What does the female name Elizabeth mean? The meaning of the name Elizabeth, character and fate. How does Elizabeth’s childhood and youth pass - habits and characteristics

It is important for every future parent to know what a particular name represents. Because each of the names carries with it a certain fate and character of the person. Let's look at what the name Elizabeth is like.
Elizabeth is a beautiful and consonant name given to the female gender. Speaking of origin, it refers to Hebrew origin.
According to the church calendar, this name means “Help of God,” “oath of God.” And in the Orthodox calendar she is written as Elizabeth. During christening, such babies are given a middle name, which is quite a bit different from their real name.
But in ancient Greece, girls were called Elisavet, which is the same name as Elizabeth. They could be affectionately called by the following names:
But in Europe this name is very common, like Isabella.
What does this name mean? Let's look at it in more detail.
Elizabeth - the meaning and secret of the name
In ancient times, only ladies from high society were given this name. It was especially popular because it was a royal name. Remember Elizabeth II as an example.
The meaning of the name depends on what time of year little Lisa was born. So, more about this.
Lisa, born in the summer months, will be very friendly, cheerful in life and take an active part in life. Thanks to her charisma, she will be the central link in any company. Everyone around will listen and listen only to her. She will only come into contact with people like her - kind and open people who are ready to sacrifice anything for the sake of others. Has a positive attitude towards charity. Little Lisa will always share toys with her peers in kindergarten.
Born in the fall, Lisa clearly understands what she wants from this life. She has her own goals and objectives for life, she is purposeful. She will not move away from her opinion, no matter how much you convince her. If she has made a decision, she can only face it. Such Elizabeths have a very strong character. She will communicate only with those whom she truly trusts, but there will not be many such people in her circle.
Born in winter, Lisa will always be cheerful and cheerful, even if everything is bad in her life, in a word, a positive person. He will always be the “life of the party” and goes through life with humor. But as far as important and responsible matters are concerned, she will be unrecognizable. She will become serious and will take a responsible approach to making various serious decisions. Such a girl prefers to communicate with her own kind - comedians.
Born in the spring, Lisa will be an active and positive girl, but not for long, especially when she hears critical statements addressed to her. It is very easy to offend her, because of this, finding friends in life will be very problematic. After all, not every person will praise, even if there is no reason for it. She will get along with those people who will perceive her for who she really is. Accepting all the flaws.
How do Elizabeths master intuition and intelligence?
At a younger age, girls with this name are very inquisitive. They are interested in everything they see on their way. She is not at all friendly with “greed,” but if someone starts to offend her or her toys, she will rebuff such individuals. She behaves with other children the same way they do with her. You are aggressive, she will respond in kind.
At an older age, she shows that her mind is analytical. At school he will master the exact sciences very well. The main thing is to overcome laziness in her, in which case she will be an excellent student in the class. Such a girl will always be a leader.
What kind of occupation (activity) does Lisa prefer to engage in?
As a schoolgirl, Lisa will rush from one circle to another. She can start dancing, and then she gets tired of it and goes, for example, to athletics.
As for her more adult life, in her work she does not set the goal of becoming a boss, but despite this, she does her job efficiently.
If Elizabeth has achieved the title of director (chief), then she will treat her subordinates with the utmost severity. She will demand from them the same results that she can.
She is an excellent housewife when it comes to household chores. Whatever he takes on, everything works out (we are talking about culinary masterpieces).
In the family for Lisa, children will always come first. She will try to devote most of her time to them.
What is Elizabeth's health and mental state?
He tries to achieve his goal, and if he fails to do this, he gets very upset.
She is very capricious, although in many cases she may not show it.
He loves himself very much, but basically this right is justified.
At an older age, she is prone to conflicts. Because of this, there is tension in the relationships between the people around her.
A family girl who leaves her career in the background.
Elizabeth and relationships. Basic moments
Men have liked me since school. What they like most about her is her personality.
In a love relationship, he will look carefully when choosing his half. Will not have short affairs.
Because of her domineering nature, she will select and communicate with the kind of men who will listen to her in everything.
Lisa's first marriage may become an unconsidered act, which in the future will lead to divorce. But the second marriage will be more conscious.
A girl with this name is only prone to serious relationships.
Additional important points associated with the name Lisa
On the good side, the name Elizabeth will be complemented by zodiac signs such as Virgo, Sagittarius or Scorpio.
Patrons of the name Elizabeth include such saints as:
Elizabeth the Wonderworker
Elizabeth of Adrianople
Elizabeth of Constantinople
Elizabeth the Righteous, Palestine
Elisaveta Feodorovna
The most important talisman stone for her will be amethyst. This stone will help Lisas acquire harmony in their inner world. It relieves anxiety and maintains health.
From the plant world, flowers such as lilac (any color) and oleander are suitable for her.
From the animal world, the totem animal is the fox, which characterizes a certain cunning and deceit.
If you look at astrology, the patron planet for this name will be Jupiter.
The most successful colors will be the following - lilac, blue, green and orange.
From all of the above, we can conclude that girls named Lisa have a good sense of humor and have their own dignity.
Horoscope for Elizabeth with zodiac sign: Virgo, Sagittarius, Scorpio
Virgo is very calm. She shows her good manners and intelligence, but on the other hand she is very cold. In her presence, the male sex becomes a little constrained and shy. This fact negatively affects her personal life. Doesn't like to communicate with people who constantly complain about their problems.
Scorpio is smart and has a sense of humor. She will emerge victorious from any hopeless situation, but she always keeps her emotions under control. This type of zodiac with the name Lisa knows how to admit their mistakes and ask for forgiveness.
Sagittarius is an energetic and strong-willed personality. He never puts off his work “for later”; he simply cannot stand idle chatter. He quickly tries to achieve his goal. Due to the fact that he does not like to carry out analysis, he can make various mistakes. This sign is very amorous, but feelings quickly burn out.

When, according to the church calendar, is Elizabeth’s name day: September 18 – Elpsaveta the Righteous, Palestinian, mother of St. John the Baptist; November 4 – Elizabeth of Adrianople, martyr; July 18 Elisaveta Feodorovna, Grand Duchess of Alapaevsk, martyr.

