Compatibility in love relationships: Aquarius and Cancer. Cancer and Aquarius: compatibility in love and marriage

The relationship between an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man does not develop quickly. Firstly, he does not immediately come out of his shell, especially since at first he is frightened by the directness of the Aquarius woman. Secondly, because she is in no hurry to pay attention to the seemingly unremarkable Cancer man. But when he finally sticks his head out to people in search of something curious, he notices her - that’s why it’s hard not to notice the Aquarius woman. They are attracted: he wins her over emotionally, she magically inspires him. They feel good together, if not for one “but”: she gets bored quite quickly, and he gets tired of active communication just as quickly. Well, if they meet in doses, something will come of their love.

They both lack determination. It is quite possible that they will take the first step towards sex for a very long time, since neither the Aquarius woman nor the Cancer man is inclined to take the initiative in their intimate life. However, when they both realize that someone will have to do it, that someone will not be a Cancer man. Their meetings will be shrouded in romance and tenderness, sentimentality, and sincerity. Perhaps they both will lack a “strong hand” in bed, it is possible that they will not even notice it: both are too cut off from the earthly, sensory part of life and do not understand their sexual sensations well.

Family and marriage

On the issue of marriage, disagreements may arise between an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man. The fact is that an Aquarius woman, as a rule, does not want to get married at all, but a Cancer man dreams of a family. If their passionate love is a sufficient reason for her to get married, they will have a long, happy family life - he will take care of that. It is difficult to find a more gentle husband than a Cancer man. On the other hand, he is not very practical, so she will have to solve many issues that the Aquarius woman would like to shift onto a man’s shoulders. But what family evenings they will have!

Of course, Aquarius is responsible for friendship in the Aquarius-Cancer alliance. She will be able to make her Cancer man friend feel needed. Their long conversations about nothing and everything in the world are only a small part of their friendship. Both the Aquarius woman and the Cancer man love adventure (he, of course, prefers to travel in the palaces of his own and others’ subconscious, but still), so interesting walks and trips will brighten up their leisure time together.

Work and business

The Cancer man is not about business. Although some representatives of this sign manage to build entire corporations, they still prefer to sort out interesting ideas, come up with projects and select people who can bring these projects to life. Cancer men are also very successful in creativity - this is where they share the same path with Aquarius women. Together they will be able to bring any task to perfection, if only they find those who will hone the details - they themselves are often unable to do painstaking work. An Aquarius woman will attract the necessary people to make their product perfect.

Cancer and Aquarius seem to be from different planets. The first of them is under the powerful influence of the Moon, he is vulnerable, gentle, thoughtful, modest and sentimental. The second is a great adventurer, eccentric, freedom-loving and detached. Moreover, both signs have a watery tint, which can be seen in their name. Will Aquarius give Cancer the water necessary for its existence, and will the lunar representative want to take advantage of the basis offered to him - astrology and this article will give the answer to this.

Cancer and Aquarius: who are they?

Before talking about the compatibility of zodiac signs, you need to study them. As already mentioned, Cancer is under the influence of the Moon, which explains its changeable mood and dependence on emotions. He strives for spiritual closeness, sometimes reaching the point of dependence; he is easily absorbed into relationships. Cancer is always ready to adapt to his partner, if, of course, he is in love. He wants to spend a lot of time with his significant other, in a relaxed home environment, where he feels truly happy and confident. It is very easy to hurt him with a carelessly thrown word, which is why this lunar personality can withdraw into himself and quietly suffer.

Aquarius, on the other hand, is the patron of surprises and changes. His feelings can be awakened by ideas of friendship, hopes, sky-high dreams and distant ideas, but in personal relationships he is rather dispassionate.

His independence and even some detachment from people prevent him from building love relationships. His emotions are changeable and his feelings are flighty. Aquarius rarely compromises and is terribly afraid that his loved one will become dependent on him. He runs headlong away from obsessive partners. Cancer and Aquarius are so different... And it is not clear whether long-term and

Is Cancer Suitable for Aquarius?

There is no doubt that opposites attract. Cancer and Aquarius feel attracted to each other, and at first they will be happy, spending all day and night together. It will only temporarily delay the emergence of problems that will undoubtedly arise. The most explosive option is when the guy is Cancer and the girl is Aquarius. There is a kind of role reversal going on here. A sentimental man begins to understand that the ideal of his woman is melting away before his eyes. The Aquarius girl does not correspond to the usual image of a lover, wife and mother. She is freedom-loving and does not like to sit in one place, especially at home surrounded by pots and diapers. She may find her chosen one's lifestyle boring.

In the same case, if the girl is Cancer and Aquarius is a guy, everything turns out a little simpler, but not much better. It is difficult for a conservative woman to understand the creative torment of her man. In addition, he is not ready to convince her of the stability of their relationship and is categorically against marriage. At the same time, Aquarius himself does not tolerate the intrusiveness and constancy of his woman. But we should not forget: despite the fact that there will be problems, they can be quickly solved, because love breaks all barriers. If Cancer and Aquarius learn to understand each other and respect each other's personal interests, then they can have a wonderful union.

The relationship between the zodiac signs Cancer and Aquarius can be different. The compatibility of women and men in love relationships and family life develops differently. To understand what people of these signs are like, it is worth considering each zodiac sign separately.



