How to make jellied meat with gelatin step by step recipe. When to add gelatin to jellied meat? Jellied meat with gelatin - recipe. Jellied meat does not freeze, what to do

Prepare delicious beef jellied meat at home - an indispensable dish for the festive and everyday table!

  • Beef (shank with bone) 1.8–2 kg
  • Black peppercorns 10–15 pcs.
  • Onion 300 g
  • Dried roots (parsley, celery, parsnip) 2 tbsp
  • Carrots 200 g
  • Garlic cloves 6–8 pcs.
  • Bay leaf 4 pcs.

We take a 5-liter saucepan, put chopped and thoroughly washed beef shank into it. Fill with clean water and put on fire. This is the basis for our beef jellied meat.

Bring to a boil, carefully skim off the foam.

Then put on the lowest heat and cook the beef jellied meat for 4 hours. Do not cover with a lid. After 4 hours, peel the vegetables.

Salt the broth, add vegetables. Bring to a boil and cook for another 1.5-2 hours. Make sure that the meat should be covered with broth, and the broth itself should be slowly boiled down.

We test to see if the broth is ready: drop a few drops onto your fingers from a spoon and wait for the broth to cool completely. We try to glue our fingers together; if they stick together, it means the broth is rich enough.
Remove the meat and leave it to cool on the board.

Now the most dreary work: the meat needs to be disassembled from all excess and divided into fibers. It should turn out like this.

Strain the broth through 2-4 layers of gauze.

Place a layer of meat in the pan. We compact it. Pour broth on top. If you like a clear boundary between the meat layer and the jelly layer in your jellied meat, you can do this: pour some of the broth over the meat layer, then cool in the refrigerator until the meat sets. Then pour in the remaining broth to create a clear layer of jelly. This is how I cook beef jellied meat.

Cool the beef jellied meat according to my recipe in the refrigerator for several hours (preferably overnight) until completely solidified. Serve the jellied meat with mustard and horseradish sauce. Bon appetit!

Recipe 2: Homemade beef shank jellied meat

  • Beef shank – 1 kg
  • Carrots - 1-2 pcs.
  • Onion - 1 pc.
  • Parsley root - 1 pc.
  • Bay leaf - 1 pc.
  • Black peppercorns - 3-4 pcs.
  • Salt - 0.5-1 teaspoon
  • Greens when serving - 1-2 sprigs

Cut the shank into pieces. Soak in cold water for 4-5 hours

Wash with a brush, rinse with cold water, put in a pan, add water at the rate of 2 liters per 1 kg. Cover the pan with a lid, bring to a boil, cook over low heat for 6-7 hours, skimming fat from the surface of the broth from time to time.

Peel, wash and coarsely chop the vegetables.

About an hour before the end of cooking, add carrots, parsley, onions, bay leaves to the broth and throw in a few peppercorns. Continue cooking. Cook until the meat is easily separated from the bones.

After cooking, remove all fat from the surface, remove the bay leaf, separate the pulp from the bones, pass it through a meat grinder or finely chop it.

Mix the pulp with the strained broth and boil. Add salt, stir and pour into bowls. Place the beef jellied meat in the refrigerator for 10-12 hours.

Before serving, dip the vessel in hot water, place the beef shank jellied meat on a plate and garnish it with parsley or dill.

Horseradish with vinegar, mustard, cucumbers, and red or white cabbage salad are served with jellied meat.

Recipe 3: how to cook jellied beef legs (photo)

To make the jellied meat transparent, you must soak the meat for 4-5 hours, constantly draining the water and filling it with clean cold water. The jellied meat should be cooked with the lid slightly open and at the lowest boil, in barely gurgling water. And is important to maintain the proportions of meat and water. I usually pour one finger's worth of tightly packed meat with water, taking into account that a third of the water will boil away. But you cannot add water to the boiling jellied meat, otherwise it will not harden well.

  • Beef shank - 1200 grams (1.2 kg);
  • Beef leg - 1 piece;
  • Chicken breast - 1 piece;
  • Beef meat - 300 grams;
  • Beef bone with meat - 1 piece;
  • Onion - 1 piece;
  • Garlic - 3 cloves;
  • Carrots - 1 piece;
  • Peppercorns - 10 pcs;
  • Bay leaf - 3 pcs;
  • Salt - to taste.

Meat for jellied meat and beef leg must be soaked for 5 hours, constantly changing the water and filling it with fresh cold water. Jellied meat loves bones, and therefore if you have bones with meat that are not really needed, then you can also use them for jellied meat. I have a pan from a mantyshnitsa. There are a lot of bones, but half of them will go to waste, but the broth will be rich and tasty. Pour fresh water over the jellied meat and cook. Do not add any more water.

Boil. Be sure to skim off all the foam and add salt well. Usually jellied meat needs to be salted much more than you always salt soup. Because when it hardens, the salt will feel weak and the jellied meat will seem under-salted. But since the water will still boil away, it’s enough to add medium salt, and then, at the end, add more salt if necessary. Cover with a lid, leaving a 1 cm gap, and cook for three hours.

Then add peppercorns, bay leaves and cook for another hour. Then put the washed onion in whole, making cuts in it with a knife, as if piercing it, and the carrots. Onions and carrots will give the jellied meat a bright golden color and a pleasant taste.

After another hour and a half, everything looks like this. It can be seen that the water has already boiled away by a third. Some bones have fallen off the meat and can be pulled out and discarded.

After 6-7 hours of cooking, with the lid barely ajar, when the bones easily come away from the meat, you can discard the onion and bay leaves and remove the carrots. Taste the broth for salt and add more salt if necessary. The taste should be well salted. Add crushed garlic and after a minute turn off the heat.

