We choose talismans for twins, which items are suitable for men and women of this zodiac sign. Gemini zodiac sign mascots symbols

Geminis are considered the most complex personality among the inhabitants of the zodiac horizon. They seem to wear poppies, changing them at intervals of just a few hours.

You were just talking to one person, and a little later he is completely different, and you simply don’t recognize him. You're wondering if this bastard is the same sweet darling I talked to a while ago.

Geminis are smart, although restless, and spend their lives constantly moving. They like to make decisions and they love to do it, although by nature their nervous system is rather weak.

Which stone is suitable for a Gemini woman?

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The Gemini woman is a bright individual and a great original. Consequently, she also needs unusual bright stones-talismans. Gemini ladies are very similar to Aquarius. They like sophistication and aristocracy. Girls of this air sign can use different gems, and all of them will be good for her. When choosing, only the taste of the hostess will play a decisive role. Suitable for girls: coral and jade, crystal, jasper, sapphire, topaz, pearls, amethyst, and agate.

It should be remembered, however, that it is better to choose stones of light shades so that they add energy to the already weak twins. Dark minerals, on the contrary, will take it away. White and blue are too cool colors for passionate Geminis, so beautiful Geminis should not pay much attention to them either. But green, orange and yellow minerals will be just right.

Gemini stone talisman for men

Gemini men will feel comfortable if they wear any amulet with alexandrite.

Gemini gemstones-talismans

In general, almost any stones are suitable for airy twins as a talisman: coral, jade, crystal, jasper, sapphire, topaz, pearls, amethyst, and agate.
Agate is more suitable for those Geminis who like romance. Especially for them, agate will attract a soul mate, with whom representatives of this sign will feel “warm” and comfortable.

If the twin is seriously ill, then the agate will direct him to the path where he can cope with the illness. These minerals are especially helpful in combating severe coughs. To be cured, it was necessary to turn the agate into powder, leave it in water for a day until completely dissolved, and then take this agate tincture. Agate water is a proven cough remedy for ancient shamans.

If you want to get rid of bad habits and character traits that interfere with your life, buy an agate ring or an agate bracelet and wear this jewelry on your right hand. Let you have some other decoration with chrysoprase, then you are guaranteed the peace of mind of the boa constrictor.

Stones talismans by date of birth for a twin

Geminis born in the first third of their zodiac month should use Beryl and Moonstone as a talisman. Such an amulet will help such twins, whom heaven has endowed with brilliant analytical abilities, to concentrate and quickly achieve their goals. These minerals will also help representatives of this sign calm down, become more emotionally stable, and also attract personal happiness into their lives.

If you like to wear a moonstone, do it during the waxing moon, otherwise you will soon notice that the gem steals your energy. This stone becomes a “vampire” as soon as the waning month begins. Set your moonstone in silver and wear it on your left hand. If you have a ring with this mineral, then the best place for it will be the ring finger of the same hand.

For Geminis born in the second third of their zodiac month, tiger's eye is very suitable, and in the third - alexandrite.

Amulet to protect the sign of Gemini

There are several stones that can protect the twin. For example, the tiger's eye will relieve stress and prevent danger in the eventful life of a twin. And citrine will relieve depression and help you become more sociable, although Geminis do not suffer from shyness. Citrine will also drive poverty away from its owner’s doors.

Chrysoprase is the strongest protection for twins from various types of damage, evil eye, envy, slander and slander.

You just need to remember that for the amulets to work, they need to be charged so that they merge with your energy and work in unison.

If you have energetic dirt (evil eye, damage, or your aura is polluted by your own bad thoughts), no talisman will perform its function. Moreover, it can only get worse. Because if you pour clean water into a garbage can, the water will become contaminated. She will not be able to neutralize the dirt. So, in the case of a talisman. Before purchasing a talisman, you need to “clean” your subtle bodies, and then work with the energies of attracting benefits into your life.

Amulet for the sign of Gemini

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A mineral such as beryl can serve as a wonderful amulet that helps in love and romantic relationships. Your soulmate will be your faithful companion forever.