Forms of the name Elizabeth

Short form of the name Elizabeth. Lisa, Lizochka, Lizonka, Lizunya, Lizukha, Lizavetka, Elizavetka, Veta, Lilya, Betsy, Eliza, Ellie, Alice, Bess, Lizzie, Lisetta, Lisela, Liesel, Lisa, Ela, Beth. Synonyms for the name Elizabeth. , Elisaveta, Lizaveta, Lisaveta, Alisava, Olisava, Olisavya, Elisava, Elizabeth, Elish, Elasaj, Isabel, Isabel, Alzbeta, Elzbieta, Elishka, Ilse.

The name Elizabeth in different languages

Let's look at the spelling and sound of the name in Chinese, Japanese and other languages: Chinese (how to write in hieroglyphs): 伊麗莎白 (Yīlìshābái). Japanese: エリザベス (Erizabesu). Gujarati: એલિઝાબેથ (એલિઝાબેથ). Hindi: एलिजाबेथ (Ēlijābētha). Ukrainian: Elizaveta. Greek: Ελισάβετ (Elisávet). English: Elizabeth (Elizabeth).

Origin of the name Elizabeth

10. Type. These women know how to give orders and, when necessary, turn out to be very dexterous. With great self-esteem. They adapt perfectly to circumstances. Even when it seems that everything is lost, they do not lose their presence of mind.

11. Psyche. Introverts. They don't always say what they think, and they don't always do what they say. Very balanced, not influenced. Do not be deceived by their meek appearance - they will try to lead you astray with ambiguous hints. Don't forget that these are nimble and cunning foxes.

12. Will. Strong and well organized. In order to better protect their interests, they are ready to pretend that they do not understand what you are talking about, or that they cannot do what you demand of them.

13. Excitability. Purely external.

14. Reaction speed. Somewhat slow, which, however, does not prevent them from reacting with lightning speed if necessary. Deep down they believe in their lucky stars. Their imagination is inferior to their intellect, although they try to pass off other people's ideas and thoughts as their own.

15. Field of activity. We are used to finishing our undertakings. Since childhood, we have acquired the habit of finding out what we are working for. They are interested in new technologies, especially electronics, and they make excellent television and radio reporters. Sometimes, in a surge of frankness, they may admit that they would like to become investigators and even intelligence officers.

16. Intuition. Developed intuition allows them to choose their environment well.

17. Intelligence. They have a deep analytical mind. They are ruthless and meticulous observers, but curiosity can lead them too far.

18. Receptivity. They would like to rush into the arms of the one they love, but their complex nature prevents them from clinging to the shoulder of their loved one. They behave somewhat coldly and do not feel contact with loved ones.

19. Morality. Everything about them is subordinated to ambitions and desires. These women must be stopped in time, otherwise all moral principles will simply cease to exist for them.

20. Health. When success accompanies them, then their health is excellent. They themselves know very well what can and cannot be done in order to maintain physical and mental balance. The weak point is the thyroid gland.

21. Sexuality. Another trump card in their game. They take control of shy partners who most often do not know who they are dealing with.

22. Activity. Their activity is that of a getter; they stop at nothing to achieve their goal. They are very lucky and happy in life.

23. Sociability. They have the gift of getting to know people quickly.

24. Conclusion. These are women who will desire “the very best” all their lives and achieve it. Isn’t this, in fact, called success?

The meaning of the name Elizabeth for life

Elizabeth always strives to look better than she is. This sometimes pushes her to extravagant actions, which she later greatly regrets. She is proud, unbalanced, overly impulsive, and suspicious. It seems to her that she is treated worse than she deserves, which is why she comes into conflicts with others. She tries to lead in women's society, but with friends she is sincere, gentle and responsive. She is not gullible, she takes a long time to check the sincerity of her lover’s feelings, and keeps him at a distance. She tries to get married early, family well-being, children are of great importance to her. She is not annoyed by her husband's relatives; she calmly endures their frequent visits. Elizabeth is able to forgive a lot, as long as peace continues to reign in the house. She attends various courses where they teach how to sew and cook, not because she is interested in it, but because she is driven by a peculiar sense of duty. She is thrifty, but not because she is afraid of a “hungry winter,” but because she fears that her husband will be unhappy if one day he doesn’t have his favorite salad at home. Work, friends, and entertainment are in the background for Elizabeth. At the same time, she is easy-going and does not need to be persuaded to go to the theater or concert. She values ​​her relationship with her husband and tries to give in to him. An attentive and gentle wife, however, she is not without feelings of jealousy. More often than not, Elizabeth gives birth to girls, and less often to children of different sexes.

Meaning of the name Elizabeth for sex

Sex for Elizabeth is the art of enjoying life, bringing great joy. She does not like rough caresses and pressure, and how intimacy ends is also important to her. She feels hurt if her partner immediately turns to the wall and falls asleep. She easily meets a man’s desires; she is not afraid of direct conversation about sex. Unlike many other women, she does not hesitate to discuss some intimate details and call a spade a spade. Outwardly, Elizabeth does not look sexy, but in the arms of a gentle man, under his caresses, she opens up and blossoms.

Compatibility of the name Elizabeth and patronymic

Elizaveta Alekseevna, Andreevna, Artemovna, Valentinovna, Vasilievna, Viktorovna, Vitalievna, Vladimirovna, Evgenievna, Ivanovna, Ilyinichna, Mikhailovna, Petrovna, Sergeevna, Fedorovna, Yuryevna - a very inquisitive and active woman. True, she is fickle and inconsistent in her actions. She loves entertainment, noisy companies, and is devoted to her friends. Easily gains authority in women's society. She is restless, fussy, creates a lot of noise, but is unobtrusive, delicate and polite, a little sentimental. He has developed intuition, which he relies on more than he should. In intimate relationships, Elizabeth finds not only pleasure, but also peace, the opportunity to feel like a woman. She will never let go of a man with whom Elizabeth manages to achieve complete sexual harmony. She knows how to be seductive, flexible and compliant. Her marriage is quite strong and happy. She knows how to turn even the grayest everyday life into bright holidays. Elizabeth gives birth to children of different sexes.

