramen at home. Ramen: homemade recipe

Ramen consists of wheat noodles in a broth, on top of which a variety of additives are placed: pork prepared in a special way and called “chashu”, pickles, bamboo shoots, pickled shiitake mushrooms, as well as spinach, green onions, Chinese cabbage. You can find recipes with eggs, boiled or fried, or with nori seaweed.

But it’s only at first glance that ramen noodles seem simple. Its main “zest” lies in the dough from which it is prepared, or rather, in one of its components. Typically there are four of them: wheat flour, salt, kansui water and eggs. The preparation of native Japanese ramen requires the presence of some very specific ingredients, such as shark fins. But there are also more affordable options that are easy to prepare yourself.

Ramen with pork


  • pork- 300 g
  • carrot- 2 pcs.
  • bulb onions- 2 pcs.
  • soy sauce- taste
  • chicken broth- 1 l
  • garlic- 2 cloves
  • noodles- 1 pack of ramen
  • ginger- taste
  • nutmeg- taste
  • pepper- black and red to taste
  • green onion- several stems

How to cook ramen with pork:

  1. Rinse the meat with cold water, cut into small pieces and sprinkle with spices. Then you need to add finely chopped garlic cloves and a little soy sauce to it.
  2. The carrots should be grated on a fine grater, and the onion should be chopped into thin half rings. Next, you need to fry the vegetables until golden brown in a frying pan and add the prepared pork to them. Frying should be continued until the meat is completely cooked. If necessary, you can add a little water to the mixture. But by the time the pork becomes soft, the liquid should completely evaporate.
  3. While vegetables and meat are fried, you need to mix chicken broth and soy sauce. The broth should turn dark brown and become moderately salty. The noodles must be boiled in boiling water for 2 minutes.
  4. After preparing all the ingredients, simply place them in a common container in the correct sequence. First the noodles are laid out, then the pork with vegetables. Afterwards the dish is filled with broth and sprinkled with green onions.
  5. Etiquette secrets: According to tradition, ramen is served with chopsticks and a specially shaped porcelain spoon. First you need to eat the noodles and pork with chopsticks, and then drink the broth with a spoon.

Good to know!

All other versions of ramen, including a meat component, are prepared using the same principle. Noodle broths can be fish or meat: beef, chicken or pork. When cooking broth, be sure to add spices or roots. One important rule of ramen should be remembered: the broth should be made from one type of meat, and you need to add another to the dish, that is, the broth can be chicken, but you need to put pork in the dish itself!

Another Japanese recipe in our video!

Sometimes you want to pamper yourself and your loved ones with the delights of oriental dishes. Ramen soup is a good option for Japanese cuisine. It is very popular and has analogues in other eastern countries.

This ramen recipe uses simple, nutritious ingredients at an affordable price. The quick cooking process and many different recipes make this dish attractive to many gourmets.

Cooking the perfect Japanese ramen: the secrets of the famous dish

It all starts with the right noodles. This is the main ingredient, and it can be of a different type for each recipe. Wheat and egg noodles are used. But the ideal one will be the one that is prepared in a few minutes.

The right broth is the basis of any soup. Its taste determines the final result of the dish. To prepare it, you can use pork or beef. In vegetable soup, the broth is prepared using only vegetables. This is an excellent option for meatless dishes.

There are recipes that do not use decoction. It is replaced by soy sauce with various spices and herbs. They will harmoniously complement the taste, especially if you add hot pepper and a little ginger.

In traditional ramen soup, the recipe is not changed. Although the Japanese themselves often experiment with new recipes, adding other ingredients. Each recipe is determined by personal taste preferences.

During the cooking process, do not be afraid to experiment. Ramen can contain pork or beef. There is a composition of seafood. You can also diversify the vegetable composition with cilantro, tofu, green onions or avocado.

Classic ramen recipe

In this case, all ingredients are prepared separately in a certain order. Pork ramen soup is an originally invented recipe for the dish. The number of components is directly proportional to the number of servings. We will prepare the following products:

  • pork;
  • instant noodles;
  • salt, sugar;
  • soy sauce;
  • rendered pork fat;
  • ginger;
  • cinnamon;
  • greens (onion or parsley).