Remove all meat and bones from the broth. Immediately place the bones in a separate bowl, then discard.

Strain the broth through two layers of gauze and a sieve. Excess fat, peppercorns, chopped garlic, and small seeds will be removed. I strain it through a bandage folded in several layers, and then throw it away.

Place the meat on plates and jellied dishes. When laying out the meat, I remove everything that I don’t like and everything that we don’t eat - skins, films, fat, leaving only transparent jelly cartilage and clean meat.

Pour broth over the plates with meat and leave to cool completely on the counter. Then put it in the refrigerator. Jellied meat does not like the freezer, so it should only freeze in a cold, but not frosty, place. I stood at the slightly open window for ventilation and immediately began to freeze. Then I put it in the refrigerator.

Recipe 4: pork and beef jellied meat with gelatin

The most important thing in jellied meat is, of course, the meat. I experimented a lot with meat proportions in jellied meat. If you cook it only with beef, then the broth itself is not very fatty and rich, and therefore you have to put more gelatin in the jellied meat. If you add only pork, then the dish becomes very heavy (although then you don’t have to add gelatin at all - the pork gels perfectly without it).

Therefore, through trial and error, I finally found a middle ground - a jellied meat recipe: beef and pork in equal proportions.

  • pork leg (or any other pork part on the bone) – 500 g
  • beef (preferably just pulp) – 500 g
  • water – 3 liters
  • 1 onion
  • 1 carrot
  • gelatin – 3 tablespoons
  • garlic - 5 cloves salt,
  • pepper

Boil the meat in a large saucepan. Salt the water during cooking. Cook the broth for about 3 hours – it should be strong and rich. And the longer we cook it, the better the jellied meat will freeze.

During the cooking process, put the whole onion and carrots (peeled) into the pan. Then you can throw them away (and the carrots can be used for decoration). We also add peppercorns to the broth.

When the broth is ready, take out the meat. You don’t have to throw away all the veins and skin, and you can also use them for jellied meat.

We dilute gelatin in a small bowl at the rate of 1 tbsp. spoon - 1 glass of water. Let it swell for 10 minutes.

Then pour the gelatin mixture into the broth. Here I follow the proportion - for 1 liter of liquid - 1 tablespoon of dry gelatin. But you may have other proportions, it all depends on how fatty the broth itself is. Dissolve the gelatin in the broth without letting it boil.

At this time, chop the meat finely.

Crush the garlic with a knife and also cut into pieces.

In a jellied dish, mix the meat with garlic.

You can put carrot pieces on top of the meat for beauty.

Pour broth over meat. Let it cool, and then put it in the refrigerator overnight.

The jellied meat is ready in the morning!

Recipe 5, step by step: how to cook beef jellied meat

Very often, the front shin or part of the cow’s leg above the knee (motoleg) is used to prepare jellied meat. This is where the gelling substances are contained. With these meat ingredients, you don't have to use additional gelatin. With it you will get aspic.

  • Beef shank (joint with pulp), leg and part of the shank - the weight of the entire meat set was 4 kg,
  • Onions – 2 heads (large),
  • Carrots 2-3 pieces,
  • Bay leaf,
  • Black peppercorns,
  • Garlic 7 - 8 cloves,
  • Salt,
  • Water – 4 l.

To fit the legs more tightly into the cooking container, they need to be chopped into pieces. There are approximate proportions of water and meat when cooking jellied meat; the correct ratio would be 1:1. If the beef is not divided into parts, then it will not be possible to fill them with less liquid. If possible, it is better to cut the legs with a hacksaw. This way the bones will be free of small fragments. Although, in any case, the broth will have to be filtered.

Now you can start preparing a wonderful holiday or weekend snack. Meat components should be freed from bone fragments, filled with water and rinsed thoroughly. Before doing this, scrape the legs with a knife and, if necessary, tar them.

Take a large saucepan, place the meat on the bones and legs into it and fill it with water. When packed tightly, the water should lightly cover the meat. I prefer to pour boiling water over the meat, although many people pour cold water over it. We wait for the contents of the pan to boil, remove the foam and reduce the heat to minimum.

It is believed that the slower the boil, the clearer the broth. I can’t say this, since I’ve never cooked jellied meat over high heat. Yes, and with strong boiling, a lot of liquid boils away, but you can’t add a new portion of water, it won’t make jellied meat. Cook the meat for 4-5 hours over medium heat under the lid.

Meanwhile, prepare the roots and spices. Onions and carrots can be placed whole with husks and skins, simply rinsed under water. Or, as I did, clean it. How to use garlic is up to you. Some people like to add it crushed to already boiled meat when cutting it into fibers, while others can’t stand fresh garlic in jellied meat. In addition to the suggested ingredients, you can add parsley and celery roots. Or use a mixture of ready-made seasonings for jellied meat.

After the specified time, add peeled onions, garlic cloves and carrots to the pan with boiled meat; we will not cut the vegetables. And don't forget about salt and spices. We choose spices to suit our taste. Approximately add a small heaping tablespoon of salt to this volume. To avoid oversalting, taste it. Now boil the jellied meat for another 2.5 hours over medium heat.

We remove the carrots and onions from the broth; we will no longer need them.

Remove the boiled meat parts and bones to a plate.

The meat needs to be cooled slightly so that it is comfortable to work with and does not burn your hands.

Now here’s an important point: you need to separate the meat from the bone, trying to feel all the small bones on it that might remain. The meat separated from the bone, along with the veins, must be cut immediately; determine the size of the pieces yourself. Grind randomly, dividing the pulp into fibers with your hands, or finely chop using a knife.