The sign of Aquarius belongs to the element of air and is ruled by the planets Uranus and Saturn. Most Aquarians tend to be sanguine. The main amulets are silver wings and hands. Favorable color preferences are purple and all shades of gray. The unlucky color is black. The stones of this sign are amethyst, garnet, sapphire. Lucky numbers are 13, 17, 22, 26, in addition, all numbers, without exception, are divisible by 4. Lucky days are Sunday and Thursday.

Aquarius is one of the most controversial and difficult signs of the zodiac, who is always in search of something new. He strives for independence. According to the first judgment, Aquarians can be considered kind-hearted, pliable and indecisive people. At any moment, Aquarians are ready to provide support and help to a friend; friendship is sacred to them. Although they disdain wealth and prestige, deep down they are materialistic, dependent on finances and conveniences, despite the fact that their main philosophy in life is equality and democracy.

Basically, Aquarians are very receptive people, possessing a sensitive soul, capable of painfully experiencing disappointments and insults. They tend to have many friends, among whom there may not be a truly close friend. It is interesting that among the acquaintances of Aquarius one or more people will be found who are quite frivolous and unusual in their behavior. One of the distinctive features of this sign is considered to be considerable curiosity and desire to learn new things. This very useful quality does not make it possible to concentrate on completing the task at hand, wasting energy in unnecessary directions.

The desire for learning and knowledge can turn people born under the sign of Aquarius into excellent scientists and geniuses. Due to their high sensitivity, Aquarians are touchy and vulnerable, and also have an excellent memory. But she disappears when it is necessary to fulfill her promises. Those born between January 21 and February 18 have a predisposition to charitable work. Aquarians manage the funds of strangers much better than their own.

Positive qualities include kindness and attentiveness. Aquarians know how to express compassion for others and are distinguished by their devotion, so they will always come to the aid of their neighbors. Among the negative qualities, it is worth noting the lack of a precise routine and chaotic actions. The fear of losing independence makes Aquarius rarely trust people. Many Aquarians want to have their own business, although experience indicates that most success in work comes in the form of a hired employee. Directly in this status, Aquarians are ready to fully realize themselves in work.

Aquarius lacks courage. There are almost no rich people among them. He will be able to achieve popularity, prosperity and fame in various creative movements, such as theater, literature, painting. Significant opportunities open up for him in areas associated with the need to contact people, for example, journalism, sociology and others. Successful professions of this sign are considered to be a doctor, a psychology specialist, and a tour operator.

Aquarius does not enjoy good health. Lacking a natural reserve, throughout his life he rapidly spends what he has. From an early age there is a possibility of acquiring excessive fatigue or constant insomnia. Aquarians are obliged to express special concern for their own nervous system. Difficulties appear with their vision and blood vessels (especially in old people).

Sound sleep and complete rest are considered a guarantee of excellent health, you should spend more time in the fresh air, and worry less about trifles. Experiments with alternative treatments often have a negative impact on health. Without proper nutrition, stomach problems often develop. Aquarians do not like to go to the doctor, even with serious illnesses.

Aquarius men are lazy by nature, but they make good painters and sculptors. They feel all the splendor and can convey it to others. The gift manifests itself quite quickly. If little Aquarius shows interest in art, it is worth developing it in this direction. Active female zodiac signs are not interested in him, since they are eager to acquire a lover and companion.

Aquarius is difficult to compatible with many signs, with the exception of Aquarius, Aries and Gemini. Aquarians are great friends with each other, as they are well aware of their own difficulties. When starting a new relationship, he strives to create a good impression by talking, walking, going to the movies, restaurants, and museums. Having received favor, it calms down. He has grandiose plans: a wife, a house and children. This sign has weak energy. He needs a girl who can guide him and encourage him to action. An Aquarius born in the year of the Dragon can become a strong personality, as the Dragon will fill you with energy, give you courage and wisdom.

Aquarius women are in most cases visually attractive. They are not ashamed to stand out in the crowd with their own originality and uniqueness. Women are distinguished by their subtle intellect and are ready to show their best side. They mostly act according to their own decisions, although they do not want to take responsibility for what they have done, trying to assign responsibilities to others. Aquarius women do not trust people, and those who have betrayed their feelings once are excluded from their lives.

Aquarius women have excellent friendship compatibility with other signs, which cannot be said about love. They do not have the skills to attract men, although due to their cuteness and timidity they are able to find a partner for themselves. If given the chance, Aquarius can start a family early. She will become a wonderful housewife and mother. It is very important for such a representative to be happy to have 2-3 children in order to surround them with warmth and care. She does not like to study and work, does not strive for career growth, and is ready to go with the flow. Sexually, she is very calm, as she completely trusts her chosen partner.


According to their character, Cancers are phlegmatic and belong to the element of water. The patron planets of this sign are the Moon and Jupiter. Amulets for him are olive, elephant, clover. The colors that suit it are white, green, blue and silver. The gray tint is negative. The amulets of this symbol are agate, beryl, and sapphire. Metal – tin, silver and white gold. Lucky numbers are 2, 4, 5, 8, and the days of the week are Thursday, Friday and Monday.