Elizaveta Aleksandrovna, Arkadyevna, Borisovna, Vadimovna, Grigorievna, Kirillovna, Maksimovna, Matveevna, Nikitichna, Pavlovna, Romanovna, Tarasovna, Timofeevna, Eduardovna, Yakovlevna impulsive, energetic, quick-tempered. To hide her shortcomings, she tries to create the image of a strong, enterprising woman, tries to take the place of a leader. In family life, on the contrary, she completely trusts her husband and feels comfortable if he becomes the real master of the house. Stability in family life makes Elizabeth self-confident and arrogant, but she values ​​her husband and children very much, knowing that all her well-being lies in them. As a rule, her marriage is strong, and if it breaks up, it is not her fault.

Elizaveta Bogdanovna, Vilenovna, Vladislavovna, Vyacheslavovna, Gennadievna, Georgievna, Danilovna, Egorovna, Konstantinovna, Makarovna, Robertovna, Svyatoslavovna, Yanovna, Yaroslavovna - a person of strong character and firm convictions. She always achieves her goal. Sometimes it seems cold and calculating, but in fact it is a passionate nature. Elizabeth dreams of beautiful love, is waiting for the man of her dreams and knows who she needs for a happy marriage. She marries a wealthy man, somewhat older than her, who knows how to appreciate her youth, temperament and devotion.

Elizaveta Antonovna, Arturovna, Valerievna, Germanovna, Glebovna, Denisovna, Igorevna, Leonidovna, Lvovna, Mironovna, Olegovna, Ruslanovna, Semyonovna, Filippovna, Emmanuilovna is somewhat straightforward and does not tolerate criticism in her address. She is honest and noble, which is what she expects from others. Very demanding of loved ones. Carefully chooses a life partner, taking into account all his qualities. Most of all, she values ​​intelligence and decency in a man. A born optimist, he always believes in the best. To achieve the favor of such an Elizabeth, a man will have to court her for a long time. But he will receive a faithful wife who will meet him halfway in everything and indulge all his desires. Outwardly, Elizabeth does not look sexy, but she knows how to maintain freshness of feelings for many years, she is always desired and loved by her husband. She gives birth to children of different sexes. She is a strict mother, but very caring.

Elizaveta Alanovna, Albertovna, Anatolyevna, Veniaminovna, Vladlenovna, Dmitrievna, Markovna, Nikolaevna, Rostislavovna, Stanislavovna, Stepanovna, Feliksovna is hot-tempered, proud and wayward. Not very delicate, impatient. What he values ​​most in people is the warmth of relationships and cordiality. After getting married, Elizabeth solves all family problems herself, without listening to her husband’s opinion, which is why she often finds herself in unpleasant situations. In intimate relationships, she prefers to obey her husband’s wishes, so that at least in these moments she feels like a weak woman. In moments of intimacy she is sensitive and sentimental. For emotional stability, she must have a reliable companion nearby. Elizaveta is a wonderful housewife, she manages everything. Her house is perfectly clean, she cooks deliciously, and loves to bake cakes. He often spoils his family with something delicious. Her husband happily rushes home to his family after work. Mostly sons are born to such an Elizabeth.

Positive traits of the name

Curiosity, cheerful disposition, charm, mobility, desire to achieve goals, active life position. As a child, Lisa usually grows up as a smart girl with developed logic and a penchant for exact sciences. Elizabeth strives for broad communication, she quickly finds a common language with new people, and she has a well-developed sense of humor. Elizabeth is generous and can give away her last, but in the face of the threat of an unfair division, she will not let go of hers.

Negative traits of the name

Sick pride, resentment, selfishness, reckless courage. Elizabeth often commits rash and impulsive actions, trying in any way to attract attention to herself. She tries to be among the first and does not know how to lose. She is often indifferent to the desires and opinions of others. There may be problems with discipline at school, since Elizabeth does not like to obey strict rules and generally accepted standards of behavior. As a teenager, Elizabeth may suffer from an inferiority complex and show quite strict demands on herself, trying to be better than she actually is.

Choosing a profession by name

Elizabeth does not take her future life or profession very seriously. She lives in the present, so her life plans are often illusory. The strength of her character can allow her to achieve a lot in any field of activity, but this is only on the condition that Elizabeth was taught from childhood to work and achieve everything through her own labor. Elizabeth, raised in a family of believers, is able to achieve a high level of spiritual development. Endowed with musical talent, she can devote herself to Christian service, becoming, for example, a regent in a church choir.

The impact of a name on business

Elizabeth often displays a contradictory attitude towards money: she can be either wasteful, or overly calculating and pragmatic, which, however, is often smoothed over by her amazing sense of humor.

The influence of a name on health

Elizabeth herself undermines her excellent health. There may be neuroses, twitching and eye injuries.

Psychology of a name

Elizabeth needs a relaxed atmosphere at home and at work. She doesn’t demand anything from anyone, but she doesn’t like increased demands on herself either. A loved one must prove to her by his behavior the value of true feelings. When raising little Elizabeth, you cannot yell at her. Truths reach her only in a calm and unobtrusive form and at the same time logically proven.