First you need to cook the pork by first cutting it into slices. Cooking time will take 30 minutes. Any foam that appears must be removed and the water must be salted. The broth must settle; if different fractions have separated from the boiled meat, they are removed. Pure broth is poured into another container.

Place ginger and cinnamon into a clean pan. Place the boiled meat on top and pour in a little broth so that it lightly covers the meat. All this needs to be boiled and spices added to taste. Next, pour in soy sauce and cover the pan with a lid of a smaller diameter. A weight is placed on it to press the meat harder so that it ends up entirely in the broth. Thus, cooking continues for up to 4 hours.

The noodles are cooked next. It cooks quite quickly, no more than 5 minutes. When finished, it is divided into the required number of servings without water.

To get a sufficient amount of broth, you need to take up to 1 liter of water and boil. Then dilute with the remaining broth and, bringing to a boil, hold for several minutes. During the boiling process, rendered pork fat is added. The finished broth is poured into cups. At the end, the cooked meat is added and decorated with herbs.

Having enough experience in cooking, you can prepare ramen soup at home. When cooking, the main thing is to be careful with spices. If it doesn't work out the first time, it doesn't matter! The ingredients of classic Japanese ramen are not rare or expensive, so it can be made again.

Mushroom ramen for Lent

This recipe will appeal to vegetarians and anyone who fasts. Its main components are vegetables and mushrooms. The broth is also prepared with vegetables. Consider the list of ingredients for two servings:

  • two servings of dried shiitake mushrooms;
  • noodles;
  • 100 g zucchini;
  • part of the bell pepper;
  • carrot;
  • onion;
  • 5 tbsp. l. soy sauce;
  • chili pepper, herbs, ginger;
  • seafood optional.

Cooking begins with mushrooms. They are soaked in boiling water for 2 hours. Shiitake mushrooms can be replaced with champignons. Then you should not soak them in boiling water.

Boil the finished mushrooms in a liter of water for 15 minutes. The zucchini is cut finely, and all other vegetables into strips. Then fry in vegetable oil for up to 5 minutes, adding soy sauce (3 tbsp), chili pepper, and ginger to the vegetable mixture. The fried contents are placed on the mushrooms and boiled for 5 minutes.

The final ingredient will be noodles; they are added to the general contents and cooked for no more than 5 minutes. At the end, season with soy sauce and garnish with herbs. Seafood is added according to taste preferences. The dish is ready!

Japanese soup and meat ChaShu

The cooking recipe differs from the classic method in that the pork is prepared in a special way. In this case, it is used not only for soup, but also for main dishes and cold appetizers.

The meat is pre-fried until a golden crust appears. Then boil, adding vegetables. To make the pork soft and juicy, simmer it over low heat for about an hour. The finished dish is laid out on plates.

Demi-Glass sauce and ramen soup

The recipe is unique in that it combines a Japanese dish with French sauce. All components of the recipe are prepared together. Chopped vegetables and meat are poured with chicken broth. Boil everything for 5 minutes.

Only noodles and quail eggs are prepared separately. After distributing it into portions, add meat and broth. The decoration is green onions, and a little sesame oil is added for a special aroma.

Egg noodle ramen soup

For all the cooking lovers, this is the easiest recipe. You can use purchased noodles or make your own.

Cooking begins with cooking onions and pork. Next, garlic and cooked meat are fried in vegetable oil. Sugar and soy sauce are also added there. The contents are fried for a couple of minutes. At the end they decorate with greenery.

Japanese chicken soup

Tori ramen with chicken– real fast food in Japanese style. Of the meat components, there is only chicken pulp. After cutting it into pieces, add it to the boil. The chopped vegetables are sent there and cooked for a couple of minutes, adding spices.

Boiled noodles and eggs are placed on a plate and poured with broth and meat. The dish is sprinkled with green onions. The whole process takes about 5 minutes.

This is real diet ramen soup . This recipe is also suitable for vegetarians.