Cancer is a sensitive and vulnerable nature. People born under this sign are very changeable in mood, which is explained by the influence of the patron planet - the Moon. Cancers are often in a pessimistic state, they perceive insults painfully, even unexpectedly caused grief can develop into depression. Having been offended, such people withdraw into themselves, like a cancer, hiding in a shell. Cancers also love to laugh and joke, are faithful keepers of secrets and mysteries, have highly developed intuition, are non-impulsive, emotional and suspicious.

Cancer men and women are very attached to home and family.

Cancer's life path does not follow a smooth path. Successful periods of life alternate with unsuccessful ones, and even in moments of takeoff, Cancer is able to stop to take a breath. He will not aggressively push forward towards a given goal, but, most likely, will choose a cunning workaround. When making decisions, they are distinguished by their great swiftness. Before the final throw, Cancer will think through all the moves with utmost precision and tries to calculate all the options for retreat; he does not like to take risks.

In business, no matter how reliable the project, Cancer will never invest all his finances, because it is more important for him to have a reserve of funds in order to exclude absolute failure in the event of bad developments. Often representatives of this sign are vindictive by nature. But because of their prudence and reluctance to aggravate the situation, they rarely take revenge on anyone. Cancers commit most of their bad deeds secretly, so that those around them do not find out about this side of their character. Largely due to this, they have quite a few sworn enemies.

Positive characteristics include loyalty, excellent insight, and the ability to fully take into account the interests of loved ones. Cancers are very sensitive and are ready to empathize with their interlocutor in a conversation. Negative characteristics are manifested in excessive gullibility and a tendency to evaluate the situation pessimistically. During times of frequent mood swings, Cancers are ready to turn into a real nightmare for those around them, express their indignation, cling to trifles and get easily irritated. Distrust of those around them does not allow Cancers to make friends in a short time.

Representatives of this sign are more involved in mental work than physical work. Cancers have an analytical mind and express a passion for historical events. Actually, the craving for antiquity turns Rakov into magnificent antique dealers who know how to appreciate an object, not only by its appearance, but also according to historical data. They are not creative. Thanks to the ability to inspire trust, along with the gift of keeping secrets, they can be successful lawyers, and also become successful as a psychiatrist or psychology specialist.

Cancers are distinguished by high enthusiasm, although they are deprived of luck. As a result, much more of them become successful businessmen than investors. Despite their position, Cancers take their work very seriously, performing it very carefully. Because of their passion for working on the land, they have every chance of becoming excellent farmers and gardeners. Cancers are excellent cooks.

Excessive sensitivity of Cancers can negatively affect the mental state, leading to disorders and depression. At the same time, anxiety negatively affects the body’s ability to resist various diseases and infections. And also the presence of significant capital can cure him in the shortest possible time and guarantee him health and cheerfulness for many years, right up to old age. The main problem areas for Cancer are the chest and skin. His sensitive skin is often subject to inflammation, even the most minor scratches take a long time to heal. The stomach and kidneys can cause significant difficulties.

Water hardening and clean air can guarantee Cancer an excellent state of health. A boat trip can free representatives of this zodiac sign from physical and mental illnesses. At the same time, the surface of the sea is more significant than household well-being or achievements at work. Nobility and a predisposition to selfless support are manifested from birth. However, he often does not use these qualities, for this reason many around him are convinced of his selfishness. Cancers prefer to be the center of attention and have high self-esteem. This zodiac prefers a serene family life to social entertainment. Cancers often express generosity towards their family and friends, but are restrained in expressing their feelings towards strangers.

The Cancer man is very respectful, has excellent manners, and shows tact and prudence in his communication. He has a very changeable mood, he can become distrustful, rude and absurd. Cancer prefers to embellish reality and can create drama out of nothing. His actions largely depend on his environment, so it is preferable to be restrained and behave with dignity. The main characteristic feature of representatives of the stronger sex is the desire to accumulate. He is not used to throwing money away and is careful about his expenses. Cancer experiences self-confidence if there is a sufficient supply of funds behind him.

At first impression, Cancer seems silent and withdrawn. But getting to know him well, you understand how caring, romantic and faithful he is. Home and family are always a priority for him. The Cancer man is possessive, very jealous, cannot stand conflicts, and tries to give in on something. They make caring fathers.

A Cancer man really needs to feel loved. Often there are many romances in his life, he prefers companions younger than himself. The Cancer man is guided by the principles that a woman should conquer her partner, not a man. Having met his soul mate, he does everything beautifully in order to achieve her favor. The representative of this zodiac is focused on fidelity in relationships, loves girls who adore children and are busy with their development and training. He urgently needs sincere love, care and care.

Such a man is constantly ready to protect his children from various everyday adversities and expresses genuine joy for their successes, even the most insignificant ones.

The Cancer woman may seem outwardly calm, but her mood is as changeable as the phases of the moon. By nature, she is very romantic, tender, vulnerable, prefers to find hidden meanings in extraneous words, for this reason she often gets sad without an excuse. She loves to feel guilty about herself and regularly thinks about the actions she has committed. The Cancer woman does not show off her feelings. You can only know about it what it allows you to see. Having offended once, a Cancer girl will close herself off and never trust her offender again. In life, she is a great mother and friend, and in no case will she tolerate betrayal or betrayal from her husband.