Famous people with the name Elizabeth

Lisa del Giocondo, Lisa Gherardini ((1479 – 1542/1551) wife of the Florentine silk merchant Francesco Giocondo, possibly depicted in the painting by Leonardo da Vinci, known as the Mona Lisa or Gioconda)
Eliza Radziwill ((1803 - 1834) Polish aristocrat, bride and first love of the German Emperor Wilhelm I)
Elizabeth Taylor ((born 1932) English-American film actress)
Elizabeth of Thuringia ((1207 - 1231) Christian ascetic, widely revered in Germany)
Lisbeth Palme ((born 1931) Swedish politician, wife of the late Swedish Prime Minister Olof Palme)
Elizabeth Yaroslavna ((XI century) daughter of Yaroslav the Wise, wife of the Norwegian king Harald III Sigurdarson, Queen of Norway)
Elizaveta Petrovna ((1709 - 1762) Russian Empress, daughter of Peter I and Martha Skavronskaya (later Empress Catherine I))
Elizabeth I ((1533 - 1603) Queen of England, daughter of Henry VIII Tudor and Anne Boleyn)
Elizabeth II ((born 1926) Queen regnant of Great Britain)
Elizabeth of Valois, Elizabeth of France ((1545 - 1568) daughter of the French king Henry II and Catherine de' Medici, queen of Spain, third wife of King Philip II of Spain)
Elizabeth of Bavaria ((1837 - 1898) Austrian Empress, wife of Emperor Franz Joseph I; was known in Austria under the diminutive name Sissi)
Elisa Bonaparte ((1777 - 1820) Grand Duchess of Tuscany, sister of Emperor Napoleon Bonaparte)
Elizaveta Vorontsova ((1739 - 1792) Russian aristocrat, favorite of the Russian Emperor Peter III)
Elizaveta Tyomkina ((born 1775) daughter of the Russian Empress Catherine II and Prince Grigory Potemkin)
Liza Minnelli (American film actress and singer)
Lisa Marie Presley (American singer, daughter of Elvis Presley)
Elizaveta Khitrovo ((1783 - 1839) nee Golenishcheva-Kutuzova; daughter of commander M.I. Kutuzov, owner of a secular salon in St. Petersburg, friend of A.S. Pushkin)
Elizaveta Bykova ((1913 – 1989) chess player, world chess champion)
Elizaveta Dmitrieva ((1887 - 1928) married - Vasilyeva; Russian poetess, better known under the literary hoax pseudonym Cherubina de Gabriak)
Elizaveta Kulman ((1808 – 1825) poetess, translator, spoke 11 languages)
Elizaveta Lavrovskaya ((1845 – 1919) singer, soloist of the Mariinsky Theater)
Elizaveta Sadovskaya ((1872 - 1934) Russian Soviet theater actress)
Elizaveta Dvoretskaya (Russian writer (fantasy, historical novels))
Elizaveta Boyarskaya (Russian theater and film actress, daughter of Mikhail Boyarsky)
Lisbeth McKay (American stage and film actress)
Elspeth Gibson (English fashion designer)
Bette Davis ((1908 - 1989) American film actress)
Bessie Smith ((1894 - 1937) African-American blues singer)
Betsy Blair ((1923 - 2009) American film actress)
Lizzy Caplan (American film actress)
Eliza Dushku (American film actress)
Elissa Down (Australian film director)
Elsie Ferguson ((1883 - 1961) American stage and film actress)
Elisabeth Röckel ((1793 - 1883) German opera singer (soprano); according to one version, Beethoven’s famous piano piece “Fur Elise” was dedicated to her)
Elsa Bernstein ((1866 - 1949) German writer and playwright)
Else Maidner ((1901 - 1987) German artist)
Ilse Werner ((1921 - 2005) German film actress and singer)
Bettina von Arnim ((1785 - 1859) German writer)
Elise Fugler (French writer)
Lisette Lanvin ((1913 - 2004) French film actress)
Elisabetta Sirani ((1638 - 1665) Italian artist)
Elsa Andersson, Elsa Andersson ((1897 - 1922) the first Swedish female pilot)
Elisabeth Dons ((1864 - 1942) Danish opera singer (mezzo-soprano))
Lisa Della Casa ((born 1919) Swiss opera singer (soprano))
Elisa (Italian pop singer)
Elizabeth Bathory, Erzsebet Bathory ((1560 - 1614) Hungarian aristocrat, countess, who went down in history as the most massive serial killer)
Elizaveta Chavdar ((1925 - 1989) Ukrainian Soviet opera singer (coloratura soprano))
Elizaveta Bryzgina (Ukrainian athlete)
Elisaveta (Elisaveta) Karamikhailova ((1897 - 1968) Bulgarian physicist)
Elzbieta Starostecka (Polish theater and film actress)
Eliza Orzeszko ((1841 - 1910) Polish writer)
Eliska Krasnogorskaya ((1847 - 1926) Czech writer, poet and playwright)
Lisa Lindgren (Swedish film actress)
Lisbeth Stuer-Lauridsen (Danish badminton player)
Lisbeth Haaland (Norwegian politician)

God-honoring, humble, faithful

Saints with the name Elizabeth according to the Orthodox calendar 2019 are commemorated 11 times a year.

Elizabeth's upcoming name day

Elisaveta Krymova, New Martyr, 2002

How to correctly determine the spiritual patron and the day of Elizabeth’s name day according to the Orthodox calendar? Options you can consider:

  • by birthday;
  • on the day of naming (the eighth day of life);
  • on the day of baptism (the fortieth day of life);

It happens that on a specific day the names of saints are not indicated or Elizabeth’s birthday does not coincide with the day of commemoration of “her” saint.

Then they look through the calendar three days ahead from the day of birth or baptism, and make a choice - Elizabeth’s name day according to the church calendar will be considered the nearest memorial day of St. Elizabeth.

Elizabeth's name day in March

Elizabeth's name day in May

Elizabeth's name day in July

Elizabeth's name day in August

Elizabeth's name day in September

Elizabeth's name day in October

Traditionally, Christians named their children strictly according to the church charter, so there was no confusion between Name Day and Angel Day.

Today, not everyone distinguishes between these two memorable dates. Angel Elizabeth Day

- this is the day of her baptism. It is called so because after the Sacrament a Guardian Angel appears at the baptized person, who accompanies and protects the ward. A

Name day named after Elizabeth

- This is the day of veneration of one of the saints named Elizabeth.

Birthday greeting cards 🖼 for Elizabeth

You can please the birthday girl with a congratulatory picture on Angel’s Day or Elizabeth’s name day, accompanied by a poetic congratulation, options for which you will find below. This ancient name, which came to us from ancient biblical names, is popular to this day. It not only has a spring-like euphony, but also has a regal grandeur; it is not without reason that Queen and Empress Elizabeth, including the now living Queen of England, have become famous throughout the world.

But not only in earthly life do the Elizabeths reign. Among the martyrs who gave their lives for the Lord God Jesus Christ, there are many holy women who were called by this noble name, and who covered it with glory for centuries. In the Orthodox monthly book, this name sounds like Elizabeth, and each Lisa, at the sacrament of Baptism, acquires a heavenly patroness, whose help she can turn to throughout her earthly life.

Lisa's name day is the day of remembrance of one of the saints named Elizabeth.

What to give 🎁 to Elizabeth for her name day

According to the horoscope, this name is patronized by the planet Jupiter and the zodiac signs Virgo and Aquarius. Summer is considered a lucky time of year, Wednesday is considered a happy day.