Place the prepared meat into molds into which we will pour the jellied meat. If desired, you can place bright slices of boiled carrots, fresh herbs, canned peas and corn, and boiled quail eggs on the bottom of the molds in front of the meat layer. At this stage, you can add chopped fresh garlic and ground black pepper, mix them with the pulp.

Beef broth, before pouring into molds, must be strained through several layers of sterile medical gauze. This way, small bones will not slip through, and the broth will be clearer.

Pour the strained broth over the delicious boiled beef. If you like your jellied meat to have a lot of jellies, like in my final photo, fill the mold with meat to about a third of the volume.

We send the cups with the future beef jellied meat to the refrigerator. In winter, this can be on a balcony or in a room where the temperature is below room temperature. Let the jellied meat set overnight.

Essentially, jellied meat is a soup. Well, that is, it is a mass based on meat broth, which is thickened to a jelly state and served with pieces of meat, sometimes vegetables, and eggs.

Today we will talk about jellied chicken and pork. You can choose the recipe that suits your taste best. We will make four dishes based on chicken and only one on pork legs, but also with the addition of chicken. There will be a spicy jellied chicken with gelatin, one classic recipe, one in a slow cooker, and the last one will be a chicken and turkey recipe. We are sure you will like it.

In Ukraine, by the way, jellied meat is often called simply “cold”, but in Russia it is “jelly” or “jellied”. Which option is closest to you? Perhaps he's not even on this list?

Why does jellied meat freeze? Many people believe that adding gelatin is a sign of incompetence as a cook and generally bad form. And that jellied meat needs to be cooked so that it hardens without additional help. We did create one recipe with the addition of gelatin, but in all the others you will have to work hard to ensure that your dish freezes perfectly.

The next paragraph of our article will tell you what you must know to prepare the dish.

What you need to know to prepare

Making jellied meat is not as difficult a task as it is a long one. Cooking takes a long time, but the good thing is that during this time you don’t have to watch the soup.

Be sure to remember that the fattier the meat, the more likely it is that your jellied meat will harden. That is, if it is chicken, then do not remove the skin, add skin and veins too. But don't forget about the pieces of meat. You can then get rid of the fatty elements, but the meat will remain.

It is advisable to add water to the meat several hours before cooking. Better yet, soak the food overnight. Firstly, all the dirt will soak away, and secondly, the meat will become softer and it will not need to be cooked for so long.

Don’t be afraid to experiment with additives: root vegetables, eggs, herbs, vegetables - all this can be poured along with meat and the dish will turn out brighter and more colorful, and therefore more appetizing.

Chicken jellied meat

Cooking time

calorie content per 100 grams

A simple recipe that even a beginner can cook. This will be a very rich, satisfying and filling jellied meat that even those who didn’t like it before will love.

How to cook:

Tip: let the jellied meat cool in the refrigerator for at least four hours; it’s better to remove it overnight.

The more familiar we are with spices, the more flavors we are able to create - that's exactly what we thought and decided to make one jellied meat quite spicy and rich in various spices.

How long is it - 2 hours 45 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 62 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the carrots and parsley root, peel them and cut them into cubes;
  2. Rinse the dill and chop finely;
  3. Peel the onion from its thin husk, cut off the root part and cut it into rings;
  4. Boil the eggs in boiling water for fifteen minutes until the center is firm;
  5. Then place them in cold water and peel them; when they have cooled, cut them into rings;
  6. Chop the chicken into large pieces, wash them and place them in a pan;
  7. Add parsley root, carrots, black pepper and a little salt;
  8. Boil the mixture and cook for two and a half hours;
  9. Remove everything from the broth, add cumin and ground black pepper (to taste);
  10. Boil the broth for another five minutes and then strain it;
  11. Pour gelatin with warm water, give it time to swell and dissolve it in the hot broth;
  12. Remove the meat from the bones and place in a mold, place eggs, parsley and carrots on top;
  13. Pour in the broth and set aside until it hardens;
  14. Serve jellied meat with mustard, horseradish and dill.

Tip: gelatin should be added to hot water, but not to boiling water, as at very high temperatures it will stop working.

Recipe for jellied pork legs and chicken

They say that if you make jellied meat on pork legs with hooves, it will definitely harden. Don't worry if you don't eat pork, we'll remove the legs at the end of cooking.

What time is it - 8 hours

What is the calorie content - 78 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the pork legs well and remove the skin;
  2. Chop them into large pieces and place in a saucepan;
  3. Wash the chicken, chop it too, but remove the films, fat, and skin from it;
  4. Peel and wash the onion;
  5. Remove the peel from the carrots and rinse;
  6. Place the chicken in a saucepan with the meat and add water to cover by two to three centimeters;
  7. Bring everything to a boil and skim off the foam that appears;
  8. Close the lid and reduce the heat to minimum. You need to cook for six hours continuously;
  9. Next, add carrots and whole onions, bay leaves and black pepper;
  10. Peel the parsley root, add it too, add salt and pepper;
  11. Cook the broth for another hour;
  12. Remove the chicken and pork legs and remove the meat from the bones. If you don't like pork, you don't have to separate it;
  13. Remove the vegetables and place in a separate bowl;
  14. Next, cool the broth and then strain it;
  15. Peel the garlic and chop it;
  16. Place the meat in the molds, sprinkle with garlic and pour broth over everything;
  17. Remove the jellied meat before it hardens.

Tip: if you want, you can also add pieces of carrots and parsley roots to the jellied meat.