Beryllium is also a faithful friend on any journey, making it successful and interesting, and making the journey easy.

If you are confident that you are balanced, have a strong character and set goals that you decisively achieve, then pearls will help you with this. Be careful, think, are you really that kind of person? Otherwise, this mineral will only bring you trouble.

After all, the gem does not destroy passive and lazy people.
Geminis who like to buy unusual amulets for themselves can choose a mask. Such a thing is suitable for them, since representatives of this sign seem to “have a thousand faces,” their nature is so changeable.

Talisman in the form of an animal

Of the animal amulets, it is better for Gemini to choose a snake, since this cold-blooded animal is cunning, just like the planet Mercury, which rules this zodiac sign.

By nature, many Geminis are friendly and sociable people. They adapt to change easily, using their natural ingenuity and imagination. In terms of choosing a profession, private entrepreneurship, journalism, trade, and brokerage are suitable for Gemini.

Sociable Geminis will not be harmed by a reliable protective amulet, since among their many acquaintances there may be a person with the “evil eye”.

Key and mask

Geminis who adore attention should carry a gold or silver key with them. This amulet will tell you the way to the heart of a loved one and will help you establish contacts with the right people. Wear this amulet on a chain as a pendant or in your purse or just in your pocket. In the latter case, it must be wrapped in fabric of any color, with the exception of black.

Many Geminis are characterized by frequent mood swings. Mobility and changeability can negatively affect a person and push friends and acquaintances away from him. To prevent others from considering you a frivolous person, a special talisman mask is used. It can be engraved or painted, although it is much better to use an actual mask.

Pupils and students will benefit from amulets that can arouse in their owner a desire for knowledge and provide. Such a talisman can be a figurine or keychain in the form of a snake, star or hand. The amulet must be carried with you - on a chain, in a clothing pocket, or as a keychain.

Flora and fauna

For Gemini, a raven or an elephant can be an excellent companion. Of course, you won’t have to get a live bird (and especially an elephant). It is enough to purchase a couple of figurines with symbolic images of these representatives of the fauna.

Flowers and plants can make your life more successful and even save you from some problems.

Violets. Use these flowers if you lack romance and love in your life. Rest assured - soon someone interesting will appear on the horizon!

Daisies. In some mystical way, daisies are capable of... For Fortune to be favorable, place a bouquet of these flowers on a new tablecloth.

Buttercups. Are you suffering from health problems or frequent seasonal colds? In this case, buttercups are exactly what you need!

Jasmine. These flowers increase efficiency, they help relieve stress and fatigue. Jasmine is recommended for a person who has had to endure disappointment - the flower will help quickly restore strength and regain self-confidence.

Daffodils. This is another talisman that attracts romance and love. But you need to be careful with daffodils - if there are too many of these flowers, then you will become fixated on yourself, and not on finding a “soul mate.”

Quinoa. The Slavs placed quinoa on the window to protect their home from the machinations of evil spirits. By the way, in some localities in Russia this tradition has been preserved to this day!

Honeysuckle. This talisman will attract the favorable disposition of higher powers to you. Honeysuckle protects against minor everyday troubles and everyday troubles, the abundance of which can infuriate even the most persistent person.

Tulips will give you good health and a great mood. Fresh flowers should be placed in a green or red vase. The green tint is used when it is necessary to attract health into the home, and the red color is used to attract material well-being. If you are interested in natural talismans, we recommend that you read the article "".

Among the color shades that are optimal for Gemini are yellow, coffee, gray and blue. Blue, blue and lilac shades have a very beneficial effect. It is recommended to use the listed tones in the interior. If your room is decorated in the right color, you will be able to work very productively and fully relax in it.

Stone amulets

In the diverse world of talismans, minerals belong separate niche. How can you kill two birds with one stone? It’s very simple, pick up an accessory with a stone - and you will get a beautiful thing and a reliable amulet.