It begins with preparing a decoction of mushrooms and cheese. Then the mushrooms and onions are fried separately, and at the end the broth is poured. The contents are boiled.

The prepared ingredients are poured with broth and decorated with chopped herbs.


As you can see from the recipes, you don’t have to be fond of Japanese cuisine to prepare such dishes. If desired, you can pleasantly surprise your guests and loved ones with such food. Japanese ramen is usually eaten from a deep plate, and chopsticks are used as cutlery. To serve correctly, you need to decorate the resulting dish. Greens, half an egg, meat slices or avocado are suitable for this. As a result, everything will look appetizing and tasty.

Contents of the article:

Recently, Japanese cuisine has become popular in our country. But often, having decided to try exotic dishes, a person cannot understand what it is made of and what it represents. Everyone is already accustomed to rolls and sushi and roughly knows what we are talking about. But there are other outlandish names on the menu. Below we will talk about ramen, what it is, what it is made from and how to eat it.

History of the dish

Ramen(Ramen, tyuka-soba, ramin) is a dish of Japanese and Chinese cuisine, the main ingredient of which is wheat noodles. Today it is customary to classify ramen as Japanese cuisine, but its homeland is China.

In Japan, ramen began to be eaten much later, at the beginning of the 20th century, when Chinese food spread throughout the world.

At first, ramen was sold in small street fast food cafes, as it turned out to be very rich and satisfying, allowing you to quickly satisfy your hunger for little money. Later they began to serve it in restaurants, and even specialized “ramen-ya” cafes appeared.

The first type of ramen was cooked in rich chicken broth with a thick paste of soybeans and rice. Today, every restaurant offers its own recipes.

In addition to freshly prepared ramen, quick-cooking pasta is popular. In 2013, about one hundred billion packages of this product were sold.

Now its popularity has decreased somewhat, as healthy eating has become fashionable, and dry pasta is mostly considered fast food.

Cooking features

The basis of ramen is noodles and broth, and various components can be added on top. Most often they put:

  • Pickles;
  • Pickled mushrooms, vegetables;
  • Green vegetables: spinach, Chinese cabbage;
  • Seaweed;
  • Eggs.

As for the noodles, among other ingredients, mineral water containing potassium bicarbonate and soda is used.

The ideal option is considered to be water extracted from the lakes of Mongolia, where its composition is most suitable, then the dough becomes the desired color and consistency. But not everyone can get it, so they often use mineral water from the store.

Forming the noodles for real bale soba is an intricate process. The dough is kneaded, then strips are made from it, each stretching into a thin thread. Then the strips are folded in half and pulled out again. And so on until the required quantity is obtained.

How to make ramen at home?

Of course homemade food is always better. It is prepared more carefully and the ingredients are used in sufficient quantities and of the required quality. But making such soup yourself is long and laborious. However, it's worth it, at least sometimes.

Here's the classic recipe:

  1. Pork (1 kg) must be boiled for 30 minutes. Then the meat is pulled out onto a separate plate, the foam is removed from the broth, salted and poured into a clean pan;
  2. Take another pan, put cinnamon (1 g), ginger (30 g), boiled pork on top and pour a little broth. Boil, add soy sauce (200 g). Now the dish must be covered with a smaller lid so that it presses the meat tightly and left to cook for 4 hours;
  3. Cooking noodles. You can make it yourself, but it’s easier to buy it in a store. Pour water into a container, bring to a boil, add the product there and cook for 5 minutes. Then drain the water and divide the pasta into 5 servings;
  4. Again, take a new pan, pour water (1 liter) into it, and boil it. Then add the remaining broth and boil everything together for a couple of minutes. Add melted pork fat (30 g) and boil for a few more minutes.

Everything is almost ready. All that remains is to pour the broth over the noodles, place the meat on top and garnish with herbs. The recipe is really intricate. You can do the same thing, but with chicken, it’s easier, not so greasy and the dish smells amazing.

How to make noodles yourself?