Let's prepare jellied meat in a slow cooker

A simple recipe, which is even easier to prepare than the classic one, because here we don’t even have to monitor the gas flow, everything will be controlled by the multicooker.

How long is it - 4 hours and 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 101 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the chicken feet, cut off the roots from each finger and place the feet in a bowl;
  2. Cut the fillet into large pieces, wash and also place in a bowl;
  3. Wash the carrots, peel them using a vegetable peeler;
  4. Peel the onion, cut off both ends and leave it whole;
  5. Place both onions and carrots with the meat;
  6. You can add spices to taste, black peas;
  7. Boil the contents of the bowl for four hours;
  8. If you like spicy jellied meat, then twenty minutes before the end you need to add a couple of cloves of garlic;
  9. After the time has passed, remove the meat from the broth, cool it a little, and disassemble it into pieces;
  10. Remove the remaining ingredients, discard the onion, and cut the carrots into rings;
  11. Place the meat and carrots in the mold, pour in the broth and leave until solidified.

Tip: if garlic is not spicy for you, you can safely add a pod of chili pepper to the broth.

Add turkey to the jellied meat

For true lovers of tender and delicate meat, we offer this jellied meat. It will be made from chicken and turkey, which means it will be very tender and light.

How long is it - 3 hours and 30 minutes.

What is the calorie content - 107 calories.

How to cook:

  1. Wash the turkey and chicken, cut into large pieces and place in a pan;
  2. Remove the skins from the onion, cut off both ends and leave the heads whole;
  3. Peel and wash parsley root and carrots;
  4. The garlic needs to be peeled and finely chopped;
  5. Wash the greens, chop them finely;
  6. Add onions, carrots, parsley, allspice, bay leaves and herbs to the meat;
  7. Pour 4-5 cm of water over everything to cover and bring to a boil;
  8. Cook the broth for three hours, remove it from the heat;
  9. Remove all the contents of the broth and strain it;
  10. Cut the carrots into rings, separate the meat into fibers and combine with garlic;
  11. Place the carrots and meat in a mold, pour in the broth and wait until it cools;
  12. Place in the refrigerator until hardened.

Tip: you can add greens not to the broth, but to decorate the finished jellied meat with it.

As we have already said, the fattier the meat, the more likely it is that your jellied meat will harden well even without gelatin. Fatty pieces of meat, skin and other products can be pulled out and only the meat left. But in order for the broth to be rich, they are necessary.

Choose only fresh and young meat products for your jellied meat. The meat of an old animal or simply stale meat will spoil the dish with an unpleasant aftertaste and will not give the dish the best aroma.

Jellied meat is always cooked for a long time and the longer, the richer the taste. Ideally, the liquid mass should boil down by half. That is, if you cook the broth for three hours on low heat and the amount of water has not decreased, you should boil it a little more.

You can put various vegetables and root vegetables into the jellied meat just before pouring it. For example, you can add carrots, parsley roots and even onions. Many people add boiled eggs, cut into rings, and mix the meat with garlic to make the taste sharper. You can also add celery, kohlrabi and various greens.

Jellied meat is a simple dish that takes a lot of time. But this does not mean that you should refuse it, because it is tasty, rich, and what a flavor! We wish you a good mood while cooking and, of course, delicious jellied meat!

The most delicate dessert made from cottage cheese or sour cream, thick cream from cream, homemade marshmallows and many other delicious products cannot be prepared if you do not know how to properly dilute gelatin. In order for jellied meat and jelly to obtain the required consistency, you need to add a thickener, observing the proportions of liquid and gelling powder. Once you figure out how to dissolve gelatin, there will be no more difficulties with preparing aspic.

Benefits and types of gelatin

Gelatin is not only a thickening agent, it is also a very useful protein supplement. The substance is an animal protein - collagen. The dry powder contains about 87% proteins.

Collagen is responsible for the beauty and elasticity of the skin, so for women it is especially necessary both in cosmetics and food products. It is useful to take collagen internally for those who have problems with cartilage tissue and joints.

Gelatin is sold in three types:

It is best to prepare dishes with gelatin at home with your own hands. Both tastier and healthier.


To ensure the product has the correct consistency, it is best to strictly adhere to the recipe. If there are no instructions on the package or exact dosage in the recipe, you should adhere to the following proportions:

  • For regular jelly or aspic you need to take 25-30 g gelatin powder per 1 liter of liquid.
    30 g is 2 tablespoons with a small “slide”. If the jellied meat is fatty (from pork) and the jelly contains a lot of sugar, then it is better to slightly increase the dosage of the thickener. These proportions are suitable for jellied tongue, fish, chicken jellied meat or boneless meat.
  • If thick jelly is required, especially for decorating cakes and desserts, then the amount of thickener must be increased to 40-50 g per liter.

If you're interested, here's my recipe. I prepared it for New Year 2019, and all the guests liked the shape of the pig.

Collagen is obtained from cartilage, bones, tendons by boiling them. Therefore, when preparing jellied meat, you can do without gelatin altogether, but then you need to cook it from meat with the addition of pork legs or chicken feet. You will have to simmer the raw meat over low heat for at least 3-4 hours, then the collagen will go into the broth.

How many grams of gelatin are in 1 spoon?

  • 5 g of gelatin is 1 teaspoon of powder;
  • 15 g – 1 tablespoon;
  • 20 g – 1 tablespoon plus 1 teaspoon.

It is also worth paying attention to the manufacturer's recommendations on the bags. They are very different. For example, Dr. Oetker 6 sheets of gelatin weigh 10 g, they are designed for 500 ml of liquid. On instant gelatin labels, most manufacturers recommend using 10 g of powder per 1-1.5 cups (200-300 ml) of hot liquid.