The Cancer girl is charming and shy. She can listen carefully to her interlocutor and is able to perceive his difficulties as her own. If he truly loves, he will do everything for his beloved. The main goal in the life of a Cancer woman is home, children and love. He often gets married late, as he has a strong attachment to his parents’ home.

Pros and cons of the union

Aquarius and Cancer strive to find their path in life and live a decent life. Both do not like conflicts, but often disputes arise between them over trifles and there is nothing left to do but quarrel. However, everything is quickly forgotten. Cancers do not like change; they are attached to customs and routine. Aquarians are very modern. In business and intellectual relations they have no equal. In work they are able to complement each other.

Between these symbols, difficulties often arise in communicating and understanding each other. Cancer is ruled by the Moon - it is the most swift planet in the sky, although it is very slow to determine what is hiding behind the texts of Aquarius. Because Cancer has difficulties with awareness, it is difficult for Aquarius to show his emotional mood. Uranus and Saturn rule Aquarius. The radiant Moon has feminine energy, while the cold and reserved Saturn flows with masculine power.

During the full moon, Cancer is sensitive and mysterious, during the full moon it is restless, one fourth phase of the Moon makes Cancer feel sad and bored, and a third of the Moon makes him amiable and funny. The changeable mood of Cancer is much easier to predict than that of Aquarius. The unpredictable behavior of Aquarius is greatly influenced by the lightning of the planet Uranus. This union is in no way capable of being dull and dull. Regardless of whether they are friends, family, work partners, or a married couple, Aquarius will constantly make fun of Cancer in order to subsequently contemplate his reaction.

Cancer's face is like an open book, which displays the whole palette of his feelings - fun or sadness, anxiety or smile, sensitivity or anger, despondency or faith. He has a very changeable mood: he can smile now, and cry a minute later. Watching such a manifestation of feelings gives Aquarius incredible pleasure. However, Aquarius does not like Cancer's excessive anxiety. Aquarius is upset by the isolation of Cancers, and Cancers are upset by the impetuosity of Aquarius.

Cancer is a cardinal symbol, while Aquarius is a permanent symbol. For this reason, Cancer is constantly trying to control Aquarius, and Aquarius is trying not to be controlled by him. Cancer acts secretly to achieve its own goal. However, forcing Uranus to act contrary to his authority is simply useless. For this reason, Cancer almost constantly wastes its own energy pointlessly. And as a result, Cancers need to admit this, since they do not prefer to waste their strength even more than their finances.

However, the result is in no way predictable, because if Cancer clings to someone, it will not release its own prey.

The sex between them is often fantastic, despite their differences. The closeness of a Cancer girl and an Aquarius guy is like an electric current, emotional, unpredictable, experimental. Each of them is capable of being a dominant in bed, and they also prefer to obey each other. In the bedroom they are like actors. However, in everyday life they do not show their sensual hobbies.

The impeccable compatibility of this tandem is a marriage union in which there will be a large amount of tenderness and sympathy, a desire to compromise, to adapt to each other. In this case, you need to be smart diplomats who will carefully and carefully create your own relationships. It’s very good when a given couple is connected by a certain common goal to which the two of them will strive. In this case, the couple can move in the same direction, focusing on achieving a common dream, which will smooth out all the disagreements that arise between them. If they are united by a common goal, this kind of cordial union can exist for a long time, despite weak emotional and moral comparability.

Another possibility of maintaining peace and harmony in this couple is if the Cancer man and Aquarius woman live at a distance from each other. These can be different bedrooms or houses. In this case, the numerous existing domestic problems will disappear on their own, which will preserve the positive properties of the union. A man will strive for an extravagant and exciting woman, and she will look for warmth, comfort and constancy in him, which will help balance the lady’s restless character. The beloved will begin to sense in him, on a subconscious level, the calmness and prudence that she lacks, and will not neglect his wise advice.

A successful union between a Cancer girl and an Aquarius guy is very rare. In the eyes of society, they look like a unique and extraordinary couple. Having adapted to exist together, they gain a lot of benefit from their own association. Cancer, living close to Aquarius, expands its own horizons, as a result of which the girl’s life will become more colorful and exciting. Aquarius is a limitless source of new thoughts. Around the Cancer lady, the Aquarius young man becomes a real cash earner, and the Cancer woman skillfully manages them. As a result, such a couple achieves a lot both spiritually and materially. Often such pairs are created if they are of the same background, habits and judgments, when they are connected by something in common, a common goal, scientific activity or a common battle with misfortune.

How compatible?

In friendship

Friendship between a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman is undesirable. There will be no trust in such a couple due to different worldviews. If, nevertheless, a guy and a girl are in contact with each other, there will always be a distance in the relationship. Cancer will under no circumstances open its soul to the talkative and sociable Aquarius. And Aquarius, due to his sociability, will not want to communicate with a closed interlocutor.

It cannot be said that the friendship between an Aquarius man and a Cancer woman will be strong. Aquarius is very sociable and makes new friends easily. But due to her distrust, the Cancer woman may not show interest in a man; she needs time to get used to it. Aquarius does not understand this, because he believes and is friends from the first minute. For this reason, a man will think that the woman does not want to be on friendly terms with him, and will lose interest in her before she trusts him. Accordingly, the girl will not like the fact that the guy has a large number of friends, because she, as a rule, prefers to have several close friends. She will not trust Aquarius, believing that he is frivolous, so due to different interests there will be no common hobbies.