Jewelry with amethyst will bring harmony to your life. This stone is a symbol of peace and integrity. In addition, amethyst helps to establish contacts with the partner you are interested in, especially if it is framed in a silver frame. In combination with gold, the stone helps strengthen family ties.

Blue agate will protect Gemini from depression and bad habits, prevent kidney disease, and improve the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. In addition, it improves vision and strengthens the immune system. Jewelry with agate helps lovers survive separation and remain faithful to each other.

For a financier twin, the best amulet will be chrysoprase enclosed in a ring. This mineral will improve health, strengthen sleep, and protect its owner from nightmares. It is also suitable for travelers and Geminis whose work involves the implementation of innovative ideas.

The modern world forces us to resort to a variety of means to protect ourselves, our loved ones and our home in order to have a prosperous life. And if someone buys weapons and installs metal bars on windows, then some trust their lives to magic.

Of course, talismans and amulets in some situations will be much more effective than a gas spray. Especially when it comes to the evil eye, damage or a streak of bad luck. You can choose amulets and talismans in various ways, however, the most popular is depending on the date of birth, that is, according to the zodiac sign.

Below we will look at magical items that can have a positive impact on the fate of Gemini.

Gemini - characteristics of the sign

Before you start choosing a magical item that will accompany you through life, you need to understand the essence of the representatives of a given zodiac sign and their distinctive features. After all, any talisman or amulet is selected taking into account the personal characteristics and nature of a person.

Let's look at the main features of Gemini:

duality and impermanence.
These two traits give rise to both positive and negative aspects. On the one hand, this is an opportunity to evaluate everything from two sides; on the other hand, there are constant doubts and rushing from one decision to another and uncertainty.


This trait also has both positive and negative manifestations. Firstly, Geminis are very receptive to new knowledge and new acquaintances and almost always find a lot of adventures. Secondly, due to changeability, this sign has difficulty finishing one thing, switching, without noticing it, to another.
observation and suspicion.
These two traits sometimes reach the point of absurdity: strong powers of observation allow you to see the most insignificant details, but it is difficult to notice something large and significant. In addition, a negative trait of Geminis is envy, which can manifest itself both strongly and insignificantly.
men are usually constantly in search of new solutions, devoting their lives to achieving goals to which they take the easiest paths. Women, as a rule, are erudite and intelligent, they have developed intuition, although they seem a little absent-minded.

Having considered the main characteristics of the sign, you can begin to select talismans and amulets. It is important to take into account the strengths and weaknesses of the sign in order to develop the strengths of the personality and work on the weaknesses. And it is talismans that will help with this most effectively.

Silver or gold key

A key made in gold or silver is best suited for very sociable Geminis who are constantly in the spotlight. This talisman will help you establish quick communication contacts with your interlocutors and open doors to the hearts of many people.

It is best to wear such an item as a pendant on a chain or in a pocket or bag, wrapped in a piece of fabric of any color except black.


Among the entire zodiac circle, it is very difficult to find people who combine so many characters in one personality. Constant changeability does not allow Gemini himself to get bored.

However, in order to prevent changeability from having a detrimental effect on a person, it is recommended to use a small mask as talismans and amulets. It can be either drawn or engraved, or real. In addition, talismans such as a hand, a snake, twins or a star are perfect for developing wisdom and the desire for knowledge.

If you plan to apply the image of a talisman to metal, then opt for gold, silver, steel, or amalgam.

Animals and plants

To develop observation skills, it is recommended to use flora and fauna items as amulets and talismans. The elephant and the crow are excellent companions for Gemini. They can be used as figurine in the house or as small figurines that always accompany a person.

To attract good luck into your life, it is advisable to keep the following plants and flowers in your home: tulips, honeysuckle, quinoa, daffodils, jasmine, buttercups, daisies and violets. In addition, these plants will give you a good mood and promote good health.

Matching colors

When choosing talismans and amulets, you also need to pay attention to the colors that are most suitable for a given zodiac sign.

The following colors are considered lucky for Gemini: blue, light blue, gray, violet, lilac, yellow and coffee.