If you have enough free time and desire, you can make the main ingredient yourself. This is done like this:

  • Take flour (3/4 cup), salt it, make a well in the middle;
  • Break 1 egg into this cavity and pour in water (1 tablespoon);
  • Mix the ingredients until a uniform mass is obtained;
  • Next, wrap the resulting lump of dough in a damp cloth and put it in a cool place for an hour;
  • Then take it out, sprinkle flour on top, roll it out to a thickness of 1 mm;
  • Sprinkle the resulting sheet with flour again and fold it in half twice to form a square;
  • Take a wide, sharp knife and cut strips of the required width with it, starting from the edge of the square;
  • If it sticks, add flour. Don’t worry that there will be a lot of it, it will then wash off during cooking.

That's it, you can cook. Boil water and gradually drop strips of dough into it in small portions so that they do not stick together. For complete readiness, 4-5 minutes of cooking is enough. Next, follow the prepared ramen recipe.

The recipe for making noodles is presented more clearly in this video tutorial:

How to eat ramen correctly?

Serve the dish warm. At home, it is eaten with chopsticks, assisted by a piece of bread. The remaining liquid is drunk over the edge. In Russia and other countries where chopsticks are an unusual instrument, forks and spoons are used.

If you want to learn how to eat with chopsticks, do it like this:

  • Keep them close to the middle between your ring and index fingers;
  • Do not cross the ends;
  • Do not try to grab thin strips of dough one at a time, grab them in a bunch at once;
  • Help yourself with a spoon, scoop up food with it and then grab it with chopsticks.

It is enough to practice a few times and everything will work out; soon you will be operating the device without problems.

Feel free to sip, in Japan this is considered normal, as there is no other way.

Well-cooked noodles are a delicious, rich dish. If you don't want to cook at home, be sure to go to a good restaurant and try it. After all, the noodles sold in bags have a completely different quality and can disappoint. Moreover, now you know what ramen is, what ingredients are included in it, and you can already appreciate the taste of the real product, and not the semi-finished product.

Video: how to brew Chinese Doshirak correctly?

In this video, culinary specialist Evgeny Sviridov will show you how to properly prepare ramen noodles:

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Ingredients for chashu broth
Pork - 0.5 kilograms (brisket)
Soy sauce - 0.5 cups
Sake - 3 tablespoons
Garlic - 3 cloves
Ginger root - 30 grams
Vegetable oil - 4 tablespoons
Sugar - 2 teaspoons
Green onions - 2 bases

Ingredients for dashi broth
Anchovies - 40 grams (dried)
Laminaria algae - 1 piece measuring 10x10 centimeters
Water - 1 liter

Ramen Soup Ingredients
Pork bones - 500 grams
Pork chashu - 400 grams
Egg - 4 pieces
Ramen noodles - 300 grams
Dashi broth - 1 glass
Chashu meat broth - 1 cup
Soy sauce - 4 tablespoons
Nori seaweed - 1 sheet
Ginger root - 30 grams
Sesame oil - 1 tablespoon
Green onion - 2 bases
Garlic - 5 cloves
Sesame seeds - 1 tablespoon
Salt - 1 teaspoon

How to make chashu broth
1. Wash the pork belly, roll it up and tie it with thread.
2. Pour vegetable oil into a frying pan, heat it and place the meatloaf. Fry until browned (15 minutes).
3. Peel the ginger root and crush it with the flat side of a knife.
4. Wash the bases of the green onions.
5. Peel the garlic.
6. Transfer the meat from the frying pan to a deep saucepan, add crushed ginger, garlic, green onion base, soy sauce, sake and sugar. Fill everything with water.
7. Place on low heat and cook for 2 hours.
8. Let cool. Then place the meat on a sheet of foil, wrap and place in the refrigerator.
9. Strain the broth through cheesecloth, removing the ginger root, garlic and onion. Place in the refrigerator, you will need it to prepare Ramen noodles.