  • The main color is lilac, purple. Orange, green and blue are suitable. Animals corresponding to Elizabeth are the fox and the waxwing. Plants - lilac and oleander. A stone suitable for the role of a talisman is amethyst.
  • Elizabeth, celebrating her name day and visiting the temple, will certainly be pleased with some cult gifts presented with love. The birthday girl will surely like:
  • Beautiful personalized icon.
  • Publication of the Bible and New Testament.
  • Prayer book or Psalter bound in high quality leather.
  • Orthodox or spiritual literature (collected works of the saint).
  • An album with photographs of icons and images of her saint, or all of Elizabeth, who shone among the host of saints.

Orthodox or spiritual films, and chants of holiday services.

For secular Elizabeth, a wonderful gift would be something that suits her interests and hobbies. If she has a hobby, then she needs to choose products that help her create. If she cooks well, then something useful and necessary around the house will be accepted with gratitude:

  • kitchen utensils;
  • a set of towels or dishes;
  • elegant cutting board;
  • cooking equipment;
  • apron with a funny inscription.

It is believed that any person is pleased to hear his name, and on name days it is heard especially often, so a gift with a name written on it will be more than appropriate: a cup or glass, a T-shirt, a diary, a pen, or just a teaspoon.

If funds allow, it is appropriate to give amethysts, whose delicate lilac shine is in perfect harmony with the light, heavenly sound of her name.

Congratulations 🥳 on your name day for Elizabeth

Like delicious candy
You attract people.
Dear Elizabeth,
I wish you many bright days.

If suddenly in a moment of sadness
If you decide to give up -
Know that all your friends
They won't let you be sad!

Congratulations, Lisa,
On this holiday from the heart.
Let the angel guide you through life,
Let the advice whisper in silence.

Let hope inspire you,
Let love live in your heart,
May success be with you, beauty,
Life will be difficult.

Let beauty bloom
And a smile illuminates
And let the beloved be whims
Definitely does.

Name day of dear Lisa,
They became a joyful surprise.
And delights and advice,
You receive it on this day.
Dissolve in love
It is impossible not to answer you.
Loyalty is in your blood
All friends know this.
Your speech sounds like singing,
You are more tender than a tea rose.
Seize every moment
Nothing is accidental.
So that blizzards and blizzards,
Don't cover up your bright path,
Moving forward towards the cherished goal,
Don't forget to rest.

Congratulations, Lizaveta,
Happy name day to you,
And I wish you wholeheartedly
So that you live loving:
So that you love yourself
I wasn't a Samoyed
I haven’t forgotten mom and dad,
And saved all my friends.
May you always be your saint
Protected from everything
You can live without knowing any worries,
Except for your own happiness.

Lisa, happy name day to you,
Congratulations from the bottom of my heart, my love,
May you be lucky today
May good luck await you in everything,

From the bottom of my heart I want to tell you,
That you shouldn't be discouraged at all,
It's better to enjoy this life
Have fun, sing and smile!

Patron saints 😇 of Elizabeth according to church calendars

The Church Orthodox calendar - month book contains the names of saints who were glorified for their ascetic life.

Every Christian can find out in memory of which ascetic his birthday was consecrated. In order to find answers to the important questions of one’s own life and to understand what destiny is destined for oneself, it makes sense to familiarize yourself with the details of the life and ascetic deeds of “your” saint.

† Elisaveta Timokhina, martyr

Elizaveta Aleksandrovna Timokhina was born in 1881 in the Tula province.

In 1922, she was elected to the church council of the village temple.

The martyr was arrested in February 1937, and in March she was shot at the Butovo training ground. Glorified by the Church in 2004 and commemorated on March 7.

†Elizabeth of Constantinople, abbess, wonderworker

It is unknown when the Venerable Elizabeth was born, but she died in the 8th century, in Constantinople, having become famous for miracles and the gift of healing, which she acquired through the labors and prayers of her ascetic life.

The glory of God shone on this saint even before her birth. According to legend, her parents, virtuous and not poor people, remained barren for years and prayed to God to give them a child. Their prayers were heard, they had a revelation that a daughter would be born who would become the chosen one of the Lord.

Everything happened as planned: the girl at a very early age was sent to a monastery, where she showed exceptional abilities in studying the Holy Scriptures and the lives of saints.

Her whole life was a feat for the glory of God. She ate only plant foods, and during Lent she refused to eat at all. She did not raise her eyes to heaven, subduing her flesh.

Having reached the heights of virtue, the Reverend was able to heal, fight demons, and foresee the future: it is believed that she predicted a terrible fire in the capital in 465. Thanks to her righteous labors, she became the abbess of the monastery and, with God's help, ruled it until her death, the date of which was revealed to her.

Miraculous healings continued after the death of the saint, and the soil of her grave restored sight to the blind.

† Elisaveta Feodorovna Alapaevskaya, Venerable Martyr, Grand Duchess

The 20th century, rich in wars and upheavals, ushered in a new era of persecution of the Orthodox faith by the godless authorities that overthrew the Russian Empire. Almost two thousand people who suffered for the faith of Christ make up the Council of New Martyrs and Confessors, whose memory is celebrated on January 25 or the Sunday following this date. Only He Himself knows the true number of those who died for Christ.

The persecution began with the Royal Family after the seizure of power in the country, and one of the victims was Elizaveta Feodorovna, sister of the last Empress of Russia Alexandra Feodorovna.

The Venerable Martyr was born in November 1864. She was a German princess. In 1884, her wedding took place with the Tsar’s brother; five years later she accepted the Orthodox faith, which determined her glorious future.

When her husband died in 1905 at the hands of a terrorist, she devoted herself to charity. Through her efforts, the Marfo-Mariinsky Convent was founded, which opened in 1909 and provided assistance to all those in need. A shelter, a hospital and a pharmacy were created, where medicines were given out free of charge.

The venerable martyr settled in the monastery and provided assistance to the sick on an equal basis with the sisters of mercy, without in any way exalting herself above them. She led an ascetic life, although she did not take monastic vows. In 1910, she was elevated to the rank of abbess of the monastery she founded.