When deciding to make an amulet or talisman, it is best to give preference to these colors.

In addition, the colors listed above have a beneficial effect on the general condition of Gemini and lift their spirits.

Therefore, by decorating the room in the right color, you will be able to work more productively and relax with pleasure.


Amulet stones occupy a separate niche among the variety of talismans and amulets. After all, quite often, when choosing jewelry or other little things with a stone, you can simultaneously get not only pleasure from the purchase, but also a powerful talisman that will help you in life.

Products with amethysts are recommended during difficult periods of life, when it is necessary to restore harmony. The stone itself symbolizes sincerity, peacefulness and sincerity. You can also use amethyst talismans to establish contacts with business partners.

To do this, it is advisable to set the stone with silver. A mineral set in gold will help strengthen family relationships and protect against infertility.

Blue-hued agates will be an excellent amulet for Gemini against addictions and depressive moods. By constantly carrying this stone with you, the immune system is strengthened, vision is improved, the gastrointestinal tract is improved and kidney diseases are prevented.

It is believed that products with agate help to remain faithful to lovers even during long separations.

For Gemini, whose field of activity is finance and everything connected with it, products with chrysoprase will be excellent talismans and amulets. This stone helps relieve nightmares, improve sleep and maintain health.

This mineral is also suitable for Gemini because it has long been considered a stone of innovators and travelers, opening up new horizons for its owner and pushing for new achievements.

Amulets and talismans require careful attention to them. Under no circumstances should you give or show your magic item to anyone, since this will not benefit you or the person to whom you give it.

However, if you inherited an amulet, this only enhances its magical properties. Before you start wearing such products, you should clean them of negativity under running water and charge them with your energy.

Kiryanova Olga Viktorovna

Specialist in working with amulets and amulets. Expert in ancient Slavic symbols. Has extensive experience in selecting individual amulets. He independently charges amulets and provides free consultations to readers of our resource.

Articles written

Choosing a talisman stone for people born under the sign of Gemini is quite problematic - this is due to some personality traits, namely:

Duality and ambiguity. Geminis are distinguished by their duplicity, which allows them to evaluate any situation from several “angles,” so to speak. Like any balanced sign, they prefer ideal harmony - a state when black equalizes white and there is no dominance. Accordingly, amulets for twins should be selected taking into account this feature - if it is a stone, then it is not a monolithic monolith, but a mineral that shimmers in different colors, but at the same time they should not have a pronounced dominant;

What determines which stone the Gemini will match according to the horoscope is also how successful a person is in life. There are many amulets that are balanced, but do not help motivate a person to achieve their goals. An example is an amulet made of a stone called hematite. Or another option is an amulet made of agate. Yes, wearing them will calm a person born under the sign of Gemini, but will in no way help stimulate him to achieve his goals.

It's no secret that choosing a souvenir is a problematic task for Gemini women, since they think only about their image, and not about the meaning put into the gifted jewelry and what it really means. Although, on the other hand, everyone decides for himself with priorities regarding what he wants to get from the amulet he wears - harmony of body and soul, or following the ideals of fashion. Another thing is to purchase a talisman for a man's twin. They make their choice immediately after they see the first proposed option, the price of which, at least slightly, matches the quality.

What stones are suitable for the zodiac sign Gemini?

One of the main directions in esotericism is the stone horoscope, which determines which stone is best suited to which zodiac sign. It should be noted right away that this is all relative and has no official confirmation. But despite this, following the principles of esotericism has allowed many people to achieve internal balance and comfort. So let's stay away.

The best talisman for twins

As mentioned above, the distinctive character traits of Geminis are their duality and inconstancy. Accordingly, a suitable stone for them should be multi-colored and iridescent, such as a moonstone. Sometimes blue, sometimes pearlescent, sometimes white - depending on the angle at which the sun's rays hit it, the color of this mineral changes. It looks great, but that's not the point.