If you use gelatin in sheets, you need the same quantity as powdered gelatin.

The “enemies” of gelatin are the following fresh fruits: kiwi, pineapple, figs. They contain specific enzymes that destroy collagen. Before using these fruits for jelly, you need to boil them or take them in canned form.

Sequence (how to add)

If the bag says “instant,” then the powder does not need to be pre-soaked in cold water. It's the easiest to work with. While the jellied meat or fish aspic is being cooked, it is enough to take a small portion of the hot liquid and dilute the gelatin in it. Then pour in the gelling solution at the end of cooking.

How long does jellied meat with gelatin take to harden?

Gelatin begins to “work” (stabilize) at a temperature of +15 º C and below. That is, the entire contents of the dish must cool. The cooling time depends on what kind of broth the meat was poured into, hot or at room temperature. The pole needs to take into account the thickness of the layer. On average, jellied meat freezes in 5-6 hours.

The jellied meat does not freeze, what should I do?

This often happens when you prepare jellied chicken or aspic from tongue or fish. If the cold food has not frozen after 4 hours in the refrigerator, you can “reanimate” it.

  1. Melt the jellied meat and measure the volume.
  2. Calculate the required amount of thickener, soak it, and let it swell.
  3. Bring the broth to a boil (do not boil), add the gelling solution. Pour into molds and cool.

To be on the safe side, you can check the “strength” of the jellied meat by first placing a tablespoon of it in the refrigerator. After 20 minutes it should turn into a gel. The second way to check is to soak your fingers in warm (not hot!) broth. They should become sticky, sticking together a little when they touch.

Agar - an alternative to gelatin

Vegetarians can replace gelatin with a plant-based thickener - agar, extracted from seaweed. It is also sold in supermarkets. If gelatin dissolves in hot water, then agar only dissolves in boiling water. He needs liquid with a temperature of 90-100 degrees.

To prepare jelly or aspic, pour boiling water over agar-agar powder and leave for 15 minutes to swell. Then add to the main volume of broth or syrup, bring to a boil and boil for 2-5 minutes. Since agar is a stronger thickener, its consumption is 5 g per 500 ml of liquid (10 g per 1 liter).

Jellied meat, fish jellied fish or multi-colored jelly - all these dishes prepared at home will be beneficial. The correct dosage of gelatin provides them with an attractive appearance and dense consistency.

Find out whether you need to add gelatin to jellied chicken, meat and fish, in what quantity, when.

The most commonly used gelling agent in cooking is gelatin. You need to figure out what dishes to add it to and how to use it correctly.

Is gelatin added to jellied meat?

Jellied meat (in other words, jelly, aspic) is one of the festive dishes, so it is very important for the housewife that it freezes well and looks beautiful on the table. After all, beautiful presentation of dishes has always been and will be mandatory on the festive table.
In the process of preparing jellied meat, even if all the rules and recipes are followed, it is possible that the dish will not harden, the ingredients’ own gelling properties will not be enough, and all housewives fear this. To ensure everything works out for sure, gelatin is added to the jellied meat if desired.

IMPORTANT: Gelatin is thermally and chemically processed collagen obtained from connective tissue, tendons, animal bones and skins, and fish bones. Gelatin looks like a viscous mass, colorless or with a yellow tint. Most often, gelatin is offered for sale in the form of granules or plates.

How much gelatin to add to jellied chicken, meat, fish: proportions

Chicken aspic

Chicken jellied meat is prepared faster than the same dish made from other types of meat, and it is also more delicate in taste. It is best to use rooster meat as the main ingredient for the dish, especially domestic rooster, then it will definitely harden. However, if it is chicken or broiler, then most likely you will have to add gelatin.
The proportions look like this:

  • chicken weighing 1.3 - 1.5 kg
  • gelatin – 2 tablespoons, this is approximately 10 g

Jellied fish

Rather, it is not jellied meat, but aspic. It is most often prepared from:

  • vegetables
  • stuffed fish and meat products

Products are cut into thin pieces and used as edible decoration:

  • lemon slices
  • tomatoes

The broth or broth obtained by cooking fish and/or vegetables intended for pouring is used to prepare jelly.
The amount of gelatin needed to add to the broth or decoction depends on the strength of the broth or decoction.
The average proportions are as follows: 1-2 g of gelatin per 1 glass.

IMPORTANT: Gelatin must be soaked in cold water in a ratio of 1:5.

Jellied meat

If you cook cold meats with gelatin from meat, then the usual proportion is 25 - 30 g of gelatin per 1 liter of liquid.

How much gelatin is needed for 5 liters of jellied chicken, meat, fish?

The traditional optimal ratio of gelatin to liquid volume is 1: to 10, that is, 1 part gelatin to 10 parts water.
To obtain elastic jellied meat that can be cut with a knife, it is recommended to take 40–50 g of gelatin per 1 liter of water. Accordingly, for 5 liters of liquid you will need 40 g · 5 = 200 g.

How to soak and dilute edible gelatin for jellied meat, regular and instant in water and broth: instructions for use

Usually it is written on the package of gelatin how it should be dissolved. The instructions may be in small print and need to be repeated. So, 2 tablespoons of instant gelatin need to be dissolved in 1 glass of cooled broth and stirred thoroughly. If the mixed gelatin does not dissolve immediately, leave it for a while, then it will dissolve better. After this, the already diluted gelling product is poured into the entire broth and stirred thoroughly again, then the composition is brought to a boil.