In love

In a couple of a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman, a relationship built on mutual affection can be successful and long-lasting. It all depends on the desire to stay together. Cancers lack uncertainty, and Aquarius lacks responsibility. They will not quarrel, since the guy will not prefer a partner who will oppress and pester him, and the girl has a compliant character. As soon as a Cancer guy chooses a girl, he will control her and be jealous.

By nature, Cancer is an owner, for this reason he will want to be the main thing in his beloved’s life. Such a development of relationships will not bring joy to a freedom-loving girl who does not accept interference in her personal life. The subsequent outcome of the relationship will depend entirely on the girl’s decision. If her feelings are dear to her, she will not encourage her lover to be jealous by making compromises.

If she is not ready for this, then such an alliance is short-lived.

Communication between an Aquarius man and a Cancer woman can be pleasant. Cancer will always listen carefully to an active and cheerful Aquarius. In love they are perfect for each other. A sociable guy will be able to quickly win over an unsociable girl. If lovers truly value their own happiness, over time they will adapt to each other and find mutual understanding. In such a union, Aquarius will be responsible and serious, and Cancer will trust people more.

A marriage between a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman will not be happy. Due to different values ​​and outlooks on life, frequent quarrels cannot be avoided. Cancers love silence, home, comfort, and put family first. And Aquarians prefer communication and freedom. Such a wife will not become a good housewife.

Finances can also cause frequent conflicts. The spouse is not used to squandering money, and the spouse does not find it necessary to save money and discuss expensive purchases. Therefore, in the midst of a quarrel, they will accuse each other of greed and wastefulness. This marriage will become stronger if the husband is older than the wife.

The Cancer woman strives to create an ordinary family, where the Aquarius husband is the owner, breadwinner, protector, and the wife is the keeper of the family hearth. However, for Aquarius, such a family model, as a rule, does not arouse interest. He wants to have a spouse-girlfriend, a spouse-companion, so their beliefs about family life do not coincide. And it will take a lot of effort to preserve your own marriage. They can create a perfect union.

In progress

It will not be easy for Aquarius and Cancer to work together. The Cancer woman is a conservative; she does not like change or experimenting. And Aquarius always strives for something new. Each time he strives to carry out the same work in a new way. For this reason, they will not be able to work together.

Possible reasons for disagreement

In the relationship between a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman, disagreements will constantly arise. Cancer will hope that Aquarius will abandon his own quirks and devote himself entirely to his family, children and home. However, due to her sociability and sociable nature, she constantly strives to be surrounded by people, tries to achieve something, and spends her time outside the home. The man will become very burdened by the considerable number of the girl’s new friends. He is more cautious, so he tries to limit his communication only to his closest people. He is comfortable in such an environment.

In addition, Cancer is jealous and does not accept his wife’s communication with strangers - all this gives rise to anxiety and a feeling of dissatisfaction in him. The girl will become indignant that the guy tries to limit her communication to household chores, regularly instructs and tells her how to live, how to behave correctly. The beloved, not feeling help and support from her own chosen one, will begin to move away from her partner.

A possible difficulty in comparing the zodiac symbols Aquarius and Cancer is that they like completely different subjects. Cancer feels serene only in his own home, while Aquarius constantly visits guests and prefers long trips. Because of such differences, this union has discrepancies, including during the beginning of the relationship. For Aquarius, the whole world is not enough, but for Cancer, the warmth of the family hearth is enough. At first glance, it is impossible to determine how the relationship between Aquarius and Cancer might develop. Aquarius prefers freedom, Cancer prefers home comfort. The difference in life judgments and interests, having no common points of contact, will repel them, although opposites always attract each other, for this reason the interest between them will not disappear.

Cancer and Aquarius do not feel any particular attraction to each other. This is reflected in their belonging to different elements - water and air. Aquarians are easy-going, freedom-loving and independent, which attracts shy Cancers. Despite the fact that their union will not become a single whole, love between them is still a frequent occurrence.

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From the outside it seems that the alliance of these zodiac signs is very unusual. But nevertheless, this couple is capable of surprising others. The tenacity of Cancer combined with the determination of Aquarius creates a strong union that is very difficult to destroy.

    He is Cancer, She is Aquarius

    A man born under the constellation Cancer and an Aquarius woman sympathize with each other. But if a couple is united by a common cause, then they are unlikely to achieve significant success. Their relationship will be quiet and calm, without violent quarrels and scandals. A man does not like those ladies who irritate and put pressure on him, and the easy disposition of the Aquarius woman allows her to compromise. The success of this relationship depends entirely on their desire to be close to each other.

      The percentage compatibility between a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman is:

      • in love – 80%;
      • married – 90%;
      • in friendship – 75%.


      In love, these signs have an average level of compatibility. The Cancer guy views the Aquarius girl as a beautiful and flighty creature, so he places the responsibility for the relationship on his shoulders. However, from the very beginning, the frivolity of the charming representative of the Aquarius sign confuses him and does not allow him to invest deep meaning in their relationship. He does not build castles in the air and does not seek to change it.