After admiring a product made from this mineral, a person born under the zodiac sign Gemini will be able to restore a positive attitude and begin work again in a good mood;

They also make an amulet for twins from a stone called a cat's eye - these products retain all the mystery and mystery of one of the most ancient minerals in the world. Perhaps this stone is better suited for twins in all situations - with jewelry made from it you can safely go to a social reception or to work. In all cases, the mineral will look great.

Another good luck talisman for Geminis is a mask made of moonstone - this symbol is inextricably linked in people’s minds with duplicity and helps Geminis to correctly shape the society around them.

What stones are contraindicated for Geminis?

As strange as it may sound, sometimes there are minerals whose use in body jewelry has the most undesirable effect on a person’s health and emotional state. Moreover, what is most interesting is that for each zodiac sign the lists of non-recommended stones differ. And the twins are not friends with gems.

For example, an undesirable talisman stone for Geminis is the tiger's eye. It would seem that this is far from the most “stable” and monotonous stone; it contains light brown gaps, however, the vast majority of teachings from various esoteric schools suggest that tiger eye is strictly contraindicated for the Gemini sign. There are researchers who believe that this is not the case, but there are not very many of them.

The results of a study conducted on a control group support the negative effect of tiger eye stone on twins. Its essence was that a variety of minerals were laid out in front of random people (but they were all Gemini according to their zodiac sign), and their task was to choose the one that suited their liking more, and also point to the stone that causes negative emotions stronger than others. The important point is that they made their choice independently of each other.

So, the results of the study amazed everyone - the moonstone received the absolute amount of sympathy, and the tiger's eye received the most pronounced negative reaction. So in this case, it is necessary to compare esoteric information with real statistics in order to obtain more reliable results.

In addition, Geminis do not perceive stones such as onyx and malachite, which in principle is not surprising, since the latter have pronounced energy, the nature of which is aimed at stability, peace and order. Being inherently capricious and changeable, Geminis do not perceive such “stable” stones, which leads to a kind of clash of energetics, which does not end in anything good.

So don’t experiment too much - if you were born under the constellation Gemini, wear stones that will enhance your life potential, and not, on the contrary, depress it.

For women

A few words about how you can choose a twin talisman for women. Despite all their preferences and not always reasoned prejudices, guided by the principles listed below when choosing a talisman, you reduce the likelihood of making a mistake to almost zero:

  • Moonstone - ideal for Gemini women who love soft tones;
  • Alexandrite is a talisman stone for Gemini women who prefer bright expression;
  • Ruby is a gemstone for women born under the sign of Gemini;
  • Tourmaline is a semi-precious stone that has a beneficial effect on the inner world of twins;

In fact, everything here is very simple - representatives of all zodiac signs, without exception, like these minerals, so you can’t go wrong when choosing.

For men

Gemini talismans are divided into two categories - suitable for romantic natures prone to rash actions, and intended for people accustomed to doing mental work. In the first case, aventurine is recommended for men, and in the second, jade.

So, before answering the question about which talisman brings good luck to male twins, you should first decide what kind of man you have to deal with.

For a child

Any mother would like to buy an amulet stone for her child so that he will always be in a state of psychological balance. It is best to use amulets and talismans made from alexandrite for this purpose. You will not get the same quality of energy protection as these talismans provide from any others!

It’s a good idea to combine alexandrite with green jasper when creating a protective amulet for your child. A few words about why this particular combination is best suited in this case. The thing is that the mineral alexandrite perfectly reflects all the negative energy coming from the surrounding world. And green jasper helps attract positive energy, which is the best way to strengthen your child’s energetic protective shell.

Please note that the above tips only apply if your child was born under the sign of Gemini.

By date of birth

It is better to choose talismans for twins together with them - mascot stones such as beryl, topaz and tsetrin require special attention. In addition, their influence will be favorable even in the presence of negative energy surrounding a person. These are such useful gems!

The tips listed below will be relevant for those born in early June.

Beryl talisman will be an excellent source of positive energy in matters related to commercial activities. Success in matters related to the arrangement of your personal life will be brought to you by an amulet created from a combination of citrine opal. Agate is best used if you are going to an exam or another important event.