If you dilute edible gelatin in water, you should do the following:

  1. Dilute gelatin in water at a ratio of 1 (gelatin): 10 (water), leave to dissolve for 40 - 50 minutes or 25 -30 minutes if the gelatin is instant.
  2. At the end of this period, the gelatin is stirred well so that there are no undissolved granules or crumbs left. If they are still there, then let the solution sit for a few more minutes after stirring.
  3. Next, the dissolved gelling product is filtered and introduced into the broth.

When to add gelatin to jellied meat?

Gelatin is added to jellied meat at the end of cooking, slowly into the hot broth, ready to boil. The meat must first be removed from it with a slotted spoon. The swollen gelatin introduced must be constantly stirred in the broth, wait until the broth comes to a boil, but does not boil. After this, remove the pan from the stove or turn off the gas burner.

How to properly add and introduce gelatin into jellied meat?

The dissolved gelatin is introduced into the hot broth, almost ready to boil.

Bring the broth with the gelling solution to a boil.

Pour the broth with gelatin into the containers or plates in which the meat is already laid out.

How long should jellied meat with gelatin harden?

Jellied meat with gelatin hardens much faster than without it. Instead of 7 - 8 hours, jellied meat with gelatin in the refrigerator will harden in about 4 hours.

VIDEO: How to dilute gelatin for jellied meat?

Jelly, jellied meat and aspic are traditional cold dishes on the holiday menu. Jelly recipes with gelatin include instant food grade gelatin. In what proportions should gelatin be diluted for jellied meat in order to obtain a hard jellied jellied meat, or how to make the jelly soft? Dry powder dissolved in water serves as a thickener for jellied meat made from a rich broth with pieces of meat - chicken, pork, beef; added gelatin accelerates the hardening process of the cold snack, making homemade jellied meat dense, with a beautiful transparent jelly.

How to properly cook jellied meat with the addition of gelatin? How to dilute gelatin for jellied meat and how much should be added to 1 liter of gelatin broth so that the jellied meat freezes “as it should”? How and when to add a thickener at the beginning of cooking jellied meat or at the end of cooking, what are the proportions of gelatin?

These questions most often arise from housewives who do not know how to cook jellied meat at home with pork gelatin, in what proportions and how to properly prepare a quick one with the addition of gelatin.

Advice from the Wonder Chef. To make the jellied meat taste real, it is better to use several types of fresh meat or gelling parts of fish - heads, tails, fins. You cannot boil diluted instant gelatin, otherwise the broth will not thicken.

Jellied meat recipes: cooking rules

Without gelatin, it is believed that real jellied meat, properly prepared, should cook for a long time and harden on its own, gradually thickening. At home, a cold transparent dish with gelatin, prepared in a quick way, is called. Edible gelatin is used in various cases when it is necessary to fix unfrozen jellied meat or when there is little time for long-term preparation of a rich broth for jelly.

Recipes for jellied meat, aspic and jelly, in their essence, are not much different in the composition of the ingredients of a meat or fish brew, the only difference is that jellied meat is decorated more colorfully than jellied meat and jelly.

Jellied meat is usually called jellied meat in the Urals; jellied meat, according to culinary rules, is prepared from clarified broth with gelatin; jellied meat is often cooked from pork. They use ears, pig skin as a basis for cooking; in the classic version, lyotki (shanks), cow hooves (or beef legs) are added to the brew.

What is the difference between jelly and jellied meat? When preparing according to a home recipe, the jelly is made, following the rules, from beef - legs with hooves, head, tail, shanks. But very often in culinary recipes for cooking with gelatin, jelly is found from pork, chicken, and beef.

Each national cuisine has its own recipes for traditional cold dishes with pieces of meat in congealed broth. In Germany it is brawn, in Georgia and Armenia it is a hot meat soup made from beef legs in a rich broth, familiar from recipe collections, like khash - essentially liquid jellied meat, which is not allowed time to harden and is served hot.

So, despite the divisions in terminology, it is the aspic that is made with a thickener; jellied meat and jelly can be made without gelatin and with instant gelatin if you don’t want to spend a long time fiddling around at the stove.

What is gelatin

Gelatin is a sticky substance, animal protein obtained from tendons, animal ligaments, skin, fish scales, and bones. Due to its gelling properties, edible gelatin is used in cooking as a thickener and has a wide range of applications in the food industry. As a thickener, dissolved crystals are added to the cream during preparation, used in, and placed to harden.

The food product is sold in dry form in plates or in the form of a loose yellowish powder. Instant gelatin is found on sale granulated in bags, packaged weighing 10-15 grams, 25 grams or more.

Using food granules at home when preparing dishes is simple and easy; the main condition for success is to maintain the proportions of the liquid and follow the rules for diluting the gelling agent.

How to dilute gelatin for jellied meat in broth

Before preparing gelatin for jellied meat, dry food powder must be diluted in broth. The desired hardness of the jelly will determine the proportions in which gelatin should be diluted for jellied meat. In order to properly dilute (dissolve) gelatin, we will need:

  • Broth (or water).
  • A fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth.
  • Enameled saucepan.
  • Cup.
  • Clean container.

How to properly dilute

  1. Pour the granules into a glass, pour cold boiled water, stir and soak. Leave for 60 minutes for the gelatin to swell.
  2. Pour the swollen mixture into a saucepan and place on low heat.
  3. Heat and dilute the gelatin, stirring constantly until it is completely dissolved, bring to a boil, but do not boil. You can't cook it!
  4. After dissolution, the solution should be filtered. To do this, spread gauze on a clean dish or install a sieve and strain the gelling solution.
  5. After filtering, mix the clarified solution with broth prepared specifically for jellied meat.