      After some time, emotional dates will captivate the young man, and he will begin to experience a special attraction to his beloved. As a result, despite the fact that his plans did not include a long-term relationship, he will choose this girl. Having made such a decision, Cancer will begin to change dramatically in behavior, and Aquarius will be perplexed. He will begin to control his girlfriend and be jealous of her towards every male representative.

      His beloved will not be delighted with such unexpected behavior and the sharp temper of Cancer, since freedom-loving Aquarians do not accept interference in their personal space. But a man is not able to show his feelings otherwise. His possessive attitude towards his beloved is justified by the fact that he has an irresistible desire to be at the center of the events of her life. What the outcome of this love relationship will be is up to the Aquarius girl to decide. If they suit her, then she should not give reasons for jealousy. And if such a connection is burdensome for her, then separation will be the best solution.


      In the married life of a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman, there are many quarrels due to misunderstandings. Scandals in this couple arise due to the fact that everyone is used to living their own way. Most of all, Cancer values ​​cleanliness, order, and a comfortable and cozy environment in the home. But the Aquarius wife does not meet the standards of a good housewife, which greatly upsets him. Therefore, he will have to shoulder a significant part of the housekeeping work, although he has the firm conviction that this is a woman’s job. Often he will make demands on his wife and express dissatisfaction about this, which can lead to conflict situations.

      After marriage, the Aquarius woman prefers not to change her previous lifestyle. Her husband likes to spend his free time in a calm home atmosphere, but is often left alone. A large number of friends is of no small importance in her life, and their visits, from the point of view of her husband, are always inappropriate. Spending a joint weekend can be interrupted by a call from another friend, after which the Aquarius woman will immediately change all her plans and go to meet her. After such cases, the husband may begin to ignore his wife for several days or offer to make a choice between him and his friends.

      Frivolous spending by a woman can also be a cause for conflict. The Cancer husband does not spend money on all sorts of trifles, and the Aquarius wife does not want to cut herself off in anything. At the height of the conflict, the husband will be accused of stinginess, and the wife will be accused of wastefulness. If frequent quarrels for various reasons do not exhaust both spouses, then they will soon develop immunity to each other’s ambitions. The strongest union will be in which the man is much older than his wife.

      Cancer has a different attitude towards intimate life than his partner. He is more gentle and sensitive, while she is cold and impulsive. Therefore, on this basis they also have misunderstandings and resentments. But having come to spiritual unanimity, they can find a compromise in bed.


      Friendly relations between a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman are excluded, since they perceive the world around them differently. But if they still decide to communicate, then their conversations will be neutral.

      It is very difficult for Cancer to open his inner world to a chatty Aquarius woman, because then his confession will become known to her circle and not only. For a girl, such friendly communication will also not be a heart-to-heart conversation, because to her this man seems too constrained and pressed.

      He is Aquarius, she is Cancer

      For a woman of the Cancer sign, the Aquarius man is a rather complex and unpredictable person, so it is difficult for her to trust him. It is better for such a tandem not to take on common affairs, so as not to remain eternal enemies. Easy, non-binding communication is pleasant for both of them, since Cancer prefers to listen, and Aquarius prefers to talk. Despite their differences, this couple definitely has a chance to be together, if only because they don’t get irritated in each other’s presence.

      Compatibility percentage of an Aquarius man and a Cancer woman is:

      • in love – 90%;
      • married – 45%;
      • in friendship - 80%.


      Dating a girl of the Cancer sign is not particularly difficult for an Aquarius man, but for a representative of the fair sex, communicating with him does not bode well for anything serious. In order to prove his deep intentions to his beloved, he will need a lot of time.

      Aquarius has oratorical abilities; he is able to get even the withdrawn Cancer into conversation. At first, the relationship will not be sincere and open, but the girl will still be interested in a funny and sweet guy. Along with her interest, jealousy will also awaken in her for many of his friends and acquaintances, to whom he devotes most of his free time. Quarrels and conflicts are not expected in this situation, because Aquarius will invite his beloved to accompany him everywhere. This opportunity will allow her to make sure that his ability to communicate does not pose a threat to their cordial relationship. Over time, she will become bored of going with her chosen one to his friends, especially since she will not be interested in his entourage. She will stop accompanying him everywhere and being jealous.

      If a young couple values ​​their love and relationship, they must learn to understand each other. Also, each partner should try to see only positive qualities in the chosen one.


      Even taking into account the difference in worldview between representatives of these zodiac signs, they have every chance of creating a strong family. The Aquarius man is not known for his seriousness, so he is unlikely to achieve much success at work. But he tends to get out of difficult situations with ease, and his family will never go hungry. The Cancer spouse is always worried about this and believes that stability in life can only be achieved through a serious and responsible approach to work.

      Failing to complete an urgent task on time or pretending to be sick and thereby letting employees down is a common occurrence for Aquarius. But the most interesting thing is that the management favors him, since he is able to concentrate his forces at the last minute and finish the work that he had been putting off for a long time. The Cancer spouse will eventually calm down and stop thinking about her husband’s precarious position at work. She will understand that her husband is the person you can rely on in life.

      After marriage, the Aquarius husband continues to spend a lot of free time in the company of his friends. The wife does not particularly welcome these meetings, but with her characteristic maternal care, she will definitely make sure that when he goes to his friends, he is well-fed and warmly dressed.