After the Bolsheviks came to power, mother refused to leave the country and continued to work until her arrest, in the spring of 1918. From that moment her personal calvary began.

Elizabeth was transported to Yekaterinburg, along with the rest of the Royal Family. Patriarch Tikhon, the future new martyr and confessor, tried to achieve her release to no avail. According to the executioners' idea, it was necessary to gather all the representatives of the royal family in one place in order to destroy them under a far-fetched pretext.

The day after the death of the Royal Family, she was thrown alive into a mine near Alapaevsk. Her terrible fate was shared by other members of the royal court and her cell attendant.

The mine was bombarded with grenades, but the martyrs continued to live for another week, and Mother Elizabeth had the strength to help those who were nearby. Peasants from surrounding villages testified that they heard the sounds of prayers from the bottom of the mine for several days.

The venerable martyr was canonized in 1992. Her memorial day coincides with the day of her massacre - July 18.

The meaning of a name, as you know, always depends on its history. The history of the names Elizabeth goes back a long way. It is believed that this name is of Hebrew origin and was in use already a couple of thousand years ago. In Hebrew, the name Elizabeth sounded like Elisheva, but was written אלישבע. Translated, it meant “My God is an oath,” “honoring God,” or “conjuring God.” It turns out that the meaning of the name Elizabeth is “my God is an oath”, “honoring God” or “conjuring God”.

This name was borne by the wife of Aaron, the brother of Moses and the mother of John the Baptist (the Baptist). The history of the name is very interesting and read more in the article “The History of the Name Elizabeth”.

The meaning of the name Elizabeth for a girl

Elizabeth usually grows up as a cheerful and playful child. She is inquisitive and restless, knows how to establish contact well with peers and plays together. The girl is growing up kind and sympathetic, she loves animals very much.

Lisa doesn’t show much in her studies, but she can study quite well. This usually depends on the level of home control and the opportunity to provide additional work with the child. She will study well if studying comes easy to her, and this depends on her readiness for school, so everything is in the hands of her parents.

Lisa often has problems with excess weight. Parents need to be attentive and contact specialists in a timely manner. These can be not only problems with metabolism, but also problems with hormonal changes. Take care of the girl's health.

Short name Elizabeth

Diminutive pet names

Lizonka, Lizochka, Lizochik, Lizunya, Lizusha, Elizavetochka, Vetochka, Vetonka.

Name Elizabeth in English

In English, the name Elizabeth is written as Elizabeth, but read as Elizabeth. More forms of the name in English: Eliza, Americanized Eliza, Lisa.

Name Elizaveta for international passport- ELIZAVETA.

Translation of the name Elizabeth into other languages

in Arabic - اليزابيث (Ilīṣābāt)‎‎
in Armenian - Եղսաբեթ (Yeghsabet)
in Belarusian - Lizaveta, Elisaveta, Alzhbeta
in Bulgarian - Elisaveta
in Hungarian - Erzsébet
in Greek - Ελισάβετ (Elizabeth), Ζαμπέτα (Zabeth)
in Danish - Elisabeth
in Hebrew - אֱלִישֶׁבַע (Elisheva)
in Irish - Eilís (Elish)
in Spanish - Isabel (Isabel), Isabella
in Italian - Elisabetta (Elizabetta), Bettina, Babetta
in Chinese - 伊麗莎白 (Yīlìshābái)
in Korean - 엘리자베스 (Ellijabes)
in German - Elisabeth (Elizabeth), Elsa (Elsa)
in Polish - Elżbieta (Elzhbeta), Betta (Betta, Vetta)
in Portuguese - Elisabete
in Romanian - Elisabeta (Elisabeth)
in Serbian - Elisaveta
in Ukrainian - Elizaveta
in Finnish - Elisabet[h] (Elisabeth), Liisa (Liisa)
in French - Élisabeth (Elizabeth), Isabelle (Isabelle)
in Czech - Alžběta (Alzhbeta)
in Japanese - エリザベス (Erizabesu)

Church name Elizabeth(in the Orthodox faith) remains unchanged. If Elizabeth was baptized under the same name, then her church name will be Elizabeth.

Characteristics of the name Elizabeth

Elizabeth is characterized by a complex personality structure. Its characteristics are contradictory and difficult to combine. She is kind and capricious, cheerful and tense. In a word - a mystery. She has an excellent sense of humor, which gets her through life. She is simple-minded and has a special sensitivity, which makes her quite vulnerable.

Elizabeth is sociable and finds herself in professions related to communication. She, having excellent intuition, chooses the most optimal solutions that she herself cannot explain. Can find himself in the field of medicine, pedagogy or educational work. Copes well with social work.

Elizabeth's family is cheerful. You can always hear laughter and joy in her. She loves to spend time with her family and will look for a husband who is similar to herself in this regard. She is ready to choose a husband for a long time, because not everyone will tolerate her mystery and changeability. But those who open her heart will receive a wonderful gift in life.

The mystery of the name Elizabeth

Elizabeth's secret is not the ability to rest and truly relax. She very often remains tense even with close people. It takes a lot of time for her to thaw out and truly become herself. This requires patience from loved ones. Do not under any circumstances try to speed up this process. Everything should go by itself, as her internal state requires.

Elizabeth is not only vulnerable, but also touchy. She usually remembers insults for a long time and is very difficult to forgive. It happens that the resentment remains with her for the rest of her life and nothing can be corrected. Although this can be said about many bearers of other names.

Planet- Proserpina.

Zodiac sign- Virgo.

Totem animal- Waxwing.

Name color- Lilac.

Tree- Lilac.

Plant- Lilac flowers.

Stone- Amethyst.

When choosing a name for their daughter, parents want to know what character it will give to their child. This also affects the future fate of the girl. One popular name is Elizabeth. It has Hebrew roots, but at the same time it is also in the Saints. It is believed that this is an ideal choice for those girls born in the summer. The meaning of the name Elizabeth will be discussed further.

General interpretation

What does the name Elizabeth mean? From the Hebrew language it is translated as “conjuring by God” or “my God has promised.” This name is popular not only in Russia, but also abroad. It ranks 7th-8th in popularity ratings every year. For every 1000 girls, this name is chosen for 34-38 newborns.