How to properly add gelatin to jellied meat

Before adding gelatin to the jellied meat, you need to remove the meat from the prepared hot broth. Gelatin should be added to jellied meat by pouring in the gelling solution in a thin stream, while simultaneously mixing it with the hot broth.

If the finished jellied meat has not frozen, add gelatin from the bag; the proportions are usually indicated by the manufacturer on the bag. Bring the broth to a boil again and place the dish in the refrigerator to harden again.

How much gelatin per 1 liter of jellied meat: how to calculate the proportions

The proportions are easy to calculate; for 1 liter of jellied meat you should add 20 g of gelatin, provided that the jelly should not be hard - soft, trembling, which can be eaten with a spoon. If you want to make a hard jellied meat, so hard that you can cut it into pieces with a knife, then the proportions of gelatin per 1 liter of jellied meat must be increased to 40 g.

Remember! Excess gelling agent can strongly harden the jelly, turning it from a tasty cold snack into a spoiled dish.

Chicken breast jellied recipe

The lightest, reminiscent of a transparent aspic, is a dietary jellied meat made from chicken breast (chicken fillet) with gelatin. You can festively decorate the dish with boiled carrots, pieces,...

It’s easier and more convenient to cook broth with pieces of meat when you have it in the house. How to make jellied chicken breast with gelatin? Simple, the recipe is for 8 servings of cold appetizers.


  • chicken breast – 500 g;
  • thigh, drumstick or leg - 300 g;
  • instant gelatin – 20 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 head;
  • garlic – 5 cloves;
  • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
  • salt.

How to make jellied chicken breast with gelatin at home

  1. To make the broth rich, it is better to add a leg, thigh or drumstick to the breast. We wash the bird and peel the vegetables: carrots, onions, garlic.
  2. Place the prepared products in a multicooker bowl (or in a saucepan if you are preparing jellied chicken breast with gelatin on the stove using this recipe). Turn on the Soup, Buckwheat or Pilaf, Rice, Jellied mode. Cooking time will be about 90 minutes.
  3. Dissolve gelatin in a glass of water, give it time to swell and disperse. Strain the broth through a sieve. We take out the fillet, meat and vegetables, separate them from the bones and cut them into pieces. Place pieces of meat and vegetables for decoration on the bottom of the dish (plate), mix with chopped garlic.
  4. Combine the broth with gelatin. Warm it up on the stove and pour the chicken broth with gelatin.
  5. After cooling, place in the refrigerator and let the dish cool and harden well.

Very tasty jellied meat with gelatin is ready; Serve the dish on the table, cutting it into pieces with a knife.

Jellied meat made from stewed meat and gelatin

As you know, homemade jellied meat takes a long time to cook, but it’s easy to speed up cooking at home. The fastest preparation is jellied meat made from stewed meat with gelatin; the recipe allows you not to cook the broth, but to use ready-made beef stew (canned food). Thanks to gelatin, canned meat quickly hardens. With beef stew, the jellied meat is tasty, low-fat, just like with chicken, and with pork - the taste is not for everyone.


  • beef stew – weighing 325 grams (one can);
  • granulated gelatin – 10 grams;
  • garlic – 3 cloves;
  • salt;
  • ground black pepper.

How to make quick jellied meat from stew with gelatin

  1. Dilute gelatin in half a glass of cold water, leave for 60 minutes until it swells.
  2. Add hot water to a full glass and stir.
  3. Open the can of stew and divide the canned food into two parts.
  4. Place the stewed meat in portioned molds, crush large pieces of meat into small pieces with a fork, pour the juice from the jar into the molds, and remove the fat.
  5. Add garlic cloves to the molds, passed through a garlic press.
  6. Pour in the gelatin diluted in water; if the jellied meat is too thick, add a little hot water.
  7. Salt, pepper and mix. Place in the refrigerator to harden for 1.5 hours.

The cold dish is quick and tasty, you can use homemade or store-bought stew; the basic rule for preparing jelly is high-quality stew in accordance with GOST with pieces of meat without veins.


Pork jellied meat with gelatin

To ensure that the pork jelly freezes well, it is better to cook a cold dish with gelatin. Jellied meat made from pork and gelatin freezes well; lovers of a lot of meat in jellied meat and cartilage will definitely like this recipe with pork knuckle.

Will need

  • pork knuckle – 500 g;
  • pork – 500 g;
  • gelatin – 20 g;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • onion – 1 pc.;
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • salt to taste;
  • ground black pepper;
  • black peppercorns.

How to cook pork jellied meat with gelatin

  1. Before cooking pork, the pork knuckle must be soaked in water so that the skin softens and it is possible to scrape off hard-to-reach places, clean them of blood, and remove dirt from the skin. Usually pork meat is soaked in water overnight so that the jellied meat can be cooked in the morning.
  2. Place the meat, cleaned of small bones, and place the shank in a saucepan and fill with cold water so that the water barely covers the meat products.
  3. Bring to a boil without leaving the stove in order to remove the noise (scale) in time, otherwise the jellied meat will turn out cloudy and not transparent.
  4. As soon as foam begins to appear on the surface of the water, it must be immediately removed with a slotted spoon.
  5. Reduce the heat on the stove and cook the pork at a low simmer for 4-5 hours. During cooking, remove the fat that appears on the surface of the broth, cleaning the broth.
  6. We dilute gelatin for jelly in a glass of water and leave it on the kitchen counter for 50-60 minutes.
  7. Meanwhile, place the whole peeled carrots and onion into a saucepan with broth. To enhance the taste and aroma, add bay leaves and peppercorns and add some salt.
  8. Cook the meat with vegetables for about an hour or longer. In total, homemade jellied meat takes 6 hours to cook, plus it takes 4-5 hours to harden.
  9. Remove the pork parts with bones from the finished jelly, separate the meat from the bones and cut into pieces.
  10. Strain the slightly cooled broth into a clean saucepan. Add the chopped meat to the broth and bring it to a boil. Add chopped garlic, pepper, pour in dissolved gelatin, mix.
  11. Pour into portioned forms or pour the jelly into regular plates, not forgetting to decorate the dish before it hardens.
  12. We take it to a cool place or after cooling to room temperature, place it in the refrigerator.