How to make dashi broth
1. Remove the head from dried anchovies and tear the fillet in half along the ridge.
2. Clean the kelp seaweed from salt with a napkin.
3. Place anchovy fillets and seaweed in a saucepan, add water and put on fire.
4. Bring to a boil, remove the kelp from the boiling broth. Algae will no longer be needed.
5. Continue cooking the broth for another 7 minutes.
6. Remove from heat, cool and strain, removing the anchovies to obtain a clear broth, and put in the refrigerator.

How to cook ramen noodles
1. Wash the pork bones, place in a saucepan, add water and put on fire.
2. Peel the ginger root, but do not cut it.
3. Wash the onion, trim the bases; they will be used in the broth.
4. Peel the garlic.
5. Bring the contents of the pan to a boil, then drain the water and rinse the bones with water.
6. Pour water over them again, add ginger root, onion base, garlic and cook over low heat for 5 hours. You only need to add salt during the last hour of cooking.
7. After the time has passed, remove the broth from the heat, cool, strain through cheesecloth, removing ginger, onion, garlic and bones.
8. Dry sesame seeds in a frying pan without adding oil.
9. Chop the remaining onion feathers.
10. Cut the nori sheet into several pieces (6 squares).
11. Remove the chashu pork from the foil and cut into slices 5 millimeters thick.
12. Wash the eggs, add water in a separate pan and cook for 10 minutes.
13. Cool the boiled eggs with cold water and peel.
14. Pour soy sauce into a separate pan, put on fire and bring to a boil.
15. Without turning down the heat, place the whole eggs into the sauce and turn them in the sauce until they color (cook for 1 minute).
16. Cool the eggs and cut them in half.
17. Pour 1 cup each of pork bone broth, dashi broth and chashu broth into a separate pan.
18. Bring to a boil, add sesame oil and add Ramen noodles. Cook for 2 minutes.
19. Pour the broth with noodles into the soup bowl, add half an egg, a sheet of nori, chashu meat, sprinkle with sesame seeds and green onions. Serve to the table.

In Korea and Japan, a variety of food is sold on the street: fast food is found there at every turn. The most popular is ramen noodle soup. You can prepare this Korean recipe yourself. Using different fillings, the housewife can easily prepare Korean soup for all occasions.

The name of the dish comes from the Chinese characters “lamian” and “pinyin” and mean ‘pull’ and ‘noodles’. Also, the Chinese sometimes call the dish “Japanese lamian,” and the Koreans call it “ramyeon.”

At the beginning of the twentieth century, the recipe passed from Chinese to Japanese culture, receiving the name “bale-soba”. Initially, you could only buy it at ramen-ya fast food stalls. Over the years, the soup gained popularity and appeared on the menus of expensive restaurants and cafes.

The noodles are made from wheat flour, eggs, salt and kansui alkaline mineral water. In the Korean recipe, kansui is replaced with ordinary mineral water. Fillings include shiitake mushrooms, spinach, marinated chashu pork, bean sprouts, komatsuna cabbage or bamboo shoots.

Korean cuisine recipes are spicy and spicy. Therefore, it is important to remember the spices: turmeric, red and black pepper, ground ginger, bay leaf, saffron. To prepare Korean ramen you will need the following ingredients:

  • pork pulp - 300 g
  • onion - 2 pcs.
  • Ramen noodles - 1 pack.
  • chicken broth - 1 l
  • soy sauce - 5 tbsp. l.
  • garlic - 2 cloves
  • spices to taste.

How to cook ramen in Korean

Generally, Korean food is prepared quickly. Let's look at how to cook Korean ramen at home:

  1. Rinse the pork pulp under cold water and cut into medium-sized cubes. Season it with spices, add finely chopped garlic, 2 tbsp. l. soy sauce. Mix thoroughly and leave for 10–15 minutes.
  2. In a separate saucepan, bring the broth to a boil and add 3 tbsp. l. soy sauce.
  3. Add marinated meat to the boiling broth and bring until fully cooked. After this, add the noodles and cook for another two minutes.

You also need to eat the oriental dish correctly - first, using Chinese chopsticks, eat noodles, meat and other ingredients, and then drink the broth.

Using a soup recipe in everyday life, you will diversify the diet of your loved ones and delight them with new taste sensations.

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