Other word forms of this name are Lisa, Lizonka, Lizunka, Lizochka, Lizochek. English equivalents are Elizabeth, Elisaveta, Elisaveta.

The name Lisa has a special influence on the girl’s fate. The meaning of the name and the fate of its bearer should be considered parents before choosing it. Such a girl will behave truly “royally.” Her main quality is authority. This girl will strive to command. She is trying to take a leadership position. Girls with this name have a sharp mind and rational thinking.

If Elizabeth's first marriage breaks up, she will not worry about it. She will marry a second time without regrets about the past.

Considering what the name Elizabeth means, it is worth noting that it is in the Saints. She celebrates her name day twice a year. The first time this event occurs is May 1 (April 18, old style). This day is dedicated to the Venerable Elizabeth the Wonderworker. She led a monastic life, was a sister in a monastery and taught to beware of evil tongues, lies and deceit. The Venerable Elizabeth cast out demons and healed the sick with prayers.

The second time the name day is celebrated on September 18 (September 5). The patroness of this day is the holy righteous Elizabeth, the pious mother who gave birth to St. John the Baptist. She was also a sister of St. Anna, mother of the Blessed Virgin. Saint Elizabeth died in the desert. Here she hid with John from the army of King Herod.

This name corresponds to the zodiac sign Virgo, and the planet is Proserpina. The color of the name is lilac and the tree is lilac. The talisman stone of this name is amethyst.


The name Elizabeth gives its owner a special character. The meaning of a name for a girl is ambiguous. On the one hand, she is capricious, it is better not to piss her off. But, on the other hand, her perseverance allows her to achieve her goals. This girl is categorical in her judgments. Elizabeth's favorite word is “no.”

This is a powerful nature that strives to create its own small kingdom around itself. Therefore, it is difficult for many to communicate with such girls. Elizabeth may be dissatisfied with the lack of submission on the part of those around her. Because of this, she can change her life in one moment. This can apply to both professional and personal life. But Lisa is usually not mistaken in this decision.

Considering the features of the name Elizabeth, the meaning of the name and the fate of its owner, it is worth noting that she does not immediately find her true love. Having gone through many fans, she finds her beloved at an older age. Lisa remains faithful to her husband even after his death.

As a child, she is curious and loves to play outdoor games. She is funny and restless. But he can also sit quietly, listening to a fairy tale, looking at the color pictures in the book. At school they love this girl for her ability to make friends, as well as her cheerful character. Lisa will study well only if the teacher can interest her in her subject.

Together with her friends, she will enroll in different clubs. It could be anything, for example, dancing, handicrafts, sports, etc. But the girl is not really interested in anything for a long time. He can do everything, but little by little.

As she gets older, the girl begins to plan her future. She imagines herself as a doctor, a traveler, a movie star, etc. She also imagines a wonderful wedding with an amazingly handsome groom, as well as an ideal family life. This girl knows how to look after her interests and is persistent. But if he encounters serious resistance, he retreats.

Positive and negative character traits

The name Lisa endows its owner with both positive and negative character traits. The meaning of the name allows you to predict how a girl will behave in a given situation. Her positive personality traits include her curiosity and cheerful nature. This is a charming girl who is liked by others. At the same time, she is mobile and energetic.

Elizabeth always strives to achieve her goals. This is a person with an active lifestyle. This is a smart girl at a young age. She has developed logical thinking. This child is inclined towards exact sciences.

As she gets older, the girl strives to expand her circle of friends. And for this she has a special talent. Lisa gets along well with new people. In communication, they do not lack a healthy sense of humor, which pleases the interlocutor, making him more open in communication.

It is also worth noting several more positive aspects of the meaning of the name Elizabeth. The name Elizabeth endows its owner with generosity. She is ready to give her last. But with an unfair division, this girl will not miss hers.

Negative character traits are excessive, unhealthy pride and selfishness. This is also a very touchy nature. This girl can commit impulsive, rash acts. At the same time, she needs the attention of others. She tries with all her might to be in the center of events. Elizabeth attracts attention with all her might, needing approval and praise.

This girl is used to being first, she doesn't like to lose. She almost never takes into account the wishes of those around her. Lisa doesn't like to obey rules. This could get her into trouble at school. In adolescence, she develops an inferiority complex, since this girl has very high demands on herself. She wants to be the best. At the same time, Lisa does not always take into account her own capabilities.

Childhood and adolescence

Considering the meaning of the name Elizabeth, the character and fate of its owner, it is worth noting that in childhood she has special features. In early childhood, a girl is overwhelmed with emotions, as well as unpredictable and not always positive situations. The reason for this is its specific, irrepressible character.

The baby will have a combination of many incompatible features. So, she will be emotional, friendly, quick-tempered and hardworking. At the same time, the girl will be capricious, but friendly, confident in her irresistibility. The girl will also show planning, but at the same time unpredictability.

It is impossible to guess what this child's next action will be. Studying the secrets, the meaning of the name Elizabeth, the character of this girl, it is worth noting her curiosity. This child is open to the world and loves to communicate with both peers and older people. She will support any topic even at an early age.

The parents of such a girl will have many reasons to worry. She doesn't sit still and loves adventure. But they all usually end well. This girl's aggression and capriciousness do not arise without reason. Parents can understand what caused their daughter's behavior and find a way out of the situation.

As a teenager, Lisa has an unpredictable but positive character. She is hardworking, purposeful and energetic. Lisa is systematic, active and friendly. She is distinguished by her cheerfulness and excellent organizational skills. This is a leader by nature. Her disadvantage in adolescence is her temper. Because of this, the girl may quarrel with her friends. But she is always ready to admit her guilt if she really turned out to be wrong.

Elizabeth often rushes to her judgments and conclusions. This leads to wrong decisions and mistakes. But at the same time, a teenage girl has a strong character. She stops at nothing to achieve her goal. But at the same time, she does not neglect moral principles.

Lisa shows interest in studying only if the subject involves demonstrating mental abilities. She can't stand boredom. Lisa loves exact sciences, subjects in which she can express herself and her uniqueness. More often than not, Elizabeth studies well. In this she is helped by endurance, diligence and a responsible attitude.