Serve on the holiday table as an independent cold appetizer with horseradish, mustard or in combination with potatoes.

Turkey jellied meat

Low-calorie turkey jellied meat is usually made from turkey wings, thighs or necks. The finished jelly contains a lot of meat and few calories, its taste is not inferior to a classic cold dish, the result of preparation is a dish like turkey jellied meat and like a traditional jellied meat with garlic, it can be eaten even by those who watch their figure and count calories. Turkey is a dietary meat, healthy and tasty.

It’s easy to cook turkey jellied meat at home; find out how to prepare tasty and proper jellied meat with gelatin and turkey wings from the recipe. A pressure cooker or multicooker can be an assistant for quickly preparing jelly.


  • turkey meat – 1 kg;
  • instant gelatin – 15 g;
  • water – 2.5 liters;
  • garlic – 3-4 cloves;
  • bay leaf – 2 pcs.;
  • salt – 5 grams;
  • ground black pepper - half a tsp.

Recipe for making turkey jellied meat step by step

  1. Cut the turkey parts - wings, neck - into pieces and fill with water.
  2. Place the pan on the fire and let it boil.
  3. As soon as the foam begins to rise, remove it with a slotted spoon. Cook for 3.5-4 hours over low heat.
  4. We determine readiness by looking at the meat; as soon as it has separated from the bones, the broth with pieces of meat is ready.
  5. Add bay leaves, salt and pepper, cook for another 15 minutes.
  6. Remove the meat and strain the broth.
  7. Soak gelatin in cold water in the proportions indicated on the package.
  8. Pour gelatin into the hot broth, heat until hot, but do not boil.
  9. On a plate, we separate the turkey meat into jellied meat, separate it from the bones and skin (if you like the skin, you can leave it). Cut the turkey into small pieces.
  10. Place turkey meat in deep plates and fill with broth.
  11. Place a pinch of chopped garlic on each plate and set aside to set in the cold.

The calorie content of one serving of such jellied meat is 91 kcal; from this amount of food you can prepare about 12 servings of jelly for the New Year, and treat your family with a dietary dish at any time.

Jellied fish

Fish jelly or homemade fish jellied meat with gelatin is the simplest way to prepare homemade aspic. The fish used for jelly is red, usually pink salmon or carp, pike or silver carp. The recipe for fish jellied fish, jelly ingredients, often includes fish heads, tails, fins and scales - gelling products.

This is how jellied fish is prepared without gelatin. But to prepare jellied fish with gelatin, it is enough to buy trimmings of sea and river fish, a whole carcass or steaks, even fillets, to cook a delicious jelly, sometimes tastier than meat.


  • fish – 500 g;
  • for broth: fish trimmings, fins, bones, fish heads;
  • gelatin – 3 tsp;
  • water – 800 ml;
  • carrots – 1 pc.;
  • bulb;
  • parsley root;
  • sea ​​salt;
  • laurel leaf – 1 pc.;
  • allspice black peppercorns;
  • freshly ground black pepper.

How to make jellied fish with gelatin: recipe

  1. We wash the fish products for the broth (without fish for now), remove the gills from the heads to remove the bitterness from the finished dish.
  2. Fill the fish set with cold water and, bringing to a boil, skim off the foam.
  3. Reduce heat and cook for about an hour. In the meantime, prepare the fish: wash, clean, gut.
  4. Strain the broth and discard the bones.
  5. Add the fish to the strained broth into the pan, the fresh flesh of which was chosen for the jelly.
  6. Add carrots, onions, parsley root, bay leaves, and allspice.
  7. Soak the gelatin in cold water following the instructions on the package.
  8. 10 minutes before the end of cooking the broth with fish, add salt and pepper.
  9. Pour the broth into a sieve lined with gauze, placing a saucepan underneath.
  10. We select the bones from the boiled fish, cut the flesh into pieces and transfer them to a clear broth, combine with gelatin. Stir and heat the pan until the gelatin granules are completely dissolved.
  11. Cool the jelly to room temperature, pour into portioned plates and molds. To serve on a festive (New Year's) table, decorate with olives and lemon slices.
  12. Place the spilled jelly in the refrigerator to harden. We serve jellied meat on the table, like jellied fish, chilled.

A delicious combination with fish jelly will be Korean,.

How long does jellied meat with the addition of gelatin harden?

How long does jellied meat with gelatin take to harden? In order for the jelly to harden well, you cannot add water during cooking; you need to cook over low heat so that the liquid evaporates slowly; if at the end of cooking there is half less broth left than at the beginning, this is a normal process and properly cooked jellied meat.

Jellied meat with gelatin hardens quickly; complete hardening will take less than an hour, provided it hardens on the middle shelf of the refrigerator. In order for the cold dish to infuse and acquire a rich taste, it is better to prepare it in advance, on the eve of the festive feast.

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