When going on a romantic date, do not forget about green jasper - the energy of this mineral will help you establish close psychological contact with your loved one.

The following minerals will help give new strength to the twins:

  • emerald
  • pearl
  • nephritis
  • topaz

By the way, they can not only lift the owner’s mood, but also add vitality to him.

According to the zodiac sign, stones are also classified into two categories:

For a woman by date of birth. Moonstone and cat's eye are suitable for those ladies who were born at the beginning of this sign, and carnelian will be intended for those who were born at the end of it. The choice of a souvenir by a woman who was born under this sign. In the event that a lady buys herself a gift, she should pay attention to chrysoprase - a beautiful mineral that will once again emphasize her self-sufficiency.

Other amulets and symbols for Gemini

You shouldn’t focus only on amulets made of stone - while we still have wood, we can make ourselves true Slavic ones. The following talismans have received the greatest recognition (they are best worn under clothing):

  • wood - by the way, it helps to concentrate well
  • little key
  • Slavic symbols
  • animals - every kind has them. In ancient times, they had their own totem animal, which, in their opinion, protects against the machinations of the dictator;
  • mask

Representatives of the zodiac sign simply cannot resist being around them. In addition, they will become an additional incentive and a good helper in creating a positive attitude when combined with other talismans. For example, in combination with the Slavic amulet “Klyuchik”, chrysoprase helps to get rid of many problems of neurological origin. If you see positive changes within a month after you start wearing the amulet, you can safely talk about the quality of the talisman.

Each zodiac sign has stones that are ideal and serve as a talisman and amulet that protects the owner from negativity and attracts only happiness, prosperity and success. The restless Gemini also has such magical crystals. The talisman stone of these energetic and versatile people should match them, but it is quite difficult to match the lifestyle that the representatives of this sign lead.

Basic qualities of stones

Firstly, this sign almost always adheres to an active lifestyle; it is no secret that a person patronized by the mobile Mercury loves to travel, often without hesitation going on long and sometimes dangerous journeys. Therefore, talismans for Gemini should charge with additional strength and energy, protect against troubles on the road, lift your spirits, and help fight laziness. It is worth noting that this is a very talkative sign, so the stone should enhance natural eloquence and add courage in any type of activity. A bright personality very often attracts envy and negativity, so good protection will not hurt.

Variegated agate

Agate is the most favorable mineral for a sign such as Gemini. The talisman stone makes its owner eloquent and pleasant in conversation, and among the representatives of this zodiac sign there are many storytellers, teachers, speakers, writers and poets. The mystical properties of the mineral prolong life, give prosperity and success, protect from the negative influence of ill-wishers, as well as from energy vampirism. Translated from Greek, the word “agate” means “happy”, and this is exactly what it makes its owner.

Precious beryl

The name beryl hides three types of minerals: emerald, aquamarine and heliodor. The mineral is great for such active and cheerful signs as Gemini. The talisman stone has magical properties; it has the power to remove negative energy from the body and infuse life-giving energy. The mineral protects against fatigue, has a beneficial effect on the mind and thinking, and for intelligent representatives of the sign this is important. Travelers and people who often go on business trips are recommended to wear rings with beryl; the jewelry will be protected on long trips.

Chrysoprase - a talisman stone for Gemini

This is the favorite gem of Frederick the Great, this is not surprising, because the mineral is considered a symbol of success. Chrysoprase protects from slanderers and envious people, and this is so important for representatives of such a sign as Gemini. The talisman stone resists damage and the evil eye, and protects from danger. This is a powerful amulet for innovators and inventors who hate to sit still. Chrysoprase can develop eloquence, and for talkative Gemini this is important. If you look at the stone for a long time, your mood will noticeably improve. The mineral also protects against negative energy.

The influence of stones

All gems suitable for Gemini share similar qualities. They give additional strength and energy, give eloquence, protect from troubles and negative energy. Agate, beryl and chrysoprase will be excellent amulets and friends for active Geminis.

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