      This couple has good sexual compatibility. Both partners are romantics, they know how to create a captivating intimate atmosphere and diversify their sex life with experiments. Even after a long time, Aquarius and Cancer do not lose interest in each other. A happy life for spouses is possible if they do not try to achieve the impossible from each other and find reasons for quarrels and scandals out of the blue.


      Between an Aquarius man and a woman born under the constellation Cancer, there can be no talk of friendly relations - due to different views on the world around them. There is nothing connecting them: they relax in different ways, they have no common hobbies, as well as no friends.

      If they are related to each other, then the Aquarius man will communicate with the Cancer woman in a cheerful and playful manner. If there is no relationship between them, but the young people spend a long time together, then, most likely, friendship has nothing to do with it. In this case, true love arises between representatives of the signs Aquarius and Cancer.

Although the signs belong to different elements, the compatibility of Aquarius and Cancer is based on the similarity of their temperaments. Each of them looks at the world through rose-colored glasses and is carried away by everything mysterious.

Common interests give Aquarius and Cancer a good chance of compatibility in love. If only the couple can avoid the pitfalls that the love horoscope warns about.

Compatibility of Cancer and Aquarius in love relationships

To find out whether Cancer and Aquarius are compatible enough, the astrological characteristics of both zodiac signs will help. The Sun passes through the first of them from June 21 to July 22, through the second - from January 21 to February 18.

Cancer is ruled by the Moon and belongs to the element of Water. This is a very calm sign that does not like to “muddy the waters”, preferring to quietly lie back in a cozy family nest. It is not for nothing that its astrological symbol is depicted as a mother with a child. Attachment to home is aggravated if a person is born with the Moon or Ascendant in this zodiac sign. It is very difficult to stir up the hermit in this case. In addition, his sentimentality and tendency to get hung up on trifles only limits his movement through life.

Monotony does not frighten him; he is happy to live slowly, away from turbulent events. In love, the same calm signs are suitable for a hermit: Scorpio, Sagittarius, Taurus, Virgo. But the compatibility of the signs Cancer and Aquarius is not always ideal. This sign relates to Air, which gives a person an unimaginable breadth of soul. He is interested in everything, he is open to communication. In a word, he strives to be at the center of all events. But in a locked room, he will quickly get bored and instantly slip away from the passionate but stuffy embrace.

CANCER + AQUARIUS - Compatibility - Astrotypologist Dmitry Shimko

Compatibility of Aquarius man and Cancer woman

Compatibility of Cancer man and Aquarius woman

Compatibility Horoscope - Aquarius

Compatibility of Aquarius with the signs Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer

Compatibility of the sign of Cancer with the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius, Sagittarius, Pisces

Cancer and Aquarius

Among the zodiac signs, Pisces, Gemini, Aries, Libra are suitable for him. The contradiction in temperament of Cancer and Aquarius hardly makes them compatible. And yet the stars are not so categorical and give them a chance for well-deserved happiness.

The relationship between Aquarius and Cancer, oddly enough, is built on a successful combination of the opposites of their characters. The slowness and indecisiveness of the latter is compensated by the wild imagination of the former, his ability to maneuver on the crest of a wave and be self-confident. At the same time, Cancer is fascinated by the courage, talents and willpower of Aquarius; the compatibility of the signs benefits from their mutual complementation of each other.

It should be borne in mind that a water sign is very susceptible to the influence of the Moon, its mood and aggressiveness change following the change of lunar phases. Knowing about this pattern, you can cleverly use the moment and smooth out the rough edges in the union of Aquarius with Cancer. This is especially easy to do if he is Cancer and she is Aquarius; the compatibility of such a couple is very high.

Another feature of the pair of Aquarius and Cancer is the latter’s desire for dominance in the relationship.

His air partner will not like excessive leadership and being forced to make the necessary decision, and he will hasten to retreat. It will be possible to soften the confrontation in a pair of a Cancer man and an Aquarius woman. If the girl gives up her desire for independence, and the guy reduces the pressure on her, then the stars’ reviews about compatibility in the pair “he is Cancer, she is Aquarius” will be positive.

Compatibility between an Aquarius woman and a Cancer man

At first glance, the Cancer man and Aquarius woman seem to be an example of an ideal family. The husband provides household income; his other half, with his magnificent appearance, evokes envious glances from surrounding men and their wives. In fact, behind the seemingly successful compatibility of the Aquarius and Cancer woman there is a misunderstanding and opposite characters.

The sentimental Cancer man lives by past stories and values ​​age-old family foundations; his compatibility with the progressive Aquarius woman becomes more doubtful with each passing year. If at the beginning of a romantic friendship a guy was excited by the girl’s unbridledness and extravagance, then after years of marriage this delight subsided, revealing misunderstanding and rejection of such unpredictability.

Quiet family evenings and seclusion - this is the ideal life for a homebody hermit. But the cozy homely little world lovingly built by the Cancer man shudders from the Aquarius woman’s attempts to pull her husband out of his shell. Bored, she tries to reform literally everything: from his clothing style to the interior decoration of the house.

Naturally, a conservative man will zealously defend his right to the usual order of things. He does not share his friend’s love for noisy companies and parties; he is even wary and hostile towards guests. If the spouses do not understand that there are personal boundaries that cannot be questioned, then compatibility in the pair “he is Cancer, she is Aquarius” will develop dramatically.