Personal life

The character traits of the girl who was named Elizabeth, the meaning of this name should be considered in detail. This girl has a good relationship:

  • with Andrey;
  • Vadim;
  • Alexander;
  • Gregory;
  • Ivan;
  • Mikhail;
  • Lyubomir;
  • Seraphim;
  • Yaroslav.

But relationships with Victor, Leonid, Valentin, Stanislav and Leo will be difficult.

The name Elizabeth endows its owner with amorousness. But she knows how to subordinate emotions to reason. In family life, peace and prosperity always come first for her. Feelings are secondary for her. She can even turn a blind eye to her husband’s infidelity if the family does not lose anything materially.

The ability to communicate with people leads her to marriage at an early age. This girl always has a lot of fans. Usually her first marriage is unsuccessful. Having gained experience, Lisa will be more judicious in choosing a partner. The second marriage will be successful. Elizabeth will always be able to understand her beloved man. She will also be able to find the right form of communication with him. Only with her man, whom Lisa completely trusts, will she be able to enjoy intimacy.

This girl copes with household chores cheerfully and easily. She loves guests and goes with her husband to their mutual friends. Entertainment comes second to her. Family is most important. This is a devoted, faithful wife and loving mother. She loves children very much.

Sometimes she may feel sad that she may not have achieved what she wanted. Childhood dreams pop up in her memory. But in fact, this girl is doing well. She has a wonderful husband and children who love her. She has even more than she dreamed of as a child.

Elizabeth as a mother

Considering the meaning of the name Elizabeth, it is worth noting that she will be a good mother. Perhaps she is not able to devote herself completely, completely, to children. But in any case, they will not need her care and attention. Elizabeth needs personal freedom. But she will not leave her kids without care and attention. She showers them with motherly love, giving them the utmost attention she can give.

This is a kind and cheerful mother who generously showers her children with her care. She is active and economical. With such a mother, children do not get bored. They have fun together. At the same time, a woman named Lisa always finds a balance between entertainment and education. She develops in children the most important personality traits. She will teach them responsibility, independence, commitment. Her kids will definitely become hardworking and purposeful people.

But her husband must also take an active part in raising their children. If she notices that her husband does not take care of the kids, Lisa will leave him. She will not be able to live with a man who is not able to pay due attention to his children.

Talents, work

The meaning of the name Lisa is also worth considering for the professional field of activity of this girl. She is not serious enough about choosing her future profession. This girl lives for today. Her plans for life are often just an illusion.

At the same time, Lisa is naturally endowed with a strong character. Therefore, she can achieve success in almost any field of activity. But parents should teach the girl from childhood to achieve everything through her own work. The sphere of activity of the parents largely determines Lisa’s future vocation. Often this girl is musically gifted. She can devote her life to art, become a singing teacher, a church choir director, etc.

The girl has a contradictory attitude towards money. She can either spend it thoughtlessly or hoard it too much. More often, the meaning of the name Lisa endows its owner with prudence and pragmatism. But this character trait is smoothed out by this girl’s sense of humor. Thanks to him, she finds a way out of many situations.

These people are observant and know how to conduct a thorough analysis of what they see. But their imagination is usually not as strong as their mind. Therefore, it is difficult for such a girl to come up with something new. More often they use existing developments. Elizabeths often pass off someone else’s know-how as their own idea.

For this girl’s activities to be fruitful, she needs to know what result her work will bring, what exactly her reward will be. She is not used to engaging in activities that cannot but bring profit in the future.

Lisa performs well in professions where communication skills are needed. She can also realize herself in the electronics industry and be a teacher.


What other features does the name Elizabeth mean? In infancy, this child takes a long time to get used to the house. Lisa is whiny, but she practically doesn’t get sick until she’s a year old. Only during the period of teething can a respiratory infection be contracted. A child with this name has a predisposition to these diseases.

Lisa suffered from chickenpox at a young age. She is also susceptible to viral diseases. This girl should not be sent to a nursery, as her immunity is weak. Some girls with this name have a predisposition to rheumatism and heart disease. Even at a young age, she may have a heart murmur.

Diathesis often appears from chocolate and citrus fruits. Before the age of one year, a baby can get rubella. There may also be difficulties in passing gases, so you need to take appropriate medications as prescribed by your doctor. Liz has predominantly blood type 3. Their wounds and abrasions take a long time to heal.

Since these girls are in poor health, they must adhere to a certain daily routine.

Considering the meaning of the name Elizabeth, it is worth noting that metabolism is inherited from her mother. It is important to monitor the girl’s nutrition. Otherwise, gastritis may develop. The nervous system is unstable. Neurosis may develop, and depression may occur. There are often disorders of the vestibular apparatus. Such a girl (especially at a young age) gets sick in any type of transport.

In adulthood, he may suffer from pancreatic diseases. The first birth can be difficult. The second time everything goes smoothly. In old age, her vision declines and varicose veins develop.

The influence of the season

The character of a girl named Elizabeth also depends on the time of year in which she was born. If a girl was born in the summer months, she will be the life of the party. With her friends she will be serious and reserved. She will look for a life partner with an extraordinary character. This must be a creative person, sympathetic and kind.

A girl named Lisa, born in spring, is very kind, but at the same time vulnerable. She will be sincere, but touchy. Because of this character trait, spring Elizabeth has few friends. The husband of such a girl must be patient and devoted.

Lisa, who was born in winter, has a great sense of humor. This helps her endure all the hardships and adversities with ease. Winter Lisas are sociable and good-natured. They are reserved and serious. They value honesty and patience in their spouse, as well as self-irony.

If Lisa was born in autumn, she will become a reliable, practical person. She will have a strong-willed character. Relatives and close people can always rely on her. These girls treat many people with distrust. This also applies to fans. A man must try to win the trust and love of this girl.


If parents want to name their child Elizabeth, they will make the right choice. This is a beautiful, sophisticated name, which is endowed with euphony and nobility. The fate of a girl with this name will be happy, although not without certain difficulties. Lisa will be able to overcome them with her characteristic sense of humor. Although Lisa's character has some negative traits, it also has advantages.

This is a famous name that many parents like. But at the same time it is quite rare. Therefore, you don’t have to be afraid that there will be several more Elizabeths in your daughter’s class. This beautiful name goes with many middle names. It brings happiness to its owner when she can gain experience.

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