For example, become vegetarians, become interested in esotericism or astrology, and introduce innovative ideas in raising children into practice. This can be any activity that will unite the spouses and direct their energy into the peaceful direction of the patroness of love and the house of Venus.

A joint business can support compatibility in a couple of Aquarius and Cancer women if the partners are able to correctly divide responsibilities among themselves. Busyness at work, combined with the ability to restrain impulses and give in, will provide a union where “he is Cancer, she is Aquarius” harmonious compatibility in marriage. But concessions must be mutual and supported by strong love and the desire of the partners to be together.

An equally favorable option for compatibility between an Aquarius and Cancer woman is a situation where Aquarius and Cancer live separately from each other. For example, a man may have another family or live with his parents (the latter is typical for this sign even in adulthood). In such relationships there are advantages for each of the signs: everyday life does not become a cause of quarrels, which makes the impractical Aquarius girl incredibly happy, and their compatibility with Cancer in sex comes to the fore.

When the stars sweat, they do not predict surprises for the couple: both signs do not experience uncontrollable physical attraction to each other, their sexual games will even seem boring to other zodiac signs. Are Aquarius and Cancer sexually compatible? Definitely yes.

Cancer woman and Aquarius man

The romance between a Cancer woman and an Aquarius man begins quickly. The girl likes that her chosen one is bursting with ideas and showers her with pleasant surprises and gifts. It is not difficult for Aquarius to win a Cancer girl; their horoscope compatibility, however, is not the easiest.

Both signs are seen by others as eccentrics, romantic dreamers, poorly adapted to life. Many people do not understand the compatibility of an Aquarius man and a Cancer girl. At first, the relationship of this couple really develops harmoniously. Soft in communication and at the same time active, multifaceted lover attracts a fan. It is unlikely that other zodiac signs are as compatible in sex as Cancer and Aquarius. However, soon after declaring their love for each other, they will see the differences between them.

The Aquarius man will be surprised by the Cancer woman’s attempts to take a leading position in their relationship, and her desire for financial stability may even be regarded by him as greed. In fact, for a girl of this sign it is important to provide herself with an insurance fund, and her saving of every penny “for tomorrow” is due precisely to this desire. Acquisitiveness is more developed in Cancers born in the year of the Dragon or Monkey according to the eastern horoscope.

In turn, the girl does not want to put up with her partner’s carelessness. She is attached to home and does not want to exchange it for dubious adventures and long journeys. The Cancer woman will try to tie the Aquarius man to her, constantly involving him in solving everyday problems: from shopping for groceries to renovating the house. But Aquarius is unlikely to be compatible with the quiet joys of Cancer. He will happily trade watching TV together for a meeting with friends.

Their compatibility in a love relationship can be disrupted by everyday issues.

An economical and practical girl will be annoyed by the carelessness of her life partner. Quarrels over scattered things and furniture rearranged from their usual places are unlikely to make Cancer and Aquarius compatible in marriage. She doesn’t understand her partner’s desire to stand out from the crowd (at least with original laces on his shoes, or even better – by challenging social rules).

However, Aquarius’ actions turn out to be a mystery to himself. His spontaneity and inconsistency only complicate compatibility in the pair “he is Aquarius, she is Cancer.” His absent-mindedness and inattention to the established order in the house are regarded by his wife as a challenge to her. The situation is also heated by the Aquarius man’s tendency to make fun of his chosen one; the Cancer girl is hardly compatible with this and will respond with violent indignation. Fortunately, their quarrels do not last long. Both signs are easy-going and after some time can communicate quite peacefully.

Another reason for problems in the compatibility of the couple “she is Cancer, he is Aquarius” is the frivolity of the latter. Without attaching much importance to family values ​​and marital responsibilities, a man can cheat, dooming the union of Aquarius and Cancer to a break in relations. Moreover, there is no need to guess who abandoned whom. A jealous and constant girl will not forgive her betrayal of her chosen one, and thick armor will protect her from too strong an emotional shock.

To maintain love and strengthen the compatibility of an Aquarius and a Cancer woman, both of them should learn to talk to each other and convey their grievances in a calm tone. A mutual search for compromise is this couple’s chance for happiness in family life. A woman should abandon her habit of imposing her standards and habits on her beloved, and her chosen one should treat his beloved more respectfully and seriously. In marriage, partners born under these zodiac signs should give each other more freedom, pacify their curiosity and not demand that their spouse turn their soul inside out.

Often in a couple where he is Aquarius and she is Cancer, the girl surrounds her beloved with essentially maternal care. This quality is generally characteristic of hermits. Oddly enough, in the case of Aquarius, this technique is exactly what is needed. Her endless reminders about important meetings, preparing him food for a snack at work, clearing away rubble from his clothes - all this does not anger the man, but helps him become more organized. This is a big plus of compatibility between an Aquarius man and a Cancer girl. Without his neat and punctual life partner, a man risks remaining an absent-minded and always late eccentric.

Now the answer to the question: are Aquarius and Cancer compatible is this: yes, if both make enough efforts to establish relationships with each other. Mutual understanding, support and true love are a good reward for your efforts and concessions.

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